-- ================================================================================ -- -- EMA - ( Ebony's MultiBoxing Assistant ) -- -- Current Author: Jennifer Cally (Ebony) -- -- -- -- License: All Rights Reserved 2018-2022 Jennifer Calladine -- -- -- -- Some Code Used from "Jamba" that is -- -- Released under the MIT License -- -- "Jamba" Copyright 2008-2015 Michael "Jafula" Miller -- -- -- -- ================================================================================ -- -- Create the addon using AceAddon-3.0 and embed some libraries. local EMA = LibStub( "AceAddon-3.0" ):NewAddon( "Follow", "Module-1.0", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0" ) -- Get the EMA Utilities Library. local EMAUtilities = LibStub:GetLibrary( "EbonyUtilities-1.0" ) local EMAHelperSettings = LibStub:GetLibrary( "EMAHelperSettings-1.0" ) -- Constants and Locale for this module. EMA.moduleName = "Follow" EMA.settingsDatabaseName = "FollowProfileDB" EMA.chatCommand = "ema-follow" local L = LibStub( "AceLocale-3.0" ):GetLocale( "Core" ) EMA.parentDisplayName = L["TOON"] EMA.moduleDisplayName = L["FOLLOW"] -- Icon EMA.moduleIcon = "Interface\\Addons\\EMA\\Media\\FollowIcon.tga" -- order EMA.moduleOrder = 20 -- EMA key bindings. BINDING_HEADER_FOLLOW = L["FOLLOW_BINDING_HEADER"] BINDING_NAME_FOLLOWME = L["FOLLOW_ME"] BINDING_NAME_FOLLOWSTROBEME = L["FOLLOW_STROBE_ME"] BINDING_NAME_FOLLOWSTROBEOFF = L["FOLLOW_STROBE_OFF"] BINDING_NAME_FOLLOWTEAIN = L["FOLLOW_TRAIN"] BINDING_NAME_FOLLOWSTOP = L["FOLLOW_STOP"] -- Settings - the values to store and their defaults for the settings database. EMA.settings = { profile = { warnWhenFollowBreaks = true, followBrokenMessage = L["FOLLOW_BROKEN_MSG"], autoFollowAfterCombat = false, useAfterCombatDelay = false, afterCombatDelay = "3", strobeFrequencySeconds = "1", strobeFrequencySecondsInCombat = "1", warnFollowPvP = true, doNotWarnFollowBreakInCombat = false, doNotWarnFollowBreakMembersInCombat = false, doNotWarnFollowStrobing = false, strobePauseInCombat = false, strobePauseIfDrinking = false, strobePauseIfInVehicle = false, strobePauseIfDead = false, strobePauseTag = EMAApi.AllTag(), warningArea = EMAApi.DefaultWarningArea(), followMaster = "", useFollowMaster = false, overrideStrobeTargetWithMaster = false, onlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange = false, }, } -- Configuration. function EMA:GetConfiguration() local configuration = { name = EMA.moduleDisplayName, handler = EMA, type = 'group', childGroups = "tab", get = "EMAConfigurationGetSetting", set = "EMAConfigurationSetSetting", args = { config = { type = "input", name = L["OPEN_CONFIG"], desc = L["OPEN_CONFIG_HELP"], usage = "/ema-team config", get = false, set = "", }, push = { type = "input", name = L["PUSH_SETTINGS"], desc = L["PUSH_SETTINGS_INFO"], usage = "/ema-follow push", get = false, set = "EMASendSettings", }, master = { type = "input", name = L["FOLLOW_MASTER"], desc = L["FOLLOW_MASTER_HELP"], usage = "/ema-follow master <group>", get = false, set = "FollowMasterCommand", }, target = { type = "input", name = L["FOLLOW_TARGET"], desc = L["FOLLOW_TARGET_HELP"], usage = "/ema-follow target <target> <group>", get = false, set = "FollowTargetCommand", }, afterCombat = { type = "input", name = L["FOLLOW_AFTER_COMBAT"], desc = L["FOLLOW_AFTER_COMBAT_HELP"], usage = "/ema-follow aftercombat <on|off> <group>", }, strobeOn = { type = "input", name = L["FOLLOW_STROBING"], desc = L["FOLLOW_STROBING_HELP"], usage = "/ema-follow strobeon <target> <group>", get = false, set = "FollowStrobeOnCommand", }, strobeOnMe = { type = "input", name = L["FOLLOW_STROBING_ME"], desc = L["FOLLOW_STROBING_ME_HELP"], usage = "/ema-follow strobeonme <group>", get = false, set = "FollowStrobeOnMeCommand", }, strobeOff = { type = "input", name = L["FOLLOW_STROBING_END"], desc = L["FOLLOW_STROBING_END_HELP"], usage = "/ema-follow strobeoff <group>", get = false, set = "FollowStrobeOffCommand", }, setmaster = { type = "input", name = L["FOLLOW_SET_MASTER"], desc = L["FOLLOW_SET_MASTER_HELP"], usage = "/ema-follow setmaster <name> <group>", get = false, set = "CommandSetFollowMaster", }, train = { type = "input", name = L["TRAIN"], desc = L["TRAIN_HELP"], usage = "/ema-follow train <group>", get = false, set = "CommandFollowTrain", }, me = { type = "input", name = L["FOLLOW_ME"], desc = L["FOLLOW_ME_HELP"], usage = "/ema-follow me <group>", get = false, set = "CommandFollowMe", }, snw = { type = "input", name = L["SNW"], desc = L["SNW_HELP"], usage = "/ema-follow snw", get = false, set = "SuppressNextFollowWarningCommand", }, stop = { type = "input", name = L["FOLLOW_STOP"], desc = L["FOLLOW_STOP_HELP"], usage = "/ema-follow stop <group>", get = false, set = "CommandFollowStop", }, }, } return configuration end local function DebugMessage( ... ) --EMA:Print( ... ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Command this module sends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_TARGET = "FollowTarget" EMA.COMMAND_AUTO_FOLLOW_AFTER_COMBAT = "AutoFollowAfterCombat" EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_STROBE_ON = "FollowStrobeOn" EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_STROBE_OFF = "FollowStrobeOff" EMA.COMMAND_SET_FOLLOW_MASTER = "FollowMaster" EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_TRAIN = "FollowTrain" EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_ME = "FollowMe" EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_STOP = "FollowStop" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Messages module sends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Settings Dialogs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function SortTeamListOrdered( characterA, characterB ) local positionA = EMAApi.GetPositionForCharacterName ( characterA ) local positionB = EMAApi.GetPositionForCharacterName ( characterB ) return positionA < positionB end local function BuildAndSetTeamList() EMAUtilities:ClearTable( EMA.teamList ) for characterName, order in EMAApi.TeamList() do table.insert( EMA.teamList, characterName ) table.sort( EMA.teamList, SortTeamListOrdered ) end EMA.settingsControl.dropdownFollowMaster:SetList( EMA.teamList ) end local function SettingsCreateDisplayOptions( top ) -- Get positions. local checkBoxHeight = EMAHelperSettings:GetCheckBoxHeight() local editBoxHeight = EMAHelperSettings:GetEditBoxHeight() local dropdownHeight = EMAHelperSettings:GetDropdownHeight() local labelHeight = EMAHelperSettings:GetLabelHeight() local left = EMAHelperSettings:LeftOfSettings() local headingHeight = EMAHelperSettings:HeadingHeight() local headingWidth = EMAHelperSettings:HeadingWidth( true ) local horizontalSpacing = EMAHelperSettings:GetHorizontalSpacing() local verticalSpacing = EMAHelperSettings:GetVerticalSpacing() local halfWidth = (headingWidth - horizontalSpacing) / 2 local thirdWidth = (headingWidth - (horizontalSpacing * 2)) / 3 local column2left = left + halfWidth local left2 = left + thirdWidth local left3 = left + (thirdWidth * 2) local movingTop = top -- A blank to get layout to show right? EMAHelperSettings:CreateHeading( EMA.settingsControl, L[""], movingTop, false ) movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight EMAHelperSettings:CreateHeading( EMA.settingsControl, L["FOLLOW_AFTER_COMBAT"], movingTop, true ) movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoFollowAfterCombat = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["FOLLOW_AFTER_COMBAT"], EMA.SettingsToggleAutoFollowAfterCombat, L["FOLLOW_AFTER_COMBAT_HELP"] ) movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDelayAutoFollowAfterCombat = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["DELAY_FOLLOW_AFTER_COMBAT"], EMA.SettingsToggleDelayAutoFollowAfterCombat ) movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowAfterCombatDelaySeconds = EMAHelperSettings:CreateEditBox( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["TIME_DELAY_FOLLOWING"] ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowAfterCombatDelaySeconds:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", EMA.EditBoxChangedFollowAfterCombatDelaySeconds ) movingTop = movingTop - editBoxHeight EMAHelperSettings:CreateHeading( EMA.settingsControl, L["FOLLOW_MASTER"], movingTop, true ) movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxUseFollowMaster = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["DIFFERENT_TOON_FOLLOW"], EMA.SettingsToggleUseFollowMaster, L["DIFFERENT_TOON_FOLLOW_HELP"] ) movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight EMA.settingsControl.dropdownFollowMaster = EMAHelperSettings:CreateDropdown( EMA.settingsControl, halfWidth, left, movingTop, L["NEW_FOLLOW_MASTER"] ) BuildAndSetTeamList() EMA.settingsControl.dropdownFollowMaster:SetCallback( "OnValueChanged", EMA.SettingsSetFollowMaster ) movingTop = movingTop - dropdownHeight - verticalSpacing EMAHelperSettings:CreateHeading( EMA.settingsControl, L["FOLLOW_BROKEN_WARNING"], movingTop, true ) movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxWarnWhenFollowBreaks = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["WARN_STOP_FOLLOWING"], EMA.SettingsToggleWarnWhenFollowBreaks, L["WARN_STOP_FOLLOWING_HELP"] ) movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxWarnInFollowPvP = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["WRAN_IN_PVP_COMBAT"], EMA.SettingsToggleWarnWhenFollowPvP, L["WRAN_IN_PVP_COMBAT_HELP"] ) movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxOnlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["ONLY_IF_OUTSIDE_RANGE"], EMA.SettingsToggleOnlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange, L["ONLY_IF_OUTSIDE_RANGE_HELP"] ) movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowBrokenMessage = EMAHelperSettings:CreateEditBox( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["FOLLOW_BROKEN_MESSAGE"] ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowBrokenMessage:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", EMA.EditBoxChangedFollowBrokenMessage ) movingTop = movingTop - editBoxHeight EMA.settingsControl.dropdownWarningArea = EMAHelperSettings:CreateDropdown( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["SEND_WARNING_AREA"] ) EMA.settingsControl.dropdownWarningArea:SetList( EMAApi.MessageAreaList() ) EMA.settingsControl.dropdownWarningArea:SetCallback( "OnValueChanged", EMA.SettingsSetWarningArea ) movingTop = movingTop - dropdownHeight - verticalSpacing EMA.settingsControl.labelDoNotWarnIf = EMAHelperSettings:CreateLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["DO_NOT_WARN"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelHeight EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDoNotWarnInCombat = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, halfWidth, left, movingTop, L["IN_COMBAT"], EMA.SettingsToggleDoNotWarnInCombat, L["IN_COMBAT"] ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDoNotWarnMembersInCombat = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, halfWidth, column2left, movingTop, L["ANY_MEMBER_IN_COMBAT"], EMA.SettingsToggleDoNotWarnMembersInCombat ) movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDoNotWarnFollowStrobing = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, halfWidth, left, movingTop, L["FOLLOW_STROBING"], EMA.SettingsToggleDoNotWarnFollowStrobing ) movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight EMAHelperSettings:CreateHeading( EMA.settingsControl, L["FOLLOW_STROBING"], movingTop, true ) movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelStrobeHelp = EMAHelperSettings:CreateLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["FOLLOW_STROBING_EMA_FOLLOW_COMMANDS."] