--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NxMapGuide - Map guide code -- Copyright 2007-2012 Carbon Based Creations, LLC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Carbonite - Addon for World of Warcraft(tm) -- Copyright 2007-2012 Carbon Based Creations, LLC -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tables Nx.GuideAbr = { ["K"] = "Kalimdor", ["E"] = "Eastern Kingdoms", ["O"] = "Outlands", ["N"] = "Northrend", ["M"] = "The Maelstrom", ["P"] = "Pandaria", } Nx.GuideInfo = { Name = "All", Tx = "INV_Misc_QuestionMark", { T = "Auctioneer", Tx = "Racial_Dwarf_FindTreasure", }, { T = "Banker", Tx = "INV_Misc_Coin_02", }, { T = "Barber", Tx = "INV_Misc_Comb_02", }, { T = "Flight Master", Tx = "Ability_Mount_Wyvern_01", }, { T = "Innkeeper", Tx = "Spell_Shadow_Twilight", }, { T = "Mailbox", Tx = "INV_Letter_15", }, { Name = "Quest Givers", T = "&", Tx = "INV_Misc_Note_02", Persist = "QMapShowQuestGivers3", }, --[[ { T = "Repair", Tx = "Ability_Repair", }, --]] { T = "Stable Master", Tx = "Ability_Hunter_BeastTaming", }, { Name = "Trade Skill", Tx = "INV_Misc_Note_04", { T = "Alchemy Lab", Tx = "INV_Potion_06", }, { T = "Altar Of Shadows", Tx = "INV_Fabric_Felcloth_Ebon", }, { T = "Anvil", Tx = "Trade_BlackSmithing", }, { T = "Forge", Tx = "INV_Sword_09", }, { T = "Mana Loom", Tx = "INV_Fabric_Netherweave_Bolt_Imbued", }, { T = "Moonwell", Tx = "INV_Fabric_MoonRag_Primal", }, }, { Name = "Trainer", T = "^C", Tx = "INV_Misc_Book_01", { Name = "Class Trainer", T = "^C", Tx = "INV_Misc_Book_01", { T = "Death Knight Trainer", Tx = "Spell_Deathknight_ClassIcon", }, { T = "Druid Trainer", Tx = "Ability_Druid_Maul", }, { T = "Hunter Trainer", Tx = "INV_Weapon_Bow_07", }, { T = "Mage Trainer", Tx = "INV_Staff_13", }, { T = "Paladin Trainer", Tx = "INV_Hammer_01", }, { T = "Priest Trainer", Tx = "INV_Staff_30", }, { T = "Rogue Trainer", Tx = "INV_ThrowingKnife_04", }, { T = "Shaman Trainer", Tx = "Spell_Nature_BloodLust", }, { T = "Warlock Trainer", Tx = "Spell_Nature_FaerieFire", }, { T = "Warrior Trainer", Tx = "INV_Sword_27", }, }, { Pre = "Alchemy", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "Trade_Alchemy", }, { Pre = "Archaeology", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "trade_archaeology", }, { Pre = "Blacksmithing", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "Trade_BlackSmithing", }, { Pre = "Enchanting", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "Trade_Engraving", }, { Pre = "Engineering", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "Trade_Engineering", }, { Pre = "Herbalism", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "Trade_Herbalism", }, { Pre = "Inscription", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "INV_Inscription_Tradeskill01", }, { Pre = "Jewelcrafting", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "INV_Misc_Gem_02", }, { Pre = "Leatherworking", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "INV_Misc_ArmorKit_17", }, { Pre = "Mining", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "Trade_Mining", }, { Pre = "Skinning", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "INV_Misc_Pelt_Wolf_01", }, { Pre = "Tailoring", Name = "Trainer", T = "^P", Tx = "Trade_Tailoring", }, { Pre = "Cooking", Name = "Trainer", T = "^S", Tx = "INV_Misc_Food_15", }, { Pre = "First Aid", Name = "Trainer", T = "^S", Tx = "Spell_Holy_SealOfSacrifice", }, { Pre = "Fishing", Name = "Trainer", T = "^S", Tx = "Trade_Fishing", }, { Pre = "Flying", Name = "Trainer", T = "^S", Tx = "inv_scroll_11", }, { Pre = "Riding", Name = "Trainer", T = "^S", Tx = "spell_nature_swiftness", }, }, { Name = "Travel", Tx = "Ability_Townwatch", }, { T = "Items", Tx = "Achievement_Arena_3v3_4", }, { Name = "Visited Vendor", Tx = "INV_Misc_Coin_05", { Name = "All Items", NoShowChild = true, }, }, { Name = "Gather", Tx = "INV_Misc_Bag_10", { Name = "Herb", Tx = "INV_Misc_Flower_02", Persist = "MapShowGatherH", }, { Name = "Ore", Tx = "INV_Ore_Copper_01", Persist = "MapShowGatherM", }, { Name = "Artifacts", T = "$ A", Id = "Art", Tx = "Trade_Archaeology", Persist = "MapShowGatherA", }, { Name = NXlEverfrost, T = "$ E", Id = "Everfrost", Tx = "spell_shadow_teleport", }, { Name = NXlGas, T = "$ G", Id = "Gas", Tx = "inv_gizmo_zapthrottlegascollector", }, }, { Name = "Instances", Tx = "INV_Misc_ShadowEgg", { Name = "@K", Inst = 1 }, { Name = "@E", Inst = 2 }, { Name = "@O", Inst = 3 }, { Name = "@N", Inst = 4 }, { Name = "@M", Inst = 5 }, { Name = "@P", Inst = 6 }, }, { Name = "Zone", Tx = "INV_Misc_Map_01", { Name = "All", Map = 0 }, { Name = "@K", Map = 1 }, { Name = "@E", Map = 2 }, { Name = "@O", Map = 3 }, { Name = "@N", Map = 4 }, { Name = "@M", Map = 5 }, { Name = "@P", Map = 6 }, }, { Name = "PVP", Tx = "INV_Misc_Coin_05", { T = "Alterac Valley Battlemaster", Tx = "INV_Jewelry_Necklace_21" }, { T = "Arathi Basin Battlemaster", Tx = "INV_Jewelry_Amulet_07" }, { T = "Arena Battlemaster", Tx = "Spell_Holy_PrayerOfHealing" }, { T = "Eye Of The Storm Battlemaster", Tx = "Spell_Nature_EyeOfTheStorm" }, { T = "Strand of the Ancients Battlemaster", Tx = "INV_Jewelry_Amulet_01" }, { T = "Warsong Gulch Battlemaster", Tx = "INV_Misc_Rune_07" }, }, } --[[ Nx.GuideTrainerInfo = { "Apprentice", "Journeyman", "Expert", "Artisan", "Master", [11] = "1-75", [12] = "76-150 (50)", [13] = "151-225 (125)", [14] = "226-300 (200)", [15] = "301-375 (275)" } --]] -------- -- Create a guide function Nx.Map.Guide:Create (map) self:PatchData() local g = {} setmetatable (g, self) self.__index = self g.Map = map g.GuideIndex = map.MapIndex local opts = NxMapOpts.NXMaps[g.GuideIndex] g.TitleH = 0 g.ToolBarW = 0 g.PadX = 0 g:ItemInit() g:PatchFolder (Nx.GuideInfo, nil) g.PathHistory = {} g.PathHistory[1] = Nx.GuideInfo g.PathHistorySel = {} -- Remember list selection g.ShowFolders = {} g.ShowQuestGiverCompleted = true -- For free version -- Create Window local win = Nx.Window:Create ("NxGuide" .. g.GuideIndex, nil, nil, nil, 1) g.Win = win win.Frm.NxInst = g win:SetUser (g, g.OnWin) win:RegisterHide() win:CreateButtons (true) win:SetTitleLineH (18) win:SetTitleXOff (50) win:InitLayoutData (nil, -.15, -.2, -.63, -.5) win.Frm:SetToplevel (true) win:Show (false) tinsert (UISpecialFrames, win.Frm:GetName()) -- Back button local but = Nx.Button:Create (win.Frm, "Txt64", "Back", nil, 0, 0, "TOPLEFT", 100, 24, self.But_OnBack, g) win:Attach (but.Frm, 1.01, 1.01+44, -10020, -10001) -- List Nx.List:SetCreateFont ("FontM", 28) local list = Nx.List:Create (false, 0, 0, 1, 1, win.Frm) g.List = list list:SetUser (g, g.OnListEvent) list:SetLineHeight (16, 3) list:ColumnAdd ("", 1, 35) list:ColumnAdd ("", 2, 900) win:Attach (list.Frm, 0, .33, 0, 1) g:CreateMenu() -- Item List Nx.List:SetCreateFont ("FontM", 28) local list = Nx.List:Create (false, 0, 0, 1, 1, win.Frm) g.List2 = list list:SetUser (g, g.OnList2Event) list:SetLineHeight (16, 11) list:ColumnAdd ("", 1, 35) list:ColumnAdd ("Name", 2, 220) list:ColumnAdd ("Info", 3, 60) list:ColumnAdd ("Info2", 4, 100) list:ColumnAdd ("Info3", 5, 300) win:Attach (list.Frm, .33, 1, 18, 1) -- Filter Edit Box g.EditBox = Nx.EditBox:Create (win.Frm, g, g.OnEditBox, 30) win:Attach (g.EditBox.Frm, .33, 1, 0, 18) -- g:ClearShowFolders() -- Make persistent ones show g:UpdateVisitedVendors() g:Update() map:InitIconType ("!POI", "WP", "", 1, 1) -- Setting of alpha needs this first map:InitIconType ("!POIIn", "WP", "", 1, 1) -- Setting of alpha needs this first -- return g end -------- function Nx.Map.Guide:PatchData() -- DEBUG for Jamie Nx.GuideData = Nx["GuideData"] or Nx.GuideData -- Copy unmunged data to munged data Nx.NPCData = Nx["NPCData"] or Nx.NPCData -- Copy unmunged data to munged data -- local data = Nx.GuideData local npc = Nx.NPCData local fix = { -- "Ohura", 0, 2119, 48.35, 25.08, "FlightMaster", -- "Caregiver Inaara", 0, 2119, 51.18, 33.88, "Innkeeper", --[[ "Mailbox", 2, nil, 1068, 81.5, 21.1, -- Org 2, nil, 1068, 60.8, 55.5, 2, nil, 1068, 53.6, 65.8, 2, nil, 1068, 49.5, 71.3, 2, nil, 1068, 38.1, 74.8, 2, nil, 1068, 45.6, 54.1, 2, nil, 1068, 51.7, 59.1, 2, nil, 2108, 69.8, 36.4, -- Undercity 2, nil, 2108, 62.2, 36.4, 2, nil, 2108, 62.1, 51.6, 2, nil, 2108, 69.7, 51.6, 2, nil, 2108, 71.4, 61.6, 1, nil, 1032, 67.0, 16.4, -- Darnassus 1, nil, 1032, 55.8, 45.5, 1, nil, 1032, 59.8, 55.0, 1, nil, 1032, 64.8, 71.2, 1, nil, 2084, 72.8, 48.6, -- Stormwind 1, nil, 2084, 66.6, 65.3, 1, nil, 2084, 72.5, 69.1, 1, nil, 2084, 67.4, 49.7, 1, nil, 2084, 61.5, 43.5, 1, nil, 2084, 60.7, 50.6, 1, nil, 2084, 54.6, 63.0, 1, nil, 2084, 45.7, 54.0, 1, nil, 2084, 50.9, 70.5, 1, nil, 2084, 57.3, 71.7, 1, nil, 2084, 62.5, 74.8, 1, nil, 2084, 61.6, 70.7, 1, nil, 2084, 49.7, 87.0, 1, nil, 2084, 40.9, 62.0, 1, nil, 2084, 36.8, 69.1, 1, nil, 2084, 54.7, 57.6, 1, nil, 2084, 64.7, 37.0, 1, nil, 2084, 75.7, 64.6, 1, nil, 2084, 37.9, 34.4, 1, nil, 2084, 30.3, 25.5, 1, nil, 2084, 30.3, 49.2, --]] } local typ local n = 1 while fix[n] do if type (fix[n]) == "string" then typ = fix[n] n = n + 1 else local x = fix[n + 3] * 100 local y = fix[n + 4] * 100 local xs = strchar (floor (x / 221) + 35, x % 221 + 35) local ys = strchar (floor (y / 221) + 35, y % 221 + 35) local cont = floor (fix[n + 2] / 1000) local zone = fix[n + 2] % 1000 -- Zones.lua zone # if fix[n + 1] then -- NPC? --[[ -- Side, name len, name, zone, space, x, y local s = format ("%c%c%s%c %s%s", fix[n+1] + 35, #fix[n] + 35, fix[n], zone + 35, xs, ys) tinsert (npc, s) local len = #npc local typ = fix[n + 5] data[typ][cont] = data[typ][cont] .. strchar (floor (len / 221) + 35, len % 221 + 35) --]] else -- Nx.prt ("Patch %s %s %s", typ, x, y) local s = format ("%c%c%s%s", fix[n] + 35, zone + 35, xs, ys) data[typ][cont] = data[typ][cont] .. s end n = n + 5 end end -- --[[ local fix = { "AzuremistIsleBoat", "BootyBayBoat", "MenethilHarborBoat", "RatchetBoat", "TeldrassilBoat", "TheramoreBoat", "DarnassusPortal", "ExodarPortal", "IronforgePortal", "OrgrimmarPortal", "SilvermoonPortal", "StormwindPortal", "ThunderBluffPortal", "UndercityPortal", "Grom'golZeppelin", "OrgrimmarZeppelin", "UndercityZeppelin", } for _, name in pairs (fix) do Nx.GuideData[name] = Nx.GuideDataOld[name] end --]] end -------- -- Create menu function Nx.Map.Guide:CreateMenu() local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (self.List.Frm) self.Menu = menu