--  Clique - Copyright 2006-2010 - James N. Whitehead II
--  This is an updated version of the original 'Clique' addon
--  designed to work better with multi-button mice, and those players
--  who want to be able to bind keyboard combinations to enable
--  hover-casting on unit frames.  It's a bit of a paradigm shift from
--  the original addon, but should make a much simpler and more
--  powerful addon.
--    * Any keyboard combination can be set as a binding.
--    * Any mouse combination can be set as a binding.
--    * The only types that are allowed are spells and macros.
--  The concept of 'click-sets' has been simplified and extended
--  so that the user can specify their own click-sets, allowing
--  for different bindings for different sets of frames. By default
--  the following click-sets are available:
--    * default - These bindings are active on all frames, unless
--      overridden by another binding in a more specific click-set.
--    * ooc - These bindings will ONLY be active when the player is
--      out of combat.
--    * harm - These bindings are ONLY active when the unit you are
--      clicking on is an enemy, i.e. a unit that you can attack.
--    * help - These bindings are ONLY active when the unit you are
--      clicking on is a friendly unit, i.e. one that you can assist
--  The click-sets layer on each other, with the 'default' click-set
--  being at the bottom, and any other click-set being layered on top.
--  Clique will detect any conflicts that you have other than with
--  default bindings, and will warn you of the situation.

local addonName, addon = ...
local L = addon.L

function addon:Initialize()
    self.ccframes = {}

    -- Registration for group headers (in-combat safe)
    self.header = CreateFrame("Frame", addonName .. "HeaderFrame", UIParent, "SecureHandlerBaseTemplate")
    ClickCastHeader = addon.header

    -- Create a table within the addon header to store the frames
    -- that are registered for click-casting
        ccframes = table.new()

    -- OnEnter bootstrap script for group-header frames
    self.header:SetAttribute("clickcast_onenter", [===[
        local header = self:GetParent():GetFrameRef("clickcast_header")
        header:RunFor(self, header:GetAttribute("setup_onenter"))

    -- OnLeave bootstrap script for group-header frames
    self.header:SetAttribute("clickcast_onleave", [===[
        local header = self:GetParent():GetFrameRef("clickcast_header")
        header:RunFor(self, header:GetAttribute("setup_onleave"))

    self.header:SetAttribute("setup_clicks", self:GetClickAttribute())
    self.header:SetAttribute("clickcast_register", ([===[
        local button = self:GetAttribute("clickcast_button")
        button:SetAttribute("clickcast_onenter", self:GetAttribute("clickcast_onenter"))
        button:SetAttribute("clickcast_onleave", self:GetAttribute("clickcast_onleave"))
        ccframes[button] = true
        self:RunFor(button, self:GetAttribute("setup_clicks"))

    local set, clr = self:GetBindingAttributes()
    self.header:SetAttribute("setup_onenter", set)
    self.header:SetAttribute("setup_onleave", clr)

    -- Clickcast registration systems
    -- Compatability with old Clique 1.x registrations
    local oldClickCastFrames = ClickCastFrames

    ClickCastFrames = setmetatable({}, {__newindex = function(t, k, v)
        if v == nil then
            self:RegisterFrame(k, v)

    -- Iterate over the frames that were set before we arrived
    if oldClickCastFrames then
        for frame, options in pairs(oldClickCastFrames) do
            self:RegisterFrame(frame, options)

function addon:RegisterFrame(button)
    print("Registered frame: " .. tostring(button:GetName()))
    self.ccframes[button] = true


    -- Wrap the OnEnter/OnLeave scripts in order to handle keybindings
    addon.header:WrapScript(button, "OnEnter", addon.header:GetAttribute("setup_onenter"))
    addon.header:WrapScript(button, "OnLeave", addon.header:GetAttribute("setup_onleave"))

    -- Set the attributes on the frame
    self.header:SetFrameRef("cliquesetup_button", button)
    self.header:Execute(self.header:GetAttribute("setup_clicks"), button)

function addon:Enable()
    print("Addon " .. addonName .. " enabled")
    -- Make the options window a pushable panel window
    UIPanelWindows["CliqueConfig"] = {
        area = "left",
        pushable = 1,
        whileDead = 1,

function addon:InitializeDatabase()
    -- TODO: This is all testing boilerplate, try to fix it up
    self.profile = {
        binds = {
            [1] = {key = "BUTTON1", type = "target", unit = "mouseover"},
            [2] = {key = "BUTTON2", type = "menu"},
            [3] = {key = "F", type = "spell", spell = "Lifebloom"},
            [4] = {key = "SHIFT-F", type = "spell", spell = "Regrowth"},
            [5] = {key = "CTRL-BUTTON1", type = "spell", spell = "Rejuvenation"},
            [6] = {key = "SHIFT-BUTTON1", type = "spell", spell = "Regrowth"},

function ATTR(prefix, attr, suffix, value)
    local fmt = [[button:SetAttribute("%s%s%s%s%s", "%s")]]
    return fmt:format(prefix, #prefix > 0 and "-" or "", attr, tonumber(suffix) and "" or "-", suffix, value)

