--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NxQuest - Quest stuff -- Copyright 2007-2012 Carbon Based Creations, LLC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Carbonite - Addon for World of Warcraft(tm) -- Copyright 2007-2012 Carbon Based Creations, LLC -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Quest general function Nx.Quest:OptsReset() local qopts = Nx:GetQuestOpts() qopts.NXShowHeaders = true qopts.NXSortWatchMode = 1 qopts.NXWAutoMax = nil qopts.NXWVisMax = 8 qopts.NXWShowOnMap = true qopts.NXWWatchParty = true qopts.NXWHideUnfinished = false qopts.NXWHideGroup = false qopts.NXWHideNotInZone = false qopts.NXWHideNotInCont = false qopts.NXWHideDist = 20000 qopts.NXWPriDist = 1 qopts.NXWPriComplete = 50 qopts.NXWPriLevel = 20 qopts.NXWPriGroup = -100 -- Not used yet end -------- -- DEBUG --function Nx.Quest.SelectQuestLogEntry (qn) -- Nx.prt ("QSel %s", qn) -- Nx.Quest.OldSelectQuestLogEntry (qn) --end -------- -- Init quest and watch data and windows function Nx.Quest:Init() -- hooksecurefunc ("WatchFrame_Update", self.WatchFrame_Update) local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() self.Enabled = opts["QEnable"] if not self.Enabled then -- Nx.Quest = nil Nx.Quests = nil -- Data return end self.GOpts = opts if opts["QWBlizzModify"] then -- if not GetCVarBool ("advancedWatchFrame") then -- SetCVar ("questFadingDisable", 1) --V4 gone SetCVar ("autoQuestProgress", 0) SetCVar ("autoQuestWatch", 0) -- SetCVar ("advancedWatchFrame", 1) -- SetCVar ("watchFrameIgnoreCursor", 0) -- end end -- DEBUG -- self.OldSelectQuestLogEntry = SelectQuestLogEntry -- SelectQuestLogEntry = Nx.Quest.SelectQuestLogEntry -- Force it to create/enable and then we disable GetUIPanelWidth (QuestLogFrame) QuestLogFrame:SetAttribute ("UIPanelLayout-enabled", false) if QuestLogDetailFrame then -- Patch 3.2 GetUIPanelWidth (QuestLogDetailFrame) QuestLogDetailFrame:SetAttribute ("UIPanelLayout-enabled", false) end local Map = Nx.Map self.QuestStartEnd = Nx.QuestStartEnd self.IdToQuest = {} self.QIds = {} -- Our quests by id self.QIdsNew = {} -- Time stamp of getting a new quest. [Id] = time() self.Tracking = {} self.Sorted = {} self.CurQ = {} -- Current quests (including gotos) self.RealQ = {} -- Real Blizzard quests self.RealQEntries = 0 self.PartyQ = {} -- Party quests self.IdToCurQ = {} self.HeaderExpanded = {} -- Blizzard quest headers we expanded self.HeaderHide = {} -- Names of quest headers to hide self.RcvPlyrLast = "None" self.RcvCnt = 0 self.RcvTotal = 0 self.FriendQuests = {} self.IconTracking = {} self:CalcWatchColors() self.TagNames = { ["Group"] = "+", ["Gruppe"] = "+", -- German ["Dungeon"] = "D", ["Heroic"] = "H", ["Heroisch"] = "H", -- German ["Raid"] = "R", } self.PerColors = { "|cffc00000", "|cffc03000", "|cffc06000", "|cffc09000", "|cffc0c000", "|cff90c000", "|cff60c000", "|cff30c000", "|cff00c000", } local qopts = Nx:GetQuestOpts() if qopts.NXBroadcastQChanges ~= nil then opts["QBroadcastQChanges"] = qopts.NXBroadcastQChanges -- Convert qopts.NXBroadcastQChanges = nil end -- Capture self.CapturePlyrData = {} self.CapFactionAbr = { ["Argent Crusade"] = 1, ["Argent Dawn"] = 2, ["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = 3, ["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = 4, ["Booty Bay"] = 5, ["Brood of Nozdormu"] = 6, ["Cenarion Circle"] = 7, ["Cenarion Expedition"] = 8, ["Darkmoon Faire"] = 9, ["Darkspear Trolls"] = 10, ["Darnassus"] = 11, ["Everlook"] = 12, ["Exodar"] = 13, ["Explorers' League"] = 14, ["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = 15, ["Frostwolf Clan"] = 16, ["Gadgetzan"] = 17, ["Gelkis Clan Centaur"] = 18, ["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = 19, ["Honor Hold"] = 20, ["Hydraxian Waterlords"] = 21, ["Ironforge"] = 22, ["Keepers of Time"] = 23, ["Kirin Tor"] = 24, ["Knights of the Ebon Blade"] = 25, ["Kurenai"] = 26, ["Lower City"] = 27, ["Magram Clan Centaur"] = 28, ["Netherwing"] = 29, ["Ogri'la"] = 30, ["Orgrimmar"] = 31, ["Ratchet"] = 32, ["Ravenholdt"] = 33, ["Sha'tari Skyguard"] = 34, ["Shattered Sun Offensive"] = 35, ["Shen'dralar"] = 36, ["Silvermoon City"] = 37, ["Silverwing Sentinels"] = 38, ["Sporeggar"] = 39, ["Stormpike Guard"] = 40, ["Stormwind"] = 41, ["Syndicate"] = 42, ["The Aldor"] = 43, ["The Consortium"] = 44, ["The Defilers"] = 45, ["The Frostborn"] = 46, ["The Hand of Vengeance"] = 47, ["The Kalu'ak"] = 48, ["The League of Arathor"] = 49, ["The Mag'har"] = 50, ["The Oracles"] = 51, ["The Scale of the Sands"] = 52, ["The Scryers"] = 53, ["The Sha'tar"] = 54, ["The Silver Covenant"] = 55, ["The Sons of Hodir"] = 56, ["The Taunka"] = 57, ["The Violet Eye"] = 58, ["The Wyrmrest Accord"] = 59, ["Thorium Brotherhood"] = 60, ["Thrallmar"] = 61, ["Thunder Bluff"] = 62, ["Timbermaw Hold"] = 63, ["Tranquillien"] = 64, ["Undercity"] = 65, ["Valiance Expedition"] = 66, ["Warsong Offensive"] = 67, ["Warsong Outriders"] = 68, ["Wildhammer Clan"] = 69, ["Wintersaber Trainers"] = 70, ["Zandalar Tribe"] = 71, } -- Patch quest data --[[ local qdata = { [3444] = "4^97^626^386", [10447] = "5^96^738^357", -- [11514] = "4^19", -- [11521] = "4^96", -- [ 11541] = "2^119^538^341", -- [111541] = "3", -- [11546] = "4^119", -- [11877] = "4^66", } for id, s in pairs (qdata) do id = id <= 100000 and id or id - 100000 local quest = Nx.Quests[(id + 7) * 2 - 3] local objI, zone, x, y = strsplit ("^", s) objI = tonumber (objI) if not zone then quest[objI] = nil else -- Nx.prt ("%s z%s", id, objI) local obj = quest[objI] if obj then zone = tonumber (zone) if x then -- Nx.prt ("%s %s %s", id, x, y) x = tonumber (x) * 10 y = tonumber (y) * 10 local oDesc = self:UnpackObjective (obj) quest[objI] = format ("%c%s%c %c%c%c%c", #oDesc + 35, oDesc, zone + 35, floor (x / 221) + 35, x % 221 + 35, floor (y / 221) + 35, y % 221 + 35) else local oDesc, oZone, oLoc = self:UnpackObjective (obj) quest[objI] = format ("%c%s%c%s", #oDesc + 35, oDesc, zone + 35, strsub (obj, oLoc)) end end end end --]] -- Patch Molten Front --[[ for mungeId, q in pairs (Nx.Quests) do local id = (mungeId + 3) / 2 - 7 -- Decode if q[2] then local sName, zone = self:UnpackSE (q[2]) if zone == 199 then Nx.prt ("qpatch %s", sName) local i = 1 while q[3 + i] do end end end end --]] self.DailyTypes = { ["1"] = "Daily", ["2"] = "Daily Dungeon", ["3"] = "Daily Heroic", } self.Reputations = { ["A"] = "Aldor", ["S"] = "Scryer", ["c"] = "Consortium", ["e"] = "Cenarion Expedition", ["g"] = "Sha'tari Skyguard", ["k"] = "Keepers of Time", ["l"] = "Lower City", ["n"] = "Netherwing", ["o"] = "Ogri'la", ["s"] = "Shattered Sun Offensive", ["t"] = "Sha'tar", ["z"] = "Honor Hold/Thrallmar", -- WotLK ["C"] = "Argent Crusade", ["E"] = "Explorers' League", ["F"] = "Frenzyheart Tribe", ["f"] = "The Frostborn", ["H"] = "Horde Expedition", ["K"] = "The Kalu'ak", ["i"] = "Kirin Tor", ["N"] = "Knights of the Ebon Blade", ["O"] = "The Oracles", ["h"] = "The Sons of Hodir", ["a"] = "Alliance Vanguard", ["V"] = "Valiance Expedition", ["W"] = "Warsong Offensive", ["w"] = "The Wyrmrest Accord", ["I"] = "The Silver Covenant", -- Patch 3.1 ["R"] = "The Sunreavers", -- Patch 3.1 } self.Requirements = { -- ["1"] = "Alliance", -- Already stripped out by quest side removal code -- ["2"] = "Horde", ["oH"] = "Ogri'la Honored", ["H350"] = "Herbalism 350", ["M350"] = "Mining 350", ["S350"] = "Skining 350", ["G"] = "Gathering Skill", ["nF"] = "Netherwing Friendly", ["nH"] = "Netherwing Honored", ["nRA"] = "Netherwing Revered (Aldor)", ["nRS"] = "Netherwing Revered (Scryer)", -- WotLK ["hH"] = "The Sons of Hodir Honored", ["hR"] = "The Sons of Hodir Revered", ["J375"] = "Jewelcrafting 375", ["C"] = "Cooking", ["F"] = "Fishing", } self.DailyIds = { -- Type ^ Reward (Gold*100+Silver) ^ Rep letter/Rep amount (000) ^ Requirement -- Req - H herb, M mine, S skin, G any gather, F friendly, H honored, R revered -- Honor Hold/Thrallmar [10106] = "1^70^z150", -- Hellfire Fortifications [10110] = "1^70^z150", -- Hellfire Fortifications -- Ogri'la [11023] = "1^1199^o500g500", -- Bomb Them Again! [11066] = "1^1199^o350g350", -- Wrangle More Aether Rays! [11080] = "1^910^o350", -- The Relic's Emanation [11051] = "1^1199^o350^oH", -- Banish More Demons -- Netherwing [11020] = "1^1199^n250", -- A Slow Death [11035] = "1^1199^n250", -- The Not-So-Friendly Skies... [11049] = "1^1828^n350", -- The Great Netherwing Egg Hunt [11015] = "1^1199^n250", -- Netherwing Crystals [11017] = "1^1199^n250^H350", -- Netherdust Pollen (Herbalist) [11018] = "1^1199^n250^M350", -- Nethercite Ore (Miner) [11016] = "1^1199^n250^S350", -- Nethermine Flayer Hide (Skinner) [11055] = "1^1199^n350^nF", -- The Booterang: A Cure For The Common Worthless Peon [11076] = "1^1828^n350^nF", -- Picking Up The Pieces... [11086] = "1^1199^n500^nH", -- Disrupting the Twilight Portal [11101] = "1^1828^n500^nRA", -- The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid (Aldor) [11097] = "1^1828^n500^nRS", -- The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid (Scryer) -- Shattered Sun [11514] = "1^1010^s250", -- Maintaining the Sunwell Portal [11515] = "1^1199^s250", -- Blood for Blood [11516] = "1^1010^s250", -- Blast the Gateway [11521] = "1^1388^s350", -- Rediscovering Your Roots [11523] = "1^910^s150", -- Arm the Wards! [11525] = "1^910^s150", -- Further Conversions [11533] = "1^910^s150", -- The Air Strikes Must Continue [11536] = "1^1199^s250", -- Don't Stop Now.... [11537] = "1^1010^s250", -- The Battle Must Go On [11540] = "1^1199^s250", -- Crush the Dawnblade [11541] = "1^1199^s250", -- Disrupt the Greengill Coast [11543] = "1^759^s250", -- Keeping the Enemy at Bay [11544] = "1^1828^s350", -- Ata'mal Armaments [11546] = "1^1199^s250", -- Open for Business [11547] = "1^1199^s250", -- Know Your Ley Lines [11548] = "1^-1000^s150", -- Your Continued Support [11877] = "1^1010^s250", -- Sunfury Attack Plans [11880] = "1^910^s250", -- The Multiphase Survey [11875] = "1^1639^s250^G", -- Gaining the Advantage -- Skettis [11008] = "1^1199^g350", -- Fires Over Skettis [11085] = "1^910^g150", -- Escape from Skettis -- WotLK Borean Tundra [11940] = "1^470^w250", -- Drake Hunt [11945] = "1^500^K500", -- Preparing for the Worst [13414] = "1^740^w250", -- Aces High! -- WotLK Howling Fjord [11153] = "1^470^a 38V250^1", -- Break the Blockade [11391] = "1^470^E250^1", -- Steel Gate Patrol [11472] = "1^470^K500", -- The Way to His Heart... -- WotLK Dragonblight [11960] = "1^500^K500", -- Planning for the Future [12372] = "1^560^w250", -- Defending Wyrmrest Temple -- WotLK Grizzly Hills [12437] = "1^560^^1", -- Riding the Red Rocket [12444] = "1^560^a 38V250^1", -- Blackriver Skirmish [12316] = "1^560^^1", -- Keep Them at Bay! [12289] = "1^560^a 38V250^1", -- Kick 'Em While They're Down [12296] = "1^560^a 38V250^1", -- Life or Death [12268] = "1^560^^1", -- Pieces Parts [12244] = "1^560^^1", -- Shredder Repair [12323] = "1^560^^1", -- Smoke 'Em Out [12314] = "1^560^^1", -- Down With Captain Zorna! [12038] = "1^986", -- Seared Scourge [12433] = "1^560", -- Seeking Solvent [12170] = "1^560^H250^2", -- Blackriver Brawl [12284] = "1^560^W250^2", -- Keep 'Em on Their Heels [12280] = "1^560^W250^2", -- Making Repairs [12288] = "1^560^W250^2", -- Overwhelmed! [12270] = "1^560^W250^2", -- Shred the Alliance [12315] = "1^560^^2", -- Crush Captain Brightwater! [12324] = "1^560^^2", -- Smoke 'Em Out [12317] = "1^560^^2", -- Keep Them at Bay [12432] = "1^560^^2", -- Riding the Red Rocket -- WotLK Zul'Drak [12501] = "1^620^C250", -- Troll Patrol [12541] = "1^158^C 75", -- Troll Patrol: The Alchemist's Apprentice [12502] = "1^158^C 75", -- Troll Patrol: High Standards [12564] = "1^158^C 75", -- Troll Patrol: Something for the Pain [12588] = "1^158^C 75", -- Troll Patrol: Can You Dig It? [12568] = "1^158^C 75", -- Troll Patrol: Done to Death [12509] = "1^158^C250", -- Troll Patrol: Intestinal Fortitude [12591] = "1^158^C 75", -- Troll Patrol: Throwing Down [12585] = "1^158^C 75", -- Troll Patrol: Creature Comforts [12519] = "1^158^C 25", -- Troll Patrol: Whatdya Want, a Medal? [12594] = "1^158^C 75", -- Troll Patrol: Couldn't Care Less [12604] = "1^1860^C350", -- Congratulations! -- WotLK Sholazar Basin [12704] = "1^650^O250", -- Appeasing the Great Rain Stone [12761] = "1^1360^O350", -- Mastery of the Crystals [12762] = "1^1360^O350", -- Power of the Great Ones [12705] = "1^1360^O350", -- Will of the Titans [12735] = "1^740^O500", -- A Cleansing Song [12737] = "1^740^O250", -- Song of Fecundity [12736] = "1^740^O250", -- Song of Reflection [12726] = "1^740^O500", -- Song of Wind and Water [12689] = "1^330^O***", -- Hand of the Oracles (one time rep bonus) [12582] = "1^330^F***", -- Frenzyheart Champion (one time rep bonus) [12702] = "1^650^F500", -- Chicken Party! [12703] = "1^1360^F350", -- Kartak's Rampage [12760] = "1^1360^F350", -- Secret Strength of the Frenzyheart [12759] = "1^1360^F350", -- Tools of War [12734] = "1^740^F500", -- Rejek: First Blood [12758] = "1^740^F500", -- A Hero's Headgear [12741] = "1^740^F500", -- Strength of the Tempest (check rep??) [12732] = "1^740^F500", -- The Heartblood's Strength -- WotLK Icecrown [13309] = "1^740^V250^1", -- Assault by Air [13284] = "1^740^V250^1", -- Assault by Ground [13336] = "1^740^V250^1", -- Blood of the Chosen [13323] = "1^740^^1", -- Drag and Drop [13344] = "1^740^^1", -- Not a Bug [13322] = "1^740^^1", -- Retest Now [13404] = "1^740^^1", -- Static Shock Troops: the Bombardment [13300] = "1^740^C250^1", -- Slaves to Saronite [13289] = "1^740^^1", -- That's Abominable! [13292] = "1^740^^1", -- The Solution Solution [13333] = "1^740^^1", -- Capture More Dispatches [13297] = "1^2220^^1", -- Neutralizing the Plague [13350] = "1^2220^^1", -- No Rest For The Wicked [13280] = "1^740^V250^1", -- King of the Mountain [13233] = "1^740^^1", -- No Mercy! [13310] = "1^740^W250^2", -- Assault by Air [13301] = "1^740^W250^2", -- Assault by Ground [13330] = "1^740^W250^2", -- Blood of the Chosen [13353] = "1^740^^2", -- Drag and Drop [13365] = "1^740^^2", -- Not a Bug [13357] = "1^740^^2", -- Retest Now [13406] = "1^740^^2", -- Riding the Wavelength: The Bombardment [13302] = "1^740^C250^2", -- Slaves to Saronite [13376] = "1^740^^2", -- Total Ohmage: The Valley of Lost Hope! [13276] = "1^740^^2", -- That's Abominable! [13331] = "1^740^W250^2", -- Keeping the Alliance Blind [13261] = "1^740^^2", -- Volatility [13281] = "1^2220^^2", -- Neutralizing the Plague [13368] = "1^2220^^2", -- No Rest For The Wicked [13283] = "1^740^W250^2", -- King of the Mountain [13234] = "1^740^^2", -- Make Them Pay! [12813] = "1^740^N250", -- From Their Corpses, Rise! [12838] = "1^740^N250", -- Intelligence Gathering [12995] = "1^740^N250", -- Leave Our Mark [12815] = "1^740^N250", -- No Fly Zone [13069] = "1^740^N250", -- Shoot 'Em Up [13071] = "1^370^N250", -- Vile Like Fire! -- WotLK Icecrown Argent Tournament -- [13681] = "1^740", -- A Chip Off the Ulduar Block (OLD) -- [13627] = "1^740", -- Jack Me Some Lumber (OLD) [13625] = "1^580^I250", -- Learning The Reins (A) [13677] = "1^580^R250", -- Learning The Reins (H) [13671] = "1^580^I250", -- Training In The Field (A) [13676] = "1^580^R250", -- Training In The Field (H) [13666] = "1^580^I250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion (A) [13603] = "1^740^I250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion [13741] = "1^740^I250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion [13746] = "1^740^I250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion [13752] = "1^740^I250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion [13757] = "1^740^I250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion [13673] = "1^580^R250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion (H) [13762] = "1^740^R250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion [13768] = "1^740^R250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion [13783] = "1^740^R250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion [13773] = "1^740^R250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion [13778] = "1^740^R250", -- A Blade Fit For A Champion -- WotLK The Storm Peaks [12994] = "1^740^h350^hH", -- Spy Hunter [12833] = "1^680", -- Overstock [13424] = "1^740", -- Back to the Pit (Hyldnir Spoils) [12977] = "1^740^h250", -- Blowing Hodir's Horn [13423] = "1^740", -- Defending Your Title (Hyldnir Spoils) [13046] = "1^740^h250^hR", -- Feeding Arngrim [12981] = "1^740^h250", -- Hot and Cold [13422] = "1^550", -- Maintaining Discipline (Hyldnir Spoils) [13006] = "1^740^h250", -- Polishing the Helm [12869] = "1^680^f250", -- Pushed Too Far [13425] = "1^740", -- The Aberrations Must Die (Hyldnir Spoils) [13003] = "1^1480^h500^hH", -- Thrusting Hodir's Spear -- WotLK Wintergrasp [13156] = "1^740", -- A Rare Herb [13195] = "1^740", -- A Rare Herb [13154] = "1^740", -- Bones and Arrows [13193] = "1^740", -- Bones and Arrows [13196] = "1^740", -- Bones and Arrows [13199] = "1^740", -- Bones and Arrows [13222] = "1^740", -- Defend the Siege [13223] = "1^740", -- Defend the Siege [13191] = "1^740", -- Fueling the Demolishers [13197] = "1^740", -- Fueling the Demolishers [13200] = "1^740", -- Fueling the Demolishers [13194] = "1^740", -- Healing with Roses [13201] = "1^740", -- Healing with Roses [13202] = "1^740", -- Jinxing the Walls [13177] = "1^740", -- No Mercy for the Merciless [13179] = "1^740", -- No Mercy for the Merciless [13178] = "1^740", -- Slay them all! [13180] = "1^740", -- Slay them all! [13538] = "1^740", -- Southern Sabotage [13185] = "1^740", -- Stop the Siege [13186] = "1^740", -- Stop the Siege [13539] = "1^740", -- Toppling the Towers [13181] = "1^740", -- Victory in Wintergrasp [13183] = "1^740", -- Victory in Wintergrasp [13192] = "1^740", -- Warding the Walls [13153] = "1^740", -- Warding the Warriors [13198] = "1^740", -- Warding the Warriors -- WotLK Cooking [13101] = "1^580^i150^C", -- Convention at the Legerdemain [13113] = "1^580^i150^C", -- Convention at the Legerdemain [13100] = "1^580^i150^C", -- Infused Mushroom Meatloaf [13112] = "1^580^i150^C", -- Infused Mushroom Meatloaf [13107] = "1^580^i150^C", -- Mustard Dogs! [13116] = "1^580^i150^C", -- Mustard Dogs! [13102] = "1^580^i150^C", -- Sewer Stew [13114] = "1^580^i150^C", -- Sewer Stew -- WotLK Jewelcrafting [12958] = "1^740^i 25^J375", -- Shipment: Blood Jade Amulet [12962] = "1^740^i 25^J375", -- Shipment: Bright Armor Relic [12959] = "1^740^i 25^J375", -- Shipment: Glowing Ivory Figurine [12961] = "1^740^i 25^J375", -- Shipment: Intricate Bone Figurine [12963] = "1^740^i 25^J375", -- Shipment: Shifting Sun Curio [12960] = "1^740^i 25^J375", -- Shipment: Wicked Sun Brooch -- WotLK Fishing [13833] = "1^0^i250^F", -- Blood Is Thicker [13834] = "1^0^i250^F", -- Dangerously Delicious [13832] = "1^0^i250^F", -- Jewel Of The Sewers [13836] = "1^0^i250^F", -- Monsterbelly Appetite [13830] = "1^0^i250^F", -- The Ghostfish } self.DailyDungeonIds = { -- Dungeon [11389] = "2^1639^c250t250", -- Wanted: Arcatraz Sentinels [11371] = "2^1639^c250e250", -- Wanted: Coilfang Myrmidons [11376] = "2^1639^c250l250", -- Wanted: Malicious Instructors [11383] = "2^1639^c250k250", -- Wanted: Rift Lords [11364] = "2^1639^c250z250", -- Wanted: Shattered Hand Centurions [11500] = "2^1639^c250s250", -- Wanted: Sisters of Torment [11385] = "2^1639^c250t250", -- Wanted: Sunseeker Channelers [11387] = "2^1639^c250t250", -- Wanted: Tempest-Forge Destroyers -- Dungeon Heroic [11369] = "3^2460^c250e250", -- Wanted: A Black Stalker Egg [11384] = "3^2460^c350t350", -- Wanted: A Warp Splinter Clipping [11382] = "3^2460^c350k350", -- Wanted: Aeonus's Hourglass [11363] = "3^2460^c350z350", -- Wanted: Bladefist's Seal [11362] = "3^2460^c350z350", -- Wanted: Keli'dan's Feathered Stave [11375] = "3^2460^c350l350", -- Wanted: Murmur's Whisper [11354] = "3^2460^c350z350", -- Wanted: Nazan's Riding Crop [11386] = "3^2460^c350t350", -- Wanted: Pathaleon's Projector [11373] = "3^2460^c500", -- Wanted: Shaffar's Wondrous Pendant [11378] = "3^2460^c350k350", -- Wanted: The Epoch Hunter's Head [11374] = "3^2460^c350l350", -- Wanted: The Exarch's Soul Gem [11372] = "3^2460^c350l350", -- Wanted: The Headfeathers of Ikiss [11368] = "3^2460^c350e350", -- Wanted: The Heart of Quagmirran [11388] = "3^2460^c350t350", -- Wanted: The Scroll of Skyriss [11499] = "3^2460^c350s350", -- Wanted: The Signet Ring of Prince Kael'thas [11370] = "3^2460^c350e350", -- Wanted: The Warlord's Treatise -- WotLK Dungeon [13240] = "2^3466^i 75", -- Timear Foresees Centrifuge Constructs in your Future! [13243] = "2^3466^i 75", -- Timear Foresees Infinite Agents in your Future! [13244] = "2^3466^i 75", -- Timear Foresees Titanium Vanguards in your Future! [13241] = "2^3466^i 75", -- Timear Foresees Ymirjar Berserkers in your Future! -- WotLK Dungeon Heroic [13190] = "2^4200", -- All Things in Good Time [13254] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: Anub'arak [13256] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: Cyanigosa [13250] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: Gal'darah [13255] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: Herald Volazj [13245] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: Ingvar the Plunderer [13246] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: Keristrasza [13248] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: King Ymiron [13247] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: Ley-Guardian Eregos [13253] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: Loken [13251] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: Mal'Ganis [13252] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: Sjonnir The Ironshaper [14199] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: The Black Knight [13249] = "2^4866^i 75", -- Proof of Demise: The Prophet Tharon'ja } self.DailyPVPIds = { -- For not auto watching [11335] = "1", -- AV, AB, EOS, WG both sides [11336] = "1", [11337] = "1", [11338] = "1", [11339] = "1", [11340] = "1", [11341] = "1", [11342] = "1", [13405] = "1", -- SoA [13407] = "1", [14163] = "1", -- IoC [14164] = "1", } -- DEBUG for Jamie Nx.Quests = Nx["Quests"] or Nx.Quests -- Copy unmunged data to munged data Nx.QuestStartEnd = Nx["QuestStartEnd"] or Nx.QuestStartEnd -- Copy unmunged data to munged data -- DEBUG kill all quests -- Nx.Quests = {} -- self.Map = Map:GetMap (1) local enFact = Nx.PlFactionNum == 1 and 1 or 2 -- Remap 0 to 2, 1 to 1 -- enFact = 2 local qLoadLevel = UnitLevel ("player") - opts["QLevelsToLoad3"] local qMaxLevel = 999 local qCnt = 0 local maxid = 0 local sameCnt = 0 --[[ --DB local startMissingCnt = 0 local start0Cnt = 0 local startNoZoneCnt = 0 local end0Cnt = 0 local endNoZoneCnt = 0 local obj0Cnt = 0 local objNoZoneCnt = 0 --]] for mungeId, q in pairs (Nx.Quests) do local id = (mungeId + 3) / 2 - 7 -- Decode -- Nx.Quests[mungeId][2] = nil -- Nx.Quests[mungeId][3] = nil -- Nx.Quests[mungeId][4] = nil qCnt = qCnt + 1 maxid = max (id, maxid) local name, side, level = self:Unpack (q[1]) if side == enFact or level > 0 and level < qLoadLevel or level > qMaxLevel then --[[ if side == enFact then -- Nx.prt ("Del q %s side", id) else Nx.prt ("Del q %s level", id) end --]] Nx.Quests[mungeId] = nil else self.IdToQuest[id] = q if q[3] and q[3] == q[2] then -- q[3] = nil -- Release mem !!!!! FIX for non enders !!!!! sameCnt = sameCnt + 1 end -- if not q[4] and q[5] then -- Nx.prt ("q %s obj hole", id) -- end --[[ --DB if q[2] then local sName = self:UnpackSE (q[2]) local _, zone, x, y = self:GetSEPos (q[2]) local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if not zone then startNoZoneCnt = startNoZoneCnt + 1 end if (x == 0 or y == 0) and mapId and not Map:IsInstanceMap (mapId) then -- Nx.prt ("%s (%s) %s 0 start", name, id, sName) start0Cnt = start0Cnt + 1 end else startMissingCnt = startMissingCnt + 1 end if q[3] then local eName = self:UnpackSE (q[3]) local _, zone, x, y = self:GetSEPos (q[3]) local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if