Installation instructions for DaedhirUI version 3.1, for World of Warcraft 4.0.6 This UI is a compilation of the work of a lot of different people. Please be aware that this custom World of Warcraft user interface comes with no warranty that it is stable or useful. It is made in the hope that it will be both, but there are no guarantees. Neither the compiler of this UI nor any of the authors of the UI AddOns contained within are responsible for any loss of data, hardware defects, software incompatibilities, or any other trouble that may be encountered by installing and/or using this UI compilation. That stuff was just to cover all the bases so you don't decide to sue anybody. I get paid nothing for making this thing, and neither do most of the AddOn authors. If you havent yet, please look at ReadMeFirst.txt, if for no other reason than to look at the credits for the names of all the people who make this UI possible. How To Install DaedhirUI 3.1: ----------------------------- SEE ReadMeFirst.txt FOR AN ALTERNATE WAY OF UPDATING THE UI IF YOU ALREADY HAVE VERSION 3.0 INSTALLED. STILL, I RECOMMEND A FULL REINSTALL OF THE UI WITH VERSION 3.1 UNLESS YOU FEEL YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. EITHER WAY, BACK UP YOUR STUFF. I'LL TELL YOU AGAIN... 1. BACK UP YOUR STUFF. The World of Warcraft user interface is comprised of 2 folders located inside your World of Warcraft program folder, Interface and WTF. Interface contains all of the AddOn Lua code. (Lua is the programming language used in the WoW interface and all AddOns.) The WTF directory contains all of the configuration information for the WoW client and AddOns. So, for safety, you should back up your original Interface and WTF folders by renaming them. Call them something like "Interface_original" and "WTF_original". 2. COPY THE DAEDHIRUI FOLDERS INTO YOUR WOW FOLDER. This is fairly straightforward. You've already opened the .zip file containing the UI -- so now just drag the Interface and WTF folders from the .zip directory into your World of Warcraft folder. 3. RENAME SUBFOLDERS AND COPY NEEDED FILES. The Interface folder provided with the UI should be ready to go. The WTF folder will require a little more work. Inside WTF, you'll see a file called This file contains all of the configuration information for the WoW client, including graphics and sound options, and UI scale. You can feel free to copy over the file from your backed up WTF directory and replace the one I provide. However, there's one thing that's absolutely crucial. The UI scaling variable MUST be the same as the one I provide (exactly 0.8), regardless of what you use. So make sure these 2 lines are somewhere in your file: SET uiScale "0.8" SET useUiScale "1" Now navigate into the WTF\Account folder. In there, you'll see a folder called ACCOUNT. Rename this to your account. If your WoW account is "bfskinner" you will call this folder "BFSKINNER". Now navigate into this folder. In here, you'll see a folder called "Realm". Rename this to your main server. I play on Duskwood, so I'd rename it that. Now navigate into this directory. In this one, you'll see a folder called "Character". Rename this to your main character's name. Note that this folder only contains one file, layout-local.txt. You should copy this file into a folder for each of your characters. You will have less configuration to do once you start WoW back up if you do this. In your old WTF folder (that you backed up, right?) you'll see a lot of files called something-cache-something. These hold things like your key bindings and macros. In the current version of World of Warcraft, your key bindings and macros _should_ all be stored on the server. I've deleted all of the cache files from the WTF folder (other than the layouts, which you want) so when you start up WoW, all of your macros and key bindings should be transferred over correctly without having to copy anything over manually. If you want to be really safe, just make sure that your ACCOUNT folder and your Character folder have the same cache files as the ones in your old WTF folder. At this point, everything should be good to go. So go ahead and fire up your WoW client. And check out the CONFIG file I provided with the UI.