--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NxMapData - Map code -- Copyright 2007-2012 Carbon Based Creations, LLC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Carbonite - Addon for World of Warcraft(tm) -- Copyright 2007-2012 Carbon Based Creations, LLC -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ 4 = Durotar 9 = Mulgore 11 = Barrens (Northern Barrens) 13 = Kalimdor (continent 1) 14 = Azeroth (continent 2) 15 = Alterac 16 = Arathi 17 = Badlands 19 = BlastedLands 20 = Tirisfal 21 = Silverpine 22 = WesternPlaguelands 23 = EasternPlaguelands 24 = Hilsbrad 26 = Hinterlands 27 = DunMorogh 28 = SearingGorge 29 = BurningSteppes 30 = Elwynn 32 = DeadwindPass 34 = Duskwood 35 = LochModan 36 = Redridge 37 = Stranglethorn (Northern Stranglethorn) 38 = SwampOfSorrows 39 = Westfall 40 = Wetlands 41 = Teldrassil 42 = Darkshore 43 = Ashenvale 61 = ThousandNeedles 81 = StonetalonMountains 101 = Desolace 121 = Feralas 141 = Dustwallow 161 = Tanaris 181 = Aszhara 182 = Felwood 201 = UngoroCrater 241 = Moonglade 261 = Silithus 281 = Winterspring 301 = Stormwind 321 = Ogrimmar 341 = Ironforge 362 = ThunderBluff 381 = Darnassis 382 = Undercity 401 = AlteracValley 443 = WarsongGulch 461 = ArathiBasin 462 = EversongWoods 463 = Ghostlands 464 = AzuremystIsle 465 = Hellfire 466 = Expansion01 (continent 3 Outland) 467 = Zangarmarsh 471 = TheExodar 473 = ShadowmoonValley 475 = BladesEdgeMountains 476 = BloodmystIsle 477 = Nagrand 478 = TerokkarForest 479 = Netherstorm 480 = SilvermoonCity 481 = ShattrathCity 482 = NetherstormArena 485 = Northrend (continent 4) 486 = BoreanTundra 488 = Dragonblight 490 = GrizzlyHills 491 = HowlingFjord 492 = IcecrownGlacier 493 = SholazarBasin 495 = TheStormPeaks 496 = ZulDrak 499 = Sunwell 501 = LakeWintergrasp 502 = ScarletEnclave 504 = Dalaran 510 = CrystalsongForest 512 = StrandoftheAncients 520 = TheNexus 521 = CoTStratholme 522 = Ahnkahet 523 = UtgardeKeep 524 = UtgardePinnacle 525 = HallsofLightning 526 = Ulduar77 527 = TheEyeofEternity 528 = Nexus80 529 = Ulduar 530 = Gundrak 531 = TheObsidianSanctum 532 = VaultofArchavon 533 = AzjolNerub 534 = DrakTharonKeep 535 = Naxxramas 536 = VioletHold 540 = IsleofConquest 541 = HrothgarsLanding 542 = TheArgentColiseum 609 = RubySanctum Cataclysm -- Continent 1 606 = Mount Hyjal 607 = Southern Barrens 720 = Uldum 772 = Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom -- Continent 2 689 = Stranglethorn Vale (full map) 673 = The Cape of Stranglethorn (south part) -- Continent 2 (Vashj'ir sub continent of EK) 613 = Vashj'ir (full map) 610 = Kelp'thar Forest 614 = Abyssal Depths 615 = Shimmering Expanse -- Continent 5 (The Maelstrom) 751 = The Maelstrom (continent) 544 = The Lost Isles (goblin starting) 605 = Kezan (goblin city) 640 = Deepholm 737 = The Maelstrom 545 = Gilneas (starting phase) 611 = GilneasCity (starting city phase) 626 = TwinPeaks (battle ground) 680 = RagefireChasm 685 = Ruins of Gilneas City (Worgen city) 686 = ZulFarrak 687 = TheTempleOfAtalHakkar 688 = BlackfathomDeeps 690 = TheStockade 691 = Gnomeregan 692 = Uldaman 696 = MoltenCore 699 = DireMaul (multiple layers for each wing) 700 = Twilight Highlands 704 = BlackrockDepths 708 = Tol Barad (battle ground) 709 = Tol Barad Peninsula 717 = RuinsofAhnQiraj 718 = OnyxiasLair 721 = BlackrockSpire 736 = BattleForGilneas (battle ground) 747 = LostCityOfTheTolvir 749 = WailingCaverns 750 = Maraudon 752 = BardinHold 753 = BlackrockCaverns 754 = BlackwingDescent 755 = BlackwingLair 756 = TheDeadmines 757 = GrimBatol 758 = BastionOfTwilight 759 = HallsOfOrigination 760 = RazorfenDowns 761 = RazorfenKraul 762 = ScarletMonastery (multiple layers for each wing) 763 = Scholomance 764 = ShadowfangKeep 765 = Stratholme 766 = AhnQiraj 767 = ThroneOfTheTides 768 = TheStonecore 769 = TheVortexPinnacle 773 = ThroneOfTheFourWinds --]] -- Local local Map = Nx.Map -------- -- Map tables Map.MapGenAreas = { -- Auto gen by ConvertMapData() [122] = { 11.52916601562, -- [1] -1714.166601562, -- [2] -979.5833007819999, -- [3] "boreantundra", -- [4] }, [31] = { 12.92916601564, -- [1] -603.3333007819999, -- [2] -1644.583203126, -- [3] "darkshore", -- [4] }, [125] = { 11.21666625976, -- [1] -725.41665039, -- [2] -1115, -- [3] "dragonblight", -- [4] }, [126] = { 10.49999975586, -- [1] 222.083325196, -- [2] -1103.333300782, -- [3] "grizzlyhills", -- [4] }, [32] = { 3.07916674804, -- [1] -637.5, -- [2] -2092.91660156, -- [3] "darnassus", -- [4] }, [128] = { 12.541666625976, -- [1] -1088.75, -- [2] -1885.416601562, -- [3] "icecrownglacier", -- [4] }, [33] = { 4.999999877923999, -- [1] 166.6666625976, -- [2] 1973.333203126, -- [3] "deadwindpass", -- [4] }, [132] = { 9.987500000000001, -- [1] 120, -- [2] -1533.749902344, -- [3] "zuldrak", -- [4] }, [35] = { 8.99166601562, -- [1] -846.666601562, -- [2] -90.4166625976, -- [3] "desolace", -- [4] }, [37] = { 9.795833007819999, -- [1] -427.5, -- [2] 788.3333007819999, -- [3] "dunmorogh", -- [4] }, [38] = { 10.57499926758, -- [1] 392.499975586, -- [2] -361.66665039, -- [3] "durotar", -- [4] }, [39] = { 5.399999877936, -- [1] -166.6666625976, -- [2] 1943.333203126, -- [3] "duskwood", -- [4] }, [10] = { 11.02916699218, -- [1] 674.5833007819999, -- [2] -1076.25, -- [3] "aszhara", -- [4] }, [40] = { 10.5, -- [1] 195, -- [2] 406.666796876, -- [3] "dustwallow", -- [4] }, [41] = { 8.0625, -- [1] 457.5, -- [2] -740.8333007819999, -- [3] "easternplaguelands", -- [4] }, [164] = { 2.704166381844, -- [1] -425.833300782, -- [2] 1546.249902344, -- [3] "kezan", -- [4] }, [42] = { 6.94166650392, -- [1] -307.083325196, -- [2] 1587.916601562, -- [3] "elwynn", -- [4] }, [168] = { 5.60416601562, -- [1] -1014.166601562, -- [2] 803.749951172, -- [3] "vashjirkelpforest", -- [4] }, [43] = { 9.85, -- [1] 897.5, -- [2] -2208.33320312, -- [3] "eversongwoods", -- [4] }, [11] = { 8.1416660156, -- [1] 2100, -- [2] 558.75, -- [3] "azuremystisle", -- [4] }, [174] = { 10.19999975586, -- [1] -610.41665039, -- [2] -559.16665039, -- [3] "deepholm", -- [4] }, [45] = { 12.12499926758, -- [1] -359.583325196, -- [2] -1447.499902344, -- [3] "felwood", -- [4] }, [180] = { 10.54166601562, -- [1] 487.5, -- [2] 431.25, -- [3] "twilighthighlands_terrain1", -- [4] }, [46] = { 13.89999951172, -- [1] -1088.333300782, -- [2] 473.333300782, -- [3] "feralas", -- [4] }, [47] = { 6.600000000000001, -- [1] 1056.666601562, -- [2] -1653.333203126, -- [3] "ghostlands", -- [4] }, [12] = { 6.14166650392, -- [1] 380.41665039, -- [2] 1170.833300782, -- [3] "badlands", -- [4] }, [213] = { 3.6375, -- [1] 2562.91640626, -- [2] 720.833203124, -- [3] "ammenvalestart", -- [4] }, [215] = { 3.6125, -- [1] 898.3332031260001, -- [2] 105, -- [3] "echoislesstart", -- [4] }, [217] = { 2.700000000000001, -- [1] 728.3332031259999, -- [2] -0, -- [3] "valleyoftrialsstart", -- [4] }, [219] = { 2.17916796876, -- [1] -429.583398438, -- [2] -454.166601562, -- [3] "deathknellstart", -- [4] }, [221] = { 1.9375, -- [1] -37.5, -- [2] 1714.16640625, -- [3] "northshire", -- [4] }, [55] = { 10.32916601562, -- [1] -1107.916601562, -- [2] -296.25, -- [3] "hellfire", -- [4] }, [56] = { 9.724999755860001, -- [1] -369.999975586, -- [2] -296.25, -- [3] "hillsbradfoothills", -- [4] }, [57] = { 1.581250122062, -- [1] 142.7182739258, -- [2] 913.8482421880001, -- [3] "ironforge", -- [4] }, [218] = { 1.929166015626, -195.8333984376, 1192.5, "coldridgevalley", }, [220] = { 3.7, -- [1] -241.25, -- [2] 945.416796876, -- [3] "newtinkertownstart", -- [4] }, [222] = { 3.2, -- [1] 1076.666796876, -- [2] -2166.66660156, -- [3] "sunstriderislestart", -- [4] }, [59] = { 5.51666625976, -- [1] 398.749975586, -- [2] 897.5, -- [3] "lochmodan", -- [4] }, [214] = { 3.53333593751, -- [1] -46.666796875, -- [2] 515.416796876, -- [3] "campnarachestart", -- [4] }, [216] = { 2.90000195313, -- [1] -298.333398438, -- [2] -2206.66660156, -- [3] "shadowglenstart", -- [4] }, [146] = { 6.325, -- [1] 809.5833007819999, -- [2] -617.5, -- [3] "scarletenclave", -- [4] }, [199] = { 2.379166625976, -- [1] -186.6666625976, -- [2] -340.41665039, -- [3] "moltenfront", -- [4] }, [197] = { 8.099999664314, -- [1] -778.3333007819999, -- [2] 1606.666601562, -- [3] "ahnqirajthefallenkingdom", -- [4] }, [62] = { 4.6166665039, -- [1] 276.25, -- [2] -1698.333203126, -- [3] "moonglade", -- [4] }, [166] = { 14.825, -- [1] -271.25, -- [2] -40.8333312988, -- [3] "southernbarrens", -- [4] }, [63] = { 10.89999951172, -- [1] -440.833300782, -- [2] 33.75, -- [3] "mulgore", -- [4] }, [169] = { 1.7791665039, -- [1] -386.66665039, -- [2] 261.25, -- [3] "gilneascity", -- [4] }, [64] = { 11.04999999998, -- [1] -2059.16660156, -- [2] -8.333332824699999, -- [3] "nagrand", -- [4] }, [129] = { 8.7125, -- [1] -1385.833300782, -- [2] -1457.499902344, -- [3] "sholazarbasin", -- [4] }, [66] = { 11.149999343867, -- [1] -1096.666601562, -- [2] -1091.25, -- [3] "netherstorm", -- [4] }, [182] = { 3.675, -- [1] -482.5, -- [2] -75.4166625976, -- [3] "tolbaraddailyarea", -- [4] }, [68] = { 3.47875, -- [1] 701.2708007819999, -- [2] -497.33334961, -- [3] "orgrimmar", -- [4] }, [170] = { 13.89166552736, -- [1] -1750.833203126, -- [2] 744.16665039, -- [3] "vashjir", -- [4] }, [179] = { 13.10416601562, -- [1] -595.41665039, -- [2] 2192.91660156, -- [3] "stranglethornvale", -- [4] }, [178] = { 1.7791665039, -- [1] -386.66665039, -- [2] 261.25, -- [3] "ruinsofgilneascity", -- [4] }, [72] = { 5.13749975586, -- [1] 295.833325196, -- [2] 1702.916601562, -- [3] "redridge", -- [4] }, [177] = { 6.2916665039, -- [1] -687.91665039, -- [2] 106.6666625976, -- [3] "ruinsofgilneas", -- [4] }, [175] = { 7.89166625976, -- [1] -421.66665039, -- [2] 2503.33320312, -- [3] "thecapeofstranglethorn", -- [4] }, [19] = { 10.84999951172, -- [1] -1769.166601562, -- [2] -881.666601562, -- [3] "bladesedgemountains", -- [4] }, [76] = { 4.462499694831999, -- [1] 64.58333129880001, -- [2] 1220, -- [3] "searinggorge", -- [4] }, [172] = { 9.699999267579999, -- [1] -1336.249902344, -- [2] 951.25, -- [3] "vashjirruins", -- [4] }, [78] = { 11, -- [1] -845, -- [2] 389.583325196, -- [3] "shadowmoonvalley", -- [4] }, [79] = { 2.6125, -- [1] -1227.051757812, -- [2] 294.790893554, -- [3] "shattrathcity", -- [4] }, [80] = { 8.116666503899999, -- [1] -596.66665039, -- [2] 1174.583300782, -- [3] "silithus", -- [4] }, [81] = { 2.42291699218, -- [1] 1280.15, -- [2] -2030.74179688, -- [3] "silvermooncity", -- [4] }, [82] = { 8.399999511719999, -- [1] -689.999951172, -- [2] -333.333325196, -- [3] "silverpine", -- [4] }, [83] = { 11.79999975586, -- [1] -780.41665039, -- [2] -680.8333007819999, -- [3] "stonetalonmountains", -- [4] }, [84] = { 3.4749999179908, -- [1] -344.583325196, -- [2] 1599.166601562, -- [3] "stormwindcity", -- [4] }, [85] = { 8.19999975586, -- [1] -348.749975586, -- [2] 2203.33320312, -- [3] "stranglethornjungle", -- [4] }, [171] = { 8.150000000000002, -- [1] -1646.666601562, -- [2] 981.25, -- [3] "vashjirdepths", -- [4] }, [22] = { 6.304166381844, -- [1] 92.9166625976, -- [2] 1397.083300782, -- [3] "burningsteppes", -- [4] }, [88] = { 5.016666015619999, -- [1] 416.25, -- [2] 1907.083203126, -- [3] "swampofsorrows", -- [4] }, [89] = { 14.4249990310694, -- [1] 12.49999923706, -- [2] 1154.166601562, -- [3] "tanaris", -- [4] }, [90] = { 11.74999951172, -- [1] -847.0833007819999, -- [2] -2369.58320312, -- [3] "teldrassil", -- [4] }, [181] = { 4.02916658497544, -- [1] -402.083325196, -- [2] 112.0833251954, -- [3] "tolbarad", -- [4] }, [183] = { 12.38749951172, -- [1] -488.333300782, -- [2] 1605.833300782, -- [3] "uldum_terrain1", -- [4] }, [185] = { 3.1, -- [1] -311.25, -- [2] -274.16665039, -- [3] "themaelstrom", -- [4] }, [165] = { 8.491666748046001, -- [1] 185.8333251954, -- [2] -1239.166601562, -- [3] "hyjal_terrain1", -- [4] }, [163] = { 9.02916601562, -- [1] -876.666601562, -- [2] -576.25, -- [3] "thelostisles_terrain2", -- [4] }, [96] = { 10.79999951172, -- [1] -1416.666601562, -- [2] 199.999987793, -- [3] "terokkarforest", -- [4] }, [97] = { 11.491666656494, -- [1] -40.4166656494, -- [2] -362.083325196, -- [3] "barrens", -- [4] }, [150] = { 7.354166259774, -- [1] -559.5833007819999, -- [2] -2156.25, -- [3] "hrothgarslanding", -- [4] }, [99] = { 2.1135410156, -- [1] 2213.2734375, -- [2] 721.936669922, -- [3] "theexodar", -- [4] }, [100] = { 7.7, -- [1] 315, -- [2] -293.333325196, -- [3] "hinterlands", -- [4] }, [161] = { 6.2916665039, -- [1] -687.91665039, -- [2] 106.6666625976, -- [3] "gilneas_terrain2", -- [4] }, [123] = { 5.44583325196, -- [1] -288.75, -- [2] -1300.416601562, -- [3] "crystalsongforest", -- [4] }, [103] = { 8.799999389643999, -- [1] 86.6666625976, -- [2] 793.3333007819999, -- [3] "thousandneedles", -- [4] }, [104] = { 2.08749987793, -- [1] -103.3333251954, -- [2] 169.999987793, -- [3] "thunderbluff", -- [4] }, [105] = { 9.037499755860001, -- [1] -606.66665039, -- [2] -767.499951172, -- [3] "tirisfal", -- [4] }, [211] = { 1.929166015626, -- [1] -195.8333984376, -- [2] 1192.5, -- [3] "coldridgevalley", -- [4] }, [107] = { 7.399999633796, -- [1] -106.6666625976, -- [2] 1193.333300782, -- [3] "ungorocrater", -- [4] }, [108] = { 1.918750061035, -- [1] -174.6385253906, -- [2] -375.5890625, -- [3] "undercity", -- [4] }, [131] = { 5.94999975586, -- [1] -865.8333007819999, -- [2] -1143.333300782, -- [3] "lakewintergrasp", -- [4] }, [127] = { 12.09166577148, -- [1] 279.583325196, -- [2] -623.3333007819999, -- [3] "howlingfjord", -- [4] }, [111] = { 