not zone then endNoZoneCnt = endNoZoneCnt + 1 end if (x == 0 or y == 0) and mapId and not Map:IsInstanceMap (mapId) then -- Nx.prt ("%s (%s) %s 0 end", name, id, eName) end0Cnt = end0Cnt + 1 end end for n = 4, 99 do if not q[n] then break end local oName = self:UnpackObjective (q[n]) local _, zone, x, y = self:GetObjectivePos (q[n]) local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if not zone or zone == 0 then -- Nx.prt ("%s (%s) #%s %s: no zone", name, id, n - 3, oName or "nil") objNoZoneCnt = objNoZoneCnt + 1 elseif zone > 0 and zone < 220 and not mapId then -- Nx.prt ("%s (%s) #%s %s z%s: no mapId", name, id, n - 3, oName, zone) end if (x == 0 and y ~= 0) or (x ~= 0 and y == 0) then Nx.prt ("? %s %s", name, id) end if (x == 0 or y == 0) and mapId and not Map:IsInstanceMap (mapId) then -- Nx.prt ("%s (%s) #%s %s z%s: no xy", name, id, n - 3, oName, zone) obj0Cnt = obj0Cnt + 1 end end --]] self:CheckQuestSE (q, 3) for n = 4, 99 do if not q[n] then break end self:CheckQuestObj (q, n) end end end --[[ --DB Nx.prt ("------- %s quests", qCnt) Nx.prt ("maxid %s", maxid) Nx.prt ("end==start %s, no start %s", sameCnt, startMissingCnt) Nx.prt ("0 xy, start %s, end %s, obj %s", start0Cnt, end0Cnt, obj0Cnt) Nx.prt ("no zone, start %s, end %s, obj %s", startNoZoneCnt, endNoZoneCnt, objNoZoneCnt) --]] -- for mungeId, q in pairs (Nx.Quests) do local name, side, lvl, minlvl, next = self:Unpack (q[1]) -- if next > 0 then -- Nx.prt ("%s %s %s", name, mungeId, next) -- end -- if strfind (name, "Safety First") then -- Nx.prt ("%s %s %s", name, mungeId, next) -- end if not q.CNum and next > 0 then local clvlmax = lvl local qc = q local cnum = 0 while qc do cnum = cnum + 1 qc.CNum = cnum -- if strfind (name, "Vile Famil") then -- Nx.prt ("%s %d %d %d", name, mungeId, next, cnum) -- end name, side, lvl, minlvl, next = self:Unpack (qc[1]) clvlmax = max (clvlmax, lvl) -- next = self:UnpackNext (qc[1]) if next == 0 then break end qc = self.IdToQuest[next] end q.CLvlMax = clvlmax -- Max level in chain end end for lvl = 0, 90 do local grp = {} for id, q in pairs (Nx.Quests) do id = (id + 3) / 2 - 7 local name, side, level = self:Unpack (q[1]) if level == lvl then if side ~= enFact then if not q.CNum then tinsert (grp, format ("%s^%d", name, id)) elseif q.CNum == 1 then local qc = q while qc do local pname, side, _, _, next = self:Unpack (qc[1]) -- if strfind (name, "Load Lightening") then -- Nx.prt ("%s %d %d (%d %d)", pname, id, side, next, qc.CNum) -- end tinsert (grp, format ("%s%2d^%d", name, qc.CNum, id)) qc = self.IdToQuest[next] id = next end end -- Nx.prt ("Quest "..id.." "..level) end end end -- table.sort (grp) for _, v in ipairs (grp) do local name, id = strsplit ("^", v) tinsert (self.Sorted, tonumber (id)) end end -- Create quest givers local usedIds = {} local starters = {} self.QGivers = starters for qsIndex, qId in ipairs (self.Sorted) do if not usedIds[qId] then local quest = self.IdToQuest[qId] if quest then local sName, zone, x, y = self:GetSEPos (quest[2]) if zone and x ~= 0 and y ~= 0 then usedIds[qId] = true sName = format ("%s=%d%d", sName, x, y) local stmap = starters[zone] or {} starters[zone] = stmap local s = stmap[sName] or "" stmap[sName] = s .. format ("%4x", qId) end end -- else -- Nx.prt ("skipped %s", qId) end end -- self.List:Open() self.Watch:Open() -- Menu local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (self.Map.Frm) self.IconMenu = menu menu:AddItem (0, "Track", self.Menu_OnTrack, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Show Quest Log", self.Menu_OnShowQuest, self) self.IconMenuIWatch = menu:AddItem (0, "Watch", self.Menu_OnWatch, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Add Note", self.Map.Menu_OnAddNote, self.Map) -- Quest area blob test --[[ local f = CreateFrame ("QuestPOIFrame", "NxQuestBlob", self.Map.Frm) self.BlobFrm = f f:SetFillTexture ("Interface\\WorldMap\\UI-QuestBlob-Inside") f:SetBorderTexture ("Interface\\WorldMap\\UI-QuestBlob-Outside") f:SetFillAlpha (128) f:SetBorderAlpha (192) f:SetBorderScalar (1) --]] -- Hook quests self.BlizzAcceptQuest = AcceptQuest AcceptQuest = self.AcceptQuest -- self.BlizzCompleteQuest = CompleteQuest -- CompleteQuest = self.CompleteQuest self.BlizzGetQuestReward = GetQuestReward GetQuestReward = self.GetQuestReward local function func() -- Nx.prt ("QAccept") if QuestGetAutoAccept() then -- Nx.prt ("auto") Nx.Quest:RecordQuestAcceptOrFinish() end QuestFrameDetailPanel_OnShow() local auto = Nx:GetGlobalOpts()["QAutoAccept"] if IsShiftKeyDown() and IsControlKeyDown() then auto = not auto end if auto and not QuestGetAutoAccept() then AcceptQuest() end end QuestFrameDetailPanel:SetScript ("OnShow", func); -- Hook tooltip local ttHooks = { "SetAction", "SetAuctionItem", "SetBagItem", "SetCraftItem", "SetCraftSpell", "SetGuildBankItem", "SetHyperlink", "SetInboxItem", "SetInventoryItem", "SetLootItem", "SetLootRollItem", "SetMerchantItem", "SetQuestItem", "SetQuestLogItem", "SetTradeSkillItem", "SetTradeTargetItem", } for k, name in ipairs (ttHooks) do if not Nx.V30 or name ~= "SetCraftItem" and name ~= "SetCraftSpell" then hooksecurefunc (GameTooltip, name, Nx.Quest.TooltipHook) end end local unitNames = { -- 5 letter and shorter words are already blocked "Hunter", "Paladin", "Priest", "Shaman", "Warlock", "Warrior", "Deathknight" } self.TTIgnore = { ["Attack"] = true, ["Lumber Mill"] = true, ["Stables"] = true, ["Blacksmith"] = true, ["Gold Mine"] = true, } self.TTIgnore[UnitName ("player")] = true for _, v in pairs (unitNames) do self.TTIgnore[v] = true end self.TTChange = { ["Bloodberry Bush"] = "Bloodberries", ["Erratic Sentry"] = "Erratic Sentries", } -- ID test --[[ for hash, q in pairs (Nx.Quests) do if NxQID2BQID[q.ID] ~= q.BlizID then Nx.prt ("Id mismatch %d %d %d", hash, q.ID, q.BlizID) end end --]] -- Hash test --[[ for hash, q in pairs (Nx.Quests) do if NxQID2BQID[q.ID] ~= q.BlizID then Nx.prt ("Id mismatch %d %d %d", hash, q.ID, q.BlizID) end end local time = GetTime() local failcnt = 0 local xcnt = 0 local loopCnt = 10 for n = 1, loopCnt do for k, q in pairs (Nx.Quests) do if k < 0x1000000 then local h = self:Hash (q.title, q.level) if k ~= h then Nx.prt (format ("Hash '%s %s %s'", q.title, q.level, q.side)) Nx.prt (format ("Hash %x %x", k, h)) failcnt = failcnt + 1 end else xcnt = xcnt + 1 end end end time = GetTime() - time Nx.prt (format ("Hash %d failed, %d extended. %f secs", failcnt / loopCnt, xcnt / loopCnt, time / loopCnt)) --]] end function Nx.Quest:CheckQuestSE (q, n) local _, zone, x, y = self:GetSEPos (q[n]) local mapId = Nx.Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if (x == 0 or y == 0) and mapId and not Nx.Map:IsInstanceMap (mapId) then q[n] = format ("%s# ####", strsub (q[n], 1, 2)) -- Zero it to get a red button -- local oName = self:UnpackSE (q[n]) -- Nx.prt ("zeroed %s, %s", self:UnpackName (q[1]), oName) end end function Nx.Quest:CheckQuestObj (q, n) local oName, zone, x, y = self:GetObjectivePos (q[n]) local mapId = Nx.Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if (x == 0 or y == 0) and mapId and not Nx.Map:IsInstanceMap (mapId) then q[n] = format ("%c%s# ####", #oName + 35, oName) -- Zero it to get a red button -- Nx.prt ("zeroed %s, %s", self:UnpackName (q[1]), oName) end end -------- -- Calculate the watch colors function Nx.Quest:CalcWatchColors() -- Nx.QLocColors = { 1,0,0, "QuestWatchR", 0,1,0, "QuestWatchG", .2,.2,1, "QuestWatchB" } local opts = self.GOpts local colors = {} self.QLocColors = colors local a = Nx.Util_num2a (opts["QMapWatchAreaAlpha"]) local colMax = opts["QMapWatchColorCnt"] local colI = 1 for n = 1, 15 do local color = {} colors[n] = color local r, g, b = Nx.Util_num2rgba (opts["QMapWatchC" .. colI]) color[1] = r color[2] = g color[3] = b color[4] = a color[5] = "QuestListWatch" colI = colI + 1 colI = colI > colMax and 1 or colI end end -------- -- Menu function Nx.Quest:Menu_OnTrack() local cur = self.IconMenuCur local v = cur.QId * 0x10000 + self.IconMenuObjI * 0x100 + cur.QI -- Nx.prt ("Track %x (%d)", v, self.IconMenuObjI) self.Watch:Set (v, true, true) -- self.IconMenuCur -- self.IconMenuObjI end function Nx.Quest:Menu_OnShowQuest() ShowUIPanel (QuestLogFrame) self.List.Bar:Select (1) local cur = self.IconMenuCur self.List:Select (cur.QId, cur.QI) end function Nx.Quest:Menu_OnWatch (item) local cur = self.IconMenuCur self.List:ToggleWatch (cur.QId, cur.QI, 0) end -------- -- Track quest acception function Nx.Quest.AcceptQuest (...) Nx.Quest:RecordQuestAcceptOrFinish() Nx.Quest.BlizzAcceptQuest (...) end -------- -- --[[ function Nx.Quest.CompleteQuest (...) -- Nx.prt ("CompleteQuest ") -- Nx.prt ("Title '%s'", GetTitleText()) Nx.Quest.BlizzCompleteQuest (...) end --]] function Nx.Quest.GetQuestReward (choice, ...) -- Nx.prt ("GetQuestReward %s", choice or "nil") local q = Nx.Quest q:FinishQuest() q.BlizzGetQuestReward (choice, ...) end function Nx.Quest:FinishQuest() -- Nx.prt ("FinishQuest") local finTitle = GetTitleText() finTitle = self:ExtractTitle (finTitle) local i, cur = self:FindCur (finTitle) if not i then -- Nx:ShowMessage (Nx.TXTBLUE.."Carb:\n|rCan't find quest in list!\nAn addon may have modified the title\n'" .. finTitle .. "'", "Continue") -- assert (nil) return end cur.QI = 0 -- 0 so we dont get a final party message local qId = cur.QId assert (type (qId) ~= "string") local id = qId > 0 and qId or cur.Title Nx:SetQuest (id, "C", time()) self:RecordQuestAcceptOrFinish() self:Capture (i, -1) -- Nx.prt ("FinishQuest #%s (%s) %s", i, id, cur.Title) if cur.Q then self.Tracking[qId] = 0 self:TrackOnMap (qId, 0) end -- self.List:Update() self.Watch:Update() end -------- -- Do Blizzard select quest function Nx.Quest:SelectBlizz (qi) if qi > 0 then SelectQuestLogEntry (qi) -- QuestLog_SetSelection (qi) -- QuestLog_Update() --[[ local lh = getglobal ("LightHeaded") if lh then if lh["SelectQuestLogEntry"] then lh["SelectQuestLogEntry"](lh) elseif lh["QuestLogTitleButton_OnClick"] then lh["QuestLogTitleButton_OnClick"](lh) end end --]] end end -------- -- Expand any collapsed quests function Nx.Quest:ExpandQuests() -- if next (self.HeaderExpanded) then -- Currently expanded? -- Nx.prt ("ExpandQuests skip") -- return -- end -- Nx.prt ("ExpandQuests") repeat local found = false local cnt = GetNumQuestLogEntries() for qn = 1, cnt do local title, level, tag, groupCnt, isHeader, isCollapsed = GetQuestLogTitle (qn) if isHeader and isCollapsed then local he = self.HeaderExpanded he[title] = true ExpandQuestHeader (qn) -- Nx.prt ("Expand #%s %s %s", qn, title, isCollapsed or "nil") found = true break end end until not found end -------- -- Expand any collapsed quests function Nx.Quest:RestoreExpandQuests() --[[ if self.List.Win:IsShown() then -- Don't restore if our window is shown -- Nx.prt ("RestoreExpandQuests skip") return end -- Nx.prt ("RestoreExpandQuests") for hName in pairs (self.HeaderExpanded) do -- Nx.prt ("Collapse %s", hName) local cnt = GetNumQuestLogEntries() for qn = 1, cnt do local title, level, tag, groupCnt, isHeader, isCollapsed = GetQuestLogTitle (qn) if isHeader and title == hName then CollapseQuestHeader (qn) -- Nx.prt ("Collapse #%s %s %s", qn, title, isCollapsed or "nil") break end end self.HeaderExpanded[hName] = nil end --]] end -------- -- Access all quests. Forces game to fetch data, so we do not get ": x/x" objectives function Nx.Quest:AccessAllQuests() -- Nx.prt ("AccessAllQuests") self:ExpandQuests() local qcnt = GetNumQuestLogEntries() for qi = 1, qcnt do local title, level = GetQuestLogTitle (qi) local lbCnt = GetNumQuestLeaderBoards (qi) for n = 1, lbCnt do GetQuestLogLeaderBoard (n, qi) end end self:RestoreExpandQuests() end -------- -- Record quests -- Example: -- 1 Get Attack << Fake quest (no blizz Num) -- 2 Bring -- 3 Capture function Nx.Quest:RecordQuests() -- Nx.prt ("Record Quests") local qcnt = GetNumQuestLogEntries() for qn = 1, qcnt do -- Test all quests local title, level = GetQuestLogTitle (qn) if level < 0 then -- If a -1 then data not updated. QuestGuru causes this to happen when zoning return end end -- local tm = GetTime() self:ScanBlizzQuestDataZone() -- Capture current zone self:ScanBlizzQuestData() -- Triggers RecordQuestsLog() after done self:RecordQuestsLog() -- Nx.prt ("%f secs", GetTime() - tm) end -------- function Nx.Quest:RecordQuestsLog() local qcnt = GetNumQuestLogEntries() local opts = self.GOpts local curq = self.CurQ local oldSel = GetQuestLogSelection() -- Nx.prt ("RecordQuestsLog %s, %s", qcnt, #curq) local lastChanged local qIds = {} self.QIds = qIds -- local partySend if self.RealQEntries == qcnt then -- No quests added or removed? for curi, cur in ipairs (curq) do local qi = cur.QI if qi > 0 then local title, level, tag, groupCnt, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete = GetQuestLogTitle (qi) title = self:ExtractTitle (title) -- Nx.prt ("QD %s %s %s %s", title, qi, isHeader and "H1" or "H0", isComplete and "C1" or "C0") if cur.Title == title then -- Still matches? local change if isComplete == 1 and not cur.Complete then Nx.prt ("Quest Complete '%s'", title) if opts["QSndPlayCompleted"] then self:PlaySound() end if opts["QAutoTurnInAC"] and cur.IsAutoComplete then ShowQuestComplete (qi) end if opts["QWRemoveComplete"] and not cur.IsAutoComplete then self.Watch:RemoveWatch (cur.QId, cur.QI) self.Watch:Update() change = false else change = true end end local lbCnt = GetNumQuestLeaderBoards (qi) for n = 1, lbCnt do local desc, _typ, done = GetQuestLogLeaderBoard (n, qi) --V4 if desc and (desc ~= cur[n] or done ~= cur[n + 100]) then -- Nx.prt ("Q Change %s->%s", desc, cur[n] or "nil") if opts["QWAddChanged"] then if change == nil then change = true end end local s1, _, oldCnt = strfind (cur[n] or "", ": (%d+)/") if s1 then oldCnt = tonumber (oldCnt) end local s1, _, newCnt = strfind (desc, ": (%d+)/") if s1 then -- Nx.prt ("%s %s", i, total) newCnt = tonumber (newCnt) end if done or (oldCnt and newCnt and newCnt > oldCnt) then self:Capture (curi, n) end lastChanged = cur partySend = true end end if change and opts["QWAddChanged"] then self.Watch:Add (curi) end end end end else partySend = true end -- Remove real blizz quests local fakeq = {} local n = 1 while curq[n] do local cur = curq[n] if not cur.Goto or cur.Party then -- Nx.prt ("RecordQuests RemoveQ %s - %s", cur.Title, cur.QI) table.remove (curq, n) else fakeq[cur.Q] = cur n = n + 1 end end -- Add blizz quests self.RealQ = {} local header = "?" self.RealQEntries = qcnt local index = #curq + 1 for qn = 1, qcnt do local title, level, tag, groupCnt, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete, isDaily = GetQuestLogTitle (qn) -- Nx.prt ("Q %d %s %s %d %s %s %s %s", qn, isHeader and "H" or " ", title, level, tag or "nil", groupCnt or "nil", isDaily or "not daily", isComplete and "C1" or "C0") if isHeader then header = title or "?" -- if isCollapsed then -- Nx.prt ("Q %s collapsed!", title) -- end else title = self:ExtractTitle (title) SelectQuestLogEntry (qn) local qDesc, qObj = GetQuestLogQuestText() local qId, qLevel = self:GetLogIdLevel (qn) assert (qId) local quest = self.IdToQuest[qId] -- local quest = self:Find (title, level, qDesc, qObj) local lbCnt = GetNumQuestLeaderBoards (qn) local cur = quest and fakeq[quest] -- local DBqId = quest and self:UnpackId (quest[1]) -- assert (qId == DBqId) if not cur then cur = {} curq[index] = cur cur.Index = index index = index + 1 else cur.Goto = nil -- Might have been a goto quest cur.Index = index if quest then self.Tracking[qId] = 0 self:TrackOnMap (qId, 0, true) end end qIds[qId] = cur cur.Q = quest cur.QI = qn -- Blizzard index cur.QId = qId cur.Header = header cur.Title = title cur.ObjText = qObj cur.DescText = qDesc cur.Level = level cur.RealLevel = qLevel cur.NewTime = self.QIdsNew[qId] -- Copy new time cur.Tag = tag cur.GCnt = groupCnt or 0 cur.PartySize = groupCnt or 1 -- if cur.Tag then Nx.prt ("%s %s", cur.Tag, cur.GCnt) end if tag == "Dungeon" or tag == "Heroic" then cur.PartySize = 5 elseif tag == "Raid" then cur.PartySize = 10 end cur.TagShort = self.TagNames[tag] or "" cur.Daily = isDaily if isDaily then cur.TagShort = "$" .. cur.TagShort end cur.CanShare = GetQuestLogPushable() cur.Complete = isComplete -- 1 is Done, nil not. Otherwise failed cur.IsAutoComplete = GetQuestLogIsAutoComplete (qn) local left = GetQuestLogTimeLeft() if left then cur.TimeExpire = time() + left cur.HighPri = true end cur.ItemLink, cur.ItemImg, cur.ItemCharges = GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo (qn) cur.Priority = 1 cur.Distance = 999999999 cur.LBCnt = lbCnt for n = 1, lbCnt do local desc, typ, done = GetQuestLogLeaderBoard (n, qn) cur[n] = desc or "?" --V4 cur[n + 100] = done end local mask = 0 local ender = quest and (quest[3] or quest[2]) if (isComplete and ender) or lbCnt == 0 or (cur.Goto and quest[2]) then mask = 1 else for n = 1, 99 do local done if n <= lbCnt then done = cur[n + 100] end local obj = quest and quest[3 + n] if not obj then break end if obj and not done then mask = mask + bit.lshift (1, n) end end end cur.TrackMask = mask -- Nx.prt ("%s %x", title, mask) self.RealQ[title] = cur -- For diff -- Calc total number in quest chain if quest then self:CalcCNumMax (cur, quest) end end end -- if self.GOpts["QPartyShare"] and self.Watch.ButShowParty:GetPressed() then -- Nx.prt ("-PQuest-") local pq = self.PartyQ for plName, pdata in pairs (pq) do -- Nx.prt ("PQuest %s", plName) for qId, qT in pairs (pdata) do local quest = self.IdToQuest[qId] local cur = qIds[qId] if cur then -- We have the quest? local s = format ("\n|cff8080f0%s|r", plName) if not cur.PartyDesc then cur.PartyDesc = "" cur.PartyNames = "\n|cfff080f0Me" cur.PartyCnt = 0 cur.PartyComplete = cur.Complete for n, cnt in ipairs (qT) do cur[n + 200] = cur[n + 100] cur[n + 400] = "\n|cfff080f0Me" .. s end end cur.PartyDesc = cur.PartyDesc .. s cur.PartyNames = cur.PartyNames .. s cur.PartyCnt = cur.PartyCnt + 1 cur.PartyComplete = cur.PartyComplete and qT.Complete local mask = (cur.PartyComplete or #qT == 0) and 1 or 0 for n, cnt in ipairs (qT) do local total = qT[n + 100] local desc, done = self:CalcDesc (quest, n, cnt, total) -- cur[n] = desc done = cur[n + 200] and done cur[n + 200] = done cur.PartyDesc = cur.PartyDesc .. "\n " .. desc cur[n + 400] = cur[n + 400] .. " " .. desc if not done then mask = mask + bit.lshift (1, n) end end cur.TrackMask = mask elseif quest then local name, side, lvl = self:Unpack (quest[1]) -- Nx.prt ("PartyQ %s", name) local cur = {} cur.Goto = true cur.Party = plName cur.PartyDesc = format ("\n|cff8080f0%s|r", plName) cur.PartyNames = cur.PartyDesc cur.Q = quest cur.QI = 0 cur.QId = qId cur.Header = "Party, " .. plName cur.Title = name cur.ObjText = "" cur.Level = lvl cur.PartySize = 1 cur.TagShort = "" cur.Complete = qT.Complete cur.Priority = 1 cur.Distance = 999999999 self:CalcCNumMax (cur, quest) tinsert (curq, cur) cur.Index = #curq cur.LBCnt = #qT local mask = (qT.Complete or #qT == 0) and 1 or 0 for n, cnt in ipairs (qT) do local total = qT[n + 100] cur[n], cur[n + 100] = self:CalcDesc (quest, n, cnt, total) cur[n + 400] = cur.PartyNames if not cur[n + 100] then mask = mask + bit.lshift (1, n) end end cur.TrackMask = mask end end end end for curi, cur in ipairs (curq) do if cur.PartyCnt then cur.CompleteMerge = cur.PartyComplete for n, desc in ipairs (cur) do cur[n + 300] = cur[n + 200] end else cur.CompleteMerge = cur.Complete for n, desc in ipairs (cur) do cur[n + 300] = cur[n + 100] end end end -- if lastChanged then self.QLastChanged = self:FindCurFromOld (lastChanged) end SelectQuestLogEntry (oldSel) -- Nx.prt ("CurQ %d", #curq) self:SortQuests() if partySend then self:PartyStartSend() end -- local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) self.Map.Guide:UpdateMapIcons() end -------- -- Scan -- <QuestPOIFrame name="WorldMapBlobFrame"> -- DrawQuestBlob (id, bool) -- UpdateMouseOverTooltip -- GetNumTooltips() -- GetTooltipIndex (i) function Nx.Quest:ScanBlizzQuestData() -- if Nx.Timer:IsActive ("QScanBlizz") then -- Nx.prt ("ScanQ skip") -- return -- end -- Nx.prt ("ScanQ") SetCVar ("questPOI", 1) -- Enable or no POI data returned -- self.ScanBlizzChanged = false self.ScanBlizzMapId = 1001 -- Use delay or some quests won't be ready Nx.Timer:Start ("QScanBlizz", 1.0, self, self.ScanBlizzQuestDataTimer) end function Nx.Quest:ScanBlizzQuestDataTimer() WatchFrame:UnregisterEvent ("WORLD_MAP_UPDATE") -- Map::ScanContinents can enable this again -- local tm = GetTime() local Map = Nx.Map local curMapId = Map:GetCurrentMapId() local mapId = self.ScanBlizzMapId local scanCnt = 0 while scanCnt < 10 do if mapId ~= curMapId then Map:SetCurrentMap (mapId) -- Triggers WORLD_MAP_UPDATE, which calls MapChanged scanCnt = scanCnt + 1 end local cont = floor (mapId / 1000) -- local cont = Map:IdToContZone (mapId) local info = Map.MapInfo[cont] -- Nx.prt ("ScanQ %s %s", cont, mapId) mapId = mapId + 1 --[[ if not info.Max then Nx.prtVar ("err", info) return end --]] if mapId > info.Max then -- Nx.prt ("ScanQ next %s %s", cont, mapId) if cont == 5 then -- Done? WatchFrame:RegisterEvent ("WORLD_MAP_UPDATE") -- Back on when done Map:SetCurrentMap (curMapId) -- Nx.prt ("ScanQ changed") self:RecordQuestsLog() return end mapId = (cont + 1) * 1000 + 1 end self.ScanBlizzMapId = mapId end Map:SetCurrentMap (curMapId) -- Nx.prt ("%f secs", GetTime() - tm) return 0 end -------- -- Called by map WORLD_MAP_UPDATE function Nx.Quest:MapChanged() -- Nx.prt ("MapChanged %s", Nx.Map:GetCurrentMapId()) if self.IdToQuest then -- Quests inited? self:ScanBlizzQuestDataZone() end end function Nx.Quest:ScanBlizzQuestDataZone() local num = QuestMapUpdateAllQuests() -- Blizz calls these in this order if num > 0 then QuestPOIUpdateIcons() local Map = Nx.Map local mapId = Map:GetCurrentMapId() local zone = Nx.MapIdToNxzone[mapId] if not zone then -- Nx.prt ("ScanQuestZone %s, %s", mapId or "nil", num) return end -- Nx.prt ("Id %s, %s", mapId, num) for n = 1, num do local id, qi = QuestPOIGetQuestIDByVisibleIndex (n) if qi and qi > 0 then local title, level, tag, groupCnt, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete = GetQuestLogTitle (qi) local lbCnt = GetNumQuestLeaderBoards (qi) local quest = self.IdToQuest[id] or {} local patch = self.IdToQuest[-id] or 0 local needEnd = isComplete and not quest[3] if patch > 0 or needEnd or (not isComplete and not quest[4]) then local _, x, y, objective = QuestPOIGetIconInfo (id) if x then -- Miner's Fortune was found in org, but x, y, obj were nil -- Nx.prt ("%s #%s %s %s %s %s", mapId, n, id, x or "nil", y or "nil", objective or "nil") if not quest[1] then -- self.ScanBlizzChanged = true quest[1] = format ("%c%s######", #title + 35, title) self.IdToQuest[id] = quest Nx.Quests[(id + 7) * 2 - 3] = quest end x = x * 10000 y = y * 10000 if needEnd or bit.band (patch, 1) then patch = bit.bor (patch, 1) -- Flag as a patched quest quest[3] = format ("##%c %c%c%c%c", zone + 35, floor (x / 221) + 35, x % 221 + 35, floor (y / 221) + 35, y % 221 + 35) end if not isComplete then patch = bit.bor (patch, 2) local s = title local obj = format ("%c%s%c %c%c%c%c", #s + 35, s, zone + 35, floor (x / 221) + 35, x % 221 + 35, floor (y / 221) + 35, y % 221 + 35) for i = 1, lbCnt do quest[3 + i] = obj end end self.IdToQuest[-id] = patch --[[ if not self.ScanBlizzChanged and (q2 ~= quest[2] or q4 ~= quest[4]) then self.ScanBlizzChanged = true end --]] end end end end end end -------- function Nx.Quest:CalcCNumMax (cur, quest) if quest.CNum then cur.CNumMax = quest.CNum - 1 local qc = quest while qc do cur.CNumMax = cur.CNumMax + 1 qc = self.IdToQuest[self:UnpackNext (qc[1])] end end end -------- -- Set quests done function Nx.Quest:CurQSetPreviousDone() -- local sTime = GetTime() local cnt = 0 for curi, cur in ipairs (self.CurQ) do if cur.QI > 0 then cnt = cnt + self:CalcPreviousDone (cur.QId) end end if cnt > 0 then Nx.prt ("Set %d chain quests as done", cnt) end -- Nx.prt ("Calc %f secs", GetTime() - sTime) end function Nx.Quest:CalcPreviousDone (qId) local cnt = 0 for mungeId, q in pairs (Nx.Quests) do if q.CNum == 1 then -- Only look at chain starters local id = (mungeId + 3) / 2 - 7 local qc = q while qc do if id == qId then -- Found me in chain? Mark before me complete local id = (mungeId + 3) / 2 - 7 local qc = q while id ~= qId do local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (id) if qStatus ~= "C" then cnt = cnt + 1 -- Nx.prt ("%s %s", id, qId) Nx:SetQuest (id, "C", time()) end id = self:UnpackNext (qc[1]) qc = self.IdToQuest[id] end break end id = self:UnpackNext (qc[1]) qc = self.IdToQuest[id] end end end return cnt end -------- -- Fired on login function Nx.Quest:GetHistoryTimer() -- local down = GetNetStats() -- .08 to 4. Seems to be an average since it creeps down -- Nx.prt ("GetNetStats %f", down) -- if down > 2.5 then -- Wait? -- return 2 -- end if not Nx.CurCharacter["QHAskedGet"] then Nx.CurCharacter["QHAskedGet"] = true local function func() Nx.Timer:Start ("QHistQuery", .1, Nx.Quest, Nx.Quest.QuestQueryTimer) end Nx:ShowMessage ("Get character's quest completion data from the server?", "Get", func, "Cancel") end end function Nx.Quest:QuestQueryTimer() local qc = GetQuestsCompleted() if not qc then Nx.prt ("QuestQueryTimer wait") return 1 end -- Nx.prtVar ("OnQuest_query_complete", qc) local cnt = 0 for id in pairs (qc) do local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (id) if qStatus ~= "C" then cnt = cnt + 1 Nx:SetQuest (id, "C", time()) end end if cnt > 0 then Nx.prt ("Set %d quests as done", cnt) Nx.Quest.List:Update() end end function Nx.Quest:CalcDesc (quest, objI, cnt, total) local desc = "" local obj = quest and quest[objI + 3] if obj then desc = self:UnpackObjective (obj) end if total == 0 then return desc, cnt == 1 else return format ("%s : %d/%d", desc, cnt, total), cnt >= total end end function Nx.Quest:GetLogIdLevel (index) if index > 0 then local qlink = GetQuestLink (index) if qlink then local s1, _, id, level = strfind (qlink, "Hquest:(%d+):(.