self.MenuIDelete = menu:AddItem (0, "Delete", self.Menu_OnDelete, self) self.MenuIGotoQ = menu:AddItem (0, "Add Goto Quest", self.Menu_OnAddGotoQ, self) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show On All Continents", self.Menu_OnShowAllCont, self) item:SetChecked (true) self.ShowAllCont = true local function func (self, item) self.ShowQuestGiverCompleted = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show Completed Quest Givers", func, self) item:SetChecked (false) self.ShowQuestGiverCompleted = false local str = UnitFactionGroup ("player") == "Horde" and "Alliance" or "Horde" local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show " .. str, self.Menu_OnShowEnemy, self) item:SetChecked (false) menu:AddItem (0, "Clear Selection", self.Menu_OnClearSel, self) local function func() Nx.Opts:Open ("Guide") end menu:AddItem (0, "Options...", func, self) end -------- -- Open menu function Nx.Map.Guide:OpenMenu (item) -- Nx.prtVar ("item", item) self.MenuCurItem = item local canDel = false local canGotoQ = false if type (item) == "table" then if item.T then local mode = strbyte (item.T) if mode == 40 then -- ( (Visited vendor) canDel = true end end if item.QId then canGotoQ = true end end self.MenuIDelete:Show (canDel) self.MenuIGotoQ:Show (canGotoQ) self.Menu:Open() end function Nx.Map.Guide:Menu_OnDelete() local item = self.MenuCurItem local mode = strbyte (item.T) if mode == 40 then -- ( (Visited vendor) local npcName = strsub (item.T, 2) local vv = NxData.NXVendorV -- Nx.prtVar ("VV", vv) vv[npcName] = nil end self:UpdateVisitedVendors() local parent = Nx.GuideInfo for n = 2, #self.PathHistory do local i = max (min (self.PathHistorySel[n - 1], #parent), 1) self.PathHistory[n] = parent[i] parent = self.PathHistory[n] end self:ClearAll() self:SelectLists() end function Nx.Map.Guide:Menu_OnAddGotoQ() local item = self.MenuCurItem if item.QId then Nx.Quest:Goto (item.QId) end end function Nx.Map.Guide:Menu_OnShowAllCont (item) self.ShowAllCont = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end function Nx.Map.Guide:Menu_OnShowEnemy (item) self.ShowEnemy = item:GetChecked() self:ClearAll() -- self:Update() end function Nx.Map.Guide:Menu_OnClearSel() self:ClearAll() end -------- function Nx.Map.Guide:But_OnBack() self:Back() end -------- -- Show or hide guide function Nx:NXGuideKeyToggleShow() local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) map.Guide:ToggleShow() end -------- -- Show or hide guide function Nx.Map.Guide:ToggleShow() -- Nx.Sec:ValidateMsg() end -------- -- Show or hide guide function Nx.Map.Guide:ToggleShow_() self.Win:Show (not self.Win:IsShown()) end -------- function Nx.Map.Guide:OnWin (typ) if typ == "Hide" then self:ItemsFree() end end -------- -- On list control updates function Nx.Map.Guide:OnListEvent (eventName, sel, val2, click) self:OnListEventDo (self.List, eventName, sel, val2, click) end function Nx.Map.Guide:OnList2Event (eventName, sel, val2, click) self:OnListEventDo (self.List2, eventName, sel, val2, click) end function Nx.Map.Guide:OnListEventDo (list, eventName, sel, val2, click) -- Nx.prt ("Guide list event "..eventName) local typ = list:ItemGetData (sel) or 0 local pathI = max (#self.PathHistory - 1, 1) if list == self.List2 then pathI = #self.PathHistory end if eventName == "select" or eventName == "mid" or eventName == "menu" then self.PathHistorySel[pathI] = sel local folder = self.PathHistory[pathI] local item = folder[typ] -- Nx.prtVar ("item", item) if eventName ~= "menu" or list == self.List then if type (item) == "table" then if item[1] or item.Item then -- Not empty or generated items? self.PathHistory[pathI + 1] = item -- Go into self.PathHistorySel[pathI + 1] = 1 self:SelectLists() else if list == self.List then if #self.PathHistory == 2 then self:Back() end end end end end if type (item) == "number" then -- Nx.prt ("Folder %s", item) local id = item if IsControlKeyDown() then DressUpItemLink (format ("item:%d", id)) else local name, link = GetItemInfo (id) SetItemRef (format ("item:%d", id), link) end else if IsControlKeyDown() then if item.Link then DressUpItemLink (item.Link) end end end self:Update() if eventName == "menu" then self:OpenMenu (item) end elseif eventName == "back" then self:Back() elseif eventName == "sort" then -- Nx.prt ("Guide list sort") if list == self.List2 then list:ColumnSort (val2) self:Update() end elseif eventName == "button" then -- Button icon local pressed = val2 if typ > 0 then local map = self.Map local folder = self.PathHistory[pathI] if type (folder[typ]) == "table" then folder = folder[typ] end if folder.TrialMsg then Nx.ShowMessageTrial() end local single = not (IsShiftKeyDown() or click == "MiddleButton") if folder.MId and pressed then map:SetCurrentMap (folder.MId) map:CenterMap (folder.MId, 1) Nx.Quest.List:Update() single = true end if single then self:ClearShowFolders() map:ClearTargets (not pressed and "Guide") elseif not pressed then local typ, id = map:GetTargetInfo() if id == folder then map:ClearTargets() end end if folder.Persist and not pressed then local v = Nx.CharOpts[folder.Persist] if not v or v == 1 then self:AddShowFolders (folder, not pressed) end else self:AddShowFolders (folder, not pressed) end self:Update() if single and pressed then local typ, filt = self:CalcType (folder) self.FindingClosest = typ if typ then local npcI, mapId, x, y = self:FindClosest (typ) if npcI then Nx.Quest.Watch:ClearAutoTarget() map:SetTarget ("Guide", x, y, x, y, false, folder, folder.Name, false, mapId) map:GotoPlayer() end else PlaySound ("igPlayerInviteDecline") end end end end end function Nx.Map.Guide:Back() if #self.PathHistory > 1 then tremove (self.PathHistory) end self:Update() self:SelectLists() end function Nx.Map.Guide:SelectLists() local i = self.PathHistorySel[max (#self.PathHistory - 1, 1)] if i and i <= self.List:ItemGetNum() then self.List:Select (i) end self.List:Update() local i = self.PathHistorySel[#self.PathHistory] if i and i <= self.List2:ItemGetNum() then self.List2:Select (i) end self.List2:Update() end -------- -- Handle filter edit box function Nx.Map.Guide:OnEditBox (editbox, message) if message == "Changed" then self:Update() end end -------- -- Patch folder data and any children function Nx.Map.Guide:PatchFolder (folder, parent) local trainer if folder.Name == "Trainer" and folder.Pre then trainer = true --[[ for n, typ in ipairs (Nx.GuideTrainerInfo) do local child = {} child.Name = format ("%s %s %s", folder.Pre, typ, Nx.GuideTrainerInfo[n + 10]) child.T = folder.Pre .. " Trainer" --typ child.Tx = folder.Tx folder[n] = child end --]] end if folder.Pre and folder.Name then folder.Name = folder.Pre .. folder.Name folder.Name = strtrim (gsub (folder.Name, "%u", " %1"), " ") -- Space out capped words end if parent and parent.Pre and folder.T then folder.T = parent.Pre .. folder.T end if not folder.Name and folder.T then local name = strsplit ("^", folder.T) folder.Name = strtrim (gsub (name, "%u", " %1"), " ") end if folder.Name then folder.Name = gsub (folder.Name, " Trainer", "") -- Remove trainer at end end if not folder.Tx then folder.Tx = parent.Tx end if not trainer then for showType, child in ipairs (folder) do if type (child) == "table" then self:PatchFolder (child, folder) end end end if folder.Name == "Travel" then local txT = { ["Boat"] = "Spell_Shadow_DemonBreath", ["Portal"] = "INV_Misc_QuestionMark", ["Tram"] = "INV_Misc_MissileSmall_White", ["Zeppelin"] = "INV_Misc_MissileSmall_Red", } local portalT = { ["Blasted Lands"] = "Achievement_Zone_BlastedLands_01", ["Darnassus"] = "Spell_Arcane_TeleportDarnassus", ["Exodar"] = "Spell_Arcane_TeleportExodar", ["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Achievement_Zone_HellfirePeninsula_01", ["Ironforge"] = "Spell_Arcane_TeleportIronForge", ["Isle of Quel'Danas"] = "Achievement_Zone_IsleOfQuelDanas", ["Lake Wintergrasp"] = "Ability_WIntergrasp_rank1", ["Orgrimmar"] = "Spell_Arcane_TeleportOrgrimmar", ["Shattrath"] = "Spell_Arcane_TeleportShattrath", ["Silvermoon"] = "Spell_Arcane_TeleportSilvermoon", ["Stormwind"] = "Spell_Arcane_TeleportStormWind", ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Spell_Arcane_TeleportThunderBluff", ["Undercity"] = "Spell_Arcane_TeleportUnderCity", } for i, str in ipairs (Nx.ZoneConnections) do local flags, conTime, mapId1, x1, y1, mapId2, x2, y2, name1, name2 = Nx.Map:ConnectionUnpack (str) if conTime ~= 1 then -- Nx.prt ("Travel %s %s, flags %x", name1, name2, flags) local fac = bit.band (flags, 6) / 2 local facStr = fac == 1 and "^FA" or fac == 2 and "^FH" or "" if #name1 > 0 then local f = {} tinsert (folder, f) f.Name = format ("%s", name1) f.Fac = fac f.MapId = mapId1 f.ConIndex = i f.T = "*" .. i .. facStr local typ, locName = strmatch (name1, "(%S+) to (.+)") f.Tx = typ == "Portal" and portalT[locName] or txT[typ] -- Nx.prt ("%s", typ or "nil") end if #name2 > 0 and bit.band (flags, 1) ~= 0 then local f = {} tinsert (folder, f) f.Name = format ("%s", name2) f.Fac = fac f.MapId = mapId2 f.ConIndex = i f.Con2 = true f.T = "*b" .. i .. facStr local typ, locName = strmatch (name2, "(%S+) to (.