-- ================================================================================ -- -- EMA - ( Ebony's MultiBoxing Assistant ) -- -- Current Author: Jennifer Cally (Ebony) -- -- -- -- License: All Rights Reserved 2018-2020 Jennifer Cally -- -- -- -- Some Code Used from "Jamba" that is -- -- Released under the MIT License -- -- "Jamba" Copyright 2008-2015 Michael "Jafula" Miller -- -- -- -- ================================================================================ -- -- The global private table for EMA. EMAPrivate = {} EMAPrivate.Core = {} EMAPrivate.Communications = {} EMAPrivate.Message = {} EMAPrivate.Team = {} EMAPrivate.Tag = {} -- The global public API table for EMA. _G.EMAApi = {} local EMA = LibStub( "AceAddon-3.0" ):NewAddon( "EMACore", "AceConsole-3.0" ) -- EMACore is not a module, but the same naming convention for these values is convenient. EMA.moduleName = "EMA-Core" local L = LibStub( "AceLocale-3.0" ):GetLocale( "Core" ) EMA.moduleDisplayName = L["NEWS"] EMA.settingsDatabaseName = "CoreProfileDB" EMA.parentDisplayName = L["NEWS"] EMA.chatCommand = "ema" EMA.teamModuleName = "Team" -- Icon's EMA.moduleIcon = "Interface\\Addons\\EMA\\Media\\NewsIcon.tga" EMA.pofileIcon = "Interface\\Addons\\EMA\\Media\\SettingsIcon.tga" -- order EMA.moduleOrder = 1 -- Load libraries. local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0") local EMAUtilities = LibStub:GetLibrary( "EbonyUtilities-1.0" ) local EMAHelperSettings = LibStub:GetLibrary( "EMAHelperSettings-1.0" ) -- Create frame for EMA Settings. EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame = {} EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget = AceGUI:Create( "EMAWindow" ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:SetTitle( "" ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:SetStatusText(L["STATUSTEXT"]) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:SetWidth(900) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:SetHeight(800) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:SetLayout( "Fill" ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree = AceGUI:Create( "EMATreeGroup" ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree:SetLayout( "Fill" ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.TreeGroupStatus = { treesizable = false, groups = {} } EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree:SetStatusTable( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.TreeGroupStatus ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree:EnableButtonTooltips( false ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:AddChild( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree ) function EMA:OnEnable() local Jamba = IsAddOnLoaded("Jamba") if Jamba == true then StaticPopup_Show( "CAN_NOT_RUN_JAMBA_AND_EMA" ) end --[[ if EMA.db.global.showStartupMessage8000 then StaticPopup_Show( "ALL_SETTINGS HAVE BEEN RESET" ) end ]] if EMA.db.global.showStartupMessage2000 then StaticPopup_Show( "UpgradeTo_v2" ) end end function EMA:OnDisable() end local function InitializePopupDialogs() StaticPopupDialogs["ALL_SETTINGS HAVE BEEN RESET"] = { text = L["ALL_SETTINGS_RESET"], button1 = OKAY, OnAccept = function() EMA.db.global.showStartupMessage8000 = false end, showAlert = 1, timeout = 0, exclusive = 1, hideOnEscape = 1, whileDead = 1, } StaticPopupDialogs["CAN_NOT_RUN_JAMBA_AND_EMA"] = { text = L["CAN_NOT_RUN_JAMBA_AND_EMA"], button1 = OKAY, OnAccept = function() DisableAddOn("jamba") ReloadUI() end, showAlert = 1, timeout = 0, exclusive = 1, hideOnEscape = 0, whileDead = 1, } StaticPopupDialogs["UpgradeTo_v2"] = { text = L["v2_NEWS"], button1 = OKAY, OnAccept = function() EMA.db.global.showStartupMessage2000 = false end, showAlert = 1, timeout = 0, exclusive = 1, hideOnEscape = 0, whileDead = 1, } end local function EMASettingsTreeSort( a, b ) local aText = "" local bText = "" local aEMAOrder = 0 local bEMAOrder = 0 if a ~= nil then aText = a.text aEMAOrder = a.EMAOrder end if b ~= nil then bText = b.text bEMAOrder = b.EMAOrder end if aText == L["EMA"] or bText == L["EMA"] then if aText == L["EMA"] then return true end if bText == L["EMA"] then return false end end if aEMAOrder == bEMAOrder then return aText < bText end return aEMAOrder < bEMAOrder end local function EMATreeGroupTreeGetParent( parentName ) local parent for index, tableInfo in ipairs( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.Data ) do if tableInfo.value == parentName then parent = tableInfo end end return parent end local function EMAAddModuleToSettings( childName, parentName, moduleIcon, order, moduleFrame ) -- childName is the parentName then make the child the parent. if childName == parentName then local parent = EMATreeGroupTreeGetParent( parentName ) if parent == nil then table.insert( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.Data, { value = childName, text = childName, EMAOrder = order, icon = moduleIcon } ) table.sort( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.Data, EMASettingsTreeSort ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.ModuleFrames[childName] = moduleFrame end else local parent = EMATreeGroupTreeGetParent( parentName ) if parent == nil then table.insert( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.Data, { value = parentName, text = parentName, EMAOrder = order } ) end local parent = EMATreeGroupTreeGetParent( parentName ) if parent.children == nil then parent.children = {} end table.insert( parent.children, { value = childName, text = childName, EMAOrder = order, icon = moduleIcon } ) table.sort( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.Data, EMASettingsTreeSort ) table.sort( parent.children, EMASettingsTreeSort ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.ModuleFrames[childName] = moduleFrame end end local function EMAModuleSelected( tree, event, treeValue, selected ) --EMA:Print("test", tree, event, treeValue, selected) local parentValue, value = strsplit( "\001", treeValue ) if tree == nil and event == nil then -- Came from chat command. value = treeValue end if value == nil then value = parentValue end EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:Show() if EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.CurrentChild ~= nil then EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.CurrentChild.frame:Hide() EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.CurrentChild = nil end for moduleValue, moduleFrame in pairs( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.ModuleFrames ) do if moduleValue == value then moduleFrame:SetParent( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree ) moduleFrame:SetWidth( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree.content:GetWidth() or 0 ) moduleFrame:SetHeight( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree.content:GetHeight() or 0 ) moduleFrame.frame:SetAllPoints() moduleFrame.frame:Show() EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.CurrentChild = moduleFrame if value == L["OPTIONS"] then LibStub( "AceConfigDialog-3.0" ):Open( EMA.moduleName..L["OPTIONS"], moduleFrame ) end return end end end EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree = {} EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.Data = {} EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.ModuleFrames = {} EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.CurrentChild = nil EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.Add = EMAAddModuleToSettings EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.ButtonClick = EMAModuleSelected EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree:SetTree( EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.Data ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree:SetCallback( "OnClick", EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.ButtonClick ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:Hide() --table.insert( UISpecialFrames, "EMASettingsWindowsFrame" ) -- Settings - the values to store and their defaults for the settings database. EMA.settings = { global = { ['**'] = { showStartupMessage8000 = false, showStartupMessage2000 = true, }, }, profile = { }, } -- Configuration. local function GetConfiguration() local configuration = { name = "EMA", handler = EMA, type = 'group', childGroups = "tab", get = "ConfigurationGetSetting", set = "ConfigurationSetSetting", args = { config = { type = "input", name = L["OPEN_CONFIG"], desc = L["OPEN_CONFIG_HELP"], usage = "/ema config", get = false, set = "", order = 5, guiHidden = true, }, push = { type = "input", name = L["PUSH_SETTINGS"], desc = L["PUSH_SETTINGS_INFO"], usage = "/ema push", get = false, set = "SendSettingsAllModules", order = 4, guiHidden = true, }, resetsettingsframe = { type = "input", name = L["RESET_SETTINGS_FRAME"], desc = L["RESET_SETTINGS_FRAME"], usage = "/ema resetsettingsframe", get = false, set = "ResetSettingsFrame", order = 5, guiHidden = true, }, }, } return configuration end -- Get a settings value. function EMA:ConfigurationGetSetting( key ) return EMA.db[key[#key]] end -- Set a settings value. function EMA:ConfigurationSetSetting( key, value ) EMA.db[key[#key]] = value end local function DebugMessage( ... ) EMA:Print( ... ) end --WOW BetaBuild! local function isBetaBuild() local _, _, _, tocversion = GetBuildInfo() -- Build For BFA 8.0.1 2018 if tocversion >= 80000 then return true else return false end end --Ema Alpha local function isEmaAlphaBuild() local EMAVersion = GetAddOnMetadata("EMA", "version") -- EMA Alpha Build local Alpha = EMAVersion:find( "Alpha" ) if Alpha then return true else return false end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Module management. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register a EMA module. local function RegisterModule( moduleAddress, moduleName ) if EMA.registeredModulesByName == nil then EMA.registeredModulesByName = {} end if EMA.registeredModulesByAddress == nil then EMA.registeredModulesByAddress = {} end EMA.registeredModulesByName[moduleName] = moduleAddress EMA.registeredModulesByAddress[moduleAddress] = moduleName end local function UnRegisterModule( moduleAddress, moduleName ) print("unRegister", moduleAddress, moduleName ) if EMA.registeredModulesByName == nil then EMA.registeredModulesByName = {} end if EMA.registeredModulesByAddress == nil then EMA.registeredModulesByAddress = {} end EMA.registeredModulesByName[moduleName] = nil EMA.registeredModulesByAddress[moduleAddress] = nil end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Settings sending and receiving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Send the settings for