%d*)") if s1 then -- Nx.prt ("qlink %s", gsub (qlink, "|", "^")) return tonumber (id), tonumber (level) end end end end function Nx.Quest:CreateLink (qId, realLevel, title) if realLevel <= 0 then -- Could be a 0 realLevel = -1 end return format ("|cffffff00|Hquest:%s:%s|h[%s]|h|r", qId, realLevel, title) end function Nx.Quest:ExtractTitle (title) -- Nx.prt ("Orig '%s'", title) local _, e = strfind (title, "^%[%S+%] ") if e then title = strsub (title, e + 1) else local _, e = strfind (title, "^%d+%S* ") if e then title = strsub (title, e + 1) end end -- Nx.prt ("'%s'", title) return title end -------- -- Sort quests function Nx.Quest:SortQuests() local curq = self.CurQ -- Sort by level repeat local done = true for n = 1, #curq - 1 do if curq[n].Level > curq[n + 1].Level then curq[n], curq[n + 1] = curq[n + 1], curq[n] done = false end end until done -- Sort by header if self.List.QOpts.NXShowHeaders then local hdrNames = {} for n = 1, #curq do hdrNames[curq[n].Header] = 1 end local hdrs = {} for name in pairs (hdrNames) do tinsert (hdrs, name) end sort (hdrs) -- Nx.prtVar ("HDR", hdrs) local curq2 = curq curq = {} for _, name in ipairs (hdrs) do for n = 1, #curq2 do if curq2[n].Header == name then tinsert (curq, curq2[n]) end end end self.CurQ = curq -- Nx.prtVar ("curq", curq) end -- Build id mapping local t = {} self.IdToCurQ = t for k, cur in ipairs (curq) do if cur.Q then local id = cur.QId t[id] = cur end end end -------- -- Detect a new quest function Nx.Quest:FindNewQuest() -- Id --[[ if self.AcceptQId then -- Auto accept quest triggered? local qi = GetQuestLogIndexByID (self.AcceptQId) self.AcceptQId = nil local title = self:ExtractTitle (GetQuestLogTitle (qi)) if not self.RealQ[title] then return qi end end --]] -- Scan by name local aQName = self.AcceptQName if not aQName then return end local cnt = GetNumQuestLogEntries() -- Nx.prt ("FindNewQuest %d", cnt) for qn = 1, cnt do local title, level, tag, groupCnt, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete = GetQuestLogTitle (qn) if not isHeader then title = self:ExtractTitle (title) if title == aQName then if not self.RealQ[title] then -- Nx.prtVar ("RealQ", self.RealQ) self.AcceptQName = nil return qn end end end end end -------- function Nx.Quest:RecordQuestAcceptOrFinish() local giver = UnitName ("npc") or "?" local guid = UnitGUID ("npc") if guid then local typ = tonumber (strsub (guid, 3, 5), 16) if typ == 0 then -- Player giver = "p" elseif bit.band (typ, 0xf) == 1 then local id = tonumber (strsub (guid, 6, 12), 16) giver = format ("%s#o%x", giver, id) elseif bit.band (typ, 0xf) == 3 then -- NPC? local id = tonumber (strsub (guid, 7, 10), 16) giver = format ("%s#%x", giver, id) end end self.AcceptGiver = giver local qname = GetTitleText() -- Also works for auto accept self.AcceptQName = qname local id = Nx.Map:GetRealMapId() -- self.AcceptNxzone = Nx.MapIdToNxzone[id] or 0 self.AcceptAId = Nx.IdToAId[id] or 0 self.AcceptDLvl = 0 if Nx.Map:GetCurrentMapId() == id then self.AcceptDLvl = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel() end local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) self.AcceptX = map.PlyrRZX self.AcceptY = map.PlyrRZY -- Nx.prt ("AcceptQuest (%s) (%s) %s,%s", giver, qname, self.AcceptAId, self.AcceptDLvl) end -------- function Nx.Quest.OnChat_msg_combat_faction_change (event, arg1) local self = Nx.Quest -- Nx.prt ("OnChat_msg_combat_faction_change %s", arg1) local form = FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED form = gsub (form, "%%s", "(.+)") form = gsub (form, "%%d", "(%%d+)") local facName, rep = strmatch (arg1, form) rep = tonumber (rep) if facName and rep and self.CaptureQEndTime and GetTime() - self.CaptureQEndTime < 2 then local facNum = self.CapFactionAbr[facName] if facNum then local _, race = UnitRace ("player") if race == "Human" then rep = rep / 1.1 + .5 end -- Nx.prt ("Fac %s %s", facName, rep) local cap = Nx:GetCap() local quests = Nx:CaptureFind (cap, "Q") local qdata = { strsplit ("~", quests[self.CaptureQEndId]) } local ender, reps = strsplit ("@", qdata[2]) local repdata = reps and { strsplit ("^", reps) } or {} tinsert (repdata, format ("%d %x", rep, facNum)) reps = table.concat (repdata, "^") qdata[2] = format ("%s@%s", ender, reps) quests[self.CaptureQEndId] = table.concat (qdata, "~") -- concat is not global!!! end end self.CaptureQEndTime = nil end -------- -- Capture a quest -- (current index, objective # (nil for start, -1 end) function Nx.Quest:Capture (curi, objNum) local Nx = Nx local opts = self.GOpts if not opts["CaptureEnable"] then return end local cur = self.CurQ[curi] local id = cur.QId if NxData.DebugMap and (not objNum or objNum < 0) then -- Start or end Nx.prt ("Quest Capture %s", id or "nil") end if not id then return end local cap = Nx:GetCap() local facI = UnitFactionGroup ("player") == "Horde" and 1 or 0 local quests = Nx:CaptureFind (cap, "Q") local saveId = id * 2 + facI local len = 0 for id, str in pairs (quests) do len = len + 4 + #str + 1 end if len > 110 * 1024 then return end -- Nx.prt ("Cap len %s", len) --[[ if not objNum or objNum < 0 then Nx.prt ("Capture %s %s %s %.2f,%.2f", self.AcceptGiver, self.AcceptAId or 0, self.AcceptDLvl, self.AcceptX, self.AcceptY) else local map = self.Map Nx.prt ("Capture #%s %s %.2f,%.2f", objNum, map.RMapId, map.PlyrRZX, map.PlyrRZY) end --]] -- local ids = self:CaptureGet (quests, id) -- ids["I"] = format ("%d^%s^%s", cur.RealLevel, cur.Title, cur.Header) local q = quests[saveId] if not q then q = strrep ("~", cur.LBCnt + 1) end local qdata = { strsplit ("~", q) } if not objNum then -- Starter -- local flags = bit.bor (tonumber (strsub (qdata[1], 1, 1), 16) or 0, facMask) local plLvl = UnitLevel ("player") -- 0 is reserved local s = Nx:PackXY (self.AcceptX, self.AcceptY) -- qdata[1] = format ("0%s^%02x%02x%s", self.AcceptGiver, plLvl, self.AcceptAId, s) qdata[1] = format ("0%s^%03x%x%s", self.AcceptGiver, self.AcceptAId, self.AcceptDLvl, s) -- Nx.prt ("Capture start %s", qdata[1]) elseif objNum < 0 then -- Ender local s = Nx:PackXY (self.AcceptX, self.AcceptY) qdata[2] = format ("%s^%03x%x%s", self.AcceptGiver, self.AcceptAId, self.AcceptDLvl, s) self.CaptureQEndTime = GetTime() self.CaptureQEndId = saveId -- Nx.prt ("Capture end %s", qdata[2]) else local map = self.Map -- local nxzone = Nx.MapIdToNxzone[map.RMapId] local nxzone = Nx.IdToAId[map.RMapId] if nxzone then local index = objNum + 2 local obj = qdata[index] if not obj then Nx.prt ("Capture err %s, %s", cur.Title, objNum) return end if #obj >= 3 then local z = tonumber (strsub (obj, 1, 3), 16) if nxzone ~= z then return end else obj = format ("%03x", nxzone) end local cnt = (#obj - 3) / 6 if cnt >= 15 then return end qdata[index] = obj .. Nx:PackXY (map.PlyrRZX, map.PlyrRZY) -- Nx.prt ("Capture%d #%d %s", objNum, cnt, qdata[index]) end end quests[saveId] = table.concat (qdata, "~") -- concat is not global!!! -- Nx.prt ("CapStr %s", quests[saveId]) end function Nx.Quest:CaptureGetCount() local cap = Nx:GetCap() local quests = Nx:CaptureFind (cap, "Q") local cnt = 0 for id, str in pairs (quests) do cnt = cnt + 1 end return cnt end -------- -- Check for newly completed quests --[[ function Nx.Quest:CheckForNewCompleted() local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() if self.RealQEntries ~= GetNumQuestLogEntries() then -- Quests added or removed? return end local curq = self.CurQ for _, cur in ipairs (curq) do if cur.QI > 0 then local title, level, tag, groupCnt, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete = GetQuestLogTitle (cur.QI) if isComplete and not cur.Complete then Nx.prt ("Quest Complete '%s'", title) --PAIDS! if opts["QSndPlayCompleted"] then self:PlaySound() end --PAIDE! if opts["QWRemoveComplete"] then self.Watch:RemoveWatch (cur.QId, cur.QI) self.Watch:Update() self.List:Update() end break end end end end --]] -------- -- Play a completed sound -- (snd index or nil for random) function Nx.Quest:PlaySound (sndI) if not sndI then local opts = self.GOpts local cnt = 0 for n = 1, 10 do if opts["QSnd" .. n] then cnt = cnt + 1 end end if cnt > 0 then local i = random (1, cnt) cnt = 0 for n = 1, 10 do if opts["QSnd" .. n] then cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt == i then sndI = n break end end end end end if sndI then local snd = Nx.OptsDataSounds[sndI] Nx:PlaySoundFile (snd) end end -------- -- Tell party of quest changes function Nx.Quest:TellPartyOfChanges() --PAIDS! if self.RealQEntries ~= GetNumQuestLogEntries() then -- Quests added or removed? return end local opts = self.GOpts if not opts["QBroadcastQChanges"] then return end local curq = self.CurQ for _, cur in ipairs (curq) do if cur.QI > 0 then for n = 1, cur.LBCnt do local skip local desc, _, done = GetQuestLogLeaderBoard (n, cur.QI) if desc then if not done then local num = opts["QBroadcastQChangesNum"] local oldCnt = tonumber (strmatch (cur[n] or "", ": (%d+)/")) local newCnt = tonumber (strmatch (desc, ": (%d+)/")) if oldCnt and newCnt then if floor (oldCnt / num) == floor (newCnt / num) then skip = true end end end if not skip and (desc ~= cur[n] or done ~= cur[n + 100]) then Nx.Com:Send ("P", desc) -- Nx.prt ("%s", desc) end end end end end --PAIDE! end -------- -- unused??? function Nx.Quest:GetLongTitle (cur) local title = format ("[%d] %s", cur.Level, cur.Title) local quest = cur.Q if quest and quest.CNum then title = title .. format (" (Part %d of %d)", quest.CNum, cur.CNumMax) end return title end function Nx.Quest:GetPartTitle (quest, cur) local s = "" if quest and quest.CNum then if cur then s = s .. format ("(Part %d of %d)", quest.CNum, cur.CNumMax) else s = s .. format ("(Part %d)", quest.CNum) end end return s end function Nx.Quest:FindCur (qId, qIndex) if type (qId) == "string" then -- Quest title? for n, v in ipairs (self.CurQ) do if v.Title == qId then return n, v, qId end end return end if qIndex and qId == 0 then local i, cur = self:FindCurByIndex (qIndex) return i, cur, cur.Title -- Also return string type id end assert (qId > 0) for n, v in ipairs (self.CurQ) do if v.QId == qId then return n, v, qId end end end function Nx.Quest:FindCurByIndex (qi) assert (qi > 0) local curq = self.CurQ for n, v in ipairs (curq) do if v.QI == qi then return n, v end end end function Nx.Quest:FindCurFromOld (oldCur) for n, cur in ipairs (self.CurQ) do if cur.Title == oldCur.Title and cur.ObjText == oldCur.ObjText then return cur end end end -------- -- Check if any part of quest in the map function Nx.Quest:CheckShow (mapId, qId) local nxid = Nx.MapIdToNxzone[mapId] local quest = self.IdToQuest[qId] if not quest then return end local qname, side, lvl, minlvl, next = self:Unpack (quest[1]) -- Check start, end and objectives --[[ if not quest[2] then Nx.prt ("quest error: %s %s", qname, qId) assert (quest[2]) end --]] local _, startMapId = self:UnpackSE (quest[2]) if startMapId then if startMapId == nxid then return true end end if quest[3] then local _, endMapId = self:UnpackSE (quest[3]) if endMapId then if endMapId == nxid then return true end end end for n = 1, 15 do local obj = quest[n + 3] if not obj then break end local _, objMapId = self:UnpackObjective (obj) if objMapId then if objMapId == nxid then return true end end end end -------- -- function Nx.Quest:WatchAtLogin() for n, cur in ipairs (self.CurQ) do local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (cur.QId) if not qStatus then -- Nx.prt ("Add watch %s", cur.Title) self.Watch:Add (n) -- elseif qStatus == "W" then -- Nx.prt ("Watched %s", cur.Title) -- elseif qStatus == "C" then -- Nx.prt ("Completed %s", cur.Title) end end end function Nx.Quest:WatchAll() local curq = self.CurQ if curq then for i, cur in ipairs (curq) do self.Watch:Add (i) end end end function Nx.Quest:Goto (qId) if qId == 0 then return end -- Nx.prt ("Goto %s", qId) local i = self:FindCur (qId) if i then Nx.prt ("Already going to quest") return end local curq = self.CurQ local quest = self.IdToQuest[qId] if not quest[2] then Nx.prt ("No quest starter") return end local name, side, lvl = self:Unpack (quest[1]) local cur = {} cur.Goto = true cur.Q = quest cur.QI = 0 cur.QId = qId cur.Header = "Goto" cur.Title = "Goto: " .. name cur.ObjText = "" cur.Level = lvl cur.PartySize = 1 cur.LBCnt = 0 cur.TrackMask = 1 cur.TagShort = "" cur.Priority = 1 cur.Distance = 999999999 cur.HighPri = true self:CalcCNumMax (cur, quest) tinsert (curq, cur) cur.Index = #curq self.Watch:Add (#curq) self:RecordQuests() self.List:Update() end function Nx.Quest:Abandon (qIndex, qId) if qIndex > 0 then self:ExpandQuests() local title, level, tag, groupCnt, isHeader = GetQuestLogTitle (qIndex) if not isHeader then -- Nx.prt ("Abandon %s %s", qIndex, title) SelectQuestLogEntry (qIndex) -- QuestLog_SetSelection (qIndex) SetAbandonQuest() local items = GetAbandonQuestItems() if items then StaticPopup_Hide ("ABANDON_QUEST") StaticPopup_Show ("ABANDON_QUEST_WITH_ITEMS", GetAbandonQuestName(), items) else StaticPopup_Hide ("ABANDON_QUEST_WITH_ITEMS") StaticPopup_Show ("ABANDON_QUEST", GetAbandonQuestName()) end end self:RestoreExpandQuests() if qId > 0 then Nx:SetQuest (qId, "c") end else if qId > 0 then self.Watch:RemoveWatch (qId, qIndex) local i = self:FindCur (qId) if i then local curq = self.CurQ tremove (curq, i) end end end end -------- -- Link a quest to chat edit frame function Nx.Quest:LinkChat (qId) local box = ChatEdit_ChooseBoxForSend() ChatEdit_ActivateChat (box) if box then local s = self.List:MakeDescLink (nil, qId, IsControlKeyDown()) if s then box:Insert (s) end else Nx.prt ("|cffff4040No edit box open!") end end -------- -- Get quests from a player function Nx.Quest:GetFromPlyr (plName) Nx.ShowMessageTrial() -- Nx.prt ("GetFromPlyr %s", plName) self.List.Bar:Select (4) self.FriendQuests = {} self.RcvPlyr = plName self.RcvPlyrLast = plName Nx.Com:Send ("W", "Q*", plName) end -------- -- Clear captured quests function Nx.Quest:ClearCaptured() Nx:GetCap()["Q"] = {} end -------- -- Quest com message from a player function Nx.Quest:OnMsgQuest (plName, msg) -- Nx.prt ("OnMsgQuest (%s) %s", plName, msg) local id = strsub (msg, 2, 2) if id == "*" then -- Request for all quests -- if nil then if not self.SendPlyr or self.SendPlyr == plName then Nx.prt ("Sending quests to %s", plName) self.SendPlyr = plName self:BuildQSendData() Nx.Timer:Start ("QSendAll", 0, self, self.QSendAllTimer) else Nx.Com:Send ("W", "QB", plName) end elseif id == "B" then -- Busy if plName == self.RcvPlyr then local mode = strsub (msg, 3, 3) if mode == "s" then Nx.prt (" %s -share", self.RcvPlyr) elseif mode == "C" then Nx.prt (" %s busy", self.RcvPlyr) else tinsert (self.FriendQuests, " ^Player is busy") end self.RcvPlyr = nil local pd = self.CapturePlyrData[plName] if pd then pd.RcvPlyrCapName = nil end end elseif id == "D" then -- Incoming quest data if plName == self.RcvPlyr then if #msg >= 4 then local data = strsub (msg, 3) local mode = strsub (msg, 3, 3) if mode == "0" then self.RcvCnt = 0 self.RcvTotal = tonumber (strsub (data, 3)) or 0 elseif mode == "H" then tinsert (self.FriendQuests, data) self.List:Update() elseif mode == "T" then self.RcvCnt = self.RcvCnt + 1 tinsert (self.FriendQuests, data) -- Nx.prt ("Quest Data %s", data) self.List:Update() elseif mode == "O" then tinsert (self.FriendQuests, data) self.List:Update() end else self.RcvPlyr = nil end end elseif id == "p" then -- Incoming party data self:OnPartyMsg (plName, msg) end end function Nx.Quest:BuildQSendData() local data = {} self.QSendData = data self.QSendDataI = 1 local header local cnt = 0 for n, cur in ipairs (self.CurQ) do if not cur.Goto then if cur.Header ~= header then header = cur.Header local str = format ("QDH^%s", header) tinsert (data, str) end local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (cur.QId) local watched = qStatus == "W" and 1 or 0 local str = format ("QDT^%s^%s^%s^%s^%s", cur.QId, watched, cur.Complete or 0, cur.Level, cur.Title) tinsert (data, str) for n = 1, cur.LBCnt do local str = format ("QDO^%s^%s", -n, cur[n]) tinsert (data, str) end cnt = cnt + 1 end end tinsert (data, "QD") local str = format ("QD0^%d", cnt) tinsert (data, 1, str) end function Nx.Quest:QSendAllTimer() local qi = self.QSendDataI local data = self.QSendData[qi] if data then Nx.Com:Send ("W", data, self.SendPlyr) -- Nx.prt ("QSendAllTimer: %s", data) end self.QSendDataI = qi + 1 if self.QSendData[self.QSendDataI] then return .2 end self.SendPlyr = nil end -------- -- Show quest is not in DB function Nx.Quest:MsgNotInDB (typ) if typ == "O" then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage ("This objective is not in the database", 1, 0, 0, 1) elseif typ == "Z" then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage ("This objective zone is not in the database", 1, 0, 0, 1) else UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage ("This quest is not in the database", 1, 0, 0, 1) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Troll Patrol: The Alchemist's Apprentice quest Nx.Quest.AlchemistsApprenticeData = { ["Abomination Guts"] = "3~4~3492~5283", ["Amberseed"] = "3~3~3496~5157", ["Ancient Ectoplasm"] = "3~2~3498~5157", ["Blight Crystal"] = "3~2~3488~5347", ["Chilled Serpent Mucus"] = "3~3~3509~5342", ["Crushed Basilisk Crystals"] = "4~2~3487~5339", ["Crystallized Hogsnot"] = "3~4~3494~5157", ["Frozen Spider Ichor"] = "3~2~3472~5309", ["Ghoul Drool"] = "4~ 4~3490~5100", ["Hairy Herring Head"] = "Floor~Crate~3511~5127", ["Icecrown Bottled Water"] = "2~1~3499~5157", ["Knotroot"] = "4~1~3499~5152", ["Muddy Mire Maggots"] = "Floor~Sack~3485~5155", ["Pickled Eagle Egg"] = "2~2~3497~5157", ["Prismatic Mojo"] = "4~3~3491~5289", ["Pulverized Gargoyle Teeth"] = "2~4~3494~5157", ["Putrid Pirate Perspiration"] = "2~3~3496~5157", ["Raptor Claw"] = "3~2~3489~5283", ["Seasoned Slider Cider"] = "Floor~Barrel~3508~5317", ["Shrunken Dragon's Claw"] = "3~3~3489~5093", ["Speckled Guano"] = "2~3~3490~5093", ["Spiky Spider Egg"] = "3~4~3510~5095", ["Trollbane"] = "3~1~ 3505~5095", ["Wasp's Wings"] = "3~1~3499~5157", ["Withered Batwing"] = "4~3~3496~5153", } function Nx.Quest:OnChat_msg_raid_boss_whisper (event, arg1) if arg1 then if GetMinimapZoneText() == "Heb'Valok" then local self = Nx.Quest -- Need? -- Nx.prt ("%s, %s, %s", arg1, arg2 or "nil", arg3 or "nil") local name = gsub (arg1, "!", "") local data = self.AlchemistsApprenticeData[name] if data then local shelf, item, x, y = strsplit ("~", data) x = tonumber (x) * .01 y = tonumber (y) * .01 local s = format ("%s on %s in %s", name, shelf, item) if tonumber (shelf) then s = format ("%s, shelf %s, item %s", name, shelf, item) end self.Map:SetTargetXY (4011, x, y, s) end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Quest tooltips function Nx.Quest.TooltipHook() -- Nx.prt ("TooltipHook") Nx.Quest:TooltipProcess() end function Nx.Quest:TooltipProcess (stripColor) local tipStr = GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() if not tipStr then -- Happens in WotLK on empty slots return end -- Nx.prt ("TooltipProcess %s", tipStr) Nx.TooltipLastDiffText = tipStr -- local sTime = GetTime() local show = Nx.Quest:TooltipProcess2 (stripColor, tipStr) -- show = show or Nx.Warehouse:TooltipProcess() show = Nx.Warehouse:TooltipProcess() or show if show then GameTooltip:Show() -- Adjusts size end -- Nx.prt ("TTProcess %f secs", GetTime() - sTime) Nx.TooltipLastDiffNumLines = GameTooltip:NumLines() -- Stop multiple checks end function Nx.Quest:TooltipProcess2 (stripColor, tipStr) if not self.GOpts["QAddTooltip"] then return end local tip = GameTooltip -- Check if already added local textName = "GameTooltipTextLeft" local questStr = format ("|cffffffffQ%suest:", Nx.TXTBLUE) for n = 2, tip:NumLines() do local s = _G[textName .. n]:GetText() if s then local s1 = strfind (s, questStr) if s1 then -- Nx.prt ("TTM #%s", GameTooltip:NumLines()) return end if strsub (s, 1, 3) == " - " then -- Blizz added quest info? local fstr = _G[textName .. (n - 1)] local qTitle = fstr:GetText() local i, cur = self:FindCur (qTitle) if cur then local color = self:GetDifficultyColor (cur.Level) color = format ("|cff%02x%02x%02x", color.r * 255, color.g * 255, color.b * 255) fstr:SetText (format ("%s %s%d %s", questStr, color, cur.Level, cur.Title)) end tip:AddLine (" ") -- Add blank or same tip will not add info again return true; end end end -- Scan tooltip if stripColor then tipStr = gsub (tipStr, "|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") end if tipStr and #tipStr > 5 and #tipStr < 50 and not self.TTIgnore[tipStr] then tipStr = self.TTChange[tipStr] or tipStr local tipStrLower = strlower (tipStr) local curq = self.CurQ for curi, cur in ipairs (curq) do if not cur.Goto then -- Skip Goto and Party quests local s1 = strfind (cur.ObjText, tipStr, 1, true) if not s1 then s1 = strfind (cur.DescText, tipStr, 1, true) end if not s1 then s1 = strfind (cur.ObjText, tipStrLower, 1, true) end if not s1 then s1 = strfind (cur.DescText, tipStrLower, 1, true) end if not s1 then for n = 1, cur.LBCnt do if cur[n] then -- V4 s1 = strfind (cur[n], tipStr) if s1 then break end end end end if s1 then local color = self:GetDifficultyColor (cur.Level) color = format ("|cff%02x%02x%02x", color.r * 255, color.g * 255, color.b * 255) tip:AddLine (format ("%s %s%d %s", questStr, color, cur.Level, cur.Title)) for n = 1, cur.LBCnt do if strfind (cur[n], tipStr) then local color, s1 = self:CalcPercentColor (cur[n], cur[n + 100]) if s1 then local oName = strsub (cur[n], 1, s1 - 1) tip:AddLine (format (" |cffb0b0b0%s%s%s", oName, color, strsub (cur[n], s1))) else tip:AddLine (format (" %s%s", color, cur[n])) end end end -- Nx.prt ("TTProcess %s #%s", tipStr, tip:NumLines()) return true; end end end end end -------- function Nx.Quest:GetDifficultyColor (level) return GetQuestDifficultyColor (level) end -------- function Nx.Quest:CalcPercentColor (desc, done) local s1, _, i, total = strfind (desc, ": (%d+)/(%d+)") if done then return self.PerColors[9], s1 else i = s1 and