+)") f.Tx = typ == "Portal" and portalT[locName] or txT[typ] -- Nx.prt ("%s", typ or "nil") end end end sort (folder, function (a, b) return a.Name < b.Name end) elseif folder.Name == "Herb" then for n = 1, 499 do local name, tx, skill = Nx:GetGather ("H", n) if not name then break end local f = {} f.Name = name f.Column2 = format ("%3d", skill) f.T = "$H" .. n f.Tx = tx f.Id = n folder[n] = f end elseif folder.Name == "Ore" then for n = 1, 499 do local name, tx, skill = Nx:GetGather ("M", n) if not name then break end local f = {} f.Name = name f.Column2 = format ("%3d", skill) f.T = "$M" .. (n + 500) f.Tx = tx f.Id = n folder[n] = f end elseif folder.Map then -- Map if folder.Map == 4 and not Nx.V30 then parent[5] = nil -- Careful! return end local Map = Nx.Map local cont1 = folder.Map local cont2 = cont1 if cont1 == 0 then cont1 = 1 cont2 = Map.ContCnt end for cont = cont1, cont2 do local info = Map.MapInfo[cont] for id = info.Min, info.Max do if Nx.V30 or id ~= 2030 then -- Skip DK starting area local f = {} local color, infoStr, minLvl = Map:GetMapNameDesc (id) local name = Map:IdToName (id) f.Name = format ("%s%s", color, name) f.Column2 = infoStr f.T = "#Map" .. id f.Tx = parent.Tx f.MId = id f.SrtN = name f.Srt = minLvl tinsert (folder, f) end end end if folder.Map == 0 then sort (folder, function (a, b) if a.Srt == b.Srt then return a.SrtN < b.SrtN else return a.Srt < b.Srt end end) else sort (folder, function (a, b) return a.SrtN < b.SrtN end) end elseif folder.Inst then -- Instance -- if folder.Inst == 4 and not Nx.V30 then -- parent[4] = nil -- Careful! -- return -- end local fcont = folder.Inst local n = 1 -- local guideInstStr = "!" for nxid, v in ipairs (Nx.Zones) do local longname, minLvl, maxLvl, faction, typ, owner, pos, numPlyr = strsplit ("!", v) if faction == "3" then -- Instance local mapId = Nx.Map.NxzoneToMapId[nxid] if mapId then local cont = Nx.Map:IdToContZone (mapId) -- Nx.prt ("%s %s %s", longname, mapId, cont) if cont == fcont then if nxid == 16 then Nx.prt ("%s [%s] %s", longname, nxid, v) end local f = {} local numPlyrStr = numPlyr if tonumber (numPlyr) == 1025 then numPlyrStr = "10/25" end local plStr = format ("|cffff4040 %s-Man", numPlyrStr) f.Name = format ("%s %s", longname, plStr) f.Column2 = "?" if minLvl ~= "0" then if minLvl == maxLvl then f.Column2 = format ("%d", minLvl) else f.Column2 = format ("%d-%d", minLvl, maxLvl) end end f.T = "%In" .. nxid f.InstMapId = mapId local ownName = strsplit ("!", Nx.Zones[tonumber (owner)]) local x, y = Nx.Quest:UnpackLocPt (pos) f.InstTip = format ("%s |cffe0e040Lvl %s\n|r%s (%.1f %.1f)", f.Name, f.Column2, ownName, x, y) f.Tx = parent.Tx folder[n] = f n = n + 1 -- assert (nxid < 221) -- guideInstStr = format ("%s#%c", guideInstStr, nxid + 35) end end end end -- Nx.GuideData["Instances"][fcont] = guideInstStr -- Override bad guide data end end -------- -- Patch folder data and any children with trial messages --[[ function Nx.Map.Guide:PatchFolderPaid (folder, parent) if not folder.Paid then if folder.Name == "Visited Vendor" then return end -- Nx.prt ("In Pro %s", folder.Name) if folder.Name then folder.Name = format ("%s %s", folder.Name, Nx.FreeMsgSP) end folder.T = nil folder.TrialMsg = true end for showType, child in ipairs (folder) do if type (child) == "table" then self:PatchFolderPaid (child, folder) end end end --]] -------- -- Calculate type or folder. Decode custom types ("^C" player class) -- (folder) -- ret: type (or nil which will hide), custom (true or nil) function Nx.Map.Guide:CalcType (folder) local typ = type (folder) == "table" and folder.T if typ then local s1, s2 = strsplit ("^", typ) if s2 then local s21 = strsub (s2, 1, 1) if s2 == "C" then local _, cls = UnitClass ("player") cls = Nx.Util_CapStr (cls) cls = gsub (cls, "Deathknight", "Death Knight") return cls .. " Trainer", true elseif s21 == "F" then -- Faction specific local s22 = strsub (s2, 2, 2) local fac = self:GetHideFaction() if s22 == "A" and fac == 1 then return end if s22 == "H" and fac == 2 then return end return s1 elseif s21 == "P" then -- Profession local name = strsub (s2, 2) -- Get any override for profession name (Herbalism) if name == "" then name = folder.Pre end local t = self:GetProfessionTrainer (name) t = folder.Pre .. t return t, true elseif s21 == "S" then -- Secondary profession local name = strsub (s2, 2) -- Get any override for secondary name if name == "" then name = folder.Pre end local t = self:GetSecondaryTrainer (name) t = folder.Pre .. t return t, true elseif s21 == "G" then return end end return s1 end end -------- -- Clear all guide folders being shown function Nx.Map.Guide:ClearAll() self.Map:ClearTargets ("Guide") self:ClearShowFolders() self:Update() end function Nx.Map.Guide:ClearShowFolders() local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() self.ShowFolders = {} local gFolder = self:FindFolder ("Gather") if Nx.CharOpts["MapShowGatherH"] then local folder = self:FindFolder ("Herb", gFolder) self:AddShowFolders (folder) end if Nx.CharOpts["MapShowGatherM"] then local folder = self:FindFolder ("Ore", gFolder) self:AddShowFolders (folder) end if Nx.CharOpts["MapShowGatherA"] then local folder = self:FindFolder ("Artifacts", gFolder) self:AddShowFolders (folder) end if Nx.CharOpts["QMapShowQuestGivers3"] > 1 then local folder = self:FindFolder ("Quest Givers") self:AddShowFolders (folder) end end function Nx.Map.Guide:UpdateGatherFolders() self:ClearShowFolders() self:Update() end -------- -- Add or remove folder to show and any children function Nx.Map.Guide:AddShowFolders (folder, remove, filter) if type (folder) == "table" then local typ, filt = self:CalcType (folder) filter = filter or filt and typ if filter and typ ~= filter and not remove then typ = nil end if typ then self.ShowFolders[typ] = not remove and folder or nil -- Nx.prt ("Show %s", typ) end if remove or not folder.NoShowChild then for showType, childFolder in ipairs (folder) do self:AddShowFolders (childFolder, remove, filter) end end end end -------- -- Is my folder or a childs shown? function Nx.Map.Guide:IsShowFolders (folder) if folder.T then local t = self:CalcType (folder) -- local t = strsplit ("^", folder.T) -- Remove extra stuff if self.ShowFolders[t] then return true end end for showType, child in ipairs (folder) do if type (child) == "table" then if self:IsShowFolders (child) then return true end end end end -------- -- Find folder by name in a folder function Nx.Map.Guide:FindFolder (name, folder) folder = folder or Nx.GuideInfo for n, child in ipairs (folder) do local cname = gsub (child.Name or child.T, " >>", "") if cname == name then return child, n end end end -------- -- Update guide function Nx.Map.Guide:Update() --PAIDS! -- Nx.prt ("Nx.Map.Guide:Update %s\n%s", Nx.Tick, debugstack (2, 3, 0)) -- Title local path = "" for n = 2, #self.PathHistory do local folder = self.PathHistory[n] local name = folder.Name if strbyte (name) == 64 then -- @ name = Nx.GuideAbr[strsub (name, 2)] end if n == 2 then path = name else path = path .. "." .. name end end self.Win:SetTitle (path) local i = max (#self.PathHistory - 1, 1) self:UpdateList (self.List, i, 1) local i = #self.PathHistory if i <= 1 then i = 0 -- Turn off end self:UpdateList (self.List2, i, 2) --PAIDE! self:UpdateMapIcons() end -------- -- Update guide list function Nx.Map.Guide:UpdateList (list, pathI, listSide) list:Empty() local curFolder = self.PathHistory[pathI] if curFolder then local filterStr = strlower (self.EditBox:GetText()) if listSide == 1 then -- Left list? filterStr = "" end if curFolder.Item then self:ItemsUpdateFolder (curFolder) end for index, folder in ipairs (curFolder) do -- Nx.prtVar ("Folder", folder) if type (folder) == "number" then local id = folder Nx.Item:Load (id) local name, iLink, iRarity, lvl, minLvl, type, subType, stackCount, equipLoc, tx = GetItemInfo (id) local show = true if filterStr ~= "" then local lstr = strlower (format ("%s", name)) show = strfind (lstr, filterStr, 1, true) -- Nx.prt ("Filter %s %s = %s", filterStr, lstr, show or "nil") end if show then if not name then name = id .. "?" tx = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark" else name = strsub (iLink, 1, 10) .. name -- Add color end list:ItemAdd (index) list:ItemSet (2, format ("%s", name)) local tip = iLink and format ("!%s", iLink) or folder.Tip list:ItemSetButton ("Guide", false, tx, tip) end else local add = true if folder.T then add = self:CalcType (folder) -- Factions are removed here end if add then local name = folder.Name if strbyte (name) == 64 then -- @ name = Nx.GuideAbr[strsub (name, 2)] end local show = true local column4 if filterStr ~= "" then local ft = folder.FilterText local lstr = strlower (ft or name) show = strfind (lstr, filterStr, 1, true) if show and ft then for n = show, 10, -1 do -- Search for last newline if strbyte (ft, n) == 10 or n == 10 then local ftEnd = strfind (ft, "\n", n + 1, true) column4 = strsub (ft, n + 1, ftEnd) break end end end -- Nx.prt ("Filter %s %s = %s", filterStr, lstr, show or "nil") end -- Nx.prt ("Guide %s", name) if show then local col = "|cffdfdfdf" if folder[1] or folder.Item then col = "|cff8fdf8f" name = name .. " |cffbf6f6f>>" end list:ItemAdd (index) list:ItemSet (2, format ("%s%s", col, name)) if listSide == 2 then -- Right side? if folder.Column2 then list:ItemSet (3, folder.Column2) end if folder.Column3 then list:ItemSet (4, folder.Column3) end if column4 then list:ItemSet (5, column4) end if folder.Column4 then list:ItemSet (5, folder.Column4) end end local pressed = self:IsShowFolders (folder) local tx = folder.Tx if not tx then for n = #self.PathHistory, 1, -1 do local folder = self.PathHistory[n] tx = folder.Tx if tx then break end end end tx = "Interface\\Icons\\" .. tx local tip = folder.Link and format ("!%s^%s", folder.Link, folder.Tip or "") or folder.Tip list:ItemSetButton ("Guide", pressed, tx, tip) end end end end end list:Update() end -------- -- Update map icons function Nx.Map.Guide:UpdateMapIcons() local Nx = Nx local Quest = Nx.Quest local Map = Nx.Map local map = self.Map assert (map) local hideFac = self:GetHideFaction() map:InitIconType ("!G", "WP", "", 16, 16) map:SetIconTypeChop ("!G", true) map:InitIconType ("!GIn", "WP", "", 20, 20) -- Instance map:SetIconTypeChop ("!GIn", true) map:InitIconType ("!Ga", "WP", "", 12, 12) local a = map.GOpts["MapIconGatherA"] map:SetIconTypeAlpha ("!Ga", a, a < 1 and a * .5) map:SetIconTypeChop ("!Ga", true) map:SetIconTypeAtScale ("!Ga", map.GOpts["MapIconGatherAtScale"]) map:InitIconType ("!GQ", "WP", "", 16, 16) map:SetIconTypeChop ("!GQ", true) map:SetIconTypeLevel ("!GQ", 1) map:InitIconType ("!GQC", "WP", "", 10, 10) map:SetIconTypeChop ("!GQC", true) local cont1 = 1 local cont2 = Map.ContCnt local mapId = map:GetCurrentMapId() if not self.ShowAllCont then cont1 = map:IdToContZone (mapId) cont2 = cont1 end for showType, folder in pairs (self.ShowFolders) do -- Nx.prt ("folder (%s) %s", showType, folder.Name) local mode = strbyte (showType) local tx = "Interface\\Icons\\" .. (folder.Tx or "") if mode == 36 then -- $ (Gather) -- Nx.prt ("Gath icon update %s", GetTime()) local type = strsub (showType, 2, 2) local longType = type == "H" and "Herb" or type == "M" and "Mine" local fid = folder.Id local data = longType and Nx:GetData (longType) or NxData.NXGather["Misc"] local zoneT = data[mapId] if zoneT then local nodeT = zoneT[fid] if nodeT then local iconType = fid == "Art" and "!G" or "!Ga" for k, node in ipairs (nodeT) do -- Nx.prt ("Gath %s %d %d %s %d", showType, k, mid, longType, item.NXId) local x, y = Nx:GatherUnpack (node) local name, tex, skill = Nx:GetGather (type, fid) assert (name) local wx, wy = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) icon = map:AddIconPt (iconType, wx, wy, nil, "Interface\\Icons\\"..tex) if skill > 0 then name = name .. " " .. skill end map:SetIconTip (icon, name) end end end elseif mode == 35 then -- # (Map or creature) elseif mode == 37 then -- % (Instance) local mapId = folder.InstMapId local winfo = Map.MapWorldInfo[mapId] local wx = winfo[2] local wy = winfo[3] local icon = map:AddIconPt ("!GIn", wx, wy, nil, tx) map:SetIconTip (icon, folder.InstTip) map:SetIconUserData (icon, folder.InstMapId) elseif mode == 38 then -- & (Quest givers) if Quest and Quest.QGivers then -- Nil on init local mapId = map:GetCurrentMapId() local zone = Nx.MapIdToNxzone[mapId] local stzone = Quest.QGivers[zone] -- Nx.prt ("%s, %s", mapId, zone or "nil") if stzone then local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() local minLvl = Nx.CurCharacter["Level"] - opts["QMapQuestGiversLowLevel"] local maxLvl = Nx.CurCharacter["Level"] + opts["QMapQuestGiversHighLevel"] local state = Nx.CharOpts[folder.Persist] local debugMap = NxData.DebugMap local showComplete = self.ShowQuestGiverCompleted local qIds = Quest.QIds for namex, qdata in pairs (stzone) do local name = strsplit ("=", namex) local anyDaily local show local s = name for n = 1, #qdata, 4 do local qId = tonumber (strsub (qdata, n, n + 3), 16) local quest = Quest.IdToQuest[qId] local qname, _, lvl, minlvl = Quest:Unpack (quest[1]) if lvl < 1 then -- Some have 0 lvl = Nx.CurCharacter["Level"] end if lvl >= minLvl and lvl <= maxLvl then local col = "|r" local daily = Quest.DailyIds[qId] or Quest.DailyDungeonIds[qId] anyDaily = anyDaily or daily local status, qTime = Nx:GetQuest (qId) if daily then col = "|cffa0a0ff" show = true elseif status == "C" then col = "|cff808080" else if qIds[qId] then col = "|cff80f080" end show = true end local qcati = Quest:UnpackCategory (quest[1]) if qcati > 0 then qname = qname .. " <" .. Nx.QuestCategory[qcati] .. ">" end s = format ("%s\n|cffbfbfbf%d%s %s", s, lvl, col, qname) if quest.CNum then s = s .. format (" (Part %d)", quest.CNum) end if daily then s = s .. (Quest.DailyDungeonIds[qId] and " (Dungeon Daily" or " (Daily") local typ, money, rep, req = strsplit ("^", daily) if rep and #rep > 0 then s = s .. ", " for n = 0, 1 do -- Only support 2 reps local i = n * 4 + 1 local repChar = strsub (rep or "", i, i) if repChar == "" then break end s = s .. " " .. Quest.Reputations[repChar] end end s = s .. ")" end if debugMap then s = s .. format (" [%d]", qId) end end end if state == 3 and not anyDaily then show = false showComplete = false end if show or showComplete then local qId = tonumber (strsub (qdata, 1, 4), 16) local quest = Quest.IdToQuest[qId] local startName, zone, x, y = Quest:GetSEPos (quest[2]) local wx, wy = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local tx = anyDaily and "Interface\\AddOns\\Carbonite\\Gfx\\Map\\IconExclaimB" or tx local icon = map:AddIconPt (show and "!GQ" or "!GQC", wx, wy, nil, tx) map:SetIconTip (icon, s) -- icon.UDataQuestGiver = name icon.UDataQuestGiverD = qdata end end end end elseif mode == 40 then -- ( (Visited vendor) -- Nx.prt ("VendorPos %s", folder.VendorPos or "nil") local mapId, x, y = strsplit ("^", folder.VendorPos) mapId = tonumber (mapId) x = tonumber (x) y = tonumber (y) local wx, wy = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local icon = map:AddIconPt ("!G", wx, wy, nil, tx) map:SetIconTip (icon, folder.Name) elseif mode == 41 then -- ) (Visited vendor item) local vv = NxData.NXVendorV -- Nx.prtVar ("Item Vendor", folder) local t = { strsplit ("^", folder.ItemSource) } for _, npcName in pairs (t) do -- Nx.prt ("%s Item VendorPos %s", npcName, vv[npcName]["POS"] or "nil") local npc = vv[npcName] -- Can be nil if you delete while tracking if npc then local links = npc["POS"] local mapId, x, y = strsplit ("^", links) mapId = tonumber (mapId) x = tonumber (x) y = tonumber (y) local wx, wy = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local icon = map:AddIconPt ("!G", wx, wy, nil, tx) local tag, name = strsplit ("~", npcName) local iname = strsplit ("\n", folder.Name) map:SetIconTip (icon, format ("%s\n%s\n%s", name, tag, iname)) end end elseif mode == 42 then -- * (Travel) local conStr = Nx.ZoneConnections[folder.ConIndex] local flags, conTime, mapId1, x1, y1, mapId2, x2, y2, name1, name2 = Nx.Map:ConnectionUnpack (conStr) if folder.Con2 then mapId1, x1, y1, name1 = mapId2, x2, y2, name2 end local wx, wy = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId1, x1, y1) local icon = map:AddIconPt ("!G", wx, wy, nil, tx) map:SetIconTip (icon, format ("%s\n%s %.1f %.1f", name1, Nx.MapIdToName[mapId1], x1, y1)) -- Nx.prt ("Travel %s, flags %x", name1, flags) else for cont = cont1, cont2 do self:UpdateMapGeneralIcons (cont, showType, hideFac, tx, folder.Name, "!G") end end end end function Nx.Map.Guide:UpdateMapGeneralIcons (cont, showType, hideFac, tx, name, iconType, showMapId) if cont >= 9 then return end local Quest = Nx.Quest local Map = Nx.Map local map = self.Map -- assert (Nx.GuideData[showType]) if not Nx.GuideData[showType] then Nx.prt ("guide showType %s", showType) return end local dataStr = Nx.GuideData[showType][cont] if not dataStr then -- Happens for WotLK return end local mode = strbyte (dataStr) if mode == 32 then -- Inline data for n = 2, #dataStr, 6 do local fac = strbyte (dataStr, n) - 35 if fac ~= hideFac then local zone = strbyte (dataStr, n + 1) - 35 local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if not showMapId or mapId == showMapId then -- local loc = strsub (dataStr, n + 2, n + 5) local x, y = Quest:UnpackLocPtOff (dataStr, n + 2) -- Nx.prt ("UpdateMapGeneralIcons %s %s %s", name, x, y) local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local icon = map:AddIconPt (iconType, wx, wy, nil, tx) local str = format ("%s\n%s %.1f %.1f", name, Nx.MapIdToName[mapId], x, y) map:SetIconTip (icon, str) end end end elseif mode == 33 then -- ! (Instance) else -- NPC for n = 1, #dataStr, 2 do local npcI = (strbyte (dataStr, n) - 35) * 221 + (strbyte (dataStr, n + 1) - 35) local npcStr = Nx.NPCData[npcI] if not npcStr then Nx.prt ("%s", name) end local fac = strbyte (npcStr, 1) - 35 if fac ~= hideFac then local oStr = strsub (npcStr, 2) local desc, zone, loc = Quest:UnpackObjective (oStr) desc = gsub (desc, "!", ", ") local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if not mapId then local name, minLvl, maxLvl, faction, cont = strsplit ("!", Nx.Zones[zone]) if tonumber (faction) ~= 3 then Nx.prt ("Guide icon err %s %d", desc, zone) -- assert (mapId) end elseif not showMapId or mapId == showMapId then local mapName = Nx.MapIdToName[mapId] if strbyte (oStr, loc) == 32 then -- Points loc = loc + 1 local cnt = floor ((#oStr - loc + 1) / 4) for locN = loc, loc + cnt * 4 - 1, 4 do -- local loc1 = strsub (oStr, locN, locN + 3) local x, y = Quest:UnpackLocPtOff (oStr, locN) local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) -- Nx.prt ("UpdateMapGeneralIcons %s %s %s", name, x, y) local icon = map:AddIconPt (iconType, wx, wy, nil, tx) local str = format ("%s\n%s\n%s %.1f %.1f", name, desc, mapName, x, y) map:SetIconTip (icon, str) end else local _, zone, x, y = Quest:GetObjectivePos (oStr) local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local icon = map:AddIconPt (iconType, wx, wy, nil, tx) local str = format ("%s\n%s\n%s %.1f %.1f", name, desc, mapName, x, y) map:SetIconTip (icon, str) -- Nx.prt ("Guide span xy %f %f %s", wx, wy, tx) end end end end end end -------- -- Update zone POI type icons (common stuff) Nx.GuidePOI = { "Auctioneer~Racial_Dwarf_FindTreasure", "Banker~INV_Misc_Coin_02", "Flight Master~Ability_Mount_Wyvern_01", "Innkeeper~Spell_Shadow_Twilight", "Mailbox~INV_Letter_15", --[[ "AzuremistIsleBoat~Spell_Shadow_DemonBreath", "BootyBayBoat~Spell_Shadow_DemonBreath", "MenethilHarborBoat~Spell_Shadow_DemonBreath", "RatchetBoat~Spell_Shadow_DemonBreath", "TeldrassilBoat~Spell_Shadow_DemonBreath", "TheramoreBoat~Spell_Shadow_DemonBreath", "DarnassusPortal~Spell_Arcane_TeleportDarnassus", "ExodarPortal~Spell_Arcane_TeleportExodar", "IronforgePortal~Spell_Arcane_TeleportIronForge", "OrgrimmarPortal~Spell_Arcane_TeleportOrgrimmar", "SilvermoonPortal~Spell_Arcane_TeleportSilvermoon", "StormwindPortal~Spell_Arcane_TeleportStormWind", "ThunderBluffPortal~Spell_Arcane_TeleportThunderBluff", "UndercityPortal~Spell_Arcane_TeleportUnderCity", "Grom'golZeppelin~INV_Misc_MissileSmall_Red", "OrgrimmarZeppelin~INV_Misc_MissileSmall_Red", "UndercityZeppelin~INV_Misc_MissileSmall_Red", --]] "Alterac Valley Battlemaster~INV_Jewelry_Necklace_21", "Arathi Basin Battlemaster~INV_Jewelry_Amulet_07", "Arena Battlemaster~Spell_Holy_PrayerOfHealing", "Eye Of The Storm Battlemaster~Spell_Nature_EyeOfTheStorm", "Strand of the Ancients Battlemaster~INV_Jewelry_Amulet_01", "Warsong Gulch Battlemaster~INV_Misc_Rune_07", -- Add connections } function Nx.Map.Guide:UpdateZonePOIIcons() local Quest = Nx.Quest local Map = Nx.Map local map = self.Map local mapId = map.MapId local atScale = map.LOpts.NXPOIAtScale local alphaRange = atScale * .25 local s = atScale - alphaRange local draw = map.ScaleDraw > s and map.GOpts["MapShowPOI"] local alpha = min ((map.ScaleDraw - s) / alphaRange, 1) * map.GOpts["MapIconPOIAlpha"] map:SetIconTypeAlpha ("!POI", alpha) map:SetIconTypeAlpha ("!POIIn", alpha) -- Nx.prtCtrl ("%s", alphaPer) if mapId == self.POIMapId and draw == self.POIDraw then return end self.POIMapId = mapId self.POIDraw = draw map:InitIconType ("!POI", "WP", "", 17, 17) map:InitIconType ("!POIIn", "WP", "", 21, 21) if not draw then return end --FREES! if Nx.Free then if mapId ~= Nx.MapIdFree1 and mapId ~= Nx.MapIdFree2 then return end end --FREEE! map:SetIconTypeChop ("!POI", true) map:SetIconTypeAlpha ("!POI", alpha) map:SetIconTypeChop ("!POIIn", true) map:SetIconTypeAlpha ("!POIIn", alpha) local hideFac = UnitFactionGroup ("player") == "Horde" and 1 or 2 local cont = map:IdToContZone (mapId) -- Nx.prt ("zpoi mapid %s, cont %s", mapId, cont) if cont > 0 and cont < 9 then for k, name in ipairs (Nx.GuidePOI) do local showType, tx = strsplit ("~", name) if showType == "Mailbox" then showType = map.GOpts["MapShowMailboxes"] and showType end if showType then tx = "Interface\\Icons\\" .. tx self:UpdateMapGeneralIcons (cont, showType, hideFac, tx, showType, "!POI", mapId) end end self:UpdateInstanceIcons (cont) self:UpdateTravelIcons (hideFac) end end -------- -- Update map icons function Nx.Map.Guide:UpdateInstanceIcons (cont) local Map = Nx.Map local map = self.Map local folder = self:FindFolder ("Instances") local inst = folder[cont] if not inst then -- Happens for WotLK return end for showType, folder in ipairs (inst) do local mapId = folder.InstMapId local winfo = Map.MapWorldInfo[mapId] if winfo.EntryMId == map.MapId then local wx = winfo[2] local wy = winfo[3] local icon = map:AddIconPt ("!POIIn", wx, wy, nil, "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_ShadowEgg") map:SetIconTip (icon, folder.InstTip) map:SetIconUserData (icon, folder.InstMapId) end end end -------- -- Update map icons function Nx.Map.Guide:UpdateTravelIcons (hideFac) local Map = Nx.Map local map = self.Map local mapId = map.MapId local folder = self:FindFolder ("Travel") for showType, folder in ipairs (folder) do if folder.MapId == mapId and folder.Fac ~= hideFac then local conStr = Nx.ZoneConnections[folder.ConIndex] local flags, conTime, mapId1, x1, y1, mapId2, x2, y2, name1, name2 = Nx.Map:ConnectionUnpack (conStr) if folder.Con2 then mapId1, x1, y1, name1 = mapId2, x2, y2, name2 end local wx, wy = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId1, x1, y1) local icon = map:AddIconPt ("!POI", wx, wy, nil, "Interface\\Icons\\" .. folder.Tx) map:SetIconTip (icon, format ("%s\n%s %.1f %.1f", name1, Nx.MapIdToName[mapId1], x1, y1)) end end local winfo = Map.MapWorldInfo[mapId] if winfo then if winfo.Connections then for id, zcon in pairs (winfo.Connections) do for n, con in ipairs (zcon) do local wx, wy = con.StartX, con.StartY -- local wx, wy = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId1, x1, y1) local icon = map:AddIconPt ("!POI", wx, wy, nil, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_FarSight") map:SetIconTip (icon, "Connection to " .. Nx.MapIdToName[con.EndMapId]) local wx, wy = con.EndX, con.EndY local icon = map:AddIconPt ("!POI", wx, wy, nil, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_FarSight") -- map:SetIconTip (icon, "Connection") end end end end end -------- function Nx.Map.Guide:OnMapUpdate() local typ = self.FindingClosest if typ then local t, folder = self.Map:GetTargetInfo() if t == "Guide" and type (folder) == "table" then local npcI, mapId, x, y = self:FindClosest (typ) if npcI then self.Map:SetTarget ("Guide", x, y, x, y, false, folder, folder.Name, false, mapId) end end end end -------- -- Find closest function Nx.Map.Guide:FindClosest (findType) local Quest = Nx.Quest local Map = Nx.Map local map = self.Map assert (map) local cont1 = 1 local cont2 = 4 if not self.ShowAllCont then local mapId = map.RMapId cont1 = map:IdToContZone (mapId) cont2 = cont1 end local hideFac = self:GetHideFaction() local close local closeMapId, closeX, closeY local closeDist = 999999999 local px = map.PlyrX local py = map.PlyrY -- local dist = ((midX - px) ^ 2 + (midY - py) ^ 2) ^ .5 * 4.575 -- Nx.prt ("FindClose %s", findType) for showType, folder in pairs (self.ShowFolders) do if showType == findType then local mode = strbyte (showType) if mode == 36 then -- $ local type = strsub (showType, 2, 2) local longType = type == "H" and "Herb" or type == "M" and "Mine" if longType then local fid = folder.Id local data = Nx:GetData (longType) for cont = cont1, cont2 do local idmin = Map.MapInfo[cont].Min local idmax = Map.MapInfo[cont].Max for mapId = idmin, idmax do local zoneT = data[mapId] if zoneT then local nodeT = zoneT[fid] if nodeT then for k, node in ipairs (nodeT) do -- Nx.prt ("Gath %d %s", mapId, longType) local x, y = Nx:GatherUnpack (node) local wx, wy = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local dist = (wx - px) ^ 2 + (wy - py) ^ 2 if dist < closeDist then closeDist = dist close = 0 closeMapId = mapId closeX, closeY = wx, wy end end end end end end end elseif mode == 35 then -- # elseif mode == 37 then -- % elseif mode == 38 then -- & elseif mode == 40 then -- ( local mapId, x, y = strsplit ("^", folder.VendorPos) mapId = tonumber (mapId) x = tonumber (x) y = tonumber (y) local wx, wy = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local dist = (wx - px) ^ 2 + (wy - py) ^ 2 if dist < closeDist then closeDist = dist close = 0 closeMapId = mapId closeX, closeY = wx, wy end elseif mode == 41 then -- ) local vv = NxData.NXVendorV -- Nx.prtVar ("Item Vendor", folder) local t = { strsplit ("^", folder.ItemSource) } for _, npcName in pairs (t) do -- Nx.prt ("%s Item VendorPos %s", npcName, vv[npcName]["POS"] or "nil") local links = vv[npcName]["POS"] local mapId, x, y = strsplit ("^", links) mapId = tonumber (mapId) x = tonumber (x) y = tonumber (y) local wx, wy = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local dist = (wx - px) ^ 2 + (wy - py) ^ 2 if dist < closeDist then closeDist = dist close = 0 closeMapId = mapId closeX, closeY = wx, wy end end elseif mode == 42 then -- * else for cont = cont1, cont2 do local data0 = Nx.GuideData[showType] if not data0 then return end local dataStr = data0[cont] if strbyte (dataStr, 1) == 32 then -- Inline data for n = 2, #dataStr, 6 do local fac = strbyte (dataStr, n) - 35 if fac ~= hideFac then local zone = strbyte (dataStr, n + 1) - 35 local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] -- local loc = strsub (dataStr, n + 2, n + 5) local x, y = Quest:UnpackLocPtOff (dataStr, n + 2) local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local dist = (wx - px) ^ 2 + (wy - py) ^ 2 if dist < closeDist then -- Nx.prt ("FindClose %s %d", showType, n) closeDist = dist close = 0 closeMapId = mapId closeX, closeY = wx, wy end end end elseif strbyte (dataStr) == 33 then -- ! Instance else -- NPC for n = 1, #dataStr, 2 do local npcI = (strbyte (dataStr, n) - 35) * 221 + (strbyte (dataStr, n + 1) - 35) local npcStr = Nx.NPCData[npcI] local fac = strbyte (npcStr, 1) - 35 if fac ~= hideFac then local oStr = strsub (npcStr, 2) local desc, zone, loc = Quest:UnpackObjective (oStr) -- Nx.prt ("Guide icons %s %d %s", desc, zone, loc) local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] if mapId then if strbyte (oStr, loc) == 32 then -- Points loc = loc + 1 local cnt = floor ((#oStr - loc + 1) / 4) for locN = loc, loc + cnt * 4 - 1, 4 do -- local loc1 = strsub (oStr, locN, locN + 3) local x, y = Quest:UnpackLocPtOff (oStr, locN) local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) local dist = (wx - px) ^ 2 + (wy - py) ^ 2 if dist < closeDist then -- Nx.prt ("FindClose %s %s", showType, n) closeDist = dist close = npcI closeMapId = mapId closeX, closeY = wx, wy end end else local desc, zone, x, y = Quest:GetObjectivePos (oStr) local wx, wy = map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) -- local wx, wy = Quest:GetClosestObjectivePos (oStr, mapId, x, y) local dist = (wx - px) ^ 2 + (wy - py) ^ 2 if dist < closeDist then closeDist = dist close = npcI closeMapId = mapId closeX, closeY = wx, wy end end end end end end end end end end return close, closeMapId, closeX, closeY end -------- -- Get faction we are hiding -- ret 1 Alliance or 2 Horde function Nx.Map.Guide:GetHideFaction() local fac = UnitFactionGroup ("player") == "Horde" and 1 or 2 if self.ShowEnemy then fac = fac == 1 and 2 or 1 -- Flip end return fac end -------- -- Get profession trainer name rank function Nx.Map.Guide:GetProfessionTrainer (profName) --[[ local trainer = "Apprentice" local hIndex local open for n = 1, GetNumSkillLines() do local name, hdr, expanded = GetSkillLineInfo (n) if name == "Professions" and hdr then hIndex = n if not expanded then ExpandSkillHeader (n) open = n end break end end if hIndex then for n = hIndex + 1, GetNumSkillLines() do local name, hdr, expanded, rank, tempPoints, modifier = GetSkillLineInfo (n) if hdr then break end if name == profName then -- rank = tonumber (rank) -- Nx.prtVar ("rank", rank) trainer = rank >= 275 and "Master" or rank >= 200 and "Artisan" or rank >= 125 and "Expert" or rank >= 50 and "Journeyman" or "Apprentice" -- Nx.prt ("%s %d %d %s %s %s = %s", name, hdr or 0, expanded or 0, rank, tempPoints, modifier, trainer) end end end if open then CollapseSkillHeader (open) end return trainer --]] return " Trainer" end -------- -- Get profession trainer name rank function Nx.Map.Guide:GetSecondaryTrainer (profName) --[[ local trainer = "Apprentice" local hIndex local open for n = 1, GetNumSkillLines() do local name, hdr, expanded = GetSkillLineInfo (n) if name == "Secondary Skills" and hdr then hIndex = n if not expanded then ExpandSkillHeader (n) open = n end break end end if hIndex then for n = hIndex + 1, GetNumSkillLines() do local name, hdr, expanded, rank, tempPoints, modifier = GetSkillLineInfo (n) if hdr then break end if name == profName then -- rank = tonumber (rank) -- Nx.prtVar ("rank", rank) trainer = rank >= 275 and "Master" or rank >= 225 and "Artisan" or rank >= 125 and "Expert" or rank >= 50 and "Journeyman" or "Apprentice" -- Nx.prt ("%s %d %d %s %s %s = %s", name, hdr or 0, expanded or 0, rank, tempPoints, modifier, trainer) end end end if open then CollapseSkillHeader (open) end return trainer --]] return " Trainer" end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Guide visited capturing --Nx.Map.Guide.MUCnt = 0 function Nx.Map.Guide.OnPlayer_target_changed() local self = Nx.Map.Guide -- Nx.prt ("OnPLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") if UnitPlayerControlled ("target") or not UnitName ("target") then return end if #self.PlayerTargets > 5 then tremove (self.PlayerTargets) end local tag = GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText() or "" local lvl = GameTooltipTextLeft3:GetText() or "" local faction = GameTooltipTextLeft4:GetText() or "" if strfind (tag, "^" .. NXlLEVELSPC) then tag = "" faction = lvl end local str = format ("%s~%s~%s", tag, GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() or "", faction) tinsert (self.PlayerTargets, 1, str) -- Nx.prt ("Target %s (%s)", UnitName ("target") or "nil", self.PlayerTargets[1]) end -------- -- Save target info for current NPC function Nx.Map.Guide:SavePlayerNPCTarget() local npcName = UnitName ("NPC") or "?" self.PlayerNPCTarget = "?