--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NxMap - Map code -- Copyright 2007-2012 Carbon Based Creations, LLC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Carbonite - Addon for World of Warcraft(tm) -- Copyright 2007-2012 Carbon Based Creations, LLC -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Map NxMAPOPTS_VERSION = .26 NxMapOpts = { Version = 0 } NxMapOptsDefaults = { Version = NxMAPOPTS_VERSION, NXMaps = { [1] = { [0] = { -- Default map id NXPlyrFollow = true, NXWorldShow = true, }, [9001] = { -- AB NXPlyrFollow = false, NXWorldShow = false, -- NXScale = 1, }, [9002] = { -- WG NXPlyrFollow = false, NXWorldShow = false, }, [9003] = { -- AV NXPlyrFollow = false, NXWorldShow = false, }, [9004] = { -- EOS NXPlyrFollow = false, NXWorldShow = false, }, [9008] = { -- SoA NXPlyrFollow = false, NXWorldShow = false, }, [9009] = { -- IC NXPlyrFollow = false, NXWorldShow = false, }, [9010] = { -- TBG NXPlyrFollow = false, NXWorldShow = false, }, [9011] = { -- TP NXPlyrFollow = false, NXWorldShow = false, }, [9012] = { -- TK NXPlyrFollow = false, NXWorldShow = false, }, [9013] = { -- SM NXPlyrFollow = false, NXWorldShow = false, }, [9014] = { -- TPG NXPlyrFollow = false, NXWorldShow = false, }, NXAutoScaleOn = true, NXKillShow = false, NXMMFull = false, NXMMAlpha = .1, NXMMDockScale = .4, NXMMDockScaleBG = .4, NXMMDockAlpha = 1, NXMMDockOnAtScale = .6, NXBackgndAlphaFade = .4, NXBackgndAlphaFull = 1, NXArchAlpha = .3, NXQuestAlpha = .3, NXAutoScaleMin = .01, NXAutoScaleMax = 4, NXDotZoneScale = 1, NXDotPalScale = 1, NXDotPartyScale = 1, NXDotRaidScale = 1, NXIconNavScale = 1, NXIconScale = 1, NXDetailScale = 2, NXDetailAlpha = 1, NXPOIAtScale = 1, NXShowUnexplored = false, NXUnexploredAlpha = .35, -- OLD NXOverlayAlpha = nil, NXMiniAlpha = nil, NXMiniShow = nil, } } } -------- -- Init map stuff function Nx.Map:Init() local gopts = Nx.GetGlobalOpts() self.GOpts = gopts local plFaction = UnitFactionGroup ("player") -- Nx.prt ("fac %s", plFaction) plFaction = strsub (plFaction, 1, 1) self.PlFactionNum = plFaction == "A" and 0 or 1 self.PlFactionShort = plFaction == "A" and "Ally" or "Horde" self.Maps = {} self.Created = false self:InitFuncs() self:InitTables() -- if Nx.V32 then -- hooksecurefunc ("UpdateQuestMapPOI", self.UpdateQuestMapPOIHook) -- end -- hooksecurefunc ("ToggleWorldMap", Nx.Map.ToggleWorldMapHook) self.PlyrNames = {} self.AFKers = {} self.PlyrNamesTipStr = "" self.ScanContinentsMod = 10 self.ContPOIs = {} for cont = 1, self.ContCnt do self.ContPOIs[cont] = {} end self.BGTimers = {} local hist = {} self.PlyrHist = hist hist.LastX = -99999999 hist.LastY = -99999999 hist.Next = 1 hist.Cnt = self.GOpts["MapTrailCnt"] for n = 1, hist.Cnt * 4, 4 do hist[n] = 0 -- Secs hist[n + 1] = 0 -- World X hist[n + 2] = 0 -- World Y hist[n + 3] = 0 -- Direction end Nx.MapPOITypes = { [0] = 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, [136] = 1, [137] = 1, [138] = 2, [139] = 2, [141] = 1, [142] = 1, [143] = 2, [144] = 2, [146] = 1, [147] = 1, [148] = 2, [149] = 2, [151] = 1, [152] = 1, [153] = 2, [154] = 2, } self.WorldMapHideNames = { "WorldMapCorpse", "WorldMapDeathRelease", "WorldMapPing", "OutlandButton", "AzerothButton" } self.AddonMinimapNames = NXMapAddonMinimapNames NXMapAddonMinimapNames = nil -- Emulate TomTom if gopts["EmuTomTom"] and not TomTom then local tom = {} TomTom = tom tom["version"] = "v40200" tom["AddWaypoint"] = Nx.TTAddWaypoint tom["AddZWaypoint"] = Nx.TTAddZWaypoint tom["SetCustomWaypoint"] = Nx.TTSetCustomWaypoint tom["SetCustomMFWaypoint"] = Nx.TTSetCustomMFWaypoint tom["AddMFWaypoint"] = Nx.TTSetCustomMFWaypoint tom["RemoveWaypoint"] = Nx.TTRemoveWaypoint tom["SetCrazyArrow"] = Nx.TTSetCrazyArrow SLASH_WAY1 = '/way' SlashCmdList["WAY"] = function (msg, editbox) Nx:TTWayCmd(msg) end end if gopts["EmuCartWP"] and not Cartographer then local cart = {} Cartographer = cart cart["HasModule"] = function (self, module) return module == "Waypoints" or module == Cartographer_Waypoints end cart["IsModuleActive"] = cart["HasModule"] cart["GetDistanceToPoint"] = Nx.CartGetDistanceToPoint local cartwp = {} Cartographer_Waypoints = cartwp cartwp["SetPointAsWaypoint"] = Nx.CartSetPointAsWaypoint cartwp["AddLHWaypoint"] = Nx.CartAddLHWaypoint cartwp["AddRoutesWaypoint"] = Nx.CartAddRoutesWaypoint cartwp["AddWaypoint"] = Nx.CartAddWaypoint cartwp["UpdateWaypoint"] = function (self) end cartwp["CancelWaypoint"] = Nx.CartCancelWaypoint cartwp["GetWaypointHitDistance"] = function() return 7 end cartwp["SetWaypointHitDistance"] = Nx.CartSetWaypointHitDistance -- Nx.prtVar ("Cartographer_Waypoints", Cartographer:IsModuleActive ("Waypoints")) -- Nx.prtVar ("Cartographer_Waypoints", Cartographer:IsModuleActive (Cartographer_Waypoints)) if not NotePoint then local np = {} NotePoint = np np["new"] = Nx.CartNotePointNew end end end -------- -- Open and init function Nx.Map:Open() local Map = Nx.Map local m = self.Maps[1] if not NxMapOpts.NXMaps then -- Missing? NxMapOpts.Version = 0 end if NxMapOpts.Version < NxMAPOPTS_VERSION then if NxMapOpts.Version > 0 then Nx.prt ("Reset map options %f", NxMapOpts.Version) end NxMapOpts = NxMapOptsDefaults end local opts = NxMapOpts.NXMaps[1] for k, v in pairs (NxMapOptsDefaults.NXMaps[1]) do if opts[k] == nil then opts[k] = v end end if self.Created then if m.Frm:IsShown() then m.Frm:Hide() else m.Frm:Show() end return end -- self.Maps[1] = self:Create (1) self.Dock:Create() self.Created = true -- Create a table of all the Minimap's children --[[ local children = { Minimap:GetChildren() } -- Map.MinimapChildren = children for i = #children, 1, -1 do -- Scan children starting from the end of the list to see if the object is a model -- If it is, and has no name (in case some addon attached a model to it), it's probably the right one -- FIX!!!! use model name! if children[i]:IsObjectType ("Model") and not children[i]:GetName() then Map.MinimapPlyrModel = children[i] -- Nx.prtVar ("minimap model", Map.MinimapPlyrModel) break end end Map.MinimapCompass = getglobal ("MiniMapCompassRing") --]] end -------- function Nx.Map:UpdateOptions (index) local src = Nx.Map.Maps[index] local dst = NxMapOpts.NXMaps[index] assert (src) assert (dst) -- dst.NXMapScale = src.MapScale dst.NXShowUnexplored = src.ShowUnexplored dst.NXKillShow = src.KillShow dst.NXBackgndAlphaFade = src.BackgndAlphaFade dst.NXBackgndAlphaFull = src.BackgndAlphaFull dst.NXArchAlpha = src.ArchAlpha dst.NXQuestAlpha = src.QuestAlpha dst.NXDotZoneScale = src.DotZoneScale dst.NXDotPalScale = src.DotPalScale dst.NXDotPartyScale = src.DotPartyScale dst.NXDotRaidScale = src.DotRaidScale dst.NXIconNavScale = src.IconNavScale dst.NXIconScale = src.IconScale local opts = src.CurOpts if opts then -- Nx.prt ("Map UpdateOptions %s %s", src.MapPosX, src.MapPosY) opts.NXMapPosX = src.MapPosX opts.NXMapPosY = src.MapPosY opts.NXScale = src.Scale end end -------- -- Switch to a new set of options -- self = map function Nx.Map:SwitchOptions (id, startup) -- Nx.prt ("Map SwitchOptions %s", id) local opts = NxMapOpts.NXMaps[self.MapIndex] local copts = opts[id] or opts[0] if copts ~= self.CurOpts then -- Nx.prt ("Map SwitchOptions Diff %s", id) self.CurOpts = copts if copts.NXPlyrFollow then self:GotoPlayer() end -- Nx.prtVar ("copts", copts) -- Nx.prtVar ("inBG", Nx.InBG) if (not copts.NXPlyrFollow or startup) and copts.NXMapPosX then -- Nx.prt ("Map SwitchOptions %s NXMapPosX %f %f %f", id, copts.NXMapPosX, copts.NXMapPosY, copts.NXScale) self.MapPosX = copts.NXMapPosX self.MapPosY = copts.NXMapPosY self.Scale = copts.NXScale self.RealScale = self.Scale self.StepTime = 1 elseif copts.NXPlyrFollow or Nx.InBG then -- Nx.prt ("Map SwitchOptions GotoCurrentZone") self:GotoCurrentZone() end local mode = opts[id] and tostring (id) or "" self.Win:SwitchLayoutMode (mode) end end -------- function Nx.Map:GetOptionsT (index) local map = Nx.Map.Maps[index] local opts = NxMapOpts.NXMaps[index] return opts[map.RMapId] or opts[0] end -------- function Nx.Map:GetOption (index, name) local map = Nx.Map.Maps[index] local opts = NxMapOpts.NXMaps[index] local id = map.RMapId id = opts[id] and id or 0 return opts[id][name] end -------- function Nx.Map:SetOption (index, name, value) local map = Nx.Map.Maps[index] local opts = NxMapOpts.NXMaps[index] local id = map.RMapId id = opts[id] and id or 0 opts[id][name] = value end -------- function Nx.Map:InitFuncs() self.Funcs = { ["None"] = function() end, ["Add Note"] = self.Menu_OnAddNote, ["Goto"] = self.SetTargetAtClick, ["Show Player Zone"] = self.GotoCurrentZone, ["Show Selected Zone"] = self.CenterMap, ["Menu"] = self.OpenMenu, ["Zoom In"] = self.ClickZoomIn, ["Zoom Out"] = self.ClickZoomOut, } end function Nx.Map:GetFuncs() local t = {} for name in pairs (self.Funcs) do tinsert (t, name) end sort (t) return t end -------- -- Call a map function from an option setting -- self = map function Nx.Map:CallFunc (optName) local name = self.GOpts[optName] if name == "None" then return -- return nil end local func = self.Funcs[name] if func then func (self) else Nx.prt ("Unknown map function %s", name) end return true -- We did something end -------- -- Create a map function Nx.Map:Create (index) local Map = Nx.Map local m = {} local gopts = Nx.GetGlobalOpts() m.GOpts = gopts local opts = NxMapOpts.NXMaps[index] m.LOpts = opts -- Local for map (stuff without a map mode) opts.NXPOIAtScale = opts.NXPOIAtScale or 1 setmetatable (m, self) self.__index = self m.Tick = 0 -- Debug tick m.Debug = nil -- Debug on m.DebugTime = nil m.DebugFullCoords = nil -- Debug high precision map coords m.DebugAdjustScale = .1 m.MapIndex = index m.MMOwn = gopts["MapMMOwn"] and index == 1 m.ShowUnexplored = opts.NXShowUnexplored m.KillShow = opts.NXKillShow m.TitleH = 0 m.PadX = 0 m.Scale = .025 m.RealScale = .025 m.ScaleDraw = .025 -- Actual draw scale m.MapScale = opts.NXMapScale or 1 m.MapW = 150 m.MapH = 140 m.W = m.MapW + m.PadX * 2 m.H = m.MapH + m.TitleH + 1 m.LClickTime = 0 m.MouseEnabled = true m.Scrolling = false m.StepTime = 0 m.MapId = 0 m.BaseScale = 1 -- Scale values, because instances are smaller m.PlyrX = 0 m.PlyrY = 0 m.PlyrRZX = 0 m.PlyrRZY = 0 m.PlyrDir = 0 m.PlyrLastDir = 999 m.PlyrSpeed = 0 m.PlyrSpeedX = 0 m.PlyrSpeedY = 0 m.PlyrSpeedCalcTime = GetTime() m.MoveDir = 0 m.MoveLastX = 0 m.MoveLastY = 0 m.ViewSavedData = {} m.MapPosX = 2200 -- World position of map m.MapPosY = -100 m.MapPosXDraw = m.MapPosX -- Actual draw position m.MapPosYDraw = m.MapPosY m.MapsDrawnOrder = {} -- [index (1st is newest)] = map id m.MapsDrawnFade = {} -- [map id] = fade m.MiniBlks = gopts["MapDetailSize"] m.ArchAlpha = opts.NXArchAlpha m.QuestAlpha = opts.NXQuestAlpha m.BackgndAlphaFade = opts.NXBackgndAlphaFade m.BackgndAlphaFull = opts.NXBackgndAlphaFull m.BackgndAlpha = 0 -- Current value m.BackgndAlphaTarget = m.BackgndAlphaFade -- Target value m.WorldAlpha = 0 m.DotZoneScale = opts.NXDotZoneScale m.DotPalScale = opts.NXDotPalScale m.DotPartyScale = opts.NXDotPartyScale m.DotRaidScale = opts.NXDotRaidScale m.IconNavScale = opts.NXIconNavScale m.IconScale = opts.NXIconScale m.ArrowPulse = 1 m.ArrowScroll = 0 m.UpdateTargetDelay = 0 m.UpdateTrackingDelay = 0 m.Targets = {} m.TargetNextUniqueId = 1 m.Tracking = {} m.TrackPlyrs = {} m.Data = {} m.IconFrms = {} m.IconFrms.Next = 1 m.IconNIFrms = {} -- Non interactive m.IconNIFrms.Next = 1 m.IconStaticFrms = {} m.IconStaticFrms.Next = 1 m.TextFStrs = {} m.TextFStrs.Next = 1 m.MMGathererUpdateDelay = 1 -- Create Window Nx.Window:SetCreateFade (1, 0) local wname = m:GetWinName() local i = gopts["MapShowTitle2"] and 2 or 1 local win = Nx.Window:Create (wname, nil, nil, nil, i) m.Win = win win:SetBGAlpha (0, 1) win:CreateButtons (true) win:InitLayoutData (nil, -.0001, -.4, -.19, -.3, 1) for n = 9001, 9004 do win:InitLayoutData (tostring (n), -.0001, -.4, -.19, -.3, 1) end for n = 9008, 9013 do win:InitLayoutData (tostring (n), -.0001, -.4, -.19, -.3, 1) end win:SetUser (m, self.OnWin) win.UserUpdateFade = m.WinUpdateFade win.Frm:SetToplevel (true) win.Frm.NxMap = m m.StartupShown = win:IsShown() win.Frm:Show() -- Create main frame local f = CreateFrame ("Frame", nil, UIParent) m.Frm = f f.NxMap = m win:Attach (f, 0, 1, 0, 1) -- win:RegisterEvent ("PLAYER_LOGIN", self.OnEvent) -- win:RegisterEvent ("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD", self.OnEvent) win:RegisterEvent ("WORLD_MAP_UPDATE", self.OnEvent) win:RegisterEvent ("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED", self.OnEvent) win:RegisterEvent ("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED", self.OnEvent) f:SetScript ("OnMouseDown", self.OnMouseDown) f:SetScript ("OnMouseUp", self.OnMouseUp) f:SetScript ("OnMouseWheel", self.OnMouseWheel) f:EnableMouse (true) f:EnableMouseWheel (true) f:SetScript ("OnUpdate", self.OnUpdate) f:SetMovable (true) f:SetResizable (true) -- f:SetFrameStrata ("LOW") f:SetWidth (m.W) f:SetHeight (m.H) f:SetMinResize (50, 50) local t = f:CreateTexture() t:SetTexture (0, 0, 0, .2) t:SetAllPoints (f) f.texture = t f:Show() -- Create text frame local tsf = CreateFrame ("ScrollFrame", nil, f) m.TextScFrm = tsf tsf:SetAllPoints (f) local tf = CreateFrame ("Frame", nil, tsf) m.TextFrm = tf tf:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", 0, 0) tf:SetWidth (100) tf:SetHeight (100) -- tf:SetAllPoints (f) tsf:SetScrollChild (tf) -- Tip m:CreateLocationTip() -- Create tool bar m:CreateToolBar() -- Create buttons local bw, bh = win:GetBorderSize() local function func (self, but) self.LOpts.NXAutoScaleOn = but:GetPressed() end m.ButAutoScaleOn = Nx.Button:Create (win.Frm, "MapAutoScale", nil, nil, -20, -bh, "TOPRIGHT", 12, 12, func, m) m.ButAutoScaleOn:SetPressed (opts.NXAutoScaleOn) -- Create menu local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (f) m.Menu = menu menu:AddItem (0, "Goto", self.Menu_OnGoto, m) menu:AddItem (0, "Clear Goto", self.Menu_OnClearGoto, m) menu:AddItem (0, "Add Note", self.Menu_OnAddNote, m) menu:AddItem (0, "Save Map Scale", self.Menu_OnScaleSave, m) menu:AddItem (0, "Restore Map Scale", self.Menu_OnScaleRestore, m) m.MenuIPlyrFollow = menu:AddItem (0, "Follow You", self.Menu_OnPlyrFollow, m) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Select Cities Last", self.SetLevelWorldHotspots, m) item:SetChecked (m, "NXCitiesUnder") m.MenuIMonitorZone = menu:AddItem (0, "Monitor Zone", self.Menu_OnMonitorZone, m) menu:AddItem (0, "", nil, self) -- Create route sub menu local routeMenu = Nx.Menu:Create (f) menu:AddSubMenu (routeMenu, "Route...") local function func (self) self:RouteGathers() end local item = routeMenu:AddItem (0, "Current Gather Locations", func, m) local function func (self) self:RouteTargets() end local item = routeMenu:AddItem (0, "Current Goto Targets", func, m) local function func (self) self.ShowUnexplored = false self:UpdateOverlayUnexplored() self:TargetOverlayUnexplored() self:RouteTargets() end routeMenu:AddItem (0, "Unexplored Locations", func, m) local function func (self) self:ReverseTargets() end routeMenu:AddItem (0, "Reverse Targets", func, m) local item = routeMenu:AddItem (0, "Recycle Reached Targets") item:SetChecked (gopts, "RouteRecycle") local item = routeMenu:AddItem (0, "Gather Target Radius") item:SetSlider (gopts, 7, 300, nil, "RouteGatherRadius") local item = routeMenu:AddItem (0, "Gather Merge Radius") item:SetSlider (gopts, 0, 100, nil, "RouteMergeRadius") -- Create show sub menu local showMenu = Nx.Menu:Create (f) menu:AddSubMenu (showMenu, "Show...") showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Player Zone", self.Menu_OnShowPlayerZone, m) local function func (self) self.Guide:UpdateGatherFolders() end local item = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Herb Locations", func, m) m.MenuIShowHerb = item item:SetChecked (Nx.CharOpts, "MapShowGatherH") local item = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Mining Locations", func, m) m.MenuIShowMine = item item:SetChecked (Nx.CharOpts, "MapShowGatherM") local item = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Artifact Locations", func, m) -- m.MenuIShowArt = item item:SetChecked (Nx.CharOpts, "MapShowGatherA") local function func (self) self.Guide.POIDraw = nil end local item = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Mailboxes", func, m) item:SetChecked (gopts, "MapShowMailboxes") local item = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Notes") item:SetChecked (gopts, "MapShowNotes") local item = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Punks") item:SetChecked (gopts, "MapShowPunks") local item = showMenu:AddItem(0, "Show Archaeology Blobs", func, m) item:SetChecked (Nx.CharOpts, "MapShowArchBlobs") local item = showMenu:AddItem(0, "Show Quest Blobs", func, m) item:SetChecked (Nx.CharOpts, "MapShowQuestBlobs") local function func (self, item) self.ShowUnexplored = item:GetChecked() end local item = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Unexplored Areas", func, m) item:SetChecked (m.ShowUnexplored) m.MenuIShowWorld = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show World", self.Menu_OnShowWorld, m) local function forceShowCont (self) self.ScanContinentsMod = 10 end local item = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Cities", forceShowCont, Map) item:SetChecked (gopts, "MapShowCCity") local item = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Towns", forceShowCont, Map) item:SetChecked (gopts, "MapShowCTown") local item = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Extras", forceShowCont, Map) item:SetChecked (gopts, "MapShowCExtra") local item = showMenu:AddItem (0, "Show Kill Icons", self.Menu_OnShowKills, m) item:SetChecked (m.KillShow) -- Create minimap sub menu if not Nx.Free then local mmmenu = Nx.Menu:Create (f) menu:AddSubMenu (mmmenu, "Minimap...") local function func (self, item) self.LOpts.NXMMFull = item:GetChecked() self.MMZoomChanged = true end local item = mmmenu:AddItem (0, "Full Size", func, m) self.MMMenuIFull = item item:SetChecked (opts.NXMMFull) local function func (self, item) self.LOpts.NXMMAlpha = item:GetSlider() end local item = mmmenu:AddItem (0, "Transparency", func, m) item:SetSlider (opts.NXMMAlpha, 0, 1) local function func (self, item) self.LOpts.NXMMDockScale = item:GetSlider() self.MMZoomChanged = true end local item = mmmenu:AddItem (0, "Docked Scale", func, m) item:SetSlider (opts.NXMMDockScale, .01, 3) local function func (self, item) self.LOpts.NXMMDockScaleBG = item:GetSlider() self.MMZoomChanged = true end local item = mmmenu:AddItem (0, "Docked Scale In BG", func, m) item:SetSlider (opts.NXMMDockScaleBG, .01, 3) local function func (self, item) self.LOpts.NXMMDockAlpha = item:GetSlider() end local item = mmmenu:AddItem (0, "Docked Transparency", func, m) item:SetSlider (opts.NXMMDockAlpha, 0, 1) local function func (self, item) self.LOpts.NXMMDockOnAtScale = item:GetSlider() end local item = mmmenu:AddItem (0, "Docking Below Map Scale", func, m) item:SetSlider (opts.NXMMDockOnAtScale, 0, 5) end -- Create scale sub menu local smenu = Nx.Menu:Create (f) menu:AddSubMenu (smenu, "Scale...") local item = smenu:AddItem (0, "Auto Scale Min") item:SetSlider (opts, .01, 10, nil, "NXAutoScaleMin") local item = smenu:AddItem (0, "Auto Scale Max") item:SetSlider (opts, .25, 10, nil, "NXAutoScaleMax") local item = smenu:AddItem (0, "Zone Dot Scale", self.Menu_OnDotZoneScale, m) item:SetSlider (m.DotZoneScale, 0.1, 2) local item = smenu:AddItem (0, "Friend/Guild Dot Scale", self.Menu_OnDotPalScale, m) item:SetSlider (m.DotPalScale, 0.1, 2) local item = smenu:AddItem (0, "Party Dot Scale", self.Menu_OnDotPartyScale, m) item:SetSlider (m.DotPartyScale, 0.1, 2) local item = smenu:AddItem (0, "Raid Dot Scale", self.Menu_OnDotRaidScale, m) item:SetSlider (m.DotRaidScale, 0.1, 2) local item = smenu:AddItem (0, "Icon Scale", self.Menu_OnIconScale, m) item:SetSlider (m.IconScale, 0.1, 3) local item = smenu:AddItem (0, "Navigation Icon Scale", self.Menu_OnIconNavScale, m) item:SetSlider (m.IconNavScale, 0.1, 3) local function func (self, item) self.LOpts.NXDetailScale = item:GetSlider() end local item = smenu:AddItem (0, "Details At Scale", func, m) item:SetSlider (opts.NXDetailScale, .05, 10) local item = smenu:AddItem (0, "Gather Icons At Scale") item:SetSlider (gopts, .01, 10, nil, "MapIconGatherAtScale") local item = smenu:AddItem (0, "POI Icons At Scale") item:SetSlider (opts, .1, 10, nil, "NXPOIAtScale") -- Create transparency sub menu local tmenu = Nx.Menu:Create (f) m.TransMenu = tmenu menu:AddSubMenu (tmenu, "Transparency...") local item = tmenu:AddItem (0, "Detail Transparency", self.Menu_OnDetailAlpha, m) item:SetSlider (opts.NXDetailAlpha, .25, 1) local item = tmenu:AddItem (0, "Fade In Transparency", self.Menu_OnBackgndAlphaFull, m) item:SetSlider (m.BackgndAlphaFull, .25, 1) local item = tmenu:AddItem (0, "Fade Out Transparency", self.Menu_OnBackgndAlphaFade, m) item:SetSlider (m.BackgndAlphaFade, 0, 1) local function func (self) self.Guide:UpdateGatherFolders() end local item = tmenu:AddItem (0, "Gather Icon Transparency", func, m) item:SetSlider (gopts, .2, 1, nil, "MapIconGatherA") local item = tmenu:AddItem (0, "POI Icon Transparency") item:SetSlider (gopts, .2, 1, nil, "MapIconPOIAlpha") local function func (self, item) self.LOpts.NXUnexploredAlpha = item:GetSlider() end local item = tmenu:AddItem (0, "Unexplored Transparency", func, m) item:SetSlider (opts.NXUnexploredAlpha, 0, .9) local item = tmenu:AddItem(0, "Archaeology Blob Transparency",self.Menu_OnArchAlpha, m) item:SetSlider (m.ArchAlpha,0,1) local item = tmenu:AddItem(0, "Quest Blob Transparency",self.Menu_OnQuestAlpha, m) item:SetSlider (m.QuestAlpha,0,1) -- Options menu local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Options...", self.Menu_OnOptions, m) -- Debug menu if NxData.DebugMap then m.DebugMap = true local dbmenu = Nx.Menu:Create (f) menu:AddItem (0, "", nil, self) menu:AddSubMenu (dbmenu, "Debug...") local function func (self, item) self.Debug = item:GetChecked() end local item = dbmenu:AddItem (0, "Map Debug", func, m) item:SetChecked (false) --[[ Nx.prt ("*** DebugHotspots is ON") m["DebugHotspots"] = true --]] local item = dbmenu:AddItem (0, "Hotspots", func, m) item:SetChecked (m, "DebugHotspots") dbmenu:AddItem (0, "Hotspots pack", self.PackHotspotsDebug, m) local function func (self, item) self.DebugTime = item:GetChecked() end local item = dbmenu:AddItem (0, "Map Debug Time", func, m) item:SetChecked (false) local item = dbmenu:AddItem (0, "Map Full Coords", self.Menu_OnMapDebugFullCoords, m) item:SetChecked (m.DebugFullCoords) local item = dbmenu:AddItem (0, "Quest Debug", self.Menu_OnQuestDebug, m) item:SetChecked (Nx.Quest.Debug) local function func (self, item) self.DebugScale = item:GetSlider() end local item = dbmenu:AddItem (0, "Scale", func, m) item:SetSlider (0, 4, 6) end -- Create player icon menu local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (f) m.PIconMenu = menu menu:AddItem (0, "Whisper", self.Menu_OnWhisper, m) menu:AddItem (0, "Invite", self.Menu_OnInvite, m) menu:AddItem (0, "Get Quests", self.Menu_OnGetQuests, m) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Track Player", self.Menu_OnTrackPlyr, m) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Remove From Tracking", self.Menu_OnRemoveTracking, m) menu:AddItem (0, "Report Player AFK", self.Menu_OnReportPlyrAFK, m) -- menu:AddItem (0, "Report All AFK", self.Menu_OnReportAllAFK, m) menu:AddItem (0, "") local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Grow Conflict Bars", self.Menu_OnGrowConflictBars, m) item:SetChecked (true) m.BGGrowBars = true -- Create general icon menu m:CreateIconMenu (f) -- Create BG icon menu m.BGIncNum = 0 local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (f) m.BGIconMenu = menu for n = 1, #NXlBGMessages, 2 do local function func (self) self:BGMenu_Send (NXlBGMessages[n + 1]) -- Inherit n from loop end menu:AddItem (0, NXlBGMessages[n], func, m) end menu:AddItem (0, NXlBGStatus, self.BGMenu_OnStatus, m) -- Create player icon local plf = CreateFrame ("Frame", nil, f) m.PlyrFrm = plf plf.NxMap = m plf:SetWidth (3) plf:SetHeight (3) t = plf:CreateTexture() plf.texture = t t:SetTexture ("Interface\\Minimap\\MinimapArrow") t:SetAllPoints (plf) plf:SetPoint ("CENTER", 0, (m.TitleH - 1) * -.5) plf:Show() -- Init map frames m:InitFrames() -- Test --[[ m:InitIconType ("Test", nil, "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\TargetDead", 64, 64) for i = 1, 100, .2 do m:AddIconData ("Test", i, 30, 0) end --]] --[[ m:InitIconType ("Test2", nil, 64, 64) for i = 1, 100, .2 do m:AddIconData ("Test2", i, 10, "00ff00") end --]] --[[ m:InitIconType ("TestZR", "ZR") for i = 1, 10, 2 do m:AddIconRect ("TestZR", i, 5, i+1, 6, "00ff0080") end --]] -- local questwin = CreateFrame("QuestPOIFrame") m.QuestWin = questwin m.QuestWin:SetParent(m.TextScFrm:GetScrollChild()) m.QuestWin:Hide() m.QuestWin:SetSize(WorldMapButton:GetSize()) m.QuestWin:SetFillAlpha(255 * m.QuestAlpha) m.QuestWin:SetBorderAlpha(255 * m.QuestAlpha) m.QuestWin:SetFillTexture([[Interface\WorldMap\UI-QuestBlob-Inside]]) m.QuestWin:SetBorderTexture([[Interface\WorldMap\UI-QuestBlob-Outside]]) m.QuestWin:SetBorderScalar(0.15) local arch = CreateFrame("ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame") m.Arch = arch m.Arch:SetParent(m.TextScFrm:GetScrollChild()) m.Arch:Hide() m.Arch:SetSize(WorldMapButton:GetSize()) m.Arch:SetFillAlpha(255 * m.ArchAlpha) m.Arch:SetBorderAlpha(255 * m.ArchAlpha ) m.Arch:SetFillTexture( [[Interface\WorldMap\UI-ArchaeologyBlob-Inside]] ) m.Arch:SetBorderTexture( [[Interface\WorldMap\UI-ArchaeologyBlob-Outside]] ) m.Arch:SetBorderScalar( 0.15 ) self.RMapId = 9000 -- Safe default m:SwitchOptions (-1, true) m:UpdateAll() m.Guide = Map.Guide:Create (m) -- self.MMFrm = _G["Minimap"] assert (self.MMFrm) m:MinimapOwnInit() -- Force player to be shown after init done and not in BG local function func (self) if not Nx.InBG then self:GotoPlayer() end end Nx.Timer:Start ("MapIShow" .. m.MapIndex, 1, m, func) -- return m end -------- function Nx.Map:GetWinName() return "NxMap" .. self.MapIndex end -------- -- Create map tool bar function Nx.Map:CreateToolBar() local bar = Nx.ToolBar:Create (self:GetWinName().."TB", self.Frm, 22, true, true) self.ToolBar = bar bar:SetUser (self) -- bar.Frm:SetFrameLevel (self.Frm:GetFrameLevel() + 30) local data = { { "MapZIn", "Zoom In", self.OnButZoomIn, false }, { "MapZOut", "Zoom Out", self.OnButZoomOut, false }, { "MapFav", "-Favorites-", self.OnButToggleFav, false }, { "MapGuide", "-Guide-", self.OnButToggleGuide, false }, -- { "MapQGivers", "-Quest Givers-", self.OnButToggleQuestGivers, false }, { "MapWarehouse", "-Warehouse-", self.OnButToggleWarehouse, false }, { "MapCombat", "-Combat-", self.OnButToggleCombat, false }, { "MapEvents", "-Events-", self.OnButToggleEvent, false }, -- { "Scroll", "Debug Scroll", self.OnButScrollDebug, false }, -- { "Scroll", "Debug Scroll2", self.OnButScrollDebug2, false }, } for i, b in ipairs (data) do if Nx.Free and i > 3 then break end bar:AddButton (b[1], b[2], nil, b[3], b[4]) end bar:Update() self:UpdateToolBar() end function Nx.Map:UpdateToolBar() local frm = self.ToolBar.Frm local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() if opts["MapShowToolBar"] then frm:Show() else frm:Hide() end end function Nx.Map:CreateIconMenu (frm) -- Create general icon menu local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (frm) self.GIconMenu = menu self.GIconMenuITogInst = menu:AddItem (0, "Toggle Instance Map", self.GMenu_OnTogInst, self) self.GIconMenuIFindNote = menu:AddItem (0, "Find Note", self.GMenu_OnFindNote, self) Nx.Quest:CreateGiverIconMenu (menu, frm) menu:AddItem (0, "Goto", self.GMenu_OnGoto, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Clear Goto", self.Menu_OnClearGoto, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Paste Link", self.GMenu_OnPasteLink, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Add Note", self.Menu_OnAddNote, self) end -------- function Nx.Map:CreateLocationTip() local f = CreateFrame ("Frame", "NxMapTip", self.Frm) -- f.NxInst = self self.LocTipFrm = f f:SetClampedToScreen() -- f:ClearAllPoints() -- f:SetPoint ("BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0) local t = f:CreateTexture() f.texture = t t:SetAllPoints (f) t:SetTexture (0, 0, 0, .85) -- Font strings local fstrs = {} self.LocTipFStrs = fstrs local h = Nx.Font:GetH ("FontMapLoc") for n = 1, 4 do local fstr = f:CreateFontString() tinsert (fstrs, fstr) fstr:SetFontObject ("NxFontMapLoc") fstr:SetJustifyH ("LEFT") end end function Nx.Map:SetLocationTip (tipStr) local f = self.LocTipFrm local a = self.GOpts["MapLocTipAnchor"] if tipStr and a ~= "None" then local ar = self.GOpts["MapLocTipAnchorRel"] ar = ar == "None" and a or ar f:ClearAllPoints() f:SetPoint (a, self.Frm, ar) local h = Nx.Font:GetH ("FontMapLoc") local fstrs = self.LocTipFStrs local i = 1 local textW = 0 for s in gmatch (tipStr, "(%C+)") do -- gmatch makes garbage! -- Nx.prt (s) local fstr = fstrs[i] fstr:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", 2, 0 - (i - 1) * h) fstr:SetText (s) textW = max (textW, fstr:GetStringWidth()) i = i + 1 end for n = i, #fstrs do fstrs[n]:SetText ("") end -- Nx.prt (textW) -- f:SetFrameStrata ("DIALOG") f:SetWidth (4 + textW) f:SetHeight (2 + (i - 1) * h) f:Show() else f:Hide() end end ------------------------------------------------------- -------- -- Startup so show map function Nx.Map:StartupZoom() -- local map = self:GetMap (1) -- map:GotoCurrentZone() end -------- -- Main frame update event handler function Nx.Map:MainOnUpdate (elapsed) if self.Created then local map = self:GetMap (1) local win = map.Win local show, showsv = win:IsShown() -- if not show and GameTooltip:IsOwned (win.Frm) then -- GameTooltip:Hide() -- end if not show then if showsv and not win:IsCombatHidden() then -- We've been hidden, but not by us (Escape key)? win:Show() map:RestoreSize() return end self.OnUpdate (map.Frm, elapsed) end end end -------- function Nx.Map:OnWin (typ) -- Nx.prt ("MapOnWin %s", typ) if typ == "SizeNorm" then self:RestoreSize() elseif typ == "SizeMax" then if WorldMapFrame:IsShown() then HideUIPanel (WorldMapFrame) end tinsert (UISpecialFrames, self:GetWinName()) self:AttachWorldMap() elseif typ == "Close" then end end -------- -- function Nx.Map:AttachWorldMap() if not self.GOpts["MapWOwn"] then return end local f = getglobal ("WorldMapButton") if f then -- Nx.prt ("AttachWorldMap") self.WorldMapFrm = f self.WorldMapFrmParent = f:GetParent() self.WorldMapFrmScale = f:GetScale() f:SetParent (self.TextFrm) f:Show() f:EnableMouse (false) self:SetWorldMapIcons (.001) local tipf = getglobal ("WorldMapTooltip") if tipf then tipf:SetParent (self.Frm) end local af = getglobal ("WorldMapFrameAreaFrame") if af then af:Hide() -- af:SetParent (self.Frm) -- af:SetPoint ("TOP", self.Frm, "TOP", 0, 0) end -- Gatherer.MapNotes.MapDraw = function() Nx.prt ("Gath mapdraw") end -- Remove leftovers for n = 1, NUM_WORLDMAP_POIS do local f = getglobal ("WorldMapFramePOI" .. n) f:Hide() end self.WorldMapFrmMapId = 0 end end -------- -- function Nx.Map:DetachWorldMap() local f = self.WorldMapFrm if f then -- Nx.prt ("DetachWorldMap") self.WorldMapFrm = nil f:SetParent (self.WorldMapFrmParent) f:SetScale (self.WorldMapFrmScale) f:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", "WorldMapDetailFrame", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0) f:EnableMouse (true) self:SetWorldMapIcons (1) local tipf = getglobal ("WorldMapTooltip") if tipf then tipf:SetParent (self.WorldMapFrmParent) tipf:SetFrameStrata ("TOOLTIP") end local af = getglobal ("WorldMapFrameAreaFrame") if af then af:Show() -- af:SetParent (f) -- af:SetPoint ("TOP", f, "TOP", 0, -10) end end end -------- -- Update Blizzard world map frame if we grabbed it function Nx.Map:UpdateWorldMap() local f = self.WorldMapFrm if f then if self.StepTime ~= 0 or self.Scrolling or IsShiftKeyDown() then f:Hide() else local tipf = getglobal ("WorldMapTooltip") if tipf then tipf:SetFrameStrata ("TOOLTIP") end local af = getglobal ("WorldMapFrameAreaFrame") if af then af:SetFrameStrata ("HIGH") end f:Show() self:ClipZoneFrm (self.Cont, self.Zone, f, 1) f:SetFrameLevel (self.Level) if self.WorldMapFrmMapId ~= self.MapId then -- Nx.prt ("mapid %s", self.MapId) self.WorldMapFrmMapId = self.MapId self:SetChildLevels (f, self.Level + 1) self.Level = self.Level + 4 end end for k, f in ipairs (_G["MAP_VEHICLES"]) do f:SetScale (.001) end end if not InCombatLockdown() then self.Arch:DrawNone(); if Nx.CharOpts["MapShowArchBlobs"] then for i = 1, ArchaeologyMapUpdateAll() do self.Arch:DrawBlob(ArcheologyGetVisibleBlobID(i), true) end self:ClipZoneFrm( self.Cont, self.Zone, self.Arch, 1 ) self.Arch:SetFrameLevel(self.Level) self.Arch:SetFillAlpha(255 * self.ArchAlpha) self.Arch:SetBorderAlpha( 255 * self.ArchAlpha ) self.Arch:Show() else self.Arch:Hide() end end end -------- -- Hook of UpdateQuestMapPOI, so we can move icons after Blizz updates --[[ function Nx.Map.UpdateQuestMapPOIHook() local self = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) -- Nx.prt ("UpdateQuestMapPOI hook") local f = self.WorldMapFrm if f then -- Just hide, since we draw ourselves for n = 1, QuestMapUpdateAllQuests() do local f = QUEST_MAP_POI[n] if f then f:Hide() end end for n = 1, #QUEST_MAP_ADDITIONAL_POI do QUEST_MAP_ADDITIONAL_POI[n]:Hide() end -- OLD if false then -- if SHOW_QUEST_OBJECTIVES_ON_MAP == "1" then local sc = f:GetScale() Nx.prt ("WMFrm %s %s %s", f:GetScale(), f:GetLeft(), f:GetRight()) local numPOI = QuestMapUpdateAllQuests() for i = 1, numPOI do local pf = QUEST_MAP_POI[i] if pf and pf:IsShown() then Nx.prt ("QPOI %s %s %s", i, pf["x"], pf["y"]) pf:SetPoint ("CENTER", f, "TOPLEFT", pf["x"] * sc, pf["y"] * sc) pf:SetScale (1 / sc) -- pf:SetParent (self.TextFrm) pf:SetFrameLevel (100) end end end end end --]] -------- -- Recursively set child levels function Nx.Map:SetChildLevels (frm, lvl) local ch = { frm:GetChildren() } for n, chf in pairs (ch) do chf:SetFrameLevel (lvl) if chf:GetNumChildren() > 0 then self:SetChildLevels (chf, lvl + 1) end end end -------- -- Set scale on world map icons function Nx.Map:SetWorldMapIcons (scale) for n = 1, MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS do local f = getglobal ("WorldMapParty" .. n) if f then f:SetScale (scale) end end for n = 1, MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do local f = getglobal ("WorldMapRaid" .. n) if f then f:SetScale (scale) end end local flags = GetNumBattlefieldFlagPositions() for n = 1, flags do local f = getglobal ("WorldMapFlag" .. n) if f then f:SetScale (scale) end end for k, f in ipairs (_G["MAP_VEHICLES"]) do f:SetScale (scale) end for k, name in ipairs (Nx.Map.WorldMapHideNames) do local f = getglobal (name) if f then f:SetScale (scale) end end --[[ for n = 1, QuestMapUpdateAllQuests() do local f = QUEST_MAP_POI[n] if f then f:SetScale (scale) end end for i = 1, #QUEST_MAP_ADDITIONAL_POI do QUEST_MAP_ADDITIONAL_POI[i]:Hide(); end --]] end -------- -- function Nx.Map:OnButZoomIn() self:SetScaleOverTime (2) end function Nx.Map:OnButZoomOut() self:SetScaleOverTime (-2) end function Nx.Map:OnButToggleFav (but) Nx.Fav:ToggleShow() end function Nx.Map:OnButToggleGuide (but) self.Guide:ToggleShow() end function Nx.Map:OnButToggleWarehouse (but) Nx.Warehouse:ToggleShow() end --[[ function Nx.Map:OnButToggleQuestGivers (but) local guide = self.Guide local folder = guide:FindFolder ("Quest Givers") guide:AddShowFolders (folder, guide:IsShowFolders (folder)) guide:Update() end --]] function Nx.Map:OnButToggleCombat (but) Nx.Combat:Open() end function Nx.Map:OnButToggleEvent (but) Nx.UEvents.List:Open() end --[[ function Nx.Map:OnButScrollDebug (but, click, x, y) x = x * self.DebugAdjustScale y = y * self.DebugAdjustScale if self["DebugHotspots"] then return self:HotspotDebugScroll (x, y) end local id = self.DebugMapId -- Double click map to set if not id then return end local mode = 2 if mode == 1 then if IsControlKeyDown() then x = x * .1 + self.MapWorldInfo[id][1] self.MapWorldInfo[id][1] = x Nx.prt ("Sc %f", x) else local info = self.MapWorldInfo[id] info[2] = x + info[2] info[3] = y + info[3] info[4] = x + info[4] info[5] = y + info[5] info.XOff = x + (info.XOff or 0) info.YOff = y + (info.YOff or 0) Nx.prt ("XY %f %f, %f %f", info[2], info[3], info.XOff, info.YOff) end elseif mode == 2 then -- Minimap data local miniT = self:GetMiniInfo (id) miniT[5] = x + miniT[5] miniT[6] = y + miniT[6] Nx.prt ("XY %f %f", miniT[5], miniT[6]) end return true end function Nx.Map:OnButScrollDebug2 (but, click, x, y) self.DebugAdjustScale = self.DebugAdjustScale + x * .001 Nx.prt ("Adj scale %s", self.DebugAdjustScale) end --]] -------- -- Init static map frames function Nx.Map:InitFrames() local f = self.Frm local m = self -- Create map zone tile frames self.TileFrms = {} local tf for i = 1, 12 do tf = CreateFrame ("Frame", nil, f) m.TileFrms[i] = tf local t = tf:CreateTexture() t:SetAllPoints (tf) tf.texture = t end -- Init continent frames Nx.ContBlks = { { 0,1,1,0, 0,1,1,0, 0,1,1,0 }, { 0,1,1,0, 0,1,1,0, 0,1,1,0 }, { 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1 }, { 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1 }, { 1,1,1,0, 1,1,1,0, 1,1,1,0 }, { 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1 }, } self.ContFrms = {} for n = 1, Nx.Map.ContCnt do self.ContFrms[n] = {} local mapFileName = self.MapInfo[n].FileName local texi = 1 -- Nx.prtD ("Map Update ".. mapFileName) for i = 1, 12 do if Nx.ContBlks[n][i] ~= 0 then local cf = CreateFrame ("Frame", nil, f) m.ContFrms[n][i] = cf local t = cf:CreateTexture() t:SetAllPoints (cf) cf.texture = t if n == 0 then t:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\Cont\\".."Kal"..texi) texi = texi + 1 else t:SetTexture ("Interface\\WorldMap\\"..mapFileName.."\\"..mapFileName..i) end end end end --[[ local cf = CreateFrame ("Frame", nil, f) self.ContFillFrm = cf local t = cf:CreateTexture() t:SetAllPoints (cf) cf.texture = t -- t:SetTexture (.5, .5, .45, .99) t:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\HBlend") t:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, .7) --]] -- Create mini frames self.MiniFrms = {} for n = 1, self.MiniBlks ^ 2 do local tf = CreateFrame ("Frame", nil, f) m.MiniFrms[n] = tf local t = tf:CreateTexture() tf.texture = t t:SetAllPoints (tf) end self:InitHotspots() -- self:InitHotspotsDebug() end -------- -- Init hotspots function Nx.Map:InitHotspots() local quad = {} self.WorldHotspots = quad local quadCity = {} self.WorldHotspotsCity = quadCity for contN = 1, Nx.Map.ContCnt do cname = self:GetWorldContinentInfo (contN) if not cname then break end local zoneN = 1 while true do zname, zx, zy, zw, zh = self:GetWorldZoneInfo (contN, zoneN) if not zx then break end local mapId = self:CZ2MapId (contN, zoneN) local nxz = Nx.MapIdToNxzone[mapId] or 0 -- local zscale = self:GetWorldZoneScale (mapId) -- Nx.prt ("Hotspot %s+%s %d %s", contN, zoneN, mapId, nxz or "nil") local color, infoStr = self:GetMapNameDesc (mapId) local tipStr = format ("%s, %s%s (%s)", cname, color, zname, infoStr) local loc = Nx.MapWorldHotspots[nxz] -- Old way local locSize = 4 if not loc then loc = Nx.MapWorldHotspots2[mapId] if loc then locSize = 12 else loc = format ("%c%c%c%c", 85, 85, 135, 135) end end for n = 0, 100 do local locN = n * locSize + 1 local loc1 = strsub (loc, locN, locN + locSize - 1) if loc1 == "" then break end local zx, zy, zw, zh if locSize == 4 then zx, zy, zw, zh = Nx.Quest:UnpackLocRect (loc1) else zx = tonumber (strsub (loc1, 1, 3), 16) * 100 / 4095 zy = tonumber (strsub (loc1, 4, 6), 16) * 100 / 4095 zw = tonumber (strsub (loc1, 7, 9), 16) * 1002 / 4095 zh = tonumber (strsub (loc1, 10, 12), 16) * 668 / 4095 end local spot = {} local wzone = self:GetWorldZone (mapId) if wzone.City or wzone.StartZone then tinsert (quadCity, spot) else tinsert (quad, spot) end spot.MapId = mapId local wx, wy = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, zx, zy) spot.WX1 = wx spot.WY1 = wy zw = zw / 1002 * 100 zh = zh / 668 * 100 local wx, wy = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, zx + zw, zy + zh) spot.WX2 = wx spot.WY2 = wy spot.NxTipBase = tipStr -- if contN == 5 then -- Nx.prtVar ("Spot", spot) -- end end zoneN = zoneN + 1 end end end -------- -- Init hotspots --[[ function Nx.Map:InitHotspotsDebug() if 1 then return end NxData.NXDBHotspotsT = {} -- NxData.NXDBHotspotsT = NxData.NXDBHotspotsT or {} self:InitHotspots2Debug (self.WorldHotspotsCity) self:InitHotspots2Debug (self.WorldHotspots) end function Nx.Map:InitHotspots2Debug (quad) local saved = NxData.NXDBHotspotsT for n, spot in ipairs (quad) do local mapId = spot.MapId if mapId then -- if mapId ~= 2042 and mapId ~= 2043 then -- if mapId == 1014 or mapId > 4000 and mapId <= 5999 then local x, y = self:GetZonePos (mapId, spot.WX1, spot.WY1) local w, h = self:GetZonePos (mapId, spot.WX2, spot.WY2) local mapT = saved[mapId] or {} saved[mapId] = mapT local saveSpot = { X = x, Y = y, W = w - x, H = h - y } tinsert (mapT, saveSpot) end end end function Nx.Map:HotspotDebugCmd (cmd) if cmd == "add" then local curT = self.HotspotDebugCurT if curT then Nx.prt ("Add") local x, y = self:GetZonePos (self.DebugMapId, self.DebugWX or 0, self.DebugWY or 0) local spot = { X = x, Y = y, W = 10, H = 10 } tinsert (curT, spot) end elseif cmd == "del" then local curT = self.HotspotDebugCurT if curT then tremove (curT, self.HotspotDebugCurI) end end end function Nx.Map:PackHotspotsDebug() local saved = NxData.NXDBHotspotsT if saved then local cnt = 0 local packed = {} NxData.NXDBHotspotsPacked = packed for mapId, mapT in pairs (saved) do local s = "" for n, spot in ipairs (mapT) do local x = min (max (spot.X * 4095 / 100, 0), 4095) local y = min (max (spot.Y * 4095 / 100, 0), 4095) local w = min (max (spot.W * 4095 / 100, 0), 4095) local h = min (max (spot.H * 4095 / 100, 0), 4095) s = format ("%s%03x%03x%03x%03x", s, x, y, w, h) cnt = cnt + 1 end packed[mapId] = s end Nx.prt ("Packed %d", cnt) end end function Nx.Map:UpdateHotspotsDebug() local saved = NxData.NXDBHotspotsT or {} NxData.NXDBHotspotsT = saved local curMapId = self.DebugMapId for mapId, mapT in pairs (saved) do local zscale = self:GetWorldZoneScale (mapId) for n, spot in ipairs (mapT) do local f = self:GetIcon (0) local x, y = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, spot.X, spot.Y) if self:ClipFrameTL (f, x, y, spot.W * zscale, spot.H * zscale / 1.5) then f.NXType = 8000 f.NXData = mapId f.NXData2 = n if IsControlKeyDown() then f.NxTip = format ("%s %d #%d\n%s %s\n%s %s", self:IdToName (mapId), mapId, n, spot.X, spot.Y, spot.W, spot.H) end if mapId == curMapId then if mapT == self.HotspotDebugCurT and n == self.HotspotDebugCurI then f.texture:SetTexture (.2, .2, .5, .5) else f.texture:SetTexture (0, 0, .4, .35) end else f.texture:SetTexture (.1, 0, 0, .3) end end -- Nx.prt ("spot #%d %s %s %s %s", n, spot.X, spot.Y, spot.W, spot.H) end end end function Nx.Map:HotspotDebugClick (button) -- this = self.Frm self.OnMouseDown (self.Frm, button) local icon = self.ClickFrm local mapId = icon.NXData if mapId == self.DebugMapId then local index = icon.NXData2 local saved = NxData.NXDBHotspotsT self.HotspotDebugCurT = saved[mapId] self.HotspotDebugCurI = index -- local spot = saved[mapId][index] -- Nx.prt ("spot #%d %s %s %s %s", n, spot.X, spot.Y, spot.W, spot.H) end end function Nx.Map:HotspotDebugScroll (x, y) local curT = self.HotspotDebugCurT local spot = curT and curT[self.HotspotDebugCurI] if spot then x = x * 2 y = y * 2 if IsShiftKeyDown() then x = x * .05 y = y * .05 end if not IsAltKeyDown() then spot.X = spot.X + x spot.Y = spot.Y + y else spot.W = spot.W + x spot.H = spot.H + y end Nx.prt ("%s spot #%d %s %s %s %s", self.DebugMapId, self.HotspotDebugCurI, spot.X, spot.Y, spot.W, spot.H) return true end end --]] -------- -- Get description (color) that goes with a map nane function Nx.Map:GetMapNameDesc (mapId) -- Nx.prt ("MapId %s", mapId) local nxz = Nx.MapIdToNxzone[mapId] or 0 local _, minLvl, maxLvl, faction = strsplit ("!", Nx.Zones[nxz]) minLvl = tonumber (minLvl) faction = tonumber (faction) local infoStr = format ("%d-%d", minLvl, maxLvl) local color = "|cffffffff" if self.PlFactionNum == faction then color = "|cff20ff20" elseif faction == 2 then color = "|cffffff00" elseif faction < 2 then color = "|cffff6060" end if minLvl == 0 then infoStr = "Any" end if self:GetWorldZone (mapId).City then infoStr = "City" minLvl = -1 end return color, infoStr, minLvl end -------- -- Init minimap ownership function Nx.Map:MinimapOwnInit() self.MMScales = {} for n = 1, 6 do self.MMScales[n] = (8 - n) * 66.6666666666666 / 5.0 end self.MMScalesC = { 300, 240, 180, 120, 80, 50 } for n = 1, 6 do self.MMScalesC[n] = self.MMScalesC[n] / 5.0 end -- local mm = self.MMFrm local mmc = getglobal ("MinimapCluster") -- Reset since this seems to be getting remembered mm:SetMaskTexture ("textures\\MinimapMask") self:MinimapNodeGlowInit() -- Commom data for map and dock self.MMChkDelay = 5 -- Prevent crash here self.MMOwnedFrms = {} -- if not self.MMOwn then self.Win:Show (self.StartupShown) Nx.Map:MinimapButtonShowUpdate() return end Nx.Map:MinimapButtonShowUpdate (true) -- self.Win:RegisterEvent ("MINIMAP_UPDATE_ZOOM", self.OnEvent) mm:SetClampedToScreen (true) mm:SetWidth (140) mm:SetHeight (140) self.MMAlphaDelay = 100 mm:SetParent (self.Frm) self.MMFrm:SetQuestBlobRingAlpha(1) self.MMFrm:SetPOIArrowTexture("") mm:SetScript ("OnMouseDown", self.MinimapOnMouseDown) mm:SetScript ("OnMouseUp", self.MinimapOnMouseUp) mm:SetScript ("OnEnter", self.MinimapOnEnter) mm:SetScript ("OnLeave", self.MinimapOnLeave) -- local prtFrameChildren = Nx.prtFrameChildren -- prtFrameChildren ("Minimap", mm) -- prtFrameChildren ("MinimapCluster", mmc) --[[ local mmsf = CreateFrame ("ScrollFrame", nil, self.Frm) self.MMScFrm = mmsf mm:SetParent (mmsf) mmsf:SetAllPoints (self.Frm) -- mmsf:SetScrollChild (mm) --]] -- Ping --[[ --V4 local ping = MinimapPing ping:SetParent (UIParent) self.MMOwnedFrms[ping] = 0 --]] -- Data setup self.MMModels = {} self.MMAddonFrms = {} local f = getglobal ("MinimapBackdrop") if f then f:Hide() f:SetParent (mmc) end hooksecurefunc ("Minimap_ZoomIn", Nx.Map.Minimap_ZoomInClick) hooksecurefunc ("Minimap_ZoomOut", Nx.Map.Minimap_ZoomOutClick) -- Dont work anymore -- hooksecurefunc ("Minimap_ZoomInClick", Nx.Map.Minimap_ZoomInClick) -- hooksecurefunc ("Minimap_ZoomOutClick", Nx.Map.Minimap_ZoomOutClick) -- hooksecurefunc ("MinimapPing_OnEvent", Nx.Map.Minimap_OnEvent) end function Nx.Map.Minimap_ZoomInClick() local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) map:MinimapZoom (2) end function Nx.Map.Minimap_ZoomOutClick() local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) map:MinimapZoom (-2) end function Nx.Map.Minimap_OnEvent() -- Nx.prt ("Minimap_OnEvent %s", arg1 or "nil") local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) map:MinimapZoom() end function Nx.Map:MinimapZoom (value) -- Nx.prt ("MinimapZoom %s", value) if value then self:SetScaleOverTime (value) end local f = getglobal ("MinimapZoomIn") if f then f:Enable() end local f = getglobal ("MinimapZoomOut") if f then f:Enable() end end function Nx.Map:MinimapOnMouseDown (button) -- Nx.prt ("click %s", button) local this = self --V4 local map = Nx.Map.Maps[1] if (map.MMZoomType == 0 and button == "LeftButton") or (IsShiftKeyDown() and not IsControlKeyDown()) then this.NXPing = true else this.NXPing = nil this.NxMap = map map.OnMouseDown (this, button) end end function Nx.Map:MinimapOnMouseUp (button) -- Nx.prt ("click %s", button) local this = self --V4 local map = Nx.Map.Maps[1] if this.NXPing then if map.MMZoomType == 0 then Minimap_OnClick (this) else map:Ping() end else this.NxMap = map map.OnMouseUp (this, button) end end function Nx.Map:Ping() local frm = self.Frm local mx, my = Nx.Util_GetMouseClampedXY (frm) local top = frm:GetTop() local bottom = frm:GetBottom() my = top - (my + bottom) local mm = self.MMFrm local scales = self.MMScales local info = self.MapWorldInfo[self.MapId] if info.City and not info.MMOutside then scales = self.MMScalesC end local zoom = mm:GetZoom() + 1 local wx, wy = self:FramePosToWorldPos (mx, my) local sc = scales[zoom] / mm:GetWidth() local x = wx - self.PlyrX local y = self.PlyrY - wy -- Nx.prt ("Ping %f %f %f %f", x, y, sc, mm:GetScale()) -- Nx.prt (" Sc %f, W %f", scales[zoom], mm:GetWidth()) mm:PingLocation (x / sc, y / sc) end function Nx.Map:MinimapOnEnter (motion) local map = Nx.Map.Maps[1] if map.MMZoomType ~= 0 then local this = self --V4 this.NxMap = map map.IconOnEnter (self, motion) end end function Nx.Map:MinimapOnLeave (motion) local map = Nx.Map.Maps[1] if map.MMZoomType ~= 0 then local this = self --V4 this.NxMap = map map.IconOnLeave (self, motion) end end function Nx.Map:MinimapButtonShowUpdate (justNameplate) local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() local t = { "MinimapCluster", "MapMMShowOldNameplate", "NXMiniMapBut", "MapMMButShowCarb", "GameTimeFrame", "MapMMButShowCalendar", "TimeManagerClockButton", "MapMMButShowClock", "MiniMapWorldMapButton", "MapMMButShowWorldMap", } for n = 1, #t, 2 do local skip if Nx.Free then if t[n] == "MinimapCluster" then skip = true end end if not skip then local f = getglobal (t[n]) if f then if opts[t[n + 1]] then f:Show() else f:Hide() end end end if justNameplate then break end end end -------- -- Init minimap node glow. Also called by options function Nx.Map:MinimapNodeGlowInit (reset) local mm = self.MMFrm Nx.Timer:Stop ("MapNodeGlow") if reset then mm:SetBlipTexture ("Interface\\Minimap\\objecticons") end local delay = self.GOpts["MapMMNodeGD"] if delay > 0 then if not self.MMGlowInited then self.MMGlowInited = true -- Force blip textures to stay in mem, so minimap does not show corruption when switching local t = mm:CreateTexture (nil, "BACKGROUND") t:SetAllPoints() t:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\MMOIcons") t:Hide() local t = mm:CreateTexture (nil, "BACKGROUND") t:SetAllPoints() t:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\MMOIconsG") t:Hide() end Nx.Timer:Start ("MapNodeGlow", .1, self, self.OnMinimapNodeGlowTimer) end end function Nx.Map:OnMinimapNodeGlowTimer (name) self:MinimapNodeGlowSet ("") Nx.Timer:SetFunc (name, self.OnMinimapNodeGlowTimerG) return self.GOpts["MapMMNodeGD"] * 2 end function Nx.Map:OnMinimapNodeGlowTimerG (name) self:MinimapNodeGlowSet ("G") Nx.Timer:SetFunc (name, self.OnMinimapNodeGlowTimer) return self.GOpts["MapMMNodeGD"] * 2 end function Nx.Map:MinimapNodeGlowSet (letter) local count = GetNumTrackingTypes() for n = 1, count do local name, texture, active, category = GetTrackingInfo (n) if active and category == "spell" then self.MMFrm:SetBlipTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\MMOIcons" .. letter) break end end end -------- -- function Nx.Map:MinimapUpdate() if not self.MMOwn then self:MinimapDetachFrms() return end -- if self.GOpts["MapMMMoveCapBars"] then local y = 0 for n = 1, NUM_EXTENDED_UI_FRAMES do local f = getglobal ("WorldStateCaptureBar" .. n) if f and f:IsShown() then -- Nx.prtFrame ("WorldState", f) f:SetPoint ("TOPRIGHT", self.Win.Frm, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, y) y = y + f:GetHeight() end end end -- if self.DebugScale then self.MMScale = 0 local sc = self.DebugScale for n = 1, 6 do self.MMScales[n] = (8 - n) * 66.6666666666666 / sc end end -- local mm = self.MMFrm local lOpts = self.LOpts local scales = self.MMScales local info = self.MapWorldInfo[self.RMapId] if info.City and not info.MMOutside then scales = self.MMScalesC end local zoomType = 0 local zoom = mm:GetZoom (1) local dock = lOpts.NXMMFull or self.GOpts["MapMMDockAlways"] if self.Win:IsSizeMax() and self.GOpts["MapMMDockOnMax"] then dock = true end if not dock and not self.InstanceId and self.ScaleDraw > lOpts.NXMMDockOnAtScale then mm:ClearAllPoints() for n = 1, 6 do local sz = scales[n] if self:ClipMMW (mm, self.PlyrX, self.PlyrY, sz, sz) then -- Nx.prt ("MM #%d sz %d", n, sz) zoomType = n -- self.MMSize = sz * self.ScaleDraw break end end end local al = lOpts.NXMMAlpha local indoors = IsIndoors() local resting = IsResting() local indoorChange = self.Indoors ~= indoors self.Indoors = indoors local bugged = false local bugtest = GetSubZoneText() for _,zonetest in ipairs(Nx.BuggedAreas) do if GetCurrentMapAreaID() == zonetest and not indoors then bugged = true end end for _,zonetest in ipairs(Nx.BuggedSubZones) do if bugtest == zonetest then bugged = true