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelHeight EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxOverrideStrobeTargetWithMaster = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["USE_MASTER_STROBE_TARGET"], EMA.SettingsToggleOverrideStrobeTargetWithMaster ) movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelPauseStrobeHelp = EMAHelperSettings:CreateLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["PAUSE_FOLLOW_STROBING"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelHeight EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxPauseInCombat = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, halfWidth, left, movingTop, L["IN_COMBAT"], EMA.SettingsTogglePauseInCombat ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxPauseDrinking = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, halfWidth, column2left, --left, movingTop, L["DRINKING_EATING"], EMA.SettingsTogglePauseDrinking ) movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight if EMAPrivate.Core.isEmaClassicBccBuild() == false then EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxPauseIfInVehicle = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, halfWidth, left, movingTop, L["IN_A_VEHICLE"], EMA.SettingsTogglePauseIfInVehicle ) end EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxPauseIfDead = EMAHelperSettings:CreateCheckBox( EMA.settingsControl, halfWidth, column2left, movingTop, L["PLAYER_DEAD"], EMA.SettingsTogglePauseIfDead ) movingTop = movingTop - checkBoxHeight EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowStrobePauseTag = EMAHelperSettings:CreateEditBox( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, left, movingTop, L["GROUP_FOLLOW_STROBE"] ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowStrobePauseTag:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", EMA.EditBoxChangedFollowStrobePauseTag ) movingTop = movingTop - editBoxHeight EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowStrobeDelaySeconds = EMAHelperSettings:CreateEditBox( EMA.settingsControl, halfWidth, left, movingTop, L["FREQUENCY"] ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowStrobeDelaySeconds:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", EMA.EditBoxChangedFollowStrobeDelaySeconds ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowStrobeDelaySecondsInCombat = EMAHelperSettings:CreateEditBox( EMA.settingsControl, halfWidth, column2left, movingTop, L["FREQUENCY_COMABT"] ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowStrobeDelaySecondsInCombat:SetCallback( "OnEnterPressed", EMA.EditBoxChangedFollowStrobeDelaySecondsInCombat ) movingTop = movingTop - editBoxHeight return movingTop end function EMA:OnMessageAreasChanged( message ) EMA.settingsControl.dropdownWarningArea:SetList( EMAApi.MessageAreaList() ) end local function SettingsCreate() EMA.settingsControl = {} -- Create the settings panel. EMAHelperSettings:CreateSettings( EMA.settingsControl, EMA.moduleDisplayName, EMA.parentDisplayName, EMA.SettingsPushSettingsClick, EMA.moduleIcon, EMA.moduleOrder ) local bottomOfDisplayOptions = SettingsCreateDisplayOptions( EMAHelperSettings:TopOfSettings() ) EMA.settingsControl.widgetSettings.content:SetHeight( -bottomOfDisplayOptions ) -- Help local helpTable = {} EMAHelperSettings:CreateHelp( EMA.settingsControl, helpTable, EMA:GetConfiguration() ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Settings Populate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function EMA:BeforeEMAProfileChanged() end function EMA:OnEMAProfileChanged() EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsRefresh() -- Set values. EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxAutoFollowAfterCombat:SetValue( EMA.db.autoFollowAfterCombat ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDelayAutoFollowAfterCombat:SetValue( EMA.db.useAfterCombatDelay ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowAfterCombatDelaySeconds:SetText( EMA.db.afterCombatDelay ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxWarnWhenFollowBreaks:SetValue( EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxWarnInFollowPvP:SetValue( EMA.db.warnFollowPvP ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxOnlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange:SetValue( EMA.db.onlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowBrokenMessage:SetText( EMA.db.followBrokenMessage ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDoNotWarnInCombat:SetValue( EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowBreakInCombat ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDoNotWarnMembersInCombat:SetValue( EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowBreakMembersInCombat ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDoNotWarnFollowStrobing:SetValue( EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowStrobing ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxOverrideStrobeTargetWithMaster:SetValue( EMA.db.overrideStrobeTargetWithMaster ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxPauseInCombat:SetValue( EMA.db.strobePauseInCombat ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxPauseDrinking:SetValue( EMA.db.strobePauseIfDrinking ) if EMAPrivate.Core.isEmaClassicBccBuild() == false then EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxPauseIfInVehicle:SetValue( EMA.db.strobePauseIfInVehicle ) end EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxPauseIfDead:SetValue( EMA.db.strobePauseIfDead ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowStrobePauseTag:SetText( EMA.db.strobePauseTag ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowStrobeDelaySeconds:SetText( EMA.db.strobeFrequencySeconds ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowStrobeDelaySecondsInCombat:SetText( EMA.db.strobeFrequencySecondsInCombat ) EMA.settingsControl.dropdownWarningArea:SetValue( EMA.db.warningArea ) EMA.settingsControl.dropdownFollowMaster:SetValue( EMA.db.followMaster ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxUseFollowMaster:SetValue( EMA.db.useFollowMaster ) -- Set state. EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDelayAutoFollowAfterCombat:SetDisabled( not EMA.db.autoFollowAfterCombat ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowAfterCombatDelaySeconds:SetDisabled( not EMA.db.autoFollowAfterCombat or not EMA.db.useAfterCombatDelay ) EMA.settingsControl.dropdownFollowMaster:SetDisabled( not EMA.db.useFollowMaster ) EMA.settingsControl.editBoxFollowBrokenMessage:SetDisabled( not EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxWarnInFollowPvP:SetDisabled( not EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxOnlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange:SetDisabled( not EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDoNotWarnInCombat:SetDisabled( not EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDoNotWarnMembersInCombat:SetDisabled( not EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks ) EMA.settingsControl.checkBoxDoNotWarnFollowStrobing:SetDisabled( not EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks ) EMA.settingsControl.dropdownWarningArea:SetDisabled( not EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks ) EMA.settingsControl.labelDoNotWarnIf:SetDisabled( not EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks ) end function EMA:SettingsPushSettingsClick( event ) EMA:EMASendSettings() end function EMA:SettingsToggleUseFollowMaster( event, checked ) EMA.db.useFollowMaster = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsToggleAutoFollowAfterCombat( event, checked ) EMA.db.autoFollowAfterCombat = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsToggleDelayAutoFollowAfterCombat( event, checked ) EMA.db.useAfterCombatDelay = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:EditBoxChangedFollowAfterCombatDelaySeconds( event, text ) EMA.db.afterCombatDelay = tonumber( text ) EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsToggleWarnWhenFollowBreaks( event, checked ) EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsToggleWarnWhenFollowPvP( event, checked ) EMA.db.warnFollowPvP = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsToggleOnlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange( event, checked ) EMA.db.onlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:EditBoxChangedFollowBrokenMessage( event, text ) EMA.db.followBrokenMessage = text EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsToggleDoNotWarnInCombat( event, checked ) EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowBreakInCombat = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsToggleDoNotWarnMembersInCombat( event, checked ) EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowBreakMembersInCombat = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsToggleDoNotWarnFollowStrobing( event, checked ) EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowStrobing = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsToggleOverrideStrobeTargetWithMaster( event, checked ) EMA.db.overrideStrobeTargetWithMaster = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsTogglePauseInCombat( event, checked ) EMA.db.strobePauseInCombat = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsTogglePauseDrinking( event, checked ) EMA.db.strobePauseIfDrinking = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsTogglePauseIfInVehicle( event, checked ) EMA.db.strobePauseIfInVehicle = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsTogglePauseIfDead( event, checked ) EMA.db.strobePauseIfDead = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:EditBoxChangedFollowStrobePauseTag( event, text ) EMA.db.strobePauseTag = text EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:EditBoxChangedFollowStrobeDelaySeconds( event, text ) EMA.db.strobeFrequencySeconds = text EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:EditBoxChangedFollowStrobeDelaySecondsInCombat( event, text ) EMA.db.strobeFrequencySecondsInCombat = text EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsSetWarningArea( event, value ) EMA.db.warningArea = value EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsSetFollowMaster( event, value ) EMA.db.followMaster = value EMA:SettingsRefresh() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Key bindings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function EMA:UPDATE_BINDINGS() if InCombatLockdown() then return end ClearOverrideBindings( EMA.keyBindingFrame ) local key1, key2 = GetBindingKey( "FOLLOWME" ) if key1 then SetOverrideBindingClick( EMA.keyBindingFrame, false, key1, "EMAFollowMe" ) end if key2 then SetOverrideBindingClick( EMA.keyBindingFrame, false, key2, "EMAFollowMe" ) end local key1, key2 = GetBindingKey( "FOLLOWSTROBEME" ) if key1 then SetOverrideBindingClick( EMA.keyBindingFrame, false, key1, "EMAFollowStrobeMe" ) end if key2 then SetOverrideBindingClick( EMA.keyBindingFrame, false, key2, "EMAFollowStrobeMe" ) end local key1, key2 = GetBindingKey( "FOLLOWSTROBEOFF" ) if key1 then SetOverrideBindingClick( EMA.keyBindingFrame, false, key1, "EMAFollowStrobeOff" ) end if key2 then SetOverrideBindingClick( EMA.keyBindingFrame, false, key2, "EMAFollowStrobeOff" ) end local key1, key2 = GetBindingKey( "FOLLOWTEAIN" ) if key1 then SetOverrideBindingClick( EMA.keyBindingFrame, false, key1, "EMAFollowTrain" ) end if key2 then SetOverrideBindingClick( EMA.keyBindingFrame, false, key2, "EMAFollowTrain" ) end local key1, key2 = GetBindingKey( "FOLLOWSTOP" ) if key1 then SetOverrideBindingClick( EMA.keyBindingFrame, false, key1, "EMAFollowStop" ) end if key2 then SetOverrideBindingClick( EMA.keyBindingFrame, false, key2, "EMAFollowStop" ) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Addon initialization, enabling and disabling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialise the module. function EMA:OnInitialize() EMA.EMAExternalNoWarnNextBreak = false EMA.EMAExternalNoWarnNextSecondBreak = false -- An empty team list. EMA.teamList = {} -- Create the settings control. SettingsCreate() -- Initialise the EMAModule part of this module. EMA:EMAModuleInitialize( EMA.settingsControl.widgetSettings.frame ) -- Populate the settings. EMA:SettingsRefresh() -- Current follow target. EMA.currentFollowTarget = EMAApi.GetMasterName() EMA:UpdateFollowTargetToFollowMaster() -- Set to true if EMA initiated a follow. EMA.EMASetFollowTarget = false -- Following flag. EMA.isFollowing = false EMA.warnFollowPvPCombat = true EMA.PvPTimerReset = nil -- Strobing follow. EMA.currentFollowStrobeTarget = EMAApi.GetMasterName() EMA.followingStrobing = false EMA.followStrobeTimer = nil EMA.followingStrobingPaused = false -- Not in combat flag. EMA.outOfCombat = true -- Character on taxi flag. EMA.characterIsOnTaxi = false -- Key bindings. EMAFollowMe = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "EMAFollowMe", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate" ) EMAFollowMe:SetAttribute( "type", "macro" ) EMAFollowMe:SetAttribute( "macrotext", "/ema-follow me all" ) EMAFollowMe:Hide() EMAFollowStrobeMe = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "EMAFollowStrobeMe", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate" ) EMAFollowStrobeMe:SetAttribute( "type", "macro" ) EMAFollowStrobeMe:SetAttribute( "macrotext", "/ema-follow strobeonme all" ) EMAFollowStrobeMe:Hide() EMAFollowStrobeOff = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "EMAFollowStrobeOff", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate" ) EMAFollowStrobeOff:SetAttribute( "type", "macro" ) EMAFollowStrobeOff:SetAttribute( "macrotext", "/ema-follow strobeoff all" ) EMAFollowStrobeOff:Hide() EMAFollowTrain = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "EMAFollowTrain", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate" ) EMAFollowTrain:SetAttribute( "type", "macro" ) EMAFollowTrain:SetAttribute( "macrotext", "/ema-follow train all" ) EMAFollowTrain:Hide() EMAFollowStop = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "EMAFollowStop", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate" ) EMAFollowStop:SetAttribute( "type", "macro" ) EMAFollowStop:SetAttribute( "macrotext", "/ema-follow stop all" ) EMAFollowStop:Hide() end -- Called when the addon is enabled. function EMA:OnEnable() -- WoW events. EMA:RegisterEvent( "AUTOFOLLOW_BEGIN" ) EMA:RegisterEvent( "AUTOFOLLOW_END" ) EMA:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" ) EMA:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" ) EMA:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED" ) if EMAPrivate.Core.isEmaClassicBccBuild() == false then EMA:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_ENTERING_VEHICLE" ) EMA:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_EXITING_VEHICLE" ) EMA:RegisterEvent( "UI_ERROR_MESSAGE", "PVP_FOLLOW" ) end -- Initialise key bindings. EMA.keyBindingFrame = CreateFrame( "Frame", nil, UIParent ) EMA:RegisterEvent( "UPDATE_BINDINGS" ) EMA:UPDATE_BINDINGS() -- EMA events. if EMAApi.Taxi ~= nil then EMA:RegisterMessage( EMAApi.Taxi.MESSAGE_TAXI_TAKEN, "CharacterOnTaxi" ) end EMA:RegisterMessage( EMAApi.MESSAGE_TEAM_MASTER_CHANGED, "OnMasterChanged" ) EMA:RegisterMessage( EMAApi.MESSAGE_TEAM_CHARACTER_ADDED, "OnTeamChanged" ) EMA:RegisterMessage( EMAApi.MESSAGE_TEAM_CHARACTER_REMOVED, "OnTeamChanged" ) EMA:RegisterMessage( EMAApi.MESSAGE_MESSAGE_AREAS_CHANGED, "OnMessageAreasChanged" ) end -- Called when the addon is disabled. function EMA:OnDisable() end -- Settings received. function EMA:EMAOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings ) if characterName ~= EMA.characterName then -- Update the settings. EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks = settings.warnWhenFollowBreaks EMA.db.followBrokenMessage = settings.followBrokenMessage EMA.db.autoFollowAfterCombat = settings.autoFollowAfterCombat EMA.db.strobeFrequencySeconds = settings.strobeFrequencySeconds EMA.db.strobeFrequencySecondsInCombat = settings.strobeFrequencySecondsInCombat EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowBreakInCombat = settings.doNotWarnFollowBreakInCombat EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowBreakMembersInCombat = settings.doNotWarnFollowBreakMembersInCombat EMA.db.warnFollowPvP = settings.warnFollowPvP EMA.db.strobePauseInCombat = settings.strobePauseInCombat EMA.db.strobePauseIfInVehicle = settings.strobePauseIfInVehicle EMA.db.strobePauseIfDead = settings.strobePauseIfDead EMA.db.strobePauseIfDrinking = settings.strobePauseIfDrinking EMA.db.strobePauseTag = settings.strobePauseTag EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowStrobing = settings.doNotWarnFollowStrobing EMA.db.warningArea = settings.warningArea EMA.db.followMaster = settings.followMaster EMA.db.useFollowMaster = settings.useFollowMaster EMA.db.overrideStrobeTargetWithMaster = settings.overrideStrobeTargetWithMaster EMA.db.useAfterCombatDelay = settings.useAfterCombatDelay EMA.db.afterCombatDelay = settings.afterCombatDelay EMA.db.onlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange = settings.onlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange -- Refresh the settings. EMA:SettingsRefresh() -- Tell the player. EMA:Print( L["SETTINGS_RECEIVED_FROM_A"]( characterName ) ) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Follow functionality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function EMA:UNIT_ENTERING_VEHICLE() if EMA.db.strobePauseIfInVehicle == true then if EMA.followingStrobing == true then if EMA.followingStrobingPaused == false then EMA:FollowStrobingPause( true ) end end end end function EMA:UNIT_EXITING_VEHICLE() if EMA.db.strobePauseIfInVehicle == true then if EMA.followingStrobing == true then if EMA.followingStrobingPaused == true then EMA:FollowStrobingPause( false ) end end end end function EMA:AreTeamMembersInCombat() local inCombat = false for index, characterName in EMAApi.TeamListOrdered() do -- Is the team member online? if EMAApi.GetCharacterOnlineStatus( characterName ) == true then -- Yes, is the character in combat? if UnitAffectingCombat( Ambiguate( characterName, "none" ) ) then inCombat = true break end end end return inCombat end function EMA:IsFollowingStrobing() return EMA.followingStrobing end function EMA:IsFollowingStrobingPaused() return EMA.followingStrobingPaused end function EMA:CharacterOnTaxi() EMA:SetNoFollowBrokenWarningNextBreak() if EMA:IsFollowingStrobing() == true then if EMA:IsFollowingStrobingPaused() == false then EMA:FollowStrobingPause( true ) EMA.characterIsOnTaxi = true end end end function EMA:PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED() if