8.599999816887999, -- [1] -83.33333129880001, -- [2] -673.3333007819999, -- [3] "westernplaguelands", -- [4] }, [112] = { 6.999999633796, -- [1] -603.3333007819999, -- [2] 1880, -- [3] "westfall", -- [4] }, [113] = { 8.270833374023999, -- [1] 77.9166625976, -- [2] 429.583300782, -- [3] "wetlands", -- [4] }, [114] = { 12.299999755866, -- [1] 198.3333251954, -- [2] -1758.75, -- [3] "winterspring", -- [4] }, [115] = { 10.05416699218, -- [1] -1895, -- [2] -387.083325196, -- [3] "zangarmarsh", -- [4] }, [130] = { 14.22499926758, -- [1] -368.333325196, -- [2] -2039.58320312, -- [3] "thestormpeaks", -- [4] }, [4] = { 6.95416650392, -- [1] 225.41665039, -- [2] 28.3333312988, -- [3] "arathi", -- [4] }, [5] = { 11.53333276368, -- [1] -339.999975586, -- [2] -934.5833007819999, -- [3] "ashenvale", -- [4] }, [119] = { 6.654166015640001, -- [1] 1060.416601562, -- [2] -2713.74980468, -- [3] "sunwell", -- [4] }, [20] = { 7.325, -- [1] 238.75, -- [2] 2116.66660156, -- [3] "blastedlands", -- [4] }, [21] = { 6.5249980468, -- [1] 2015, -- [2] 151.6666625976, -- [3] "bloodmystisle", -- [4] }, } Map.MapInfo = { [0] = { -- Dummy Name = "Instance", X = 0, Y = 0, }, { Name = "Kalimdor", FileName = "Kalimdor", X = -1800, -- Was 0 Y = 200, Min = 1001, Max = 1033, }, { Name = "Eastern Kingdoms", FileName = "Azeroth", X = 5884, -- Was 3784 Y = -200, Min = 2001, Max = 2048, }, { Name = "Outland", FileName = "Expansion01", X = 7000, Y = -4000, Min = 3001, Max = 3008, }, { Name = "Northrend", FileName = "Northrend", X = 600, Y = -4500, Min = 4001, Max = 4014, }, { Name = "The Maelstrom", FileName = "TheMaelstromContinent", X = 1375, Y = 100, Min = 5001, Max = 5005, }, [6] = { Name = "Pandaria", FileName = "Pandaria", X = 2400, Y = 2500, Min = 6001, Max = 6011, }, [8] = { Name = "Instance", X = 2000, Y = 100, }, [9] = { Name = "BG", X = 2000, Y = 200, }, } Map.BloodelfXO = -503 Map.BloodelfYO = 516 Map.DraeneiXO = -3500 Map.DraeneiYO = -2010 Map.MapWorldInfo = { -- Dummy if we get a zero on startup [0] = { 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, -- Index 4,5 XY world position created for zones in continents 1-5, 9 Overlay = "barrens", }, [1000] = { 73.3282, -- Scale -3398.85, -2552.91, -- Origin }, [1001] = { Name = "Ashenvale", Fish = 150, QAchievementId = 4925, QAchievementIdH = 4976, }, [1002] = { Name = "Azshara", Fish = 300, QAchievementIdH = 4927, }, [1003] = { Name = "Azuremyst Isle", XOff = Map.DraeneiXO, YOff = Map.DraeneiYO, MId = 1003, Fish = 25, }, [1004] = { Name = "Bloodmyst Isle", XOff = Map.DraeneiXO, YOff = Map.DraeneiYO, MId = 1003, Fish = 75, QAchievementIdA = 4926, }, [1005] = { Name = "Darkshore", Fish = 75, QAchievementIdA = 4928, }, [1006] = { Name = "Darnassus", 2.116669, -- Scale (0.6668302) -587.6726, -2047.663, -- Origin (WH 211.6669, 141.1459) -- -2012.279 -9985.129, 87.5039 35.8759 -- -2400.08 -9702.901, 50.8613 75.8668 Overlay = "darnassis", City = true, MMOutside = true, Fish = 75, }, [1007] = { Name = "Desolace", Fish = 225, QAchievementId = 4930, }, [1008] = { Name = "Durotar", Fish = 25, }, [1009] = { Name = "Dustwallow Marsh", Fish = 225, QAchievementId = 4929, QAchievementIdH = 4978, }, [1010] = { Name = "Felwood", Fish = 300, QAchievementId = 4931, }, [1011] = { Name = "Feralas", Fish = 300, QAchievementId = 4932, QAchievementIdH = 4979, }, [1012] = { Name = "Moonglade", Fish = 300, }, [1013] = { Name = "Mulgore", Fish = 25, }, [1014] = { Name = "Orgrimmar", 2.805208, -- Scale (0.6669141) 736.1202, -454.7754, -- Origin (WH 280.5208, 187.0833) -- 4362.793 -1397.708, 48.63751 93.66625 -- 4452.566 -1601.87, 55.03796 71.84045 Overlay = "ogrimmar", City = true, MMOutside = true, -- MId = 1014, Fish = 75, }, [1015] = { Name = "Silithus", Fish = 425, QAchievementIdA = 4934, }, [1016] = { Name = "Stonetalon Mountains", Fish = 150, QAchievementId = 4936, QAchievementIdH = 4980, }, [1017] = { Name = "Tanaris", Fish = 300, QAchievementId = 4935, }, [1018] = { Name = "Teldrassil", Fish = 25, }, [1019] = { Name = "Northern Barrens", Fish = 75, QAchievementIdH = 4933, }, [1020] = { Name = "The Exodar", XOff = Map.DraeneiXO, YOff = Map.DraeneiYO, City = true, MId = 1003, }, [1021] = { Name = "Thousand Needles", Fish = 225, QAchievementId = 4938, }, [1022] = { Name = "Thunder Bluff", 2.087504, -- Scale (0.666666) -103.3333, 170, -- Origin (WH 208.7504, 139.1668) -- -288.8936 975.1409, 21.8225 17.9843 -- -134.5071 1215.782, 36.614 52.5675 -- -180.5793 1321.172, 32.1999 67.7133 Overlay = "thunderbluff", City = true, MMOutside = true, Fish = 75, }, [1023] = { Name = "Un'Goro Crater", Fish = 300, QAchievementId = 4939, }, [1024] = { Name = "Winterspring", Fish = 425, QAchievementId = 4940, }, -- Cataclysm [1025] = { Name = "Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom", Fish = 1, }, [1026] = { Name = "Mount Hyjal", Fish = 1, QAchievementId = 4870, }, [1027] = { Name = "Southern Barrens", Fish = 75, QAchievementId = 4937, QAchievementIdH = 4981, }, [1028] = { Name = "Uldum", Fish = 75, QAchievementId = 4872, }, -- Mists [1029] = { Name = "Ammen Vale", XOff = Map.DraeneiXO, YOff = Map.DraeneiYO, MId = 1003, StartZone = true, }, [1030] = { Name = "Camp Narache", StartZone = true, }, [1031] = { Name = "Echo Isles", StartZone = true, }, [1032] = { Name = "Shadowglen", StartZone = true, }, [1033] = { Name = "Valley of Trials", StartZone = true, }, [2000] = { 81.53, -- Scale -3645.96, -2249.31, -- Origin }, [2001] = { -- Merged into Hillsbrad Foothills for Cataclysm Name = "Alterac Mountains", 5.599993, -- Scale (0.6666676) -156.6661, -299.9998, -- Origin (WH 559.9993, 373.3334) -- 599.2264 -222.7941, 49.3771 68.4217 -- 830.212 -798.6328, 57.6266 37.5732 Overlay = "alterac", Fish = 225, }, [2002] = { Name = "Arathi Highlands", Fish = 225, QAchievementId = 4896, }, [2003] = { Name = "Badlands", QAchievementId = 4900, }, [2004] = { Name = "Blasted Lands", QAchievementId = 4909, }, [2005] = { Name = "Burning Steppes", Fish = 425, QAchievementId = 4901, }, [2006] = { Name = "Deadwind Pass", Fish = 425, }, [2007] = { Name = "Dun Morogh", Fish = 25, }, [2008] = { Name = "Duskwood", Fish = 150, QAchievementIdA = 4907, }, [2009] = { Name = "Eastern Plaguelands", Fish = 425, QAchievementId = 4892, }, [2010] = { Name = "Elwynn Forest", Fish = 25, }, [2011] = { Name = "Eversong Woods", XOff = Map.BloodelfXO, YOff = Map.BloodelfYO, MId = 2011, Fish = 25, }, [2012] = { Name = "Ghostlands", XOff = Map.BloodelfXO, YOff = Map.BloodelfYO, MId = 2011, Fish = 75, QAchievementIdH = 4908, }, [2013] = { Name = "Hillsbrad Foothills", Fish = 150, QAchievementIdH = 4895, }, [2014] = { Name = "Ironforge", 1.581249, -- Scale (0.6673273) 142.7185, 913.8483, -- Origin (WH 158.1249, 105.521) -- 1168.239 4834.522, 57.5047 50.2803 -- 1002.861 4949.052, 36.5874 71.9877 -- 953.4069 4990.946, 30.3323 79.9281 Overlay = "ironforge", City = true, Fish = 75, }, [2015] = { Name = "Loch Modan", Fish = 75, QAchievementIdA = 4899, }, [2016] = { Name = "Redridge Mountains", Fish = 150, QAchievementIdA = 4902, }, [2017] = { Name = "Searing Gorge", QAchievementId = 4910, }, [2018] = { Name = "Silvermoon City", XOff = Map.BloodelfXO, YOff = Map.BloodelfYO, City = true, MId = 2011, }, [2019] = { Name = "Silverpine Forest", Fish = 75, QAchievementIdH = 4894, }, [2020] = { Name = "Stormwind City", City = true, MMOutside = true, Fish = 75, }, [2021] = { Name = "Northern Stranglethorn", -- Name = "Stranglethorn Vale", Fish = 225, QAchievementId = 4906, }, [2022] = { Name = "Swamp of Sorrows", Fish = 225, QAchievementId = 4904, }, [2023] = { Name = "The Hinterlands", Fish = 300, QAchievementId = 4897, }, -- Tirisfal Glades [2024] = { Name = "Tirisfal Glades", Fish = 25, }, -- Undercity [2025] = { Name = "Undercity", -- [26] 1.9187478, -- Scale (0.6672102) -174.6383, -375.589, -- Origin (WH 191.8748, 128.0208) -- -246.8386 -1631.841, 65.2877 38.4475 -- -241.8082 -1783.917, 65.812 14.6895 -- -343.3792 -1804.086, 55.2248 11.5385 -- -239.2218 -1836.685, 66.0816 6.4458 Overlay = "undercity", City = true, Fish = 75, }, [2026] = { Name = "Western Plaguelands", Fish = 300, QAchievementId = 4893, }, [2027] = { Name = "Westfall", Fish = 75, QAchievementIdA = 4903, }, [2028] = { Name = "Wetlands", Fish = 150, QAchievementIdA = 4898, }, [2029] = { Name = "Isle of Quel'Danas", XOff = Map.BloodelfXO, YOff = Map.BloodelfYO, MId = 2011, Fish = 450, }, [2030] = { Name = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave", XOff = 400, YOff = -33, City = true, -- No explored areas }, -- Cataclysm [2031] = { Name = "Abyssal Depths", Fish = 75, QAchievementId = 4869, QAchievementIdH = 4982, }, [2032] = { Name = "Kelp'thar Forest", Fish = 75, QAchievementId = 4869, QAchievementIdH = 4982, }, [2033] = { Name = "Ruins of Gilneas", Fish = 75, Explored = true, }, [2034] = { Name = "Ruins of Gilneas City", Fish = 75, City = true, -- No explored areas }, [2035] = { Name = "Shimmering Expanse", Fish = 75, QAchievementId = 4869, QAchievementIdH = 4982, }, [2036] = { Name = "Stranglethorn Vale", -- Fake parent map? Fish = 75, }, [2037] = { Name = "The Cape of Stranglethorn", Fish = 75, QAchievementId = 4905, }, [2038] = { Name = "Tol Barad", XOff = -600, YOff = 320, MId = 2038, Fish = 75, Explored = true, }, [2039] = { Name = "Tol Barad Peninsula", XOff = -600, YOff = 320, MId = 2038, Fish = 75, Explored = true, }, [2040] = { Name = "Twilight Highlands", Fish = 75, QAchievementId = 4873, QAchievementIdH = 5501, }, [2041] = { -- Need??? Sub continent Name = "Vashj'ir", Fish = 75, }, [2042] = { Name = "Gilneas", }, [2043] = { Name = "Gilneas City", City = true, -- No explored areas MMOutside = true, }, -- Mists [2044] = { Name = "Coldridge Valley", StartZone = true, }, [2045] = { Name = "Deathknell", StartZone = true, }, [2046] = { Name = "New Tinkertown", StartZone = true, }, [2047] = { Name = "Northshire", StartZone = true, }, [2048] = { Name = "Sunstrider Isle", XOff = Map.BloodelfXO, YOff = Map.BloodelfYO, MId = 2011, StartZone = true, }, [3000] = { 34.606, -- Scale -2587.3, -1151.7, -- Origin }, [3001] = { Name = "Blade's Edge Mountains", -- [1] 10.85003, -- Scale (0.666667) -1769.168, -881.6678, -- Origin (WH 1085.003, 723.3356) -- -5982.262 -2399.672, 52.7847 55.539 -- -4709.442 -2041.002, 76.2468 65.4561 -- -4603.104 -2096.445, 78.2069 63.9231 Overlay = "bladesedgemountains", QAchievementId = 1193, }, [3002] = { Name = "Hellfire Peninsula", -- [2] 10.32915, -- Scale (0.6668043) -1107.916, -296.2509, -- Origin (WH 1032.916, 688.7525) -- -4976.093 697.7343, 10.9106 63.2735 -- -4605.781 414.6589, 18.0808 55.0536 -- -5056.561 188.3606, 9.3525 48.4823 Overlay = "hellfire", Fish = 375, QAchievementId = 1189, QAchievementIdH = 1271, }, [3003] = { Name = "Nagrand", -- [3] 11.05005, -- Scale (0.6666639) -2059.17, -8.333105, -- Origin (WH 1105.005, 736.6674) -- -6137.744 1568.903, 75.2595 43.7258 -- -6389.304 1749.084, 70.7064 48.6176 -- -6336.4 1318.156, 71.6639 36.9182 -- -6297.564 1158.649, 72.3668 32.5877 Overlay = "nagrand", Fish = 475, QAchievementId = 1192, QAchievementIdH = 1273, }, [3004] = { Name = "Netherstorm", -- [4] 11.14996, -- Scale (0.6666698) -1096.665, -1091.25, -- Origin (WH 1114.996, 743.3344) -- -4413.899 -2483.77, 19.1826 79.977 -- -3666.211 -3010.165, 32.5941 65.8139 Overlay = "netherstorm", Fish = 475, QAchievementId = 1194, }, --! [3005] = { Name = "Shadowmoon Valley", -- [5] 11, -- Scale (0.6666666) -845.0001, 389.5833, -- Origin (WH 1100, 733.3334) -- -3265.336 3224.464, 17.44844 34.81494 -- -2685.753 2841.652, 27.9863 24.3746 Overlay = "shadowmoonvalley", Fish = 375, QAchievementId = 1195, }, -- Shattrath City --! [3006] = { Name = "Shattrath City", -- [6] 2.6125, -- Scale (0.6666668) -1227.052, 294.7909, -- Origin (WH 261.25, 174.1667) -- -5785.705 1864.776, 26.76009 44.87901 -- -5098.179 1620.727, 79.39369 16.85428 Overlay = "shattrathcity", City = true, MMOutside = true, }, --! [3007] = { Name = "Terokkar Forest", -- [7] 10.8, -- Scale (0.6666667) -1416.667, 200, -- Origin (WH 1080, 720) -- -3295.501 3248.513, 70.14504 62.45869 -- -5076.772 1600.578, 37.15854 16.68273 Overlay = "terokkarforest", Fish = 450, QAchievementId = 1191, QAchievementIdH = 1272, }, [3008] = { Name = "Zangarmarsh", -- [8] 10.05418, -- Scale (0.6668039) -1895, -387.0831, -- Origin (WH 1005.418, 670.4165) -- -6286.6 1113.615, 63.4244 90.9593 -- -5236.717 810.7363, 84.3089 81.9237 -- -5265.634 100.2874, 83.7337 60.7295 Overlay = "zangarmarsh", Fish = 400, QAchievementId = 1190, }, [4000] = { 35.5, -- Scale 0, 0, -- Origin }, [4001] = { Name = "Borean Tundra", -- [1] 11.521, 125.764810, 1139.054323, -- Origin (WH 1085.003, 723.3356) Overlay = "boreantundra", Fish = 475, QAchievementId = 33, QAchievementIdH = 1358, }, [4002] = { Name = "Crystalsong Forest", -- [2] 5.4416, 1550.386409, 817.907816, Overlay = "crystalsongforest", Fish = 500, }, [4003] = { -- Main level Name = "Dalaran", -- [3] 1.6589 / 1.3, 1629, 861, -- 1580, 1739, Overlay = "dalaran", MapBaseName = "dalaran1_", -- NoBackground = true, City = true, Alpha = .85, ScaleAdjust = 1.3, Fish = 525, MapLevel = 1, Level2Id = 4014, }, [4014] = { -- Level 2 (was id 4012) Name = "Dalaran Underbelly", -- [3] 1.6589 / 1.3, 1629, 861, -- 1580, 1739, Overlay = "dalaran", MapBaseName = "dalaran2_", City = true, Alpha = .85, ScaleAdjust = 1.3, Fish = 525, MapLevel = 2, Level1Id = 4003, }, [4004] = { Name = "Dragonblight", -- [4] 11.21, 1113.94, 1003.78, -- Origin (WH 1085.003, 723.3356) Overlay = "dragonblight", Fish = 475, QAchievementId = 