end end if self.InstanceId then al = 1 else if indoors and self.GOpts["MapMMDockIndoors"] then zoomType = 0 end if bugged and self.GOpts["MapMMDockBugged"] then zoomType = 0 end if indoorChange and self.GOpts["MapMMIndoorTogFullSize"] then lOpts.NXMMFull = false if not info.City and indoors then lOpts.NXMMFull = true end self.MMMenuIFull:SetChecked (lOpts.NXMMFull) Nx.Menu:CheckUpdate (self.MMMenuIFull) end if self.GOpts["MapMMBuggedTogFullSize"] then if bugged then lOpts.NXMMFull=true else lOpts.NXMMFull=false end self.MMMenuIFull:SetChecked(lOpts.NXMMFull) Nx.Menu:CheckUpdate(self.MMMenuIFull) end if zoomType == 0 then al = 1 end if IsControlKeyDown() then al = IsAltKeyDown() and 1 or .8 self.MMZoomChanged = true end end if self.MMZoomType ~= zoomType or zoomType > 0 and self.MMScale ~= self.ScaleDraw or indoorChange then self.MMZoomType = zoomType self.MMScale = self.ScaleDraw self.MMZoomChanged = true -- Nx.prt ("MMZoomChanged") if self.MMAlphaDelay == 0 then -- if zoomType == 0 and self.MMAlphaDelay == 0 then self.MMAlphaDelay = 2 end end if self.MMAlphaDelay > 0 then self.MMAlphaDelay = self.MMAlphaDelay - 1 -- al = 1 -- Nx.prt ("MMAFix %s", self.MMAlphaDelay) self.MMZoomChanged = true end mm:SetAlpha (al) self:MinimapDetachFrms() if zoomType > 0 then self:MinimapUpdateMask ("MapMMSquare") local above = IsControlKeyDown() if self.GOpts["MapMMAboveIcons"] then above = not above end local lvl = self.Level if above then lvl = lvl + 15 end mm:SetFrameLevel (lvl) self:MinimapUpdateDetachedFrms (lvl + 1) self.Level = self.Level + 2 else local sc = self.MMFScale self.MMFScale = Nx.InBG and lOpts.NXMMDockScaleBG or lOpts.NXMMDockScale if lOpts.NXMMFull then self.MMFScale = min (self.MapW, self.MapH) / 140 end end --[[ local mmsf = self.MMScFrm mmsf:SetScrollChild (mm) mmsf:UpdateScrollChildRect() mmsf:SetFrameLevel (self.Level) --]] end function Nx.Map:MinimapUpdateEnd() if not self.MMOwn then return end local mm = self.MMFrm local mmfull = self.LOpts.NXMMFull if self.Win:IsSizeMax() and self.GOpts["MapMMHideOnMax"] or self.MMFScale < .02 then mm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", 1, 0) mm:SetScale (.02) mm:SetFrameLevel (1) -- mm:Hide() for n, f in ipairs (self.MMModels) do f:SetScale (.001) end return end if self.MMZoomType == 0 then self:MinimapUpdateMask ("MapMMDockSquare") local iconScale = self.GOpts["MapMMDockIScale"] self:MinimapSetScale (self.MMFScale, iconScale) -- mm:SetScale (self.MMFScale) local x = 0 local y = 0 local sz = 140 * self.MMFScale if self.GOpts["MapMMDockRight"] then x = (self.MapW - sz + 1) end if self.GOpts["MapMMDockBottom"] then y = (self.MapH - sz + 1) end mm:ClearAllPoints() mm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", (x + self.GOpts["MapMMDXO"]) / iconScale, (-y - self.GOpts["MapMMDYO"]) / iconScale) mm:Show() mm:SetFrameLevel (self.Level) self:MinimapUpdateDetachedFrms (self.Level + 1) self.Level = self.Level + 2 end if self.MMZoomChanged then self.MMZoomChanged = false local zoom = max (self.MMZoomType - 1, 0) if self.MMZoomType == 0 then zoom = self.GOpts["MapMMDockZoom"] end local z = zoom - 1 if z < 0 then z = 1 end -- Force icon update mm:SetZoom (z) mm:SetZoom (zoom) -- Nx.prt ("zoom %d", zoom) if self.MMZoomType == 0 then mm:SetAlpha (1) end -- if Gatherer then -- Nx.Timer:Start ("Gatherer", .1, self, self.OnGathererTimer) -- end end -- Transfer window and minimap scale --V4 gone TEST!!!!!!!!! -- MinimapPing:SetScale (self.Win.Frm:GetScale() * mm:GetScale()) end function Nx.Map:MinimapSetScale (scale, iconScale) local mm = self.MMFrm local sz = 140 * scale / iconScale mm:SetWidth (sz) mm:SetHeight (sz) mm:SetScale (iconScale) end function Nx.Map:MinimapUpdateMask (optName) local name = self.GOpts[optName] and "Interface\\Buttons\\White8x8" or "textures\\MinimapMask" -- if IsControlKeyDown() then -- self.MMMaskName = nil -- end if self.MMMaskName ~= name then self.MMMaskName = name local mm = self.MMFrm mm:SetMaskTexture (name) -- Nx.prt ("MMmask %s", name) end local name = self.MMZoomType == 0 and "Interface\\Minimap\\MinimapArrow" or "" if self.MMArrowName ~= name then self.MMArrowName = name self.MMFrm:SetPlayerTexture (name) -- Nx.prt ("MMmask %s", name) end end --[[ function Nx.Map.OnGathererTimer() Nx.prt ("Gatherer update") local mn = Gatherer["MiniNotes"] if mn then local update = mn["ForceUpdate"] if update then update() end else Nx.prt ("no mn") end end --]] function Nx.Map:MinimapDetachFrms() local mm = self.MMFrm local mmc = getglobal ("MinimapCluster") local winf = self.Win.Frm local dock = Nx.Map.Dock if dock.InitPending then return end self.MMChkDelay = self.MMChkDelay - 1 if self.MMChkDelay < 1 then self.MMChkDelay = 40 -- Reset -- Find and own any minimap child windows local mmNames = self.AddonMinimapNames local ch = { mm:GetChildren() } for n = 1, #ch do local c = ch[n] if c ~= mmc then -- if not c:IsVisible() then -- Nx.prt ("MM Frm v0 %s", c:GetName() or "nil") -- end if c:IsShown() and not self.MMOwnedFrms[c] then if c:IsObjectType ("Model") then -- Nx.prt ("MM Model %s", c:GetName() or "nil") if self.MMOwn then c:SetParent (winf) self.MMOwnedFrms[c] = 0 tinsert (self.MMModels, c) end elseif c:IsObjectType ("Frame") then local name = gsub (c:GetName() or "", "%d", "") if mmNames[name] then if self.MMOwn then self.MMOwnedFrms[c] = 0 self.MMAddonFrms[c] = 1 end elseif dock.MMFrms then self.MMOwnedFrms[c] = 0 tinsert (dock.MMFrms, c) -- Nx.prt ("MM Frm %s #%s", c:GetName() or "nil", c:GetNumChildren()) -- Nx.prtFrameChildren (c:GetName() or "nil", c) if c:GetNumChildren() > 0 then local ch = { c:GetChildren() } for k, c in ipairs (ch) do -- if not c:IsShown() then -- Nx.prt ("MM Frm v0 %s", c:GetName() or "nil") -- end if c:IsShown() then if c:IsObjectType ("Frame") then local pt, relTo = c:GetPoint() if relTo == mm then tinsert (dock.MMFrms, c) -- Nx.prt ("MMCC %s", c:GetName()) end end end end end end end end end end end -- dock:MinimapDetachFrms() end function Nx.Map:MinimapUpdateDetachedFrms (lvl) -- self:MinimapDetachFrms() local sc = self.MMFScale local arrowsc = sc local msc = min (1 / sc, 1) * .5 if Nx.InBG then arrowsc = .001 end local mmplyr = Nx.Map.MinimapPlyrModel -- Old for n, f in ipairs (self.MMModels) do if f:IsShown() then f:SetFrameLevel (lvl) local name = f:GetModel() if name == "interface\\minimap\\ping\\minimapping.m2" then f:SetScale (sc) f:SetModelScale (msc) f:SetAlpha (1) elseif f == mmplyr then if self.MMZoomType == 0 then f:SetScale (max (.4, min (.9, sc)) * self.GOpts["MapPlyrArrowSize"] / 28) -- f:SetModelScale (min (.2, sc)) f:SetModelScale (1) else f:SetScale (.1) f:SetModelScale (1) end else f:SetScale (arrowsc) f:SetModelScale (msc) end --[[ if IsAltKeyDown() then Nx.prt ("Model %s (%s %s)", f:GetModel() or "", f:GetScale(), f:GetModelScale()) end --]] end end for f, v in pairs (self.MMAddonFrms) do f:SetFrameLevel (lvl) -- f:SetScale (sc) -- f:SetModelScale (msc) end end -------- function Nx.Map:Menu_OnGoto (item) self:SetTargetAtClick() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnClearGoto (item) self:ClearTargets() self.Guide:ClearAll() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnAddNote() local wx, wy = self:FramePosToWorldPos (self.ClickFrmX, self.ClickFrmY) local zx, zy = self:GetZonePos (self.MapId, wx, wy) self:AddNote ("?", self.MapId, zx, zy) end function Nx.Map:AddNote (name, id, x, y) Nx.Fav:Record ("Note", name, id, x, y) end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnMonitorZone (item) Nx.Com:MonitorZone (self.MenuMapId, item:GetChecked()) end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnScaleSave() self.CurOpts.NXScaleSave = self.Scale end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnScaleRestore() local s = self.CurOpts.NXScaleSave if s then self.Scale = s self.RealScale = s self.StepTime = 10 else Nx.prt ("Scale not set") end end function Nx:NXMapKeyScaleRestore() local map = self.Map:GetMap (1) map:Menu_OnScaleRestore() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnPlyrFollow (item) self.CurOpts.NXPlyrFollow = item:GetChecked() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnShowWorld (item) self.CurOpts.NXWorldShow = item:GetChecked() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnShowPlayerZone() self:GotoCurrentZone() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnShowKills (item) self.KillShow = item:GetChecked() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnDetailAlpha (item) self.LOpts.NXDetailAlpha = item:GetSlider() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnBackgndAlphaFade (item) self.BackgndAlphaFade = item:GetSlider() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnArchAlpha (item) self.ArchAlpha = item:GetSlider() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnQuestAlpha (item) self.QuestAlpha = item:GetSlider() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnBackgndAlphaFull (item) self.BackgndAlphaFull = item:GetSlider() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnDotZoneScale (item) self.DotZoneScale = item:GetSlider() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnDotPalScale (item) self.DotPalScale = item:GetSlider() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnDotPartyScale (item) self.DotPartyScale = item:GetSlider() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnDotRaidScale (item) self.DotRaidScale = item:GetSlider() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnIconScale (item) self.IconScale = item:GetSlider() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnIconNavScale (item) self.IconNavScale = item:GetSlider() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnOptions (item) Nx.Opts:Open ("Map") end -- Debug sub menu function Nx.Map:Menu_OnMapDebugFullCoords (item) self.DebugFullCoords = item:GetChecked() end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnQuestDebug (item) Nx.Quest.Debug = item:GetChecked() end -- Plyr icon menu function Nx.Map:Menu_OnWhisper() for _, name in pairs (Nx.Map.PlyrNames) do local box = ChatEdit_ChooseBoxForSend() ChatEdit_ActivateChat (box) box:SetText ("/w " .. name .. " " .. box:GetText()) --[[ local frm = DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME local eb = frm["editBox"] if not eb:IsVisible() then ChatFrame_OpenChat ("/w " .. name, frm) else eb:SetText ("/w " .. name .. " " .. eb:GetText()) end --]] break end end -- Plyr icon menu function Nx.Map:Menu_OnInvite() for _, name in pairs (Nx.Map.PlyrNames) do InviteUnit (name) break end end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnGetQuests (item) for _, name in pairs (Nx.Map.PlyrNames) do Nx.Quest:GetFromPlyr (name) break end end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnTrackPlyr (item) for _, name in pairs (Nx.Map.PlyrNames) do self.TrackPlyrs[name] = true end end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnRemoveTracking (item) for _, name in pairs (Nx.Map.PlyrNames) do self.TrackPlyrs[name] = nil end end function Nx.Map:Menu_OnReportPlyrAFK (item) local n = 0 for k, v in pairs (Nx.Map.AFKers) do ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK (v) n = n + 1 end Nx.prt ("%d reported", n) end --[[ function Nx.Map:Menu_OnReportAllAFK (item) local members = MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS local unitName = "party" if IsInRaid() > 0 then members = MAX_RAID_MEMBERS unitName = "raid" end local cnt = 0 for i = 1, members do local unit = unitName..i if not UnitIsUnit (unit, "player") then ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK (unit) cnt = cnt + 1 end end Nx.prt ("%d reported", cnt) end --]] function Nx.Map:Menu_OnGrowConflictBars (item) self.BGGrowBars = item:GetChecked() end function Nx.Map:GMenuOpen (icon, typ) self.GIconMenuITogInst:Show (false) self.GIconMenuIFindNote:Show (false) if typ == 3000 then if icon.UData then self.GIconMenuITogInst:Show() end if icon.FavData1 then self.GIconMenuIFindNote:Show() end end Nx.Quest:OpenGiverIconMenu (icon, typ) self.GIconMenu:Open() end -------- -- Instance icon function Nx.Map:GMenu_OnTogInst() local icon = self.ClickIcon local mapId = icon.UData if mapId then if self.InstMapId == mapId then self:SetInstanceMap() else local atlas = _G["AtlasMaps"] -- Nx.prt ("%s", mapId) if not (Nx.Map.InstanceInfo[mapId] or atlas) then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage ("This instance map requires the Atlas addon be installed", 1, .1, .1, 1) return end self:SetInstanceMap (mapId) end end end -------- -- Favorite icon function Nx.Map:GMenu_OnFindNote() Nx.Fav:ShowIconNote (self.ClickIcon) end -------- -- Generic icon goto function Nx.Map:GMenu_OnGoto() Nx.Quest.Watch:ClearAutoTarget() if self.ClickType == 3001 then Nx.Social:GotoPunk (self.ClickIcon) else local icon = self.ClickIcon local x = icon.X local y = icon.Y local name = icon.Tip and strsplit ("\n", icon.Tip) or "" self:SetTarget ("Goto", x, y, x, y, false, 0, name) end end -------- -- Generic icon goto function Nx.Map:GMenu_OnPasteLink() local name if self.ClickType == 3001 then name = Nx.Social:GetPunkPasteInfo (self.ClickIcon) else local icon = self.ClickIcon name = gsub (icon.Tip, "\n", ", ") end name = gsub (name, "|cff......", "") name = gsub (name, "|r", "") local frm = DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME local eb = frm["editBox"] if eb:IsVisible() then eb:SetText (eb:GetText() .. name) else Nx.prt ("No edit box open!") end end -------- -- Send BG messages function Nx.Map:BGMenu_OnIncoming (item) self:BGMenu_Send (NXlBGMsgIncoming) end function Nx.Map:BGMenu_OnClear (item) self:BGMenu_Send ("Clear") end function Nx.Map:BGMenu_OnHelp (item) self:BGMenu_Send ("Help") end function Nx.Map:BGMenu_OnAttack (item) self:BGMenu_Send ("Attack") end function Nx.Map:BGMenu_OnGuard (item) self:BGMenu_Send ("Guard") end function Nx.Map:BGMenu_OnLosing (item) self:BGMenu_Send ("Losing") end -------- -- BG icon status function Nx.Map:BGMenu_OnStatus (item) local id, x, y, str = strsplit ("~", self.BGMsg) if id == "1" then self:BGMenu_Send() -- SendChatMessage (str, "BATTLEGROUND") else Nx.prt ("No Status") end end -------- -- BG icon status function Nx.Map:BGMenu_Send (msg) local id, tx, ty, str = strsplit ("~", self.BGMsg) tx, ty = self:GetWorldPos (self.RMapId, tonumber (tx), tonumber (ty)) local members = MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS local unitName = "party" if IsInRaid() then members = MAX_RAID_MEMBERS unitName = "raid" end local cnt = 0 local maxDist = (100 / 4.575) ^ 2 -- Yards to world space squared for i = 1, members do local unit = unitName..i local pX, pY = GetPlayerMapPosition (unit) if (pX > 0 or pY > 0) and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost (unit) then local x, y = self:GetWorldPos (self.RMapId, pX * 100, pY * 100) local dist = (tx - x) ^ 2 + (ty - y) ^ 2 -- Nx.prt ("%s %s %s = %s", unit, pX, pY, sqrt (dist) * 4.575) if dist <= maxDist then cnt = cnt + 1 -- Nx.prt (" %s", UnitName (unit)) end end end local dstr = ", No " if cnt > 0 then dstr = format (", %d ", cnt) end dstr = dstr .. Nx.Map.PlFactionShort .. " in area" if msg then SendChatMessage (msg .. " - " .. str .. dstr, "BATTLEGROUND") else SendChatMessage (str .. dstr, "BATTLEGROUND") end -- Nx.prt ("count %d", cnt) -- Nx.prt (msg .. " - " .. str .. dstr) end function Nx.Map:BGIncSendTimer() local str = format ("Inc %s", self.BGIncNum) self:BGMenu_Send (str) self.BGIncNum = 0 -- Nx.prt ("BGIncSendTimer %s", str) end -------- -- Override blizz BC map toggle function ToggleWorldMap() -- Nx.prt ("ToggleWorldMap") local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() if Nx.Map.BlizzToggling or WorldMapFrame:IsShown() or IsAltKeyDown() or not opts["MapMaxOverride"] then Nx.Map:BlizzToggleWorldMap() else Nx.Map:ToggleSize() end end -------- -- Override blizz WotLK frame toggle function ToggleFrame (frame) if frame ~= WorldMapFrame then if frame:IsShown() then HideUIPanel (frame) else ShowUIPanel (frame) end return end -- Nx.prt ("ToggleWorldMap") local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() if Nx.Map.BlizzToggling or WorldMapFrame:IsShown() or IsAltKeyDown() or not opts["MapMaxOverride"] then Nx.Map:BlizzToggleWorldMap() else Nx.Map:ToggleSize() end end -------- -- Hook --[[ function Nx.Map.ToggleWorldMapHook() Nx.prt ("ToggleWorldMapHook") if 1 then return end local self = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local ismax = self.Win:IsSizeMax() if ismax then Nx.prt ("ToggleWorldMapHook Max") -- HideUIPanel (WorldMapFrame) self:RestoreSize() -- return end if IsAltKeyDown() or Nx.Map.BlizzToggling then Nx.prt ("ToggleWorldMapHook Alt or Tog") else if WorldMapFrame:IsShown() then HideUIPanel (WorldMapFrame) if not ismax then self:ToggleSize() end end end end --]] -------- -- Blizz map toggle function Nx.Map:BlizzToggleWorldMap() if WorldMapFrame:IsShown() then HideUIPanel (WorldMapFrame) else local map = self:GetMap (1) map:DetachWorldMap() ShowUIPanel (WorldMapFrame) end end -------- -- Key binding toggle map size. Open blizz map -- global func function Nx:NXMapKeyTogOriginal() -- Does not get called when map fullscreen Nx.Map.BlizzToggling = true ToggleWorldMap() Nx.Map.BlizzToggling = nil end -------- -- Key binding toggle map size -- global func function Nx:NXMapKeyTogNormalMax() Nx.Map:ToggleSize() end -------- -- Key binding toggle map size -- global func function Nx:NXMapKeyTogNoneMax() Nx.Map:ToggleSize (1) end -------- -- Key binding toggle map size -- global func function Nx:NXMapKeyTogNoneNormal() Nx.Map:ToggleSize (0) end -------- -- Toggle map size -- global func function Nx.Map:ToggleSize (szmode) if not self.Maps then -- Healbot called ToggleFrame on load that caused us to fail in GetMap return end local map = self:GetMap (1) local win = map.Win if not win:IsShown() then win:Show() if szmode == 0 then map:RestoreSize() elseif szmode == 1 then map:MaxSize() elseif self.GOpts["MapMaxCenter"] then map:MaxSize() end elseif szmode then win:Show (false) elseif not win:IsSizeMax() then map:MaxSize() else map:RestoreSize() end if Nx.TooltipOwner == win.Frm then GameTooltip:Hide() Nx.TooltipOwner = nil end end -------- -- Restore map size function Nx.Map:RestoreSize() self:MouseEnable (false) if self.Win:IsSizeMax() then -- Nx.prt ("Map RestoreSize ToggleSize") self.Win:ToggleSize() self:RestoreView ("") self:DetachWorldMap() if self.GOpts["MapMaxRestoreHide"] then self.Win:Show (false) end end local wname = self:GetWinName() for n, name in pairs (UISpecialFrames) do if name == wname then tremove (UISpecialFrames, n) break end end end -------- -- Maximize map size function Nx.Map:MaxSize() if not self.Win:IsSizeMax() then if NxData.NXDBMapMax then Nx.prt ("MapMax %s", debugstack (2, 4, 0)) end self.Win:ToggleSize() self:SaveView ("") self:MouseEnable (true) if self.GOpts["MapMaxCenter"] then self:CenterMap() end self.StepTime = min (self.StepTime, 1) end end -------- -- Key binding toggle owned minimap to full size -- global func function Nx:NXMapKeyTogMiniFull() if Nx.Free then return end local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) map.LOpts.NXMMFull = not map.LOpts.NXMMFull map.MMZoomChanged = true map.MMMenuIFull:SetChecked (map.LOpts.NXMMFull) Nx.Menu:CheckUpdate (map.MMMenuIFull) end -------- -- Key binding toggle herbs -- global func function Nx:NXMapKeyTogHerb() local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) Nx.CharOpts["MapShowGatherH"] = not Nx.CharOpts["MapShowGatherH"] map.MenuIShowHerb:SetChecked (Nx.CharOpts, "MapShowGatherH") map.Guide:UpdateGatherFolders() end -------- -- Key binding toggle mining -- global func function Nx:NXMapKeyTogMine() local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) Nx.CharOpts["MapShowGatherM"] = not Nx.CharOpts["MapShowGatherM"] map.MenuIShowMine:SetChecked (Nx.CharOpts, "MapShowGatherM") map.Guide:UpdateGatherFolders() end -------- -- Enable or disable map mouse input function Nx.Map:MouseEnable (max) -- Nx.prt ("MouseEnable %s %s", max and "max" or "min", alt and 1 or 0) local on = true if max then if self.GOpts["MapMaxMouseIgnore"] then on = IsAltKeyDown() and true or false -- IsAltKeyDown returns nil or 1 end else if self.GOpts["MapMouseIgnore"] then on = IsAltKeyDown() and true or false -- IsAltKeyDown returns nil or 1 end end if self.MouseEnabled ~= on then -- Nx.prt ("MouseEnable up") self.MouseEnabled = on self.Win:EnableMouse (on) if on then self.ButAutoScaleOn.Frm:Show() self:UpdateToolBar() -- Will show or hide else self.ButAutoScaleOn.Frm:Hide() self.ToolBar.Frm:Hide() end self.Frm:EnableMouse (on) self.Frm:EnableMouseWheel (on) self.MMFrm:EnableMouse (on) self.MMFrm:EnableMouseWheel (on) for n, f in ipairs (self.IconFrms) do f:EnableMouse (on) end for n, f in ipairs (self.IconStaticFrms) do f:EnableMouse (on) end end end -------- -- Handle events -- self = map table function Nx.Map:OnEvent (event, ...) local this = self.Win.Frm -- Nx.prtVar ("Map Event", self) -- Nx.prt ("Map Event %s", event) if event == "WORLD_MAP_UPDATE" then if Nx.Quest then Nx.Quest:MapChanged() end if this:IsVisible() then this.NxMap:UpdateAll() end elseif event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" then self.Arch:Hide() self.QuestWin:Hide() self.Arch:SetParent(nil) self.QuestWin:SetParent(nil) self.Arch:ClearAllPoints() self.QuestWin:ClearAllPoints() elseif event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" then self.Arch:SetParent(this.NxMap.TextScFrm:GetScrollChild()) self.QuestWin:SetParent(this.NxMap.TextScFrm:GetScrollChild()) self.Arch:Show() self.QuestWin:Hide() end end function Nx.Map:OnMouseDown (button) local map = self.NxMap --V4 this local this = map.Frm local x, y = GetCursorPosition() x = x / this:GetEffectiveScale() y = y / this:GetEffectiveScale() map:CalcClick() ResetCursor() -- Nx.prt ("Map MouseDown %s %s %s %s %s", button, x, y, rgt, bot) if button == "LeftButton" then --[[ if map["DebugHotspots"] then map.HotspotDebugCurT = nil if map:IsDoubleClick() then map.DebugMapId = map.MapId else map.LClickTime = GetTime() map.Scrolling = true map.ScrollingX = x map.ScrollingY = y map.ScrollingFrm = map.ClickFrm end return end --]] if IsControlKeyDown() and map:CallFunc ("MapButLCtrl") then -- If func does nothing continue elseif IsAltKeyDown() and map:CallFunc ("MapButLAlt") then -- If func does nothing continue elseif IsShiftKeyDown() then map:Ping() else if map:IsDoubleClick() then map:CenterMap() map.DebugMapId = map.MapId else map.LClickTime = GetTime() map.Scrolling = true map.ScrollingX = x map.ScrollingY = y map.ScrollingFrm = map.ClickFrm end end elseif button == "MiddleButton" then if IsControlKeyDown() then map:CallFunc ("MapButMCtrl") elseif IsAltKeyDown() then map:CallFunc ("MapButMAlt") else map:CallFunc ("MapButM") end elseif button == "RightButton" then if IsControlKeyDown() and map:CallFunc ("MapButRCtrl") then elseif IsAltKeyDown() and map:CallFunc ("MapButRAlt") then else map:CallFunc ("MapButR") end elseif button == "Button4" then if IsControlKeyDown() then map:CallFunc ("MapBut4Ctrl") elseif IsAltKeyDown() then map:CallFunc ("MapBut4Alt") else map:CallFunc ("MapBut4") end end end function Nx.Map:CalcClick() local f = self.Frm local x, y = GetCursorPosition() x = x / f:GetEffectiveScale() y = y / f:GetEffectiveScale() self.ClickFrmX = x - f:GetLeft() self.ClickFrmY = f:GetTop() - y end function Nx.Map:IsDoubleClick() if GetTime() - self.LClickTime < .5 then -- Nx.prt ("Map DBL Click") self.LClickTime = 0 return true end end function Nx.Map:OpenMenu() local opts = self:GetOptionsT (self.MapIndex) self.MenuIPlyrFollow:SetChecked (self.CurOpts.NXPlyrFollow) self.MenuIShowWorld:SetChecked (self.CurOpts.NXWorldShow) --PAIDS! self.MenuIMonitorZone:SetChecked (Nx.Com:IsZoneMonitored (self.MapId)) --PAIDE! self.MenuMapId = self.MapId self.Menu:Open() end function Nx.Map:OnMouseUp (button) -- Nx.prt ("Map MouseUp "..tostring (button)) local this = self --V4 local map = this.NxMap map.Scrolling = false end -------- function Nx.Map:ClickZoomIn() self:MouseWheel (1) end function Nx.Map:ClickZoomOut() self:MouseWheel (-1) end function Nx.Map:OnMouseWheel (value) self.NxMap:MouseWheel (value) end function Nx.Map:MouseWheel (value) -- Nx.prt ("Map MouseWheel "..tostring (value)) local map = self local this = map.Frm if map.MMZoomType == 0 and Nx.Util_IsMouseOver (map.MMFrm) then map.MMZoomChanged = true local i = map.GOpts["MapMMDockZoom"] if value < 0 then i = max (i - 1, 0) else i = min (i + 1, 5) end map.GOpts["MapMMDockZoom"] = i return end local x, y = GetCursorPosition() x = x / this:GetEffectiveScale() y = y / this:GetEffectiveScale() local left = this:GetLeft() local rgt = this:GetRight() local top = this:GetTop() local bot = this:GetBottom() local ox = map.MapPosX + (x - left - map.PadX - map.MapW / 2) / map.Scale local oy = map.MapPosY + (top - y - map.TitleH - map.MapH / 2) / map.Scale map.Scale = map:ScrollScale (value) map.StepTime = 10 if map:IsInstanceMap(map:GetRealMapId()) then else map.RealScale = map.Scale end map.MapScale = map.Scale / 10.02 local nx = map.MapPosX + (x - left - map.PadX - map.MapW / 2) / map.Scale local ny = map.MapPosY + (top - y - map.TitleH - map.MapH / 2) / map.Scale map.MapPosX = map.MapPosX + ox - nx map.MapPosY = map.MapPosY + oy - ny end function Nx.Map:ScrollScale (value) local s = self.Scale if value < 0 then value = value * .76923 end return math.max (s + value * s * .3, .015) end function Nx.Map:SetScaleOverTime (steps) local step = steps >= 0 and 1 or -1 for n = 1, abs (steps) do self.Scale = self:ScrollScale (step) end self.StepTime = 10 end -------- -- Update event handler function Nx.Map.OnUpdate (this, elapsed) --V4 this -- if IsControlKeyDown() then return end local Nx = Nx Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("Map OnUpdate") local profileTime = GetTime() local map = this.NxMap local gopts = map.GOpts local Quest = Nx.Quest map.Tick = map.Tick + 1 map.EffScale = this:GetEffectiveScale() map.Size1 = gopts["MapLineThick"] * .75 / map.EffScale Nx.Map:UpdateOptions (map.MapIndex) local winx, winy = Nx.Util_IsMouseOver (this) if not this:IsVisible() or not map.MouseEnabled then winx = nil map.Scrolling = false end if map.MMZoomType == 0 and Nx.Util_IsMouseOver (map.MMFrm) then winx = nil end map.MouseIsOver = winx -- Scroll map with mouse if map.Scrolling then local cx, cy = GetCursorPosition() cx = cx / map.EffScale cy = cy / map.EffScale local x = cx - map.ScrollingX local y = cy - map.ScrollingY --[[ if map["DebugHotspots"] or (map.Debug and IsAltKeyDown()) then if map:OnButScrollDebug (0, 0, x, -y) then x = 0 y = 0 end end --]] if x ~= 0 or y ~= 0 then -- Moved? Cancel double click map.LClickTime = 0 end map.ScrollingX = cx map.ScrollingY = cy local left = this:GetLeft() local top = this:GetTop() local mx = x / map.ScaleDraw local my = y / map.ScaleDraw map.MapPosXDraw = map.MapPosXDraw - mx map.MapPosYDraw = map.MapPosYDraw + my map.MapPosX = map.MapPosXDraw map.MapPosY = map.MapPosYDraw map.Scale = map.ScaleDraw end map:Update (elapsed) -- Title text local title = "" if gopts["MapShowTitleName"] then title = map:IdToName (map.RMapId) -- for n = 1, MAX_BATTLEFIELD_QUEUES do for n = 1, GetMaxBattlefieldID() do -- Patch 4.3 local status, _, instId = GetBattlefieldStatus (n) if status == "active" then title = title .. format (" #%s", instId) break end end end if gopts["MapShowTitleXY"] then if map.DebugFullCoords then title = title .. format (" %4.2f, %4.2f", map.PlyrRZX, map.PlyrRZY) else title = title .. format (" %4.1f, %4.1f", map.PlyrRZX, map.PlyrRZY) end end if map.PlyrSpeed > 0 and gopts["MapShowTitleSpeed"] then local speed = map.PlyrSpeed local sa = Nx.Map.MapWorldInfo[map.MapId].ScaleAdjust if sa then speed = speed * sa end speed = speed / 6.4 * 100 - 100 if abs (speed) < .5 then -- Removes small -0% speed = 0 end title = title..format (" |cffa0a0a0Speed %+.0f%%", speed) -- Nx.prt ("Speed %f %f, Tm %.4f, %.3f %.3f", map.PlyrSpeed, speed, elapsed, map.PlyrX, map.PlyrY) -- DEBUG! end -- title = title..format (" Dir %.1f", map.PlyrDir) local cursorLocStr = "" local cursorLocXY = "" local menuOpened = Nx.Menu:IsAnyOpened() if winx then map.BackgndAlphaTarget = map.BackgndAlphaFull winy = this:GetHeight() - winy if winy >= map.TitleH then local wx, wy = map:FramePosToWorldPos (winx, winy) if not menuOpened then -- local tm = GetTime() map:CheckWorldHotspots (wx, wy) -- Nx.prt ("CheckWorldHotspots Time %s", GetTime() - tm) end local x, y = map:GetZonePos (map.MapId, wx, wy) x = floor (x * 10) / 10 -- Chop fraction to tenths y = floor (y * 10) / 10 local dist = ((wx - map.PlyrX) ^ 2 + (wy - map.PlyrY) ^ 2) ^ .5 * 4.575 cursorLocXY = format ("|cff80b080%.1f %.1f %.0f yds", x, y, dist) cursorLocStr = cursorLocXY local name = UpdateMapHighlight (x / 100, y / 100) if name then cursorLocStr = format ("%s\n|cffafafaf%s", cursorLocStr, name) end end else -- if GameTooltip:IsOwned (map.Win.Frm) and map.TooltipType == 1 then -- Nx.prt ("map TT hide") -- map.TooltipType = 0 -- GameTooltip:Hide() -- end if not map.Scrolling and not menuOpened then map.BackgndAlphaTarget = map.BackgndAlphaFade local rid = map:GetRealMapId() if rid ~= 9000 and not WorldMapFrame:IsShown() then local mapId = map:GetCurrentMapId() if map:IsInstanceMap (rid) then if not Nx.Map.InstanceInfo[rid] then -- Don't convert WotLK/Cata instances rid = Nx.Map.MapWorldInfo[rid].EntryMId end if map:IsInstanceMap(rid) then map.Scale = 120 else map.Scale = map.RealScale end local lvl = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel() if lvl ~= map.InstLevelSet then mapId = 0 -- Force set -- Nx.prt ("map force set inst") end end if mapId ~= rid then if map:IsBattleGroundMap (rid) then SetMapToCurrentZone() else map:SetCurrentMap (rid) end end end end end -- Check quest window if map.Guide.Win.Frm:IsVisible() or Quest.List.Win and Quest.List.Win.Frm:IsVisible() then map.BackgndAlphaTarget = map.BackgndAlphaFull end -- Profiling if map.DebugTime then profileTime = GetTime() - profileTime local t = map.DebugProfileTime or .01 t = t * .95 + profileTime * .05 map.DebugProfileTime = t UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage() local mem = GetAddOnMemoryUsage ("Carbonite") local memdif = mem - (map.DebugMemUse or 0) map.DebugMemUse = mem title = title..format (" Time %.4f Mem %d %.4f", t, mem, memdif) end if GetCVar ("scriptProfile") == "1" then UpdateAddOnCPUUsage() title = title..format (" |cffffffffCPU %6.3f %6.3f", GetAddOnCPUUsage ("CARBONITE"), GetScriptCPUUsage()) ResetCPUUsage() end -- if Nx.Tick % 3 == 0 then -- Do less often, since tip makes garbage local tip = format (" %s", cursorLocStr) if map.Debug and winx then local x, y = map:FramePosToWorldPos (winx, winy) tip = tip .. format ("\n|cffc080a0%.2f WXY %6.2f %6.2f PXY %6.2f %6.2f", map.Scale, x, y, map.PlyrX, map.PlyrY) map.DebugWX = x map.DebugWY = y end local over = winx and not Nx.Util_IsMouseOver (map.ToolBar.Frm) map:SetLocationTip (over and not menuOpened and map.WorldHotspotTipStr and (map.WorldHotspotTipStr .. tip)) end if map.Win:IsSizeMax() then local s = Nx.Quest:GetZoneAchievement (true) if s then title = title .. " " .. s end end map.Win:SetTitle (title, 1) if map.GOpts["MapShowTitle2"] then local s = GetSubZoneText() local pvpType = GetZonePVPInfo() if pvpType then s = s .. " (" .. pvpType .. ")" end map.Win:SetTitle (format ("%s %s", s, cursorLocXY), 2) end Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("Map OnUpdate") end -------- -- Handle mouse click on icon --[[ function Nx.Map:WorldHotspotOnMouseDown (button) -- Nx.prt ("MapWorldHotspotOnMouseDown "..button.." "..(this:GetName() or "?")) local map = this.NxMap map.ClickFrm = this this = map.Frm map:OnMouseDown (button) end --]] -------- -- Handle mouse on icon --[[ function Nx.Map:WorldHotspotOnEnter (motion) local map = this.NxMap if not map.Scrolling then local mapId = this.NxMapId map:SetCurrentMap (mapId) map:IconOnEnter (motion) end end --]] -------- -- Flag for update all map data function Nx.Map:UpdateAll() self.NeedWorldUpdate = true -- Nx.prt ("%d Map UpdateAll %d (%d)", self.Tick, self:GetCurrentMapId(), self.MapId) end -------- -- Update all map data function Nx.Map:NewGetMapInfo() local mapName, textureWidth, textureHeight, isMicroDungeon, microDungeonName = GetMapInfo() if isMicroDungeon and microDungeonName then return microDungeonName, textureWidth, textureHeight, isMicroDungeon, microDungeonName end return mapName, textureWidth, textureHeight, isMicroDungeon end function Nx.Map:UpdateWorld() if self.Debug then Nx.prt ("%d Map UpdateWorld1 %d L%d", self.Tick, self:GetCurrentMapId(), GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel()) end self.NeedWorldUpdate = false local mapId = self:GetCurrentMapId() local winfo = self.MapWorldInfo[mapId] if winfo.MapLevel then if GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel() ~= winfo.MapLevel then -- Wrong level? SetDungeonMapLevel (winfo.MapLevel) end end local i = self:GetExploredOverlayNum() if self.CurWorldUpdateMapId == mapId and i == self.CurWorldUpdateOverlayNum then return end self.CurWorldUpdateMapId = mapId self.CurWorldUpdateOverlayNum = i local mapFileName = self:NewGetMapInfo() if not mapFileName then if GetCurrentMapContinent() == WORLDMAP_COSMIC_ID then mapFileName = "Cosmic" else mapFileName = "World" end end self:UpdateOverlayUnexplored() if self.Debug then Nx.prt ("%d Map UpdateWorld %d", self.Tick, self:GetCurrentMapId()) Nx.prt (" File %s", mapFileName) end Nx.UEvents:UpdateMap (true) if not winfo.NoBackground then local name = winfo.MapBaseName or mapFileName for i = 1, 12 do self.TileFrms[i].texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\WorldMap\\" .. mapFileName .. "\\" .. name .. i) end end end -------- -- Update window fade function Nx.Map:WinUpdateFade (fade) self.ToolBar:SetFade (fade) self.ButAutoScaleOn.Frm:SetAlpha (fade) end -------- -- Update map. Called every tick, make it quick function Nx.Map:Update (elapsed) local Nx = Nx local Map = Nx.Map self:MouseEnable (self.Win:IsSizeMax()) if self.NeedWorldUpdate then self:UpdateWorld() end self.MapW = self.Frm:GetWidth() - self.PadX * 2 self.MapH = self.Frm:GetHeight() - self.TitleH self.Level = self.Frm:GetFrameLevel() + 1 local mapId = self:GetCurrentMapId() self.Cont, self.Zone = self:IdToContZone (mapId) Nx.InSanctuary = GetZonePVPInfo() == "sanctuary" local doSetCurZone local mapChange if self.MapId ~= mapId then if self.Debug then Nx.prt ("%d Map change %d to %d", self.Tick, self.MapId, mapId) end self.CurMapBG = self:IsBattleGroundMap (mapId) if not self:IsBattleGroundMap (self.MapId) then -- self.MapIdOld = self.MapId self:AddOldMap (mapId) end self.MapId = mapId mapChange = true Nx.Com.PlyrChange = GetTime() end local rid = self:GetRealMapId() local inBG = self:IsBattleGroundMap (rid) if Nx.InBG and Nx.InBG ~= rid then -- Left or changed BG? -- Nx.prt ("Left BG %s", Nx.InBG) local cb = Nx.Combat if Nx.InArena then local s = Nx.Map:GetShortName (Nx.InArena) Nx.UEvents:AddInfo (format ("Left %s %d %d %dD %dH", s, cb.KBs, cb.Deaths, cb.DamDone, cb.HealDone)) else local total = cb.KBs + cb.Deaths + cb.HKs + cb.Honor if total > 0 then local sname = Nx.Map:GetShortName (Nx.InBG) Nx.UEvents:AddInfo (format ("Left %s %d %d %d %d", sname, cb.KBs, cb.Deaths, cb.HKs, cb.Honor)) local tm = GetTime() - cb.BGEnterTime local _, honor = GetCurrencyInfo (392) --V4 local hGain = honor - cb.BGEnterHonor Nx.UEvents:AddInfo (format (" %s +%d honor, +%d hour", Nx.Util_GetTimeElapsedMinSecStr (tm), hGain, hGain / tm * 3600)) local xpGain = UnitXP ("player") - cb.BGEnterXP if xpGain > 0 then Nx.UEvents:AddInfo (format (" +%d xp, +%d hour", xpGain, xpGain / tm * 3600)) end end end cb.KBs = 0 cb.Deaths = 0 cb.HKs = 0 cb.Honor = 0 Nx.InBG = nil if Nx.InArena then self.LOpts.NXMMFull = false end Nx.InArena = nil end if inBG and Nx.InBG ~= rid then Nx.InBG = rid local cb = Nx.Combat cb.BGEnterTime = GetTime() local _, honor = GetCurrencyInfo (392) --V4 cb.BGEnterHonor = honor cb.BGEnterXP = UnitXP ("player") if self.MapWorldInfo[rid].Arena then Nx.InArena = rid self.LOpts.NXMMFull = true end -- Nx.prt ("Entering BG %s", rid) doSetCurZone = true end -- Taxi update local ontaxi = UnitOnTaxi ("player") if ontaxi then if not Map.TaxiOn then -- New taxi ride? Map.TaxiStartTime = GetTime() Map.TaxiOn = true if NxData.DebugMap then Nx.prt ("Taxi start") end end elseif Map.TaxiOn then -- Done with taxi Map.TaxiOn = false Map.TaxiX = nil -- Clear so if we pop on a taxi by a unhooked method we don't track old local tm = GetTime() - Map.TaxiStartTime Nx.Travel:TaxiSaveTime (tm) if NxData.DebugMap then Nx.prt ("Taxi time %.1f seconds", tm) end end -- Real map switch if self.RMapId ~= rid then if rid ~= 9000 then -- Nx.prt ("Map zone changed %d, %d", rid, mapId) if self.RMapId == 9000 then -- Loading? self.CurOpts = nil self:SwitchOptions (rid, true) end self.RMapId = rid self:SwitchOptions (rid) self:SwitchRealMap (rid) end self.Scale = self.RealScale end local plZX, plZY = GetPlayerMapPosition ("player") self.InstanceId = false if self:IsInstanceMap (rid) then self.InstanceId = rid plZX = plZX * 100 plZY = plZY * 100 -- self.PlyrInstX = plZX -- self.PlyrInstY = plZY -- Nx.prt ("XY %s %s", plZX, plZY) self.PlyrRZX = plZX self.PlyrRZY = plZY local x, y = self:GetWorldPos (rid, 0, 0) local lvl = max (GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel(), 1) -- 0 if no level if not self.InstMapId then -- Not showing instance? plZX = 0 plZY = 0 elseif plZX == 0 and plZY == 0 then self.InstLevelSet = -1 end self.PlyrX = x + plZX * 1002 / 25600 self.PlyrY = y + plZY * 668 / 25600 + (lvl - 1) * 668 / 256 -- self.InstanceLevel = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel() self.PlyrSpeed = 0 elseif plZX > 0 or plZY > 0 then -- Update world position of player if we can get it plZX = plZX * 100 plZY = plZY * 100 local x, y = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, plZX, plZY) if elapsed > 0 then if x == self.PlyrX and y == self.PlyrY then -- Not moving? self.PlyrSpeedCalcTime = GetTime() self.PlyrSpeed = 0 self.PlyrSpeedX = x self.PlyrSpeedY = y else local tmDif = GetTime() - self.PlyrSpeedCalcTime if tmDif > .5 then self.PlyrSpeedCalcTime = GetTime() self.PlyrSpeed = ((x - self.PlyrSpeedX) ^ 2 + (y - self.PlyrSpeedY) ^ 2) ^ .5 * 4.575 / tmDif self.PlyrSpeedX = x self.PlyrSpeedY = y end end end -- if elapsed > 0 then -- self.PlyrSpeed = ((x - self.PlyrX) ^ 2 + (y - self.PlyrY) ^ 2) ^ .5 * 4.575 / elapsed -- end self.PlyrX = x self.PlyrY = y if mapId ~= rid then -- Not in real zone? plZX, plZY = self:GetZonePos (rid, x, y) end self.PlyrRZX = plZX self.PlyrRZY = plZY if mapChange then self.MoveLastX = x self.MoveLastY = y end end -- Nx.prt ("Dir %s", GetPlayerFacing()) self.PlyrDir = 360 - GetPlayerFacing() / 2 / math.pi * 360 local plX = self.PlyrX local plY = self.PlyrY local x = plX - self.MoveLastX local y = plY - self.MoveLastY local ang = self.PlyrDir - self.PlyrLastDir local moveDist = (x * x + y * y) ^ .5 -- if moveDist > 0 then Nx.prt ("MoveDist %f %f", moveDist, self.BaseScale) end if moveDist >= .01 * self.BaseScale or abs (ang) > .01 then Nx.Com.PlyrChange = GetTime() if self.MoveLastX ~= -1 then self.MoveDir = math.deg (math.atan2 (x, -y / 1.5)) end self.MoveLastX = plX self.MoveLastY = plY -- if not rotOk then -- self.PlyrDir = self.MoveDir -- end self.PlyrLastDir = self.PlyrDir if not self.Scrolling and not self.MouseIsOver and not WorldMapFrame:IsVisible() then if self.CurOpts.NXPlyrFollow then local scOn = self.LOpts.NXAutoScaleOn --self.GOpts["MapFollowChangeScale"] if plZX ~= 0 or plZY ~= 0 then if #self.Tracking == 0 or not scOn then self:Move (plX, plY, nil, 60) end end if scOn then local midX local midY local dtx local dty local cX, cY = GetCorpseMapPosition() if cX ~= 0 or cY ~= 0 then midX, midY = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, cX * 100, cY * 100) dtx = 1 dty = 1 elseif #self.Tracking > 0 then local tr = self.Tracking[1] midX = tr.TargetMX midY = tr.TargetMY dtx = abs (tr.TargetX1 - tr.TargetX2) dty = abs (tr.TargetY1 - tr.TargetY2) elseif Map.TaxiX then midX, midY = self.TaxiX, self.TaxiY dtx = 1 dty = 1 end if midX then local mX = (midX + self.PlyrX) * .5 local mY = (midY + self.PlyrY) * .5 local dx = abs (midX - self.PlyrX) local dy = abs (midY - self.PlyrY) -- Nx.prt ("Map scale target %f %f", dx, dy) dx = self.MapW / dx dy = self.MapH / dy local scale = min (dx, dy) * .5 -- Nx.prt ("Map scales %f %f", dx, dy) -- Nx.prt ("Map scale target %f %f", dtx, dty) dx = self.MapW / dtx dy = self.MapH / dty scale = min (min (dx, dy), scale) -- Smaller of target rect of player to target center local scmax = self.InstanceId and 800 or self.LOpts.NXAutoScaleMax scale = max (min (scale, scmax), self.LOpts.NXAutoScaleMin) self:Move (mX, mY, scale, 60) end end if rid ~= mapId then doSetCurZone = true -- Nx.prt ("Map SetMapToCurrentZone") end end end end -- Adjust draw scale and position local scaleDiff = abs (self.ScaleDraw - self.Scale) local xDiff = self.MapPosXDraw - self.MapPosX local yDiff = self.MapPosYDraw - self.MapPosY if self.StepTime ~= 0 and (scaleDiff > 0 or xDiff ~= 0 or yDiff ~= 0) then -- if (xDiff ~= 0 or yDiff ~= 0) and (self.Tick % 1 == 0) then -- Nx.prt ("Tick %f", self.Tick) if self.StepTime > 0 then -- Nx.prt ("Steptime Go #%d %f", self.Tick, self.StepTime) self.StepTime = -self.StepTime self.ScaleDrawW = 1 / self.ScaleDraw self.ScaleW = 1 / self.Scale end local st = -self.StepTime self.MapPosXDraw = Nx.Util_StepValue (self.MapPosXDraw, self.MapPosX, abs (xDiff) / st) self.MapPosYDraw = Nx.Util_StepValue (self.MapPosYDraw, self.MapPosY, abs (yDiff) / st) self.ScaleDrawW = Nx.Util_StepValue (self.ScaleDrawW, self.ScaleW, abs (self.ScaleDrawW - self.ScaleW) / st) self.ScaleDraw = 1 / self.ScaleDrawW -- Nx.prt ("Map scrl #%d %f %f", self.StepTime, self.MapPosXDraw, self.MapPosX) -- Nx.prt ("Map scrl %f %f", self.OCur, self.OEnd) -- Nx.prt ("Map scrl %f %f", self.ScaleDraw, self.Scale) self.StepTime = self.StepTime + 1 end local _, zx, zy, zw = self:GetWorldZoneInfo (self.Cont, self.Zone) if zx then self.MapScale = self.Scale / 10.02 end -- local plSize = self.GOpts["MapPlyrArrowSize"] if IsShiftKeyDown() then plSize = 5 end self.PlyrFrm:Show() self:ClipFrameW (self.PlyrFrm, self.PlyrX, self.PlyrY, plSize, plSize, self.PlyrDir) self.InCombat = UnitAffectingCombat ("player") local g = 1 local b = 1 local al = 1 if self.InCombat then g = 0 b = 0 al = abs (GetTime() % 1 - .5) / .5 * .5 + .4 end self.PlyrFrm.texture:SetVertexColor (1, g, b, al) -- local str = format ("%s %d %d", UnitName ("player"), UnitHealth ("player"), UnitMana ("player")) -- self.PlyrFrm.NxTip = str -- self.BackgndAlpha = Nx.Util_StepValue (self.BackgndAlpha, self.BackgndAlphaTarget, .05) self.Frm.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, self.BackgndAlpha) self.WorldAlpha = (self.BackgndAlpha - self.BackgndAlphaFade) / (self.BackgndAlphaFull - self.BackgndAlphaFade) * self.BackgndAlphaFull self:ResetIcons() self:MoveContinents() -- self:MoveWorldHotspots() -- if not (IsAltKeyDown() and IsControlKeyDown()) then -- end self:UpdateZones() self:UpdateInstanceMap() self:MinimapUpdate() self:UpdateWorldMap() self:DrawContinentsPOIs() if self.GOpts["MapShowTrail"] then self:UpdatePlyrHistory() end if self.GOpts["MapShowPunks"] then Nx.Social:UpdateIcons (self) end --[[ if self["DebugHotspots"] then self:UpdateHotspotsDebug() end --]] -- Battlefield Vehicles local vtex = _G["VEHICLE_TEXTURES"] for n = 1, GetNumBattlefieldVehicles() do local x, y, unitName, possessed, typ, orientation, player = GetBattlefieldVehicleInfo (n) if x and x > 0 and not player then -- Nx.prtCtrl ("#%s %s %.2f %.2f %.3f %s %s %s", n, unitName or "nil", x or -1, y or -1, orientation or -1, typ or "no type", possessed and "poss" or "-poss", player and "plyr" or "-plyr") if vtex[typ] then local f2 = self:GetIconNI (1) local sc = self.ScaleDraw * .8 -- Airships if typ == "Drive" or typ == "Fly" then sc = 1 end if self:ClipFrameZ (f2, x * 100, y * 100, vtex[typ]["width"] * sc, vtex[typ]["height"] * sc, orientation / PI * -180) then f2.texture:SetTexture (WorldMap_GetVehicleTexture (typ, possessed)) end -- Nx.prtCtrl ("%s %s %s %s", unitName, x, y, orientation) end end end -- POI's (Points of interest) local oldLev = self.Level if IsShiftKeyDown() then oldLev = oldLev - 4 self.Level = self.Level + 16 end local name, description, txIndex, pX, pY local txX1, txX2, txY1, txY2 local poiNum = GetNumMapLandmarks() -- Nx.prt ("poiNum %d", poiNum) for i = 1, poiNum do name, desc, txIndex, pX, pY = GetMapLandmarkInfo (i) if txIndex ~= 0 then -- WotLK has 0 index POIs for named locations local tip = name if desc then tip = format ("%s\n%s", name, desc) end pX = pX * 100 pY = pY * 100 -- Nx.prtCtrl ("poi %d %s %s %d", i, name, desc, txIndex) local f = self:GetIcon (3) if self.CurMapBG then f.NXType = 2000 local iconType = Nx.MapPOITypes[txIndex] local sideStr = "" if iconType == 1 then -- Ally? sideStr = " (Ally)" elseif iconType == 2 then -- Horde? sideStr = " (Horde)" end if desc == NXlINCONFLICT then local state = self.BGTimers[name] if state ~= txIndex then self.BGTimers[name] = txIndex self.BGTimers[name.."#"] = GetTime() end local dur = GetTime() - self.BGTimers[name.."#"] local doneDur = (rid == 9001 or rid == 9009 or rid == 9010) and 64 or 241 local leftDur = max (doneDur - dur, 0) local tmStr if leftDur < 60 then tmStr = format (":%02d", leftDur) else tmStr = format ("%d:%02d", floor (leftDur / 60), floor (leftDur % 60)) end f.NXData = format ("1~%f~%f~%s%s %s", pX, pY, name, sideStr, tmStr) tip = format ("%s\n%s", tip, tmStr) -- Horizontal bar local sz = 30 / self.ScaleDraw local f2 = self:GetIcon (0) self:ClipFrameZTLO (f2, pX, pY, sz, sz, -15, -15) f2.texture:SetTexture (0, 0, 0, .35) f2.NXType = 2000 f2.NxTip = tip f2.NXData = f.NXData local f2 = self:GetIconNI (1) if leftDur < 10 then if self.BGGrowBars then local al = abs (GetTime() % .4 - .2) / .2 * .2 + .8 local f3 = self:GetIconNI (2) self:ClipFrameZTLO (f3, pX, pY, sz * (10 - leftDur) * .1, 3 / self.ScaleDraw, -15, -15) f3.texture:SetTexture (.5, 1, .5, al) local f3 = self:GetIconNI (2) self:ClipFrameZTLO (f3, pX, pY, sz * (10 - leftDur) * .1, 3 / self.ScaleDraw, -15, 12) f3.texture:SetTexture (.5, 1, .5, al) end -- f2.texture:SetTexture (.5, 1, .5, abs (GetTime() % .6 - .3) / .3 * .7 + .3) end local red = .3 local blue = 1 if iconType == 2 then -- Horde? red = 1 blue = .3 end f2.texture:SetTexture (red, .3, blue, abs (GetTime() % 2 - 1) * .5 + .5) local per = leftDur / doneDur local vper = per > .1 and 1 or per * 10 if self.BGGrowBars then per = 1 - per vper = 1 else per = max (per, .1) end self:ClipFrameZTLO (f2, pX, pY, sz * per, sz * vper, -15, -15) else -- No conflict f.NXData = format ("0~%f~%f~%s%s", pX, pY, name, sideStr) self.BGTimers[name] = nil -- Rect local sz = 30 / self.ScaleDraw local f2 = self:GetIcon (0) self:ClipFrameZTLO (f2, pX, pY, sz, sz, -15, -15) -- Nx.prtCtrl ("I %s %s %s", name, txIndex, iconType or "nil") if iconType == 1 then -- Ally? f2.texture:SetTexture (0, 0, 1, .3) -- Nx.prtCtrl ("Blue") elseif iconType == 2 then -- Horde? f2.texture:SetTexture (1, 0, 0, .3) -- Nx.prtCtrl ("Red") else f2.texture:SetTexture (0, 0, 0, .3) end f2.NXType = 2000 f2.NxTip = tip f2.NXData = f.NXData end end f.NxTip = tip self:ClipFrameZ (f, pX, pY, 16, 16, 0) f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\Minimap\\POIIcons") txX1, txX2, txY1, txY2 = GetPOITextureCoords (txIndex) f.texture:SetTexCoord (txX1 + .003, txX2 - .003, txY1 + .003, txY2 - .003) f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, 1) end end self.Level = oldLev + 4 -- Update misc icons (herbs, ore, ...) -- Levels: -- +0 quest areas -- +1 quest area target -- +2-3 com players (++3 if alt key) -- +4 quest icons -- +5 ? Nx.HUD:Update (self) local comTrackName, comTrackX, comTrackY = Nx.Com:UpdateIcons (self) self.Level = self.Level + 2 self.Guide:UpdateZonePOIIcons() Nx.Fav:UpdateIcons() self:UpdateIcons (self.KillShow) self.Level = self.Level - 2 if Nx.Quest.Enabled then Nx.Quest:UpdateIcons (self) end self.Level = self.Level + 7 -- Test -- for n = 0, 100 do -- local f = self:GetIcon() -- f.texture:SetTexture (1, 1, .5, 1) -- self:ClipFrameZ (f, n, 50, 2, 2) -- end -- Battlefield flags local fX, fY, fToken local flagNum = GetNumBattlefieldFlagPositions() for i = 1, flagNum do fX, fY, fToken = GetBattlefieldFlagPosition (i) if fX ~= 0 or fY ~= 0 then local f = self:GetIconNI() f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\WorldStateFrame\\"..fToken) self:ClipFrameZ (f, fX * 100, fY * 100, 36, 36, 0) end end self.Level = self.Level + 1 -- Raid or party icons (AKA group) local palName, palX, palY = self:UpdateGroup (plX, plY) -- Tracking animation if self.PlyrSpeed == 0 then -- self.ArrowPulse = self.ArrowPulse + .05 -- if self.ArrowPulse > cnt then -- self.ArrowPulse = 1 -- end self.ArrowScroll = self.ArrowScroll + .01 if self.ArrowScroll >= 1 then self.ArrowScroll = 0 end end -- Corpse or target tracking self.TrackDir = false self.Guide:OnMapUpdate() -- For closest target if #self.Targets > 0 then self:UpdateTargets() self:UpdateTracking() self.Level = self.Level + 2 end self.TrackETA = false local cX, cY = GetCorpseMapPosition() if (cX > 0 or cY > 0) and not inBG then -- We dead, but not in BG? if self.GOpts["HUDATCorpse"] then self.TrackName = "Corpse" local x, y = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, cX * 100, cY * 100) self:DrawTracking (plX, plY, x, y, false, "D") local f = self:GetIcon (1) f.NxTip = "Your corpse" f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\Minimap\\POIIcons") self:ClipFrameZ (f, cX * 100, cY * 100, 16, 16, 0) -- Override clipping (FIX maybe?) f.texture:SetTexCoord (.502, .5605, 0, .0605) -- 16x16 grid (.0625 uv size) self.Level = self.Level + 2 end elseif ontaxi and Map.TaxiX then if self.GOpts["HUDATTaxi"] then self.TrackName = Map.TaxiName self.TrackETA = Map.TaxiETA local x, y = self.TaxiX, self.TaxiY self:DrawTracking (plX, plY, x, y, false, "F") -- Nx.prt ("taxi %s %s", x, y) local f = self:GetIcon (1) f.NxTip = Map.TaxiName f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Mount_Wyvern_01") self:ClipFrameW (f, x, y, 16, 16, 0) self.Level = self.Level + 2 end end -- Battle ground or manual pal tracking if (palX or comTrackX) and (inBG or next (self.TrackPlyrs)) then if palX then self.TrackName = palName self:DrawTracking (plX, plY, palX, palY, false, "B") else self.TrackName = comTrackName self:DrawTracking (plX, plY, comTrackX, comTrackY, false) end self.Level = self.Level + 2 end -- Set final levels self.TextScFrm:SetFrameLevel (self.Level) self.PlyrFrm:SetFrameLevel (self.Level + 1) self.ToolBar:SetLevels (self.Level + 2) self.Level = self.Level + 3 self:MinimapUpdateEnd() -- Uses 2 levels self.LocTipFrm:SetFrameLevel (self.Level + 2) -- Hide leftovers self:HideExtraIcons() -- Scan. Switch maps if needed. Do at end so we dont glitch if Nx.Tick % self.ScanContinentsMod == 3 then self:ScanContinents() end if doSetCurZone then self:SetToCurrentZone() end -- Debug --[[ Nx.prt ("Map WPos %s ZPos %s WScale %s", self.GetWorldPosCnt or 0, self.GetZonePosCnt or 0, self.GetWorldZoneScaleCnt or 0) self.GetWorldPosCnt = 0 self.GetZonePosCnt = 0 self.GetWorldZoneScaleCnt = 0 --]] end -------- -- Switch to a new map -- self = map function Nx.Map:SwitchRealMap (id) if self:IsInstanceMap (id) then self:SetInstanceMap (id) -- Turn it on else self:SetInstanceMap() -- Turn it off end if self.GOpts["MapMMInstanceTogFullSize"] then self.LOpts.NXMMFull = false if self:IsInstanceMap (id) then self.LOpts.NXMMFull = true end else if self:IsInstanceMap(id) then s = self.Scale self.Scale = 120.0 else self.Scale = self.RealScale end end end -------- function Nx.Map:SetInstanceMap (mapId) self.InstMapId = nil if not mapId then return end local Map = Nx.Map local info = Map.InstanceInfo[mapId] local sizex, sizey = 1002, 668 self.InstMapAtlas = nil if not info and _G["AtlasMaps"] then info = Map.AtlasInstanceInfo[mapId] sizex, sizey = 668, 668 self.InstMapAtlas = true end if info then self:SetCurrentMap (mapId) self.InstMapId = mapId self.InstMapInfo = info local winfo = Map.MapWorldInfo[mapId] local wx = winfo[2] local wy = winfo[3] -- wx = wx - info[1] * 4 -- wy = wy - info[2] * 4 self.InstMapWX1 = wx self.InstMapWY1 = wy self.InstMapWX2 = wx + sizex / 256 self.InstMapWY2 = wy + sizey / 256 * #info / 3 end end -------- -- Scan the continents for POI data function Nx.Map:ScanContinents() Nx.Map.ScanContinentsMod = 500 local oldCont = GetCurrentMapContinent() if oldCont < 0 then return end local oldZone = GetCurrentMapZone() local