-- ================================================================================ -- -- EMA - ( Ebony's MultiBoxing Assistant ) -- -- Current Author: Jennifer Cally (Ebony) -- -- -- -- License: All Rights Reserved 2018-2022 Jennifer Calladine -- -- -- -- Some Code Used from "Jamba" that is -- -- Released under the MIT License -- -- "Jamba" Copyright 2008-2015 Michael "Jafula" Miller -- -- -- -- ================================================================================ -- -- With Help From Jabberie, EMA Edit By Jennifer local ldb = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1") local dataobj = ldb:NewDataObject("EMA" .." ".. "Ebony's Multiboxing Assistant", { type = "data source", text = "EMA", OnLeave = dataObject_OnLeave }) local LibSharedMedia = LibStub('LibSharedMedia-3.0') local L = LibStub( "AceLocale-3.0" ):GetLocale( "Core" ) local baseFont = CreateFont("baseFont") -- Check for ElvUI if (ElvUI == nil) or (ElvUI == '') then baseFont:SetFont(GameTooltipText:GetFont(), 10) elseif LibSharedMedia:IsValid('font', ElvUI[1].db.general.font) then baseFont:SetFont(LibSharedMedia:Fetch('font', ElvUI[1].db.general.font), 10) else baseFont:SetFont(GameTooltipText:GetFont(), 10) end local function OnEnter(self) GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_NONE") GameTooltip:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "BOTTOMLEFT") GameTooltip:ClearLines() dataobj.OnTooltipShow(GameTooltip) GameTooltip:Show() end function dataobj:OnTooltipShow() self:AddDoubleLine( L["LDBBAR_LEFT_CLICK"], L["LDBBAR_CONFIG"], 1, 0.82, 0, 1, 1, 1 ) self:AddDoubleLine( L["LDBBAR_MIDDLE_CLICK"], L["LDBBAR_CONFIG_TEAM"], 1, 0.82, 0, 1, 1, 1 ) self:AddDoubleLine( L["LDBBAR_RIGHT_CLICK"], L["LDBBAR_PUSH"], 1, 0.82, 0, 1, 1, 1 ) end local function dataObject_OnLeave(self) GameTooltip:Hide() end function dataobj:OnLeave() dataObject_OnLeave(self) end function dataobj:OnClick(button) if button == "LeftButton" then EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:Show() EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree:SelectByValue( L["NEWS"] ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.ButtonClick( nil, nil, L["NEWS"], false) elseif button == "MiddleButton" then EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:Show() EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree:SelectByValue( L["TEAM"] ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.ButtonClick( nil, nil, L["TEAM"], false) elseif button == "RightButton" then EMAPrivate.Core.SendSettingsAllModules() end end