-- This function will create an attribute that when run for a given frame
-- will set the correct set of SAB attributes.
function addon:GetClickAttribute()
    local bits = {
        "local setupbutton = self:GetFrameRef('cliquesetup_button')",
        "local button = setupbutton or self",

    for idx, entry in ipairs(self.profile.binds) do
        local prefix, suffix = entry.key:match("^(.-)([^%-]+)$")
        if prefix:sub(-1, -1) == "-" then
            prefix = prefix:sub(1, -2)

        prefix = prefix:lower()

        local button = suffix:match("^BUTTON(%d+)$")
        if button then
            suffix = button
            suffix = "cliquebutton" .. idx
            prefix = ""

        -- Build any needed SetAttribute() calls
        if entry.type == "target" or entry.type == "menu" then
            bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(prefix, "type", suffix, entry.type)
        elseif entry.type == "spell" then
            bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(prefix, "type", suffix, entry.type)
            bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(prefix, "spell", suffix, entry.spell)
        elseif entry.type == "macro" then
            bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(prefix, "type", suffix, entry.type)
            bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(prefix, "macrotext", suffix, entry.macrotext)
            error(string.format("Invalid action type: '%s'", entry.type))

    return table.concat(bits, "\n")

local B_SET = [[self:SetBindingClick(true, "%s", self, "%s");]]
local B_CLR = [[self:ClearBinding("%s");]]

-- This function will create two attributes, the first being a "setup keybindings"
-- script and the second being a "clear keybindings" script.

function addon:GetBindingAttributes()
    local set = {}
    local clr = {}

    for idx, entry in ipairs(self.profile.binds) do
        if not entry.key:match("BUTTON%d+$") then
            -- This is a key binding, so we need a binding for it
            set[#set + 1] = B_SET:format(entry.key, "cliquebutton" .. idx)
            clr[#clr + 1] = B_CLR:format(entry.key)

    return table.concat(set, "\n"), table.concat(clr, "\n")

-- This function adds a binding to the player's current profile. The
-- following options can be included in the click-cast entry:
-- entry = {
--     -- The full prefix and suffix of the key being bound
--     key = "ALT-CTRL-SHIFT-BUTTON1",
--     -- The icon to be used for displaying this entry
--     icon = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_HealingTouch",
--     -- Any restricted sets that this click should be applied to
--     sets = {"ooc", "harm", "help", "frames_blizzard"},
--     -- The type of the click-binding
--     type = "spell",
--     type = "macro",
--     type = "target",
--     type = "menu",
--     -- Any arguments for given click type
--     spell = "Healing Touch",
--     macrotext = "/run Nature's Swiftness\n/cast [target=mouseover] Healing Touch",
--     unit = "mouseover",
-- }

function addon:AddBinding(entry)
    -- Check to see if the new binding conflicts with an existing binding

    -- Validate the entry to ensure it has the correct arguments, etc.
    table.insert(self.profile.binds, entry)

    return true

function addon:UpdateAttributes()
    if InCombatLockdown() then
        error("panic: Clique:UpdateAttributes() called during combat")

    self.header:SetAttribute("setup_clicks", self:GetClickAttribute())

    local set, clr = self:GetBindingAttributes()
    self.header:SetAttribute("setup_onenter", set)
    self.header:SetAttribute("setup_onleave", clr)

        for button, enabled in pairs(ccframes) do
            self:RunFor(button, self:GetAttribute("setup_clicks"))

    for button, enabled in pairs(self.ccframes) do
        -- Unwrap any existing enter/leave scripts
        addon.header:UnwrapScript(button, "OnEnter")
        addon.header:UnwrapScript(button, "OnLeave")
        addon.header:WrapScript(button, "OnEnter", addon.header:GetAttribute("setup_onenter"))
        addon.header:WrapScript(button, "OnLeave", addon.header:GetAttribute("setup_onleave"))

        -- Perform the setup of click bindings
        self.header:SetFrameRef("cliquesetup_button", button)
        self.header:Execute(self.header:GetAttribute("setup_clicks"), button)

SLASH_CLIQUE1 = "/clique"
SlashCmdList["CLIQUE"] = function(msg, editbox)