35, QAchievementIdH = 1359, }, [4005] = { Name = "Grizzly Hills", -- [5] 10.5, 2061.032452, 1015.273026, -- Origin (WH 1085.003, 723.3356) Overlay = "grizzlyhills", Fish = 475, QAchievementId = 37, QAchievementIdH = 1357, }, [4006] = { Name = "Howling Fjord", -- [6] 12.085, 2119.306683, 1495.527721, -- Origin (WH 1085.003, 723.3356) Overlay = "howlingfjord", Fish = 475, QAchievementId = 34, QAchievementIdH = 1356, }, [4007] = { Name = "Icecrown", -- [7] 12.533, 750.941881, 233.475172, -- Origin (WH 1085.003, 723.3356) Overlay = "icecrownglacier", QAchievementId = 40, }, [4008] = { Name = "Sholazar Basin", -- [8] 8.7057, 453.792401, 661.305837, Overlay = "sholazarbasin", Fish = 525, QAchievementId = 39, }, [4009] = { Name = "The Storm Peaks", -- [9] 14.214, 1471.175866, 79.244441, -- Origin (WH 1085.003, 723.3356) Overlay = "thestormpeaks", QAchievementId = 38, }, [4010] = { Name = "Wintergrasp", -- [10] 5.9455, 973.388866, 975.227557, Overlay = "lakewintergrasp", Explored = true, }, [4011] = { Name = "Zul'Drak", -- [11] 9.98, 1959.324066, 584.635173, -- Origin (WH 1085.003, 723.3356) Overlay = "zuldrak", QAchievementId = 36, }, [4012] = { -- Patch 4.2 (AID 795) Name = "Molten Front", 2.38, 1000, 2500, MId = 4012, UseAId = true, -- City = true, Overlay = "moltenfront", Explored = true, }, [4013] = { Name = "Hrothgar's Landing", 7.35, 1280, -37.5, Overlay = "hrothgarslanding", Explored = true, }, -- [4014] Used by Dalaran sewers! -- Lost Isles (Cataclysm) [5000] = { 26, -- Scale 0, 0, -- Origin }, [5001] = { Name = "Deepholm", XOff = 1580, YOff = 700, QAchievementId = 4871, MId = 5001, }, [5002] = { Name = "Kezan", XOff = 1256, YOff = -542, MId = 5002, }, [5003] = { Name = "The Lost Isles", XOff = 750, YOff = 1150, }, [5004] = { Name = "The Maelstrom", XOff = 1000, YOff = 600, City = true, Explored = true, }, [5005] = { Name = "Darkmoon Faire", 3.8, -3000, -3000, Explored = true, UseAId=true, MId=5005, Overlay = "darkmoonfaireisland", }, -- BGs/Arenas (note: add map win InitLayoutData when adding BGs) [6000] = { 31.03, -1800, 150, }, [6001] = { Name="Dread Wastes", 10.704166015625, -1275, 1203, Overlay = "dreadwastes", Fish = 525, }, [6002] = { Name="Krasarang Wilds", 9.375001953125, -640, 1510, Overlay = "krasarang", Fish = 525, }, [6003] = { Name="Kun-Lai Summit", 12.516666015625, -1014.5, 363.5, Overlay = "kunlaisummit", Fish = 525, }, [6004] = { Name="Shrine of Seven Stars", 0.1, 0,0, City = True, }, [6005] = { Name="Shrine of Two Moons", 0.1, 0,0, City = True, }, [6006] = { Name="The Jade Forest", 13.966666015625, -335,755, Overlay = "thejadeforest", Fish = 525, }, [6007] = { Name="The Veiled Stair", 3.5875, -210,1150, Overlay = "thehiddenpass", Fish = 525, }, [6008] = { Name="Townlong Steppes", 11.487498046875, -1463,576, Overlay = "townlongwastes", Fish = 525, }, [6009] = { Name="Vale of Eternal Blossoms", 5.06666796875, -542.5,1097, Overlay = "valeofeternalblossoms", Fish = 525, }, [6010] = { Name="Valley of the Four Winds", 7.850001953125, -585,1265, Overlay = "valleyofthefourwinds", Fish = 525, }, [6011] = { Name="The Wandering Isle", 5.341666015625, -16000,-6000, Overlay = "thewanderingisle", StartZone = true, }, [9000] = { 1, -- Scale 0, 0, -- Origin }, [9001] = { -- AB Name = "Arathi Basin", 3.508, -- Scale -16000, 0, -- Origin Short = "AB", }, [9002] = { -- WG Name = "Warsong Gulch", 2.29, -- Scale -16000,1000, -- Origin Short = "WG", }, [9003] = { -- AV Name = "Alterac Valley", 8.471, -- Scale 16000,2000, -- Origin Short = "AV", }, [9004] = { -- EOS Name = "Eye of the Storm", 4.538, -- Scale -16000,3000, -- Origin Short = "EOS", }, [9005] = { -- Blade's Edge Arena Name = "Blade's Edge Arena", 1, -16000,4000, Short = "BEA", Arena = true }, [9006] = { -- Nagrand Arena Name = "Nagrand Arena", 1, -16000,5000, Short = "NA", Arena = true }, [9007] = { -- Ruins of Lordaeron Name = "Ruins of Lordaeron", 1, -16000,6000, Short = "RL", Arena = true }, [9008] = { -- SoA Name = "Strand of the Ancients", 3.486, -14500,0, Short = "SoA", }, [9009] = { -- IC Name = "Isle of Conquest", 5.295, -14500,1000, Short = "IC", }, [9010] = { Name = "The Battle for Gilneas", 3.0, -14500,2000, Short = "TBG", }, [9011] = { Name = "Twin Peaks", 3.0, -14500,3000, Short = "TP", }, [9012] = { Name = "Temple of Kotmogu", 3.0, -14500,4000, Short = "TK", }, [9013] = { Name = "Silvershard Mines", 8.0, -14500,5000, Short = "SSM", MapBaseName = "STVDiamondMineBG1_", }, [9014] = { Name = "Tol'vir Proving Grounds", 3.0, -14500,6000, Short = "TPG", }, -- Instances are created at 11000-14999 (cont * 1000 + 10000 + nxid) -- Manual adjustments are added here [11024] = { 0, 0, .02 }, [11025] = { 0, 0, .04 }, [11147] = { 0, 0, .06 }, [11201] = { 0, .03, 0 }, [11202] = { 0, .03, .02 }, [11203] = { 0, .03, .04 }, [11204] = { 0, .03, .06 }, [12017] = { 0, 0, .02 }, [12061] = { 0, 0, .04 }, [12189] = { 0, .01, .07 -- Base coords off a little }, [12190] = { 0, .01, .09 -- Base coords off a little }, [13027] = { 0, .0, -.0 }, [13028] = { 0, -.04, .0 }, [13029] = { 0, -.02, .0 }, [13030] = { 0, .02, .00 }, } -------- --Map.HotspotInfo = { --} -------- -- "Atlas\Images\Maps" Map.AtlasInstanceInfo = { Atlas = 1, -- Flag table as Atlas maps [13006] = { 129 / 512, 386 / 512, "AuchAuchenaiCrypts" }, [13007] = { 109 / 512, 44 / 512, "AuchManaTombs", }, [13008] = { 458 / 512, 236 / 512, "AuchSethekkHalls", }, [13009] = { 61 / 512, 77 / 512, "AuchShadowLabyrinth", }, [13013] = { 104 / 512, 458 / 512, "BlackTempleStart", 104 / 512 - 1, 458 / 512, "BlackTempleBasement", 104 / 512, 458 / 512 + 1, "BlackTempleTop", }, [11014] = { 171 / 512, 59 / 512, "BlackfathomDeeps", }, [12015] = { 126 / 512, 420 / 512, "BlackrockDepths", }, [12017] = { 16 / 512, 71 / 512, "BlackrockSpireLower", 16 / 512, 71 / 512 + 1, "BlackrockSpireUpper", }, [12018] = { 342 / 512, 361 / 512, "BlackwingLair", }, [11023] = { 108 / 512, 252 / 512, "CoTHyjal", }, [11024] = { 71 / 512, 206 / 512, "CoTOldHillsbrad", }, [11025] = { 267 / 512, 135 / 512, "CoTBlackMorass", }, [13027] = { 12 / 512, 339 / 512, "CFRSerpentshrineCavern", }, [13028] = { 126 / 512, 119 / 512, "CFRTheSlavePens", }, [13029] = { 14 / 512, 181 / 512, "CFRTheSteamvault", }, [13030] = { 124 / 512, 341 / 512, "CFRTheUnderbog", }, [11036] = { 385 / 512, 405 / 512, "DireMaulNorth", 385 / 512 + 1, 405 / 512, "DireMaulWest", 385 / 512 - 1, 405 / 512, "DireMaulEast", }, [12048] = { 405 / 512, 73 / 512, "Gnomeregan", }, [13049] = { 447 / 512, 364 / 512, "GruulsLair", }, [13051] = { 213 / 512, 330 / 512, "HCHellfireRamparts", }, [13052] = { 101 / 512, 81 / 512, "HCMagtheridonsLair", }, [13053] = { 242 / 512, 473 / 512, "HCBloodFurnace", }, [13054] = { 341 / 512, 497 / 512, "HCTheShatteredHalls", }, [12058] = { 144 / 512, 217 / 512, "KarazhanStart", 144 / 512 - 1, 217 / 512, "KarazhanEnd", }, [11060] = { 378 / 512, 63 / 512, "Maraudon", }, [12061] = { 19 / 512, 114 / 512, "MoltenCore", }, [14065] = { 210 / 512, 211 / 512, "Naxxramas", }, [11067] = { 50 / 512, 66 / 512, "OnyxiasLair", }, [11069] = { 379 / 512, 14 / 512, "RagefireChasm", }, [11070] = { 26 / 512, 123 / 512, "RazorfenDowns", }, [11071] = { 359 / 512, 361 / 512, "RazorfenKraul", }, [11073] = { 320 / 512, 36 / 512, "TheRuinsofAhnQiraj", }, [12074] = { 512 / 512, 512 / 512, "SMArmory", 0 / 512, 512 / 512, "SMCathedral", 512 / 512, 0 / 512, "SMGraveyard", 0 / 512, 0 / 512, "SMLibrary", }, [12075] = { 124 / 512, 174 / 512, "Scholomance", }, [12077] = { 373 / 512, 325 / 512, "ShadowfangKeep", }, [12086] = { 266 / 512, 460 / 512, "Stratholme", }, [12087] = { 307 / 512, 11 / 512, "TheSunkenTemple", }, [13091] = { 193 / 512, 485 / 512, "TempestKeepArcatraz", }, [13092] = { 494 / 512, 218 / 512, "TempestKeepBotanica", }, [13093] = { 230 / 512, 482 / 512, "TempestKeepTheEye", }, [13094] = { 219 / 512, 475 / 512, "TempestKeepMechanar", }, [11095] = { 127 / 512, 193 / 512, "TheTempleofAhnQiraj", }, [12098] = { 62 / 512, 100 / 512, "TheDeadmines", }, [12101] = { 257 / 512, 347 / 512, "TheStockade", }, [12106] = { 458 / 512, 379 / 512, "Uldaman", }, [11109] = { 220 / 512, 298 / 512, "WailingCaverns", }, [12116] = { 399 / 512, 453 / 512, "ZulFarrak", }, [12117] = { 39 / 512, 259 / 512, "ZulGurub", }, [12118] = { 39 / 512, 271 / 512, "ZulAman", }, [12120] = { 209 / 512, 401 / 512, "MagistersTerrace", }, [12121] = { 164 / 512, 69 / 512, "SunwellPlateau", }, [14133] = { 438 / 512, 349 / 512, "AhnKahet", }, [14134] = { 108 / 512, 214 / 512, "AzjolNerub", }, [14135] = { 17 / 512, 279 / 512, "DrakTharonKeep", }, [14136] = { 375 / 512, 172 / 512, "Gundrak", }, [14137] = { 186 / 512, 459 / 512, "TheNexus", }, [14138] = { 250 / 512, 244 / 512, "TheOculus", }, [14139] = { 236 / 512, 481 / 512, "VioletHold", }, [14140] = { 9 / 512, 154 / 512, "UlduarHallsofLightning", }, [14141] = { 62 / 512, 209 / 512, "UlduarHallsofStone", }, [14142] = { 334 / 512, 271 / 512, "UtgardeKeep", }, [14144] = { 265 / 512, 257 / 512, "ObsidianSanctum", }, [14145] = { 185 / 512, 9 / 512, "UtgardePinnacle", }, [11147] = { 398 / 512, 489 / 512, "CoTOldStratholme", }, } Map.InstanceInfo = { -- Blizzard instance maps (SetInstanceMap uses size of 3 for table entries) -- Cataclysm [15188] = { 0, 0, "Baradinhold\\Baradinhold1_", }, [11014] = { 0, 0, "BlackFathomDeeps\\BlackFathomDeeps1_", 0, -100, "BlackFathomDeeps\\BlackFathomDeeps2_", 0, -200, "BlackFathomDeeps\\BlackFathomDeeps3_", }, [12189] = { 0, 0, "BlackrockCaverns\\BlackrockCaverns1_", 0, -100, "BlackrockCaverns\\BlackrockCaverns2_", }, [12015] = { 0, 0, "BlackrockDepths\\BlackrockDepths1_", 0, -100, "BlackrockDepths\\BlackrockDepths2_", }, [12017] = { 0, 0, "BlackrockSpire\\BlackrockSpire1_", 0, -100, "BlackrockSpire\\BlackrockSpire2_", 0, -200, "BlackrockSpire\\BlackrockSpire3_", 0, -300, "BlackrockSpire\\BlackrockSpire4_", 0, -400, "BlackrockSpire\\BlackrockSpire5_", 0, -500, "BlackrockSpire\\BlackrockSpire6_", 0, -600, "BlackrockSpire\\BlackrockSpire7_", }, [12190] = { 0, 0, "BlackwingDescent\\BlackwingDescent1_", 0, -100, "BlackwingDescent\\BlackwingDescent2_", }, [12018] = { 0, 0, "BlackwingLair\\BlackwingLair1_", 0, -100, "BlackwingLair\\BlackwingLair2_", 0, -200, "BlackwingLair\\BlackwingLair3_", 0, -300, "BlackwingLair\\BlackwingLair4_", }, [11036] = { 0, 0, "DireMaul\\DireMaul1_", 0, -100, "DireMaul\\DireMaul2_", 0, -200, "DireMaul\\DireMaul3_", 0, -300, "DireMaul\\DireMaul4_", 0, -400, "DireMaul\\DireMaul5_", 0, -500, "DireMaul\\DireMaul6_", }, [12048] = { 0, 0, "Gnomeregan\\Gnomeregan1_", 0, -100, "Gnomeregan\\Gnomeregan2_", 0, -200, "Gnomeregan\\Gnomeregan3_", 0, -300, "Gnomeregan\\Gnomeregan4_", }, [12191] = { 0, 0, "GrimBatol\\GrimBatol1_", }, [11193] = { 0, 0, "HallsOfOrigination\\HallsOfOrigination1_", 0, -100, "HallsOfOrigination\\HallsOfOrigination2_", 0, -200, "HallsOfOrigination\\HallsOfOrigination3_", }, [11186] = { 0, 0, "LostCityofTolvir\\LostCityofTolvir", }, [11060] = { 0, 0, "Maraudon\\Maraudon1_", 0, -100, "Maraudon\\Maraudon2_", }, [12061] = { 0, 0, "MoltenCore\\MoltenCore1_", }, [11069] = { 0, 0, "Ragefire\\Ragefire1_", }, [11070] = { 0, 0, "RazorfenDowns\\RazorfenDowns1_", }, [11071] = { 0, 0, "RazorfenKraul\\RazorfenKraul1_", }, [11073] = { 0, 0, "RuinsofAhnQiraj\\RuinsofAhnQiraj", }, [12074] = { 0, 0, "ScarletHalls\\ScarletHalls1_", 0, -100, "ScarletHalls\\ScarletHalls2_", }, [12238] = { 0, 0, "ScarletCathedral\\ScarletCathedral1_", 0, -100, "ScarletCathedral\\ScarletCathedral2_", }, [12075] = { 0, 0, "Scholomance\\Scholomance1_", 0, -100, "Scholomance\\Scholomance2_", 0, -200, "Scholomance\\Scholomance3_", 0, -300, "Scholomance\\Scholomance4_", }, [12077] = { 0, 0, "ShadowfangKeep\\ShadowfangKeep1_", 0, -100, "ShadowfangKeep\\ShadowfangKeep2_", 0, -200, "ShadowfangKeep\\ShadowfangKeep3_", 0, -300, "ShadowfangKeep\\ShadowfangKeep4_", 0, -400, "ShadowfangKeep\\ShadowfangKeep5_", 0, -500, "ShadowfangKeep\\ShadowfangKeep6_", 0, -600, "ShadowfangKeep\\ShadowfangKeep7_", }, [12086] = { 0, 0, "Stratholme\\Stratholme1_", }, [12192] = { 0, 0, "TheBastionofTwilight\\TheBastionofTwilight1_", 0, -100, "TheBastionofTwilight\\TheBastionofTwilight2_", 0, -200, "TheBastionofTwilight\\TheBastionofTwilight3_", }, [12098] = { 0, 0, "TheDeadmines\\TheDeadmines1_", 0, -100, "TheDeadmines\\TheDeadmines2_", }, [12101] = { 0, 0, "TheStockade\\TheStockade1_", }, [15195] = { 0, 0, "TheStoneCore\\TheStoneCore1_", }, [12087] = { 0, 0, "TheTempleOfAtalHakkar\\TheTempleOfAtalHakkar1_", }, [11198] = { 0, 0, "Throneofthefourwinds\\Throneofthefourwinds1_", }, [11196] = { 0, 0, "SkywallDungeon\\SkywallDungeon1_", }, [12194] = { 0, 0, "ThroneOfTides\\ThroneOfTides1_", 0, -100, "ThroneOfTides\\ThroneOfTides2_", }, [12106] = { 0, 0, "Uldaman\\Uldaman1_", }, [11109] = { 0, 0, "WailingCaverns\\WailingCaverns1_", }, [12118] = { 0, 0, "ZulAman\\ZulAman", }, [11116] = { 0, 0, "ZulFarrak\\ZulFarrak", }, [12117] = { 0, 0, "ZulGurub\\ZulGurub", }, -- Patch 4.2 [11200] = { 0, 0, "Firelands\\Firelands", 0, -100, "Firelands\\Firelands1_", 0, -200, "Firelands\\Firelands2_", }, -- Patch 4.3 [11201] = { 0, 0, "EndTime\\EndTime", 0, -100, "EndTime\\EndTime1_", 0, -200, "EndTime\\EndTime2_", 0, -300, "EndTime\\EndTime3_", 0, -400, "EndTime\\EndTime4_", 0, -500, "EndTime\\EndTime5_", }, [11202] = { 0, 0, "WellOfEternity\\WellOfEternity", }, [11203] = { 0, 0, "HourofTwilight\\HourOfTwilight", 0, -100, "HourofTwilight\\HourofTwilight1_", }, [11204] = { 0, 0, "DragonSoul\\DragonSoul", 0, -100, "DragonSoul\\DragonSoul1_", 0, -200, "DragonSoul\\DragonSoul2_", 