floor (tonumber (i) / tonumber (total) * 8.99) + 1 or 1 return self.PerColors[i], s1 end end -------- function Nx.Quest:GetZoneAchievement (always) local mId = Nx.Map:GetCurrentMapId() -- local mId = Map:GetRealMapId() local a = Nx.Map.MapWorldInfo[mId].QAchievementId if a then local id, name, _, done = GetAchievementInfo (a) if always or not done then if GetAchievementNumCriteria(a) > 0 then local _, _, done, cnt, need = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo (a, 1) local col = done and "|cff808080" or "|cff8080ff" return format ("%s%s %d/%d", col, name, cnt, need) end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Quest list ---------------------------------- -------- -- Open and init or toggle Quest frame function Nx.Quest.List:Open() local gopts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() local qopts = Nx:GetQuestOpts() self.QOpts = qopts local TabBar = Nx.TabBar self.ShowAllZones = false self.Opened = true -- Create window local win = Nx.Window:Create ("NxQuestList") self.Win = win win:CreateButtons (true, true) win:InitLayoutData (nil, -.24, -.15, -.52, -.65) tinsert (UISpecialFrames, "QuestLogFrame") tinsert (UISpecialFrames, win.Frm:GetName()) win.Frm:SetToplevel (true) win.Frm:SetMinResize (250, 120) win:SetUser (self, self.OnWin) win:RegisterEvent ("PLAYER_LOGIN", self.OnQuestUpdate) -- win:RegisterEvent ("PLAYER_LOGOUT", self.OnQuestUpdate) -- win:RegisterEvent ("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD", self.OnQuestUpdate) win:RegisterEvent ("QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", self.OnQuestUpdate) win:RegisterEvent ("QUEST_WATCH_UPDATE", self.OnQuestUpdate) win:RegisterEvent ("UPDATE_FACTION", self.OnQuestUpdate) win:RegisterEvent ("UNIT_QUEST_LOG_CHANGED", self.OnQuestUpdate) win:RegisterEvent ("QUEST_PROGRESS", self.OnQuestUpdate) win:RegisterEvent ("QUEST_COMPLETE", self.OnQuestUpdate) win:RegisterEvent ("QUEST_DETAIL", self.OnQuestUpdate) win:RegisterEvent ("SCENARIO_UPDATE", self.OnQuestUpdate) win:RegisterEvent ("SCENARIO_CRITERIA_UPDATE", self.OnQuestUpdate) win:RegisterEvent ("WORLD_STATE_TIMER_START", self.OnQuestUpdate) win:RegisterEvent ("WORLD_STATE_TIMER_STOP", self.OnQuestUpdate) -- Filter Edit Box local f = CreateFrame ("EditBox", "NxQuestFilter", win.Frm) self.FilterFrm = f f.NxInst = self f:SetScript ("OnEditFocusGained", self.FilterOnEditFocusGained) f:SetScript ("OnEditFocusLost", self.FilterOnEditFocusLost) f:SetScript ("OnTextChanged", self.FilterOnTextChanged) f:SetScript ("OnEnterPressed", self.FilterOnEnterPressed) f:SetScript ("OnEscapePressed", self.FilterOnEscapePressed) f:SetFontObject ("NxFontS") local t = f:CreateTexture() t:SetTexture (.1, .2, .3, 1) t:SetAllPoints (f) f.texture = t f:SetAutoFocus (false) f:ClearFocus() win:Attach (f, 0, 1, 0, 18) self.FilterDesc = "Search: [click]" self.FilterDescEsc = "Search: %[click%]" -- if Nx.Free then -- self.FilterDesc = "Search: " .. Nx.FreeMsg -- end self.Filters = { "", "", "", ""} f:SetText (self.FilterDesc) f:SetMaxLetters (30) -- List Nx.List:SetCreateFont ("FontQuest", 12) local list = Nx.List:Create ("Quest", 0, 0, 1, 1, win.Frm) self.List = list list:SetUser (self, self.OnListEvent) list:SetLineHeight (0, 6) list:ColumnAdd ("", 1, 20) list:ColumnAdd ("", 2, 300) -- list:ColumnAdd ("Lvl", 3, 20, "CENTER") list:ColumnAdd ("", 3, 0) list:ColumnAdd ("", 4, 600) list:ColumnAdd ("", 5, 200) list:ColumnAdd ("", 6, 500) -- Create menu local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (list.Frm, 240) self.Menu = menu local menui1 = {} self.MenuItems1 = menui1 local menui2 = {} self.MenuItems2 = menui2 local menui3 = {} self.MenuItems3 = menui3 local menui4 = {} self.MenuItems4 = menui4 local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Toggle High Watch Priority", self.Menu_OnHighPri, self) tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show Category Headers", self.Menu_OnShowHeaders, self) item:SetChecked (qopts.NXShowHeaders) tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show Objectives", self.Menu_OnShowObjectives, self) item:SetChecked (qopts.NXShowObj) tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show Only Party Quests", self.Menu_OnShowParty, self) item:SetChecked (false) tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "") tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Watch All Quests", self.Menu_OnWatchAll, self) tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Watch All Completed Quests", self.Menu_OnWatchCompleted, self) tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "") tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Broadcast Quest Changes To Party", nil, self) item:SetChecked (gopts, "QBroadcastQChanges") tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Send Quest Status To Party", self.Menu_OnSendQInfo, self) tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Share", self.Menu_OnShare, self) self.MenuIShare = item tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "") tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Abandon", self.Menu_OnAbandon, self) tinsert (menui1, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Remove", self.Menu_OnCompleted, self) tinsert (menui2, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Remove All", self.Menu_OnHistoryRemoveAll, self) tinsert (menui2, item) local function func() Nx.CurCharacter["QHAskedGet"] = true Nx.Timer:Start ("QHistLogin", .1, Nx.Quest, Nx.Quest.QuestQueryTimer) -- QueryQuestsCompleted() end local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Get Completed From Server", func, self) tinsert (menui2, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Mark As Previously Completed", self.Menu_OnCompleted, self) tinsert (menui3, item) tinsert (menui3, menu:AddItem (0, "Goto Quest Giver", self.Menu_OnGoto, self)) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "") tinsert (menui2, item) tinsert (menui3, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show All Quests", self.Menu_OnShowAllQuests, self) item:SetChecked (false) tinsert (menui2, item) tinsert (menui3, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show Low Level Quests", self.Menu_OnShowLowLevel, self) item:SetChecked (false) -- tinsert (menui2, item) tinsert (menui3, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show High Level Quests", self.Menu_OnShowHighLevel, self) item:SetChecked (false) -- tinsert (menui2, item) tinsert (menui3, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show Quests From All Zones", self.Menu_OnShowAllZones, self) item:SetChecked (false) tinsert (menui2, item) tinsert (menui3, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show Finished Quests", self.Menu_OnShowFinished, self) item:SetChecked (false) tinsert (menui3, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show Only Non Dungeon Dailies", self.Menu_OnShowOnlyDailies, self) item:SetChecked (false) tinsert (menui3, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "") tinsert (menui3, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Track None", self.Menu_OnTrackNone, self) tinsert (menui3, item) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "") tinsert (menui1, item) tinsert (menui2, item) tinsert (menui3, item) local function func() Nx.Opts:Open ("Quest") end local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Options...", func) tinsert (menui1, item) tinsert (menui2, item) tinsert (menui3, item) -- Quest details local f = CreateFrame ("ScrollFrame", "NxQuestD", win.Frm, "NxQuestDetails") self.DetailsFrm = f f.NxSetSize = self.OnDetailsSetSize f:SetMovable (true) f:EnableMouse (true) f:SetFrameStrata ("MEDIUM") local t = f:CreateTexture() t:SetTexture (.7, .7, .5, 1) t:SetAllPoints (f) f.texture = t f:Show() -- Create Tab Bar local bar = TabBar:Create (nil, win.Frm, 1, 1) self.Bar = bar local tbH = TabBar:GetHeight() win:Attach (bar.Frm, 0, 1, -tbH, 1) bar:SetUser (self, self.OnTabBar) self.TabSelected = 1 bar:AddTab ("Current", 1, nil, true) bar:AddTab ("History", 2) bar:AddTab ("Database", 3) bar:AddTab ("Player", 4) -- Old attach -- local qdf = getglobal ("QuestLogDetailScrollFrame") -- win:Attach (qdf, 0, 1, .6, 1) --[[ local t = qdf:CreateTexture() t:SetTexture (.7, .7, .5, .7) t:SetAllPoints (qdf) qdf.texture = t --]] -- Quest log -- local qlogf = getglobal ("QuestLogFrame") -- win:Attach (qlogf, .8, 1, 0, 1, true) -- self:AttachFrames() end -------- -- Attach our frames function Nx.Quest.List:AttachFrames() local gopts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() local win = self.Win local list = self.List local tbH = Nx.TabBar:GetHeight() if gopts["QSideBySide"] then local r = .55 if self.TabSelected ~= 1 then r = 1 end win:Attach (list.Frm, 0, r, 18, -tbH) win:Attach (self.DetailsFrm, .55, 1, 18, -tbH) else local bot = .6 if self.TabSelected ~= 1 then bot = -tbH end win:Attach (list.Frm, 0, 1, 18, bot) win:Attach (self.DetailsFrm, 0, 1, .6, -tbH) end end function Nx.Quest.List:UpdateMenu() local showi = self.MenuItems1 local hidei1 = self.MenuItems2 local hidei2 = self.MenuItems3 if self.TabSelected == 2 then showi = self.MenuItems2 hidei1 = self.MenuItems1 elseif self.TabSelected == 3 then showi = self.MenuItems3 hidei2 = self.MenuItems1 end for k, v in pairs (hidei1) do v:Show (false) end for k, v in pairs (hidei2) do v:Show (false) end for k, v in pairs (showi) do -- Do last so items in multiple lists work v:Show() end if self.TabSelected == 1 then local show = -1 local i = self.List:ItemGetData() if i then local qi = bit.band (i, 0xff) if qi > 0 then local i, cur = Nx.Quest:FindCurByIndex (qi) if cur then if cur.CanShare then show = true end end end end self.MenuIShare:Show (show) end end -------- function Nx.Quest:ShowUIPanel (frame) if self.InShowUIPanel then return end self.InShowUIPanel = true frame:Hide() local detailFrm = QuestLogDetailFrame if detailFrm then detailFrm:Hide() end local orig = IsAltKeyDown() and not self.IgnoreAlt local opts = self.GOpts if opts["QUseAltLKey"] then orig = not orig end if orig then -- Show original quest log? frame:SetScale (1) QuestLogFrame:SetAttribute ("UIPanelLayout-enabled", true) ShowUIPanel (frame) if detailFrm then detailFrm:SetScale (1) end self:LightHeadedAttach (frame) else local win = self.List.Win if win and not GameMenuFrame:IsShown() then self:ExpandQuests() local wf = win.Frm -- local ff = frame -- Nx.prt ("LevS1 "..wf:GetFrameLevel().." "..ff:GetFrameLevel()) win:Show() self.List:Update() wf:Raise() -- Nx.prt ("LevS2 "..wf:GetFrameLevel().." "..ff:GetFrameLevel()) frame:Show() frame:SetScale (.1) frame:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", -999, 999) if detailFrm then detailFrm:SetScale (.1) detailFrm:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", -999, 999) end -- Nx.prt ("LevS3 "..wf:GetFrameLevel().." "..ff:GetFrameLevel()) self:LightHeadedAttach (wf, true) end end self.InShowUIPanel = false end -------- function Nx.Quest:HideUIPanel (frame) QuestLogFrame:SetAttribute ("UIPanelLayout-enabled", false) local detailFrm = QuestLogDetailFrame if detailFrm then detailFrm:Hide() end self.List:DetailsSetWidth (285) self.List.Win:Show (false) if self.List.List:ItemGetNum() > 0 then self.List.List:Empty() collectgarbage ("collect") end self:RestoreExpandQuests() -- Hide window first, then restore self.LHAttached = nil end function Nx.Quest:LightHeadedAttach (frm, attach, onlyLevels) local lh = getglobal ("LightHeaded") local lhf = getglobal ("LightHeadedFrame") if not (lh and lhf) then return end local db = lh["db"] if not db then return end local profile = db["profile"] if not profile then return end -- Nx.prtFrame ("LightHeaded", lhf) -- Nx.prtFrameChildren ("LightHeaded", lhf) lhf:SetParent (frm) local lvl = frm:GetFrameLevel() local open = profile["open"] if not attach then lvl = lvl - 1 local x = open and -15 or -328 lhf:ClearAllPoints() lhf:SetPoint ("LEFT", frm, "RIGHT", x, 0) -- OLD -50, 19 else self.LHAttached = profile self.LHOpen = open lvl = open and lvl or 1 local x = open and -4 or -326 lhf:ClearAllPoints() lhf:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", frm, "TOPRIGHT", x, -19) end lhf:SetFrameLevel (lvl) Nx.Util_SetChildLevels (lhf, lvl + 1) if not onlyLevels then lhf:Show() if not profile["attached"] then lh["LockUnlockFrame"](lh) end end end -------- -- Frame update. Called by main addon frame function Nx.Quest:OnUpdate (elapsed) if not self.List.Win:IsShown() then -- Nx.prt ("skip") return end if self.LHAttached then local profile = self.LHAttached if self.LHOpen ~= profile["open"] then self:LightHeadedAttach (self.List.Win.Frm, true) end if Nx.Tick % 20 == 0 then self:LightHeadedAttach (self.List.Win.Frm, true, true) end end end -------- -- Select quest in list function Nx.Quest.List:Select (qId, qI) local list = self.List for n = 1, list:ItemGetNum() do local i = list:ItemGetData (n) if i then local qi = bit.band (i, 0xff) local qid = bit.rshift (i, 16) if qi == qI and qid == qId then Nx.Quest:SelectBlizz (qi) list:Select (n) self:Update() break end end end end -------- function Nx.Quest.List:GetCurSelected() local i = self.List:ItemGetData() if i then local qi = bit.band (i, 0xff) local qid = bit.rshift (i, 16) if qid > 0 or qi > 0 then local _, cur = Nx.Quest:FindCur (qid, qi) return cur end --[[ local qi = bit.band (i, 0xff) if qi > 0 then local i, cur = Nx.Quest:FindCurByIndex (qi) return cur else local qid = bit.rshift (i, 16) local i, cur = Nx.Quest:FindCur (qid) return cur end --]] end end -------- function Nx.Quest.List:OnWin (typ) if typ == "Close" then HideUIPanel (QuestLogFrame) -- QuestLogFrame:Hide() end end -------- function Nx.Quest.List:FilterOnEditFocusGained() Nx.ShowMessageTrial() local this = self --V4 local self = this.NxInst local s = self.Filters[self.TabSelected] if s ~= "" then this:SetText (s) else this:SetText ("") end end function Nx.Quest.List:FilterOnEditFocusLost() local this = self --V4 local self = this.NxInst if self.Filters[self.TabSelected] == "" then this:SetText (self.FilterDesc) end end function Nx.Quest.List:FilterOnTextChanged() local this = self --V4 local self = this.NxInst self.Filters[self.TabSelected] = gsub (this:GetText(), self.FilterDescEsc, "") -- Nx.prt ("Filter #%s = %s", self.TabSelected, self.Filters[self.TabSelected]) self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:FilterOnEnterPressed() local this = self --V4 this:ClearFocus() end function Nx.Quest.List:FilterOnEscapePressed() local this = self --V4 local self = this.NxInst self.Filters[self.TabSelected] = "" this:ClearFocus() end -------- function Nx.Quest.List:OnTabBar (index, click) self.FilterFrm:ClearFocus() self.TabSelected = index if index == 1 then self.DetailsFrm:Show() self:AttachFrames() else self.DetailsFrm:Hide() self:AttachFrames() end local s = self.Filters[self.TabSelected] s = s ~= "" and s or self.FilterDesc self.FilterFrm:SetText (s) self:Update() end -------- -- Menu handlers function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnGoto (item) local i = self.List:ItemGetData() if i then local qIndex = bit.band (i, 0xff) if qIndex > 0 then Nx.prt ("Already have the quest!") else local qId = bit.rshift (i, 16) Nx.Quest:Goto (qId) self:Update() end end end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnHighPri (item) local cur = self:GetCurSelected() if cur then cur.HighPri = not cur.HighPri self:Update() end end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnShowHeaders (item) self.QOpts.NXShowHeaders = item:GetChecked() Nx.Quest:SortQuests() self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnShowObjectives (item) self.QOpts.NXShowObj = item:GetChecked() -- Nx.Quest:SortQuests() self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnShowAllQuests (item) self.ShowAllQuests = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnShowLowLevel (item) self.ShowLowLevel = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnShowHighLevel (item) self.ShowHighLevel = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnShowAllZones (item) self.ShowAllZones = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnShowFinished (item) self.ShowFinished = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnShowOnlyDailies (item) self.ShowOnlyDailies = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnShowParty (item) self.ShowParty = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnCompleted (item) local i = self.List:ItemGetData() if i then local qId = bit.rshift (i, 16) local qStatus, qTime = Nx:GetQuest (qId) if qStatus == "C" then qStatus = "c" else qStatus = "C" qTime = time() end -- Nx.prt ("ToggleQuestComplete %d %s %s", qId, qStatus, qTime) Nx:SetQuest (qId, qStatus, qTime) self:Update() end end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnHistoryRemoveAll() local idT = Nx.Quest.IdToCurQ local questT = Nx.CurCharacter.Q for id in pairs (questT) do if not idT[id] then questT[id] = nil end end Nx.prt ("History cleared") self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnSortWatched (item) local on = item:GetChecked() Nx.Quest:SetWatchSortMode (on and 1 or 0) end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnWatchAll() Nx.Quest:WatchAll() self:Update() end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnWatchCompleted (item) local curq = Nx.Quest.CurQ if curq then for i, cur in ipairs (curq) do -- Nx.prt ("Q #%d %s %s", i, cur.Title, cur.Complete or "nil") if cur.Complete and cur.Complete == 1 then Nx.Quest.Watch:Add (i) end end self:Update() end end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnSendQInfo (item) local i = self.List:ItemGetData() if i then local qi = bit.band (i, 0xff) self:SendQuestInfo (qi) end end function Nx.Quest.List:SendQuestInfo (qi) if qi > 0 then self.SendQInfoQI = qi self.SendQInfoMode = -1 self.SendQTarget = nil local box = Nx.FindActiveChatFrameEditBox() if box then local typ = box:GetAttribute ("chatType") -- Nx.prt ("chattype %s", typ) if typ == "WHISPER" then self.SendQTarget = box:GetAttribute ("tellTarget") self.SendQLanguage = box["language"] ChatEdit_OnEscapePressed (box) end end Nx.Timer:Start ("QSendInfo", 0, self, self.OnSendQuestInfoTimer) end end function Nx.Quest.List:OnSendQuestInfoTimer() local qi = self.SendQInfoQI local i, cur = Nx.Quest:FindCurByIndex (qi) if not i then return end local sendStr local mode = self.SendQInfoMode if mode == -1 then sendStr = self:MakeDescLink (cur) mode = 0 --[[ elseif mode == 0 then local str = strsub (cur.ObjText, 1, 180) str = format (" %s", str) str = gsub (str, "[\n\r\t]", "") if #cur.ObjText > 180 then str = str .. "..." end Nx.Com:Send ("P", str) --]] else local desc = cur[mode] if not desc then return end sendStr = format (" %s", desc) end if self.SendQTarget then -- Nx.Com:Send ("W", sendStr, self.SendQTarget) SendChatMessage (sendStr, "WHISPER", self.SendQLanguage, self.SendQTarget); else Nx.Com:Send ("P", sendStr) end self.SendQInfoMode = mode + 1 return .33 end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnShare (item) local i = self.List:ItemGetData() if i then local qi = bit.band (i, 0xff) if qi > 0 then if GetNumSubgroupMembers() > 0 then QuestLogPushQuest() else Nx.prt ("Must be in party to share") end end end end function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnAbandon (item) local i = self.List:ItemGetData() if i then local qIndex = bit.band (i, 0xff) local qId = bit.rshift (i, 16) Nx.Quest:Abandon (qIndex, qId) -- self:Update() -- Dialog gets closed! end end --[[ function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnTrackAll (item) local curq = Nx.Quest.CurQ if curq then for _, cur in ipairs (curq) do local quest = cur.Q if quest then Nx.Quest.Tracking[cur.QId] = 0xffffffff -- Track all end end self:Update() end end --]] function Nx.Quest.List:Menu_OnTrackNone (item) Nx.Quest.Watch:ClearAutoTarget() self:Update() end -------- -- On list control updates function Nx.Quest.List:OnListEvent (eventName, sel, val2, click) local Quest = Nx.Quest local Map = Nx.Map local itemData = self.List:ItemGetData (sel) or 0 local hdrCur = self.List:ItemGetDataEx (sel, 1) local qIndex = bit.band (itemData, 0xff) local qId = bit.rshift (itemData, 16) local shift = IsShiftKeyDown() or eventName == "mid" -- Nx.prt (format ("Data #%d, Id%d", qIndex, qId)) if eventName == "select" or eventName == "mid" or eventName == "back" then local columnId = val2 if shift then if hdrCur then -- Header? local setStr for n = sel + 1, sel + 99 do -- Toggle watch of all local itemData = self.List:ItemGetData (n) if not itemData or itemData == 0 then break end local qIndex = bit.band (itemData, 0xff) local qId = bit.rshift (itemData, 16) local i, cur, id = Quest:FindCur (qId, qIndex) if not setStr then local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (id) setStr = qStatus == "W" and "c" or "W" end Nx:SetQuest (id, setStr) end Quest:PartyStartSend() else -- Track or paste to chat local i, cur, id = Quest:FindCur (qId, qIndex) local box = Nx:FindActiveChatFrameEditBox() if box then local s = self:MakeDescLink (cur, id or qId, IsControlKeyDown()) if s then box:Insert (s) end else if cur then -- Shift click toggles quest-watch local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (id) if qStatus == "W" then Nx:SetQuest (id, "c") else Nx:SetQuest (id, "W") end Quest:PartyStartSend() end end end end Nx.Quest:SelectBlizz (qIndex) self:Update() if qId > 0 then -- 0 is quest name line local qObj = bit.band (bit.rshift (itemData, 8), 0xff) local mapId = Map:GetCurrentMapId() Quest:TrackOnMap (qId, qObj, qIndex > 0, shift) Map:SetCurrentMap (mapId) -- LightHeaded select if self.TabSelected == 3 then local lh = getglobal ("LightHeaded") if lh then lh["UpdateFrame"] (lh, qId) -- Nx.prt ("LH qid %s", qId) end end end elseif eventName == "button" then if hdrCur then -- Header? local v if not Quest.HeaderHide[hdrCur.Header] then v = true end Quest.HeaderHide[hdrCur.Header] = v self:Update() else -- 0 is quest name line local qObj = bit.band (bit.rshift (itemData, 8), 0xff) if self.TabSelected == 1 then self:ToggleWatch (qId, qIndex, qObj, shift) elseif self.TabSelected == 3 then local tbits = Quest.Tracking[qId] or 0 if qObj == 0 then Quest.Tracking[qId] = bit.bxor (tbits, 1) else Quest.Tracking[qId] = bit.bxor (tbits, bit.lshift (1, qObj)) end self:Update() end end elseif eventName == "menu" then if qIndex > 0 then Quest:SelectBlizz (qIndex) self:Update() end if self.TabSelected ~= 4 then self:UpdateMenu() self.Menu:Open() end end end function Nx.Quest.List:ToggleWatch (qId, qIndex, qObj, shift) local Quest = Nx.Quest local Map = Nx.Map if qObj == 0 and not shift then local i, cur, id = Quest:FindCur (qId, qIndex) if cur then local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (id) if qStatus == "W" then Nx.Quest.Watch:RemoveWatch (qId, qIndex) else Nx:SetQuest (id, "W") end Quest:PartyStartSend() end else if qId > 0 and qObj > 0 then -- FIX: Diabled qObj == 0 case if shift and qObj == 0 or qObj > 0 then local tbits = Quest.Tracking[qId] or 0 if qObj == 0 then if bit.band (tbits, 1) > 0 then Quest.Tracking[qId] = nil else Quest.Tracking[qId] = 0xffffffff -- Track all end else Quest.Tracking[qId] = bit.bxor (tbits, bit.lshift (1, qObj)) end self:Update() end local mapId = Map:GetCurrentMapId() Quest:TrackOnMap (qId, qObj, qIndex > 0, true) Map:SetCurrentMap (mapId) end end self:Update() end -------- -- Make a quest link -- (cur or id can be nil) function Nx.Quest.List:MakeDescLink (cur, id, debug) local qId = cur and cur.QId or id -- Database list will have nil cur local Quest = Nx.Quest local quest = cur and cur.Q or Quest.IdToQuest[qId] local title = cur and cur.Title local realLevel = cur and cur.RealLevel if quest then local s s, _, realLevel = Quest:Unpack (quest[1]) title = title or s end local level = realLevel if realLevel <= 0 then level = UnitLevel ("player") end local s = Quest:CreateLink (qId, realLevel, title) -- Needs a leading space according to Blizzard. White color breaks link