~" .. npcName for n, str in ipairs (self.PlayerTargets) do local tag, name = strsplit ("~", str) if npcName == name then self.PlayerNPCTarget = str break end end local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local s = Nx:PackXY (map.PlyrRZX, map.PlyrRZY) self.PlayerNPCTargetPos = format ("%d^%s", Nx.MapIdToNxzone[map.RMapId] or 0, s) end -------- function Nx.Map.Guide.OnGossip_show() local self = Nx.Map.Guide -- Nx.prt ("OnGossip_show") self:SavePlayerNPCTarget() self:CaptureNPC ("G") end function Nx.Map.Guide.OnTrainer_show() local self = Nx.Map.Guide -- Nx.prt ("OnTRAINER_SHOW") self:SavePlayerNPCTarget() self:CaptureNPC ("T") end -------- -- Capture a NPC function Nx.Map.Guide:CaptureNPC (data) local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() if not opts["CaptureEnable"] then return end local cap = Nx:GetCap() local npcs = Nx:CaptureFind (cap, "NPC") local len = 0 for _, str in pairs (npcs) do len = len + 4 + #str + 1 end if len > 5 * 1024 then -- About 250 return end local name = self.PlayerNPCTarget local facI = UnitFactionGroup ("player") == "Horde" and 1 or 0 npcs[name] = format ("%s^%d^%s", self.PlayerNPCTargetPos, facI, data) -- Nx.prt ("%s = %s", name, npcs[name]) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Guide visited vendor capturing -------- function Nx.Map.Guide.OnMerchant_show() local self = Nx.Map.Guide -- Nx.prt ("OnMerchant_show") self:SavePlayerNPCTarget() self.VendorRepair = CanMerchantRepair() self:CaptureNPC (format ("M%s", self.VendorRepair and 1 or 0)) -- Nx.prt ("Tar %s (%s)", UnitName ("NPC") or "nil", self.PlayerNPCTarget) self.CanCap = true self.OnMerchant_update() end -------- -- Merchant update event (happens over 30 times if items not in cache) function Nx.Map.Guide.OnMerchant_update() -- Nx.prt ("OnMerchant_update") local self = Nx.Map.Guide if self.CanCap then Nx.Timer:Start ("Vendor", .3, self, self.CapTimer) -- Buffer if many events end -- self.MUCnt = self.MUCnt + 1 -- Nx.prt ("OnMerchant_update %s", self.MUCnt) end function Nx.Map.Guide:CapTimer() -- Nx.prt ("CapTimer %s", self.MUCnt or "nil") Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("Guide CapTimer") local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local g = map.Guide local ok = g:CaptureItems() g:UpdateVisitedVendors() g:Update() Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("Guide CapTimer") if not ok and MerchantFrame:IsVisible() then if Nx.LootOn then Nx.prt ("CapTimer retry") end return .5 end self.CanCap = false -- One cap per merchant show end function Nx.Map.Guide:UpdateVisitedVendors() -- Nx.prt ("UpdateVisitedVendors") local vv = NxData.NXVendorV if not vv or (NxData.NXVendorVVersion or 0) < Nx.VERSIONVENDORV then vv = {} NxData.NXVendorV = vv NxData.NXVendorVVersion = Nx.VERSIONVENDORV end local folder = self:FindFolder ("Visited Vendor") assert (folder) if folder then local allFolder = folder[1] for n = 1, #allFolder do allFolder[n] = nil end for n = 2, #folder do -- Skip all folder folder[n] = nil end local unique = {} for npcName, links in pairs (vv) do local tag = strsplit ("~", npcName) unique [tag] = true end local uniqueTag local tagFolder local uniqueItems = {} local vsorted = {} for npcName, links in pairs (vv) do tinsert (vsorted, npcName) end sort (vsorted) -- sort (vsorted, function (a, b) return NxData.NXVendorV[a]["T"] > NxData.NXVendorV[b]["T"] end) for _, npcName in ipairs (vsorted) do local tag, name = strsplit ("~", npcName) if uniqueTag ~= tag then uniqueTag = tag tagFolder = {} tagFolder.Name = format ("%s", tag) tinsert (folder, tagFolder) end local links = vv[npcName] -- Nx.prt ("%s", npcName) local npcF = {} local mapId = strsplit ("^", links["POS"]) mapId = tonumber (mapId) npcF.T = "(" .. npcName npcF.Tx = "INV_Misc_Coin_05" local repair = links["R"] and " (Repair)" or "" npcF.Name = format ("%s |cff8080c0%s\n|cffc0c0c0%s%s", tag, Nx.Map:IdToName (mapId), name, repair) npcF.VendorPos = links["POS"] npcF.NoShowChild = true tinsert (tagFolder, npcF) local n = 1 while n <= #links do local id = strsplit ("^", links[n]) local name = GetItemInfo (id) if not name then if Nx.Item:Load (id) then -- Failed before? tremove (links, n) Nx.prt ("Removed old vendor item %s", id) n = n - 1 end end n = n + 1 end for _, item in ipairs (links) do local id, price = strsplit ("^", item) local name, iLink, iRarity, lvl, minLvl, type, subType, stackCount, equipLoc, tx = GetItemInfo (id) name = name or format ("%s", id) local itemF = uniqueItems[id] if itemF then itemF.ItemSource = itemF.ItemSource .. "^" .. npcName else itemF = {} itemF.ItemSource = npcName itemF.SortName = name uniqueItems[id] = itemF itemF.T = ")" .. id if iLink then -- Nx.prt (" Item %s (%s)", name, tx) local col = strsub (iLink, 1, 10) itemF.Name = format ("%s%s\n %s", col, name, price) -- itemF.Name = itemF.Name .. " " .. id itemF.Link = iLink itemF.Tx = gsub (tx, "Interface\\Icons\\", "") -- local minStr = "" if minLvl > 1 then -- minStr = format (" (%d)", minLvl) itemF.Column2 = format ("L%2d", minLvl) end else itemF.Name = name itemF.Tx = "INV_Misc_QuestionMark" end end tinsert (npcF, itemF) end sort (npcF, function (a, b) return a.SortName < b.SortName end) end for _, itemF in pairs (uniqueItems) do tinsert (allFolder, itemF) end sort (allFolder, function (a, b) return a.SortName < b.SortName end) end Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("Guide CapTimer gc") collectgarbage ("collect") Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("Guide CapTimer gc") end Nx.VendorCostAbr = { ["INV_Jewelry_Amulet_07"] = "AB", ["INV_Jewelry_Necklace_21"] = "AV", ["Spell_Nature_EyeOfTheStorm"] = "EOS", ["INV_Misc_Rune_07"] = "WG", ["Spell_Holy_ChampionsBond"] = "Badge of Justice", -- Shatar ["INV_Misc_Dust_06"] = "Holy Dust", -- Alder ["INV_Misc_Rune_05"] = "Arcane Rune", -- Scyer ---[[ ["INV_Chest_Chain_03"] = "Chestguard Token", -- of the Fallen Defender", ["INV_Gauntlets_27"] = "Gloves Token", ["INV_Helmet_24"] = "Helm Token", ["INV_Pants_Plate_17"] = "Leggings Token", ["INV_Shoulder_22"] = "Pauldrons Token", ["INV_Misc_Apexis_Shard"] = "Apexis Shard", ["INV_Misc_Apexis_Crystal"] = "Apexis Crystal", ["INV_Misc_Token_Thrallmar"] = "Thrallmar Token", ["INV_Misc_Rune_08"] = "Battle Token", ["INV_Misc_Rune_09"] = "Research Token", ["Spell_Holy_ProclaimChampion"] = "Emblem of Heroism", ["Spell_Holy_ProclaimChampion_02"] = "Emblem of Valor", ["INV_Misc_Platnumdisks"] = "Stone Keeper's Shard", ["INV_Enchant_AbyssCrystal"] = "Abyss Crystal", ["INV_Enchant_DreamShard_02"] = "Dream Shard", ["INV_Misc_LeatherScrap_19"] = "Heavy Borean Leather", ["INV_Misc_Pelt_14"] = "Arctic Fur", --]] } function Nx.Map.Guide:CaptureItems() if not NxData.NXVendorV then return end local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() -- NxData.VendorV = nil local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) if MerchantFrame:IsVisible() then local vcabr = Nx.VendorCostAbr local npc = self.PlayerNPCTarget local tag, name = strsplit ("~", npc) npc = format ("%s~%s", tag, name) -- Nx.prt ("%s", npc) local links = {} links["POS"] = format ("%d^%s^%s", map.RMapId, map.PlyrRZX, map.PlyrRZY) links["T"] = time() links["R"] = self.VendorRepair -- Nx.prtVar ("links2", links) for n = 1, GetMerchantNumItems() do local name, tx, price, quantity, numAvail, usable, exCost = GetMerchantItemInfo (n) local link = GetMerchantItemLink (n) -- Nx.prt ("%s", gsub (link or "nil link", "|", "x")) if not name then -- Nx.prt ("Vendor %s missing item %s (%s)", npc, n, name or "nil") return -- Retry end if not link then link = " :" .. name -- Use name for id end local priceStr = Nx.Util_GetMoneyStr (price) if exCost then local iCnt = GetMerchantItemCostInfo (n) --V4 if price <= 0 then priceStr = "" else priceStr = priceStr .. " " end if iCnt > 0 then for i = 1, MAX_ITEM_COST do local tx, value = GetMerchantItemCostItem (n, i) if tx and value and value > 0 then -- Nx.prt ("cost %s", tx) tx = gsub (tx, "Interface\\Icons\\", "") if strfind (tx, "-Honor-") then --V4 tx = " honor" end if strfind (tx, "-justice") then --V4 tx = " justice" end if strfind (tx, "-valor") then --V4.2 tx = " valor" end priceStr = priceStr .. format (" |r%d %s", value, vcabr[tx] or tx) -- Nx.prt ("price %s", priceStr) end end end end local _, id = strsplit (":", link) links[n] = id .. "^" .. strtrim (priceStr) -- Nx.prt ("%s", links[n]) end local vv = NxData.NXVendorV -- NxData.VendorCap = nil vv[npc] = links local oName local maxCnt = min (max (1, opts["GuideVendorVMax"]), 1000) opts["GuideVendorVMax"] = maxCnt while true do local old = math.huge local cnt = 0 for npcName, links in pairs (vv) do cnt = cnt + 1 if links["T"] < old then -- Oldest old = links["T"] oName = npcName end end if cnt <= maxCnt then -- Ok? break end vv[oName] = nil -- Kill end if Nx.LootOn then Nx.prt ("Captured %s (%d)", npc, #links) end return true end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -- Find taxi using localized name function Nx.Map.Guide:FindTaxis (campName) -- campName = strsplit (",", campName) --[[ local enCampName = campName for k, name in pairs (NXlTaxiNames) do if name == campName then enCampName = k break end end if enCampName == "Hellfire Peninsula" then campName = "The Dark Portal" end --]] local Map = Nx.Map local Quest = Nx.Quest local hideFac = UnitFactionGroup ("player") == "Horde" and 1 or 2 for cont = 1, Map.ContCnt do local dataStr = Nx.GuideData["Flight Master"][cont] or "" for n = 1, #dataStr, 2 do local npcI = (strbyte (dataStr, n) - 35) * 221 + (strbyte (dataStr, n + 1) - 35) local npcStr = Nx.NPCData[npcI] local fac = strbyte (npcStr, 1) - 35 if fac ~= hideFac then local oStr = strsub (npcStr, 2) local desc, zone, loc = Quest:UnpackObjective (oStr) local name, camp = strsplit ("!", desc) -- camp = strsplit (",", camp) camp = NXlTaxiNames[camp] or camp -- Localize it -- Nx.prt ("FTaxi (%s)(%s) %s", campName, desc, strbyte (oStr, loc + 1)) if camp == campName then local mapId = Map.NxzoneToMapId[zone] local x, y = Quest:UnpackLoc (oStr, loc) local wx, wy = Map:GetWorldPos (mapId, x, y) -- Nx.prt ("FTaxi %s (%s %s)", mapId, x, y) return name, wx, wy end end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nx.Map.Guide.ItemCats = { { Name = "Armor", Tx = "Spell_Holy_ArdentDefender", { Name = "Cloth", Tx = "INV_Chest_Cloth_21", { Name = "Head", T = "Cloth", Tx = "INV_Helmet_31", Item = 1, }, { Name = "Shoulders", T = "Cloth", Tx = "INV_Shoulder_09", Item = 3, }, { Name = "Chest", T = "Cloth", Tx = "INV_Chest_Cloth_21", Item = 5, }, { Name = "Wrists", T = "Cloth", Tx = "INV_Bracer_10", Item = 9, }, { Name = "Hands", T = "Cloth", Tx = "INV_Gauntlets_18", Item = 10, }, { Name = "Waist", T = "Cloth", Tx = "INV_Belt_02", Item = 6, }, { Name = "Legs", T = "Cloth", Tx = "INV_Pants_Cloth_01", Item = 7, }, { Name = "Feet", T = "Cloth", Tx = "INV_Boots_Cloth_03", Item = 8, }, { Name = "Back", T = "Cloth", Tx = "INV_Misc_Cape_10", Item = 16, }, }, { Name = "Leather", Tx = "INV_Chest_Leather_01", { Name = "Head", T = "Leather", Tx = "INV_Helmet_43", Item = 1, }, { Name = "Shoulders", T = "Leather", Tx = "INV_Shoulder_09", Item = 3, }, { Name = "Chest", T = "Leather", Tx = "INV_Chest_Cloth_21", Item = 5, }, { Name = "Wrists", T = "Leather", Tx = "INV_Bracer_10", Item = 9, }, { Name = "Hands", T = "Leather", Tx = "INV_Gauntlets_18", Item = 10, }, { Name = "Waist", T = "Leather", Tx = "INV_Belt_02", Item = 6, }, { Name = "Legs", T = "Leather", Tx = "INV_Pants_Cloth_01", Item = 7, }, { Name = "Feet", T = "Leather", Tx = "INV_Boots_Cloth_03", Item = 8, }, }, { Name = "Mail", Tx = "INV_Chest_Chain_05", { Name = "Head", T = "Mail", Tx = "INV_Helmet_43", Item = 1, }, { Name = "Shoulders", T = "Mail", Tx = "INV_Shoulder_09", Item = 3, }, { Name = "Chest", T = "Mail", Tx = "INV_Chest_Cloth_21", Item = 5, }, { Name = "Wrists", T = "Mail", Tx = "INV_Bracer_10", Item = 9, }, { Name = "Hands", T = "Mail", Tx = "INV_Gauntlets_18", Item = 10, }, { Name = "Waist", T = "Mail", Tx = "INV_Belt_02", Item = 6, }, { Name = "Legs", T = "Mail", Tx = "INV_Pants_Cloth_01", Item = 7, }, { Name = "Feet", T = "Mail", Tx = "INV_Boots_Cloth_03", Item = 8, }, }, { Name = "Plate", Tx = "INV_Chest_Plate05", { Name = "Head", T = "Plate", Tx = "INV_Helmet_43", Item = 1, }, { Name = "Shoulders", T = "Plate", Tx = "INV_Shoulder_09", Item = 3, }, { Name = "Chest", T = "Plate", Tx = "INV_Chest_Cloth_21", Item = 5, }, { Name = "Wrists", T = "Plate", Tx = "INV_Bracer_10", Item = 9, }, { Name = "Hands", T = "Plate", Tx = "INV_Gauntlets_18", Item = 10, }, { Name = "Waist", T = "Plate", Tx = "INV_Belt_02", Item = 6, }, { Name = "Legs", T = "Plate", Tx = "INV_Pants_Cloth_01", Item = 7, }, { Name = "Feet", T = "Plate", Tx = "INV_Boots_Cloth_03", Item = 8, }, }, { -- Name = "Shields", T = "Shields", Tx = "INV_Shield_04", Item = -9, }, }, { Name = "Consumables", Tx = "INV_Alchemy_Elixir_Empty", { Name = "Foods & Drinks", T = "Food & Drink", Tx = "INV_Misc_Food_64", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Potions & Elixirs", T = "Potion^Elixir", Tx = "INV_Alchemy_Elixir_05", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Flasks", T = "Flask", Tx = "INV_Alchemy_EndlessFlask_03", Item = -9, }, }, { Name = "Miscellaneous", Tx = "INV_Jewelry_Ring_42", { Name = "Gems", Tx = "INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02", { Name = "Six Colors", T = "Red^Orange^Yellow^Green^Blue^Purple", Tx = "INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_01", Item = -9, }, { T = "Red", Tx = "INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03", Item = -9, }, { T = "Orange", Tx = "INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03", Item = -9, }, { T = "Yellow", Tx = "INV_Jewelcrafting_Dawnstone_03", Item = -9, }, { T = "Green", Tx = "INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03", Item = -9, }, { T = "Blue", Tx = "INV_Jewelcrafting_StarOfElune_03", Item = -9, }, { T = "Purple", Tx = "INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03", Item = -9, }, { T = "Meta", Item = -9, }, { T = "Prismatic", Tx = "INV_Enchant_PrismaticSphere", Item = -9, }, }, { Name = "Glyphs", Tx = "INV_Glyph_MajorDeathKnight", { Name = "Death Knight", -- Need name because of space T = "Death Knight", Item = -9, }, { T = "Druid", Item = -9, }, { T = "Hunter", Item = -9, }, { T = "Mage", Item = -9, }, { T = "Paladin", Item = -9, }, { T = "Priest", Item = -9, }, { T = "Rogue", Item = -9, }, { T = "Shaman", Item = -9, }, { T = "Warlock", Item = -9, }, { T = "Warrior", Item = -9, }, { T = "Monk", Item = -9, }, }, { Name = "Necklaces", T = "Miscellaneous", Tx = "INV_Jewelry_Necklace_02", Item = 2, }, { Name = "Rings", T = "Miscellaneous", Tx = "INV_Jewelry_Ring_03", Item = 11, }, { Name = "Trinkets", T = "Miscellaneous", Tx = "INV_Jewelry_TrinketPVP_02", Item = 12, }, { Name = "Off-Hand", T = "Miscellaneous", Tx = "INV_Offhand_Hyjal_D_01", Item = 23, }, { Name = "Idols", T = "Idols", Tx = "INV_Misc_Idol_03", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Librams", T = "Librams", Tx = "INV_Misc_Idol_03", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Sigils", T = "Sigils", Tx = "INV_Misc_Idol_03", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Totems", T = "Totems", Tx = "INV_Misc_Idol_03", Item = -9, }, }, { Name = "Professions", Tx = "Trade_Tailoring", { Name = "Alchemy", T = "Alchemy", Tx = "Trade_Alchemy", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Blacksmithing", T = "Blacksmithing", Tx = "Trade_Blacksmithing", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Cooking", T = "Cooking", Tx = "INV_Misc_Food_15", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Enchanting", T = "Enchanting", Tx = "Trade_Engraving", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Engineering", T = "Engineering", Tx = "Trade_Engineering", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Jewelcrafting", T = "Jewelcrafting", Tx = "INV_Misc_Gem_02", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Leatherworking", T = "Leatherworking", Tx = "INV_Misc_ArmorKit_17", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Tailoring", T = "Tailoring", Tx = "Trade_Tailoring", Item = -9, }, }, { Name = "Weapons", Tx = "Achievement_Arena_3v3_4", { Name = "One-Handed", Tx = "INV_Sword_04", { Name = "Daggers", T = "Daggers", Tx = "INV_Weapon_ShortBlade_01", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Fist Weapons", T = "Fist Weapons", Tx = "INV_Weapon_Hand_02", Item = -9, }, { Name = "One-Handed Axes", T = "One-Handed Axes", Tx = "INV_Axe_01", Item = -9, }, { Name = "One-Handed Maces", T = "One-Handed Maces", Tx = "INV_Mace_04", Item = -9, }, { Name = "One-Handed Swords", T = "One-Handed Swords", Tx = "INV_Sword_04", Item = -9, }, }, { Name = "Two-Handed", Tx = "INV_Sword_25", { Name = "Polearms", T = "Polearms", Tx = "INV_Spear_06", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Staves", T = "Staves", Tx = "INV_Staff_10", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Two-Handed Axes", T = "Two-Handed Axes", Tx = "INV_Axe_01", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Two-Handed Maces", T = "Two-Handed Maces", Tx = "INV_Mace_04", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Two-Handed Swords", T = "Two-Handed Swords", Tx = "INV_Sword_25", Item = -9, }, }, { Name = "Ranged", Tx = "INV_Weapon_Bow_07", { Name = "Arrows", T = "Arrow", Tx = "INV_Misc_Ammo_Arrow_01", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Bullets", T = "Bullet", Tx = "INV_Misc_Ammo_Bullet_02", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Bows", T = "Bows", Tx = "INV_Weapon_Bow_07", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Crossbows", T = "Crossbows", Tx = "INV_Weapon_Crossbow_02", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Guns", T = "Guns", Tx = "INV_Weapon_Rifle_01", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Thrown", T = "Thrown", Tx = "INV_ThrowingKnife_02", Item = -9, }, { Name = "Wands", T = "Wands", Tx = "INV_Wand_11", Item = -9, }, }, }, { Name = "Creatures", Tx = "Spell_Frost_Stun", Item = -8, }, } Nx.Map.Guide.ItemStatNames = { "", -- Allowable Classes "^%d - %d %s", -- Damage "^\tSpeed %.2f\n", "^+%d - %d %s\n", -- Damage2 (extra stuff) "^(%.1f damage per second)\n", "Armor^%d Armor\n", "Block^%d Block\n", "Stamina", "Agility", "Strength", "Intellect", "Spirit", "Attack Power", "Spell Power", "Crit Rating", "Haste Rating", "Hit Rating", "Resilience", "Defense Rating", "Dodge Rating", "Parry Rating", "Shield Block Rating", "Expertise Rating", "Arcane Resistance", "Fire Resistance", "Frost Resistance", "Nature Resistance", "Shadow Resistance", "^|TInterface\\ItemSocketingFrame\\UI-EmptySocket-Meta:16:16|t Meta Socket\n", "^|TInterface\\ItemSocketingFrame\\UI-EmptySocket-Red:16:16|t Red Socket\n", "^|TInterface\\ItemSocketingFrame\\UI-EmptySocket-Yellow:16:16|t Yellow Socket\n", "^|TInterface\\ItemSocketingFrame\\UI-EmptySocket-Blue:16:16|t Blue Socket\n", "", -- Required skill } Nx.Map.Guide.ItemStatLen = { -3, -1, 3, -1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2 } Nx.Map.Guide.ItemStatAllowableClass = { "Death Knight", "Druid", "Hunter", "Mage", "Paladin", "Priest", "Rogue", "Shaman", "Warlock", "Warrior", "Monk", } Nx.Map.Guide.ItemStatRequiredSkill = { "Alchemy", "Blacksmithing", "Cooking", "Enchanting", "Engineering", "First Aid", "Fishing", "Herbalism", "Jewelcrafting", "Leatherworking", "Mining", "Inscription", "Riding", "Tailoring" } Nx.Map.Guide.ItemTypeNames = { "Arrow^Projectile","Bullet^Projectile","Bow^Ranged","Crossbow^Ranged","Gun^Ranged", "Fist Weapon","Dagger","Axe","Mace","Sword", "Polearm^Two-Hand","Staff^Two-Hand","Axe^Two-Hand","Mace^Two-Hand","Sword^Two-Hand", "Thrown^Thrown", "Wand^Ranged", "Idol^Relic", "Libram^Relic", "Sigil^Relic", "Totem^Relic", "Shield^Off Hand", "Cloth^1", "Cloth^3", "Cloth^5", "Cloth^6", "Cloth^7", "Cloth^8", "Cloth^9", "Cloth^10", "Cloth^16", "Leather^1", "Leather^3", "Leather^5", "Leather^6", "Leather^7", "Leather^8", "Leather^9", "Leather^10", "Mail^1", "Mail^3", "Mail^5", "Mail^6", "Mail^7", "Mail^8", "Mail^9", "Mail^10", "Plate^1", "Plate^3", "Plate^5", "Plate^6", "Plate^7", "Plate^8", "Plate^9", "Plate^10", "Miscellaneous^2", "Miscellaneous^11", "Miscellaneous^12", "Miscellaneous^23", "Alchemy","Blacksmithing","Cooking","Enchanting","Engineering", "Jewelcrafting","Leatherworking","Tailoring", "Food", "Elixir", "Flask", "Potion", "Death Knight", -- Glyphs "Druid", "Hunter", "Mage", "Paladin", "Priest", "Rogue", "Shaman", "Warlock", "Warrior", "Monk", "Red", -- Gems "Yellow", "Blue", "Orange", "Green", "Purple", "Meta", "Prismatic", } Nx.Map.Guide.ItemSlotNames = { "Head", "Neck", "Shoulder", "", "Chest", "Waist", "Legs", "Feet", "Wrist", "Hands", "Finger", "Trinket", [16] = "Back", [23] = "Off Hand", } --Interface\ICONS\INV_Pants_02 --Interface\ICONS\INV_Gauntlets_18 --Interface\ICONS\INV_Belt_02 --Interface\ICONS\INV_Boots_03 --Interface\ICONS\INV_Sword_04 function Nx.Map.Guide:ItemInit() self.ItemBindT = { "", "Binds when picked up\n", "Binds when equipped\n", "Binds when used\n" } self.ItemHandT = { "One-Hand", "Main Hand", "Off Hand" } self.ItemDamageT = { "Damage", "Holy Damage", "Fire Damage", "Nature Damage", "Frost Damage", "Shadow Damage", "Arcane Damage" } self.ItemTriggerT = { "Use: ", "Equip: ", "Chance on hit: ", "", "", "", "Use: " } -- #4 is mine for descriptions local folder = self:FindFolder ("Items") assert (folder) for n, data in pairs (self.ItemCats) do -- Nx.prt ("Item %s", data.T) folder[n] = data -- Copy over end self.ItemCats = nil end function Nx.Map.Guide:ItemsUpdateFolder (folder) if folder[1] then -- Have items? return end -- Nx.prt ("ItemsUpdateFolder %s", folder.Name) self:ItemsLoad() local root = CarboniteItems if not root then folder[1] = { Name = "CarboniteItems addon missing" } return end if folder.Item == -8 then if not folder[1] then -- Not created? self:ItemsInitCreatureFolders (folder) end return end local typs = { strsplit ("^", folder.T) } for _, typ in ipairs (typs) do local items = folder.ItemData or root[folder.Item < 0 and typ or typ .. folder.Item] -- Nx.prt ("%s %s cat %s", folder.Name, typ, folder.Item or "nil") assert (items) for n = 1, #items, 3 do local id = (strbyte (items, n) - 35) * 48841 + (strbyte (items, n + 1) - 35) * 221 + strbyte (items, n + 2) - 35 self:ItemsAddItem (folder, id) end sort (folder, function (a, b) return a.Sort < b.Sort end) -- Default to alphabetical end end function Nx.Map.Guide:ItemsInitCreatureFolders (folder) local cSrc = CarboniteItems["CSrc"] for areaName, areaData in pairs (cSrc) do local areaT = {} tinsert (folder, areaT) areaT.Name = strsub (areaName, 4) local aMin = strbyte (areaName) - 35 local aMax = strbyte (areaName, 2) - 35 local aGroup = strbyte (areaName, 3) - 35 if aMin == aMax then areaT.Column2 = format ("%2d", aMin) else areaT.Column2 = format ("%2d-%d", aMin, aMax) end areaT.Column3 = format ("%2d-Man", aGroup) for cName, cData in pairs (areaData) do local cT = {} tinsert (areaT, cT) local dif = strbyte (cName) cName = strsub (cName, 2) if dif - 35 > 1 then cName = cName .. " (Heroic)" end cT.Name = cName cT.T = "#" cT.Item = -9 cT.ItemData = cData -- for n = 1, #cData, 3 do -- local id = (strbyte (cData, n) - 35) * 48841 + (strbyte (cData, n + 1) - 35) * 221 + strbyte (cData, n + 2) - 35 -- self:ItemsAddItem (cT, id) -- end -- sort (cT, function (a, b) return a.Name < b.Name end) -- Default to alphabetical end sort (areaT, function (a, b) return a.Name < b.Name end) -- Default to alphabetical end sort (folder, function (a, b) return a.Name < b.Name end) -- Default to alphabetical end function Nx.Map.Guide:ItemsAddItem (folder, id) local root = CarboniteItems local info, stats, statsExtra, src = strsplit ("\t", root["Items"][id]) if not info then Nx.prt ("bad %s", id) end local flags = strbyte (info, 2) - 35 -- if id == 49968 then -- Nx.prt ("%d flags %x", id, flags) -- end local unique = bit.band (flags, 4) > 0 local binding = bit.band (bit.rshift (flags, 3), 3) + 1 local iMin = strbyte (info, 3) - 35 local iLvl = (strbyte (info, 4) - 35) * 221 + strbyte (info, 5) - 35 local quality = strbyte (info, 6) - 35 local name = "" for n = 7, #info - 1, 2 do local h, l = strbyte (info, n, n + 1) name = name .. root.Words[(h - 35) * 221 + l - 35] .. " " end item = {} tinsert (folder, item) item.Name = Nx.QualityColors[quality] .. name item.Sort = name stats = self:ItemsUnpackStats (stats) statsExtra = self:ItemsUnpackStatsExtra (statsExtra, id) local srcStr = self:ItemsUnpackSource (src, item) local im = max (iMin, 0) item.Column2 = format ("L%2d i%3d", im, iLvl) item.Column3 = format ("%s", srcStr) local _, iLink, iRarity, lvl, minLvl, iType, subType, stackCount, equipLoc, tx = GetItemInfo (id) item.Link = iLink -- item.Link = format ("|cffffff00|Hitem:%s:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[%s]|h|r", id, id) item.Tx = tx and gsub (tx, "Interface\\Icons\\", "") or "INV_Misc_QuestionMark" -- Nx.prt ("Tx %s %s", name, tx or "nil") local typ, slot = strsplit ("^", self.ItemTypeNames[strbyte (info) - 35]) local i = tonumber (slot) if i then slot = self.ItemSlotNames[i] elseif not slot then local i = bit.band (flags, 3) if i > 0 then -- One handed item? slot = self.ItemHandT[i] else slot = typ -- Switch to left column typ = "" end end local s = item.Name .. "\n" .. self.ItemBindT[binding] if unique then s = s .. "Unique\n" end if iMin > 0 then -- Have min? if bit.band (flags, 0x20) == 0 then -- Not from a quest? stats = stats .. format ("Requires Level %d\n", iMin) else stats = stats .. format ("Quest Level %d\n", iMin) end end item.Tip = format ("%s%s\n%s%s%s", s, slot .. "\t" .. typ, stats, statsExtra, srcStr) item.FilterText = item.Tip end function Nx.Map.Guide:ItemsUnpackStats (stats) if #stats == 0 then return "" end local sb = strbyte local out = "" local n = 1 while n <= #stats do -- Nx.prtStrHex ("Stat", strsub (stats, n, n + 3)) -- assert (sb (stats, n + 3)) local typ = sb (stats, n) - 35 local name, spec = strsplit ("^", self.ItemStatNames[typ] or "?") local val = 0 local len = self.ItemStatLen[typ] if len == 1 then val = sb (stats, n + 1) - 35 n = n + 2 elseif len == 2 then val = (sb (stats, n + 1) - 35) * 221 + sb (stats, n + 2) - 35 - 1000 n = n + 3 elseif len == 3 then val = ((sb (stats, n + 1) - 35) * 48841 + (sb (stats, n + 2) - 35) * 221 + sb (stats, n + 3) - 35 - 1000) * .1 n = n + 4 elseif len == -1 then -- Damage local damTyp = sb (stats, n + 1) - 34 -- Base 1 local damMin = (sb (stats, n + 2) - 35) * 221 + sb (stats, n + 3) - 35 local damMax = (sb (stats, n + 4) - 35) * 221 + sb (stats, n + 5) - 35 if damMin == damMax then spec = gsub (spec, " -- %%d", "") out = out .. format (spec, damMin, self.ItemDamageT[damTyp]) -- Nx.prt (spec, damMin, self.ItemDamageT[damTyp]) else out = out .. format (spec, damMin, damMax, self.ItemDamageT[damTyp]) end n = n + 6 elseif len == -2 then -- Required skill local skTyp = sb (stats, n + 1) - 35 local skill = (sb (stats, n + 2) - 35) * 221 + sb (stats, n + 3) - 35 out = out .. format ("Requires %s (%d)\n", self.ItemStatRequiredSkill[skTyp], skill) n = n + 4 elseif len == -3 then -- Allowable Classes local s = "" local cnt = sb (stats, n + 1) - 35 for n2 = 1, cnt do local cls = sb (stats, n + 1 + n2) - 35 s = s .. format ("%s, ", self.ItemStatAllowableClass[cls]) end out = out .. format ("Classes: %s\n", s) n = n + 2 + cnt else n = n + 1 end if len >= 0 then if spec then out = out .. format (spec, val) else out = out .. format ("%+d %s\n", val, name) end end end return out end function Nx.Map.Guide:ItemsUnpackStatsExtra (stats, id) if #stats == 0 then return "" end -- Nx.prt ("Item %s", id) local sb = strbyte local words = CarboniteItems["Words"] local out = "" local n = 1 while n < #stats do local trigger = sb (stats, n) - 35 local len = sb (stats, n + 1) - 35 -- local len = (sb (stats, n + 1) - 35) * 221 + sb (stats, n + 2) - 35 -- local desc = strsub (stats, n + 3, n + 2 + len) local desc = "" for n2 = n + 2, n + 1 + len, 2 do local h, l = strbyte (stats, n2, n2 + 1) -- if not h or id == 9492 then -- Nx.prtStrHex (format ("%s %s %s", id, n2, len), stats) -- end desc = desc .. words[(h - 35) * 221 + l - 35] .. " " end out = out .. format ("|cff10f010%s%s\n", self.ItemTriggerT[trigger], desc) n = n + 2 + len end return out end function Nx.Map.Guide:ItemsUnpackSource (src, item) if #src == 0 then return "" end local itemDiff = { "", "normal", "heroic" } local ratesT = { ".1%", "1-2%", "3-14%", "15-24%", "25-50%", "51%-99%", "100%" } local s = "" local typ = strbyte (src, 1) if typ == 99 then -- c (creature drop) local cnt = strbyte (src, 2) - 35 for n = 1, cnt do end local rate = ratesT[strbyte (src, 2) - 34] -- Make base 1 local i = (strbyte (src, 3) - 35) * 221 + strbyte (src, 4) - 35 local creature = CarboniteItems["Sources"][i] local dif = itemDiff[strbyte (creature, 1) - 34] -- Make base 1 s = format ("Creature drop: %s %s (%s)", strsub (creature, 2), dif, rate) elseif typ == 111 then -- o (object) s = format ("Container: %s", strsub (src, 2)) elseif typ == 113 then -- q (quest) local cnt = strbyte (src, 2) - 35 local qs = "" for n = 1, cnt do if n > 1 then qs = qs .. ", " end local i = n * 2 local id = (strbyte (src, 1 + i) - 35) * 221 + strbyte (src, 2 + i) - 35 local q = Nx.Quest.IdToQuest[id] if q then item.QId = id local qName, _, lvl = Nx.Quest:Unpack (q[1]) qs = qs .. format ("[%d] %s", lvl, qName) else qs = qs .. id end end s = format ("Quest: %s", qs) elseif typ == 115 then -- s (spell) -- local cnt = strbyte (src, 2) - 35 s = format ("Spell") elseif typ == 118 then -- v (vendor) local cnt = strbyte (src, 2) - 35 local i = (strbyte (src, 3) - 35) * 221 + strbyte (src, 4) - 35 local vendor = CarboniteItems["Sources"][i] s = format ("Vendor: %s", vendor) if cnt > 4 then s = s .. " (" .. cnt .. " Total)" end elseif typ == 119 then -- w (world drop) if #src == 1 then return "World drop" end local maxRate = ratesT[strbyte (src, 2) - 34] -- Make base 1 local cnt = strbyte (src, 3) - 35 s = format ("World drop: %s (%s)", strsub (src, 4), maxRate) if cnt > 1 then s = s .. " (" .. cnt .. " Total)" end else s = format ("%s?", typ) end return "|cff8080e0" .. s end function Nx.Map.Guide:ItemsLoad() if CarboniteItems then return end if not LoadAddOn ("CarboniteItems") then Nx.prt ("CarboniteItems addon could not be loaded!") return end if not CarboniteItems then Nx.prt ("CarboniteItems addon error!") return end Nx.prt ("CarboniteItems loaded") end -------- function Nx.Map.Guide:ItemsFree() -- Nx.prt ("Guide free") local folder = self:FindFolder ("Items") self:ItemsFreeChildren (folder) collectgarbage ("collect") end function Nx.Map.Guide:ItemsFreeChildren (folder) for n, v in ipairs (folder) do if folder.Item and folder.Item ~= -8 then folder[n] = nil -- Nx.prt ("free %s", v.Name or "nil") else self:ItemsFreeChildren (v) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- EOF