mapLvl = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel() -- Nx.prt ("ScanContinents cont zone, %s %s", oldCont, oldZone) -- WatchFrame:UnregisterEvent ("WORLD_MAP_UPDATE") local hideT = {} hideT[0] = true -- WotLK has 0 index POIs for named locations hideT[6] = not self.GOpts["MapShowCCity"] hideT[41] = not self.GOpts["MapShowCExtra"] hideT[5] = not self.GOpts["MapShowCTown"] for cont = 1, self.ContCnt do local poiT = {} self.ContPOIs[cont] = poiT SetMapZoom (cont) local mapId = cont * 1000 local name, description, txIndex, pX, pY local txX1, txX2, txY1, txY2 local poiNum = GetNumMapLandmarks() -- Nx.prt ("poiNum %d", poiNum) for n = 1, poiNum do name, desc, txIndex, pX, pY = GetMapLandmarkInfo (n) if name and not hideT[txIndex] then local poi = {} tinsert (poiT, poi) poi.Name = name poi.Desc = desc poi.TxIndex = txIndex local x, y = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, pX * 100, pY * 100) poi.WX = x poi.WY = y end end end -- --[[ local members = MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS local unitName = "party" local raid if IsInRaid() > 0 then members = MAX_RAID_MEMBERS unitName = "raid" raid = true end local pals = Nx.Com.PalNames local palName local palDist = 99999999 local palX, palY local combatName local combatUnit local combatHealth local combatDist = 99999999 local combatX, combatY local palsInfo = Nx.Com.PalsInfo for i = 1, members do local unit = unitName .. i local name, unitRealm = UnitName (unit) local mapId = self.MapId local pX, pY = GetPlayerMapPosition (unit) if pX <= 0 and pY <= 0 then local info = palsInfo[name] if info and info.EntryMId == mapId then mapId = info.MId pX = info.X + .00001 pY = info.Y end else pX = pX * 100 pY = pY * 100 end if (pX ~= 0 or pY ~= 0) and not UnitIsUnit (unit, "player") then local fullName = unitRealm and (name .. "-" .. unitRealm) or name local wx, wy = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, pX, pY) end end --]] -- Restore SetMapZoom (oldCont, oldZone) SetDungeonMapLevel (mapLvl) WatchFrame:RegisterEvent ("WORLD_MAP_UPDATE") end -------- -- Draw the continents POI data function Nx.Map:DrawContinentsPOIs() if self.ScaleDraw > self.LOpts.NXPOIAtScale then if not Nx.CharOpts["MapShowGatherA"] then return end end local getCoords = GetPOITextureCoords for cont = 1, self.ContCnt do for k, poi in ipairs (self.ContPOIs[cont]) do local txi = poi.TxIndex local z = txi == 177 and 13 or 3 local f = self:GetIcon (z) if self:ClipFrameW (f, poi.WX, poi.WY, 16, 16, 0) then f.NxTip = poi.Name --.. poi.TxIndex -- 1 2 -- 4 3 local t1x, t1y, t4x, t4y, t2x = f.texture:GetTexCoord() f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\Minimap\\POIIcons") local txX1, txX2, txY1, txY2 = getCoords (txi) -- f.texture:SetTexCoord (txX1 + .003, txX2 - .003, txY1 + .003, txY2 - .003) local x = txX1 + .003 local y = txY1 + .003 local w = txX2 - .003 - x local h = txY2 - .003 - y f.texture:SetTexCoord (x + w * t1x, x + w * t2x, y + h * t1y, y + h * t4y) -- Nx.prtCtrl ("%s %s %s %s %s %s", t1x, t1y, t4x, t4y, t2x, t2y) end end end self.Level = self.Level + 1 end -------- -- Draw group (raid or party) -- (player world pos) function Nx.Map:UpdateGroup (plX, plY) local alt = IsAltKeyDown() local redGlow = abs (GetTime() * 400 % 200 - 100) / 200 + .5 local members = MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS local unitName = "party" local raid if IsInRaid() then members = MAX_RAID_MEMBERS unitName = "raid" raid = true end local pals = Nx.Com.PalNames local palName local palDist = 99999999 local palX, palY local combatName local combatUnit local combatHealth local combatDist = 99999999 local combatX, combatY local palsInfo = Nx.Com.PalsInfo for i = 1, members do local unit = unitName .. i local name, unitRealm = UnitName (unit) local mapId = self.MapId local pX, pY = GetPlayerMapPosition (unit) if pX <= 0 and pY <= 0 then local info = palsInfo[name] if info and info.EntryMId == mapId then mapId = info.MId pX = info.X + .00001 pY = info.Y end else pX = pX * 100 pY = pY * 100 end if (pX ~= 0 or pY ~= 0) and not UnitIsUnit (unit, "player") then local fullName = unitRealm and #unitRealm > 0 and (name .. "-" .. unitRealm) or name local wx, wy = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, pX, pY) local sz = 16 * self.DotRaidScale if UnitInParty (unit) then sz = 18 * self.DotPartyScale end local cls = UnitClass (unit) or "" local inCombat --PAIDS! inCombat = UnitAffectingCombat (unit) --PAIDE! local h = UnitHealth (unit) if UnitIsDeadOrGhost (unit) then h = 0 end local m = UnitHealthMax (unit) local per = min (h / m, 1) -- Can overflow? if per > 0 then if pals[name] ~= nil or self.TrackPlyrs[name] then -- Nx.prtCtrl ("Pal %s", name) sz = 20 * self.DotPalScale if self.TrackPlyrs[name] then sz = 25 * self.DotPalScale end local dist = (plX - wx) ^ 2 + (plY - wy) ^ 2 if dist < palDist then palName = name palDist = dist palX, palY = wx, wy -- Nx.prtCtrl ("Pal %s %s", name, dist) end end if inCombat then local dist = (plX - wx) ^ 2 + (plY - wy) ^ 2 if dist < combatDist then combatName = name combatUnit = unit combatHealth = per combatDist = dist combatX, combatY = wx, wy end end end local f1 = self:GetIcon (1) if self:ClipFrameW (f1, wx, wy, sz, sz, 0) then f1.NXType = 1000 f1.NXData = unit f1.NXData2 = fullName local inactive for n = 1, MAX_TARGET_DEBUFFS do if UnitDebuff (unit, n) == "Inactive" then inactive = true per = 0 break end end local txName = "IconPlyrP" if pals[name] == false then txName = "IconPlyrF" elseif pals[name] == true then txName = "IconPlyrG" end if inCombat then txName = txName.."C" end f1.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\"..txName) -- Nx.prt ("#%d %.1f %.1f", i, pX, pY) -- Show health local tStr = "" --PAIDS! f = self:GetIconNI (2) if per > .33 then -- Horizontal bar at top left local sc = self.ScaleDraw self:ClipFrameTL (f, wx - 9 / sc, wy - 10 / sc, 16 * per / sc, 1 / sc) -- self:ClipFrameZTLO (f, pX, pY, 12 * per / self.ScaleDraw, .9 / self.ScaleDraw, -7, -7) f.texture:SetTexture (1, 1, 1, 1) else self:ClipFrameW (f, wx, wy, 7, 7, 0) -- self:ClipFrameZ (f, pX, pY, 7, 7, 0) if per > 0 then f.texture:SetTexture (1, .1, .1, 1 - per * 2) else if inactive then f.texture:SetTexture (1, 0, 1, .7) -- Punk else f.texture:SetTexture (0, 0, 0, .5) -- Dead end end end -- Show target info local unitTarget = unit.."target" local tName = UnitName (unitTarget) local tEnPlayer if tName then local tLvl = UnitLevel (unitTarget) local tCls = UnitClass (unitTarget) or "" if tName == tCls then tCls = "" end local th = UnitHealth (unitTarget) if UnitIsDeadOrGhost (unitTarget) then th = 0 end local tm = max (UnitHealthMax (unitTarget), 1) local per = min (th / tm, 1) -- Nx.prt ("H %d", th) local f = self:GetIconNI (2) local sc = self.ScaleDraw if UnitIsFriend ("player", unitTarget) then -- Horizontal green bar self:ClipFrameTL (f, wx - 9 / sc, wy - 2 / sc, 16 * per / sc, 1 / sc) f.texture:SetTexture (0, 1, 0, 1) tStr = format ("\n|cff80ff80%s %d %s %d", tName, tLvl, tCls, th) if not UnitIsPlayer (unitTarget) then -- NPC? tStr = tStr .. "%" end else self:ClipFrameTL (f, wx - 9 / sc, wy - 9 / sc, 1 / sc, 15 * per / sc) if UnitIsPlayer (unitTarget) then tEnPlayer = true tStr = format ("\n|cffff4040%s %d %s %d%%", tName, tLvl, tCls, th) f.texture:SetTexture (redGlow, .1, 0, 1) elseif UnitIsEnemy ("player", unitTarget) then tStr = format ("\n|cffffff40%s %d %s %d%%", tName, tLvl, tCls, th) if Nx:UnitIsPlusMob (unitTarget) then f.texture:SetTexture (1, .4, 1, 1) else f.texture:SetTexture (1, 1, 0, 1) end else tStr = format ("\n|cffc0c0ff%s %d %s %d%%", tName, tLvl, tCls, th) f.texture:SetTexture (.7, .7, 1, 1) end end end --PAIDE! local lvl = UnitLevel (unit) local qStr = Nx.Com:GetPlyrQStr (name) if raid then local name, rank, grp = GetRaidRosterInfo (i) cls = cls .. " G" .. grp end f1.NxTip = format ("%s %d %s %d%%\n(%d,%d) %s %s%s", fullName, lvl, cls, per * 100, pX, pY, inactive and "Inactive" or "", tStr, qStr or "") if alt then -- tStr has \n local s = tEnPlayer and (name .. tStr) or name local txt = self:GetText (s) self:MoveTextToIcon (txt, f1, 15, 1) end end end end self.Level = self.Level + 3 if palName and self.GOpts["HUDATBGPal"] then if not combatName or combatDist > palDist then self.TrackPlayer = palName return palName, palX, palY end end if combatName then if not self.InCombat or combatDist > 35 then self.TrackPlayer = combatName return format ("Combat, %s %d%%", combatName, combatHealth * 100), combatX, combatY end end end -------- -- Draw player position history function Nx.Map:UpdatePlyrHistory() local Map = Nx.Map -- Use global map local hist = Map.PlyrHist local tm = GetTime() local scale = self.BaseScale local x = hist.LastX - self.MoveLastX local y = hist.LastY - self.MoveLastY local moveDist = (x * x + y * y) ^ .5 if moveDist > self.GOpts["MapTrailDist"] * scale then hist.LastX = self.MoveLastX hist.LastY = self.MoveLastY hist.Time = tm local next = hist.Next local o = next * 4 - 3 hist[o] = GetTime() hist[o + 1] = self.PlyrX hist[o + 2] = self.PlyrY hist[o + 3] = self.PlyrDir if next >= hist.Cnt then next = 0 end hist.Next = next + 1 end local size = min (max (4 * self.ScaleDraw * self.BaseScale, 3), 25) local fadeTime = self.GOpts["MapTrailTime"] for n = 1, hist.Cnt * 4, 4 do local secs = hist[n] local tmdif = tm - secs if tmdif < fadeTime then local x = hist[n + 1] local y = hist[n + 2] local dir = hist[n + 3] local f = self:GetIconNI() if self:ClipFrameW (f, x, y, size, size, dir) then f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\IconCircleFade") local a = (fadeTime - tmdif) / fadeTime * .9 f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 0, 0, a) -- f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\Minimap\\MinimapArrow") -- self:ClipFrameW (f, x, y, 16, 16, dir) -- f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, .3) end end end end -------- -- Targets function Nx.Map:UpdateTargets() local delay = self.UpdateTargetDelay if delay > 0 then self.UpdateTargetDelay = delay - 1 return end local tar = self.Targets[1] local x = tar.TargetMX - self.PlyrX local y = tar.TargetMY - self.PlyrY local distYd = (x * x + y * y) ^ .5 * 4.575 if distYd < (tar.Radius or 7) * self.BaseScale then if tar.TargetType ~= "Q" then -- Not for quest, so clear self.UpdateTargetDelay = 20 self.UpdateTrackingDelay = 0 -- Nx.prtVar ("", self.Targets[1]) tremove (self.Targets, 1) if #self.Targets > 0 and self.GOpts["RouteRecycle"] then tinsert (self.Targets, tar) end if self.GOpts["HUDTSoundOn"] then Nx:PlaySoundFile ("sound\\interface\\magicclick.wav") end UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage ("Target " .. tar.TargetName .. " reached", 1, 1, 1, 1) self.Guide:ClearAll() if tar.RadiusFunc then -- Nx.prt ("Target radius func") tar.RadiusFunc ("distance", tar.UniqueId, tar.Radius, distYd, distYd) tar.RadiusFunc = nil end end end end function Nx.Map:UpdateTracking() local delay = self.UpdateTrackingDelay - 1 if delay <= 0 then self:CalcTracking() delay = 45 end self.UpdateTrackingDelay = delay -- self.Level = self.Level + 2 local dist1 local dir1 local srcX = self.PlyrX local srcY = self.PlyrY for n = 1, #self.Tracking do local tr = self.Tracking[n] self:DrawTracking (srcX, srcY, tr.TargetMX, tr.TargetMY, tr.TargetTex, tr.Mode, tr.TargetName) if n == 1 then self.TrackName = tr.TargetName dist1 = self.TrackDistYd dir1 = self.TrackDir end srcX = tr.TargetMX srcY = tr.TargetMY end self.TrackDistYd = dist1 self.TrackDir = dir1 end function Nx.Map:CalcTracking() Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("Map Tracking") local Travel = Nx.Travel local tr = {} self.Tracking = tr local srcX = self.PlyrX local srcY = self.PlyrY local srcMapId = self.RMapId for n, tar in ipairs (self.Targets) do Travel:MakePath (tr, srcMapId, srcX, srcY, tar.MapId, tar.TargetMX, tar.TargetMY, tar.TargetType) tinsert (tr, tar) srcX = tar.TargetMX srcY = tar.TargetMY srcMapId = tar.MapId end Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("Map Tracking") end -------- -- Draw a tracking cursor and lines function Nx.Map:DrawTracking (srcX, srcY, dstX, dstY, tex, mode, name) local x = dstX - srcX local y = dstY - srcY local dist = (x * x + y * y) ^ .5 self.TrackDistYd = dist * 4.575 if tex ~= false then local f = self:GetIcon (1) local size = 16 * self.IconNavScale self:ClipFrameW (f, dstX, dstY, size, size, 0) local s = name or self.TrackName f.NxTip = format ("%s\n%d yds", s, dist * 4.575) f.texture:SetTexture (tex or "Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\IconWayTarget") end self.TrackDir = false if 1 then local dir = math.deg (math.atan2 (y, x)) + 90 self.TrackDir = dir local sx = self.ScaleDraw local sy = self.ScaleDraw / 1.5 x = x * sx y = y * sy -- Offset toward target -- local off = 1 / sqrt (x * x + y * y) -- local xo = x * off -- local yo = y * off local cnt = (x * x + y * y) ^ .5 / 15 / self.IconNavScale if cnt < 5 then cnt = cnt + .5 end cnt = min (floor (cnt), 40) if cnt >= 1 then local dx = x / cnt local dy = y / cnt local offset = self.ArrowScroll x = dx * offset y = dy * offset local size = 16 * self.IconNavScale -- local pulse = floor (self.ArrowPulse) local usedIcon = true local f for n = 1, cnt do local wx = srcX + x / sx local wy = srcY + y / sy --[[ -- Needed if we use an offset if n >= cnt then if sqrt ((wx - srcX) ^ 2 + (wy - plY) ^ 2) > dist then Nx.prt ("Target arrow") break end end --]] if usedIcon then usedIcon = false f = self:GetIconNI() end if self:ClipFrameW (f, wx, wy, size, size, dir) then f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\IconArrowGrad") -- local a = n == pulse and .8 or .2 -- f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, a) if mode == "B" then f.texture:SetVertexColor (.7, .7, 1, .5) elseif mode == "F" then f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 0, .9) elseif mode == "D" then f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 0, 0, 1) end usedIcon = true end x = x + dx y = y + dy end end end end -------- -- Move continent frames function Nx.Map:MoveContinents() if self.CurOpts.NXWorldShow then for contN = 1, Nx.Map.ContCnt do local lvl = contN <= 2 and self.Level or self.Level + 1 self:MoveZoneTiles (contN, 0, self.ContFrms[contN], self.WorldAlpha, lvl) end local f = self.ContFillFrm if f then if Nx.V30 then self:ClipFrameTL (f, 1600, -1600, 1500, 4400, 0) else self:ClipFrameTL (f, 1600, -1900, 1500, 4650, 0) end f:SetFrameLevel (self.Level + 1) f:SetAlpha (self.WorldAlpha) end --[[ -- Map cap local frms, frm frms = self.ContFrms[self.Cont or 1] for i = 1, 12 do frm = frms[i] if frm then frm.texture:SetVertexColor (0, 0, 0, 1) end end --]] self.Level = self.Level + 2 else local frms, frm for contN = 1, Nx.Map.ContCnt do frms = self.ContFrms[contN] for i = 1, 12 do frm = frms[i] if frm then frm:Hide() end end end if self.ContFillFrm then self.ContFillFrm:Hide() end end end -------- -- Check world zone hotspots function Nx.Map:CheckWorldHotspots (wx, wy) if self.InstMapId then if wx >= self.InstMapWX1 and wx <= self.InstMapWX2 and wy >= self.InstMapWY1 and wy <= self.InstMapWY2 then local lvl = floor ((wy - self.InstMapWY1) / 668 * 256) + 1 if self.InstMapId ~= self.MapId then -- Nx.prt ("Hit Inst %s, lvl %s", self.InstMapId, lvl) self:SetCurrentMap (self.InstMapId) end SetDungeonMapLevel (lvl) self.InstLevelSet = -1 self.WorldHotspotTipStr = Nx.MapIdToName[self.InstMapId] .. "\n" return end end local quad1 = self.WorldHotspotsCity local quad2 = self.WorldHotspots if self.NXCitiesUnder then quad1, quad2 = quad2, quad1 end if self:CheckWorldHotspotsType (wx, wy, quad1) then return end if self:CheckWorldHotspotsType (wx, wy, quad2) then return end self.WorldHotspotTipStr = false -- local tt = GameTooltip -- if tt:IsOwned (self.Win.Frm) and self.TooltipType == 1 then -- tt:Hide() -- end end -------- -- Check world zone hotspots type -- This is very fast. No need to make a quad tree function Nx.Map:CheckWorldHotspotsType (wx, wy, quad) for n, spot in ipairs (quad) do if wx >= spot.WX1 and wx <= spot.WX2 and wy >= spot.WY1 and wy <= spot.WY2 then local curId = self:GetCurrentMapId() curId = self.MapWorldInfo[curId].Level1Id or curId if spot.MapId ~= curId then -- Nx.prt ("hotspot %s %s %s %s %s", spot.MapId, spot.WX1, spot.WX2, spot.WY1, spot.WY2) self:SetCurrentMap (spot.MapId) end self.WorldHotspotTipStr = spot.NxTipBase .. "\n" --[[ if false then local tt = GameTooltip local owner = self.Win.Frm owner.NXTip = spot.NxTipBase if not tt:IsVisible() then -- Nx.prt ("hotspot tip") local tippos = "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT" Nx.TooltipOwner = owner self.TooltipType = 1 tt:SetOwner (owner, tippos, 0, 0) Nx:SetTooltipText (owner.NXTip .. Nx.Map.PlyrNamesTipStr) owner["UpdateTooltip"] = Nx.Map.OnUpdateTooltip end end --]] return true end end end -------- -- Called by tooltip -- self = frame --[[ function Nx.Map:OnUpdateTooltip() local map = self.NxMap map:BuildPlyrLists() Nx:SetTooltipText (self.NXTip .. map.TipStr .. Nx.Map.PlyrNamesTipStr) -- Nx.prt ("OnUpdateTooltip %s %s", self.NXTip, map.TipStr) end --]] -------- -- Move world zone hotspot frames --[[ function Nx.Map:MoveWorldHotspots() local clip = self.ClipFrameTL local level = self.Level local alpha = 0 if self.Debug then level = level + 15 alpha = self.BackgndAlpha * .5 end self.Level = self.Level + 2 local cont = self.Cont local zone = self.Zone local _, zx, zy, zw, zh = self:GetWorldZoneInfo (cont, zone) if not zx then return end -- Nx.prt ("Map World XY "..basex.." "..basey) local frms = self.WorldHotFrms frms.UpStart = (frms.UpStart + 1) % 3 for n = frms.UpStart + 1, #frms, 3 do local f = frms[n] if clip (self, f, f.NXWX, f.NXWY, f.NXW, f.NXH) then if self.DebugMap then f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, alpha) end f:SetFrameLevel (level + f.NXLev) f.NxTip = f.NxTipBase .. self.TipStr .. "~T" end end end --]] -------- -- Update function Nx.Map:SetLevelWorldHotspots() --[[ local lvl = self.NXCitiesUnder and -1 or 1 for _, f in ipairs (self.WorldHotFrms) do if f.NXLev ~= 0 then -- A city? f.NXLev = lvl end end --]] end -------- -- Update map zone tiles function Nx.Map:MoveCurZoneTiles (clear) local mapId = self.MapId local wzone = self:GetWorldZone (mapId) if not clear and (not wzone or wzone.City or (wzone.StartZone and self.RMapId == mapId) or self:IsBattleGroundMap (mapId)) then -- Nx.prt ("MoveCurZoneTiles %d", mapId) local alpha = self.BackgndAlpha * (wzone.Alpha or 1) self:MoveZoneTiles (self.Cont, self.Zone, self.TileFrms, alpha, self.Level) self.Level = self.Level + 1 else local frms, frm frms = self.TileFrms for i = 1, 12 do frm = frms[i] if frm then frm:Hide() end end end end -------- -- Hide extra (Dalaran) map zone tiles function Nx.Map:HideExtraZoneTiles() local frms = self.TileFrms frms[4]:Hide() frms[8]:Hide() frms[9]:Hide() frms[12]:Hide() end -------- -- Update map zone tiles (4x3 blocks) function Nx.Map:MoveZoneTiles (cont, zone, frms, alpha, level) local zname, zx, zy, zw, zh = self:GetWorldZoneInfo (cont, zone) if not zx then return end -- Nx.prt ("MapZ %f, %f", zx, zy) local scale = self.ScaleDraw local clipW = self.MapW local clipH = self.MapH local x = (zx - self.MapPosXDraw) * scale + clipW / 2 local y = (zy - self.MapPosYDraw) * scale + clipH / 2 local bx = 0 local by = 0 local bw = zw * 1024 / 1002 / 4 * scale local bh = zh * 768 / 668 / 3 * scale local w, h local texX1, texX2 local texY1, texY2 for i = 1, 12 do local frm = frms[i] if frm then texX1 = 0 texX2 = 1 texY1 = 0 texY2 = 1 local vx0 = bx * bw + x local vx1 = vx0 local vx2 = vx0 + bw if vx1 < 0 then vx1 = 0 texX1 = (vx1 - vx0) / bw end if vx2 > clipW then vx2 = clipW texX2 = (vx2 - vx0) / bw end local vy0 = by * bh + y local vy1 = vy0 local vy2 = vy0 + bh if vy1 < 0 then vy1 = 0 texY1 = (vy1 - vy0) / bh end if vy2 > clipH then vy2 = clipH texY2 = (vy2 - vy0) / bh end w = vx2 - vx1 h = vy2 - vy1 if w <= 0 or h <= 0 then frm:Hide() else frm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", vx1, -vy1 - self.TitleH) frm:SetWidth (w) frm:SetHeight (h) frm:SetFrameLevel (level) frm.texture:SetTexCoord (texX1, texX2, texY1, texY2) frm.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, self.BackgndAlpha) frm:Show() end end bx = bx + 1 if bx >= 4 then bx = 0 by = by + 1 end end end -------- -- Add old map zone to list function Nx.Map:AddOldMap (newMapId) if self.MapId == 0 then -- Happens on startup return end -- Remove any for new zone local off = 1 local dup for n = 1, #self.MapsDrawnOrder do if self.MapsDrawnOrder[off] == newMapId then tremove (self.MapsDrawnOrder, off) dup = true else off = off + 1 end end local drawCnt = self.GOpts["MapZoneDrawCnt"] if not dup then -- Nx.prt ("no dup") local extra = #self.MapsDrawnOrder - drawCnt + 2 for n = 1, extra do tremove (self.MapsDrawnOrder, 1) end end if drawCnt > 1 then self.MapsDrawnFade[self.MapId] = -1 tinsert (self.MapsDrawnOrder, self.MapId) -- Newest at end -- Nx.prt ("Cur map %s", self:GetCurrentMapId()) -- Nx.prtVar ("order", self.MapsDrawnOrder) end end -------- -- Update the zones function Nx.Map:UpdateZones() local mapId = self.MapId local winfo = self.MapWorldInfo[mapId] -- Nx.prt ("UpdateZones %s, %s", mapId, winfo.Name or "nil") local s = self.LOpts.NXDetailScale local freeOrScale = self.ScaleDraw <= s if freeOrScale or winfo.City or (winfo.StartZone and self.RMapId == mapId) or self:IsBattleGroundMap (mapId) then -- if freeOrScale and self.MapIdOld and self.MapIdOld ~= mapId then -- self:UpdateOverlay (id, .8, true) -- end for n, id in ipairs (self.MapsDrawnOrder) do self:UpdateOverlay (id, .8, true) end --[[ if freeOrScale then local abs = abs for id, fade in pairs (self.MapsDrawnFade) do if id ~= mapId then self:UpdateOverlay (id, abs (fade) * .8, true) end if fade > 0 then fade = fade + .1 self.MapsDrawnFade[id] = fade <= 1 and fade or 1 elseif fade < 0 then fade = fade + .1 self.MapsDrawnFade[id] = fade < 0 and fade or nil end end end --]] --[[ if mapId >= 1000 and mapId <= 1999 then for id = 1001, 1024 do if id ~= mapId then self:UpdateOverlay (id, .8) end end elseif mapId >= 2000 and mapId <= 2999 then for id = 2001, 2028 do if id ~= mapId then self:UpdateOverlay (id, .8) end end elseif mapId >= 3000 and mapId <= 3999 then for id = 3001, 3008 do if id ~= mapId then self:UpdateOverlay (id, .8) end end end --]] if winfo.City then -- Nx.prt ("city %s", self.Level) self:UpdateMiniFrames() self:MoveCurZoneTiles() else self:MoveCurZoneTiles() self:UpdateOverlay (mapId, 1) self:UpdateMiniFrames() end else self:MoveCurZoneTiles (true) -- Clear self:UpdateMiniFrames() end end function Nx.Map:GetExploredOverlayNum() -- local overlayNum = GetNumMapOverlays() -- Cartographer makes this return 0 for i = 1, 999 do local txName = GetMapOverlayInfo (i) if not txName then return i end end end function Nx.Map:UpdateOverlayUnexplored() self.CurOverlays = false local txFolder local mapId = self:GetCurrentMapId() local wzone = self:GetWorldZone (mapId) if wzone then if wzone.City then return end txFolder = wzone.Overlay end local overlays if txFolder then overlays = Nx.Map.ZoneOverlays[txFolder] end if not overlays or not self.ShowUnexplored then -- local overlayNum = GetNumMapOverlays() -- Cartographer makes this return 0 -- Nx.prt ("Overlays %s", overlayNum) local s1, s2, file local ol = {} if overlays then for txName, whxyStr in pairs (overlays) do -- Copy overlay table ol[txName] = whxyStr end end overlays = ol for i = 1, 99 do -- Terrokar has 4 overlays with "" for name local txName, txW, txH, oX, oY = GetMapOverlayInfo (i) if not txName then break end local s1, s2, folder, file = strfind (txName, ".+\\.+\\(.+)\\(.