local ns = select( 2, ... );

ns.L = {
	HIDE_ICONS_ON_MAP = "Hide the boss icons on the instance maps",
	USE_GLOBAL_CONFIG = "Use global config (config will be shared between all chars which got this enabled)",
	SCALE_BOSS_ICONS = "Scale the boss icons on the instance maps",
	COLLAPSE = "Collapse",
	EXPAND = "Expand",
	HEROIC_DIFFICULTY_SEARCH_WORD = "Heroic Difficulty", --to translate this right open the dungeon journal->firelands->shannox->turn heroic mode on and click there ripclimp and take the word for it next to the ! icon
	CONFIG_MODULES = "Modules",
	MOVING_CHECKBOX = "Activate to be able to move the Journal frame, hold left mouse button to move it",
	CONFIG_MODULES_HELP_CAPTION = "Module Configuration",
	SCALE_JOURNAL_FRAME = "Change the scale of the Dungeon Journal",
	CONFIG_MODULES_HELP_TEXT = "If you enable/disable a module you need to reload the UI to make the change active.",
	BOSSNOTES = "Boss Notes",
	CONFIG_MODULES_BN_EXPLAIN = "Adds a tab button under the loot button which allows you to write notes for a boss, they are differed based on 10/25 and normal/heroic",
	SAVE = "Save",
	EDIT = "Edit",
	CANCEL = "Cancel",
	EDIT_LOSS_WARNING = "You changed the instance/boss while you were in edit mode, do you want to save the edit now? (otherwise it is lost)\nP.S. The Dungeon Journal is temporarily hidden, because changing something there can result in a wrong save if pressing yes.",
	YES = "Yes",
	NO = "No",