0, -300, "DragonSoul\\DragonSoul3_", 0, -400, "DragonSoul\\DragonSoul4_", 0, -500, "DragonSoul\\DragonSoul5_", 0, -600, "DragonSoul\\DragonSoul6_", }, -- WotLK [14065] = { 0, 0, "Naxxramas\\Naxxramas1_", 0, -100, "Naxxramas\\Naxxramas2_", 0, -200, "Naxxramas\\Naxxramas3_", 0, -300, "Naxxramas\\Naxxramas4_", 0, -400, "Naxxramas\\Naxxramas5_", 0, -500, "Naxxramas\\Naxxramas6_", }, [14133] = { 0, 0, "AhnKahet\\Ahnkahet1_", 0, -100, "AhnKahet\\Ahnkahet2_", }, [14160] = { 0, 0, "AzjolNerub\\AzjolNerub1_", 0, -100, "AzjolNerub\\AzjolNerub2_", 0, -200, "AzjolNerub\\AzjolNerub3_", }, [14135] = { 0, 0, "DrakTharonKeep\\DrakTharonKeep1_", 0, -100, "DrakTharonKeep\\DrakTharonKeep2_", }, [14158] = { 0, 0, "GunDrak\\GunDrak1_", }, [14137] = { 0, 0, "TheNexus\\TheNexus1_", }, [14138] = { 0, 0, "TheOculus\\TheOculus1_", 0, -100, "TheOculus\\TheOculus2_", 0, -200, "TheOculus\\TheOculus3_", 0, -300, "TheOculus\\TheOculus4_", }, [14139] = { 0, 0, "VioletHold\\VioletHold1_", }, [14140] = { 0, 0, "HallsofLightning\\HallsofLightning1_", 0, -100, "HallsofLightning\\HallsofLightning2_", }, [14141] = { 0, 0, "HallsofStone\\HallsofStone1_", }, [14142] = { 0, 0, "UtgardeKeep\\UtgardeKeep1_", 0, -100, "UtgardeKeep\\UtgardeKeep2_", 0, -200, "UtgardeKeep\\UtgardeKeep3_", }, [14144] = { 0, 0, "TheObsidianSanctum\\TheObsidianSanctum", }, [14145] = { 0, 0, "UtgardePinnacle\\UtgardePinnacle1_", 0, -100, "UtgardePinnacle\\UtgardePinnacle2_", }, [11147] = { 0, 0, "CoTStratholme\\CoTStratholme2_", 0, -100, "CoTStratholme\\CoTStratholme1_", }, [14149] = { 0, 0, "Ulduar\\Ulduar", 0, -100, "Ulduar\\Ulduar1_", 0, -200, "Ulduar\\Ulduar2_", 0, -300, "Ulduar\\Ulduar3_", 0, -400, "Ulduar\\Ulduar4_", }, [14151] = { 0, 0, "TheArgentColiseum\\TheArgentColiseum1_", }, [14152] = { 0, 0, "TheArgentColiseum\\TheArgentColiseum1_", }, [14153] = { 0, 0, "TheForgeofSouls\\TheForgeofSouls1_", }, [14154] = { 0, 0, "IcecrownCitadel\\IcecrownCitadel1_", 0, -100, "IcecrownCitadel\\IcecrownCitadel2_", 0, -200, "IcecrownCitadel\\IcecrownCitadel3_", 0, -300, "IcecrownCitadel\\IcecrownCitadel4_", 0, -400, "IcecrownCitadel\\IcecrownCitadel5_", 0, -500, "IcecrownCitadel\\IcecrownCitadel6_", 0, -600, "IcecrownCitadel\\IcecrownCitadel7_", 0, -700, "IcecrownCitadel\\IcecrownCitadel8_", }, [11067] = { 0, 0, "OnyxiasLair\\OnyxiasLair1_", }, [14155] = { 0, 0, "PitofSaron\\PitofSaron", }, [14156] = { 0, 0, "HallsofReflection\\HallsofReflection1_", }, [14159] = { 0, 0, "VaultofArchavon\\VaultofArchavon1_", }, [16226] = { 0, 0, "TheGreatWall\\theGreatWall1_", 0, -100, "TheGreatWall\\TheGreatWall2_", }, [16227] = { 0, 0, "MogushanPalace\\MogushanPalace1_", 0, -100, "MogushanPalace\\MogushanPalace2_", 0, -200, "MogushanPalace\\MogushanPalace3_", }, [16228] = { 0, 0, "ShadowpanHideout\\ShadowpanHideout", 0, -100, "ShadowpanHideout\\ShadowpanHideout1_", 0, -200, "ShadowpanHideout\\ShadowpanHideout2_", 0, -300, "ShadowpanHideout\\ShadowpanHideout3_", }, [16229] = { 0, 0, "Siegeofniuzaotemple\\SiegeofNiuzaoTemple", 0, -100, "SiegeofNiuzaoTemple\\SiegeofNiuzaoTemple1_", 0, -200, "SiegeofNiuzaoTemple\\SiegeofNiuzaoTemple2_", }, [16230] = { 0, 0, "StormstoutBrewery\\StormstoutBrewery1_", 0, -100, "StormstoutBrewery\\StormstoutBrewery2_", 0, -200, "StormstoutBrewery\\StormstoutBrewery3_", 0, -300, "StormstoutBrewery\\StormstoutBrewery4_", }, [16231] = { 0, 0, "EastTemple\\EastTemple1_", 0, -100, "EastTemple\\EastTemple2_", }, [16232] = { 0, 0, "Heartoffear\\Heartoffear1_", 0, -100, "Heartoffear\\Heartoffear2_", }, [16233] = { 0, 0, "Mogushanvaults\\Mogushanvaults1_", 0, -100, "Mogushanvaults\\Mogushanvaults2_", 0, -200, "Mogushanvaults\\Mogushanvaults3_", }, [16234] = { 0, 0, "TerraceOfEndlessSpring\\TerraceOfEndlessSpring", }, [13006] = { 0 ,0, "AuchenaiCrypts\\AuchenaiCrypts1_", 0, -100, "AuchenaiCrypts\\AuchenaiCrypts2_", }, [13007] = { 0, 0, "ManaTombs\\ManaTombs1_", }, [13008] = { 0, 0, "SethekkHalls\\SethekkHalls1_", 0, -100, "SethekkHalls\\SethekkHalls2_", }, [13009] = { 0, 0, "ShadowLabyrinth\\ShadowLabrinth1_", }, [13013] = { 0, 0, "BlackTemple\\BlackTemple", 0, -100, "BlackTemple\\BlackTemple1_", 0, -200, "BlackTemple\\BlackTemple2_", 0, -300, "BlackTemple\\BlackTemple3_", 0, -400, "BlackTemple\\BlackTemple4_", 0, -500, "BlackTemple\\BlackTemple5_", 0, -600, "BlackTemple\\BlackTemple6_", 0, -700, "BlackTemple\\BlackTemple7_", }, [13027] = { 0, 0, "CoilfangReservoir\\CoilfangReservoir1_", }, [13028] = { 0, 0, "TheSlavePens\\TheSlavePens1_", }, [13029] = { 0, 0, "TheSteamVault\\TheSteamVault1_", 0, -100, "TheSteamVault\\TheSteamVault2_", }, [13030] = { 0, 0, "TheUnderBog\\TheUnderBog1_", }, [13049] = { 0, 0, "GruulsLair\\GruulsLair1_", }, [13051] = { 0, 0, "HellfireRamparts1_", }, [13052] = { 0, 0, "Magtheridonslair\\Magtheridonslair1_", }, [13053] = { 0, 0, "TheBloodFurnace\\TheBloodFurnace1_", }, [13054] = { 0, 0, "TheShatteredHalls\\TheShatteredHalls1_", }, [13091] = { 0, 0, "TheArcatraz\\TheArcatraz1_", 0, -100, "TheArcatraz\\TheArcatraz2_", 0, -200, "TheArcatraz\\TheArcatraz3_", }, [13092] = { 0, 0, "TheBotanica1_", }, [13093] = { 0, 0, "TempestKeep\\TempestKeep1_", }, [13094] = { 0, 0, "TheMechanar\\TheMechanar1_", 0, -100, "TheMechanar\\TheMechanar2_", }, [11024] = { 0, 0, "CoTHillsbradFoothills\\CoTHillsbradFoothills", }, [11025] = { 0, 0, "CoTTheBlackMorass\\CoTTheBlackMorass", }, [11023] = { 0, 0, "CoTMountHyjal\\CoTMountHyjal", }, [12058] = { 0, 0, "Karazhan\\Karazhan1_", 0, -100, "Karazhan\\Karazhan2_", 0, -200, "Karazhan\\Karazhan3_", 0, -300, "Karazhan\\Karazhan4_", 0, -400, "Karazhan\\Karazhan5_", 0, -500, "Karazhan\\Karazhan6_", 0, -600, "Karazhan\\Karazhan7_", 0, -700, "Karazhan\\Karazhan8_", 0, -800, "Karazhan\\Karazhan9_", 0, -900, "Karazhan\\Karazhan10_", 0, -1000, "Karazhan\\Karazhan11_", 0, -1100, "Karazhan\\Karazhan12_", 0, -1200, "Karazhan\\Karazhan13_", 0, -1300, "Karazhan\\Karazhan14_", 0, -1400, "Karazhan\\Karazhan15_", 0, -1500, "Karazhan\\Karazhan16_", 0, -1600, "Karazhan\\Karazhan17_", }, [12120] = { 0, 0, "MagistersTerrace\\MagistersTerrace1_", 0, -100, "MagistersTerrace\\MagistersTerrace2_", }, [12121] = { 0, 0, "SunwellPlateau\\SunwellPlateau", 0, -100, "SunwellPlateau\\SunwellPlateau1_", }, [11236] = { 0, 0, "DustwallowMarshScenario\\DustwallowMarshScenario", }, [11237] = { 0, 0, "DustwallowMarshScenarioAlliance\\DustwallowMarshScenarioAlliance", }, [16239] = { 0, 0, "BrewmasterScenario01\\BrewmasterScenario01", }, [16240] = { 0, 0, "AncientMoguCrypt\\AncientMoguCrypt1_", 0, -100, "AncientMoguCrypt\\AncientMoguCrypt2_", }, [16241] = { 0, 0, "TheJadeForestScenario\\TheJadeForestScenario", }, [16242] = { 0, 0, "BrewmasterScenario03\\BrewmasterScenario03", }, [16243] = { 0, 0, "KunLaiPassScenario\\KunLaiPassScenario", }, [16244] = { 0, 0, "ProvingGrounds\\ProvingGrounds1_",}, } Map.ZoneOverlays = { -- Kalimdor ["moonglade"] = { ["shrineofremulos"] = "209,91,271,296", ["lakeeluneara"] = "219,273,431,319", ["stormragebarrowdens"] = "542,210,275,346", ["nighthaven"] = "370,135,346,244", }, ["barrens"] = { ["dreadmistpeak"] = "290,104,241,195", ["thornhill"] = "481,254,239,231", ["thestagnantoasis"] = "344,379,336,289", ["farwatchpost"] = "555,129,207,332", ["thesludgefen"] = "403,6,257,249", ["thewailingcaverns"] = "152,318,377,325", ["thedryhills"] = "116,57,283,270", ["themerchantcoast"] = "556,456,315,212", ["boulderlodemine"] = "511,7,278,209", ["theforgottenpools"] = "100,208,446,256", ["morshanrampart"] = "258,6,261,216", ["ratchet"] = "547,379,219,175", ["thecrossroads"] = "362,275,233,193", ["groldomfarm"] = "448,127,243,217", }, ["winterspring"] = { ["icethistlehills"] = "581,314,249,217", ["lakekeltheril"] = "372,268,271,258", ["starfallvillage"] = "229,33,367,340", ["mazthoril"] = "399,340,257,238", ["frostsaberrock"] = "304,0,332,268", ["timbermawpost"] = "92,302,362,252", ["thehiddengrove"] = "500,17,333,255", ["frostwhispergorge"] = "424,474,317,183", ["everlook"] = "482,195,194,229", ["owlwingthicket"] = "556,439,254,150", ["winterfallvillage"] = "588,181,221,209", ["frostfirehotsprings"] = "93,118,376,289", }, ["uldum_terrain1"] = { ["thegateofunendingcycles"] = "647,15,161,236", ["thecursedlanding"] = "752,170,237,316", ["ruinsofammon"] = "217,289,203,249", ["akhenetfields"] = "471,277,164,185", ["orsis"] = "264,136,249,243", ["nahom"] = "583,162,237,194", ["ramkahen"] = "411,67,228,227", ["obeliskofthemoon"] = "110,0,400,224", ["obeliskofthesun"] = "340,282,269,203", ["thetrailofdevestation"] = "657,349,206,204", ["cradeloftheancient"] = "341,402,202,169", ["schnottzslanding"] = "28,221,312,289", ["marat"] = "406,174,160,193", ["virnaaldam"] = "479,215,151,144", ["throneofthefourwinds"] = "229,433,270,229", ["thevortexpinnacle"] = "656,473,213,195", ["hallsoforigination"] = "599,184,269,242", ["templeofuldum"] = "132,127,296,209", ["obeliskofthestars"] = "551,121,196,170", ["ruinsofahmtul"] = "365,0,278,173", ["khartutstomb"] = "542,0,203,215", ["neferset"] = "407,384,209,254", ["tahretgrounds"] = "545,193,150,159", ["lostcityofthetolvir"] = "527,291,233,321", }, ["ashenvale"] = { ["theshrineofassenia"] = "40,275,306,283", ["nightrun"] = "595,253,221,257", ["fallenskylake"] = "529,385,287,276", ["warsonglumbercamp"] = "771,265,231,223", ["lakefalathim"] = "112,148,184,232", ["satyrnaar"] = "696,154,235,236", ["thehowlingvale"] = "473,97,325,239", ["raynewoodretreat"] = "481,221,231,256", ["thezoramstrand"] = "0,0,262,390", ["felfirehill"] = "714,317,277,333", ["maelstraspost"] = "188,0,246,361", ["thunderpeak"] = "377,121,203,310", ["theruinsofstardust"] = "210,331,236,271", ["orendilsretreat"] = "143,0,244,251", ["astranaar"] = "255,164,251,271", ["thistlefurvillage"] = "255,78,314,241", ["silverwindrefuge"] = "338,335,347,308", ["boughshadow"] = "836,148,166,211", }, ["teldrassil"] = { ["banethilhollow"] = "374,221,175,235", ["shadowglen"] = "481,104,241,217", ["gnarlpinehold"] = "347,355,198,181", ["thecleft"] = "432,109,144,226", ["theoracleglade"] = "276,90,194,244", ["rutheranvillage"] = "329,448,317,220", ["lakealameth"] = "422,310,289,202", ["wellspringlake"] = "382,83,165,249", ["starbreezevillage"] = "544,217,187,196", ["galardellvalley"] = "466,237,178,186", ["poolsofarlithrien"] = "345,243,140,210", ["darnassus"] = "149,181,298,337", }, ["mulgore"] = { ["baeldundigsite"] = "226,220,218,192", ["winterhoofwaterwell"] = "449,340,174,185", ["redcloudmesa"] = "286,401,446,264", ["redrocks"] = "514,43,186,185", ["ravagedcaravan"] = "435,224,187,165", ["thunderhornwaterwell"] = "333,202,201,167", ["theventurecomine"] = "530,138,208,300", ["wildmanewaterwell"] = "331,0,190,172", ["thunderbluff"] = "208,62,373,259", ["windfuryridge"] = "400,0,222,202", ["bloodhoofvillage"] = "319,273,302,223", ["stonetalonpass"] = "201,0,237,184", ["therollingplains"] = "527,291,260,243", ["palemanerock"] = "248,321,172,205", ["thegoldenplains"] = "448,101,186,216", }, ["hyjal"] = { ["archimondesvengeance"] = "320,5,270,300", ["shrineofgoldrinn"] = "116,17,291,321", ["nordrassil"] = "392,0,537,323", ["gatesofsothann"] = "622,320,272,334", ["sethriasroost"] = "139,436,277,232", ["theregrowth"] = "52,253,441,319", ["direforgehill"] = "303,197,270,173", ["ashenlake"] = "6,78,282,418", ["thescorchedplain"] = "411,216,365,264", ["thethroneofflame"] = "318,378,419,290", ["darkwhispergorge"] = "682,128,320,471", }, ["felwood"] = { ["irontreewoods"] = "406,55,261,273", ["morlosaran"] = "476,484,187,176", ["bloodvenomfalls"] = "220,231,345,192", ["jaedenar"] = "234,317,319,176", ["felpawvillage"] = "471,0,307,161", ["jadefirerun"] = "303,9,263,199", ["ruinsofconstellas"] = "278,359,268,214", ["deadwoodvillage"] = "410,505,173,163", ["emeraldsanctuary"] = "394,382,274,212", ["shatterscarvale"] = "243,107,343,250", ["talonbranchglade"] = "531,57,209,226", ["jadefireglen"] = "288,458,229,210", }, ["darkshore"] = { ["lordanel"] = "391,54,277,281", ["eyeofthevortex"] = "300,239,330,192", ["nazjvel"] = "207,467,244,201", ["wildbendriver"] = "280,378,314,193", ["ruinsofauberdine"] = "280,182,203,194", ["witheringthicket"] = "305,118,328,250", ["shatterspearvale"] = "596,16,250,241", ["shatterspearwarcamp"] = "565,0,245,147", ["ametharan"] = "294,330,326,145", ["ruinsofmathystra"] = "517,28,200,263", ["themastersglaive"] = "277,483,303,185", }, ["aszhara"] = { ["bearshead"] = "113,141,256,224", ["thesecretlab"] = "353,396,184,213", ["ruinsofarkkoran"] = "575,121,219,193", ["darnassianbasecamp"] = "343,3,243,262", ["lakemennar"] = "245,377,210,232", ["ravencrestmonument"] = "476,401,295,267", ["stormcliffs"] = "407,403,207,232", ["theshatteredstrand"] = "316,168,206,329", ["gallywixpleasurepalace"] = "70,222,250,230", ["blackmawhold"] = "204,53,260,267", ["bilgewaterharbor"] = "395,127,587,381", ["towerofeldara"] = "684,22,306,337", ["orgimmarreargate"] = "22,344,352,274", ["bitterreaches"] = "477,0,321,247", ["ruinsofeldarath"] = "228,229,218,237", }, ["ungorocrater"] = { ["lakkaritarpits"] = "305,0,432,294", ["ironstoneplateau"] = "706,201,197,222", ["therollinggarden"] = "565,39,337,321", ["golakkahotsprings"] = "145,226,309,277", ["theslitheringscar"] = "335,384,381,274", ["thescreamingreaches"] = "157,0,332,332", ["mossypile"] = "328,179,186,185", ["themarshlands"] = "573,256,263,412", ["fireplumeridge"] = "356,192,321,288", ["terrorrun"] = "162,357,316,293", ["fungalrock"] = "557,0,224,191", ["marshalsstand"] = "462,330,204,170", }, ["desolace"] = { ["valleyofspears"] = "170,196,321,275", ["gelkisvillage"] = "207,472,274,196", ["mannoroccoven"] = "381,357,326,311", ["thunderaxefortress"] = "440,49,220,205", ["shokthokar"] = "589,319,309,349", ["cenarionwildlands"] = "415,156,312,285", ["sargeron"] = "655,0,317,293", ["nijelspoint"] = "573,0,231,257", ["magramterritory"] = "613,170,289,244", ["thargadscamp"] = "275,376,212,186", ["tethrisaran"] = "399,0,274,145", ["kodograveyard"] = "360,273,250,215", ["ranzjarisle"] = "210,0,161,141", ["shadowbreakravine"] = "637,402,292,266", ["shadowpreyvillage"] = "142,369,222,299", ["slitherbladeshore"] = "208,24,338,342", }, ["tanaris"] = { ["landsendbeach"] = "431,452,224,216", ["southbreakshore"] = "437,289,274,186", ["zulfarrak"] = "184,0,315,190", ["valleryofthewatchers"] = "255,431,269,190", ["southmoonruins"] = "301,349,232,211", ["brokenpillar"] = "413,211,195,163", ["thegapingchasm"] = "448,364,225,187", ["cavernsoftime"] = "507,238,213,173", ["gadgetzan"] = "412,92,189,180", ["dunemaulcompound"] = "305,257,231,177", ["gadgetzanbay"] = "479,9,254,341", ["lostriggercover"] = "615,201,178,243", ["eastmoonruins"] = "380,341,173,163", ["abyssalsands"] = "297,148,255,194", ["thistleshrubvalley"] = "185,280,221,293", ["thenoxiouslair"] = "258,211,179,190", ["sandsorrowwatch"] = "293,99,214,149", }, ["uldum"] = { ["thegateofunendingcycles"] = "647,15,161,236", ["thecursedlanding"] = "752,170,237,316", ["ruinsofammon"] = "217,289,203,249", ["akhenetfields"] = "471,277,164,185", ["orsis"] = "264,136,249,243", ["nahom"] = "583,162,237,194", ["ramkahen"] = "411,67,228,227", ["obeliskofthemoon"] = "110,0,400,224", ["obeliskofthesun"] = "340,282,269,203", ["thetrailofdevestation"] = "657,349,206,204", ["cradeloftheancient"] = "341,402,202,169", ["schnottzslanding"] = "28,221,312,289", ["marat"] = "406,174,160,193", ["virnaaldam"] = "479,215,151,144", ["throneofthefourwinds"] = "229,433,270,229", ["thevortexpinnacle"] = "656,473,213,195", ["hallsoforigination"] = "599,184,269,242", ["templeofuldum"] = "132,127,296,209", ["obeliskofthestars"] = "551,121,196,170", ["ruinsofahmtul"] = "365,0,278,173", ["khartutstomb"] = "542,0,203,215", ["neferset"] = "407,384,209,254", ["tahretgrounds"] = "545,193,150,159", ["lostcityofthetolvir"] = "527,291,233,321", }, ["ahnqirajthefallenkingdom"] = { ["aqkingdom"] = "115,0,887,668", }, ["durotar"] = { ["razormanegrounds"] = "302,264,248,158", ["echoisles"] = "429,413,330,255", ["thunderridge"] = "295,48,220,218", ["skullrock"] = "438,0,208,157", ["tiragardekeep"] = "462,298,210,200", ["valleyoftrials"] = "304,312,254,258", ["southfurywatershed"] = "282,174,244,222", ["drygulchravine"] = "415,60,236,196", ["senjinvillage"] = "457,406,192,184", ["razorhill"] = "431,157,224,227", ["northwatchfoothold"] = "399,440,162,157", ["orgrimmar"] = "309,0,259,165", }, ["feralas"] = { ["campmojache"] = "671,181,174,220", ["feathermoonstronghold"] = "362,237,217,192", ["darkmistruins"] = "568,287,172,198", ["writhingdeep"] = "652,298,232,206", ["ruinsoffeathermoon"] = "186,229,208,204", ["theforgottencoast"] = "375,343,194,304", ["feralscar"] = "457,281,191,179", ["grimtotemcompund"] = "607,170,159,218", ["ruinsofisildien"] = "467,354,206,237", ["gordunnioutpost"] = "663,116,192,157", ["thetwincolossals"] = "271,0,350,334", ["diremaul"] = "485,101,265,284", ["lowerwilds"] = "756,191,207,209", }, ["silithus"] = { ["thescarabwall"] = "0,455,580,213", ["valorsrest"] = "614,0,315,285", ["twilightbasecamp"] = "100,151,434,231", ["southwindvillage"] = "550,181,309,243", ["thecrystalvale"] = "126,0,329,246", ["hiveashi"] = "345,4,405,267", ["cenarionhold"] = "427,143,292,260", ["hiveregal"] = "380,310,489,358", ["hivezora"] = "0,206,542,367", }, ["stonetalonmountains"] = { ["windshearcrag"] = "533,179,374,287", ["kromgarfortress"] = "588,341,183,196", ["stonetalonpeak"] = "265,0,305,244", ["unearthedgrounds"] = "654,369,265,206", ["greatwoodvale"] = "602,448,322,220", ["boulderslideravine"] = "532,512,194,156", ["cliffwalkerpost"] = "366,95,241,192", ["webwinderpath"] = "468,263,267,352", ["sunrockretreat"] = "353,285,222,222", ["webwinderhollow"] = "479,401,164,258", ["ruinsofeldrethar"] = "367,411,221,235", ["battlescarvalley"] = "220,189,290,297", ["windshearhold"] = "516,289,176,189", ["thaldarahoverlook"] = "252,121,210,189", ["malakajin"] = "618,537,211,131", ["mirkfallonlake"] = "417,143,244,247", ["thecharredvale"] = "199,368,277,274", }, ["southernbarrens"] = { ["huntershill"] = "300,64,218,178", ["honorsstand"] = "201,0,315,170", ["ruinsoftaurajo"] = "244,286,285,171", ["razorfenkraul"] = "273,528,214,140", ["vendettapoint"] = "267,196,254,214", ["forwardcommand"] = "423,251,216,172", ["battlescar"] = "274,307,384,248", ["theovergrowth"] = "289,117,355,226", ["baelmodan"] = "398,457,269,211", ["northwatchhold"] = "548,147,280,279", ["frazzlecrazmotherload"] = "269,436,242,195", }, ["dustwallow"] = { ["witchhill"] = "428,0,270,353", ["theramoreisle"] = "542,223,305,247", ["direhornpost"] = "358,169,279,301", ["blackhoofvillage"] = "199,0,344,183", ["brackenwllvillage"] = "133,59,384,249", ["alcazisland"] = "656,21,206,200", ["mudsprocket"] = "109,313,433,351", ["shadyrestinn"] = "137,188,317,230", ["thewyrmbog"] = "359,369,436,299", }, ["hyjal_terrain1"] = { ["archimondesvengeance"] = "320,5,270,300", ["shrineofgoldrinn"] = "116,17,291,321", ["nordrassil"] = "392,0,537,323", ["gatesofsothann"] = "622,320,272,334", ["sethriasroost"] = "139,436,277,232", ["theregrowth"] = "52,253,441,319", ["direforgehill"] = "303,197,270,173", ["ashenlake"] = "6,78,282,418", ["thescorchedplain"] = "411,216,365,264", ["thethroneofflame"] = "318,378,419,290", ["darkwhispergorge"] = "682,128,320,471", }, ["thousandneedles"] = { ["southseaholdfast"] = "756,412,246,256", ["thetwilightwithering"] = "347,329,374,339", ["splithoofheights"] = "571,49,431,410", ["thegreatlift"] = "136,0,272,232", ["razorfendowns"] = "298,0,361,314", ["theshimmeringdeep"] = "591,257,411,411", ["freewindpost"] = "276,186,436,271", ["highperch"] = "0,134,246,380", ["rustmauldivesite"] = "527,465,234,203", ["westreachsummit"] = "0,0,280,325", ["twilightbulwark"] = "125,241,358,418", ["darkcloudpinnacle"] = "169,116,317,252", }, -- Eastern Kingdoms ["vashjirruins"] = { ["nespirah"] = "460,261,286,269", ["glimmeringdeepgorge"] = "270,222,272,180", ["silvertidehollow"] = "150,32,480,319", ["shimmeringgrotto"] = "400,0,339,278", ["ruinsofvashjir"] = "217,268,349,361", ["ruinsoftherseral"] = "554,175,197,223", ["bethmoraridge"] = "407,445,335,223", }, ["duskwood"] = { ["theyorgenfarmstead"] = "401,396,233,248", ["addlesstead"] = "32,348,299,296", ["thetranquilgardenscemetary"] = "627,344,291,244", ["darkshire"] = "640,128,329,314", ["brightwoodgrove"] = "497,112,279,399", ["vulgologremound"] = "228,355,268,282", ["thehushedbank"] = "0,152,189,307", ["thedarkenedbank"] = "71,26,931,235", ["manormistmantle"] = "661,122,219,182", ["racenhill"] = "96,292,205,157", ["thetwilightgrove"] = "314,101,320,388", ["therottingorchard"] = "539,368,291,263", ["ravenhillcemetary"] = "91,132,323,309", }, ["vashjirkelpforest"] = { ["darkwhispergorge"] = "528,228,220,189", ["honorstomb"] = "380,43,291,206", ["legionsfate"] = "210,35,278,315", ["gnawsboneyard"] = "451,325,311,217", ["theaccursedreef"] = "365,162,340,225", ["gubogglesledge"] = "399,280,227,207", ["holdingpens"] = "456,401,316,267", }, ["twilighthighlands_terrain1"] = { ["victorypoint"] = "302,306,177,159", ["dragonmawpass"] = "76,120,283,206", ["bloodgulch"] = "416,205,215,157", ["obsidianforest"] = "436,380,342,288", ["thundermar"] = "374,93,238,229", ["grimbatol"] = "83,223,230,276", ["theblackbreach"] = "498,121,211,210", ["wyrmsbend"] = "205,232,191,198", ["dragonmawport"] = "631,245,251,207", ["crucibleofcarnage"] = "387,268,203,208", ["twilightshore"] = "610,345,260,202", ["vermillionredoubt"] = "71,16,324,264", ["thegullet"] = "269,179,175,180", ["humboldtconflaguration"] = "344,89,143,141", ["gorshakwarcamp"] = "543,220,194,170", ["highbank"] = "697,403,220,227", ["crushblow"] = "370,447,182,195", ["thetwilightcitadel"] = "151,314,361,354", ["highlandforest"] = "482,330,239,232", ["thetwilightbreach"] = "312,192,199,212", ["thekrazzworks"] = "654,0,226,232", ["slitheringcove"] = "622,169,198,201", ["thetwilightgate"] = "327,356,165,199", ["ruinsofdrakgor"] = "296,0,206,182", ["firebeardspatrol"] = "499,265,215,181", ["dunwaldruins"] = "395,367,197,218", ["weepingwound"] = "358,0,214,190", ["kirthaven"] = "482,0,308,267", ["glopgutshollow"] = "291,89,174,190", }, ["hinterlands"] = { ["queldanillodge"] = "220,181,241,211", ["thealtarofzul"] = "357,343,225,196", ["shaolwatha"] = "565,208,281,261", ["thecreepingruin"] = "390,252,199,199", ["zunwatha"] = "152,284,226,225", ["plaguemistravine"] = "133,105,191,278", ["shadraalor"] = "220,379,240,196", ["aeriepeak"] = "0,236,238,267", ["valorwindlake"] = "286,269,199,212", ["agolwatha"] = "367,159,208,204", ["jinthaalor"] = "487,334,287,289", ["skulkrock"] = "490,195,176,235", ["seradane"] = "475,5,303,311", ["theoverlookcliffs"] = "677,267,244,401", }, ["blastedlands"] = { ["serpentscoil"] = "459,97,218,183", ["nethergardekeep"] = "530,6,295,205", ["dreadmaulpost"] = "327,182,235,188", ["altarofstorms"] = "225,110,238,195", ["riseofthedefiler"] = "375,102,168,170", ["dreadmaulhold"] = "258,0,272,206", ["thetaintedforest"] = "132,311,348,357", ["surwich"] = "333,474,199,191", ["thedarkportal"] = "368,179,370,298", ["theredreaches"] = "533,268,268,354", ["shattershore"] = "578,91,240,270", ["sunveilexcursion"] = "386,374,233,266", ["nethergardesupplycamps"] = "436,0,195,199", ["thetaintedscar"] = "144,175,308,226", }, ["wetlands"] = { ["sundownmarsh"] = "121,63,276,243", ["blackchannelmarsh"] = "37,240,301,232", ["dunalgaz"] = "346,419,298,215", ["slabchiselssurvey"] = "532,352,300,316", ["satlspray"] = "218,0,250,282", ["greenwardensgrove"] = "460,102,250,269", ["raptorridge"] = "599,123,256,245", ["thelganrock"] = "371,335,258,207", ["bluegillmarsh"] = "31,102,321,248", ["mosshidefen"] = "506,232,369,235", ["direforgehills"] = "506,34,329,228", ["angerfangencampment"] = "359,201,236,256", ["whelgarsexcavationsite"] = "185,195,298,447", ["dunmodr"] = "356,7,257,185", ["ironbeardstomb"] = "372,76,185,224", ["menethilharbor"] = "0,297,325,363", }, ["easternplaguelands"] = { ["zulmashar"] = "528,0,286,176", ["thefungalvale"] = "183,211,274,216", ["theundercroft"] = "56,457,280,211", ["lightshopechapel"] = "687,271,196,220", ["corinscrossing"] = "493,289,186,213", ["tyrshand"] = "651,414,214,254", ["eastwalltower"] = "541,184,181,176", ["northpasstower"] = "401,69,250,192", ["acherus"] = "774,102,228,273", ["thondorilriver"] = "0,100,262,526", ["themarrisstead"] = "133,335,202,202", ["thenoxiousglade"] = "650,55,297,299", ["thepestilentscar"] = "383,348,182,320", ["theinfectisscar"] = "595,263,177,266", ["terrordale"] = "0,10,258,320", ["blackwoodlake"] = "382,151,238,231", ["stratholme"] = "118,0,310,178", ["quellithienlodge"] = "351,0,277,175", ["plaguewood"] = "144,40,328,253", ["darrowshire"] = "211,462,248,206", ["ruinsofthescarletenclave"] = "738,295,264,373", ["lightsshieldtower"] = "391,271,243,162", ["northdale"] = "570,61,265,232", ["crownguardtower"] = "258,351,202,191", ["lakemereldar"] = "462,427,266,241", }, ["badlands"] = { ["agmondsend"] = "230,315,342,353", ["apocryphansrest"] = "0,66,252,353", ["campcagg"] = "0,281,339,347", ["uldaman"] = "336,0,266,210", ["lethlorravine"] = "533,55,469,613", ["campboff"] = "407,220,274,448", ["hammertoesdigsite"] = "411,116,209,196", ["campkosh"] = "504,19,236,260", ["angorfortress"] = "230,68,285,223", ["deathwingscar"] = "175,178,328,313", ["thedustbowl"] = "144,99,214,285", }, ["silverpine"] = { ["northtidesrun"] = "147,0,281,345", ["thesepulcher"] = "341,157,218,200", ["forsakenhighcommand"] = "445,0,361,175", ["thedecrepitfields"] = "471,156,176,152", ["northtidesbeachhead"] = "323,68,174,199", ["theforsakenfront"] = "433,327,152,189", ["valgansfield"] = "461,77,162,172", ["deepelemmine"] = "483,212,217,198", ["thebattlefront"] = "349,429,255,180", ["fenrisisle"] = "581,15,352,302", ["shadowfangkeep"] = "337,337,179,165", ["olsensfarthing"] = "312,249,251,167", ["ambermill"] = "509,250,283,243", ["berensperil"] = "505,405,318,263", ["forsakenrearguard"] = "369,0,186,238", ["thegreymanewall"] = "318,506,409,162", ["theskitteringdark"] = "236,0,227,172", }, ["thecapeofstranglethorn"] = { ["bootybay"] = "289,341,225,255", ["gurubashiarena"] = "345,0,238,260", ["mistvalevalley"] = "408,248,253,242", ["crystalveinmine"] = "528,73,271,204", ["wildshore"] = "340,392,236,276", ["nekmaniwellspring"] = "292,213,246,221", ["ruinsofaboraz"] = "533,181,184,176", ["jagueroisle"] = "471,404,240,264", ["thesundering"] = "452,0,244,209", ["hardwrenchhideaway"] = "208,116,356,221", ["ruinsofjubuwal"] = "468,119,155,221", }, ["vashjirdepths"] = { ["abyssalbreach"] = "497,0,491,470", ["seabrush"] = "415,183,225,250", ["fireplumetrench"] = "315,110,298,251", ["lghorek"] = "162,210,306,293", ["coldlightchasm"] = "266,280,267,374", ["abandonedreef"] = "50,263,371,394", ["korthunsend"] = "412,283,370,385", ["deepfinridge"] = "275,32,363,262", }, ["stranglethornjungle"] = { ["kurzenscompound"] = "499,0,244,238", ["balalruins"] = "267,168,159,137", ["thevilereef"] = "140,208,236,224", ["moshoggogremound"] = "543,253,234,206", ["ruinsofzulkunda"] = "158,0,228,265", ["fortlivingston"] = "398,375,230,170", ["mazthoril"] = "488,364,350,259", ["nesingwarysexpedition"] = "306,63,227,190", ["zuuldalaruins"] = "9,22,324,263", ["kalairuins"] = "354,184,139,150", ["zulgurub"] = "626,0,376,560", ["baliamahruins"] = "397,243,239,205", ["bambala"] = "566,164,190,176", ["mizjahruins"] = "387,246,157,173", ["lakenazferiti"] = "413,95,240,228", ["gromgolbasecamp"] = "298,228,167,179", ["rebelcamp"] = "306,0,302,166", }, ["ruinsofgilneas"] = { ["gilneaspuzzle"] = "0,0,1002,668", }, ["gilneas_terrain2"] = { ["greymanemanor"] = "141,202,244,241", ["theblackwald"] = "504,394,280,224", ["theheadlands"] = "160,0,328,336", ["crowleyorchard"] = "261,427,210,166", ["emberstonemine"] = "639,43,281,351", ["duskhaven"] = "272,333,286,178", ["tempestsreach"] = "652,290,350,345", ["korothsden"] = "393,386,222,268", ["hammondfarmstead"] = "167,352,194,236", ["haywardfishery"] = "293,449,177,219", ["stormglenvillage"] = "516,465,321,203", ["northgatewoods"] = "482,14,282,298", ["northernheadlands"] = "387,0,267,314", ["keelharbor"] = "298,95,280,342", }, ["searinggorge"] = { ["blackrockmountain"] = "243,424,304,244", ["thoriumpoint"] = "255,38,429,301", ["tannercamp"] = "413,360,571,308", ["thecauldron"] = "232,171,481,360", ["blackcharcave"] = "0,361,375,307", ["grimsiltworksite"] = "531,241,441,266", ["firewatchridge"] = "0,75,365,393", ["dustfirevalley"] = "588,0,392,355", }, ["elwynn"] = { ["westbrookgarrison"] = "116,355,269,313", ["jerodslanding"] = "396,430,230,206", ["northshirevalley"] = "355,138,295,296", ["goldshire"] = "247,294,276,231", ["stromwind"] = "0,0,512,422", ["stonecairnlake"] = "552,186,340,272", ["crystallake"] = "417,327,220,207", ["towerofazora"] = "529,287,270,241", ["ridgepointtower"] = "708,442,285,194", ["brackwellpumpkinpatch"] = "532,424,287,216", ["fargodeepmine"] = "240,420,269,248", ["eastvaleloggingcamp"] = "703,292,294,243", }, ["arathi"] = { ["refugepoint"] = "293,145,196,270", ["galensfall"] = "0,144,212,305", ["northfoldmanor"] = "132,105,227,268", ["circleofeastbinding"] = "506,126,183,238", ["bouldergor"] = "171,123,249,278", ["goshekfarm"] = "430,249,306,248", ["cirecleofouterbinding"] = "332,273,215,188", ["hammerfall"] = "581,118,270,271", ["thandolspan"] = "261,416,237,252", ["boulderfisthall"] = "327,367,252,258", ["faldirscove"] = "77,400,273,268", ["witherbarkvillage"] = "476,359,260,220", ["stromgardekeep"] = "21,269,284,306", ["dabyriesfarmstead"] = "404,144,210,227", ["circleofinnerbinding"] = "201,312,228,227", ["circleofwestbinding"] = "85,24,220,287", }, ["dunmorogh"] = { ["thegrizzledden"] = "374,287,211,160", ["coldridgepass"] = "360,340,225,276", ["kharanos"] = "449,220,184,188", ["gnomeregan"] = "0,27,409,318", ["thetundridhills"] = "579,306,174,249", ["theshimmeringdeep"] = "397,132,171,234", ["golbolarquarry"] = "663,288,198,251", ["iceflowlake"] = "263,0,236,358", ["amberstillranch"] = "595,225,249,183", ["ironforgeairfield"] = "630,0,308,335", ["frostmanehold"] = "50,227,437,249", ["coldridgevalley"] = "100,366,398,302", ["ironforge"] = "398,0,376,347", ["helmsbedlake"] = "760,268,218,234", ["northgateoutpost"] = "765,43,237,366", ["frostmanefront"] = "469,256,226,335", }, ["westfall"] = { ["thedaggerhills"] = "303,395,292,273", ["furlbrowspumpkinfarm"] = "394,0,197,213", ["thegapingchasm"] = "294,168,184,217", ["jangoloadmine"] = "311,0,196,229", ["goldcoastquarry"] = "199,79,235,306", ["themolsenfarm"] = "348,118,202,224", ["westfalllighthouse"] = "221,477,211,167", ["sentinelhill"] = "404,226,229,265", ["demontsplace"] = "203,376,201,195", ["alexstonfarmstead"] = "167,263,346,222", ["saldeansfarm"] = "451,81,244,237", ["moonbrook"] = "308,325,232,213", ["thedustplains"] = "480,378,317,261", ["thedeadacre"] = "531,200,193,273", ["thejansenstead"] = "474,0,202,179", }, ["burningsteppes"] = { ["blackrockpass"] = "419,258,298,410", ["dreadmaulrock"] = "568,151,274,263", ["dracodar"] = "0,237,362,431", ["altarofstorms"] = "0,0,182,360", ["ruinsofthaurissan"] = "421,0,324,354", ["blackrockmountain"] = "79,0,281,388", ["terrorwingpath"] = "646,7,350,341", ["blackrockstronghold"] = "235,0,320,385", ["morgansvigil"] = "615,255,383,413", ["pillarofash"] = "253,255,274,413", }, ["westernplaguelands"] = { ["thebulwark"] = "48,235,316,316", ["hearthglen"] = "235,0,432,271", ["caerdarrow"] = "601,390,194,208", ["sorrowhill"] = "261,448,368,220", ["felstonefield"] = "229,228,241,212", ["darrowmerelake"] = "510,354,492,314", ["northridgelumbercamp"] = "231,123,359,182", ["thewrithinghaunt"] = "472,332,169,195", ["thondrorilriver"] = "533,0,311,436", ["theweepingcave"] = "551,151,185,230", ["redpinedell"] = "286,211,290,133", ["dalsonsfarm"] = "300,232,325,192", ["andorhal"] = "96,343,464,325", ["gahrronswithering"] = "495,213,241,252", }, ["tirisfal"] = { ["balnirfarmstead"] = "594,324,242,179", ["venomwebvale"] = "752,150,250,279", ["thebulwark"] = "709,330,293,338", ["brill"] = "480,252,199,182", ["scarletmonastery"] = "740,47,262,262", ["scarletwatchpost"] = "692,99,161,234", ["agamandmills"] = "324,90,285,260", ["brightwaterlake"] = "573,122,210,292", ["ruinsoflorderon"] = "423,359,390,267", ["sollidenfarmstead"] = "201,192,286,225", ["calstonestate"] = "389,255,179,169", ["coldhearthmanor"] = "418,317,212,177", ["deathknell"] = "9,207,431,407", ["nightmarevale"] = "347,325,225,281", ["crusaderoutpost"] = "686,232,175,210", ["garrenshaunt"] = "477,129,190,214", }, ["redridge"] = { ["rendersvalley"] = "451,377,427,291", ["stonewatchkeep"] = "480,0,228,420", ["lakeridgehighway"] = "148,316,392,352", ["campeverstill"] = "445,286,189,193", ["renderscamp"] = "214,0,357,246", ["lakeeverstill"] = "81,214,464,250", ["lakeshire"] = "0,110,410,256", ["althersmill"] = "350,139,228,247", ["shalewindcanyon"] = "688,283,306,324", ["stonewatchfalls"] = "525,302,316,182", ["galardellvalley"] = "574,0,428,463", ["threecorners"] = "0,256,323,406", ["redridgecanyons"] = "37,0,413,292", }, ["swampofsorrows"] = { ["splinterspearjunction"] = "194,236,238,343", ["stagalbog"] = "540,360,347,303", ["marshtidewatch"] = "478,0,330,342", ["pooloftears"] = "575,238,257,229", ["theshiftingmire"] = "331,24,292,360", ["sorrowmurk"] = "703,80,229,418", ["ithariuscave"] = "7,242,268,316", ["mistyreedstrand"] = "600,0,402,668", ["stonard"] = "297,258,357,308", ["mistyvalley"] = "0,80,268,285", ["theharborage"] = "161,79,266,284", ["bogpaddle"] = "600,0,262,193", }, ["lochmodan"] = { ["thefarstriderlodge"] = "570,209,349,292", ["stronewroughtdam"] = "339,0,333,200", ["silverstreammine"] = "221,0,225,252", ["northgatepass"] = "16,0,319,289", ["ironbandsexcavationsite"] = "481,296,397,291", ["stonesplintervalley"] = "177,345,273,294", ["thelsamar"] = "0,146,455,295", ["grizzlepawridge"] = "245,324,273,230", ["valleyofkings"] = "0,311,310,345", ["theloch"] = "340,81,330,474", ["mogroshstronghold"] = "549,52,294,249", }, ["deadwindpass"] = { ["deadmanscrossing"] = "83,0,617,522", ["thevice"] = "433,208,350,449", ["karazhan"] = "92,310,513,358", }, ["hillsbradfoothills"] = { ["tarrenmill"] = "494,226,165,203", ["gavinsnaze"] = "344,254,116,129", ["lordamereinternmentcamp"] = "194,216,250,167", ["mistyshore"] = "321,42,158,169", ["nethandersteed"] = "502,373,204,244", ["hillsbradfields"] = "191,302,302,175", ["growlesscave"] = "359,191,171,136", ["theheadland"] = "390,255,105,148", ["azurelodemine"] = "287,399,180,182", ["dalarancrater"] = "102,137,316,238", ["gallowscorner"] = "451,140,155,147", ["strahnbrad"] = "505,44,275,193", ["darrowhill"] = "425,279,147,160", ["southpointtower"] = "59,310,312,254", ["dandredsfold"] = "341,0,258,113", ["slaughterhollow"] = "413,55,148,120", ["soferasnaze"] = "484,166,148,146", ["ruinsofalterac"] = "347,85,189,181", ["corrahnsdagger"] = "426,224,135,160", ["purgationisle"] = "200,505,144,139", ["crushridgehold"] = "463,101,134,124", ["dungarok"] = "542,410,269,258", ["durnholdekeep"] = "565,217,437,451", ["chillwindpoint"] = "555,68,447,263", ["theuplands"] = "441,0,212,160", ["southshore"] = "383,352,229,219", }, -- Jamie exports ["azuremystisle"] = { ["ammenford"] = "515,279,256,256", ["ammenvale"] = "527,104,475,512", ["azurewatch"] = "383,249,256,256", ["bristlelimbvillage"] = "174,363,256,256", ["emberglade"] = "488,24,256,256", ["fairbridgestrand"] = "356,0,256,128", ["greezlescamp"] = "507,350,256,256", ["moongrazewoods"] = "449,183,256,256", ["odesyuslanding"] = "352,378,256,256", ["podcluster"] = "281,305,256,256", ["podwreckage"] = "462,349,128,256", ["siltingshore"] = "291,3,256,256", ["silvermystisle"] = "23,446,256,222", ["stillpinehold"] = "365,49,256,256", ["theexodar"] = "74,85,512,512", ["valaarsberth"] = "176,303,256,256", ["wrathscalepoint"] = "220,421,256,247", }, ["bladesedgemountains"] = { ["bashirlanding"] = "422,0,256,256", ["bladedgulch"] = "623,147,256,256", ["bladesiprehold"] = "314,161,256,507", ["bloodmaulcamp"] = "412,95,256,256", ["bloodmauloutpost"] = "342,371,256,297", ["brokenwilds"] = "733,109,256,256", ["circleofwrath"] = "439,210,256,256", ["deathsdoor"] = "512,249,256,419", ["forgecampanger"] = "586,147,416,256", ["forgecampterror"] = "144,416,512,252", ["forgecampwrath"] = "254,176,256,256", ["grishnath"] = "286,28,256,256", ["gruulslayer"] = "527,81,256,256", ["jaggedridge"] = "446,414,256,254", ["moknathalvillage"] = "658,297,256,256", ["ravenswood"] = "214,55,512,256", ["razorridge"] = "533,332,256,336", ["ridgeofmadness"] = "554,258,256,410", ["ruuanweald"] = "479,98,256,512", ["skald"] = "673,71,256,256", ["sylvanaar"] = "289,350,256,318", ["thecrystalpine"] = "585,0,256,256", ["thunderlordstronghold"] = "405,272,256,396", ["veillashh"] = "271,428,256,240", ["veilruuan"] = "563,151,256,128", ["vekhaarstand"] = "629,406,256,256", ["vortexpinnacle"] = "166,206,256,462", }, ["bloodmystisle"] = { ["amberwebpass"] = "44,62,256,512", ["axxarien"] = "297,136,256,256", ["blacksiltshore"] = "177,426,512,242", ["bladewood"] = "367,209,256,256", ["bloodscaleisle"] = "763,256,239,256", ["bloodwatch"] = "437,258,256,256", ["bristlelimbenclave"] = "546,410,256,256", ["kesselscrossing"] = "517,527,485,141", ["middenvale"] = "414,406,256,256", ["mystwood"] = "309,483,256,185", ["nazzivian"] = "250,404,256,256", ["ragefeatherridge"] = "481,117,256,256", ["ruinsofloretharan"] = "556,216,256,256", ["talonstand"] = "657,78,256,256", ["telathionscamp"] = "180,216,128,128", ["thebloodcursedreef"] = "729,54,256,256", ["thebloodwash"] = "302,27,256,256", ["thecrimsonreach"] = "555,87,256,256", ["thecryocore"] = "293,285,256,256", ["thefoulpool"] = "221,136,256,256", ["thehiddenreef"] = "205,39,256,256", ["thelostfold"] = "503,470,256,198", ["thevectorcoil"] = "43,238,512,430", ["thewarppiston"] = "451,29,256,256", ["veridianpoint"] = "637,0,256,256", ["vindicatorsrest"] = "232,242,256,256", ["wrathscalelair"] = "598,338,256,256", ["wyrmscarisland"] = "613,82,256,256", }, ["eversongwoods"] = { ["azurebreezecoast"] = "669,228,256,256", ["duskwithergrounds"] = "605,253,256,256", ["eastsanctum"] = "460,373,256,256", ["elrendarfalls"] = "580,399,128,256", ["fairbreezevilliage"] = "386,386,256,256", ["farstriderretreat"] = "524,359,256,128", ["goldenboughpass"] = "243,469,256,128", ["lakeelrendar"] = "584,471,128,197", ["northsanctum"] = "361,298,256,256", ["ruinsofsilvermoon"] = "307,136,256,256", ["runestonefalithas"] = "378,496,256,172", ["runestoneshandor"] = "464,494,256,174", ["satherilshaven"] = "324,384,256,256", ["silvermooncity"] = "440,87,512,512", ["stillwhisperpond"] = "474,314,256,256", ["sunsailanchorage"] = "231,404,256,128", ["sunstriderisle"] = "195,5,512,512", ["thegoldenstrand"] = "183,415,128,253", ["thelivingwood"] = "511,420,128,248", ["thescortchedgrove"] = "255,507,256,128", ["thuronslivery"] = "539,305,256,128", ["torwatha"] = "648,315,256,353", ["tranquilshore"] = "215,298,256,256", ["westsanctum"] = "292,319,128,256", ["zebwatha"] = "554,475,128,193", }, ["ghostlands"] = { ["amanipass"] = "598,232,404,436", ["bleedingziggurat"] = "184,238,256,256", ["dawnstarspire"] = "575,0,427,256", ["deatholme"] = "95,375,512,293", ["elrendarcrossing"] = "326,0,512,256", ["farstriderenclave"] = "573,136,429,256", ["goldenmistvillage"] = "44,0,512,512", ["howlingziggurat"] = "340,219,256,449", ["isleoftribulations"] = "585,0,256,256", ["sanctumofthemoon"] = "210,126,256,256", ["sanctumofthesun"] = "448,150,256,512", ["suncrownvillage"] = "460,0,512,256", ["thalassiapass"] = "364,406,256,262", ["tranquillien"] = "365,2,256,512", ["windrunnerspire"] = "40,287,256,256", ["windrunnervillage"] = "60,117,256,512", ["zebnowa"] = "466,237,512,431", }, ["hellfire"] = { ["denofhaalesh"] = "182,412,256,256", ["expeditionarmory"] = "261,413,512,255", ["falconwatch"] = "183,326,512,342", ["fallenskyridge"] = "34,142,256,256", ["forgecamprage"] = "478,25,512,512", ["hellfirecitadel"] = "338,210,256,458", ["honorhold"] = "469,298,256,256", ["magharpost"] = "206,110,256,256", ["poolsofaggonar"] = "326,45,256,512", ["ruinsofshanaar"] = "25,290,256,378", ["templeoftelhamat"] = "38,152,512,512", ["thelegionfront"] = "579,128,256,512", ["thestairofdestiny"] = "737,156,256,512", ["thrallmar"] = "467,154,256,256", ["throneofkiljaeden"] = "477,6,512,256", ["voidridge"] = "705,368,256,256", ["warpfields"] = "308,408,256,260", ["zethgor"] = "580,430,422,238", }, ["nagrand"] = { ["burningbladeruins"] = "660,334,256,334", ["clanwatch"] = "532,363,256,256", ["forgecampfear"] = "36,248,512,420", ["forgecamphate"] = "162,154,256,256", ["garadar"] = "431,143,256,256", ["halaa"] = "335,193,256,256", ["kilsorrowfortress"] = "558,427,256,241", ["laughingskullruins"] = "351,52,256,256", ["oshugun"] = "168,334,512,334", ["ringoftrials"] = "533,267,256,256", ["southwindcleft"] = "391,258,256,256", ["sunspringpost"] = "219,199,256,256", ["telaar"] = "387,390,256,256", ["throneoftheelements"] = "504,53,256,256", ["twilightridge"] = "10,107,256,512", ["warmaulhill"] = "157,32,256,256", ["windyreedpass"] = "598,79,256,256", ["windyreedvillage"] = "666,233,256,256", ["zangarridge"] = "277,54,256,256", }, ["netherstorm"] = { ["area52"] = "241,388,256,128", ["arklonruins"] = "328,397,256,256", ["celestialridge"] = "644,173,256,256", ["ecodomefarfield"] = "396,10,256,256", ["etheriumstaginggrounds"] = "481,208,256,256", ["forgebaseog"] = "237,22,256,256", ["kirinvarvillage"] = "490,523,256,145", ["manaforgebanar"] = "147,281,256,387", ["manaforgecoruu"] = "357,489,256,179", ["manaforgeduro"] = "465,336,256,256", ["manafrogeara"] = "171,155,256,256", ["netherstone"] = "411,20,256,256", ["netherstormbridge"] = "132,294,256,256", ["ruinedmanaforge"] = "513,138,256,256", ["ruinsofenkaat"] = "253,301,256,256", ["ruinsoffarahlon"] = "354,49,512,256", ["socretharsseat"] = "229,38,256,256", ["sunfuryhold"] = "454,451,256,217", ["tempestkeep"] = "593,284,409,384", ["theheap"] = "239,455,256,213", ["thescrapfield"] = "356,261,256,256", ["thestormspire"] = "298,134,256,256", }, ["shadowmoonvalley"] = { ["altarofshatar"] = "520,93,256,256", ["coilskarpoint"] = "348,8,512,512", ["eclipsepoint"] = "343,310,512,358", ["illadarpoint"] = "143,256,256,256", ["legionhold"] = "104,155,512,512", ["netherwingcliffs"] = "554,308,256,256", ["netherwingledge"] = "510,445,492,223", ["shadowmoonvilliage"] = "116,35,512,512", ["theblacktemple"] = "606,126,396,512", ["thedeathforge"] = "290,129,256,512", ["thehandofguldan"] = "394,90,512,512", ["thewardenscage"] = "469,258,512,410", ["wildhammerstronghold"] = "168,229,512,439", }, ["terokkarforest"] = { ["allerianstronghold"] = "480,277,256,256", ["auchenaigrounds"] = "247,434,256,234", ["bleedinghollowclanruins"] = "103,301,256,367", ["bonechewerruins"] = "521,275,256,256", ["carrionhill"] = "377,272,256,256", ["cenarionthicket"] = "314,0,256,256", ["firewingpoint"] = "617,149,385,512", ["grangolvarvilliage"] = "143,171,512,256", ["raastokglade"] = "505,154,256,256", ["razorthornshelf"] = "478,19,256,256", ["refugecaravan"] = "316,268,128,256", ["ringofobservance"] = "310,345,256,256", ["sethekktomb"] = "245,289,256,256", ["shattrathcity"] = "104,4,512,512", ["skethylmountains"] = "449,348,512,320", ["smolderingcaravan"] = "321,460,256,208", ["stonebreakerhold"] = "397,165,256,256", ["thebarrierhills"] = "116,4,256,256", ["tuurem"] = "455,34,256,512", ["veilrhaze"] = "222,362,256,256", ["writhingmound"] = "417,327,256,256", }, ["zangarmarsh"] = { ["angoroshgrounds"] = "88,50,256,256", ["angoroshstronghold"] = "124,0,256,128", ["bloodscaleenclave"] = "596,412,256,256", ["cenarionrefuge"] = "694,321,308,256", ["coilfangreservoir"] = "462,90,256,512", ["feralfenvillage"] = "314,332,512,336", ["marshlightlake"] = "81,152,256,256", ["oreborharborage"] = "329,25,256,512", ["quaggridge"] = "141,325,256,343", ["sporeggar"] = "20,202,512,256", ["telredor"] = "569,112,256,512", ["thedeadmire"] = "716,128,286,512", ["thehewnbog"] = "219,51,256,512", ["thelagoon"] = "512,303,256,256", ["thespawningglen"] = "31,339,256,256", ["twinspireruins"] = "342,249,256,256", ["umbrafenvillage"] = "720,461,256,207", ["zabrajin"] = "175,232,256,256", }, -- Manually added for patch 2.4 ["sunwell"] = { ["sunsreachharbor"] = "252,252,512,416", ["sunsreachsanctum"] = "251,4,512,512", }, -- WotLK ["scarletenclave"] = { ["scarletenclave"] = "0,0,1024,768", -- FIX!! }, ["lakewintergrasp"] = { ["lakewintergrasp"] = "0,0,1024,768", }, ["dalaran"] = { ["dalaran1_"] = "0,0,1024,768", -- FIX!! }, ["boreantundra"] = { ["deathsstand"] = "707,181,289,279", ["templecityofenkilah"] = "712,15,290,292", ["warsongstronghold"] = "329,237,260,278", ["riplashstrand"] = "293,383,382,258", ["thedensofdying"] = "662,11,203,209", ["thegeyserfields"] = "480,0,375,342", ["torpsfarm"] = "272,237,186,276", ["valiancekeep"] = "457,264,259,302", ["garroshslanding"] = "153,238,267,378", ["borgorokoutpost"] = "314,0,396,203", ["amberledge"] = "325,140,244,214", ["kaskala"] = "509,214,385,316", ["steeljawscaravan"] = "397,66,244,319", ["coldarra"] = "50,0,460,381", }, ["sholazarbasin"] = { ["kartakshold"] = "76,375,329,293", ["theavalanche"] = "596,92,322,265", ["thesavagethicket"] = "396,51,293,229", ["thesuntouchedpillar"] = "82,186,455,316", ["themakersperch"] = "172,135,249,248", ["themakersoverlook"] = "705,236,233,286", ["rainspeakercanopy"] = "427,244,207,235", ["themosslightpillar"] = "265,355,239,313", ["theglimmeringpillar"] = "308,34,294,327", ["thelifebloodpillar"] = "501,134,312,369", ["thestormwrightsshelf"] = "138,58,268,288", ["riversheart"] = "359,339,468,329", }, ["dragonblight"] = { ["lightsrest"] = "703,7,299,278", ["galakrondsrest"] = "433,118,258,225", ["newhearthglen"] = "614,358,214,261", ["rubydragonshrine"] = "374,208,188,211", ["icemistvillage"] = "134,165,235,337", ["venomspite"] = "661,264,226,212", ["westwindrefugeecamp"] = "42,187,229,299", ["obsidiandragonshrine"] = "256,104,304,203", ["naxxramas"] = "691,160,311,272", ["wyrmresttemple"] = "453,219,317,353", ["scarletpoint"] = "569,7,235,354", ["emeralddragonshrine"] = "543,362,196,218", ["agmarshammer"] = "258,203,236,218", ["theforgottenshore"] = "698,332,301,286", ["thecrystalvice"] = "487,0,229,259", ["angrathar"] = "210,0,306,242", ["lakeindule"] = "217,313,356,300", ["coldwindheights"] = "403,0,213,219", }, ["crystalsongforest"] = { ["windrunnersoverlook"] = "444,383,558,285", ["theunboundthicket"] = "500,105,502,477", ["theazurefront"] = "0,244,416,424", ["forlornwoods"] = "129,0,544,668", ["violetstand"] = "0,176,264,303", ["thegreattree"] = "0,91,252,260", ["thedecrepitflow"] = "0,0,288,222", ["sunreaverscommand"] = "536,40,446,369", }, ["howlingfjord"] = { ["scalawagpoint"] = "168,410,350,258", ["baleheim"] = "576,170,174,173", ["giantsrun"] = "572,0,298,306", ["halgrind"] = "397,208,187,263", ["utgardekeep"] = "477,216,248,382", ["vengeancelanding"] = "664,25,223,338", ["nifflevar"] = "595,240,178,208", ["emberclutch"] = "283,203,213,256", ["ivaldsruin"] = "668,223,193,201", ["cauldrosisle"] = "490,161,181,178", ["fortwildervar"] = "490,0,251,192", ["thetwistedglade"] = "420,57,266,210", ["newagamand"] = "415,360,284,308", ["baelgunsexcavationsite"] = "621,327,244,305", ["apothecarycamp"] = "99,37,263,265", ["ancientlift"] = "342,351,177,191", ["kamagua"] = "99,278,333,265", ["gjalerbron"] = "225,0,242,189", ["explorersleagueoutpost"] = "585,336,232,216", ["westguardkeep"] = "90,180,347,220", ["skorn"] = "343,108,238,232", ["campwinterhoof"] = "354,0,223,209", ["steelgate"] = "222,100,222,168", }, ["zuldrak"] = { ["zeramas"] = "7,412,307,256", ["draksotrafields"] = "326,358,286,265", ["altarofrhunok"] = "431,127,247,304", ["altarofsseratus"] = "288,168,237,248", ["kolramas"] = "380,437,302,231", ["gundrak"] = "629,0,336,297", ["altarofquetzlun"] = "607,251,261,288", ["altarofharkoa"] = "533,345,265,257", ["lightsbreach"] = "181,363,321,305", ["thrymsend"] = "0,247,272,268", ["amphitheaterofanguish"] = "289,287,266,254", ["voltarus"] = "174,191,218,291", ["altarofmamtoth"] = "575,88,291,258", ["zimtorga"] = "479,241,249,258", }, ["grizzlyhills"] = { ["grizzlemaw"] = "358,187,294,227", ["voldrune"] = "176,421,283,247", ["conquesthold"] = "17,307,332,294", ["dunargol"] = "547,257,455,400", ["ragefangshrine"] = "312,294,475,362", ["drakiljinruins"] = "607,41,351,284", ["venturebay"] = "18,461,274,207", ["thormodan"] = "509,0,329,246", ["granitesprings"] = "7,207,356,224", ["blueskylogginggrounds"] = "232,129,249,235", ["draktheronkeep"] = "0,46,382,285", ["amberpinelodge"] = "217,244,278,290", ["ursocsden"] = "331,32,328,260", ["camponeqwah"] = "548,137,324,265", }, ["thestormpeaks"] = { ["frosthold"] = "134,429,244,220", ["templeofstorms"] = "239,301,169,164", ["ulduar"] = "218,0,369,265", ["sparksocketminefield"] = "242,468,251,200", ["borsbreath"] = "109,375,322,195", ["engineofthemakers"] = "316,296,210,179", ["garmsbane"] = "395,470,184,191", ["dunniffelem"] = "481,285,309,383", ["narvirscradle"] = "214,144,180,239", ["nidavelir"] = "108,206,221,200", ["brunnhildarvillage"] = "339,370,305,298", ["snowdriftplains"] = "162,143,205,232", ["valkyrion"] = "98,318,228,158", ["templeoflife"] = "570,113,182,270", ["terraceofthemakers"] = "292,122,363,341", ["thunderfall"] = "627,179,306,484", }, ["icecrownglacier"] = { ["aldurthar"] = "355,37,373,375", ["corprethar"] = "342,392,308,212", ["thebombardment"] = "538,181,248,243", ["onslaughtharbor"] = "0,167,204,268", ["sindragosasfall"] = "626,31,300,343", ["thefleshwerks"] = "218,291,219,283", ["jotunheim"] = "22,122,393,474", ["valleyofechoes"] = "715,390,269,217", ["theconflagration"] = "327,305,227,210", ["thebrokenfront"] = "558,329,283,231", ["scourgeholme"] = "690,267,245,239", ["ymirheim"] = "444,276,223,207", ["theshadowvault"] = "321,15,223,399", ["argenttournamentground"] = "616,30,314,224", ["icecrowncitadel"] = "392,466,308,202", ["valhalas"] = "217,50,238,240", }, -- Patch 3.2 ["hrothgarslanding"] = { -- ["hrothgarslanding"] = "0,0,1024,768", ["hrothgarslanding2"] = "256,0,256,256,1", -- Just draw 4 parts ["hrothgarslanding3"] = "512,0,256,256,1", ["hrothgarslanding6"] = "256,256,256,256,1", ["hrothgarslanding7"] = "512,256,256,256,1", }, -- Cataclysm ["tolbarad"] = { ["tolbarad"] = "0,0,1024,768", -- Manual }, ["tolbaraddailyarea"] = { ["tolbaraddailyarea"] = "0,0,1024,768", -- Manual }, ["themaelstrom"] = { ["themaelstrom"] = "0,0,1024,768", -- Manual }, ["thelostisles_terrain2"] = { ["gallywixdocks"] = "351,21,173,180", ["alliancebeachhead"] = "129,348,177,172", ["bilgewaterlumberyard"] = "462,43,248,209", ["thesavageglen"] = "213,325,231,216", ["oostan"] = "492,161,210,258", ["raptorrise"] = "416,368,168,205", ["warchiefslookout"] = "264,144,159,230", ["ooomlotvillage"] = "508,345,221,211", ["scorchedgully"] = "323,185,305,288", ["ktcoilplatform"] = "433,11,156,142", ["hordebasecamp"] = "244,458,222,190", ["lostpeak"] = "581,21,350,517", ["shipwreckshore"] = "189,408,172,175", ["skyfalls"] = "416,131,190,186", ["ruinsofvashelan"] = "440,452,212,216", ["landingsite"] = "377,359,142,133", ["theslavepits"] = "279,68,212,193", }, ["kezan"] = { ["bilgewaterport"] = "163,148,694,290", ["firstbankofkezan"] = "98,325,376,343", ["swindlestreet"] = "317,232,168,213", ["theslick"] = "219,108,592,202", ["kajamine"] = "586,308,354,360", ["kajarofield"] = "383,260,250,307", ["gallywixsvilla"] = "0,41,303,452", ["kezanmap"] = "0,4,1002,664", ["drudgetown"] = "180,367,351,301", }, ["deepholm"] = { ["stonehearth"] = "0,314,371,354", ["twilightterrace"] = "297,384,237,198", ["scouredreach"] = "448,0,516,287", ["needlerockchasm"] = "20,0,378,359", ["stormsfurywreckage"] = "458,383,292,285", ["twilightoverlook"] = "570,420,411,248", ["deathwingsfall"] = "549,297,454,343", ["thepaleroost"] = "85,0,467,273", ["needlerockslag"] = "0,146,370,285", ["theshatteredfield"] = "141,438,430,230", ["therazanesthrone"] = "434,0,274,156", ["crimsonexpanse"] = "540,12,462,400", ["templeofearth"] = "287,177,355,345", }, -- Patch 4.2 ["moltenfront"] = { ["moltenfront"] = "0,0,1024,768", -- Manual }, -- Pandaria ["thejadeforest"] = { ["glassfinvillage"] = "525,358,278,310", ["ruinsofganshi"] = "316,0,196,158", ["thearboretum"] = "481,215,242,210", ["windlessisle"] = "539,43,251,348", ["dawnsblossom"] = "325,178,234,210", ["templeofthejadeserpent"] = "468,295,264,211", ["dreamerspavillion"] = "474,520,218,148", ["nectarbreezeorchard"] = "290,330,219,256", ["hellscreamshope"] = "181,75,196,166", ["slingtailpits"] = "428,416,179,180", ["serpentsspine"] = "388,299,191,216", ["chuntianmonastery"] = "300,56,227,198", ["jademines"] = "400,146,236,142", ["emperorsomen"] = "430,21,202,204", ["grookinmound"] = "182,214,253,229", ["wreckoftheskyshark"] = "202,0,210,158", ["waywardlanding"] = "346,482,219,186", ["nookanooka"] = "189,151,219,205", }, ["dreadwastes"] = { ["klaxxivess"] = "458,110,236,204", ["zanvess"] = "162,385,290,283", ["brewgarden"] = "351,0,250,218", ["dreadwaterlake"] = "437,313,322,211", ["clutchesofshekzeer"] = "341,125,209,318", ["horridmarch"] = "441,224,323,194", ["brinymuck"] = "214,311,325,270", ["soggysgamble"] = "450,406,268,241", ["terraceofgurthan"] = "593,92,209,234", ["rikkitunvillage"] = "236,32,218,186", ["heartoffear"] = "191,122,262,293", ["kyparivor"] = "485,0,325,190", }, ["krasarang"] = { ["redwingrefuge"] = "317,63,212,265", ["anglersoutpost"] = "545,205,265,194", ["templeoftheredcrane"] = "300,215,219,259", ["dojaniriver"] = "513,3,190,282", ["krasarangcove"] = "701,19,286,268", ["thedeepwild"] = "397,59,188,412", ["lostdynasty"] = "589,27,217,279", ["fallsongriver"] = "218,77,214,393", ["thesouthernisles"] = "23,267,252,313", ["zhusbastion"] = "612,0,306,204", ["ruinsofdojan"] = "444,44,204,383", ["theforbiddenjungle"] = "0,79,257,300", ["ruinsofkorja"] = "125,88,211,395", ["cradleofchiji"] = "176,376,272,250", ["ungaingoo"] = "330,498,258,170", ["nayelilagoon"] = "343,373,246,240", }, ["kunlaisummit"] = { ["binanvillage"] = "607,470,240,198", ["mogujia"] = "462,411,253,208", ["muskpawranch"] = "603,313,229,262", ["mountneverset"] = "228,264,313,208", ["zouchinvillage"] = "502,64,298