+)") if s1 then txFolder = folder file = strlower (file) overlays[file] = format ("%d,%d,%d,%d", oX - 10000, oY, txW, txH) -- Nx.prt (" %s %s", txName, overlays[file]) end end if not txFolder then -- Can happen on log in overlays = false end end self.CurOverlays = overlays self.CurOverlaysTexFolder = txFolder end function Nx.Map:TargetOverlayUnexplored() local mapId = self:GetCurrentMapId() self:ClearTargets() -- Will change current mapid local wzone = self:GetWorldZone (mapId) if wzone and wzone.City then return end local overlays = self.CurOverlays if not overlays then -- Not found? New stuff probably return end for txName, whxyStr in pairs (overlays) do local oX, oY, txW, txH = strsplit (",", whxyStr) oX = tonumber (oX) oY = tonumber (oY) if oX >= 0 then txW = tonumber (txW) txH = tonumber (txH) if txW == 512 then txW = txW * .75 end if txH == 512 then txH = txH * .75 end -- Nx.prt ("%s %s %s %s %s", txName, oX, oY, txW, txH) local x, y = (oX + txW / 2) / 1002 * 100, (oY + txH / 2) / 668 * 100 -- local wx, wy = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, (oX) / 1002 * 100, (oY) / 668 * 100) self:SetTargetXY (mapId, x, y, "Explore", true) end end end -------- -- Update the overlays function Nx.Map:UpdateOverlay (mapId, bright, noUnexplored) local wzone = self:GetWorldZone (mapId) if wzone and wzone.City then return end local txFolder = wzone and wzone.Overlay or "" local overlays = Nx.Map.ZoneOverlays[txFolder] local unex if not noUnexplored and (not overlays or not self.ShowUnexplored) then if not (wzone and wzone.Explored) then unex = true end overlays = self.CurOverlays txFolder = self.CurOverlaysTexFolder end if not overlays then -- Not found? New stuff probably return end local bW, bH local txIndex local txPixelW, txFileW, txPixelH, txFileH local path = "Interface\\Worldmap\\" .. txFolder .. "\\" local alpha = self.BackgndAlpha local unExAl = self.LOpts.NXUnexploredAlpha local zscale = self:GetWorldZoneScale (mapId) / 10 for txName, whxyStr in pairs (overlays) do local lev = 0 local brt = bright txName = path .. txName local oX, oY, txW, txH, mode = strsplit (",", whxyStr) txW = tonumber (txW) txH = tonumber (txH) oX = tonumber (oX) oY = tonumber (oY) if unex then -- Dimming unexplored? if oX < 0 then oX = oX + 10000 -- Fix explored x else brt = unExAl -- Dim lev = 1 end end -- if self.Debug then -- Nx.prt ("%d %f %f", i, oX, oY) -- end bW = ceil (txW / 256) bH = ceil (txH / 256) txIndex = 1 for bY = 0, bH - 1 do if bY < bH - 1 then txPixelH = 256 txFileH = 256 else txPixelH = mod (txH, 256) if txPixelH == 0 then txPixelH = 256 end txFileH = 16 while txFileH < txPixelH do txFileH = txFileH * 2 end end for bX = 0, bW - 1 do if bX < bW - 1 then txPixelW = 256 txFileW = 256 else txPixelW = mod (txW, 256) if txPixelW == 0 then txPixelW = 256 end txFileW = 16 while txFileW < txPixelW do txFileW = txFileW * 2 end end local f = self:GetIconNI (lev) local wx, wy = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, (oX + bX * 256) / 1002 * 100, (oY + bY * 256) / 668 * 100) if self:ClipFrameTL (f, wx, wy, txFileW * zscale, txFileH * zscale) then -- if IsShiftKeyDown() then -- f.texture:SetTexture (1, 0, 0) -- end --[[ if IsAltKeyDown() then -- DEBUG! alpha = .2 end --]] f.texture:SetTexture (mode and txName or txName .. txIndex) f.texture:SetVertexColor (brt, brt, brt, alpha) -- if IsControlKeyDown() then -- Nx.prt ("Overlay %s, %s, %s %s", txName, txIndex, oX, oY) -- end --[[ -- Map cap if bright < 1 then f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, 1) -- SetDesaturation (f.texture, 1) end --]] end txIndex = txIndex + 1 end end end self.Level = self.Level + 2 end -------- -- Update frames for mini map texture layer (detail layer) function Nx.Map:UpdateMiniFrames() --[[ SaveView (5) -- local x = GetCVar ("cameraYawD") -- local y = GetCVar ("cameraPitchD") -- local isLook = IsMouselooking() -- Nx.prtCtrl ("Cam %s %s %s", x, y, isLook or "nil") local vartest = { "cameraYaw", "cameraYawA", "cameraYawB", "cameraYawC", "cameraYawD", } for k, name in pairs (vartest) do Nx.prtCtrl ("Cam %s %s", name, GetCVar (name) or "nil") end --]] local Map = Nx.Map local mapId = self.MapId local winfo = self.MapWorldInfo[mapId] local opts = self.LOpts local alphaRange = opts.NXDetailScale * .35 local s = opts.NXDetailScale - alphaRange -- s = .1 -- or winfo.City if self.ScaleDraw <= s or opts.NXDetailAlpha <= 0 or self:IsBattleGroundMap (mapId) then self:HideMiniFrames() return end local alphaPer = min ((self.ScaleDraw - s) / alphaRange, 1) -- Nx.prt ("alpha %s", alphaPer) -- local cont = self.Cont -- local zname, zx, zy local miniT, basex, basey = self:GetMiniInfo (mapId) if not miniT then self:HideMiniFrames() return end local level = self.Level self.Level = self.Level + 1 local f local frmNum = 1 local scale = 256 * 0.416767770014 local size = scale -- size = size - 4 local miniX = floor ((self.MapPosXDraw - basex) / scale - self.MiniBlks / 2 + .5) local miniY = floor ((self.MapPosYDraw - basey) / scale - self.MiniBlks / 2 + .5) -- Nx.prt ("MiniXY %f %f", miniX, miniY) basex = basex + miniX * scale basey = basey + miniY * scale local wx local wy = basey local al = self.BackgndAlpha * opts.NXDetailAlpha * alphaPer for y = miniY, miniY + self.MiniBlks - 1 do wx = basex for x = miniX, miniX + self.MiniBlks - 1 do f = self.MiniFrms[frmNum] local txname = Map:GetMiniBlkName (miniT, x, y) if txname then if self:ClipFrameTL (f, wx, wy, size, size) then f:SetFrameLevel (level) f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, al) -- txname = "Textures\\Minimap\\"..txname f.texture:SetTexture (txname) --[[ -- Nx.prtCtrl ("%s %s, %s", x, y, txname) local r, r2, r3 = f.texture:SetTexture (txname) --V4 always returns r=1? Nx.prtVar ("mmtex", r) Nx.prtVar ("mmtex2", r2) Nx.prtVar ("mmtex3", r3) if not r then Nx.prtCtrl ("%s %s, %s", x, y, txname) end --]] end else f:Hide() end wx = wx + scale frmNum = frmNum + 1 end wy = wy + scale end end function Nx.Map:HideMiniFrames() for n = 1, self.MiniBlks ^ 2 do self.MiniFrms[n]:Hide() end end -------- -- Update POI --[[ Nx.POITypes = { "Mailbox", "Anvil", "Forge", "Moonwell", "Manaloom" } Nx.POITex = { "Icons\\INV_Letter_15", "Icons\\Trade_BlackSmithing", "Icons\\INV_Sword_09", "Icons\\Spell_Fire_BlueFlameRing", "Icons\\Spell_Fire_BlueFlameRing" } function Nx.Map:UpdateNxPOI() local Map = Nx.Map for poiType, v in pairs (Nx.POI) do local str = Nx.POI[poiType] for n = 1, #str, 5 do local zone = strbyte (str, n) if not zone then break end zone = zone - 35 local x = ((strbyte (str, n + 1) - 35) * 221 + (strbyte (str, n + 2) - 35)) / 100 local y = ((strbyte (str, n + 3) - 35) * 221 + (strbyte (str, n + 4) - 35)) / 100 if self.Debug then -- Nx.prt ("POI #%d %d %d %d", (n+4) / 5, zone, x, y) end local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[tonumber (zone)] if not mapId then -- Nx.prt ("POI #%d %d %d %d", (n+4) / 5, zone, x, y) else x, y = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local f = self:GetIcon() if self:ClipFrameW (f, x, y, 16, 16, 0) then f.NxTip = format ("%s", Nx.POITypes[poiType]) f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\" .. Nx.POITex[poiType]) end end end end end --]] -------- -- --[[ function Nx.Map:DrawZoneRect (mapId, x, y, w, h, tip) mapId = mapId or self.MapId local wx, wy = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local scale = self:GetWorldZoneScale (mapId) / 10.02 local f = map:GetIcon() if self:ClipFrameTL (f, wx, wy, w * scale, h * scale) then f.NxTip = tip f.texture:SetTexture (r, g, b, .5) end end --]] -------- -- Zone clip a frame to the map and set position, size and texture coords -- XY is center. Width and height are not scaled function Nx.Map:ClipFrameZ (frm, x, y, w, h, dir) x, y = self:GetWorldPos (self.MapId, x, y) return self:ClipFrameW (frm, x, y, w, h, dir) end -------- -- Zone clip a frame to the map and set position (top left), size and texture coords -- Width and height are scaled function Nx.Map:ClipFrameZTL (frm, x, y, w, h) x, y = self:GetWorldPos (self.MapId, x, y) return self:ClipFrameTL (frm, x, y, w, h) end -------- -- Zone clip a frame (top left with offset) -- Width and height are scaled function Nx.Map:ClipFrameZTLO (frm, x, y, w, h, xo, yo) x, y = self:GetWorldPos (self.MapId, x, y) return self:ClipFrameTL (frm, x + xo / self.ScaleDraw, y + yo / self.ScaleDraw, w, h) end -------- -- Clip a frame to the map and set position, size and texture coords -- XY is center. Width and height are not scaled function Nx.Map:ClipFrameW (frm, bx, by, w, h, dir) -- Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("Map ClipFrameW", true) -- Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("Map ClipFrameW") local scale = self.ScaleDraw -- Calc x local bw = w local clipW = self.MapW local x = (bx - self.MapPosXDraw) * scale + clipW * .5 local texX1 = 0 local texX2 = 1 local vx0 = x - bw * .5 -- Center frame at bx local vx1 = vx0 local vx2 = vx0 + bw if vx1 < 0 then vx1 = 0 texX1 = (vx1 - vx0) / bw end if vx2 > clipW then vx2 = clipW texX2 = (vx2 - vx0) / bw end w = vx2 - vx1 if w < .3 then -- Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("Map ClipFrameW x", true) -- Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("Map ClipFrameW x") if self.ScrollingFrm ~= frm then frm:Hide() else frm:SetWidth (.001) end return false end -- Calc y local bh = h local clipH = self.MapH local y = (by - self.MapPosYDraw) * scale + clipH * .5 local texY1 = 0 local texY2 = 1 local vy0 = y - bh * .5 -- Center frame at by local vy1 = vy0 local vy2 = vy0 + bh if vy1 < 0 then vy1 = 0 texY1 = (vy1 - vy0) / bh end if vy2 > clipH then vy2 = clipH texY2 = (vy2 - vy0) / bh end h = vy2 - vy1 if h < .3 then -- Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("Map ClipFrameW y", true) -- Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("Map ClipFrameW y") if self.ScrollingFrm ~= frm then frm:Hide() else frm:SetWidth (.001) end return false end -- Set frame frm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", vx1, -vy1 - self.TitleH) frm:SetWidth (w) frm:SetHeight (h) if dir == 0 then frm.texture:SetTexCoord (texX1, texX2, texY1, texY2) else -- 13 UV order -- 24 local t1x, t1y, t2x, t2y, t3x, t3y, t4x, t4y -- Make UV range -.5 to .5 texX1 = texX1 - .5 texX2 = texX2 - .5 texY1 = texY1 - .5 texY2 = texY2 - .5 local co = cos (dir) local si = sin (dir) t1x = texX1 * co + texY1 * si + .5 t1y = texX1 * -si + texY1 * co + .5 t2x = texX1 * co + texY2 * si + .5 t2y = texX1 * -si + texY2 * co + .5 t3x = texX2 * co + texY1 * si + .5 t3y = texX2 * -si + texY1 * co + .5 t4x = texX2 * co + texY2 * si + .5 t4y = texX2 * -si + texY2 * co + .5 frm.texture:SetTexCoord (t1x, t1y, t2x, t2y, t3x, t3y, t4x, t4y) -- Nx.prt (" T1 "..t1x.." "..t1y) -- Nx.prt (" T2 "..t2x.." "..t2y) end frm:Show() return true end -------- -- Clip a frame to the map and set position, size and texture coords -- XY is center. Width and height are not scaled function Nx.Map:ClipFrameWChop (frm, bx, by, w, h) local bw = w local bh = h local clipW = self.MapW local clipH = self.MapH local scale = self.ScaleDraw local x = (bx - self.MapPosXDraw) * scale + clipW / 2 local y = (by - self.MapPosYDraw) * scale + clipH / 2 local texX1 = 0 local texX2 = 1 -- Center frame at bx, by local vx0 = x - bw * .5 local vx1 = vx0 local vx2 = vx0 + bw if vx1 < 0 then vx1 = 0 texX1 = (vx1 - vx0) / bw end if vx2 > clipW then vx2 = clipW texX2 = (vx2 - vx0) / bw end w = vx2 - vx1 if w < .3 then if self.ScrollingFrm ~= frm then frm:Hide() else frm:SetWidth (.001) end return false end local texY1 = 0 local texY2 = 1 local vy0 = y - bh * .5 local vy1 = vy0 local vy2 = vy0 + bh if vy1 < 0 then vy1 = 0 texY1 = (vy1 - vy0) / bh end if vy2 > clipH then vy2 = clipH texY2 = (vy2 - vy0) / bh end h = vy2 - vy1 if h < .3 then if self.ScrollingFrm ~= frm then frm:Hide() else frm:SetWidth (.001) end return false end frm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", vx1, -vy1 - self.TitleH) frm:SetWidth (w) frm:SetHeight (h) frm.texture:SetTexCoord (texX1 * .9 + .05, texX2 * .9 + .05, texY1 * .9 + .05, texY2 * .9 + .05) frm:Show() return true end -------- -- Clip minimap frame to the map and set position, size and texture coords -- XY is center. Width and height are not scaled function Nx.Map:ClipMMW (frm, bx, by, w, h) local scale = self.ScaleDraw -- Each world unit maps to a pixel, so w * scale == size in pixels local bw = w * scale local bh = h * scale local clipW = self.MapW local clipH = self.MapH local x = (bx - self.MapPosXDraw) * scale + clipW * .5 local y = (by - self.MapPosYDraw) * scale + clipH * .5 local vx0 = x - bw * .5 local vx1 = vx0 local vx2 = vx0 + bw if vx1 < 0 or vx2 > clipW then return false end w = vx2 - vx1 if w <= 0 then return false end local vy0 = y - bh * .5 local vy1 = vy0 local vy2 = vy0 + bh if vy1 < 0 or vy2 > clipH then return false end h = vy2 - vy1 if h <= 0 then return false end -- frm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", vx1, -vy1 - self.TitleH) -- frm:SetWidth (w) -- frm:SetHeight (h) local sc = w / 140 self.MMFScale = sc local isc = self.GOpts["MapMMIScale"] self:MinimapSetScale (sc, isc) -- frm:SetScale (sc) frm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", self.Frm, "TOPLEFT", vx1 / isc, (-vy1 - self.TitleH) / isc) frm:Show() return true end -------- -- Clip a frame to the map and set position (top left), size and texture coords -- Width and height are scaled by base (zone) scale function Nx.Map:ClipFrameTL (frm, bx, by, w, h) -- Each world unit maps to a pixel, so w * scale == size in pixels local scale = self.ScaleDraw -- Calc x local bw = w * scale local clipW = self.MapW local x = (bx - self.MapPosXDraw) * scale + clipW * .5 local texX1 = 0 local texX2 = 1 local vx1 = x local vx2 = x + bw if vx1 < 0 then vx1 = 0 texX1 = (vx1 - x) / bw end if vx2 > clipW then vx2 = clipW texX2 = (vx2 - x) / bw end w = vx2 - vx1 if w < .3 then if self.ScrollingFrm ~= frm then frm:Hide() else frm:SetWidth (.001) end return false end -- Calc y local bh = h * scale local clipH = self.MapH local y = (by - self.MapPosYDraw) * scale + clipH * .5 local texY1 = 0 local texY2 = 1 local vy1 = y local vy2 = y + bh if vy1 < 0 then vy1 = 0 texY1 = (vy1 - y) / bh end if vy2 > clipH then vy2 = clipH texY2 = (vy2 - y) / bh end h = vy2 - vy1 if h < .3 then if self.ScrollingFrm ~= frm then frm:Hide() else frm:SetWidth (.001) end return false end frm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", vx1, -vy1 - self.TitleH) if w <= 1.2 then -- Adjust so we get a clean line w = self.Size1 if w <= 0 then frm:SetWidth (.001) return end end if h <= 1.2 then h = self.Size1 if h <= 0 then frm:SetWidth (.001) return end end frm:SetWidth (w) frm:SetHeight (h) frm.texture:SetTexCoord (texX1, texX2, texY1, texY2) frm:Show() return true end -------- -- Clip a frame to the map and set position (top left), size and texture coords -- Width and height are scaled by base (zone) scale -- Solid color texture version function Nx.Map:ClipFrameTLSolid (frm, bx, by, w, h) -- Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("Map ClipFrameTLSolid", true) -- Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("Map ClipFrameTLSolid") -- Each world unit maps to a pixel, so w * scale == size in pixels local scale = self.ScaleDraw -- Calc x local clipW = self.MapW local vx1 = (bx - self.MapPosXDraw) * scale + clipW * .5 local vx2 = vx1 + w * scale if vx1 < 0 then vx1 = 0 end if vx2 > clipW then vx2 = clipW end w = vx2 - vx1 if w < .3 then if self.ScrollingFrm ~= frm then frm:Hide() else frm:SetWidth (.001) end return false end -- Calc y local clipH = self.MapH local vy1 = (by - self.MapPosYDraw) * scale + clipH * .5 local vy2 = vy1 + h * scale if vy1 < 0 then vy1 = 0 end if vy2 > clipH then vy2 = clipH end h = vy2 - vy1 if h < .3 then if self.ScrollingFrm ~= frm then frm:Hide() else frm:SetWidth (.001) end return false end frm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", vx1, -vy1 - self.TitleH) frm:SetWidth (w) frm:SetHeight (h) frm:Show() return true end -------- -- Clip full zone frame to map function Nx.Map:ClipZoneFrm (cont, zone, frm, alpha) local zname, zx, zy, zw, zh zname, zx, zy, zw, zh = self:GetWorldZoneInfo (cont, zone) if not zx then return end local scale = self.ScaleDraw local clipW = self.MapW local clipH = self.MapH local x = (zx - self.MapPosXDraw) * scale + clipW / 2 local y = (zy - self.MapPosYDraw) * scale + clipH / 2 local bx = 0 local by = 0 local bw = zw * scale local bh = zh * scale local w, h local level = self.Level if frm then local vx0 = bx * bw + x local vx1 = vx0 local vx2 = vx0 + bw local vy0 = by * bh + y local vy1 = vy0 local vy2 = vy0 + bh w = vx2 - vx1 h = vy2 - vy1 if w <= 0 or h <= 0 then frm:Hide() else local sc = w / 1002 vx1 = vx1 / sc vy1 = vy1 / sc frm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", vx1, -vy1 - self.TitleH) frm:SetScale (sc) -- frm:SetFrameLevel (level) frm:Show() -- Nx.prt ("ClipZF %f, %f (%s)", vx1, vy1, sc) end end end -------- -- Init a map icon type and set drawing info function Nx.Map:InitIconType (iconType, drawMode, texture, w, h) local d = self.Data local t = wipe (d[iconType] or {}) d[iconType] = t t.Num = 0 t.Enabled = true t.DrawMode = drawMode or "ZP" -- Zone point is default t.Tex = texture t.W = w t.H = h t.Scale = 1 -- USED??? t.ClipFunc = self.ClipFrameW -- For WP mode end -------- -- Clear a map icon type function Nx.Map:ClearIconType (iconType) local d = self.Data d[iconType] = nil end -------- -- Set alpha for an icon type function Nx.Map:SetIconTypeAlpha (iconType, alpha, alphaNear) local d = self.Data assert (d[iconType]) d[iconType].Alpha = alpha d[iconType].AlphaNear = alphaNear end -------- -- Set at scale for an icon type function Nx.Map:SetIconTypeAtScale (iconType, scale) local d = self.Data assert (d[iconType]) d[iconType].AtScale = scale end -------- -- Set level for an icon type function Nx.Map:SetIconTypeLevel (iconType, level) local d = self.Data assert (d[iconType]) d[iconType].Lvl = level end -------- -- Set level for an icon type function Nx.Map:SetIconTypeChop (iconType, on) local d = self.Data assert (d[iconType]) d[iconType].ClipFunc = on and self.ClipFrameWChop or self.ClipFrameW end -------- -- Add point icon to map data -- ret: icon function Nx.Map:AddIconPt (iconType, x, y, color, texture) local d = self.Data assert (d[iconType]) local tdata = d[iconType] tdata.Num = tdata.Num + 1 -- Use # instead?? local icon = {} tdata[tdata.Num] = icon icon.X = x icon.Y = y icon.Color = color icon.Tex = texture assert (tdata.Tex or texture or color) return icon end -------- -- Get icon count function Nx.Map:GetIconCnt (iconType) return #self.Data[iconType] end -------- -- Get point icon XY at index (for routing code) function Nx.Map:GetIconPt (iconType, index) local icon = self.Data[iconType][index] return icon.X, icon.Y end -------- -- Add rectangle icon to map data (zone coords) -- ret: icon function Nx.Map:AddIconRect (iconType, mapId, x, y, x2, y2, color) local d = self.Data assert (d[iconType]) local tdata = d[iconType] tdata.Num = tdata.Num + 1 local icon = {} tdata[tdata.Num] = icon icon.MapId = mapId icon.X = x icon.Y = y icon.X2 = x2 icon.Y2 = y2 icon.Color = color return icon end -------- -- Add icon tool tip function Nx.Map:SetIconTip (icon, tip) icon.Tip = tip end -------- -- Set user data function Nx.Map:SetIconUserData (icon, data) icon.UData = data end -------- -- Set favorite data function Nx.Map:SetIconFavData (icon, data1, data2) icon.FavData1 = data1 icon.FavData2 = data2 end -------- -- Set favorite data function Nx.Map:GetIconFavData (icon) return icon.FavData1, icon.FavData2 end -------- -- Update all icons function Nx.Map:UpdateIcons (drawNonGuide) local c2rgb = Nx.Util_c2rgb local c2rgba = Nx.Util_c2rgba local d = self.Data local wpScale = 1 local wpMin = self.GOpts["MapIconScaleMin"] if wpMin >= 0 then wpScale = self.ScaleDraw * .08 end for type, v in pairs (d) do v.Enabled = drawNonGuide or strbyte (type) == 33 -- "!" is guide types if v.AtScale then if self.ScaleDraw < v.AtScale then v.Enabled = false end end end for k, v in pairs (d) do -- Nx.prt ("UpdateIcons %s %s", k, v.DrawMode) if v.Enabled then if v.DrawMode == "ZP" then -- Zone point local scale = self.IconScale local w = v.W * scale local h = v.H * scale for n = 1, v.Num do local icon = v[n] local f = self:GetIconStatic (v.Lvl) if self:ClipFrameZ (f, icon.X, icon.Y, w, h, 0) then f.NxTip = icon.Tip -- assert (icon.Tex or v.Tex or icon.Color) if icon.Tex then f.texture:SetTexture (icon.Tex) elseif v.Tex then f.texture:SetTexture (v.Tex) else f.texture:SetTexture (c2rgb (icon.Color)) end end end elseif v.DrawMode == "WP" then -- World point local scale = self.IconScale * v.Scale * wpScale local w = max (v.W * scale, wpMin) local h = max (v.H * scale, wpMin) if v.AlphaNear then local aNear = v.AlphaNear * (abs (GetTime() % .7 - .35) / .7 + .5) -- 50% to 100% pulse for n = 1, v.Num do local icon = v[n] local f = self:GetIconStatic (v.Lvl) if v.ClipFunc (self, f, icon.X, icon.Y, w, h, 0) then f.NxTip = icon.Tip f.NXType = 3000 f.NXData = icon if icon.Tex then f.texture:SetTexture (icon.Tex) elseif v.Tex then f.texture:SetTexture (v.Tex) else f.texture:SetTexture (c2rgb (icon.Color)) end local a = v.Alpha local dist = (icon.X - self.PlyrX) ^ 2 + (icon.Y - self.PlyrY) ^ 2 if dist < 306 then -- 80 yards * 4.575 ^ 2 a = aNear -- Nx.prt ("fade %s %s", dist ^ .5, a) end f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, a) end end else for n = 1, v.Num do local icon = v[n] local f = self:GetIconStatic (v.Lvl) if v.ClipFunc (self, f, icon.X, icon.Y, w, h, 0) then f.NxTip = icon.Tip f.NXType = 3000 f.NXData = icon if icon.Tex then f.texture:SetTexture (icon.Tex) elseif v.Tex then f.texture:SetTexture (v.Tex) else f.texture:SetTexture (c2rgb (icon.Color)) end if v.Alpha then f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, v.Alpha) end end end end elseif v.DrawMode == "ZR" then -- Zone rectangle local x, y, x2, y2 -- local x0, y0, x2, y2 = self:GetWorldRect (self.MapId, 0, 0, 100, 100) for n = 1, v.Num do local icon = v[n] local f = self:GetIconStatic (v.Lvl) -- Nx.prt ("ZR #%d %f %f %f %f", n, icon.X, icon.Y, icon.X2, icon.Y2) f.NxTip = icon.Tip x, y = self:GetWorldPos (icon.MapId, icon.X, icon.Y) x2, y2 = self:GetWorldPos (icon.MapId, icon.X2, icon.Y2) -- Nx.prt ("%f %f %f %f", x, y, x2, y2) if self:ClipFrameTL (f, x, y, x2-x, y2-y) then if v.Texture then f.texture:SetTexture (v.Tex) else f.texture:SetTexture (c2rgba (icon.Color)) end end end end end end end ------ -- Reset icons function Nx.Map:ResetIcons() local frms = self.IconFrms frms.Used = frms.Next - 1 -- Save last frame used frms.Next = 1 local frms = self.IconNIFrms frms.Used = frms.Next - 1 -- Save last frame used frms.Next = 1 local frms = self.IconStaticFrms frms.Used = frms.Next - 1 -- Save last frame used frms.Next = 1 local data = self.TextFStrs data.Used = data.Next - 1 -- Save last used data.Next = 1 end ------ -- Hide extra icons (a hide and then show will reset mouse state, breaking OnMouseUp) function Nx.Map:HideExtraIcons() local frms = self.IconFrms for n = frms.Next, frms.Used do -- Hide up to last frames used amount frms[n]:Hide() end local frms = self.IconNIFrms for n = frms.Next, frms.Used do -- Hide up to last frames used amount frms[n]:Hide() end local frms = self.IconStaticFrms for n = frms.Next, frms.Used do -- Hide up to last frames used amount frms[n]:Hide() end local data = self.TextFStrs for n = data.Next, data.Used do -- Hide up to last used amount data[n]:Hide() end end ------ -- Get next available map icon or create one -- ret: icon frame function Nx.Map:GetIcon (levelAdd) local frms = self.IconFrms local pos = frms.Next if pos > 1500 then pos = 1500 -- Too many used. Reuse end local f = frms[pos] if not f then f = CreateFrame ("Frame", "NxIcon"..pos, self.Frm) frms[pos] = f f.NxMap = self f:SetScript ("OnMouseDown", self.IconOnMouseDown) f:SetScript ("OnMouseUp", self.IconOnMouseUp) f:SetScript ("OnEnter", self.IconOnEnter) f:SetScript ("OnLeave", self.IconOnLeave) f:SetScript ("OnHide", self.IconOnLeave) f:EnableMouse (true) local t = f:CreateTexture() f.texture = t t:SetAllPoints (f) end f:SetFrameLevel (self.Level + (levelAdd or 0)) f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, 1) -- f.texture:SetBlendMode ("BLEND") f.NxTip = nil f.NXType = nil -- 1000 plyr, 2000 BG, 3000 POI, 8000 debug, 9000+ quest f.NXData = nil f.NXData2 = nil frms.Next = pos + 1 return f end ------ -- Get next available map non interactive icon or create one -- ret: icon frame function Nx.Map:GetIconNI (levelAdd) local frms = self.IconNIFrms local pos = frms.Next if pos > 1500 then pos = 1500 -- Too many used. Reuse end local f = frms[pos] if not f then f = CreateFrame ("Frame", "NxIconNI"..pos, self.Frm) frms[pos] = f f.NxMap = self local t = f:CreateTexture() f.texture = t t:SetAllPoints (f) end local add = levelAdd or 0 f:SetFrameLevel (self.Level + add) f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, 1) f.texture:SetBlendMode ("BLEND") frms.Next = pos + 1 return f end ------ -- Get next available map static (for non moving stuff) icon or create one -- ret: icon frame function Nx.Map:GetIconStatic (levelAdd) local frms = self.IconStaticFrms local pos = frms.Next if pos > 1500 then pos = 1500 -- Too many used. Reuse end local f = frms[pos] if not f then f = CreateFrame ("Frame", "NxIconS"..pos, self.Frm) frms[pos] = f f.NxMap = self f:SetScript ("OnMouseDown", self.IconOnMouseDown) f:SetScript ("OnMouseUp", self.IconOnMouseUp) f:SetScript ("OnEnter", self.IconOnEnter) f:SetScript ("OnLeave", self.IconOnLeave) f:SetScript ("OnHide", self.IconOnLeave) f:EnableMouse (true) local t = f:CreateTexture() f.texture = t t:SetAllPoints (f) end local add = levelAdd or 0 f:SetFrameLevel (self.Level + add) f.texture:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, 1) -- f.texture:SetBlendMode ("BLEND") f.NxTip = nil f.NXType = nil -- 1000 plyr, 2000 BG, 3000 POI, 8000 debug, 9000+ quest f.NXData = nil f.NXData2 = nil frms.Next = pos + 1 return f end -------- -- Handle mouse click on icon function Nx.Map:IconOnMouseDown (button) local this = self --V4 -- Nx.prt ("MapIconMouseDown "..button.." "..