-- $Revision$
-- Cauldron language file: enUS

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("Cauldron", "enUS", true)
if not L then return end

L["Cauldron"] = true
L["Cauldron loaded; version"] = true
L["Version "] = true
L["Date: "] = true
L["Current log level: "] = true
L["Setting log level: "] = true
L["Config"] = true
L["Show config screen"] = true
L["Log level"] = true
L["Change Cauldron logging level"] = true
L["Menu"] = true
L["Show Cauldron UI"] = true
L["Shopping list"] = true
L["Open shopping list window"] = true
L["Forget"] = true
L["Tells Cauldron to remove the skills it knows for a character"] = true
L["Reset"] = true
L["Resets Cauldron to a fresh state"] = true
L["Enable Cauldron"] = true
L["Use Cauldron as your tradeskill interface"] = true
L["Disable Cauldron"] = true
L["Use the standard Blizzard window as your tradeskill interface"] = true
L["Debug"] = true
L["Toggles whether Cauldron displays debug messages"] = true
L["enabled"] = true
L["disabled"] = true
L["skills"] = true
L["Queue"] = true
L["Queue All"] = true
L["Process"] = true
L["Clear Queue"] = true
L["Guild"] = true

L["General"] = true
L["Auto-open shopping list?"] = true
L["Automatically open the shopping list when the bank, guild bank, or a merchant window is opened."] = true
L["Modify tooltip?"] = true
L["Adds information to the game tooltip when displaying information about certain crafting items."] = true

L["Cauldron had issues with some recipes for this profession."] = true
L["Please close and re-open the %1$s window again to re-scan."] = true
L["Rescanning recipe: %1$s..."] = true

L["Shopping List"] = true
L["Auto-buy?"] = true
L["If this option is checked, then any item that is in the list will be automatically purchased when a vendor window is opened, if that vendor has the items."] = true

L["Player known"] = true
L["Player can learn"] = true
L["Player will be able to learn"] = true
L["Alt known"] = true
L["Alt can learn"] = true
L["Alt will be able to learn"] = true
L["Unavailable"] = true

L["Neutral"] = true
L["Alliance"] = true
L["Horde"] = true

L["Version"] = true
L["Shows the version number of the addon"] = true

L["Opposing"] = true
L["Include recipes from opposing faction"] = true
L["Name"] = true
L["Search for name"] = true
L["Reagent"] = true
L["Search for reagents"] = true
L["Intermediate"] = true

L["Sort"] = true
L["Default"] = true
L["Alphabetically"] = true
L["By difficulty"] = true
L["By benefit"] = true
L["By item level"] = true
L["By required level"] = true
L["By favorites"] = true
L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"] = true

L["Reset filters"] = true
L["Reset all filters on the skills list"] = true
L["View"] = true
L["Compact"] = true
L["Display a compacted view of the skill list"] = true
L["Filters"] = true
L["Difficulty"] = true
L["Optimal"] = true
L["Medium"] = true
L["Easy"] = true
L["Trivial"] = true
L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"] = true
L["Miscellaneous"] = true
L["Favorites"] = true
L["Display only favorite skills"] = true
L["Mark this skill as a favorite"] = true
L["Favorite?"] = true
L["Reagents"] = true
L["Display the normal list of skills"] = true
L["Set whether skills for which you have all the required reagents are shown in the list"] = true
L["Set whether skills for which you have all key reagents (non-vendor available) are shown in the list"] = true
L["Set whether skills for which you have any reagents are shown in the list"] = true
L["Normal"] = true
L["Have all"] = true
L["Have key"] = true
L["Have any"] = true
L["Achievements"] = true
L["Display only skills for achievements"] = true

L["All"] = true
L["None"] = true

L["Slots"] = true
L["All slots"] = true
L["(None)"] = true

L["Categories"] = true
L["All categories"] = true
L["No categories"] = true

L["Requires"] = true

L["In order to make:"] = true
L["You first have to make:"] = true
L["You will need:"] = true

L["Have %d"] = true
L[" (%d in bank)"] = true
L[", need %d"] = true

L["Crafting %1$d of %2$s..."] = true
L["remaining"] = true

L["Remove this item from the queue"] = true
L["Increase the priority of this item"] = true
L["Shift-click to move to the top of the queue"] = true
L["Decrease the priority of this item"] = true
L["Shift-click to move to the bottom of the queue"] = true
L["Add this item to the shopping list"] = true
L["Shift-click will replace the count in the shopping list with this amount"] = true
L["Decrease the amount of this item"] = true
L["Increase the amount of this item"] = true
L["Remove this item from the shopping list"] = true

L["No queue for linked tradeskills."] = true
L["The queue is empty!\nMake something."] = true

L["Available at vendor"] = true

L["Click to queue the listed amount of this item"] = true
L["Shift-click to queue the listed potential amount of this item"] = true

L["Purchasing %1$s from merchant %2$s..."] = true
L["(%1$d stacks, %2$d total)"] = true
L["(%1$d total)"] = true

L["Needed for %1$d favorite skills"] = true
L["Needed for favorites:"] = true
L["Needed for %1$d skills for leveling"] = true
L["Needed for leveling:"] = true

L["Showing %1$d - %2$d of %3$d items."] = true

L["Click to increase crafted amount"] = true
L["Shift-click to decrease crafted amount"] = true
L["Control-click to move to top of queue"] = true
L["Double-click to add needed amount to shopping list"] = true

L["Oh. Smells like barbecued dog hair."] = true

-- LSW strings
L["Enable support for LilSparky's Workshop?"] = true
L["Registers Cauldron with LilSparky's Workshop so that pricing information will show up in the recipe list."] = true
L["Registering Cauldron with LilSparky's Workshop."] = true
L["Cauldron does not support version %1$s of LilSparkysWorkshop."] = true

-- error messages
L["Crafting %1$s requires the %2$s skill."] = true

L["Unable to process item due to play time limitation."] = true