
DressToKillLocals = {
	["All done trying clothes on!"] = "All done trying clothes on!",
	["Back"] = "Back",
	["Beginning an inventory scan"] = "Beginning an inventory scan",
	["Chest"] = "Chest",
	["Clearing non-soulbound item"] = "Clearing non-soulbound item",
	["Could not get inventory slot information for %s"] = "Could not get inventory slot information for %s",
	["Dressing to kill..."] = "Dressing to kill...",
	["Equipping winning item"] = "Equipping winning item",
	["Feet"] = "Feet",
	["Hands"] = "Hands",
	["Head"] = "Head",
	["Item blacklisted, skipping..."] = "Item blacklisted, skipping...",
	["Item not equipped... skipping..."] = "Item not equipped... skipping...",
	["Left Finger"] = "Left Finger",
	["Legs"] = "Legs",
	["Main Hand"] = "Main Hand",
	["Neck Slot"] = "Neck Slot",
	["Out of inventory space, cannot proceed"] = "Out of inventory space, cannot proceed",
	["Ranged Slot"] = "Ranged Slot",
	["Right Finger"] = "Right Finger",
	["Scanning for inventory slot Ids"] = "Scanning for inventory slot Ids",
	["Secondary Hand"] = "Secondary Hand",
	["Shoulders"] = "Shoulders",
	["Trinket 0"] = "Trinket 0",
	["Trinket 1"] = "Trinket 1",
	["Waist"] = "Waist",
	["Wrist"] = "Wrist",

setmetatable(DressToKillLocals, {__index=function(t,k) rawset(t, k, k); return k; end})