--[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AddonCore.lua -- -- This is a very simple, bare-minimum core for addon development. It provide -- methods to register events, call initialization functions, and sets up the -- localization table so it can be used elsewhere. This file is designed to be -- loaded first, as it has no further dependencies. -- -- Events registered: -- * ADDON_LOADED - Watch for saved variables to be loaded, and call the -- 'Initialize' function in response. -- * PLAYER_LOGIN - Call the 'Enable' method once the major UI elements -- have been loaded and initialized. -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- local addonName, addon = ... -- Set global name of addon _G[addonName] = addon -- Extract version information from TOC file addon.version = GetAddOnMetadata(addonName, "Version") if addon.version == "@project-version" or addon.version == "wowi:version" then addon.version = "SCM" end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Debug support -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- local EMERGENCY_DEBUG = false if EMERGENCY_DEBUG then local private = {} for k,v in pairs(addon) do rawset(private, k, v) rawset(addon, k, nil) end setmetatable(addon, { __index = function(t, k) local value = rawget(private, k) if type(value) == "function" then print("CALL", addonName .. "." .. tostring(k)) end return value end, __newindex = function(t, k, v) print(addonName, "NEWINDEX", k, v) rawset(private, k, v) end, }) end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- API compatibility support -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- -- Returns true if the API value is true-ish (handles old 1/nil returns) function addon:APIIsTrue(val, ...) if type(val) == "boolean" then return val elseif type(val) == "number" then return val == 1 else return false end end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Print/Printf support -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- local printHeader = "|cFF33FF99%s|r: " function addon:Printf(msg, ...) msg = printHeader .. msg local success, txt = pcall(string.format, msg, addonName, ...) if success then print(txt) else error(string.gsub(txt, "'%?'", string.format("'%s'", "Printf")), 3) end end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Event registration and dispatch -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- addon.eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", addonName .. "EventFrame", UIParent) local eventMap = {} function addon:RegisterEvent(event, handler) assert(eventMap[event] == nil, "Attempt to re-register event: " .. tostring(event)) eventMap[event] = handler and handler or event addon.eventFrame:RegisterEvent(event) end function addon:UnregisterEvent(event) assert(type(event) == "string", "Invalid argument to 'UnregisterEvent'") eventMap[event] = nil addon.eventFrame:UnregisterEvent(event) end addon.eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(frame, event, ...) local handler = eventMap[event] local handler_t = type(handler) if handler_t == "function" then handler(event, ...) elseif handler_t == "string" and addon[handler] then addon[handler](addon, event, ...) end end) --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Message support -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- local messageMap = {} function addon:RegisterMessage(name, handler) assert(messageMap[name] == nil, "Attempt to re-register message: " .. tostring(name)) messageMap[name] = handler and handler or name end function addon:UnregisterMessage(name) assert(type(event) == "string", "Invalid argument to 'UnregisterMessage'") messageMap[name] = nil end function addon:FireMessage(name, ...) assert(type(name) == "string", "Invalid argument to 'FireMessage'") local handler = messageMap[name] local handler_t = type(handler) if handler_t == "function" then handler(name, ...) elseif handler_t == "string" and addon[handler] then addon[handler](addon, event, ...) end end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Setup Initialize/Enable support -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- addon:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN", "Enable") addon:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED", function(event, ...) if ... == addonName then addon:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") if type(addon["Initialize"]) == "function" then addon["Initialize"](addon) end -- If this addon was loaded-on-demand, trigger 'Enable' as well if IsLoggedIn() and type(addon["Enable"]) == "function" then addon["Enable"](addon) end end end) --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Support for deferred execution (when in-combat) -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- local deferframe = CreateFrame("Frame") deferframe.queue = {} local function runDeferred(thing) local thing_t = type(thing) if thing_t == "string" and addon[thing] then addon[thing](addon) elseif thing_t == "function" then thing(addon) end end -- This method will defer the execution of a method or function until the -- player has exited combat. If they are already out of combat, it will -- execute the function immediately. function addon:Defer(...) for i = 1, select("#", ...) do local thing = select(i, ...) local thing_t = type(thing) if thing_t == "string" or thing_t == "function" then if InCombatLockdown() then deferframe.queue[#deferframe.queue + 1] = select(i, ...) else runDeferred(thing) end else error("Invalid object passed to 'Defer'") end end end deferframe:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") deferframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) for idx, thing in ipairs(deferframe.queue) do runDeferred(thing) end table.wipe(deferframe.queue) end) --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Localization -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- addon.L = addon.L or setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) rawset(t, k, k) return k end, __newindex = function(t, k, v) if v == true then rawset(t, k, k) else rawset(t, k, v) end end, }) function addon:RegisterLocale(locale, tbl) if locale == "enUS" or locale == GetLocale() then for k,v in pairs(tbl) do if v == true then self.L[k] = k elseif type(v) == "string" then self.L[k] = v else self.L[k] = k end end end end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Addon 'About' Dialog for Interface Options -- -- Some of this code was taken from/inspired by tekKonfigAboutPanel -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- local about = CreateFrame("Frame", addonName .. "AboutPanel", InterfaceOptionsFramePanelContainer) about.name = addonName about:Hide() function about.OnShow(frame) local fields = {"Version", "Author", "X-Category", "X-License", "X-Email", "X-Website", "X-Credits"} local notes = GetAddOnMetadata(addonName, "Notes") local title = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormalLarge") title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16) title:SetText(addonName) local subtitle = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall") subtitle:SetHeight(32) subtitle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", title, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8) subtitle:SetPoint("RIGHT", about, -32, 0) subtitle:SetNonSpaceWrap(true) subtitle:SetJustifyH("LEFT") subtitle:SetJustifyV("TOP") subtitle:SetText(notes) local anchor for _,field in pairs(fields) do local val = GetAddOnMetadata(addonName, field) if val then local title = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormalSmall") title:SetWidth(75) if not anchor then title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", subtitle, "BOTTOMLEFT", -2, -8) else title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", anchor, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -6) end title:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") title:SetText(field:gsub("X%-", "")) local detail = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall") detail:SetPoint("LEFT", title, "RIGHT", 4, 0) detail:SetPoint("RIGHT", -16, 0) detail:SetJustifyH("LEFT") detail:SetText(val) anchor = title end end -- Clear the OnShow so it only happens once frame:SetScript("OnShow", nil) end addon.optpanels = addon.optpanels or {} addon.optpanels.ABOUT = about about:SetScript("OnShow", about.OnShow) InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(about)