local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() if quest and opts["QShowLinkExtra"] then local part = Quest:GetPartTitle (quest, cur) s = format (" [%s] %s%s", level, s, part) else s = format (" %s", s) end if debug then local fac = strsub (UnitFactionGroup ("player"), 1, 1) s = format ("%s[%s %d]", s, fac, qId) end -- Nx.prt ("quest %s", gsub (s, "|", "^")) return s end -------- -- On quest updates function Nx.Quest.List:OnQuestUpdate (event) -- Nx.prt ("OnQuestUpdate %s", event) local Quest = Nx.Quest local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() if event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" then self.LoggingIn = true elseif event == "QUEST_PROGRESS" then local auto = opts["QAutoTurnIn"] if IsShiftKeyDown() and IsControlKeyDown() then auto = not auto end if auto then CompleteQuest() -- Nx.prt ("Auto turn in") end return elseif event == "QUEST_COMPLETE" then local auto = opts["QAutoTurnIn"] if IsShiftKeyDown() and IsControlKeyDown() then auto = not auto end if auto then if GetNumQuestChoices() == 0 then QuestRewardCompleteButton_OnClick() -- Nx.prt ("Auto turn in choice") end end return elseif event == "QUEST_DETAIL" then -- Happens when auto accept quest is given if QuestGetAutoAccept() and QuestIsFromAreaTrigger() then Quest:RecordQuestAcceptOrFinish() -- Quest.AcceptQId = GetQuestID() Nx.prt ("QUEST_DETAIL %s", GetQuestID()) end elseif event == "QUEST_LOG_UPDATE" then -- Nx.prtStack ("QUpdate") -- Nx.prt ("#%d", GetNumQuestLogEntries()) if self.LoggingIn then Quest:AccessAllQuests() Nx.Timer:Start ("QLogUpdate", .5, self, self.LogUpdate) -- Small delay, so access works (0 does work) else self:LogUpdate() end end -- Nx.prt ("OnQuestUpdate %s Done", event) end -------- -- Quest Log update function Nx.Quest.List:LogUpdate() -- Nx.prtStack ("QUpdate") -- Nx.prt ("#%d", GetNumQuestLogEntries()) local Quest = Nx.Quest local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() local qn Quest:ExpandQuests() if not self.LoggingIn then qn = Quest:FindNewQuest() if not qn then -- Quest:CheckForNewCompleted() Quest:TellPartyOfChanges() end end Quest:RecordQuests() if self.LoggingIn then Nx.Timer:Start ("QWatchLogin", .7, Quest, Quest.WatchAtLogin) Nx.Timer:Start ("QSetPDLogin", 2, Quest, Quest.CurQSetPreviousDone) if opts["QHCheckCompleted"] then Nx.Timer:Start ("QHistLogin", 60, Quest, Quest.GetHistoryTimer) end end if qn then local curi, cur = Quest:FindCurByIndex (qn) Quest.QIdsNew[cur.QId] = time() if opts["QWAddNew"] and not Quest.DailyPVPIds[cur.QId] then Quest.Watch:Add (curi) end Quest:Capture (curi) -- Nx.prt ("OnQuestUpdate Watch %d %d", qn, i) end Quest:RestoreExpandQuests() self.LoggingIn = nil Quest.Watch:ClearCompleted() self:Update() end -------- -- Update list security stub function Nx.Quest.List:Update() -- Nx.Quest.List:Update_() end -------- -- Update list function Nx.Quest.List:Update_() if not self.Win:IsShown() then return end -- Nx.prt ("QuestListUpdate") local Nx = Nx local Quest = Nx.Quest local Map = Nx.Map local qLocColors = Quest.QLocColors local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() local showQId = opts["QShowId"] -- Title local _, i = GetNumQuestLogEntries() local dailyStr = "" local dailysDone = GetDailyQuestsCompleted() if opts["QShowDailyCount"] then if dailysDone > 0 then dailyStr = "Daily Quests Completed: |cffffffff" .. dailysDone end end if opts["QShowDailyReset"] then dailyStr = dailyStr .. "|r Daily reset: |cffffffff" .. Nx.Util_GetTimeElapsedStr (GetQuestResetTime()) end self.Win:SetTitle (format ("Quests: |cffffffff%d/%d|r %s", i, MAX_QUESTS, dailyStr)) -- List local list = self.List list:Empty() if self.TabSelected == 1 then local oldSel = GetQuestLogSelection() local header local curq = Quest.CurQ for n = 1, curq and #curq or 0 do local cur = curq[n] local quest = cur.Q local qId = cur.QId local title, level, tag, isComplete = cur.Title, cur.Level, cur.Tag, cur.Complete local qn = cur.QI if qn > 0 then SelectQuestLogEntry (qn) end local onQ = 0 local onQStr = "" if qn > 0 then for n = 1, 4 do if IsUnitOnQuest (qn, "party"..n) then if onQ > 0 then onQStr = onQStr .. "," .. UnitName ("party" .. n) else onQStr = onQStr .. UnitName ("party" .. n) end onQ = onQ + 1 end end end if not self.ShowParty or onQ > 0 then local lvlStr = " " if level > 0 then lvlStr = format ("|cffd0d0d0%2d", level) end local color = Quest:GetDifficultyColor (level) color = format ("|cff%02x%02x%02x", color.r * 255, color.g * 255, color.b * 255) local nameStr = format ("%s %s%s", lvlStr, color, title) if quest and quest.CNum then nameStr = nameStr .. format (" (Part %d of %d)", quest.CNum, cur.CNumMax) end if onQ > 0 then nameStr = format ("(%d) %s (%s)", onQ, nameStr, onQStr) end if isComplete then nameStr = nameStr .. (isComplete == 1 and "|cff80ff80 - Complete" or "|cfff04040 - "..FAILED) end if tag and cur.GCnt > 0 then tag = tag .. " " .. cur.GCnt end if cur.Daily then if tag then tag = format (DAILY_QUEST_TAG_TEMPLATE, tag) else tag = DAILY end end local show = true if self.Filters[self.TabSelected] ~= "" then local str = strlower (format ("%s %s", nameStr, tag or "")) local filtStr = strlower (self.Filters[self.TabSelected]) show = strfind (str, filtStr, 1, true) end if self.QOpts.NXShowHeaders and cur.Header ~= header then header = cur.Header if show then list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (2, format ("|cff8f8fff---- %s ----", header)) list:ItemSetDataEx (list:ItemGetNum(), cur, 1) list:ItemSetButton ("QuestHdr", Quest.HeaderHide[cur.Header]) end end if show and not Quest.HeaderHide[cur.Header] then local id = qId > 0 and qId or cur.Title local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (id) local qWatched = qStatus == "W" list:ItemAdd (qId * 0x10000 + qn) local trackMode = Quest.Tracking[qId] or 0 local butType = "QuestWatch" local butOn local trkStr = " " if bit.band (trackMode, 1) > 0 then trkStr = "*" butOn = true end if qWatched then butType = "QuestWatching" butOn = true end list:ItemSetButton (butType, butOn) if quest and showQId then nameStr = nameStr .. format (" [%s]", qId) end if cur.HighPri then nameStr = "> " .. nameStr end list:ItemSet (2, nameStr) list:ItemSet (4, tag) if self.QOpts.NXShowObj then local num = GetNumQuestLeaderBoards (qn) local str = "" local desc, typ, done local zone, loc for ln = 1, 15 do zone = nil local obj = quest and quest[ln + 3] if obj then desc, zone, loc = Quest:UnpackObjective (obj) end if ln <= num then desc, typ, done = GetQuestLogLeaderBoard (ln, qn) desc = desc or "?" --V4 else if not obj then break end done = false end color = done and "|cff5f5f6f" or "|cff9f9faf" str = format (" %s%s", color, desc) list:ItemAdd (qId * 0x10000 + ln * 0x100 + qn) local trkStr = "" if zone then -- trkStr = "|cff505050o" list:ItemSetButton ("QuestWatch", false) end if bit.band (trackMode, bit.lshift (1, ln)) > 0 then list:ItemSetButton (qLocColors[ln][5], true) end list:ItemSet (1, trkStr) list:ItemSet (2, str) end end end end end SelectQuestLogEntry (oldSel) end -- Add history quests if Nx.Quests and self.TabSelected == 2 then local qIds = Quest.QIds local sortT = {} local showAllZones = self.ShowAllZones or self.ShowAllQuests local showLowLevel = self.ShowLowLevel or self.ShowAllQuests local showHighLevel = self.ShowHighLevel or self.ShowAllQuests local showFinished = self.ShowFinished or self.ShowAllQuests local showOnlyDailies = self.ShowOnlyDailies and not self.ShowAllQuests local mapId = Map:GetCurrentMapId() local minLevel = UnitLevel ("player") - GetQuestGreenRange() local maxLevel = showHighLevel and MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL or UnitLevel ("player") + 6 -- Divider list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemAdd (0) local dbTitleIndex = list:ItemGetNum() local dbTitleNum = 0 list:ItemAdd (0) for qId in pairs (Nx.CurCharacter.Q) do -- Loop over quests with history -- if not Quest.IdToQuest[qId] then -- Nx.prt ("QID %s?", qId) -- end local quest = Quest.IdToQuest[qId] local status, qTime = Nx:GetQuest (qId) local qCompleted = status == "C" local show = qCompleted if show and not showAllZones then show = Quest:CheckShow (mapId, qId) end if show then local qname, side_, lvl if quest then qname, side_, lvl = Quest:Unpack (quest[1]) else qname = format ("%s?", qId) lvl = 0 end -- Nx.prt ("%s [%s] %s", qname, qId, quest.CNum or "") local lvlStr = format ("|cffd0d0d0%2d", lvl) local title = qname if quest and quest.CNum then title = title .. format (" (Part %d)", quest.CNum) end if showQId then title = title .. format (" [%s]", qId) end local dailyName = "" local dailyStr = Quest.DailyIds[qId] or Quest.DailyDungeonIds[qId] or Quest.DailyPVPIds[qId] if dailyStr then local typ = strsplit ("^", dailyStr) dailyName = format (" |cffd060d0(%s)", Quest.DailyTypes[typ]) local age = time() - qTime local dayChange = 86400 - GetQuestResetTime() if age < dayChange then dailyName = dailyName .. " |cffff8080today" end end local show = true if self.Filters[self.TabSelected] ~= "" then local str = strlower (format ("%2d %s %s%s", lvl, title, date ("%m/%d %H:%M:%S", qTime), dailyName)) local filtStr = strlower (self.Filters[self.TabSelected]) show = strfind (str, filtStr, 1, true) end if show then local t = {} tinsert (sortT, t) t.T = qTime t.QId = qId dbTitleNum = dbTitleNum + 1 local haveStr = "" if qIds[qId] then haveStr = "|cffe0e0e0+ " end local color = Quest:GetDifficultyColor (lvl) color = format ("|cff%02x%02x%02x", color.r * 255, color.g * 255, color.b * 255) t.Desc = format ("%s %s%s%s", lvlStr, haveStr, color, title) t.Col4 = format ("%s %s", date ("|cff9f9fcf%m/%d %H:%M:%S", qTime), dailyName) end end end sort (sortT, function (a, b) return a.T > b.T end) for _, qEntry in ipairs (sortT) do list:ItemAdd (qEntry.QId * 0x10000) list:ItemSet (2, qEntry.Desc) list:ItemSet (4, qEntry.Col4) end local str = (showAllZones and "All" or Map:IdToName (mapId)) .. " Completed" list:ItemSet (2, format ("|cffc0c0c0--- %s (%d) ---", str, dbTitleNum), dbTitleIndex) end -- Add database quests if Nx.Quests and self.TabSelected == 3 then local qIds = Quest.QIds local sortT = {} local showAllZones = self.ShowAllZones or self.ShowAllQuests local showLowLevel = self.ShowLowLevel or self.ShowAllQuests local showHighLevel = self.ShowHighLevel or self.ShowAllQuests local showFinished = self.ShowFinished or self.ShowAllQuests local showOnlyDailies = self.ShowOnlyDailies and not self.ShowAllQuests local mapId = Map:GetCurrentMapId() local minLevel = UnitLevel ("player") - GetQuestGreenRange() local maxLevel = showHighLevel and 90 or UnitLevel ("player") + 6 -- Divider list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemAdd (0) local dbTitleIndex = list:ItemGetNum() local dbTitleNum = 0 list:ItemAdd (0) local addBlank local inchain local showchain -- local qsIndex = 1 -- local qsLast = #Quest.Sorted -- while qsIndex <= qsLast do for qsIndex, qId in ipairs (Quest.Sorted) do -- local qId = Quest.Sorted[qsIndex] local quest = Quest.IdToQuest[qId] if not quest then Nx.prt ("nil quest %s", qId) end local qname, side, lvl, minlvl, next = Quest:Unpack (quest[1]) local status, qTime = Nx:GetQuest (qId) local qCompleted = status == "C" if not quest.CNum or quest.CNum == 1 then addBlank = true end local show = showchain if not inchain then show = true if quest.CLvlMax then inchain = true end if not showLowLevel then if quest.CLvlMax then show = show and quest.CLvlMax >= minLevel else show = show and ((lvl == 0) or (lvl >= minLevel)) end end show = show and lvl <= maxLevel if show and not showAllZones then show = self:CheckShow (mapId, qsIndex) end showchain = show end if not Quest.DailyIds[qId] then if (not showFinished and qCompleted) or showOnlyDailies then show = false end end if show then local lvlStr = format ("|cffd0d0d0%2d", lvl) local title = qname local cati = Quest:UnpackCategory (quest[1]) if cati > 0 then title = title .. " <" .. Nx.QuestCategory[cati] .. ">" end if quest.CNum then -- if quest.CNum > 1 then -- lvlStr = " " .. lvlStr -- end title = title .. format (" (Part %d)", quest.CNum) end local tag = qCompleted and "(History) " or "" local dailyStr = Quest.DailyIds[qId] or Quest.DailyDungeonIds[qId] if dailyStr then local typ, money, rep, req = strsplit ("^", dailyStr) tag = format ("|cffd060d0(%s %.2fg", Quest.DailyTypes[typ], money / 100) for n = 0, 1 do -- Only support 2 reps local i = n * 4 + 1 local repChar = strsub (rep or "", i, i) if repChar == "" then break end tag = format ("%s, %s %s", tag, strsub (rep, i + 1, i + 3), Quest.Reputations[repChar]) end if req and Quest.Requirements[req] then -- 1 and 2 (Ally, Horde) not in table tag = tag .. ", |cffe0c020Need " .. Quest.Requirements[req] end tag = tag .. ")" end local filterName = "" local sMapName local sName, sMapId = Quest:UnpackSE (quest[2]) if sMapId then sMapName = Map:IdToName (Map.NxzoneToMapId[sMapId]) filterName = format ("%s(%s)", sName, sMapName) end local eMapName local eName, eMapId = Quest:UnpackSE (quest[3]) if eMapId then eMapName = Map:IdToName (Map.NxzoneToMapId[eMapId]) if sName ~= eName then filterName = format ("%s%s(%s)", filterName, eName, eMapName) end end local show = true if self.Filters[self.TabSelected] ~= "" then for n = 1, 15 do local obj = quest[n + 3] if not obj then break end local name, zone = Quest:UnpackObjective (obj) if zone then filterName = filterName .. Map:IdToName (Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone]) end end local str = strlower (format ("%2d %s %s %s", lvl, title, filterName, tag)) local filtStr = strlower (self.Filters[self.TabSelected]) show = strfind (str, filtStr, 1, true) end if show then if addBlank then addBlank = false list:ItemAdd (0) end dbTitleNum = dbTitleNum + 1 local trackMode = Quest.Tracking[qId] or 0 list:ItemAdd (qId * 0x10000) local haveStr = "" if qIds[qId] then haveStr = "|cffe0e0e0+ " end local color = Quest:GetDifficultyColor (lvl) color = format ("|cff%02x%02x%02x", color.r * 255, color.g * 255, color.b * 255) local str = format ("%s %s%s%s", lvlStr, haveStr, color, title) if showQId then str = str .. format (" [%s]", qId) end local questTip = "@" .. qId list:ItemSet (2, str) list:ItemSet (4, tag) if sName then list:ItemAdd (qId * 0x10000) if not eName then list:ItemSet (2, " |cff6060ffStart/End: " .. sName) else list:ItemSet (2, " |cff6060ffStart: " .. sName) end list:ItemSet (4, sMapName) list:ItemSetButton ("QuestWatch", false) if bit.band (trackMode, 1) > 0 then list:ItemSetButton ("QuestWatch", true) end list:ItemSetButtonTip (questTip) end if eName then list:ItemAdd (qId * 0x10000 + 16 * 0x100) list:ItemSet (2, " |cff6060ffEnd: " .. eName) list:ItemSet (4, eMapName) list:ItemSetButton ("QuestWatch", false) if bit.band (trackMode, 0x10000) > 0 then list:ItemSetButton ("QuestWatch", true) end list:ItemSetButtonTip (questTip) end -- Objectives (max of 15) for n = 1, 15 do local obj = quest[n + 3] if not obj then break end list:ItemAdd (qId * 0x10000 + n * 0x100) local name, zone, loc = Quest:UnpackObjective (obj) -- str = zone and "|cff505050o" or "" if zone then list:ItemSetButton ("QuestWatch", false) list:ItemSetButtonTip (questTip) list:ItemSet (4, Map:IdToName (Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone])) end if bit.band (trackMode, bit.lshift (1, n)) > 0 then list:ItemSetButton (qLocColors[n][5], true) end -- list:ItemSet (1, str) list:ItemSet (2, format (" |cff9f9faf%s", name)) end end end if next == 0 then inchain = false end -- qsindex = qsindex + 1 end local str = (showAllZones and "Full" or Map:IdToName (mapId)) .. " Database" list:ItemSet (2, format ("|cffc0c0c0--- %s (%d) ---", str, dbTitleNum), dbTitleIndex) local low = max (1, showLowLevel and 1 or minLevel) local high = min (MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL, maxLevel) list:ItemSet (2, format ("|cffc0c0c0--- Levels %d to %d ---", low, high), dbTitleIndex + 1) end -- Add other player quests if self.TabSelected == 4 then local qIds = Quest.QIds list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (2, format ("|cffc0c0c0--- %s %s/%s ---", Quest.RcvPlyrLast, Quest.RcvCnt, Quest.RcvTotal)) for n = 1, #Quest.FriendQuests do local data = Quest.FriendQuests[n] local mode = strsub (data, 1, 1) list:ItemAdd (0) if mode == " " then -- Simple text list:ItemSet (2, strsub (data, 3)) elseif mode == "H" then list:ItemSet (2, format ("|cff8f8fff---- %s ----", strsub (data, 3))) elseif mode == "T" then local _, qId, watched, done, lvl, name = strsplit ("^", data) if qId and name then qId = tonumber (qId) if qId >= 0 then -- watched = watched == "0" and "" or "*" if watched ~= "0" then list:ItemSet (1, "|cffcfcfcfw") end local haveStr = "" if qIds[qId] then haveStr = "|cffe0e0e0+ " end done = done == "0" and "" or "|cff80ff80 - Complete" list:ItemSet (2, format ("%s %s%s%s", lvl, haveStr, name, done)) end end elseif mode == "O" then local _, qId, name = strsplit ("^", data) if name then local color = done and "|cff5f5f6f" or "|cff9f9faf" local str = format (" %s%s", color, name) list:ItemSet (2, str) end end end end -- list:Update() Quest.Watch:Update() if self.TabSelected == 1 then local i = list:GetSelected() local data = list:ItemGetData (i) or 0 -- Nx.prt ("%s %s", i, data) if data > 0 then Nx.Quest:SelectBlizz (bit.band (data, 0xff)) NxQuestD:Show() Quest:UpdateQuestDetails() else NxQuestD:Hide() end end end function Nx.Quest.List:CheckShow (mapId, index) local NxzoneToMapId = Nx.Map.NxzoneToMapId local Quest = Nx.Quest while true do local qId = Quest.Sorted[index] if Quest:CheckShow (mapId, qId) then return true end local quest = Quest.IdToQuest[qId] local next = Quest:UnpackNext (quest[1]) if next == 0 then -- End? return end index = index + 1 end end -------- -- Update map icons (called by map) function Nx.Quest:UpdateIcons (map) Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("Quest UpdateIcons") local Nx = Nx local Quest = Nx.Quest local Map = Nx.Map local qLocColors = Quest.QLocColors local ptSz = 4 * map.ScaleDraw local navscale = Quest.Map.IconNavScale * 16 local showOnMap = Quest.Watch.ButShowOnMap:GetPressed() local opts = self.GOpts local showWatchAreas = opts["QMapShowWatchAreas"] local trkR, trkG, trkB, trkA = Nx.Util_num2rgba (opts["QMapWatchAreaTrackColor"]) local hovR, hovG, hovB, hovA = Nx.Util_num2rgba (opts["QMapWatchAreaHoverColor"]) -- Update target local typ, tid = Map:GetTargetInfo() if typ == "Q" then -- Nx.prt ("QTar %s", tid) local qid = floor (tid / 100) local i, cur = Quest:FindCur (qid) if cur then Quest:CalcDistances (cur.Index, cur.Index) Quest:TrackOnMap (cur.QId, tid % 100, cur.QI > 0 or cur.Party, true, true) -- Nx.prt ("UpIcons target %s %s", typ or "nil", tid or "nil") end end -- Blob -- local f = self.BlobFrm -- Draw completed quests for k, cur in ipairs (Quest.CurQ) do if cur.Q and cur.CompleteMerge then local q = cur.Q local obj = q[3] or q[2] local endName, zone, x, y = Quest:GetSEPos (obj) local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if mapId then local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local f = map:GetIconStatic (4) if map:ClipFrameW (f, wx, wy, navscale, navscale, 0) then f.NXType = 9000 f.NXData = cur local qname = Nx.TXTBLUE .. "Quest: " .. cur.Title f.NxTip = format ("%s\nEnd: %s (%.1f %.1f)", qname, endName, x, y) if cur.PartyNames then f.NxTip = f.NxTip .. "\n" .. cur.PartyNames end f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\IconQuestion") end end end end -- Update tracking data local tracking = self.IconTracking if Nx.Tick % 10 == 0 then -- tracking = {} -- garbage creator wipe (tracking) for trackId, trackMode in pairs (Quest.Tracking) do tracking[trackId] = trackMode end if showOnMap then for k, cur in ipairs (Quest.CurQ) do if cur.Q and (Nx:GetQuest (cur.QId) == "W" or cur.PartyDesc) then tracking[cur.QId] = (tracking[cur.QId] or 0) + 0x10000 -- cur.TrackMask + i end end end self.IconTracking = tracking end -- Draw local areaTex = Nx.Opts.ChoicesQAreaTex[opts["QMapWatchAreaGfx"]] local colorPerQ = opts["QMapWatchColorPerQ"] local colMax = opts["QMapWatchColorCnt"] for trackId, trackMode in pairs (tracking) do local cur = Quest.IdToCurQ[trackId] local quest = cur and cur.Q or Quest.IdToQuest[trackId] local qname = Nx.TXTBLUE .. "Quest: " .. (cur and cur.Title or Quest:UnpackName (quest[1])) local mask = showOnMap and cur and cur.TrackMask or trackMode local showEnd if bit.band (mask, 1) > 0 then if not (cur and (cur.QI > 0 or cur.Party)) then local startName, zone, x, y = Quest:GetSEPos (quest[2]) local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if mapId then local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local f = map:GetIconStatic (4) if map:ClipFrameW (f, wx, wy, navscale, navscale, 0) then f.NxTip = format ("%s\nStart: %s (%.1f %.1f)", qname, startName, x, y) f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\IconExclaim") end end else showEnd = true end end if showEnd or bit.band (mask, 0x10000) > 0 then local obj = quest[3] or quest[2] local endName, zone, x, y = Quest:GetSEPos (obj) local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if mapId and (not cur or not cur.CompleteMerge) then local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local f = map:GetIconStatic (4) if map:ClipFrameW (f, wx, wy, navscale, navscale, 0) then f.NXType = 9000 f.NXData = cur f.NxTip = format ("%s\nEnd: %s (%.1f %.1f)", qname, endName, x, y) if cur and cur.PartyNames then f.NxTip = f.NxTip .. "\n" .. cur.PartyNames end f.texture:SetVertexColor (.6, 1, .6, 1) f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\IconQuestion") -- f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\IconQTarget") end end end -- Objectives (max of 15) if not cur or cur.QI > 0 or cur.Party then local drawArea if cur then local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (cur.QId) drawArea = showWatchAreas and qStatus == "W" end -- local drawArea = bit.band (trackMode, 0x10000) == 0 for n = 1, 15 do local obj = quest[n + 3] if not obj then break end local objName, objZone, loc = Quest:UnpackObjective (obj) if objZone then local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[objZone] if not mapId then -- Nx.prt ("Nxzone error %s %s", objName, objZone) break end -- Nx.prt ("%s zone %d %s", objName, mapId, loc) if loc and bit.band (mask, bit.lshift (1, n)) > 0 then local colI = n if colorPerQ then colI = ((cur and cur.Index or 1) - 1) % colMax + 1 end local col = qLocColors[colI] local r = col[1] local g = col[2] local b = col[3] local oname = cur and cur[n] or objName if strbyte (obj, loc) == 32 then -- Points -- Nx.prt ("%s, pt %s", objName, strsub (obj, loc + 1)) loc = loc + 1 local cnt = floor ((#obj - loc + 1) / 4) local sz = navscale if cnt > 1 then sz = map:GetWorldZoneScale (mapId) / 10.02 * ptSz end for locN = loc, loc + cnt * 4 - 1, 4 do local x, y = Quest:UnpackLocPtOff (obj, locN) local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local f = map:GetIconStatic (4) if map:ClipFrameW (f, wx, wy, sz, sz, 0) then f.NXType = 9000 + n f.NXData = cur f.NxTip = format ("%s\nObj: %s (%.1f %.1f)", qname, oname, x, y) if cur and cur[n + 400] then f.NxTip = f.NxTip .. "\n" .. cur[n + 400] end if cnt == 1 then f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\IconQTarget") f.texture:SetVertexColor (r, g, b, .9) else f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\IconCirclePlus") f.texture:SetVertexColor (r, g, b, .5) end end end else -- Spans (areas) -- Nx.prt ("%s, spans %s", objName, strsub (obj, loc)) local hover = Quest.IconHoverCur == cur and Quest.IconHoverObjI == n local tracking = bit.band (trackMode, bit.lshift (1, n)) > 0 local tip = format ("%s\nObj: %s", qname, oname) if cur and cur[n + 400] then tip = tip .. "\n" .. cur[n + 400] end local x if cur then local d = cur["OD"..n] if d and d > 0 then x = cur["OX"..n] end end if x then local y = cur["OY"..n] local f = map:GetIcon (4) local sz = navscale if not hover then sz = sz * .8 end if map:ClipFrameW (f, x, y, sz, sz, 0) then f.NXType = 9000 + n f.NXData = cur f.NxTip = tip f.texture:SetTexture ("Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\IconAreaArrows") if tracking then f.texture:SetVertexColor (.8, .8, .8, 1) else f.texture:SetVertexColor (r, g, b, .7) end end end if not cur or drawArea or hover or (bit.band (trackMode, bit.lshift (1, n)) > 0 and trkA > .05) then local scale = map:GetWorldZoneScale (mapId) / 10.02 local cnt = floor ((#obj - loc + 1) / 4) local ssub = strsub for locN = loc, loc + cnt * 4 - 1, 4 do local loc1 = ssub (obj, locN, locN + 3) if loc1 == "" then break end local x, y, w, h = Quest:UnpackLocRect (loc1) local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local f = map:GetIconStatic (hover and 1) if areaTex then if map:ClipFrameTL (f, wx, wy, w * scale, h * scale) then f.NXType = 9000 + n f.NXData = cur f.NxTip = tip f.texture:SetTexture (areaTex) if hover then f.texture:SetVertexColor (hovR, hovG, hovB, hovA) elseif tracking then f.texture:SetVertexColor (trkR, trkG, trkB, trkA) else f.texture:SetVertexColor (r, g, b, col[4]) end end else if map:ClipFrameTLSolid (f, wx, wy, w * scale, h * scale) then f.NXType = 9000 + n f.NXData = cur f.NxTip = tip if hover then f.texture:SetTexture (hovR, hovG, hovB, hovA) elseif tracking then f.texture:SetTexture (trkR, trkG, trkB, trkA) else f.texture:SetTexture (r, g, b, col[4]) end end end end end end end end end end end Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("Quest UpdateIcons") end function Nx.Quest:IconOnEnter (frm) local i = frm.NXType - 9000 local cur = frm.NXData self.IconHoverCur = cur self.IconHoverObjI = i end function Nx.Quest:IconOnLeave (frm) self.IconHoverCur = nil end function Nx.Quest:IconOnMouseDown (frm) local cur = self.IconHoverCur if cur then self.IconMenuCur = cur self.IconMenuObjI = self.IconHoverObjI local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (cur.QId) self.IconMenuIWatch:SetChecked (qStatus == "W") self.IconMenu:Open() end end -------- -- Called when details frame size changes function Nx.Quest.List:OnDetailsSetSize (w, h) -- Nx.prt ("QDetails %d %d", w, h) local scale = Nx:GetGlobalOpts()["QDetailScale"] NXQuestLogDetailScrollChildFrame:SetScale (scale) local upH = NxQuestDScrollBarScrollUpButton:GetHeight() local bar = NxQuestDScrollBar local barW = bar:GetWidth() local details = NxQuestD bar:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", details, "TOPRIGHT", 1, -upH) details:SetWidth (w - barW - 1) local dw = (w - barW - 8) / scale Nx.Quest.List:DetailsSetWidth (dw) end function Nx.Quest.List:DetailsSetWidth (w) -- NXQuestLogDetailScrollChildFrame:SetWidth (w) -- QuestInfoFrame:SetWidth (w) QuestInfoObjectivesText:SetWidth (w) QuestInfoDescriptionText:SetWidth (w) QuestInfoItemChooseText:SetWidth (w) -- QuestInfoRewardText:SetWidth (w) end -------- -- Details function Nx.Quest:UpdateQuestDetails() -- 1 tick delay, since Blizz is hiding/resetting on log open Nx.Timer:Start ("QDetail", 0, self, self.UpdateQuestDetailsTimer) end function Nx.Quest:UpdateQuestDetailsTimer() -- Nx.prt ("UpdateQuestDetails") QuestInfo_Display (QUEST_TEMPLATE_LOG, NXQuestLogDetailScrollChildFrame, nil, nil, "Carb") local r, g, b, a = Nx.Util_num2rgba (self.GOpts["QDetailBC"]) self.List.DetailsFrm.texture:SetTexture (r, g, b, a) -- 0.18, 0.12, 0.06 parchment local r, g, b = Nx.Util_num2rgba (self.GOpts["QDetailTC"]) local t = { "QuestInfoTitleHeader", "QuestInfoDescriptionHeader", "QuestInfoObjectivesHeader", "QuestInfoRewardsHeader", "QuestInfoDescriptionText", "QuestInfoObjectivesText", "QuestInfoGroupSize", "QuestInfoRewardText", "QuestInfoItemChooseText", "QuestInfoItemReceiveText", "QuestInfoSpellLearnText", --V4 fix!!!!!!!!!!!! replace??? -- "QuestInfoHonorFrameReceiveText", -- "QuestInfoArenaPointsFrameReceiveText", -- "QuestInfoTalentFrameReceiveText", "QuestInfoXPFrameReceiveText", } for k, name in ipairs (t) do if not _G[name] then Nx.prt ("QDetails missing %s", name) end _G[name]:SetTextColor (r, g, b) end for n = 1, 10 do _G["QuestInfoObjective" .. n]:SetTextColor (r, g, b) end --[[ -- 3.2 QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (NxQuestDSC, NxQuestDSCSpacerFrame) Nx.Quest:FrameItems_Update() local questID = GetQuestLogSelection() local questTitle = GetQuestLogTitle (questID) or "" if IsCurrentQuestFailed() then questTitle = questTitle.." - ("..FAILED..")" end -- Nx.prt ("UpdateQuestDetails %s %s", questID or "nil", questTitle or "nil") local title = NxQuestDSCQuestTitle title:SetText (questTitle) local _, relTo = NxQuestDSCSpacerFrame:GetPoint() local corner = relTo == NxQuestDSC and "TOP" or "BOTTOM" title:ClearAllPoints() title:SetPoint ("TOP", relTo, corner, 0, -10) title:SetPoint ("LEFT", NxQuestDSC, "LEFT", 0, 0) local questDescription, questObjectives = GetQuestLogQuestText() NxQuestDSCObjectivesText:SetText (questObjectives) local questTimer = GetQuestLogTimeLeft() if questTimer then -- QuestLogFrame.hasTimer = 1 -- QuestLogFrame.timePassed = 0 NxQuestDSCTimerText:Show() NxQuestDSCTimerText:SetText (TIME_REMAINING.." "..SecondsToTime (questTimer)) NxQuestDSCObjective1:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCTimerText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10) else -- QuestLogFrame.hasTimer = nil NxQuestDSCTimerText:Hide() NxQuestDSCObjective1:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCObjectivesText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10) end -- Show Quest Watch if track quest is checked local numObjectives = GetNumQuestLeaderBoards() for i = 1, numObjectives do local string = getglobal ("NxQuestDSCObjective"..i) local text, typ, finished = GetQuestLogLeaderBoard (i) if not text or strlen (text) == 0 then text = typ end if finished then string:SetTextColor (.2, .2, .2) text = text.." ("..COMPLETE..")" else string:SetTextColor (0, 0, 0) end string:SetText(text) string:Show() QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (string, NxQuestDSCSpacerFrame) end for i = numObjectives + 1, MAX_OBJECTIVES, 1 do getglobal ("NxQuestDSCObjective"..i):Hide() end -- If there's money required then anchor and display it if GetQuestLogRequiredMoney() > 0 then if numObjectives > 0 then NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCObjective"..numObjectives, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -4) else NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCObjectivesText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10) end MoneyFrame_Update("NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyFrame", GetQuestLogRequiredMoney()) if GetQuestLogRequiredMoney() > GetMoney() then -- Not enough cash NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyText:SetTextColor (0, 0, 0) SetMoneyFrameColor ("NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyFrame", 1, .1, .1) else NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyText:SetTextColor (.2, .2, .2) SetMoneyFrameColor ("NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyFrame", 1, 1, 1) end NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyText:Show() NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyFrame:Show() else NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyText:Hide() NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyFrame:Hide() end if GetQuestLogGroupNum() > 0 then local suggestedGroupString = format (QUEST_SUGGESTED_GROUP_NUM, GetQuestLogGroupNum()) NxQuestDSCSuggestedGroupNum:SetText (suggestedGroupString) NxQuestDSCSuggestedGroupNum:Show() NxQuestDSCSuggestedGroupNum:ClearAllPoints() if GetQuestLogRequiredMoney() > 0 then NxQuestDSCSuggestedGroupNum:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -4) elseif numObjectives > 0 then NxQuestDSCSuggestedGroupNum:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCObjective"..numObjectives, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -4) elseif questTimer then NxQuestDSCSuggestedGroupNum:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCTimerText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10) else NxQuestDSCSuggestedGroupNum:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCObjectivesText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10) end else NxQuestDSCSuggestedGroupNum:Hide() end if GetQuestLogGroupNum() > 0 then NxQuestDSCDescriptionTitle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCSuggestedGroupNum", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10) elseif GetQuestLogRequiredMoney() > 0 then NxQuestDSCDescriptionTitle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCRequiredMoneyText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10) elseif numObjectives > 0 then NxQuestDSCDescriptionTitle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCObjective"..numObjectives, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10) else if questTimer then NxQuestDSCDescriptionTitle:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCTimerText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10) else NxQuestDSCDescriptionTitle:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSCObjectivesText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10) end end if questDescription then NxQuestDSCQuestDescription:SetText (questDescription) QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (NxQuestDSCQuestDescription, NxQuestDSCSpacerFrame) end local numRewards = GetNumQuestLogRewards() local numChoices = GetNumQuestLogChoices() local money = GetQuestLogRewardMoney() if numRewards + numChoices + money > 0 then NxQuestDSCRewardTitleText:Show() -- QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (NxQuestDSCRewardTitleText, NxQuestDSCSpacerFrame) else NxQuestDSCRewardTitleText:Hide() end NxQuestDScrollBar:SetValue (0) NxQuestD:UpdateScrollChildRect() --]] end -------- -- function Nx.Quest:FrameItems_Update (questState) NxQuestDSCRewardTitleText:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", "NxQuestDSC", "TOPLEFT", 0, -10) local questState = "NxQuestDSC" local questItemName = "NxQuestDSCItem" local numQuestRewards local numQuestChoices local money = GetQuestLogRewardMoney() local spacerFrame = NxQuestDSCSpacerFrame numQuestRewards = GetNumQuestLogRewards() numQuestChoices = GetNumQuestLogChoices() local numQuestSpellRewards = 0 if GetQuestLogRewardSpell() then numQuestSpellRewards = 1 end local totalRewards = numQuestRewards + numQuestChoices + numQuestSpellRewards local material = QuestFrame_GetMaterial() local questItemReceiveText = getglobal (questState.."ItemReceiveText") if totalRewards == 0 and money == 0 then getglobal (questState.."RewardTitleText"):Hide() else getglobal (questState.."RewardTitleText"):Show() QuestFrame_SetTitleTextColor (getglobal (questState.."RewardTitleText"), material) QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (getglobal (questState.."RewardTitleText"), spacerFrame) end if money == 0 then getglobal (questState.."MoneyFrame"):Hide() else getglobal (questState.."MoneyFrame"):Show() QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (getglobal(questState.."MoneyFrame"), spacerFrame) MoneyFrame_Update (questState.."MoneyFrame", money) end -- Hide unused rewards for n = totalRewards + 1, MAX_NUM_ITEMS do getglobal (questItemName..n):Hide() end local questItem, name, texture, isTradeskillSpell, isSpellLearned, quality, isUsable, numItems = 1 local rewardsCount = 0 -- Setup choosable rewards if numQuestChoices > 0 then local itemChooseText = getglobal (questState.."ItemChooseText") itemChooseText:Show() QuestFrame_SetTextColor (itemChooseText, material) QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (itemChooseText, spacerFrame) local index local baseIndex = rewardsCount for i = 1, numQuestChoices do index = i + baseIndex questItem = getglobal (questItemName..index) questItem.type = "choice" numItems = 1 name, texture, numItems, quality, isUsable = GetQuestLogChoiceInfo (i) questItem:SetID (i) questItem:Show() -- For the tooltip questItem.rewardType = "item" getglobal (questItemName..index.."Name"):SetText(name) SetItemButtonCount (questItem, numItems) SetItemButtonTexture (questItem, texture) if isUsable then SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor (questItem, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) SetItemButtonNameFrameVertexColor (questItem, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) else SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor (questItem, 0.9, 0, 0) SetItemButtonNameFrameVertexColor (questItem, 0.9, 0, 0) end if i > 1 then if mod (i, 2) == 1 then questItem:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", questItemName..(index - 2), "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -2) QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (questItem, spacerFrame) else questItem:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", questItemName..(index - 1), "TOPRIGHT", 1, 0) end else questItem:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", itemChooseText, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -5) QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (questItem, spacerFrame) end rewardsCount = rewardsCount + 1 end else getglobal (questState.."ItemChooseText"):Hide() end -- Setup spell rewards local learnSpellText = getglobal (questState.."SpellLearnText") if numQuestSpellRewards > 0 then learnSpellText:Show() QuestFrame_SetTextColor (learnSpellText, material) QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (learnSpellText, spacerFrame) --Anchor learnSpellText if there were choosable rewards if rewardsCount > 0 then learnSpellText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", questItemName..rewardsCount, "BOTTOMLEFT", 3, -5) else learnSpellText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", questState.."RewardTitleText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -5) end texture, name, isTradeskillSpell, isSpellLearned = GetQuestLogRewardSpell() if isTradeskillSpell then learnSpellText:SetText (REWARD_TRADESKILL_SPELL) elseif not isSpellLearned then learnSpellText:SetText (REWARD_AURA) else learnSpellText:SetText (REWARD_SPELL) end rewardsCount = rewardsCount + 1 questItem = getglobal (questItemName..rewardsCount) questItem:Show() -- For the tooltip questItem.rewardType = "spell" SetItemButtonCount (questItem, 0) SetItemButtonTexture (questItem, texture) getglobal (questItemName..rewardsCount.."Name"):SetText(name) QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (questItem, spacerFrame) questItem:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", learnSpellText, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -5) else learnSpellText:Hide() end -- Setup mandatory rewards if numQuestRewards > 0 or money > 0 then QuestFrame_SetTextColor (questItemReceiveText, material) -- Anchor the reward text differently if there are choosable rewards if numQuestSpellRewards > 0 then questItemReceiveText:SetText (REWARD_ITEMS) questItemReceiveText:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", questItemName..rewardsCount, "BOTTOMLEFT", 3, -5) elseif numQuestChoices > 0 then questItemReceiveText:SetText (REWARD_ITEMS) local index = numQuestChoices if mod (index, 2) == 0 then index = index - 1 end questItemReceiveText:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", questItemName..index, "BOTTOMLEFT", 3, -5) else questItemReceiveText:SetText (REWARD_ITEMS_ONLY) questItemReceiveText:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", questState.."RewardTitleText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 3, -5) end questItemReceiveText:Show() QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (questItemReceiveText, spacerFrame) -- Setup mandatory rewards local index local baseIndex = rewardsCount for i = 1, numQuestRewards do index = i + baseIndex questItem = getglobal (questItemName..index) questItem.type = "reward" numItems = 1 name, texture, numItems, quality, isUsable = GetQuestLogRewardInfo (i) questItem:SetID (i) questItem:Show() -- For the tooltip questItem.rewardType = "item" getglobal (questItemName..index.."Name"):SetText(name) SetItemButtonCount (questItem, numItems) SetItemButtonTexture (questItem, texture) if isUsable then SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor (questItem, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) SetItemButtonNameFrameVertexColor (questItem, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) else SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor (questItem, 0.5, 0, 0) SetItemButtonNameFrameVertexColor (questItem, 1.0, 0, 0) end if i > 1 then if mod (i, 2) == 1 then questItem:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", questItemName..(index - 2), "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -2) QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (questItem, spacerFrame) else questItem:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", questItemName..(index - 1), "TOPRIGHT", 1, 0) end else questItem:SetPoint ("TOPLEFT", questState.."ItemReceiveText", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -5) QuestFrame_SetAsLastShown (questItem, spacerFrame) end rewardsCount = rewardsCount + 1 end else questItemReceiveText:Hide() end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Quest watch -------- -- Init and open function Nx.Quest.Watch:Open() local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() self.GOpts = opts local qopts = Nx:GetQuestOpts() self.Watched = {} self.Opened = true local fixedSize = opts["QWFixedSize"] -- Create window -- Nx.Window:ClrSaveData ("NxQuestWatch") Nx.Window:SetCreateFade (1, .15) local border = fixedSize and true or 1 local win = Nx.Window:Create ("NxQuestWatch", nil, nil, nil, 1, border) self.Win = win win:InitLayoutData (nil, -.80, -.35, -.2, -.1) win:CreateButtons (opts["QWShowClose"], nil, true) win:SetUser (self, self.OnWin) win:SetBGAlpha (0, 1) win.Frm:SetClampedToScreen (true) local xo = 0 local yo = 0 if not fixedSize then xo = 7 yo = 3 win:SetBorderSize (0, 7) end win:SetTitleXOff (84 + xo, -1 - yo) -- win:SetTitle ("[ ]") win.UserUpdateFade = self.WinUpdateFade -- Update helper. Can't call directly due to validation changing function local function update (self) self:Update() end -- Buttons local function func (self) self.Menu:Open() end self.ButMenu = Nx.Button:Create (win.Frm, "QuestWatchMenu", nil, nil, 4, -5 + yo, "TOPLEFT", 1, 1, func, self) local function func (self) self.MenuPri:Open() end self.ButPri = Nx.Button:Create (win.Frm, "QuestWatchPri", nil, nil, 19, -5 + yo, "TOPLEFT", 1, 1, func, self) local function func (self, but) local qopts = Nx:GetQuestOpts() qopts.NXWShowOnMap = but:GetPressed() end self.ButShowOnMap = Nx.Button:Create (self.ButMenu.Frm, "QuestWatchShowOnMap", nil, nil, 29, 0, "CENTER", 1, 1, func, self) self.ButShowOnMap:SetPressed (qopts.NXWShowOnMap) local function func (self, but) if not but:GetPressed() and not IsShiftKeyDown() then Nx.Quest.Tracking = {} -- Kill all end self:Update() end self.ButATarget = Nx.Button:Create (self.ButMenu.Frm, "QuestWatchATrack", nil, nil, 43, 0, "CENTER", 1, 1, func, self) local function func (self, but) Nx.CharOpts["QMapShowQuestGivers3"] = but:GetState() local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) map.Guide:UpdateGatherFolders() end self.ButQGivers = Nx.Button:Create (self.ButMenu.Frm, "QuestWatchGivers", nil, nil, 57, 0, "CENTER", 1, 1, func, self) self.ButQGivers:SetState (Nx.CharOpts["QMapShowQuestGivers3"]) local function func (self, but) qopts.NXWWatchParty = but:GetPressed() Nx.Quest:PartyUpdateTimer() end self.ButShowParty = Nx.Button:Create (self.ButMenu.Frm, "QuestWatchParty", nil, nil, 71, 0, "CENTER", 1, 1, func, self) self.ButShowParty:SetPressed (qopts.NXWWatchParty == nil or qopts.NXWWatchParty) -- List Nx.List:SetCreateFont ("FontWatch", 12) local list = Nx.List:Create (false, 2, -2, 100, 12 * 3, win.Frm, not fixedSize, true) self.List = list list:SetUser (self, self.OnListEvent) -- self:SetFont() if not fixedSize then list:SetMinSize (124, 1) -- Sets the window minimum list.Frm:EnableMouse (false) end list:ColumnAdd ("", 1, 14) list:ColumnAdd ("Name", 2, fixedSize and 900 or 20) -- list:ColumnAdd ("", 3, 0) -- list:ColumnAdd ("Type", 4, 60) -- list:ColumnAdd ("Status", 5, 500) win:Attach (list.Frm, 0, 1, 0, 1) -- Create menu button menu local qlist = Nx.Quest.List local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (list.Frm) self.Menu = menu menu:AddItem (0, "Watch All Quests", qlist.Menu_OnWatchAll, qlist) menu:AddItem (0, "Remove All Watches", self.Menu_OnRemoveAllWatches, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Track None", qlist.Menu_OnTrackNone, qlist) -- local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Max Auto Track", update, self) -- item:SetSlider (qopts, 1, 25, 1, "NXWAutoMax") local i = 25 local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Max Visible In List", update, self) item:SetSlider (qopts, 1, i, 1, "NXWVisMax") -- menu:AddItem (0, "") local function func() Nx.Opts:Open ("Quest Watch") end menu:AddItem (0, "Options...", func) -- Create priority button menu local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (list.Frm, 260) self.MenuPri = menu local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Hide Unfinished Quests", update, self) item:SetChecked (qopts, "NXWHideUnfinished") local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Hide 5+ Group Quests", update, self) item:SetChecked (qopts, "NXWHideGroup") local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Hide Quests Not In Zone", update, self) item:SetChecked (qopts, "NXWHideNotInZone") -- local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Hide Quests Not On Continent", update, self) -- item:SetChecked (qopts, "NXWHideNotInCont") local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Hide Quests Farther Than", update, self) item:SetSlider (qopts, 200, 20000, 1, "NXWHideDist") local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Sort, Distance", update, self) item:SetSlider (qopts, 0, 1, nil, "NXWPriDist") local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Sort, Complete", update, self) item:SetSlider (qopts, -200, 200, 1, "NXWPriComplete") local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Sort, Low Level", update, self) item:SetSlider (qopts, -200, 200, 1, "NXWPriLevel") local function func() Nx.Map:GetMap (1).Guide:UpdateGatherFolders() end local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Quest Giver Lower Levels To Show", func, self) item:SetSlider (opts, 0, 90, 1, "QMapQuestGiversLowLevel") local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Quest Giver Higher Levels To Show", func, self) item:SetSlider (opts, 0, 90, 1, "QMapQuestGiversHighLevel") -- local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Group", update, self) -- item:SetSlider (qopts, -200, 200, 1, "NXWPriGroup") -- Create watch button menu local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (list.Frm) self.WatchMenu = menu menu:AddItem (0, "Remove Watch", self.Menu_OnRemoveWatch, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Link Quest (shift right click)", self.Menu_OnLinkQuest, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Show Quest Log (alt right click)", self.Menu_OnShowQuest, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Show On Map (shift left click)", self.Menu_OnShowMap, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Share", self.Menu_OnShare, self) menu:AddItem (0, "") menu:AddItem (0, "Abandon", self.Menu_OnAbandon, self) -- self.FirstUpdate = true self.FlashColor = 0 -- self:SetSortMode (1) end -------- -- Setup list font function Nx.Quest.Watch:FixedChange() Nx.Window:ClrSaveData ("NxQuestWatch") end -------- -- Setup list font --[[ function Nx.Quest.Watch:SetFont() local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() local sz = opts["QWLargeFont"] and 15 or 12 self.List:SetFont (sz) local sz = opts["QWLargeFont"] and 15 or 13 self.List:SetLineHeight (sz, 0) end --]] -------- function