EMA.characterIsOnTaxi == true then EMA.characterIsOnTaxi = false if EMA:IsFollowingStrobing() == true then if EMA:IsFollowingStrobingPaused() == true then EMA:FollowStrobingPause( false ) end end end end function EMA:SuppressNextFollowWarningCommand( info, parameters ) EMA:SuppressNextFollowWarning() end function EMA:SuppressNextFollowWarning() -- Events are fired as follows for a /follow command. --EMA:Print("testfollow", EMA.isFollowing) if EMA.isFollowing == true then EMA:SetNoFollowBrokenWarningNextBreak() EMA:SetNoFollowBrokenWarningNextSecondBreak() else EMA:SetNoFollowBrokenWarningNextBreak() end end function EMA:SetNoFollowBrokenWarningNextBreak() EMA.EMAExternalNoWarnNextBreak = true end function EMA:SetNoFollowBrokenWarningNextSecondBreak() EMA.EMAExternalNoWarnNextSecondBreak = true end function EMA:AUTOFOLLOW_BEGIN( event, target, ... ) EMA.currentFollowTarget = target EMA.isFollowing = true end function EMA:AUTOFOLLOW_END( event, ... ) EMA.isFollowing = false EMA:ScheduleTimer( "AutoFollowEndUpdate", 0.5 ) end -- checks the follow system Msg, is there under 1 always 1 unless it fadeing. function EMA:AutoFollowEndUpdate() local alpha = AutoFollowStatus:GetAlpha() --EMA:Print("updatetest", test) if alpha < 1 then --EMA:Print("canSend") EMA:AutoFollowEndSend() end end function EMA:AutoFollowEndSend() -- If warn if auto follow breaks is on... local canWarn = false if EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks == true then if EMA.EMASetFollowTarget == false then canWarn = true end end -- Do not warn if on Taxi if UnitOnTaxi("player") == true then --EMA:Print("taxi") canWarn = false end --Do not warn if in combat? if EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowBreakInCombat == true and EMA.outOfCombat == false then --EMA:Print("Do Not warn in comabt") canWarn = false end --Do not warn if a passenger in a vehicle. -- not in classic or bc if EMAPrivate.Core.isEmaClassicBccBuild() == false then if UnitInVehicle("Player") == true and UnitControllingVehicle("player") == false then --EMA:Print("UnitInVehicle") canWarn = false end end -- Do not warn if any other members in combat? if EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowBreakMembersInCombat == true and EMA:AreTeamMembersInCombat() == true or UnitAffectingCombat("player") == true then --EMA:Print("doNotWarnFollowBreakMembersInCombat") canWarn = false end -- Don't warn about follow breaking if follow strobing is on or paused. if EMA.db.doNotWarnFollowStrobing == true then if EMA.followingStrobing == true or EMA.followStrobingPaused == true then --EMA:Print("FollowStrobing") canWarn = false end end -- Check to see if range warning is in effect. This olny works in a party it seems!! if EMA.db.onlyWarnIfOutOfFollowRange == true then if CheckInteractDistance( EMA.currentFollowTarget, 4 ) then --EMA:Print("CheckInteractDistance") canWarn = false end end if EMA.EMAExternalNoWarnNextBreak == true then --EMA:Print("test", EMA.EMAExternalNoWarnNextBreak ) canWarn = false EMA.EMAExternalNoWarnNextBreak = false end -- If allowed to warn, then warn. if canWarn == true then EMA:EMASendMessageToTeam( EMA.db.warningArea, EMA.db.followBrokenMessage, false ) end EMA.EMASetFollowTarget = false end function EMA:PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED() EMA.outOfCombat = true -- Is auto follow after combat on? if EMA.db.autoFollowAfterCombat == true then if EMA.db.useAfterCombatDelay == false then EMA:FollowTarget( EMA.currentFollowTarget ) else EMA:ScheduleTimer( "FollowTarget", tonumber( EMA.db.afterCombatDelay ), EMA.currentFollowTarget ) end end -- Is follow strobing on? if EMA:IsFollowingStrobing() == true then -- Pause follow strobing while in combat? if EMA.db.strobePauseInCombat == true then -- Un-pause follow strobing. EMA:FollowStrobingPause( false ) else -- Not pausing, so check strobe rate. if EMA.db.strobeFrequencySeconds ~= EMA.db.strobeFrequencySecondsInCombat then EMA:FollowStrobeOn( EMA.currentFollowStrobeTarget ) end end end end function EMA:PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED() EMA.outOfCombat = false -- Is follow strobing on? if EMA:IsFollowingStrobing() == true then -- Pause follow strobing while in combat? if EMA.db.strobePauseInCombat == true then -- Pause follow strobing. EMA:FollowStrobingPause( true ) else -- Not pausing, so check strobe rate. if EMA.db.strobeFrequencySeconds ~= EMA.db.strobeFrequencySecondsInCombat then EMA:FollowStrobeOn( EMA.currentFollowStrobeTarget ) end end end if EMA.db.warnFollowPvP == true then EMA.warnFollowPvPCombat = true end end function EMA:PVP_FOLLOW(event, arg1, message, ... ) --EMA:Print("test", message, EMA.warnFollowPvPCombat ) if EMA.db.warnFollowPvP == false and EMA.db.warnWhenFollowBreaks == false and EMAPrivate.Core.isEmaClassicBccBuild() == true then return end if message == ERR_INVALID_FOLLOW_TARGET_PVP_COMBAT or message == ERR_INVALID_FOLLOW_PVP_COMBAT then if EMA.warnFollowPvPCombat == true then EMA:EMASendMessageToTeam( EMA.db.warningArea, L["PVP_FOLLOW_ERR"], false ) EMA.warnFollowPvPCombat = false EMA:ScheduleTimer("ResetPvpWarn", 10, nil ) EMA.PvPTimerReset = EMA:EMASendMessageToTeam( EMA.db.warningArea, L["PVP_FOLLOW_ERR"], false ) end end end function EMA:ResetPvpWarn() EMA.warnFollowPvPCombat = true EMA:CancelTimer( EMA.PvPTimerReset ) end function EMA:AutoFollowAfterCombatCommand( info, parameters ) -- Get the on/off state and the tag of who to send to. local state, tag = strsplit( " ", parameters ) if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:AutoFollowAfterCombatSendCommand( state, tag ) else EMA:DoToggleAutoFollowAfterCombat( state ) end end function EMA:AutoFollowAfterCombatSendCommand( state, tag ) EMA:EMASendCommandToTeam( EMA.COMMAND_AUTO_FOLLOW_AFTER_COMBAT, state, tag ) end function EMA:AutoFollowAfterCombatReceiveCommand( state, tag ) -- If this character responds to this tag... if EMAApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( EMA.characterName, tag ) then EMA:DoToggleAutoFollowAfterCombat( state ) end end function EMA:DoToggleAutoFollowAfterCombat( state ) -- Translate the on/off state from string to boolean/nil. local setToOn = EMAUtilities:GetOnOrOffFromCommand( state, L["ON"], L["OFF"] ) -- If nil, then assume false. if setToOn == nil then setToOn = false end -- Then set the flag appropriately. EMA:SettingsToggleAutoFollowAfterCombat( nil, setToOn ) -- Refresh the settings. EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:GetCurrentFollowTarget() return EMA.currentFollowTarget end function EMA:GetCurrentFollowStrobeTarget() return EMA.currentFollowStrobeTarget end function EMA:UpdateFollowTargetToFollowMaster() if EMA.db.useFollowMaster == true then EMA.currentFollowTarget = EMAApi.GetMasterName() if EMA.db.followMaster ~= "" then if EMAApi.GetCharacterOnlineStatus( EMA.db.followMaster ) == true then EMA.currentFollowTarget = EMA.db.followMaster end end end end function EMA:OnMasterChanged() if EMA.db.autoFollowAfterCombat == true then EMA.currentFollowTarget = EMAApi.GetMasterName() EMA:UpdateFollowTargetToFollowMaster() end if EMA.followingStrobing == true then if EMA.db.overrideStrobeTargetWithMaster == true then EMA.currentFollowStrobeTarget = EMAApi.GetMasterName() EMA:FollowStrobeOn( EMA.currentFollowStrobeTarget ) end end end function EMA:OnTeamChanged() BuildAndSetTeamList() end function EMA:CommandFollowTrain( info, parameters ) local tag = parameters if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:EMASendCommandToTeam( EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_TRAIN, tag ) end end function EMA:ReceiveCommandFollowTrain( tag ) if EMAApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( EMA.characterName, tag ) then local characterInFront = nil for index, character in EMAApi.TeamListOrderedOnline() do if character == EMA.characterName then if characterInFront ~= nil then FollowUnit( Ambiguate( characterInFront, "none" ), true ) end return else if EMAApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( character, tag ) then characterInFront = character end end end end end function EMA:CommandFollowMe( info, parameters ) local tag = parameters if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA.SuppressNextFollowWarning() EMA:EMASendCommandToTeam( EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_ME, tag ) end end function EMA:ReceiveCommandFollowMe( characterName, tag ) --EMA:Print("testfollowme", characterName, tag ) if EMAApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( EMA.characterName, tag ) and characterName ~= EMA.characterName then --EMA:Print("works") FollowUnit( Ambiguate( characterName, "none" ), true ) end end function EMA:CommandSetFollowMaster( info, parameters ) local target, tag = strsplit( " ", parameters ) if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:EMASendCommandToTeam( EMA.COMMAND_SET_FOLLOW_MASTER, target, tag ) else EMA.db.followMaster = target EMA:UpdateFollowTargetToFollowMaster() end end function EMA:ReceiveCommandSetFollowMaster( target, tag ) if EMAPrivate.Tag.DoesCharacterHaveTag( EMA.characterName, tag ) then EMA.db.followMaster = target EMA:UpdateFollowTargetToFollowMaster() end end function EMA:FollowMasterCommand( info, parameters ) -- The only parameter for this command is tag. If there is a tag, send the command to all -- the members, otherwise just this character. local tag = parameters -- Set the current follow target to the master. EMA.currentFollowTarget = EMAApi.GetMasterName() EMA:UpdateFollowTargetToFollowMaster() if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:FollowTargetSendCommand( EMA.currentFollowTarget, tag ) else EMA:SuppressNextFollowWarning() EMA:FollowTarget( EMA.currentFollowTarget ) end end function EMA:FollowTargetCommand( info, parameters ) local target, tag = strsplit( " ", parameters ) if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:FollowTargetSendCommand( target, tag ) else EMA.currentFollowTarget = target EMA:SuppressNextFollowWarning() EMA:FollowTarget( EMA.currentFollowTarget ) end end function EMA:FollowTargetSendCommand( target, tag ) EMA:EMASendCommandToTeam( EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_TARGET, target, tag ) end function EMA:FollowTargetReceiveCommand( target, tag ) -- If this character responds to this tag... if EMAApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( EMA.characterName, tag ) then -- Then follow the target specified. EMA.currentFollowTarget = target EMA:SuppressNextFollowWarning() EMA:FollowTarget( EMA.currentFollowTarget ) end end local function FollowStrobeOnMeCommandIsboxer( tag ) --EMA:Print("testaa", tag ) if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:FollowStrobeOnSendCommand( EMA.characterName, tag ) else EMA:FollowStrobeOn( EMA.characterName ) end end function EMA:FollowStrobeOnMeCommand( info, parameters ) local tag = parameters if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:FollowStrobeOnSendCommand( EMA.characterName, tag ) else EMA:FollowStrobeOn( EMA.characterName ) end end function EMA:FollowStrobeOnLastCommand( info, parameters ) local tag = parameters if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:FollowStrobeOnSendCommand( EMA.currentFollowStrobeTarget, tag ) else EMA:FollowStrobeOn( EMA.currentFollowStrobeTarget ) end end function EMA:FollowStrobeOnCommand( info, parameters ) local target, tag = strsplit( " ", parameters ) if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:FollowStrobeOnSendCommand( target, tag ) else EMA:FollowStrobeOn( target ) end end function EMA:FollowStrobeOnSendCommand( target, tag ) EMA:EMASendCommandToTeam( EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_STROBE_ON, target, tag ) end function EMA:FollowStrobeOnReceiveCommand( target, tag ) -- If this character responds to this tag... if EMAApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( EMA.characterName, tag ) then -- Then follow the target specified - strobing. EMA:FollowStrobeOn( target ) end end local function FollowStrobeOffCommandIsboxer( tag ) if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:FollowStrobeOffSendCommand( tag ) else EMA:FollowStrobeOffSendCommand( "all" ) end