,219", ["templeofthewhitetiger"] = "587,170,250,260", ["gateoftheaugust"] = "449,506,261,162", ["shadopanmonastery"] = "88,92,385,385", ["theburlaptrail"] = "398,310,310,276", ["peakofserenity"] = "333,63,287,277", ["valleyofemperors"] = "453,191,224,241", ["kotapeak"] = "233,360,252,257", ["iseoflostsouls"] = "602,4,259,233", ["fireboughnook"] = "322,496,224,172", }, ["valeofeternalblossoms"] = { ["guolairuins"] = "87,3,337,349", ["whitemoonshrine"] = "482,10,298,262", ["mistfallvillage"] = "200,363,310,305", ["settingsuntraining"] = "0,234,350,429", ["tushenburialground"] = "349,316,267,308", ["thestairsascent"] = "556,267,446,359", ["winterboughglade"] = "4,107,361,333", ["thegoldenstair"] = "328,16,242,254", ["whitepetallake"] = "278,170,267,281", ["thetwinmonoliths"] = "444,97,272,522", ["mogushanpalace"] = "629,22,373,385", }, ["valleyofthefourwinds"] = { ["thunderfootfields"] = "622,0,380,317", ["poolsofpurity"] = "513,58,213,246", ["rumblingterrace"] = "582,301,277,245", ["paoquanhollow"] = "12,105,273,246", ["stormsoutbrewery"] = "227,380,257,288", ["dustbackgorge"] = "0,343,209,308", ["cliffsofdispair"] = "215,404,510,264", ["theheartland"] = "253,75,286,392", ["silkenfields"] = "530,253,254,259", ["harvesthome"] = "5,239,260,251", ["gildedfan"] = "438,41,208,292", ["grandgranery"] = "334,325,314,212", ["singingmarshes"] = "170,130,175,291", ["zhusdecent"] = "699,114,303,323", ["halfhill"] = "438,177,206,245", ["nesingwarysafari"] = "104,326,249,342", ["mudmugsplace"] = "561,161,230,217", ["kuzenvillage"] = "224,74,199,304", }, ["townlongwastes"] = { ["niuzaotemple"] = "213,241,296,359", ["shanzedao"] = "125,0,300,246", ["thesumprushes"] = "545,369,271,205", ["sikvess"] = "306,433,261,235", ["gaoranblockade"] = "546,468,353,200", ["mingchicrossroads"] = "417,447,247,221", ["palewindvillage"] = "692,362,282,306", ["osulmesa"] = "560,185,238,296", ["shadopangarrison"] = "413,385,213,170", ["krivess"] = "420,209,255,269", ["srivess"] = "92,192,294,283", }, ["thewanderingisle"] = { ["thedawningvalley"] = "325,0,677,667", ["templeoffivedawns"] = "395,182,607,461", ["mandorivillage"] = "392,294,610,374", ["ridgeoflaughingwinds"] = "183,198,313,321", ["pei-wuforest"] = "351,406,651,262", ["poolofthepaw"] = "297,324,220,188", ["skyfirecrash-site"] = "124,405,346,263", ["therows"] = "504,295,385,373", ["thesingingpools"] = "545,12,372,475", ["morningbreezevillage"] = "203,36,261,315", ["fe-fangvillage"] = "134,9,234,286", ["thewoodofstaves"] = "13,202,989,466", }, ["darkmoonfaireisland"] = { ["darkmoonfaireisland"] = "0,0,1024,768", }, ["thehiddenpass"] = { ["thehiddencliffs"] = "443,0,294,220", ["theblackmarket"] = "371,175,479,493", ["thehiddensteps"] = "412,477,290,191", }, } -------- -- OLD From Textures\Minimap\md5translate.trs -- From art.mpq World\Minimaps Map.OLMapBlks = { -- Expansion01 [1334] = "", [1335] = "", [1429] = "", [1430] = "", [1431] = "", [1432] = "", [1433] = "", [1434] = "", [1435] = "", [1436] = "", [1437] = "", [1528] = "", [1529] = "", [1530] = "", [1531] = "", [1532] = "", [1533] = "", [1534] = "", [1535] = "", [1536] = "", [1537] = "", [1538] = "", [1628] = "", [1629] = "", [1630] = "", [1631] = "", [1632] = "", [1633] = "", [1634] = "", [1635] = "", [1636] = "", [1637] = "", [1638] = "", [1725] = "", [1726] = "", [1727] = "", [1728] = "", [1729] = "", [1730] = "", [1731] = "", [1732] = "", [1733] = "", [1734] = "", [1735] = "", [1736] = "", [1737] = "", [1738] = "", [1824] = "", [1825] = "", [1826] = "", [1827] = "", [1828] = "", [1829] = "", [1830] = "", [1831] = "", [1832] = "", [1833] = "", [1834] = "", [1835] = "", [1836] = "", [1837] = "", [1838] = "", [1924] = "", [1925] = "", [1926] = "", [1927] = "", [1928] = "", [1929] = 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[4313] = "", [4314] = "", [4315] = "", [4316] = "", [4317] = "", [4318] = "", [4319] = "", [4320] = "", [4321] = "", [4322] = "", [4323] = "", [4324] = "", [4325] = "", [4326] = "", [4327] = "", [4328] = "", [4329] = "", [4330] = "", [4331] = "", [4332] = "", [4333] = "", [4409] = "", [4410] = "", [4411] = "", [4412] = "", [4413] = "", [4414] = "", [4415] = "", [4416] = "", [4417] = "", [4418] = "", [4419] = "", [4420] = "", [4421] = "", [4422] = "", [4423] = "", [4424] = "", [4425] = "", [4426] = "", [4427] = "", [4428] = "", [4429] = "", [4430] = "", [4431] = "", [4432] = "", [4433] = "", [4509] = "", [4510] = "", [4511] = "", [4512] = "", [4513] = "", [4514] = "", [4515] = "", [4516] = "", [4517] = "", [4518] = "", [4519] = "", [4520] = "", [4521] = "", [4522] = "", [4523] = "", [4524] = "", [4525] = "", [4526] = "", [4527] = "", [4528] = "", [4529] = "", [4530] = "", [4531] = "", [4532] = "", [4533] = "", } Map.TolBaradMapBlks = { [2731] = "", [2732] = "", [2733] = "", [2734] = "", [2735] = "", [2831] = "", [2832] = "", [2833] = "", [2834] = "", [2835] = "", [2931] = "", [2932] = "", [2933] = "", [2934] = "", [2935] = "", [3031] = "", [3032] = "", [3033] = "", [3034] = "", [3035] = "", [3131] = "", [3132] = "", [3133] = "", [3134] = "", [3135] = "", } -- Need?? -- Deephome (26,25 -> 35,34) -- MaelstromZone (28,28 -> 32,32) Map.LIMapBlks = { -- LostIsles (32,51 max) [2426] = "", [2427] = "", [2428] = "", [2429] = "", [2430] = "", [2431] = "", [2432] = "", [2526] = "", [2527] = "", [2528] = "", [2529] = "", [2530] = "", [2531] = "", [2532] = "", [2626] = "", [2627] = "", [2628] = "", [2629] = "", [2630] = "", [2631] = "", [2632] = "", [2726] = "", [2727] = "", [2728] = "", [2729] = "", [2730] = "", [2731] = "", [2732] = "", [2826] = "", [2827] = "", [2828] = "", [2829] = "", [2830] = "", [2831] = "", [2832] = "", [2926] = "", [2927] = "", [2928] = "", [2929] = "", [2930] = "", [2931] = "", [2932] = "", [3026] = "", [3027] = "", [3028] = "", [3029] = "", [3030] = "", [3031] = "", [3032] = "", [3126] = "", [3127] = "", [3128] = "", [3129] = "", [3130] = "", [3131] = "", } Map.DeepholmMapBlks = { [2728] = "", [2729] = "", [2730] = "", [2731] = "", [2827] = "", [2828] = "", [2829] = "", [2830] = "", [2831] = "", [2832] = "", [2927] = "", [2928] = "", [2929] = "", [2930] = "", [2931] = "", [2932] = "", [3027] = "", [3028] = "", [3029] = "", [3030] = "", [3031] = "", [3032] = "", [3127] = "", [3128] = "", [3129] = "", [3130] = "", [3131] = "", [3132] = "", [3227] = "", [3228] = "", [3229] = "", [3230] = "", [3231] = "", [3232] = "", [3328] = "", [3329] = "", [3330] = "", [3331] = "", } Map.KezanMapBlks = { [2648] = "", [2649] = "", [2650] = "", [2651] = "", [2746] = "", [2747] = "", [2748] = "", [2749] = "", [2750] = "", [2751] = "", [2846] = "", [2847] = "", [2848] = "", [2849] = "", [2850] = "", [2851] = "", [2946] = "", [2947] = "", [2948] = "", [2949] = "", [2950] = "", [2951] = "", [3046] = "", [3047] = "", [3048] = "", [3049] = "", [3050] = "", [3051] = "", [3148] = "", [3149] = "", [3150] = "", [3151] = "", } Map.MoltenFrontMapBlks = { [3028] = "", [3029] = "", [3030] = "", [3031] = "", [3128] = "", [3129] = "", [3130] = "", [3131] = "", [3228] = "", [3229] = "", [3230] = "", [3231] = "", [3328] = "", [3329] = "", [3330] = "", [3331] = "", } Map.DarkMoonFaireBlks = { [1636] = "", [1637] = "", [1638] = "", [1639] = "", [1640] = "", [1641] = "", [1642] = "", [1736] = "", [1737] = "", [1738] = "", [1739] = "", [1740] = "", [1741] = "", [1742] = "", [1836] = "", [1837] = "", [1838] = "", [1839] = "", [1840] = "", [1841] = "", [1842] = "", [1936] = "", [1937] = "", [1938] = "", [1939] = "", [1940] = "", [1941] = "", [1942] = "", [2036] = "", [2037] = "", [2038] = "", [2039] = "", [2040] = "", [2041] = "", [2042] = "", [2136] = "", [2137] = "", [2138] = "", [2139] = "", [2140] = "", [2141] = "", [2142] = "", [2236] = "", [2237] = "", [2238] = "", [2239] = "", [2240] = "", [2241] = "", [2242] = "", } Map.PandariaMapBlks = { [1818] = "", [1819] = "", [1820] = "", [1821] = "", [1822] = "", [1823] = "", [1824] = "", [1825] = "", [1826] = "", [1827] = "", [1828] = "", [1829] = "", [1830] = "", [1831] = "", [1832] = "", [1833] = "", [1834] = "", [1835] = "", [1836] = "", [1837] = "", [1838] = "", [1839] = "", [1840] = "", [1841] = "", [1918] = "", [1919] = "", [1920] = "", [1921] = "", [1922] = "", [1923] = "", [1924] = "", [1925] = "", [1926] = "", [1927] = "", [1928] = "", [1929] = "", [1930] = "", [1931] = "", [1932] = "", [1933] = "", [1934] = "", [1935] = "", [1936] = "", [1937] = "", [1938] = "", [1939] = "", [1940] = "", [1941] = "", [2018] = "", [2019] = "", [2020] = "", [2021] = "", [2022] = "", [2023] = "", [2024] = "", [2025] = "", [2026] = "", [2027] = "", [2028] = "", [2029] = "", [2030] = "", [2031] = "", [2032] = "", [2033] = "", [2034] = "", [2035] = "", [2036] = "", [2037] = "", [2038] = "", [2039] = "", [2040] = "", [2041] = "", [2118] = "", [2119] = "", [2120] = "", [2121] = "", [2122] = "", 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= { } --]] Map.MiniMapBlks = { [1] = { Map.KalMapBlks, 1908, 19, 8, -3187.5660,-2360.4561, "World\\Minimaps\\Kalimdor" }, [2] = { Map.EkMapBlks, 2420, 24, 20, 5030.591080,-1480.711746, "World\\Minimaps\\Azeroth" }, [3] = { Map.OLMapBlks, 1221, 12, 21, 4866.173367,-5174.403157, "World\\Minimaps\\Expansion01" }, [4] = { Map.NRMapBlks, 1109, 11, 09, 198.700859,-4835.362984, "World\\Minimaps\\Northrend" }, [5] = { Map.LIMapBlks, 2324, 23, 24, 1164.905429,397.59998, "World\\Minimaps\\LostIsles" }, [6] = { Map.PandariaMapBlks, 1816, 18, 16, 860, 2280, "World\\Minimaps\\HawaiiMainLand" }, [1003] = { Map.DraeneiMapBlks, 5033, 50, 33, -3380.243817,-1703.381588, "World\\Minimaps\\Expansion01" }, [2011] = { Map.BloodelfMapBlks, 4111, 41, 11, 6341.011121,-1924.128369, "World\\Minimaps\\Expansion01" }, [2038] = { Map.TolBaradMapBlks, 2731, 27, 31, 4750.5466,13.3466, "World\\Minimaps\\TolBarad" }, [4012] = { Map.MoltenFrontMapBlks, 2725, -- 2725 to 3531 27, 25, 1253.256,-2406.387, "World\\Minimaps\\FirelandsDailies" }, [5001] = { -- 2625 to 3534 Map.DeepholmMapBlks, 2625, 26, 25, 2314.912,54.8056, "World\\Minimaps\\Deephome" }, [5002] = { Map.KezanMapBlks, 2324, 23, 24, 1670.8002,-1295.7, "World\\Minimaps\\LostIsles" }, [5005] = { Map.DarkMoonFaireBlks, 1636, 16, 36, -1871.256, -3133, "World\\Minimaps\\DarkmoonFaire" }, } -------- -- Get minimap info for map -- (map id) -- ret: table, x, y function Nx.Map:GetMiniInfo (mapId) local winfo = self.MapWorldInfo[mapId] local id = winfo.MId if not id then id = floor (mapId / 1000) if id == 9 then -- BGs? return end local info = self.MapInfo[id] if not info then return end end local t = self.MiniMapBlks[id] if not t then -- "Isle of Quel'Danas"?? -- if NxData.DebugMap then -- Nx.prt ("GetMiniInfo: missing %s", id) -- end return end return t, t[5], t[6] end -------- -- Get minimap block file name (256x256 texture) function Nx.Map:GetMiniBlkName (miniT, x, y) local off = x * 100 + y -- Nx.prtCtrl ("%s, %s, %s = %s", x, y, off, off + miniT[2]) --V4 local v = miniT[1][off + miniT[2]] if v then if #v > 0 then return format ("%s\\noLiquid_map%02d_%02d", miniT[7], x + miniT[3], y + miniT[4]) end return format ("%s\\map%02d_%02d", miniT[7], x + miniT[3], y + miniT[4]) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ -- WorldMapArea.dbc -- bounds y1, y2, x1, x2 -- 4.0.1 11,1,17,"Barrens",2622.91650391,-7510.41650391,1612.49987793,-5143.75,-1,0,0,0x0, -- 4.0.3 11,1,17,"Barrens",202.083328247,-5543.75,1810.41662598,-2020.83325195,-1,0,0,0x0, -- 5.0.4 11,1,17,"Barrens",202.083328247,-5543.75,1810.41662598,-2020.83325195,-1,0,0,0x0,10,20, -- x = (x-maEntry->x1)/((maEntry->x2-maEntry->x1)/100); -- y = (y-maEntry->y1)/((maEntry->y2-maEntry->y1)/100); // client y coord from top to down -- -- MapWorldInfo table calc: -- Scale = -y2 + y1 / 500 -- X = -y1 / 5 -- Y = -x1 / 5 --function Nx.Map:ConvertMapData() local data = {} NxData.DumpZoneOverlays = data local areas = {} NxData.DumpMapAreas = areas local wma = { strsplit ("\n", self.WorldMapArea) } local wmo = { strsplit ("\n", self.WorldMapOverlay) } for n, s in ipairs (wma) do local aid, map, _, aname, ay1, ay2, ax1, ax2 = strsplit (",", s) aid = tonumber (aid) map = tonumber (map) aname = gsub (aname, '"', "") aname = strlower (aname) local nxid = Nx.ID2Zone[aid] if nxid and nxid > 0 then local name, minLvl, maxLvl, faction, cont = strsplit ("!", Nx.Zones[nxid]) if faction ~= "3" then -- Not instance ay1 = tonumber (ay1) ay2 = tonumber (ay2) ax1 = tonumber (ax1) ax2 = tonumber (ax2) local scale = (-ay2 + ay1) / 500 if scale > 0 then local t = {} areas[nxid] = t t[1] = scale t[2] = -ay1 / 5 -- X t[3] = -ax1 / 5 -- Y t[4] = aname end end end if map == 0 or map == 1 then -- if map == 648 or map == 646 or map == 730 then -- Maelstrom -- if map == 654 then -- Gilneas -- if map == 571 or map == 609 then -- Northrend, DK start Nx.prt ("%s %s %s", aid, map, aname) local area = {} for n, os in ipairs (wmo) do -- 84,41,736,0,0,0,"BanethilHollow",175,235,374,221,292,430,375,497,0x0, local _, oaid, _, _, _, _, oname, w, h, x, y = strsplit (",", os) oname = gsub (oname, '"', "") if tonumber (oaid) == aid and #oname > 0 then oname = strlower (oname) area[oname] = format ("%s,%s,%s,%s", x, y, w, h) end end if next (area) then -- Not empty? data[aname] = area end end end end Nx.Map.WorldMapArea = [906,1000,6500,"DustwallowMarshScenarioAlliance",-3979.16601563,-5037.5,-3468.75,-4175.0,-1,0,0,0x0,0,0,] Nx.Map.WorldMapOverlay = [3515,806,6517,0,0,0,"",0,0,0,0,526,386,557,423,0x0,] self.ConvertMapData() ]]-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --EOF