Nx.Quest.Watch:OnWin (typ) self:Update() end -------- function Nx.Quest.Watch:Menu_OnRemoveWatch (item) self:RemoveWatch (self.MenuQId, self.MenuQIndex) self:Update() Nx.Quest.List:Update() end function Nx.Quest.Watch:Menu_OnShowQuest() ShowUIPanel (QuestLogFrame) Nx.Quest.List.Bar:Select (1) Nx.Quest.List:Select (self.MenuQId, self.MenuQIndex) end function Nx.Quest.Watch:Menu_OnShowMap (item) self:Set (self.MenuItemData, true) end function Nx.Quest.Watch:Menu_OnLinkQuest() Nx.Quest:LinkChat (self.MenuQId) end function Nx.Quest.Watch:Menu_OnShare (item) local qi = self.MenuQIndex if qi > 0 then if GetNumSubgroupMembers() > 0 then Nx.Quest:ExpandQuests() -- Nx.Quest.List:Select (self.MenuQId, self.MenuQIndex) QuestLogPushQuest (qi) Nx.Quest:RestoreExpandQuests() else Nx.prt ("Must be in party to share") end end end function Nx.Quest.Watch:Menu_OnAbandon (item) Nx.Quest.List:Select (self.MenuQId, self.MenuQIndex) Nx.Quest:Abandon (self.MenuQIndex, self.MenuQId) end function Nx.Quest.Watch:Menu_OnRemoveAllWatches (item) local curq = Nx.Quest.CurQ for n = 1, curq and #curq or 0 do local cur = curq[n] self:RemoveWatch (cur.QId, cur.QI) end self:Update() Nx.Quest.List:Update() end function Nx.Quest.Watch:RemoveWatch (qId, qI) local i, cur, id = Nx.Quest:FindCur (qId, qI) if i then local qStatus, qTime = Nx:GetQuest (id) if qStatus == "W" then Nx:SetQuest (id, "c", qTime) Nx.Quest:PartyStartSend() if qId > 0 then Nx.Quest.Tracking[qId] = nil if Nx.Quest:IsTargeted (qId) then Nx.Quest.Map:ClearTargets() end end end if IsQuestWatched (qI) then -- Blizz crap? Remove RemoveQuestWatch (qI) end end end -------- -- Show or hide function Nx.NXWatchKeyToggleMini() local self = Nx.Quest.Watch -- self.ButMini:SetPressed (not self.ButMini:GetPressed()) self.Win:ToggleMinimize() self:Update() end function Nx.NXWatchKeyUseItem() if NxListFrms1 then NxListFrms1:Click() end end function Nx.Quest.Watch:ClearAutoTarget (keepTracking) if Nx.Quest.Enabled then if not keepTracking then Nx.Quest.Tracking = {} -- Kill all end self.ButATarget:SetPressed (false) self:Update() end end -------- -- Set sort mode function Nx.Quest.Watch:SetSortMode (mode) Nx.Timer:Start ("QuestWatchUpdate", .01, self, self.OnUpdateTimer) --[[ local qopts = Nx:GetQuestOpts() qopts.NXSortWatchMode = mode if mode == 1 then Nx.Timer:Start ("QuestWatchUpdate", .01, self, self.OnUpdateTimer) else Nx.Timer:Stop ("QuestWatchUpdate") local curq = self.CurQ for n = 1, curq and #curq or 0 do local cur = curq[n] cur.Distance = 999999999 cur.CloseObjI = -1 end self.Watch:Update() end --]] end function Nx.Quest.Watch:OnUpdateTimer (item) if not Nx.Timer:IsActive ("QuestWatchDist") then self:Update() self.CalcDistCnt = 3 end return 1.5 end -------- -- Update list security stub function Nx.Quest.Watch:Update() -- Nx.Quest.Watch:Update_() end function Nx.Quest.Watch:Update_() -- Nx.prt ("Watch update") --[[ if Nx.Free then local ver = GetBuildInfo() if ver ~= "2.3.3" then local function func() Nx.prt ("data error") end Nx.Timer:Start ("WatchDataError", .1, self, func) return end end --]] self.CalcDistI = 1 self.CalcDistCnt = 20 Nx.Timer:Start ("QuestWatchDist", 0, self, self.OnTimer) end function Nx.Quest.Watch:OnTimer (item) local curq = Nx.Quest.CurQ if not curq then -- Bad stuff? return end local i = self.CalcDistI local cnt = self.CalcDistCnt Nx.Quest:CalcDistances (i, i + cnt - 1) i = i + cnt if i <= #curq then self.CalcDistI = i return .02 end local watched = self:UpdateList() -- Nx.Quest:Route (watched) end -------- -- Update watch list function Nx.Quest.Watch:UpdateList() -- Nx.prt ("QWatchUpdate") local Nx = Nx local Quest = Nx.Quest local Map = Nx.Map Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("Watch UpList") local qopts = Nx:GetQuestOpts() local hideUnfinished = qopts["NXWHideUnfinished"] local hideGroup = qopts["NXWHideGroup"] local hideNotInZone = qopts["NXWHideNotInZone"] local hideNotInCont = qopts["NXWHideNotInCont"] local hideDist = qopts["NXWHideDist"] >= 19900 and 99999 or qopts["NXWHideDist"] local hideDist = hideDist / 4.575 -- Convert to world units local priDist = qopts.NXWPriDist local gopts = self.GOpts local fixedSize = gopts["QWFixedSize"] local showDist = gopts["QWShowDist"] local showPerColor = gopts["QWShowPerColor"] local hideDoneObj = gopts["QWHideDoneObj"] local compColor = Nx.Util_num2colstr (gopts["QWCompleteColor"]) local incompColor = Nx.Util_num2colstr (gopts["QWIncompleteColor"]) local oCompColor = Nx.Util_num2colstr (gopts["QWOCompleteColor"]) local oIncompColor = Nx.Util_num2colstr (gopts["QWOIncompleteColor"]) -- List local list = self.List local oldw, oldh = list:GetSize() list:SetBGColor (Nx.Util_num2rgba (gopts["QWBGColor"])) list:Empty() local watched = wipe (self.Watched) local curq = Quest.CurQ if curq then for n, cur in ipairs (curq) do local qId = cur.QId local id = qId > 0 and qId or cur.Title local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (id) local qWatched = qStatus == "W" or cur.PartyDesc -- Nx.prt ("qid %s %s dist %s", qId, qStatus, cur.Distance) if qWatched and (cur.Distance < hideDist or cur.Distance > 999999) then if (not hideUnfinished or cur.CompleteMerge) and (not hideGroup or cur.PartySize < 5) and (not hideNotInZone or cur.InZone) and (not hideNotInCont or cur.InCont) then local d = max (cur.Distance * priDist * cur.Priority * 10 + cur.Priority * 100, 0) d = cur.HighPri and 0 or d d = floor (d) * 256 + n tinsert (watched, d) end end end sort (watched) local disti = watched[1] -- Auto target objective of closest quest if self.ButATarget:GetPressed() then if disti then local cur = curq[bit.band (disti, 0xff)] Quest:CalcAutoTrack (cur) end end -- Remember closest quest for com self.ClosestCur = disti and curq[bit.band (disti, 0xff)] -- if not self.Win:IsSizeMin() and self.Win:IsVisible() then self.FlashColor = (self.FlashColor + 1) % 2 list:SetItemFrameScaleAlpha (gopts["QWItemScale"], Nx.Util_num2a (gopts["QWItemAlpha"])) if gopts["QWHideBlizz"] then WatchFrame:Hide() -- Hide Blizzard's end if gopts["QWChalTrack"] then local cTimer ={GetWorldElapsedTimers()} for _,id in ipairs(cTimer) do local description, elapsedTime, isChallengeModeTimer = GetWorldElapsedTime(id) if (isChallengeModeTimer) then list:ItemAdd(0) list:ItemSet(2,format("|cffff8888%s",description)) list:ItemSetButton("QuestWatchTip",false) local s = " |cffffffff" .. SecondsToTime(elapsedTime) list:ItemAdd(0) list:ItemSet(2,s) end end end if gopts["QWScenTrack"] then local name, currentStage, numStages = C_Scenario.GetInfo() if (currentStage > 0) then local stageName, stageDescription, numCriteria = C_Scenario.GetStepInfo() list:ItemAdd(0) list:ItemSet(2,format("|cffff8888Scenario: %s",name)) list:ItemSetButtonTip(stageDescription) list:ItemSetButton("QuestWatchTip",false) if (currentStage <= numStages) then s = format(" |cffff0000Stage [|cffffffff%d|cffff0000/|cffffffff%d|cffff0000]:|cff00ff00%s", currentStage, numStages,stageName) else s = " |cffff0000[|cffffffffComplete|cffff0000]" end list:ItemAdd(0) list:ItemSet(2,s) end end if gopts["QWAchTrack"] then local ach = { GetTrackedAchievements() } for _, id in ipairs (ach) do local aId, aName, aPoints, aComplete, aMonth, aDay, aYear, aDesc = GetAchievementInfo (id) if aName then -- Person had nil name happen list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (2, format ("|cffdf9fffAchievement: %s", aName)) local numC = GetAchievementNumCriteria (id) local progressCnt = 0 local tip = aDesc for n = 1, numC do local cName, cType, cComplete, cQuantity, cReqQuantity = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo (id, n) local color = cComplete and "|cff80ff80" or "|cffa0a0a0" if not cComplete and cReqQuantity > 1 and cQuantity > 0 then progressCnt = progressCnt + 1 tip = tip .. format ("\n%s%s: %s / %s", color, cName, cQuantity, cReqQuantity) else tip = tip .. format ("\n%s%s", color, cName) end end list:ItemSetButton ("QuestWatchTip", false) list:ItemSetButtonTip (tip) local showCnt = 0 for n = 1, numC do local cName, cType, cComplete, cQuantity, cReqQuantity = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo (id, n) if not cComplete and (progressCnt <= 3 or cQuantity > 0) then list:ItemAdd (0) local s = " |cffcfafcf" if numC == 1 then if cReqQuantity > 1 then s = s .. format ("%s/%s", cQuantity, cReqQuantity) else s = s .. cName end else s = s .. cName if cReqQuantity > 1 then s = s .. format (": %s/%s", cQuantity, cReqQuantity) end end showCnt = showCnt + 1 if showCnt >= 3 then s = s .. "..." end list:ItemSet (2, s) if showCnt >= 3 then break end end end end end end local s = gopts["QWAchZoneShow"] and Nx.Quest:GetZoneAchievement() if s then list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (2, s) end -- Nx.prtVar ("Watched", watched) local watchNum = 1 for _, distn in ipairs (watched) do local n = bit.band (distn, 0xff) local cur = curq[n] local qId = cur.QId if 1 then local level, isComplete = cur.Level, cur.CompleteMerge local quest = cur.Q local qi = cur.QI local lbNum = cur.LBCnt -- local link, item, charges = GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo (questIndex) list:ItemAdd (qId * 0x10000 + qi) local trackMode = Quest.Tracking[qId] or 0 local obj = quest and (quest[3] or quest[2]) if qId == 0 then list:ItemSetButton ("QuestWatchErr", false) elseif not obj then -- Nx.prt ("not obj") list:ItemSetButton ("QuestWatchErr", false) elseif isComplete or lbNum == 0 then local butType = "QuestWatch" local pressed = false if bit.band (trackMode, 1) > 0 then pressed = true end if Quest:IsTargeted (qId, 0) then butType = "QuestWatchTarget" end local name, zone = Quest:GetSEPos (obj) if not zone or not Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] then butType = "QuestWatchErr" end if isComplete and cur.IsAutoComplete then butType = "QuestWatchAC" pressed = false end list:ItemSetButton (butType, pressed) else list:ItemSetButton ("QuestWatchTip", false) end if not isComplete and cur.ItemLink and gopts["QWItemScale"] >= 1 then list:ItemSetFrame ("WatchItem~" .. cur.QI .. "~" .. cur.ItemImg .. "~" .. cur.ItemCharges) end list:ItemSetButtonTip (cur.ObjText .. (cur.PartyDesc or "")) local color = isComplete and compColor or incompColor local lvlStr = "" if level > 0 then local col = Quest:GetDifficultyColor (level) lvlStr = format ("|cff%02x%02x%02x%2d%s ", col.r * 255, col.g * 255, col.b * 255, level, cur.TagShort) end local nameStr = format ("%s%s%s", lvlStr, color, cur.Title) if cur.NewTime and time() < cur.NewTime + 60 then nameStr = format ("|cff00%2x00New: %s", self.FlashColor * 200 + 55, nameStr) end if isComplete then local obj = quest and (quest[3] or quest[2]) if lbNum > 0 or not obj then nameStr = nameStr .. (isComplete == 1 and "|cff80ff80 (Complete)" or "|cfff04040 - " .. FAILED) else local desc = Quest:UnpackSE (obj) nameStr = format ("%s |cffffffff(%s)", nameStr, desc) end end if showDist then local d = cur.Distance * 4.575 if d < 1000 then nameStr = format ("%s |cff808080%d yds", nameStr, d) elseif cur.Distance < 99999 then nameStr = format ("%s |cff808080%.1fK yds", nameStr, d / 1000) end end if cur.PartyCnt then nameStr = format ("%s |cffb0b0f0(+%s)", nameStr, cur.PartyCnt) end if cur.Party then nameStr = nameStr .. " |cffb0b0f0" .. cur.Party end list:ItemSet (2, nameStr) if cur.TimeExpire then -- Have a timer? list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (2, format (" |cfff06060%s %s", TIME_REMAINING, SecondsToTime (cur.TimeExpire - time()))) end if isComplete and cur.IsAutoComplete then list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (2, format ("|cff%2x0000--- Click ? to complete ---", self.FlashColor * 200 + 55)) end if qi > 0 or cur.Party then local desc, done local zone, loc local lnOffset = -1 for ln = 1, 31 do local obj = quest and quest[ln + 3] if not obj and ln > lbNum then --[[ if ln == 1 then obj = quest[3] or quest[2] else break end --]] break end zone = nil done = isComplete if obj then desc, zone, loc = Quest:UnpackObjective (obj) end if ln <= lbNum then desc = cur[ln] done = cur[ln + 300] end if not (hideDoneObj and done) then if showPerColor then if done then color = Quest.PerColors[9] else local s1, _, i, total = strfind (desc, ": (%d+)/(%d+)") if s1 then -- Nx.prt ("%s %s", i, total) i = floor (tonumber (i) / tonumber (total) * 8.99) + 1 else i = 1 end color = Quest.PerColors[i] end else color = done and oCompColor or oIncompColor end if gopts["QWOCntFirst"] then local s1, s2 = strmatch (desc, "(.+): (.+)") if s2 then desc = format ("%s: %s", s2, s1) end end local str = color .. (desc or "?") --V4 if not done then local d = cur["OD"..ln] if d and d < .5 then -- Not in yards str = "*" .. str end end list:ItemAdd (qId * 0x10000 + ln * 0x100 + qi) list:ItemSetOffset (16, lnOffset) local butType = "QuestWatchErr" if zone then if zone == 220 then butType = nil elseif Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] then butType = "QuestWatch" if Quest:IsTargeted (qId, ln) then butType = "QuestWatchTarget" end end end -- Nx.prt ("watch %s %s %s", qId, zone or "nil", butType or "nil") if not done and butType then if bit.band (trackMode, bit.lshift (1, ln)) > 0 then list:ItemSetButton (butType, true) else list:ItemSetButton (butType, nil) end end if not fixedSize then local maxCOpt = gopts["QWOMaxLen"] + 10 local maxC = maxCOpt while #str > maxC do for cn = maxC, 12, -1 do if strbyte (str, cn) == 32 then -- Find last space maxC = cn - 1 break end end local s = strsub (str, 1, maxC) list:ItemSet (2, s) str = color .. strsub (str, maxC + 1) list:ItemAdd (qId * 0x10000 + ln * 0x100 + qi) list:ItemSetOffset (16, lnOffset) maxC = maxCOpt end end list:ItemSet (2, str) lnOffset = lnOffset - 1 end end end if not fixedSize and watchNum >= qopts.NXWVisMax then list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (2, " ...") break end watchNum = watchNum + 1 end end end end if fixedSize then list:FullUpdate() else -- Nx.prt ("QWL Up") list:Update() end -- Grow upwards if self.Win:IsSizeMin() then self.FirstUpdate = true self.Win:SetTitle ("") else local w, h = list:GetSize() if gopts["QWGrowUp"] and not self.FirstUpdate then h = h - oldh -- Nx.prt ("h dif %s", h) self.Win:OffsetPos (0, h) end if w < 127 then self.Win:SetTitle ("") else local _, i = GetNumQuestLogEntries() self.Win:SetTitle (format ("|cff40af40%d/25", i)) end self.FirstUpdate = nil end Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("Watch UpList") return watched end -------- function Nx.Quest.Watch:ShowUpdate() self.Win.RaidHid = nil if self.GOpts["QWHideRaid"] then if IsInRaid() then self.Win.Frm:Hide() self.Win.RaidHid = true else self.Win.Frm:Show() end end end -------- -- Called by Window update -- Self = win function Nx.Quest.Watch:WinUpdateFade (fade, force) if self.GOpts["QWFadeAll"] or force then self.Win:SetTitleColors (1, 1, 1, fade) self.List.Frm:SetAlpha (fade) self.ButMenu.Frm:SetAlpha (fade) self.ButPri.Frm:SetAlpha (fade) self.ButShowOnMap.Frm:SetAlpha (fade) self.ButATarget.Frm:SetAlpha (fade) end end -------- -- On list control updates function Nx.Quest.Watch:OnListEvent (eventName, val1, val2, click, but) -- Nx.prt ("QuestListUpdate "..eventName) if eventName == "button" then local Quest = Nx.Quest -- val1 = id -- val2 = pressed local data = self.List:ItemGetData (val1) if data then local qIndex = bit.band (data, 0xff) local qId = bit.rshift (data, 16) local typ = but:GetType() if click == "LeftButton" then -- Nx.prt ("Data #%d, Id%d", qIndex, qId) -- Nx.prt ("List but %s", but:GetType().WatchError or "nil") if typ.WatchError then Quest:MsgNotInDB ("O") else if IsAltKeyDown() then Quest.List:SendQuestInfo (qIndex) else if typ.WatchTip then --[[ local i, cur = Quest:FindCur (qId, qIndex) if cur.ItemLink then UseQuestLogSpecialItem (qIndex) end --]] val2 = false -- Can't turn on cause will track missing stuff self:Set (data, val2) --[[ local i, cur = Quest:FindCur (qId, qIndex) if i then for n = cur.LBCnt, 1, -1 do data = bit.band (data, 0xffff00ff) + n * 0x100 -- Nx.prtVar ("", data) self:Set (data, val2, not IsShiftKeyDown()) end end --]] else local i, cur = Quest:FindCur (qId, qIndex) if cur and cur.CompleteMerge and cur.IsAutoComplete then -- Nx.prt ("ShowQuestComplete %s", qIndex) ShowQuestComplete (qIndex) else self:Set (data, val2, not IsShiftKeyDown()) end end end end elseif click == "RightButton" then if typ.WatchTip then return end if IsAltKeyDown() then Quest.IgnoreAlt = true ShowUIPanel (QuestLogFrame) Quest.IgnoreAlt = nil Quest.List.Bar:Select (1) Quest.List:Select (qId, qIndex) elseif IsShiftKeyDown() then Quest:LinkChat (qId) else self.MenuItemData = data self.MenuQIndex = qIndex self.MenuQId = qId self.WatchMenu:Open() end end end end end -------- -- function Nx.Quest.Watch:Set (data, on, track) local Quest = Nx.Quest local qIndex = bit.band (data, 0xff) local qId = bit.rshift (data, 16) if qId > 0 then local i, cur = Quest:FindCur (qId, qIndex) if not (cur and cur.Q) then Quest:MsgNotInDB() return end -- Nx.prt ("Q Set %s %s", i, cur and cur.Name or "nil") local q = cur.Q if not q[2] and not q[3] then Quest:MsgNotInDB() return end self:ClearAutoTarget (true) -- 0 is quest name line local qObj = bit.band (bit.rshift (data, 8), 0xff) local tbits = Quest.Tracking[qId] or 0 if track then Quest.Tracking = {} -- Kill all tbits = 0 if not Quest:IsTargeted (qId, qObj) then on = true -- Force on if on but not tracked end end if IsControlKeyDown() then on = false -- Force off end if qObj == 0 then if on == false then Quest.Tracking[qId] = nil else Quest.Tracking[qId] = cur.TrackMask -- Track all end else if on == false then Quest.Tracking[qId] = bit.band (tbits, bit.bnot (bit.lshift (1, qObj))) else Quest.Tracking[qId] = bit.bor (tbits, bit.lshift (1, qObj)) end end if track then self:ClearCompleted (qId) end Quest:TrackOnMap (qId, qObj, qIndex > 0, track) self:Update() Quest.List:Update() else Quest:MsgNotInDB() end end -------- -- Add quest to watch -- (CurQ number) function Nx.Quest.Watch:Add (curi) local Quest = Nx.Quest local cur = Quest.CurQ[curi] local qId = cur.QId > 0 and cur.QId or cur.Title local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (qId) if not qStatus or qStatus ~= "W" then -- Pointless compare? Nx:SetQuest (qId, "W") Quest:PartyStartSend() end end -------- -- Clear completed quests function Nx.Quest.Watch:ClearCompleted (qIdMatch) local Quest = Nx.Quest self:Update() -- Get list in sync with quests if added or removed local list = self.List for ln = 1, list:ItemGetNum() do local i = list:ItemGetData (ln) if i then local qIndex = bit.band (i, 0xff) local qId = bit.rshift (i, 16) if qId > 0 and (not qIdMatch or qIdMatch == qId) then local _, cur = Quest:FindCur (qId) if cur then local qComplete = cur.CompleteMerge -- Remember for objectives local qObj = bit.band (bit.rshift (i, 8), 0xff) -- Nx.prt ("Data #%d Id %d Obj %d C=%s", qIndex, qId, qObj, tostring (cur.CompleteMerge)) local tbits = Quest.Tracking[qId] or 0 if tbits > 0 then local objmask = bit.lshift (1, qObj) if qObj == 0 then if qComplete then local qStatus, qTime = Nx:GetQuest (qId) if qStatus ~= "C" then -- Nx.prt ("track on") -- Turn on if Nx.Quest:IsTargeted (qId) then Quest.Tracking[qId] = bit.bor (tbits, objmask) Quest:TrackOnMap (qId, 0, qIndex > 0, true) end end end else local desc local done = qComplete local num = cur.LBCnt if qObj <= num then desc = cur[qObj] done = cur[qObj + 300] end if done then local on = bit.band (tbits, objmask) if on > 0 then -- Turn off Quest.Tracking[qId] = bit.band (tbits, bit.bnot (objmask)) Quest:TrackOnMap (qId, qObj, qIndex > 0) end end end end end end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Nx.Quest:CreateGiverIconMenu (mainMenu, frm) local completedMenu = Nx.Menu:Create (frm) self.GiverIconMenuCompleted = completedMenu self.GiverIconMenuICompleted = mainMenu:AddSubMenu (completedMenu, "Quest Completion...") self.GiverIconMenuICompletedT = {} for n = 1, 29 do local function func (self, item) local s = item:GetChecked() and "C" or "c" Nx:SetQuest (item.UData, s, time()) if item:GetChecked() then self:CalcPreviousDone (item.UData) end self:UpdateGiverIconMenu() self.GiverIconMenuCompleted:Update() local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) map.Guide:UpdateMapIcons() end self.GiverIconMenuICompletedT[n] = completedMenu:AddItem (0, "?", func, self) self.GiverIconMenuICompletedT[n]:SetChecked() end -- local infoMenu = Nx.Menu:Create (frm) self.GiverIconMenuInfo = infoMenu self.GiverIconMenuIInfo = mainMenu:AddSubMenu (infoMenu, "Quest Info (shift click - goto)...") self.GiverIconMenuIInfoT = {} for n = 1, 29 do local function func (self, item) -- Nx.prt ("%s", item.Text) if not IsShiftKeyDown() then local link = self:CreateLink (item.UData, -1, "x") SetItemRef (link) else self:Goto (item.UData) end end self.GiverIconMenuIInfoT[n] = infoMenu:AddItem (0, "?", func, self) end end function Nx.Quest:OpenGiverIconMenu (icon, typ) self.GiverIconMenuICompleted:Show (false) self.GiverIconMenuIInfo:Show (false) if typ ~= 3000 then return end self.GiverIconMenuCompleted:Show (false) self.GiverIconMenuInfo:Show (false) if icon.UDataQuestGiverD then self.GiverIconMenuICompleted:Show() self.GiverIconMenuIInfo:Show() self.GiverIconMenuCompletedD = icon.UDataQuestGiverD self:UpdateGiverIconMenu() end end function Nx.Quest:UpdateGiverIconMenu() local qdata = self.GiverIconMenuCompletedD local qIds = self.QIds local curI = 1 for n = 1, #qdata, 4 do local qId = tonumber (strsub (qdata, n, n + 3), 16) local quest = self.IdToQuest[qId] local qname, _, lvl, minlvl = self:Unpack (quest[1]) local col = "" local status, qTime = Nx:GetQuest (qId) if status == "C" then col = "|cff808080" else if qIds[qId] then col = "|cffa0f0a0" end end local s = format ("%s%d %s", col, lvl, qname) -- Nx.prt ("Menu %s", s) local menuI = self.GiverIconMenuICompletedT[curI] if not menuI then break end menuI:Show() menuI:SetText (s) menuI.UData = qId menuI:SetChecked (status == "C") local menuI = self.GiverIconMenuIInfoT[curI] menuI:Show() menuI:SetText (s) menuI.UData = qId curI = curI + 1 end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -- Track quest on map function Nx.Quest:CalcAutoTrack (cur) local Nx = Nx local Quest = Nx.Quest local curq = Quest.CurQ local qopts = Nx:GetQuestOpts() Quest.Tracking = {} local closest = false local dist = 99999999 if cur.Q then -- Quest.Tracking[cur.QId] = cur.TrackMask local closeI = cur.CloseObjI if closeI and closeI >= 0 then Quest.Tracking[cur.QId] = cur.TrackMask -- bit.lshift (1, closeI) Quest:TrackOnMap (cur.QId, closeI, cur.QI > 0 or cur.Party, true, true) end for objn = 1, 15 do local obj = cur.Q[objn + 3] if not obj then break end local obit = bit.lshift (1, objn) if bit.band (cur.TrackMask, obit) > 0 then if Quest:GetObjectiveType (obj) == 1 then local d = cur["OD"..objn] if d and d < dist then dist = d closest = cur -- Quest.ClosestSpanI = objn end end end end end -- Quest.ClosestSpanCur = closest end -------- -- Is targeted already? function Nx.Quest:IsTargeted (qId, qObj, x1, y1, x2, y2) local typ, tid = Nx.Map:GetTargetInfo() if typ == "Q" then local tqid = floor (tid / 100) if tqid == qId then -- Same as us? if x1 then local tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2 = Nx.Map:GetTargetPos() if x1 ~= tx1 or y1 ~= ty1 or x2 ~= tx2 or y2 ~= ty2 then return end end if not qObj then return true end if tid % 100 == qObj then return true end end end end -------- -- Track quest on map function Nx.Quest:TrackOnMap (qId, qObj, useEnd, target, skipSame) local Quest = Nx.Quest local Map = Nx.Map local BlizIndex = nil local quest = Quest.IdToQuest[qId] --[[ if self.GOpts["QSync"] then local i = 1 while GetQuestLogTitle(i) do local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, questID = GetQuestLogTitle(i) if questID == qId then BlizIndex = i else if (IsQuestWatched(i)) then RemoveQuestWatch(i) end end i = i + 1 end end ]]-- if quest then local tbits = Quest.Tracking[qId] or 0 --[[ if tbits == 0 then -- Nothing tracked? local typ, tid = Map:GetTargetInfo() if