(this:GetName() or "?")) local map = this.NxMap map:CalcClick() map.ClickFrm = this map.ClickType = this.NXType map.ClickIcon = this.NXData local shift = IsShiftKeyDown() if button == "LeftButton" then local cat = floor ((this.NXType or 0) / 1000) if cat == 2 and shift then -- BG location if map.BGIncNum > 0 then local _, _, _, str = strsplit ("~", map.BGMsg) local _, _, _, str2 = strsplit ("~", this.NXData) if str ~= str2 then -- Different node? Nx.Timer:Fire ("BGInc") -- Clear if pending end end map.BGMsg = this.NXData map.BGIncNum = map.BGIncNum + 1 UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage ("Inc " .. map.BGIncNum, 1, 1, 1, 1) Nx.Timer:Start ("BGInc", 1.5, map, map.BGIncSendTimer) -- elseif cat == 8 then -- map:HotspotDebugClick (button) else if map:IsDoubleClick() then if cat == 3 then -- Nx.prt ("Icon dbl click") map:GMenu_OnGoto() end else map.OnMouseDown (map.Frm, button) end end else --if button == "MiddleButton" or button == "Button4" or IsShiftKeyDown() then if button == "RightButton" then local typ = this.NXType -- Nx.prt ("Icon type %s", typ or 0) if typ then local i = floor (typ / 1000) if i == 1 then map:BuildPlyrLists() map.PIconMenu:Open() elseif i == 2 then -- BG location Nx.Timer:Fire ("BGInc") -- Clear if pending map.BGMsg = this.NXData map.BGIconMenu:Open() elseif i == 3 then map:GMenuOpen (this.NXData, typ) elseif i == 9 then -- Quest Nx.Quest:IconOnMouseDown (this) end end else map.OnMouseDown (map.Frm, button) end end end function Nx.Map:BuildPlyrLists() local Map = Nx.Map Map.PlyrNames = {} Map.AFKers = {} local tipStr = "" local frms = self.IconFrms local f local cnt = 0 for n = 1, frms.Next-1 do f = frms[n] local plyr = f.NXType == 1000 and f.NXData2 if plyr then local x, y = Nx.Util_IsMouseOver (f) if x then -- Nx.prt ("Plyr %s", plyr) tinsert (Map.PlyrNames, plyr) if f.NXData then tinsert (Map.AFKers, f.NXData) -- Nx.prt ("AFKer %d %s %s", #Nx.Map.AFKers, plyr, f.NXData) end end end end if #Map.PlyrNames >= 2 then tipStr = format ("\n\n|cff00cf00%s players:", #Map.PlyrNames) sort (Map.PlyrNames) for _, name in ipairs (Map.PlyrNames) do tipStr = tipStr .. "\n" .. name end end Map.PlyrNamesTipStr = tipStr end function Nx.Map:IconOnMouseUp (button) -- Nx.prt ("MapIconMouseUp "..button) local this = self --V4 this.NxMap.OnMouseUp (this.NxMap.Frm, button) end -------- -- Handle mouse on icon function Nx.Map:IconOnEnter (motion) local this = self --V4 -- Nx.prt ("MapIconEnter %s", this:GetName() or "nil") local map = this.NxMap -- map.BackgndAlphaTarget = map.BackgndAlphaFull map:BuildPlyrLists() if this.NxTip then -- Nx.prt ("MapIconEnter %s %s", this:GetName() or "nil", this.NxTip) local tt = GameTooltip local str = strsplit ("~", this.NxTip) local owner = this local tippos = "ANCHOR_CURSOR" local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() if opts["MapTopTooltip"] then owner = map.Win.Frm tippos = "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT" end owner.NXIconFrm = this -- Nx.TooltipOwner = owner -- map.TooltipType = 2 tt:SetOwner (owner, tippos, 0, 0) Nx:SetTooltipText (str .. Nx.Map.PlyrNamesTipStr) owner["UpdateTooltip"] = Nx.Map.IconOnUpdateTooltip end local t = this.NXType or -1 if t >= 9000 then -- Quest Nx.Quest:IconOnEnter (this) end end -------- -- Called by tooltip -- self = frame function Nx.Map:IconOnUpdateTooltip() local f = self.NXIconFrm if f and f.NxTip then local map = f.NxMap map:BuildPlyrLists() local str = strsplit ("~", f.NxTip) Nx:SetTooltipText (str .. Nx.Map.PlyrNamesTipStr) if Nx.Quest.Enabled then Nx.Quest:TooltipProcess() end -- Nx.prt ("IconOnUpdateTooltip") end end -------- -- Handle mouse leaving icon (or icon hiding) function Nx.Map:IconOnLeave (motion) local this = self --V4 local t = this.NXType or -1 if t >= 9000 then -- Quest Nx.Quest:IconOnLeave (this) end -- self.TooltipType = 0 -- if not this:IsVisible() then -- Nx.prt ("IconOnLeave not vis") -- return -- end -- local map = this.NxMap -- local owner = map.Win.Frm if GameTooltip:IsOwned (this) or GameTooltip:IsOwned (this.NxMap.Win.Frm) then GameTooltip:Hide() -- Nx.prt ("MapIconLeave hide tip") end end -------- -- Get next available map text or create one -- ret: text font string function Nx.Map:GetText (text, levelAdd) local data = self.TextFStrs local pos = data.Next if pos > 100 then pos = 1 -- Reset. Too many used end local fstr = data[pos] if not fstr then fstr = self.TextFrm:CreateFontString() data[pos] = fstr fstr:SetFontObject ("NxFontMap") fstr:SetJustifyH ("LEFT") fstr:SetJustifyV ("TOP") -- fstr:SetWidth (400) fstr:SetHeight (100) fstr:SetTextColor (1, 1, 1, 1) end fstr:SetText (text) -- local add = levelAdd or 0 -- f:SetFrameLevel (self.Level + add) data.Next = pos + 1 return fstr end -------- -- Move text function Nx.Map:MoveTextToIcon (fstr, icon, ox, oy) local f = icon local atPt, relTo, relPt, x, y = f:GetPoint() -- Nx.prt ("Text %s %s %s", relPt, x, y) fstr:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", x + ox, y - oy) fstr:Show() end -------- -- Update instance map function Nx.Map:UpdateInstanceMap() local mapId = self.InstMapId if not mapId then return end local Map = Nx.Map local winfo = Map.MapWorldInfo[mapId] local info = self.InstMapInfo -- Valid if Id not nil -- Nx.prt ("Inst id %s", mapId) if self.InstMapAtlas then local wx = winfo[2] local wy = winfo[3] for n = 1, #info, 3 do local sc = 668 / 256 local f = self:GetIconNI() if self:ClipFrameTL (f, wx, wy + (n - 1) * 668 / 768, sc, sc) then local tex = info[n + 2] tex = "Interface\\Addons\\Atlas\\Images\\Maps\\" .. tex f.texture:SetTexture (tex) end end self.Level = self.Level + 1 else local wx = winfo[2] local wy = winfo[3] for n = 1, #info, 3 do local imgI = 1 local offx = 0 -- info[n] * .04 * 1002 / 1024 local offy = info[n + 1] * .03 * 668 / 768 for by = 0, 2 do for bx = 0, 3 do local sc = 1 local f = self:GetIconNI() -- Nx.prt ("Inst %s, %s %s %s %s", mapId, wx, wy, bx, by) if self:ClipFrameTL (f, wx + bx - offx, wy + by - offy, sc, sc) then local tex = info[n + 2] tex = "Interface\\WorldMap\\" .. tex .. imgI f.texture:SetTexture (tex) end imgI = imgI + 1 end end end self.Level = self.Level + 1 end end ------------------------------------------ -- Helpers -------- -- Get a map by index function Nx.Map:GetMap (mapIndex) return self.Maps[mapIndex] end -------- -- Set map target name function Nx.Map:SetTargetName (name) local tar = self.Maps[1].Targets[1] if tar then tar.TargetName = name end end -------- -- Get map target type, id function Nx.Map:GetTargetInfo() local tar = self.Maps[1].Targets[1] if tar then return tar.TargetType, tar.TargetId end end -------- -- Get map target pos function Nx.Map:GetTargetPos() local tar = self.Maps[1].Targets[1] if tar then return tar.TargetX1, tar.TargetY1, tar.TargetX2, tar.TargetY2 end end -------- -- Center the map in view function Nx.Map:CurrentCenterMap (mapId) local map = self.Maps[1] map:CenterMap (mapId) end ------------------------------------------ -- Map table access -------- -- Init map tables function Nx.Map:InitTables() local Nx = Nx --[[ NxData.NXMapDebugZones1 = { GetMapZones (1) } NxData.NXMapDebugZones2 = { GetMapZones (2) } NxData.NXMapDebugZones3 = { GetMapZones (3) } NxData.NXMapDebugZones4 = { GetMapZones (4) } Nx.prt ("zone cap!!!!!") --]] local worldInfo = self.MapWorldInfo Nx.MapNameToId = {} Nx.MapIdToName = {} Nx.MapIdToNxzone = {} self.NxzoneToMapId = {} Nx.NxzoneToMapId = self.NxzoneToMapId Nx.MapOverlayToMapId = {} -- Get Blizzard's alphabetical set of names --V403 self.MapNames = { { GetMapZones (1) }, { GetMapZones (2) }, { GetMapZones (3) }, { GetMapZones (4) }, { GetMapZones (5) }, { GetMapZones (6) }, } tinsert (self.MapNames[2], NXlMapNames["Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave"] or "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave") tinsert (self.MapNames[2], NXlMapNames["Gilneas"] or "Gilneas") tinsert (self.MapNames[2], NXlMapNames["Gilneas City"] or "Gilneas City") for mi, mapName in pairs (self.MapNames[2]) do for mi2, mapName2 in pairs (self.MapNames[2]) do if mapName == mapName2 and mi ~= mi2 then -- Duplicate name? (Gilneas, Ruins of Gilneas (EU)) self.MapNames[2][mi2] = mapName .. "2" -- Hack it! -- Nx.prt ("Dup zone name %s", mapName) break end end end local BGNames = {} self.MapNames[9] = BGNames for n = 1, 999 do local winfo = worldInfo[9000 + n] if not winfo then break end BGNames[n] = NXlMapNames[winfo.Name] or winfo.Name end -- Nx.Zones[152]="Icecrown: The Forge of Souls!80!80!3!5!128!####!5" -- Set overlays self.ZoneOverlays["lakewintergrasp"]["lakewintergrasp"] = "0,0,1024,768" -- Support maps with multiple levels self.MapSubNames = NXlMapSubNames tinsert (self.MapNames[4], "Molten Front") tinsert (self.MapNames[4], "Dalaran Underbelly") tinsert (self.MapNames[5], "Darkmoon Faire") tinsert (self.MapNames[6], "The Wandering Isle") -- Setup mapping to and from Blizzard cont/zone to Map Id -- and overlay name to map id self.ContCnt = 6 continentNums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 } local CZ2Id = {} self.CZ2Id = CZ2Id for _, ci in ipairs (continentNums) do local z2id = {} CZ2Id[ci] = z2id for n = 1, 999 do local mapId = ci * 1000 + n local winfo = worldInfo[mapId] if not winfo then break end if Nx.PlFactionNum == 0 and winfo.QAchievementIdA then winfo.QAchievementId = winfo.QAchievementIdA -- Copy Ally Id to generic Id end if Nx.PlFactionNum == 1 and winfo.QAchievementIdH then winfo.QAchievementId = winfo.QAchievementIdH -- Copy Horde Id to generic Id end local locName = NXlMapNames[winfo.Name] or winfo.Name for i, name in ipairs (self.MapNames[ci]) do if name == locName then -- Nx.prt ("%s #%s = %s", name, i, mapId) z2id[i] = mapId break end end end for k, v in ipairs (CZ2Id[ci]) do worldInfo[v].Cont = ci worldInfo[v].Zone = k local ov = worldInfo[v].Overlay if ov then Nx.MapOverlayToMapId[ov] = v end end end for n = 1, self.ContCnt do CZ2Id[n][0] = n * 1000 end -- Init for getting map id to and from name for _, ci in ipairs (continentNums) do for mi, mapName in pairs (self.MapNames[ci]) do -- if ci == 2 then -- Nx.prt ("Map %s %s", mapName, self.CZ2Id[ci][mi] or "nil") -- end local mid = self.CZ2Id[ci][mi] if Nx.MapNameToId[mapName] then Nx.prt ("Dup map name: %s (%s %s)", mapName, ci, mi) Nx.MapNameToId[mapName .. "2"] = mid else Nx.MapNameToId[mapName] = mid end if not mid then Nx.prt ("Unknown map name: %s (%s %s)", mapName, ci, mi) else Nx.MapIdToName[mid] = mapName end end end -- Localize the zone name for id, v in ipairs (Nx.Zones) do local i = strfind (v, "!") local name = strsub (v, 1, i - 1) local data = strsub (v, i + 1) local locName = NXlMapNames[name] if locName then Nx.Zones[id] = locName .. "!" .. data end end -- Move MapGenAreas to MapWorldInfo (scale, x, y, overlay) for id, area in pairs (Nx.Map.MapGenAreas) do local s = Nx.Zones[id] local name = strsplit ("!", s) local mapId = Nx.MapNameToId[name] if not mapId then Nx.prt ("Err MapGenAreas %s", name) else local cont = floor (mapId / 1000) if cont <= 2 or cont == 5 then local wi = worldInfo[mapId] wi[1] = area[1] -- Scale wi[2] = area[2] -- X wi[3] = area[3] -- Y if wi.XOff then -- Had pos offset? wi[2] = wi[2] + wi.XOff -- X wi[3] = wi[3] + wi.YOff -- Y wi.XOff = nil wi.YOff = nil end wi.Overlay = area[4] end end end Nx.Map.MapGenAreas = nil -- Make world coords for each zone for _, ci in ipairs (continentNums) do local info = self.MapInfo[ci] local cx = info.X local cy = info.Y -- Nx.prt ("WC %s %s %s", ci, cx, cy) for n = 0, 999 do local winfo = worldInfo[ci * 1000 + n] if not winfo then break end winfo[4] = cx + winfo[2] winfo[5] = cy + winfo[3] end end -- for id, v in pairs (Nx.Zones) do local name, minLvl, maxLvl, faction, cont, entryId, entryPos = strsplit ("!", v) -- Faction: -- 0 Alliance -- 1 Horde -- 2 Contested -- 3 Instance -- 4 Unknown -- Continent: -- 1 Kalimdor -- 2 EasternKingdoms -- 3 Outland -- 4 Battleground -- 5 Dungeon -- 6 Raid -- OLD -- 7 Northrend -- 8 The Maelstrom -- 9 Unknown if faction == "3" and cont == "5" then -- Instance assert (entryId and entryPos) if entryId == "0" then entryId = "125" end --[[ local i = strfind (name, ": ") if i then name = strsub (name, i + 2) end --]] -- Nx.prt ("Inst %s %d", name, id) local entryZone = Nx.Zones[tonumber (entryId)] local ename, _, _, _, cont = strsplit ("!", entryZone) if cont == "7" then cont = 4 end if cont == "8" then cont = 5 end local mid = cont * 1000 + 10000 + id Nx.MapNameToId[name] = mid Nx.MapIdToName[mid] = name local emid = Nx.MapNameToId[ename] local ex, ey = Nx.Quest:UnpackLocPt (entryPos) if self.MapWorldInfo[mid] then -- Adjustment exists? ex = ex + self.MapWorldInfo[mid][2] ey = ey + self.MapWorldInfo[mid][3] end -- Nx.prt ("Inst %s %s, %s %s %f %f", name, mid, ename, emid or "nil", ex, ey) local x, y = self:GetWorldPos (emid, ex, ey) -- Nx.prt ("Inst %s %d, %d %f %f", name, mid, emid, x, y) local ewinfo = self.MapWorldInfo[emid] if not ewinfo then -- Nx.prt ("? %s %s", ename, emid or "nil") end local winfo = {} winfo.EntryMId = emid winfo[1] = 1002 / 25600 --ewinfo[1] -- Scale winfo[2] = x -- X winfo[3] = y -- Y winfo[4] = x -- X winfo[5] = y -- Y self.MapWorldInfo[mid] = winfo end end -- Nx.prt("debug: ") -- Init NxzoneToMapId, MapIdToNxzone for id, v in ipairs (Nx.Zones) do local name, minLvl, maxLvl, faction = strsplit ("!", v) --[[ if id ~= 146 then -- The Scarlet Enclave needs to keep the : local i = strfind (name, ": ") if i then name = strsub (name, i + 2) end end --]] local mapId = Nx.MapNameToId[name] if mapId then if not Nx.MapIdToNxzone[mapId] then Nx.MapIdToNxzone[mapId] = id else -- Nx.prt ("Map Init %s %s dup %s", name, id, Nx.MapIdToNxzone[mapId]) end self.NxzoneToMapId[id] = mapId else -- Nx.prt ("Inst %s %d", name, id) end end -- Init AId2Id (Blizzard area id to map id and back) Nx.AIdToId = {} Nx.IdToAId = {} for aid, zid in pairs (Nx.ID2Zone) do if zid ~= 0 then local id = self.NxzoneToMapId[zid] Nx.AIdToId[aid] = id if id then Nx.IdToAId[id] = aid end -- if not id then -- Nx.prt ("AId %s (%s) = %s", aid, zid, id or "nil") -- end end end -- Test --[[ Nx.prt ("Test Map Id") for k, v in ipairs (Nx.Zones) do if k ~= 16 and k ~= 34 and k ~= 102 then local mapId = self.NxzoneToMapId[k] assert (Nx.MapIdToNxzone[mapId] == k) end end --]] -- Init instance entries for k, v in ipairs (Nx.Zones) do local name, minLvl, maxLvl, faction, cont, entryId = strsplit ("!", v) if faction ~= "3" then -- Not instance if entryId and entryId ~= "" then self.NxzoneToMapId[k] = self.NxzoneToMapId[tonumber (entryId)] end end end -- DEBUG for Jamie Nx.ZoneConnections = Nx["ZoneConnections"] or Nx.ZoneConnections -- Copy unmunged data to munged data -- Init zone connections for ci = 1, self.ContCnt do for n = 0, 999 do local mapId = ci * 1000 + n local winfo = worldInfo[mapId] if not winfo then break end local cons = {} winfo.Connections = cons for _, str in ipairs (Nx.ZoneConnections) do local flags, ta, tb, z1, x1a, x1b, y1a, y1b, z2, x2a, x2b, y2a, y2b, name1len = strbyte (str, 1, 14) flags = flags - 35 local conTime = (ta - 35) * 221 + tb - 35 local mapId1 = self.NxzoneToMapId[z1 - 35] local mapId2 = self.NxzoneToMapId[z2 - 35] --[[ if mapId1 == 1017 or mapId2 == 1017 or mapId1 == 1028 or mapId2 == 1028 then Nx.prt ("%s %d %d to %s %d %d, %s f%x", Nx.MapIdToName[mapId1] or mapId1, ((x1a - 35) * 221 + x1b - 35) / 100, ((y1a - 35) * 221 + y1b - 35) / 100, Nx.MapIdToName[mapId2] or mapId2, ((x2a - 35) * 221 + x2b - 35) / 100, ((y2a - 35) * 221 + y2b - 35) / 100, conTime, flags) end --]] if not (mapId1 and mapId2) then -- Nx.prt ("zone conn err %s to %s", z1 - 35, z2 - 35) conTime = 0 end if conTime == 1 and (mapId == mapId1 or (mapId == mapId2 and bit.band (flags, 1) == 1)) then local cont1 = self:IdToContZone (mapId1) local cont2 = self:IdToContZone (mapId2) if cont1 == cont2 then name1len = name1len - 35 local name1 = name1len == 0 and "" or strsub (str, 15, 14 + name1len) local i = 15 + name1len local name2len = strbyte (str, i) local name2 = name2len == 0 and "" or strsub (str, i + 1, i + name2len) local x1 = ((x1a - 35) * 221 + x1b - 35) / 100 local y1 = ((y1a - 35) * 221 + y1b - 35) / 100 local x2 = ((x2a - 35) * 221 + x2b - 35) / 100 local y2 = ((y2a - 35) * 221 + y2b - 35) / 100 --[[ if mapId1 == 1017 or mapId2 == 1017 or mapId1 == 1028 or mapId2 == 1028 then Nx.prt ("%s %d %d to %s %d %d, %s, %s %s", Nx.MapIdToName[mapId1] or mapId1, x1, y1, Nx.MapIdToName[mapId2] or mapId2, x2, y2, conTime, name1, name2) end --]] if mapId == mapId2 then -- Swap? mapId1, mapId2 = mapId2, mapId1 x1, y1, x2, y2 = x2, y2, x1, y1 end local zcons = cons[mapId2] or {} cons[mapId2] = zcons if x1 ~= 0 and y1 ~= 0 then -- Specific connection? Else connects anywhere local con = {} tinsert (zcons, con) x1, y1 = self:GetWorldPos (mapId1, x1, y1) x2, y2 = self:GetWorldPos (mapId2, x2, y2) con.StartMapId = mapId1 con.StartX = x1 con.StartY = y1 con.EndMapId = mapId2 con.EndX = x2 con.EndY = y2 con.Dist = ((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2) ^ .5 end -- else -- Nx.prt ("%s to %s", mapId1, mapId2) end end end end end end -------- -- Convert raw cont and zone to mapid -- self: not used function Nx.Map:ConnectionUnpack (str) --[[ Format is (base 221 packed): 1 byte flags Bit 0 = two-way, Bit 1 = Alliance, Bit 2 = Horde 2 byte time, 0 = Instant (Portal) 1 = Normal connection >1 = Some type of boat/zeppelin 1 byte zone 1 2 byte zone 1 location 1 byte zone 2 2 byte zone 2 location 1 byte name 1 length name 1 1 byte name 2 length name 2 To choose icons to show you could search the string to work out what it is. Boat, Tram, Zeppelin, Portal --]] local flags, ta, tb, z1, x1a, x1b, y1a, y1b, z2, x2a, x2b, y2a, y2b, name1len = strbyte (str, 1, 14) flags = flags - 35 local conTime = (ta - 35) * 221 + tb - 35 local mapId1 = self.NxzoneToMapId[z1 - 35] local mapId2 = self.NxzoneToMapId[z2 - 35] -- local cont1 = self:IdToContZone (mapId1) -- local cont2 = self:IdToContZone (mapId2) name1len = name1len - 35 local name1 = name1len == 0 and "" or strsub (str, 15, 14 + name1len) local i = 15 + name1len local name2len = strbyte (str, i) local name2 = name2len == 0 and "" or strsub (str, i + 1, i + name2len) local x1 = ((x1a - 35) * 221 + x1b - 35) / 100 local y1 = ((y1a - 35) * 221 + y1b - 35) / 100 local x2 = ((x2a - 35) * 221 + x2b - 35) / 100 local y2 = ((y2a - 35) * 221 + y2b - 35) / 100 return flags, conTime, mapId1, x1, y1, mapId2, x2, y2, name1, name2 end -------- -- Convert raw cont and zone to mapid -- self: not used function Nx.Map:CZ2MapId (cont, zone) if cont <= 0 then return 9000 end return self.CZ2Id[cont][zone] end -------- -- Get the real player location map id without map level calculation function Nx.Map:GetRealBaseMapId() return Nx.MapNameToId[GetRealZoneText()] or 9000 end -------- -- Get the real player location map id function Nx.Map:GetRealMapId() -- Nx.prtCtrl ("RealMId %s %s #%s", GetRealZoneText(), GetSubZoneText(), GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel()) local zName = GetRealZoneText() local mapId = Nx.MapNameToId[zName] or 9000 local name, instanceType, difficultyIndex, difficultyName, maxPlayers, dynamicDifficulty, isDynamic, mapID = GetInstanceInfo() if (difficultyIndex == 1) then local aid=GetCurrentMapAreaID() local id=Nx.AIdToId[aid] return id end local subT = self.MapSubNames[zName] -- Find subzone name if subT then if subT[GetSubZoneText()] then return self.MapWorldInfo[mapId].Level2Id or mapId end end -- if GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel() > 1 then -- return self.MapWorldInfo[mapId].Level2Id or mapId -- end return mapId end -------- -- Get the current selected map id -- Do not call SetMapToCurrentZone() here or crash function Nx.Map:GetCurrentMapId() --V403 local cont = GetCurrentMapContinent() local zone = GetCurrentMapZone() if cont <= 0 or cont >= 6 then local aid = GetCurrentMapAreaID() -- Nx.prtCtrl ("GetCurrentMapId %s, %s+%s", aid, cont, zone) -- if cont == -1 and (self.MapId or 0) > 11000 then -- return self.MapId -- end local id = Nx.AIdToId[aid] if id then -- Nx.prt ("GetCurrentMapId from aid %s", id) return id end return self:GetRealMapId() end --[[ if not self.CZ2Id[cont] then Nx.prt ("cont %s", cont) end if not self.CZ2Id[cont][zone] then Nx.prt ("%s %s", cont, zone) end --]] local mapId = self.CZ2Id[cont][zone] or 9000 if mapId == Nx.MapNameToId[GetRealZoneText()] then -- Same as real zone? return self:GetRealMapId() end return mapId end -------- -- Set the current using a map id function Nx.Map:SetCurrentMap (mapId) if mapId then -- Nx.prt ("SetMapToCurrentZone %s", mapId) self.BaseScale = 1 if mapId > 1000 and mapId < 7000 then local cont = self.MapWorldInfo[mapId].Cont local zone = self.MapWorldInfo[mapId].Zone if not cont or not zone or mapId == self:GetRealBaseMapId() or mapId == self:GetRealMapId() then -- Nx.prt ("SetMapToCurrentZone %s", mapId) SetMapToCurrentZone() -- This fixes the Scarlet Enclave map selection, so we get player position SetDungeonMapLevel (1) else if self.MapWorldInfo[mapId].UseAId then SetMapByID (Nx.IdToAId[mapId]) else SetMapZoom (cont, zone) end end -- Nx.prt ("CurLvl %s", GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel()) --[[ local lvl = self.MapWorldInfo[mapId].MapLevel if lvl then Nx.prt ("SetDLvl %s", lvl) SetDungeonMapLevel (lvl) end --]] elseif mapId > 11000 then -- Instance? self.BaseScale = .025 local aid = Nx.IdToAId[mapId] -- Nx.prtCtrl ("SetCurrentMap %s %s", mapId, aid or "nil") if aid then self.MapId = 0 -- Force change (needed?) if mapId == self:GetRealBaseMapId() then SetMapToCurrentZone() else local caid = GetCurrentMapAreaID() if caid ~= aid then -- Nx.prt ("SetCurrentMap dif %s", caid) SetMapByID (aid) SetDungeonMapLevel (1) end end else if mapId == self:GetRealBaseMapId() then self.MapId = 0 -- Force change SetMapToCurrentZone() else self.MapId = mapId SetMapZoom (-1) -- Cosmic map. Has no POIs end end end self.InstLevelSet = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel() end end -------- -- Set the map to current zone function Nx.Map:SetToCurrentZone() SetMapToCurrentZone() local aid = GetCurrentMapAreaID() local id = Nx.AIdToId[aid] if id == 1014 then -- Orgrimmar SetDungeonMapLevel (1) -- Don't allow cleft of shadows end -- Nx.prt ("SetToCurrentZone %s %s", aid, id or "nil") end -------- -- Save map view function Nx.Map:SaveView (name) local str = format ("%s%s", Nx.InBG or "", name) -- Nx.prt ("Save view %s", str) local v = self.ViewSavedData[str] if not v then v = {} self.ViewSavedData[str] = v end v.Scale = self.Scale v.X = self.MapPosX v.Y = self.MapPosY end -------- -- Restore map view function Nx.Map:RestoreView (name) local str = format ("%s%s", Nx.InBG or "", name) -- Nx.prt ("Restore view %s", str) local v = self.ViewSavedData[str] if v then self.Scale = v.Scale self.MapPosX = v.X self.MapPosY = v.Y self.StepTime = 5 end end -------- -- Move map function Nx.Map:Move (x, y, scale, stepTime) -- Nx.prt ("Move %s %s sc %s time %s", x, y, scale or "nil", stepTime) self.MapPosX = x self.MapPosY = y if scale then self.Scale = scale end local dist = ((self.MapPosXDraw - self.MapPosX) ^ 2 + (self.MapPosYDraw - self.MapPosY) ^ 2) ^ .5 local sz = max (self.MapW, self.MapH) -- Nx.prt ("Move dist %f %f val %f", sz, dist, dist * self.Scale / sz) if dist * self.Scale / sz > 10 then -- Zoomed in and a large jump? stepTime = 1 -- Go fast end -- Nx.prt ("Move #%d %f steptime %f ", self.Tick, dist, self.StepTime) local st = abs (self.StepTime) -- Will be neg if triggered if st > 0 and st < stepTime then -- Already stepping? Use short time stepTime = st -- Nx.prt ("Move steptime %f", stepTime) end self.StepTime = stepTime if dist < .25 then -- Nx.prt ("Move snap XY") self.MapPosXDraw = self.MapPosX self.MapPosYDraw = self.MapPosY end if abs (1 / self.ScaleDraw - 1 / self.Scale) < .01 then self.ScaleDraw = self.Scale -- Nx.prt ("Move snap scale") if dist < .25 then self.StepTime = 0 end end --[[ if self.Debug then local plZX, plZY = GetPlayerMapPosition ("player") Nx.prt ("Move %f %f (%f %f)", x, y, plZX, plZY) end --]] end -------- -- Goto current zone and center map function Nx.Map:GotoCurrentZone() -- Nx.prt ("GotoCurrentZone") if self.InstanceId then self:Move (self.PlyrX, self.PlyrY, 20, 30) else self:SetToCurrentZone() local mapId = self:GetCurrentMapId() self:CenterMap (mapId) end end -------- -- Goto current zone and cause player moved update function Nx.Map:GotoPlayer() -- Nx.prt ("GotoPlayer") self:CalcTracking() self:SetToCurrentZone() self.MoveLastX = -1 self.MoveLastY = -1 end -------- -- Center the map in view function Nx.Map:CenterMap (mapId, scale) mapId = mapId or self.MapId --[[ -- Map capture if 1 then self:CenterMap1To1 (floor (mapId / 1000) * 1000) return end --]] if self:GetWorldZone (mapId).City then scale = 1 end self.MapW = self.Frm:GetWidth() - self.PadX * 2 self.MapH = self.Frm:GetHeight() - self.TitleH local x, y = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, 50, 50) local size = min (self.MapW / 1002, self.MapH / 668) if self.MapW < GetScreenWidth() / 2 then size = size * (scale or 1.5) end local scale = size / self:GetWorldZoneScale (mapId) * 10.02 self:Move (x, y, scale, 30) -- Nx.prt ("Center #%d %f (%f %f) (%d %d)", mapId, self.Scale, self.MapPosX, self.MapPosY, self.MapW, self.MapH) end -------- -- Center the map in view and 1 to 1 scale function Nx.Map:CenterMap1To1 (mapId) self.MapPosX, self.MapPosY = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, 50, 50) self.Scale = 1002 / 100 / self:GetWorldZoneScale (mapId) * GetScreenWidth() / 1680 * 2 self.ScaleDraw = self.Scale self.StepTime = 10 end -------- -- Get a cont zone from the map id function Nx.Map:IdToContZone (mapId) if mapId >= 10000 then return floor (mapId / 1000) - 10, 0 end local info = self.MapWorldInfo[mapId] -- if not info then -- Nx.prt ("IdToContZone info nil %s", mapId) -- end return info.Cont or 9, info.Zone or 0 end -------- -- Get map name from id function Nx.Map:IdToName (mapId) -- Nx.prt ("MapId "..mapId) return Nx.MapIdToName[mapId] or "?" end -------- -- Get map id from name function Nx.Map:NameToId (mapName) return Nx.MapNameToId[mapName] end -------- -- function Nx.Map:IsNormalMap (mapId) return mapId > 1000 and mapId % 1000 > 0 and mapId < 7000 end -------- -- function Nx.Map:IsOutlandMap (mapId) return mapId >= 3000 and mapId <= 3999 end -------- -- function Nx.Map:IsInstanceMap (mapId) return mapId >= 10000 end -------- -- function Nx.Map:IsBattleGroundMap (mapId) return mapId >= 9001 and mapId <= 9099 end -------- -- Get map short name (only BGs have) function Nx.Map:GetShortName (mapId) return Nx.Map.MapWorldInfo[mapId].Short end -------- -- Get world info for a continent -- (cont #) function Nx.Map:GetWorldContinentInfo (cont) local info = self.MapInfo[cont] if not info then return end return info.Name, info.X, info.Y end -------- -- Get world info for a continent and zone -- (cont #, zone #) function Nx.Map:GetWorldZoneInfo (cont, zone) local nt = self.MapNames[cont] or self.MapNames[5] local name = nt[zone] or "?" local info = self.MapInfo[cont] if not info then return name, 0, 0, 1002, 668 end local id = self.CZ2Id[cont][zone] local winfo = self.MapWorldInfo[id] if not winfo then return end local x = info.X + winfo[2] local y = info.Y + winfo[3] local scale = winfo[1] * 100 return name, x, y, scale, scale / 1.5 -- x, y, w, h end -------- -- Get world zone from map id -- (id) function Nx.Map:GetWorldZone (mapId) return self.MapWorldInfo[mapId] end -------- -- Get world zone scale from map id -- (id) function Nx.Map:GetWorldZoneScale (mapId) -- self.GetWorldZoneScaleCnt = (self.GetWorldZoneScaleCnt or 0) + 1 -- if not self.MapWorldInfo[mapId] then -- Nx.prt ("GetWorldZoneScale %s %s %s", mapId) -- end -- return (not self.MapWorldInfo[mapId] and 10.02) or self.MapWorldInfo[mapId][1] return self.MapWorldInfo[mapId][1] end -------- -- Get world position of map (zone) location -- (id, x (0-100), y (0-100) function Nx.Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, mapX, mapY) -- self.GetWorldPosCnt = (self.GetWorldPosCnt or 0) + 1 --[[ local info = self.MapInfo[floor (mapId / 1000)] if not info then if IsControlKeyDown() then Nx.prt ("GetWorldPos inst %s %s %s", mapId, mapX, mapY) -- Nx.prt (" %s", debugstack (2, 3, 0)) end -- info = self.MapInfo[0] mapX = 0 mapY = 0 end --]] local winfo = self.MapWorldInfo[mapId] if winfo then local scale = winfo[1] return winfo[4] + mapX * scale, winfo[5] + mapY * scale / 1.5 -- if mapId == 11050 then -- Nx.prt ("%s %s %s %s", info.Y, winfo[3], mapY, scale) -- end -- return info.X + winfo[2] + mapX * scale, -- info.Y + winfo[3] + mapY / 1.5 * scale end return 0, 0 end -------- -- Get world positions of map (zone) rectangle -- (id, x, y) function Nx.Map:GetWorldRect (mapId, mapX, mapY, mapX2, mapY2) local x, y = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, mapX, mapY) local x2, y2 = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, mapX2, mapY2) return x, y, x2, y2 end -------- -- Get zone position of world location -- (id, x, y) function Nx.Map:GetZonePos (mapId, worldX, worldY) -- self.GetZonePosCnt = (self.GetZonePosCnt or 0) + 1 -- Nx.prt ("WXY %f %f", worldX, worldY) local winfo = self.MapWorldInfo[mapId] if winfo then local scale = winfo[1] return (worldX - winfo[4]) / scale, (worldY - winfo[5]) / scale * 1.5 -- local x = (worldX - info.X - winfo[2]) / scale -- local y = (worldY - info.Y - winfo[3]) / scale * 1.5 -- Nx.prt ("XY %f %f %f", x, y, scale) -- return x, y end return 0, 0 end -------- -- Get continent of world location -- (wx, wy) --[[ function Nx.Map:GetContFromPos (worldX, worldY) if worldY < -2050 then return 3 end if worldX > 2200 then return 2 end return 1 end --]] -------- -- Convert frame (top left) to zone positions --[[ function Nx.Map:FramePosToZonePos (x, y) x = self.ZonePosX + (x - self.PadX - self.MapW / 2) / 10.02 / self.Scale y = self.ZonePosY + (y - self.TitleH - self.MapH / 2) / 6.68 / self.Scale return x, y end --]] -------- -- Convert frame (top left) to world positions function Nx.Map:FramePosToWorldPos (x, y) x = self.MapPosX + (x - self.PadX - self.MapW / 2) / 10.02 / self.MapScale y = self.MapPosY + (y - self.TitleH - self.MapH / 2) / 10.02 / self.MapScale return x, y end -------- -- Set map target -- (type string, x, y, x2, y2, texture (nil for default, false for none), user id, name) function Nx.Map:SetTarget (typ, x1, y1, x2, y2, tex, id, name, keep, mapId) self.UpdateTrackingDelay = 0 local sbt = self.ScaleBeforeTarget -- if self.ScaleBeforeTarget then -- self.Scale = self.ScaleBeforeTarget self.ScaleBeforeTarget = false -- end if not keep then self:ClearTargets() end self.ScaleBeforeTarget = sbt or not next (self.Targets) and self.GOpts["MapRestoreScaleAfterTrack"] and self.Scale local tar = {} tinsert (self.Targets, tar) assert (x1) tar.TargetType = typ tar.TargetX1 = x1 tar.TargetY1 = y1 tar.TargetX2 = x2 tar.TargetY2 = y2 tar.TargetMX = (x1 + x2) * .5 -- Mid point tar.TargetMY = (y1 + y2) * .5 tar.TargetTex = tex tar.TargetId = id tar.TargetName = name -- tar.ArrowPulse = 1 mapId = mapId or self.MapId tar.MapId = mapId local i = self.TargetNextUniqueId tar.UniqueId = i self.TargetNextUniqueId = i + 1 local typ = keep and "Target" or "TargetS" local zx, zy = self:GetZonePos (mapId, tar.TargetMX, tar.TargetMY) Nx.Fav:Record (typ, name, mapId, zx, zy) return tar end -------- -- Clear all targets -- (matchType we will clear or nil for any) function Nx.Map:ClearTargets (matchType) if matchType then local tar = self.Targets[1] if tar then if tar.TargetType ~= matchType then return end end end self.Targets = {} self.Tracking = {} if self.LOpts.NXAutoScaleOn and self.ScaleBeforeTarget then -- Nx.prt ("ScaleBeforeTarget trigger %s", matchType or "nil") -- self.Scale = self.ScaleBeforeTarget self:GotoPlayer() -- Map won't move if cursor on it self:Move (self.PlyrX, self.PlyrY, self.ScaleBeforeTarget, 60) end self.ScaleBeforeTarget = false end -------- function Nx.Map:ClearTarget (uniqueId) self.Tracking = {} local tar, i = self:FindTarget (uniqueId) if tar then -- Nx.prt ("ClearTarget %s %s", uniqueId, i) tremove (self.Targets, i) end end function Nx.Map:FindTarget (uniqueId) for n, tar in ipairs (self.Targets) do if tar.UniqueId == uniqueId then return tar, n end end end -------- -- Changes indexed or last target to a new index function Nx.Map:ChangeTargetOrder (srcI, dstI) srcI = srcI >= 0 and srcI or #self.Targets -- -1 for last target local t = tremove (self.Targets, srcI) tinsert (self.Targets, dstI, t) self.Tracking = {} end -------- -- Reverse order of all targets function Nx.Map:ReverseTargets() local tar = self.Targets local n2 = #tar for n = 1, n2 / 2 do local a = tar[n] tar[n] = tar[n2] tar[n2] = a n2 = n2 - 1 end self.Tracking = {} end -------- -- Set map target at zone xy (pos 0-100) -- Ret target table function Nx.Map:SetTargetXY (mid, zx, zy, name, keep) Nx.Quest.Watch:ClearAutoTarget() local wx, wy = self:GetWorldPos (mid, zx, zy) return self:SetTarget ("Goto", wx, wy, wx, wy, nil, nil, name or "", keep, mid) end -------- -- Set map target at mouse click function Nx.Map:SetTargetAtClick() Nx.Quest.Watch:ClearAutoTarget() local wx, wy = self:FramePosToWorldPos (self.ClickFrmX, self.ClickFrmY) local zx, zy = self:GetZonePos (self.MapId, wx, wy) local str = format ("Goto %.0f, %.0f", zx, zy) self:SetTarget ("Goto", wx, wy, wx, wy, nil, nil, str, IsShiftKeyDown()) end function Nx.Map:SetTargetAtStr (str, keep) local mId, zx, zy = self:ParseTargetStr (str) if mId then local wx, wy = self:GetWorldPos (mId, zx, zy) local str = format ("%.0f, %.0f", zx, zy) self:SetTarget ("Goto", wx, wy, wx, wy, nil, nil, str, keep, mId) end end -------- -- Parse map target string. "[zone] x y" -- (string) function Nx.Map:ParseTargetStr (str) -- Nx.prt (str) local str = gsub (strlower (str), ",", " ") local zone local zx, zy for s in gmatch (str, "%S+") do local i = tonumber (s) if i then if zx then zy = zy or i else zx = i end else if zone then zone = zone .. " " .. s else zone = s end end end local mid = self.RMapId if zone then mid = nil for name, id in pairs (Nx.MapNameToId) do if strfind (strlower (name), zone, 1, true) then mid = id -- Nx.prt (" %s", name) break end end if not mid then Nx.prt ("zone %s not found", zone) return end end if not zx or not zy then Nx.prt ("zone coordinate error") return end return mid, zx, zy end ---------------- -- External functions (for TomTom and Cartographer emulation) -------- -- Used for id = TomTom:AddWaypoint (x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, silent) -- self is bad if called by TomTom function Nx:TTAddWaypoint (zx, zy, name) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local mid = map:GetCurrentMapId() local tar = map:SetTargetXY (mid, zx, zy, name, true) map:ChangeTargetOrder (-1, 1) return tar.UniqueId end function Nx:TTWayCmd(msg,editbox) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap(1) map:SetTargetAtStr (msg, true) end -------- -- Used for id = TomTom:AddZWaypoint (c, z, x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, callbacks, silent, crazy) function Nx:TTAddZWaypoint (cont, zone, zx, zy, name, _persist, _minimap, _world, callbackT) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local mid = map:GetCurrentMapId() if cont and zone then mid = map:CZ2MapId (cont, zone) end return Nx:TTSetTarget (mid, zx, zy, name, callbackT) end -------- -- Used for id = TomTom:SetCustomWaypoint (c, z, x, y, callback, minimap, world, silent) function Nx:TTSetCustomWaypoint (cont, zone, zx, zy, callbackT) return Nx:TTAddZWaypoint (cont, zone, zx, zy, "", false, nil, nil, callbackT) end -------- -- Used for id = TomTom:SetCustomMFWaypoint (m, f, x, y, opts) function Nx:TTSetCustomMFWaypoint (aid, _floor, zx, zy, opts) zx = zx * 100 zy = zy * 100 return Nx:TTSetTarget (Nx.AIdToId[aid], zx, zy, opts["title"], opts["callbacks"]) end function Nx:TTSetTarget (mid, zx, zy, name, callbackT) -- Nx.prt ("TTSetTarget %s %s %s %s", name or "nil", mid or "nil", zx, zy) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local tar = map:SetTargetXY (mid, zx, zy, name, true) map:ChangeTargetOrder (-1, 1) if callbackT and callbackT["distance"] then local d = 99999 local f for dist, func in pairs (callbackT["distance"]) do if dist < d then d = dist f = func end end tar.Radius = d tar.RadiusFunc = f -- Nx.prt (" R %s", d) end return tar.UniqueId end -------- -- Used for TomTom:RemoveWaypoint (uid) function Nx:TTRemoveWaypoint (id) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) map:ClearTarget (id) end -------- -- Used for TomTom:SetCrazyArrow (uid, dist, title) function Nx:TTSetCrazyArrow (id, dist, str) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local tar = map:FindTarget (id) if tar then tar.Radius = dist tar.TargetName = str end end -------- -- Cartographer emulation function Nx:CartGetDistanceToPoint (zx, zy, mapName) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local mapId = Nx.MapNameToId[mapName] if not mapId then return 1000 end local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, zx * 100, zy * 100) local x = wx - map.PlyrX local y = wy - map.PlyrY local distYd = (x * x + y * y) ^ .5 * 4.575 return distYd end function Nx:CartSetPointAsWaypoint (zx, zy) Nx:TTAddZWaypoint (nil, nil, zx * 100, zy * 100, "Waypoint") -- local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) -- map:ChangeTargetOrder (-1, 1) end function Nx:CartAddLHWaypoint (cont, zone, zx, zy, name) Nx:TTAddZWaypoint (cont, zone, zx, zy, name) end function Nx:CartAddRoutesWaypoint (mapName, yx, name) -- Nx.prt ("AddRoutesWaypoint %s %s", mapName, name or "nil") local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local mapId = Nx.MapNameToId[mapName] local cont, zone if mapId then cont, zone = map:IdToContZone (mapId) end local zx = (yx % 10001) / 100 local zy = floor (yx / 10001) / 100 Nx:TTAddZWaypoint (cont, zone, zx, zy, name) -- map:ChangeTargetOrder (-1, 1) end function Nx:CartAddWaypoint (note) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local mapId = Nx.MapNameToId[note["z"]] local cont, zone if mapId then cont, zone = map:IdToContZone (mapId) end local id = Nx:TTAddZWaypoint (cont, zone, note["x"] * 100, note["y"] * 100, note["n"]) note["WaypointID"] = id -- map:ChangeTargetOrder (-1, 1) end function Nx:CartCancelWaypoint (id) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) map:ClearTargets() -- Just clear all, since id can be some weird junk end function Nx:CartSetWaypointHitDistance (dist) -- Nx.prt ("SetWaypointHitDistance %s", dist) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) if map.Targets[1] then map.Targets[1].Radius = dist end end function Nx:CartNotePointNew (zone, x, y, name) local note = {} if not y then y = floor (x / 10001) / 100 x = (x % 10001) / 100 end -- note["WaypointID"] = 0 note["z"] = zone note["x"] = x note["y"] = y note["n"] = name or "" return note end -------- -- For RareSeeker and others function Nx.MapMinimapOwned() local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) return map.MMOwn end function Nx.MapInitIconType (iconType, drawMode) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) map:InitIconType (iconType, drawMode) end function Nx.MapAddIconPoint (iconType, mapName, x, y, texture) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local mapId = Nx.MapNameToId[mapName] if mapId then local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) map:AddIconPt (iconType, wx, wy, nil, texture) end end function Nx.MapAddIconRect (iconType, mapName, x, y, x2, y2, color) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local mapId = Nx.MapNameToId[mapName] if mapId then map:AddIconRect (iconType, mapId, x, y, x2, y2, color) end end function Nx.MapSetIconTip (icon, tip) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) map:SetIconTip (icon, tip) end -------- function Nx.NXMapKeyTargetSkip() local self = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local tar = self.Targets[1] if tar then tar.Radius = 999999999999 end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- function Nx.Map.Dock:Create() --PAIDS! if Nx.Free then return end self.UpdateMod = 100 -- Prevent error local gopts = Nx.GetGlobalOpts() self.GOpts = gopts if not gopts["MapMMButOwn"] then return end -- Create Window Nx.Window:SetCreateFade (1, 0) local win = Nx.Window:Create ("NxMapDock", nil, nil, nil, 1, 1, nil, true) self.Win = win win:SetBGAlpha (0, 1) -- if gopts["MapMMDockHigh"] then -- win:SetStrata ("HIGH") -- end win:CreateButtons() win:InitLayoutData (nil, 100045, -.08, 45, 50, 2) -- win:SetUser (m, self.OnWin) win.Frm:SetToplevel (true) self:UpdateOptions() self.InitPending = true Nx.Timer:Start ("DockMinimapScan", 3, self, self.MinimapOwnInit) --PAIDE! end -------- -- Init minimap button ownership function Nx.Map.Dock:MinimapOwnInit() self.InitPending = nil local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local mm = getglobal ("Minimap") local mmOwnerNames = { "NXMiniMapBut","GameTimeFrame","TimeManagerClockButton","MiniMapWorldMapButton","MiniMapMailFrame","MiniMapTracking","MiniMapVoiceChatFrame","QueueStatusMinimapButton","MiniMapInstanceDifficulty", } local f = getglobal ("MinimapBackdrop") -- Add so it gets ignored map.MMOwnedFrms[f] = 0 self.MMFrms = {} for k, name in ipairs (mmOwnerNames) do local f = getglobal (name) if f then map.MMOwnedFrms[f] = 0 tinsert (self.MMFrms, f) f:SetParent (self.Win.Frm) if name == "MiniMapTracking" then f:Show() end end end -- Scan all frames local texnames = { ["Interface\\AddOns\\CT_Core\\Images\\minimapIcon"] = 1, } local mapf = map.Frm local winf = self.Win.Frm local found = {} local f = EnumerateFrames() while f do if not f:IsObjectType ("Model") then -- if f:IsShown() and not f:IsObjectType ("Model") then local pt, relTo = f:GetPoint() if relTo == mm then local parent = f:GetParent() if parent ~= mm and parent ~= mapf then -- Nx.prtFrame ("Dock Scan", f) found[f] = 1 end end local reg = { f:GetRegions() } for k, v in ipairs (reg) do if v:IsObjectType ("Texture") then local tname = v:GetTexture() if tname and texnames[tname] then -- if tname and strfind (tname, "CT") then -- Nx.prt ("Tex %s", tname) found[f] = 1 break end end end end f = EnumerateFrames (f) end -- Add found frames to list for f in pairs (found) do if not map.MMOwnedFrms[f] then map.MMOwnedFrms[f] = 0 tinsert (self.MMFrms, f) f:SetParent (winf) end end map.Win:Show (map.StartupShown) Nx.Map:MinimapButtonShowUpdate() if NxData.DebugDock then Nx.prt ("DockScan %s", #self.MMFrms) end end -------- function Nx.Map.Dock:UpdateOptions() local win = self.Win if win then local lock = win:IsLocked() win:SetBGAlpha (0, lock and 0 or 1) self.UpdateMod = 1 end end -------- function Nx.Map.Dock:MinimapDetachFrms() if Nx.Tick % self.UpdateMod ~= 0 then return end if not self.Win then return end self.UpdateMod = 30 if NxData.DebugDock then Nx.prt ("Dock %s", #self.MMFrms) end local mm = getglobal ("Minimap") -- local mmt = getglobal ("MiniMapTracking") local mmClock = getglobal ("TimeManagerClockButton") local win = self.Win local winf = win.Frm local butLvl = winf:GetFrameLevel() + 1 local cLvl = butLvl + 1 local setCLvls = Nx.Util_SetChildLevels local strata = winf:GetFrameStrata() local mini = self.GOpts["MMButWinMinimize"] local cx, cy = win:GetClientOffset() local cw, ch = win:GetSize() local columnCnt = mini and 1 or self.GOpts["MapMMButColumns"] -- max (floor (cw / 30), 1) local columnStart = 0 local columnEnd = columnCnt - 1 local colAdd = 1 local spacing = self.GOpts["MapMMButSpacing"] local yAdd = spacing local y = cy + 6 local s = self.GOpts["MapMMButCorner"] if s == "TopRight" or s == "BottomRight" then columnEnd = -columnEnd -- columnStart, columnEnd = columnEnd, columnStart colAdd = -1 end if s == "BottomLeft" or s == "BottomRight" then yAdd = -yAdd y = cy - 6 end local column = columnStart local borderSize = win:GetBorderSize() local baseX = borderSize + 17 local baseY = y local incRow -- if IsAltKeyDown() then return end for n, f in ipairs (self.MMFrms) do if f:IsVisible() then local w = f:GetWidth() if w > 0 then local sc = 32 / max (w, 32) if incRow then incRow = false column = columnStart y = y + yAdd end if mini and n > 1 then column = 0 y = baseY butLvl = 1 cLvl = 1 sc = .1 end local x = baseX + column * spacing f:SetParent (winf) f:ClearAllPoints() if f == mmClock then sc = sc * 1.5 -- f:SetPoint ("CENTER", winf, "TOPLEFT", x / sc - 3, -y / sc + 3) end f:SetPoint ("CENTER", winf, "TOPLEFT", x / sc, -y / sc) -- if f == mmt then -- sc = .82 -- f:SetPoint ("CENTER", winf, "TOPLEFT", x / sc - 3, -y / sc + 3) -- end f:SetScale (sc) f:SetFrameStrata (strata) f:SetFrameLevel (butLvl) setCLvls (f, cLvl) --[[ if IsControlKeyDown() then Nx.prt ("MMFrms #%d %s %s", n, f:GetName() or "nil", w) Nx.prtFrame ("", f) end --]] if column == columnEnd then incRow = true end column = column + colAdd end elseif f:IsShown() then -- Strange? Fixes Outfitter Minimap button not drawing -- Nx.prt ("Frm vis error %s", f:GetName() or "nil") f:Show() end end if not win.MovSizing then -- local h = min (ch, cy - y) local x = winf:GetLeft() win:SetSize (34, 11) end -- Debug --[[ if IsControlKeyDown() then local frms = {} for n, f in ipairs (self.MMFrms) do if frms[f] then Nx.prt ("Dup frm %s #%s", f:GetName() or "nil", n) end frms[f] = n end end --]] end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Routing -------- -- Gather icons function Nx.Map:RouteGathers() local points = {} local cnt = self:GetIconCnt ("!Ga") for n = 1, cnt do local wx, wy = self:GetIconPt ("!Ga", n) local x, y = self:GetZonePos (self.MapId, wx, wy) local pt = {} tinsert (points, pt) pt.X = x pt.Y = y end self:RouteMerge (points) local route = self:Route (points) if route then self:RouteToTargets (route, false) end end function Nx.Map:RouteTargets() local points = {} for n, tar in ipairs (self.Targets) do local wx = tar.TargetMX local wy = tar.TargetMY local x, y = self:GetZonePos (self.MapId, wx, wy) local pt = {} tinsert (points, pt) pt.Name = tar.TargetName pt.X = x pt.Y = y end local route = self:Route (points) if route then self:RouteToTargets (route) end end function Nx.Map:RouteQuests (points) local route = self:Route (points) if route then self:RouteToTargets (route, false) end end -------- -- Merge close points function Nx.Map:RouteMerge (points) local radius = self.GOpts["RouteMergeRadius"] if #points < 2 or radius < 1 then return end local tm = GetTime() sort (points, function (a, b) return a.X < b.X end) -- for n, pt in ipairs (points) do -- Nx.prt ("%s %s", n, pt.X) -- end radius = radius / Nx.Map:GetWorldZoneScale (self.MapId) / 4.575 -- Nx.prt ("rad %s", radius) local radiusSq = radius ^ 2 -- Yards to world space squared local startCnt = #points local merged = true while merged do merged = false local close = 999999999 local closeI1 local closeI2 for n1, pt1 in ipairs (points) do -- local done for n2 = n1 + 1, #points do local pt2 = points[n2] if pt2.X - pt1.X > radius then -- Nx.prt ("done %s %s", pt1.X, pt2.X) -- done = true break end local d = (pt1.X - pt2.X) ^ 2 + ((pt1.Y - pt2.Y) / 1.5) ^ 2 if d < close then close = d closeI1 = n1 closeI2 = n2 --[[ if d ^ .5 < radius * .5 then -- Close enough? Early out Nx.prt ("%s + %s, %s", n1, n2, d ^ .5) done = true break end --]] end end -- if done then -- break -- end end if close ^ .5 < radius then -- Nx.prt (" + %s %s", closeI1, closeI2) local pt1 = points[closeI1] local pt2 = points[closeI2] pt1.X = (pt1.X + pt2.X) * .5 -- Average pt1.Y = (pt1.Y + pt2.Y) * .5 tremove (points, closeI2) merged = true sort (points, function (a, b) return a.X < b.X end) end end Nx.prt ("Merged %s in %.1f secs", startCnt - #points, GetTime() - tm) end -------- -- Make a route and target it function Nx.Map:Route (points) if #points == 0 then return end -- Test local tm = GetTime() --[[ local blks = 20 local scale = 5 local points = {} for n = 0, 399 do local pt = {} points[n + 1] = pt pt.X = n % blks * scale + floor (n / 7) % 2 * 3 pt.Y = floor (n / blks) * scale + floor (n / 3) % 2 * 4 -- pt.X = random (1, 20) -- pt.Y = random (1, 20) end --]] -- local route = {} for n, pt in ipairs (points) do pt.Y = pt.Y / 1.5 -- Make Y same units as X end -- Nearest neighbor if #points > 1 then local x = points[1].X local y = points[1].Y if x == points[#points].X and y == points[#points].Y then -- End same as start? tremove (points) end end local x, y = self:GetZonePos (self.MapId, self.PlyrX, self.PlyrY) y = y / 1.5 while #points > 0 do local closeDist = 999999999 local closeI for n, pt in ipairs (points) do local dist = (x - pt.X) ^ 2 + (y - pt.Y) ^ 2 if dist < closeDist then closeDist = dist closeI = n end end local pt = tremove (points, closeI) local r = {} tinsert (route, r) r.Name = pt.Name r.X = pt.X r.Y = pt.Y r.Weight = pt.Weight or 1 x = pt.X y = pt.Y end -- Add first node at end if needed for loop local x = route[1].X local y = route[1].Y if x ~= route[#route].X or y ~= route[#route].Y then -- Nx.prt ("%f %f %f %f", x, route[#route].X, y, route[#route].Y) local r = {} r.X = x r.Y = y tinsert (route, r) end -- Calc length (sets node distances) local len = self:RouteLen (route) -- Nx.prt ("Route len %s, %s secs", len, GetTime() - tm) -- Optimize .517 secs on 400 for n = 1, 5 do local swap = self:RouteOptimize (route) -- local len = self:RouteLen (route) -- Nx.prt ("Route opt #%s len %s, %s secs", #route, len, GetTime() - tm) if not swap then break end end -- Show info local scale = self:GetWorldZoneScale (self.MapId) local len = self:RouteLen (route) Nx.prt ("Routed %s nodes, %d yards in %.1f secs", #route, len * scale * 4.575, GetTime() - tm) return route end function Nx.Map:RouteToTargets (route, targetIcon) Nx.Quest.Watch:ClearAutoTarget() local mapId = self.MapId for n, r in ipairs (route) do local wx, wy = self:GetWorldPos (mapId, r.X, r.Y * 1.5) local s = format ("Route%s (%s) %s", n, #route - n + 1, r.Name or "") local tar = self:SetTarget ("Route", wx, wy, wx, wy, targetIcon, nil, s, n ~= 1) tar.Radius = self.GOpts["RouteGatherRadius"] -- self:SetTargetXY (mapId, r.X, r.Y * 1.5, "r" .. n, true) end end function Nx.Map:RouteLen (route) local len = 0 for n = 1, #route - 1 do local r1 = route[n] local r2 = route[n + 1] r1.Dist = ((r1.X - r2.X) ^ 2 + (r1.Y - r2.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 len = len + r1.Dist -- Nx.prt ("Route %s len %s", n, ((x - r.X) ^ 2 + (y - r.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5) end return len end function Nx.Map:RouteOptimize (route) local swap ---[[ 1394.4788 len for len = #route - 2, 2, -1 do for n = 1, #route - len - 1 do local r1 = route[n] local r2 = route[n + 1] local n2 = n + len local r3 = route[n2] local r4 = route[n2 + 1] if r1.Dist + r3.Dist > ((r1.X - r3.X) ^ 2 + (r1.Y - r3.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 + ((r2.X - r4.X) ^ 2 + (r2.Y - r4.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 then self:RouteSwap (route, n + 1, len) -- local dist1 = ((r1.X - r2.X) ^ 2 + (r1.Y - r2.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 + ((r3.X - r4.X) ^ 2 + (r3.Y - r4.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 -- local dist2 = ((r1.X - r3.X) ^ 2 + (r1.Y - r3.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 + ((r2.X - r4.X) ^ 2 + (r2.Y - r4.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 -- Nx.prt ("Route %s swap %s %s %s", len, n, dist1 or 0, dist2 or 0) swap = true end end end --]] --[[ Little slower for last = #route - 1, 2, -1 do for n = 1, last - 2 do local r1 = route[n] local r2 = route[n + 1] local n2 = last local r3 = route[n2] local r4 = route[n2 + 1] if r1.Dist + r3.Dist > ((r1.X - r3.X) ^ 2 + (r1.Y - r3.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 + ((r2.X - r4.X) ^ 2 + (r2.Y - r4.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 then self:RouteSwap (route, n + 1, last - n) -- local dist1 = ((r1.X - r2.X) ^ 2 + (r1.Y - r2.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 + ((r3.X - r4.X) ^ 2 + (r3.Y - r4.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 -- local dist2 = ((r1.X - r3.X) ^ 2 + (r1.Y - r3.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 + ((r2.X - r4.X) ^ 2 + (r2.Y - r4.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 Nx.prt ("Route %s swap %s %s %s", last - n, n, dist1 or 0, dist2 or 0) swap = true end end end --]] return swap end function Nx.Map:RouteSwap (route, first, len) -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Before (3, +4) -- 1 2 6 5 4 3 7 8 After local last = first + len - 1 local stop = first + floor (len / 2) - 1 --[[ Loop unroll does not help local loops = floor (len / 2) -- if loops > 1 then -- Nx.prt ("Route swap loops %s", loops) if loops % 2 ~= 0 then route[first], route[last] = route[last], route[first] first = first + 1 last = last - 1 end for n = first, stop, 2 do route[n], route[last] = route[last], route[n] route[n+1], route[last-1] = route[last-1], route[n+1] last = last - 2 end else --]] local n2 = last for n = first, stop do route[n], route[n2] = route[n2], route[n] n2 = n2 - 1 end for n = first - 1, last do local r1 = route[n] local r2 = route[n + 1] r1.Dist = ((r1.X - r2.X) ^ 2 + (r1.Y - r2.Y) ^ 2) ^ .5 end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test code function Nx.Map:VehicleDumpPos() -- Right Reaver guard .431 -.701 -359 for n = 1, GetNumBattlefieldVehicles() do local x, y, unitName, possessed, typ, dir, player = GetBattlefieldVehicleInfo (n) if x and not player then local xo = self.PlyrRZX - x * 100 local yo = (self.PlyrRZY - y * 100) / 1.5 dir = dir / PI * -180 xo, yo = xo * cos (dir) + yo * sin (dir), (xo * -sin (dir) + yo * cos (dir)) * 1.5 Nx.prt ("#%s %s %f %f %.3f %s", n, unitName or "nil", xo, yo, dir or -1, typ or "no type") end end end --[[ -------- -- Get zone position of world location -- (id, x, y) function Nx.Map:OLD_GetZonePos (mapId, worldX, worldY) -- Nx.prt ("WXY %f %f", worldX, worldY) local cont = floor (mapId / 1000) local info = self.MapInfo[cont] if info then local winfo = self.MapWorldInfo[mapId] if winfo then local scale = winfo[1] local x = (worldX - info.X - winfo[2]) / scale local y = (worldY - info.Y - winfo[3]) / scale * 1.5 -- Nx.prt ("XY %f %f %f", x, y, scale) return x, y end end return 0, 0 end -------- -- Test empty function function Nx.Map:TestEmpty() end function Nx.Map:Test1() local s = "########" local loc1 = strsub (s, 1, 4) local x, y = Nx.Quest:UnpackLocPtOff (loc1, 1) end function Nx.Map:Test2() local s = "####" local x, y = Nx.Quest:UnpackLocPtOff (s, 1) end -------- -- Do test function Nx.Map:Test() --[ local tm = GetTime() for n = 1, 1000000 do self:TestEmpty() end Nx.prt ("Time %.3f empty", GetTime() - tm) local tm = GetTime() for n = 1, 1000000 do self:GetZonePos (1001, 0, 0) end Nx.prt ("Time %.3f", GetTime() - tm) local tm = GetTime() for n = 1, 1000000 do self:OLD_GetZonePos (1001, 0, 0) end Nx.prt ("Time %.3f", GetTime() - tm) --] -- Precondition ---[ for n = 1, 1000 do self:Test1() self:Test2() end -- Test local tm = GetTime() local func = Nx.Map.TestEmpty for n = 1, 5000000 do func (self) end Nx.prt ("Time %.3f empty", GetTime() - tm) local tm = GetTime() local func = Nx.Map.Test1 for n = 1, 5000000 do func (self) end Nx.prt ("Time %.3f #1", GetTime() - tm) local tm = GetTime() local func = Nx.Map.Test2 for n = 1, 5000000 do func (self) end Nx.prt ("Time %.3f #2", GetTime() - tm) --] end --]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- EOF