end function EMA:FollowStrobeOffCommand( info, parameters ) local tag = parameters if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:FollowStrobeOffSendCommand( tag ) else EMA:FollowStrobeOffSendCommand( "all" ) end end function EMA:FollowStrobeOffSendCommand( tag ) EMA:EMASendCommandToTeam( EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_STROBE_OFF, tag ) end function EMA:FollowStrobeOffReceiveCommand( tag ) -- If this character responds to this tag... if EMAApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( EMA.characterName, tag ) then -- Then follow the target specified - turn off strobing. EMA:FollowStrobeOff() end end function EMA:FollowTarget( target ) -- Attempting to follow self? Note: if target ever is party1, etc, then this will not catch the same character. if target == EMA.characterName then return end local canFollowTarget = true -- If follow strobing and pause strobing if drinking then... if EMA.followingStrobing == true and EMA.db.strobePauseIfDrinking == true then -- And the character has the pause tag... if EMAApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( EMA.characterName, EMA.db.strobePauseTag ) == true then -- Check player for drinking buff. if EMAUtilities:DoesThisCharacterHaveBuff( L["DRINK"] ) == true then -- Have drinking buff, do not allow follow. canFollowTarget = false end if EMAUtilities:DoesThisCharacterHaveBuff( L["FOOD"] ) == true then -- Have eating buff, do not allow follow. canFollowTarget = false end if EMAUtilities:DoesThisCharacterHaveBuff( L["REFRESHMENT"] ) == true then -- Eating Mage food Yum Yum Yum. canFollowTarget = false end end end if EMA.followingStrobing == true and EMA.db.strobePauseIfDead == true then local isDeadOrGhost = UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") if isDeadOrGhost == true then canFollowTarget = false end end -- If follow strobing and strobing paused. if EMA.followingStrobing == true and EMA.followingStrobingPaused == true then -- Follow strobing is paused, do not follow target. canFollowTarget = false end -- If allowed to follow the target, then... if canFollowTarget == true then -- Set the EMA set this flag toggle, so not to complain about follow broken after combat. --if (EMA.db.autoFollowAfterCombat == true) or (EMA.followingStrobing == true) then if EMA.followingStrobing == true then EMA.EMASetFollowTarget = true end --EMA:Print( target ) -- Follow unit only works when in a party or raid for resolving against player names. FollowUnit( Ambiguate( target, "none" ), true ) end end function EMA:FollowStrobeOn( target ) EMA.currentFollowStrobeTarget = target -- Do the initial follow. EMA:FollowTarget( EMA.currentFollowStrobeTarget ) -- If the timer is running, then if EMA.followingStrobing == true then EMA:FollowStrobeOff() end -- Set up a timer to do another follow command. EMA.followingStrobing = true local seconds = EMA.db.strobeFrequencySeconds if InCombatLockdown() then seconds = EMA.db.strobeFrequencySecondsInCombat end EMA.followStrobeTimer = EMA:ScheduleRepeatingTimer( "FollowTarget", tonumber( seconds ), EMA.currentFollowStrobeTarget ) end function EMA:FollowStrobeOff() -- Stop the timer from doing another follow command. if EMA.followingStrobing == true then EMA.followingStrobing = false --FollowUnit("player") EMA:CancelTimer( EMA.followStrobeTimer ) end end function EMA:FollowStrobingPause( pause ) if pause == true then -- Is follow strobing on? if EMA.followingStrobing == true then -- Yes, turn it off, if this character has a tag that matches the pause follow strobe tag. if EMAApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( EMA.characterName, EMA.db.strobePauseTag ) == true then EMA.followingStrobingPaused = true end end else -- Is follow strobing paused? if EMA.followingStrobingPaused == true then -- Yes, turn it on, if this character has a tag that matches the pause follow strobe tag. if EMAApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( EMA.characterName, EMA.db.strobePauseTag ) == true then EMA.followingStrobingPaused = false end end end end function EMA:CommandFollowStop( info, parameters ) local tag = parameters if tag ~= nil and tag:trim() ~= "" then EMA:EMASendCommandToTeam( EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_STOP, tag ) end end function EMA:ReceiveCommandFollowStop( characterName, tag ) --EMA:Print("testfollowStop", characterName, tag ) if EMAApi.DoesCharacterHaveTag( EMA.characterName, tag ) and characterName ~= EMA.characterName then FollowUnit( "player" ) end end -- A EMA command has been recieved. function EMA:EMAOnCommandReceived( characterName, commandName, ... ) if commandName == EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_TARGET then EMA:FollowTargetReceiveCommand( ... ) end if commandName == EMA.COMMAND_AUTO_FOLLOW_AFTER_COMBAT then EMA:AutoFollowAfterCombatReceiveCommand( ... ) end if commandName == EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_STROBE_ON then EMA:FollowStrobeOnReceiveCommand( ... ) end if commandName == EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_STROBE_OFF then EMA:FollowStrobeOffReceiveCommand( ... ) end if commandName == EMA.COMMAND_SET_FOLLOW_MASTER then EMA:ReceiveCommandSetFollowMaster( ... ) end if commandName == EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_TRAIN then EMA:ReceiveCommandFollowTrain( ... ) end if commandName == EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_ME then EMA:ReceiveCommandFollowMe( characterName, ... ) end if commandName == EMA.COMMAND_FOLLOW_STOP then EMA:ReceiveCommandFollowStop( characterName, ... ) end end EMAApi.Follow = {} EMAApi.Follow.IsFollowingStrobing = EMA.IsFollowingStrobing EMAApi.Follow.IsFollowingStrobingPaused = EMA.IsFollowingStrobingPaused EMAApi.Follow.GetCurrentFollowTarget = EMA.GetCurrentFollowTarget EMAApi.Follow.GetCurrentFollowStrobeTarget = EMA.GetCurrentFollowStrobeTarget EMAApi.Follow.SuppressNextFollowWarning = EMA.SuppressNextFollowWarning EMAApi.Follow.StrobeOnMeCommand = FollowStrobeOnMeCommandIsboxer EMAApi.Follow.StrobeOffCommand = FollowStrobeOffCommandIsboxer