typ == "Q" then local tqid = floor (tid / 100) if tqid == qId then -- Same as us? self.Map:ClearTargets() end end return end --]] local track = bit.band (tbits, bit.lshift (1, qObj)) local questObj local name, zone, loc if qObj == 0 then questObj = useEnd and quest[3] or quest[2] name, zone, loc = Quest:UnpackSE (questObj) else questObj = quest[qObj + 3] name, zone, loc = Quest:UnpackObjective (questObj) end -- Nx.prt ("TrackOnMap %s %s %s %s %s", qId, qObj, track, name, zone) if track > 0 and zone then --[[ if self.GOpts["QSync"] then if BlizIndex then if not (IsQuestWatched(BlizIndex)) then AddQuestWatch(BlizIndex) end end end ]]-- local QMap = NxMap1.NxMap if not InCombatLockdown() then local cur = self.QIds[qId] if cur then if not cur.Complete then QMap.QuestWin:DrawNone(); if Nx.CharOpts["MapShowQuestBlobs"] then QMap.QuestWin:DrawBlob(qId,true) QMap:ClipZoneFrm( QMap.Cont, QMap.Zone, QMap.QuestWin, 1 ) QMap.QuestWin:SetFrameLevel(QMap.Level) QMap.QuestWin:SetFillAlpha(255 * QMap.QuestAlpha) QMap.QuestWin:SetBorderAlpha( 255 * QMap.QuestAlpha ) QMap.QuestWin:Show() else QMap.QuestWin:Hide() end end end end local mId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if mId then if target then local x1, y1, x2, y2 if qObj > 0 then local map = Map:GetMap (1) local px = map.PlyrX local py = map.PlyrY -- FIX!!!!!!!!!!!! -- x1, y1, x2, y2 = Quest:GetClosestObjectiveRect (questObj, mId, px, py) x1, y1 = Quest:GetClosestObjectivePos (questObj, loc, mId, px, py) x2 = x1 y2 = y1 else x1, y1, x2, y2 = Quest:GetObjectiveRect (questObj, loc) x1, y1 = Map:GetWorldPos (mId, x1, y1) x2, y2 = Map:GetWorldPos (mId, x2, y2) end local cur = self.QIds[qId] -- local _, cur = self:FindCur (qId) if cur then if qObj > 0 then name = cur[qObj] or name -- Nx.prt ("TrackOnMap name %s", name) end if cur.Complete then name = name .. " |cff80ff80(Complete)" end end if skipSame then if self:IsTargeted (qId, qObj, x1, y1, x2, y2) then Map:SetTargetName (name) return end end self.Map:SetTarget ("Q", x1, y1, x2, y2, false, qId * 100 + qObj, name, false, mId) -- Nx.prt ("TrackOnMap %s %s %s", qId, qObj, name) self.Map.Guide:ClearAll() end self.Map:GotoPlayer() else Nx.Quest:MsgNotInDB ("Z") -- Nx.prt ("quest zone %s", zone) end else -- Clear tracking local typ, tid = Map:GetTargetInfo() if typ == "Q" then local tqid = floor (tid / 100) if tqid == qId then -- Same quest as us? if tbits == 0 or (tid == qId * 100 + qObj) then if self.GOpts["QSync"] then RemoveQuestWatch(BlizIndex) end self.Map:ClearTargets() if not InCombatLockdown() then local QMap = NxMap1.NxMap QMap.QuestWin:DrawNone(); QMap.QuestWin:Hide() end end end end end end end -------- -- Unpack quest info -- Format: (b) is byte -- name len (b), name str, side (b), level (b), min lvl (b), next id (b3), category (b) function Nx.Quest:Unpack (info) local strbyte = strbyte local i = strbyte (info, 1) - 35 + 1 local name = strsub (info, 2, i) local side, lvl, minlvl, n1, n2, n3 = strbyte (info, i + 1, i + 6) local nextId = (n1 - 35) * 48841 + (n2 - 35) * 221 + n3 - 35 -- if nextId > 0 then -- nextId = (nextId + 3) / 2 - 7 -- end return name, side - 35, lvl - 35, minlvl - 35, nextId end -------- -- Unpack quest name function Nx.Quest:UnpackName (info) local i = strbyte (info, 1) - 35 + 1 return strsub (info, 2, i) end -------- -- Unpack quest next id function Nx.Quest:UnpackNext (info) local sb = strbyte local i = sb (info, 1) - 35 + 1 return (sb (info, i + 4) - 35) * 48841 + (sb (info, i + 5) - 35) * 221 + sb (info, i + 6) - 35 end -------- -- Unpack quest category function Nx.Quest:UnpackCategory (info) local i = strbyte (info, 1) - 35 + 1 + 7 return strbyte (info, i) - 35 end -------- -- Unpack start/end -- Format: name index (byte x2), zone (byte), location data (may start with space) -- Example: 00,1, xxyy -- Example: 00,1,xywh function Nx.Quest:UnpackSE (obj) if not obj then return end local i = (strbyte (obj) - 35) * 221 + (strbyte (obj, 2) - 35) local name = self.QuestStartEnd[i] if not name then -- Nx.prt ("UnpackSE err %s (%s)", i, obj) name = "?" end if #obj == 2 then return name end local zone = strbyte (obj, 3) - 35 return name, zone, 4 end -------- -- Unpack objective or start/end -- Format: name length (byte), name string, zone (byte), location data (may start with space) -- Example: 3,the,1, xxyy -- Example: 3,end,1,xywh function Nx.Quest:UnpackObjective (obj) if not obj then return end local i = strbyte (obj) - 35 + 1 local desc = strsub (obj, 2, i) if #obj == i then return desc end local zone = strbyte (obj, i + 1) - 35 return desc, zone, i + 2 end -------- -- Get type of objective (not start/end) function Nx.Quest:GetObjectiveType (obj) local loc = strbyte (obj) - 35 + 3 local typ = strbyte (obj, loc) or 0 -- Can be nil somehow if typ <= 33 then -- Points return 0 end return 1 -- Spans end -------- -- Get centered position of start/end function Nx.Quest:GetSEPos (str) local name, zone, loc = self:UnpackSE (str) if zone then return name, zone, self:GetPosLoc (str, loc) -- x, y end end -------- -- Get centered position of objective function Nx.Quest:GetObjectivePos (str) local name, zone, loc = self:UnpackObjective (str) if zone then return name, zone, self:GetPosLoc (str, loc) -- x, y end end -------- -- Get centered position from location string function Nx.Quest:GetPosLoc (str, loc) local cnt local ox = 0 local oy = 0 local typ = strbyte (str, loc) if typ == 32 then -- Point cnt = floor ((#str - loc) / 4) local x, y for locN = loc + 1, loc + cnt * 4, 4 do -- local loc1 = strsub (str, locN, locN + 3) -- assert (loc1 ~= "") x, y = self:UnpackLocPtOff (str, locN) ox = ox + x oy = oy + y end elseif typ == 33 then -- Relative point (for Icecrown airships) cnt = 1 ox, oy = self:UnpackLocPtRelative (str, loc + 1) else -- Multiple locations loc = loc - 1 local loopCnt = floor ((#str - loc) / 4) cnt = 0 for locN = loc + 1, loc + loopCnt * 4, 4 do local loc1 = strsub (str, locN, locN + 3) -- assert (loc1 ~= "") -- prtVar ("Loc1", loc1) local x, y, w, h = self:UnpackLocRect (loc1) w = w / 1002 * 100 h = h / 668 * 100 local area = w * h cnt = cnt + area ox = ox + (x + w * .5) * area oy = oy + (y + h * .5) * area -- Nx.prt ("#%f %f %f %f %f (%f)", cnt, x, y, w, h, area) end end ox = ox / cnt oy = oy / cnt return ox, oy end -------- function Nx.Quest:UnpackLocPtRelative (str, loc) local cnt local ox, oy = Nx.Quest:UnpackLocPtOff (str, loc) ox = ox - 50 oy = oy - 50 for n = 1, GetNumBattlefieldVehicles() do local x, y, unitName, possessed, typ, dir, player = GetBattlefieldVehicleInfo (n) if x and not player then if typ == Nx.AirshipType then cnt = 1 dir = dir / PI * 180 oy = oy / 1.5 ox, oy = ox * cos (dir) + oy * sin (dir), (ox * -sin (dir) + oy * cos (dir)) * 1.5 ox = x * 100 + ox oy = y * 100 + oy -- Nx.prt ("%s Airship %s %s %s", name, typ, ox, oy) break end end end if not cnt then ox = ox + 62 oy = oy + 42 end return ox, oy end -------- --[[ function Nx.Quest:Route (watched) if not IsControlKeyDown() then return end local Nx = Nx local Quest = Nx.Quest local qopts = Nx:GetQuestOpts() local Map = Nx.Map local map = Map:GetMap (1) local px = map.PlyrX local py = map.PlyrY local playerLevel = UnitLevel ("player") local curq = self.CurQ if not curq then -- Bad stuff? return end local points = {} for _, distn in ipairs (watched) do local n = bit.band (distn, 0xff) local cur = curq[n] local qi = cur.QI local qId = cur.QId local id = qId > 0 and qId or cur.Title local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (id) local qWatched = (qStatus == "W") local quest = cur.Q if quest and qWatched then local cnt = (cur.Complete or cur.LBCnt == 0) and 0 or 99 for qObj = 0, cnt do local questObj if qObj == 0 then questObj = qi > 0 and quest[3] or quest[2] -- Start if goto or no end? else questObj = quest[qObj + 3] end if not questObj then break end if bit.band (cur.TrackMask, bit.lshift (1, qObj)) > 0 then local wx = cur["OX"..qObj] if wx then local pt = {} tinsert (points, pt) local wy = cur["OY"..qObj] local x, y = map:GetZonePos (map.MapId, wx, wy) pt.X = x pt.Y = y end end end end end map:RouteQuests (points) end --]] -------- -- Calc watch distance function Nx.Quest:CalcDistances (n1, n2) local Nx = Nx local Quest = Nx.Quest local qopts = Nx:GetQuestOpts() local Map = Nx.Map local map = Map:GetMap (1) local px = map.PlyrX local py = map.PlyrY local playerLevel = UnitLevel ("player") local curq = self.CurQ if not curq then -- Bad stuff? return end for n = n1, n2 do local cur = curq[n] if not cur then break end local qi = cur.QI local qId = cur.QId local id = qId > 0 and qId or cur.Title local qStatus = Nx:GetQuest (id) local qWatched = (qStatus == "W") local quest = cur.Q cur.Priority = 1 cur.Distance = 999999999 cur.CloseObjI = -1 if cur.Complete and cur.IsAutoComplete then cur.Distance = 0 end -- if quest and (qWatched or Nx.Free) then if quest then local cnt = (cur.CompleteMerge or cur.LBCnt == 0) and 0 or 99 for qObj = 0, cnt do local questObj if qObj == 0 then questObj = (qi > 0 or cur.Party) and quest[3] or quest[2] -- Start if goto or no end? else questObj = quest[qObj + 3] end if not questObj then break end if bit.band (cur.TrackMask, bit.lshift (1, qObj)) > 0 then local _, zone, loc if qObj == 0 then _, zone, loc = self:UnpackSE (questObj) else _, zone, loc = self:UnpackObjective (questObj) end if zone then local mId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if mId then local x, y = self:GetClosestObjectivePos (questObj, loc, mId, px, py) local dist = ((x - px) ^ 2 + (y - py) ^ 2) ^ .5 if dist < cur.Distance then cur.CloseObjI = qObj cur.Distance = dist end cur["OX"..qObj] = x cur["OY"..qObj] = y cur["OD"..qObj] = dist end end end end --PAIDS! local pri = 0 -- Player lvl 30. PriLevel = 20 -- Q1 100 Lvl 30: 0 ldif = 0 -- Q2 400 Lvl 20: 10 ldif = 200, .1, 90% = 360 -- Q3 2000 Lvl 25: 5 ldif = 100, .05, 95% = 1900 -- Player lvl 30. PriLevel = 200 -- Q1 100 Lvl 30: 0 ldif = 0 -- Q2 400 Lvl 20: 10 ldif = 2000, .99, 1% = 4 -- Q3 2000 Lvl 25: 5 ldif = 1000, .5, 50% = 1000 -- Formula: cur.Distance * priDist * cur.Priority * 10 + cur.Priority * 100 if cur.CompleteMerge then pri = qopts.NXWPriComplete * 8 -- +-1600 else -- 20 default. 10 lvls max diff * 200 = +-2000 local l = min (playerLevel - cur.Level, 10) l = max (l, -10) pri = l * qopts.NXWPriLevel end cur.Priority = 1 - pri / 2010 cur.InZone = Quest:CheckShow (map.RMapId, qId) --PAIDE! end end end -------- -- Get closest position of objective or start/end function Nx.Quest:GetClosestObjectivePos (str, loc, mapId, px, py) local Map = Nx.Map if strbyte (str, loc) <= 33 then -- Point local x1, y1, x2, y2 = self:GetObjectiveRect (str, loc) x1, y1 = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2) return x1, y1 else -- Multiple locations local closeDist = 999999999 local closeX, closeY loc = loc - 1 local loopCnt = floor ((#str - loc) / 4) cnt = 0 for locN = loc + 1, loc + loopCnt * 4, 4 do local x, y local loc1 = strsub (str, locN, locN + 3) assert (loc1 ~= "") local x, y, w, h = self:UnpackLocRect (loc1) w = w / 1002 * 100 h = h / 668 * 100 local wx1, wy1 = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local wx2, wy2 = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x + w, y + h) x = wx1 -- Top left y = wy1 if px >= wx1 and px <= wx2 then if py >= wy1 and py <= wy2 then -- Within span? return px, py end x = px elseif px >= wx2 then -- Right of span? x = wx2 end if py >= wy1 then -- Y within span? y = py end if py >= wy2 then -- Below span? y = wy2 end local dist = (x - px) ^ 2 + (y - py) ^ 2 if dist < closeDist then closeDist = dist closeX = x closeY = y end -- Nx.prt ("#%f %f %f %f %f (%f)", cnt, x, y, w, h, area) end return closeX, closeY end end -------- -- Get closest rectangle of objective or start/end --[[ function Nx.Quest:GetClosestObjectiveRect (str, mapId, px, py) local Map = Nx.Map local Quest = Nx.Quest local name, zone, loc = Quest:UnpackObjective (str) if not zone then return end local close local closeX, closeY local closeDist = 999999999 if strbyte (str, loc) <= 33 then -- Point local x1, y1, x2, y2 = self:GetObjectiveRect (str, loc) x1, y1 = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x1, y1) x2, y2 = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x2, y2) return x1, y1, x2, y2 else -- Multiple locations loc = loc - 1 local loopCnt = floor ((#str - loc) / 4) cnt = 0 for locN = loc + 1, loc + loopCnt * 4, 4 do local loc1 = strsub (str, locN, locN + 3) assert (loc1 ~= "") local x, y, w, h = Quest:UnpackLocRect (loc1) w = w / 1002 * 100 h = h / 668 * 100 local wx1, wy1 = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local wx2, wy2 = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x + w, y + h) -- Inside box? -- if px >= wx1 and px <= wx2 and py >= wy1 and py <= wy2 then -- return px - 40, py - 40, px + 40, py + 40 -- end x = wx1 -- Top left y = wy1 if px >= wx1 and px <= wx2 then if py >= wy1 and py <= wy2 then -- Within span? closeDist = 0 close = loc1 -- return px, py end x = px elseif px >= wx2 then -- Right of span? x = wx2 end if py >= wy1 then -- Y within span? y = py end if py >= wy2 then -- Below span? y = wy2 end local dist = (x - px) ^ 2 + (y - py) ^ 2 if dist < closeDist then closeDist = dist close = loc1 end -- Nx.prt ("#%f %f %f %f %f (%f)", cnt, x, y, w, h, area) end local x, y, w, h = Quest:UnpackLocRect (close) w = w / 1002 * 100 h = h / 668 * 100 local x1, y1 = Nx.Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x - 3, y - 3) local x2, y2 = Nx.Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x + w + 3, y + h + 3) return x1, y1, x2, y2 end end --]] -------- -- Get size of objective or start/end function Nx.Quest:GetObjectiveRect (str, loc) local Quest = Nx.Quest local x1 = 100 local y1 = 100 local x2 = 0 local y2 = 0 local cnt if strbyte (str, loc) == 32 then -- Point cnt = floor ((#str - loc) / 4) local x, y for locN = loc + 1, loc + cnt * 4, 4 do -- local loc1 = strsub (str, locN, locN + 3) -- assert (loc1 ~= "") x, y = Quest:UnpackLocPtOff (str, locN) x1 = min (x1, x) y1 = min (y1, y) x2 = max (x2, x) y2 = max (y2, y) end elseif strbyte (str, loc) == 33 then -- Point x1, y1 = Quest:UnpackLocPtRelative (str, loc + 1) x2, y2 = x1, y1 else -- Multiple locations loc = loc - 1 cnt = floor ((#str - loc) / 4) for locN = loc + 1, loc + cnt * 4, 4 do local loc1 = strsub (str, locN, locN + 3) -- assert (loc1 ~= "") local x, y, w, h = Quest:UnpackLocRect (loc1) x1 = min (x1, x) y1 = min (y1, y) x2 = max (x2, x + w / 1002 * 100) y2 = max (y2, y + h / 668 * 100) -- Nx.prt ("Rect %f %f %f %f", x, y, w, h) end end -- Nx.prt ("RectMinMax %f %f %f %f", x1, y1, x2, y2) return x1, y1, x2, y2 end -------- -- Unpack location data " xywh" or "xxyy" -- (string, offset) function Nx.Quest:UnpackLoc (locStr, off) local isPt = strbyte (locStr, off) <= 33 -- Space or ! if isPt then local x1, x2, y1, y2 = strbyte (locStr, 1 + off, 4 + off) return ((x1 - 35) * 221 + (x2 - 35)) / 100, ((y1 - 35) * 221 + (y2 - 35)) / 100 end local x, y, w, h = strbyte (locStr, 0 + off, 3 + off) return (x - 35) * .5, -- * 100 / 200, Optimised (y - 35) * .5 -- * 100 / 200 -- return (x - 35) * .5 + (w - 35) * 2.505, -- * 100 / 200, * 1002 / 200, Optimised (center) -- (y - 35) * .5 + (h - 35) * 1.67 -- * 100 / 200, * 668 / 200 end -------- -- Unpack location data "xywh" -- (string) function Nx.Quest:UnpackLocRect (locStr) local x, y, w, h = strbyte (locStr, 1, 4) return (x - 35) * .5, -- * 100 / 200 Optimised (y - 35) * .5, -- * 100 / 200 (w - 35) * 5.01, -- * 1002 / 200, (h - 35) * 3.34 -- * 668 / 200 end -------- -- Unpack location data point "xxyy" -- (string) function Nx.Quest:UnpackLocPt (locStr) local x1, x2, y1, y2 = strbyte (locStr, 1, 4) return ((x1 - 35) * 221 + (x2 - 35)) / 100, ((y1 - 35) * 221 + (y2 - 35)) / 100 end -------- -- Unpack location data point "xxyy" -- (string) function Nx.Quest:UnpackLocPtOff (locStr, off) local x1, x2, y1, y2 = strbyte (locStr, off, 3 + off) return ((x1 - 35) * 221 + (x2 - 35)) / 100, ((y1 - 35) * 221 + (y2 - 35)) / 100 end -------- -- Calculate first level 24 bit quest hash --[[ function Nx.Quest:Hash (title, level) local str = title..level local h1 = 0 local h2 = 0 local h3 = 0 local b1 local b2 local b3 local strLen = #str local len = floor (strLen / 3) * 3 -- Nx.prt (format ("Hash %d %d")) for n = 1, len, 3 do b1, b2, b3 = strbyte (str, n, n + 2) h1 = h1 + b1 h2 = h2 + b2 h3 = h3 + b3 end if strLen - len == 1 then h1 = h1 + strbyte (str, strLen) elseif strLen - len == 2 then h1 = h1 + strbyte (str, strLen - 1) h2 = h2 + strbyte (str, strLen) end return bit.band (h1, 0xff) + bit.band (h2, 0xff) * 0x100 + bit.band (h3, 0xff) * 0x10000 end --]] -------- -- Find quest in quests data from Blizzard title, level, description and objective --[[ function Nx.Quest:Find (title, level, desc, obj) local hash = self:Hash (title, level) local quest = Nx.Quests[hash] if quest then local hashPat = self:UHash (quest[1]) if #hashPat > 0 then local found for n = 1, #hashPat, 4 do local mode = strbyte (hashPat, n, n) local off = tonumber (strsub (hashPat, n + 1, n + 2), 16) + 1 local match = strsub (hashPat, n + 3, n + 3) -- Nx.prt ("QFind #%d %d %d %s", n, mode, off, match) if mode == 48 then found = strsub (obj, off, off) == match elseif mode == 49 then found = strsub (obj, -off, -off) == match elseif mode == 50 then found = strsub (desc, off, off) == match elseif mode == 51 then found = strsub (desc, -off, -off) == match elseif mode >= 97 then local cnt = mode - 96 local match = "," if mode >= 103 then cnt = mode - 102 match = "." end local i = 1 for findN = 1, cnt do i = strfind (desc, match, i) if not i then break end i = i + 1 end if i then off = off + i - 1 found = strsub (desc, off, off) == match end else Nx.prt ("QFind bad mode %d", mode) end if found then return Nx.Quests[hash + (n - 1) / 4 * 0x1000000] end end quest = nil end end if not quest then if level > 0 then -- Only recurse once -- Quest level my be -1, so Jamie exports as 0 return self:Find (title, 0, desc, obj) end if Nx.Quest.Debug then Nx.prt ("QFind Failed to find %s %d", title, level) end end return quest end --]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Com send / rcv function Nx.Quest:BuildComSend() local _ local cur = self.Watch.ClosestCur local obj = 0 local flgs = 2 -- Not a targeted quest flag if self.QLastChanged then -- Quest change? Com nils this once send to zone cur = self.QLastChanged -- Nx.prt ("Q Send Change %s", cur.Title) else local typ, tid = Nx.Map:GetTargetInfo() if typ == "Q" then local qid = floor (tid / 100) _, cur = self:FindCur (qid) obj = tid % 100 flgs = 0 end end if cur then if cur.Complete then flgs = flgs + 1 end local str = format ("%04x%c%c%c", cur.QId, obj+35, flgs+35, cur.LBCnt+35) for n = 1, cur.LBCnt do local s1, _, cnt, total = strfind (cur[n], ": (%d+)/(%d+)") if s1 then total = tonumber (total) if total > 50 then cnt = cnt / total * 60 total = 60 end cnt = cnt + 2 else cnt = 0 if cur[n + 100] then -- Done? cnt = 1 end total = 0 end str = str .. format ("%c%c", cnt + 35, total + 35) end -- Nx.prt ("QSend %s", str) return str, 4 end return "", 0 end function Nx.Quest:DecodeComRcv (info, msg) -- msg = "0000###" if #msg < 7 then -- Too short? return -- error, so nil length end local lbcnt = strbyte (msg, 7) - 35 if not self.Enabled then return 7 + lbcnt * 2 -- Message length end local qId = tonumber (strsub (msg, 1, 4), 16) or 0 local quest = self.IdToQuest[qId] if not quest then -- Unknown quest? info.QStr = format ("\nQuest %s", qId) return end local name, side, lvl = self:Unpack (quest[1]) local obji = strbyte (msg, 5) - 35 local flgs = strbyte (msg, 6) - 35 local targetStr = "" if bit.band (flgs, 2) == 0 then targetStr = "*" end local str = format ("\n|r%s%d |cffcfcf0f%s", targetStr, lvl, name) if bit.band (flgs, 1) > 0 then str = str .. " (Complete)" end if #msg >= 7 + lbcnt * 2 then for n = 1, lbcnt do local off = (n - 1) * 2 local cnt = strbyte (msg, 8 + off) - 35 local total = strbyte (msg, 9 + off) - 35 local obj = quest[n + 3] if obj then local oname = self:UnpackObjective (obj) if obji == n then oname = "|cffcfcfff" .. oname else oname = "|cffafafaf" .. oname end if cnt == 0 then str = str .. format ("\n %s", oname) elseif cnt == 1 then str = str .. format ("\n %s (done)", oname) else str = str .. format ("\n %s %d/%d", oname, cnt - 2, total) end end end -- else -- Nx.prt ("DecodeComRcv error quest %s", qId) end info.QStr = str return 7 + lbcnt * 2 -- Message length end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Party quests function Nx.Quest.OnParty_members_changed() local self = Nx.Quest -- Nx.prt ("OnParty_members_changed") self.Watch:ShowUpdate() local pq = self.PartyQ for name in pairs (pq) do local found for n = 1, GetNumSubgroupMembers() do local pname = UnitName ("party" .. n) if name == pname then found = true break end end if not found then pq[name] = nil -- Nx.prt ("Old %s", name) Nx.Timer:Start ("QPartyUpdate", 1, self, self.PartyUpdateTimer) end end if IsInRaid() then -- In raid? return end if GetNumSubgroupMembers() == 0 then -- Left party? return end local doSend for n = 1, GetNumSubgroupMembers() do local unit = "party" .. n local name = UnitName (unit) if not pq[name] then doSend = true pq[name] = {} -- Nx.prt ("New %s %s", unit, name) end end if doSend then self:PartyStartSend() end end -------- -- Handle party message function Nx.Quest:OnPartyMsg (plName, msg) if not self.GOpts["QPartyShare"] then return end -- msg = "Qp1iiiifo111122223333" -- Nx.prt ("OnPartyMsg %s: %s", plName, msg) local pq = self.PartyQ local pl = pq[plName] if pl then if strbyte (msg, 3) == 49 then -- "1" clear? pl = {} pq[plName] = pl end local Quest = Nx.Quest local off = 4 for n = 1, 99 do if #msg < off + 5 then -- No more? break end local qId = tonumber (strsub (msg, off, off + 3), 16) or 0 local flgs, oCnt = strbyte (msg, off + 4, off + 5) flgs = flgs - 35 oCnt = oCnt - 35 if #msg < off + 5 + oCnt * 4 then -- Too short? break end local quest = self.IdToQuest[qId] if quest then local q = pl[qId] or {} pl[qId] = q q.Complete = bit.band (flgs, 1) == 1 and 1 or nil -- Nx.prt ("%s: %s %x %s", plName, qId, flgs, oCnt) for i = 1, oCnt do local o = off + 6 + (i - 1) * 4 local cnt = tonumber (strsub (msg, o, o + 1), 16) or 0 local total = tonumber (strsub (msg, o + 2, o + 3), 16) or 0 q[i] = cnt q[i + 100] = total end end off = off + 6 + oCnt * 4 end end Nx.Timer:Start ("QPartyUpdate", .7, self, self.PartyUpdateTimer) end -------- function Nx.Quest:PartyUpdateTimer() self:RecordQuests() self.Watch:Update() end -------- function Nx.Quest:PartyStartSend() if IsInRaid() or GetNumSubgroupMembers() == 0 then return end if self.GOpts["QPartyShare"] then Nx.Timer:Start ("QSendParty", .5, self, self.PartyBuildSendData) end end function Nx.Quest:PartyBuildSendData() local data = {} self.PartySendData = data self.PartySendDataI = 1 local sendStr = "" for n, cur in ipairs (self.CurQ) do local qId = cur.QId if not cur.Goto and Nx:GetQuest (qId) == "W" then local flgs = 0 if cur.Complete then flgs = flgs + 1 end local str = format ("%04x%c%c", qId, flgs + 35, cur.LBCnt + 35) for n = 1, cur.LBCnt do local _, _, cnt, total = strfind (cur[n], ": (%d+)/(%d+)") cnt = tonumber (cnt) total = tonumber (total) if cnt and total then if cnt > 200 then cnt = 200 end else cnt = 0 if cur[n + 100] then -- Done? cnt = 1 end total = 0 end str = str .. format ("%02x%02x", cnt, total) end sendStr = sendStr .. str if #sendStr > 80 then tinsert (data, sendStr) sendStr = "" end end end if #sendStr > 0 or #data == 0 then tinsert (data, sendStr) end Nx.Timer:Start ("QSendParty", 0, self, self.PartySendTimer) return 0 end function Nx.Quest:PartySendTimer() local qi = self.PartySendDataI local data = self.PartySendData[qi] if data then local s = qi == 1 and "1" or " " Nx.Com:Send ("p", "Qp" .. s .. data) -- Nx.prt ("PQSend %s", data) end self.PartySendDataI = qi + 1 if self.PartySendData[self.PartySendDataI] then return .15 end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- EOF