the module specified (using its address) to other EMA Team characters. local function SendSettings( moduleAddress, settings ) -- Get the name of the module. local moduleName = EMA.registeredModulesByAddress[moduleAddress] -- Send the settings identified by the module name. EMAPrivate.Communications.SendSettings( moduleName, settings ) end -- Settings are received, pass them to the relevant module. local function OnSettingsReceived( sender, moduleName, settings ) sender = EMAUtilities:AddRealmToNameIfMissing( sender ) --EMA:Print("onsettings", sender, moduleName ) -- Get the address of the module. local moduleAddress = EMA.registeredModulesByName[moduleName] -- can not receive a message from a Module not Loaded so ignore it. Better tell them its not loaded --ebony. if moduleAddress == nil then EMA:Print(L["MODULE_NOT_LOADED"], moduleName) return else -- loaded? Pass the module its settings. moduleAddress:EMAOnSettingsReceived( sender, settings ) end end function EMA:SendSettingsAllModules() EMA:Print( "Sending settings for all modules." ) for moduleName, moduleAddress in pairs( EMA.registeredModulesByName ) do EMA:Print( "Sending settings for: ", moduleName ) moduleAddress:EMASendSettings() end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Commands sending and receiving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Send a command for the module specified (using its address) to other EMA Team characters. local function SendCommandToTeam( moduleAddress, commandName, ... ) -- Get the name of the module. local moduleName = EMA.registeredModulesByAddress[moduleAddress] -- Send the command identified by the module name. if moduleAddress == nil then EMA:Print(L["MODULE_NOT_LOADED"], moduleName) return else EMAPrivate.Communications.SendCommandAll( moduleName, commandName, ... ) end end -- Send a command for the module specified (using its address) to the master character. local function SendCommandToMaster( moduleAddress, commandName, ... ) -- Get the name of the module. local moduleName = EMA.registeredModulesByAddress[moduleAddress] -- Send the command identified by the module name. if moduleAddress == nil then EMA:Print(L["MODULE_NOT_LOADED"], moduleName) return else EMAPrivate.Communications.SendCommandMaster( moduleName, commandName, ... ) end end local function SendCommandToToon( moduleAddress, characterName, commandName, ... ) -- Get the name of the module. local moduleName = EMA.registeredModulesByAddress[moduleAddress] -- Send the command identified by the module name. if moduleAddress == nil then EMA:Print(L["MODULE_NOT_LOADED"], moduleName) return else EMAPrivate.Communications.SendCommandToon( moduleName, characterName, commandName, ... ) end end -- A command is received, pass it to the relevant module. local function OnCommandReceived( sender, moduleName, commandName, ... ) sender = EMAUtilities:AddRealmToNameIfMissing( sender ) -- Get the address of the module. local moduleAddress = EMA.registeredModulesByName[moduleName] -- Pass the module its settings. if moduleAddress == nil then EMA:Print(L["MODULE_NOT_LOADED"], moduleName) return else moduleAddress:EMAOnCommandReceived( sender, commandName, ... ) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- EMA Core Profile Support. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function EMA:FireBeforeProfileChangedEvent() for moduleName, moduleAddress in pairs( EMA.registeredModulesByName ) do if moduleName ~= EMA.moduleName then moduleAddress:BeforeEMAProfileChanged() end end end function EMA:CanChangeProfileForModule( moduleName ) if (moduleName ~= EMA.moduleName) and (moduleName ~= EMA.teamModuleName) then return true end return false end function EMA:FireOnProfileChangedEvent( moduleAddress ) moduleAddress.db = moduleAddress.completeDatabase.profile moduleAddress:OnEMAProfileChanged() end function EMA:OnProfileChanged( event, database, newProfileKey, ... ) EMA:Print( "Profile changed - iterating all modules.") EMA:FireBeforeProfileChangedEvent() -- Do the team module before all the others. local teamModuleAddress = EMA.registeredModulesByName[EMA.teamModuleName] EMA:Print( "Changing profile: ", EMA.teamModuleName ) teamModuleAddress.completeDatabase:SetProfile( newProfileKey ) EMA:FireOnProfileChangedEvent( teamModuleAddress ) -- Do the other modules. for moduleName, moduleAddress in pairs( EMA.registeredModulesByName ) do if EMA:CanChangeProfileForModule( moduleName ) == true then EMA:Print( L["CHANGING_PROFILE"] , moduleName ) moduleAddress.completeDatabase:SetProfile( newProfileKey ) EMA:FireOnProfileChangedEvent( moduleAddress ) end end end function EMA:OnProfileCopied( event, database, sourceProfileKey ) EMA:Print( "Profile copied - iterating all modules." ) EMA:FireBeforeProfileChangedEvent() -- Do the team module before all the others. local teamModuleAddress = EMA.registeredModulesByName[EMA.teamModuleName] EMA:Print( L["COPYING_PROFILE"], EMA.teamModuleName ) teamModuleAddress.completeDatabase:CopyProfile( sourceProfileKey, true ) EMA:FireOnProfileChangedEvent( teamModuleAddress ) -- Do the other modules. for moduleName, moduleAddress in pairs( EMA.registeredModulesByName ) do if EMA:CanChangeProfileForModule( moduleName ) == true then EMA:Print( L["COPYING_PROFILE"], moduleName ) moduleAddress.completeDatabase:CopyProfile( sourceProfileKey, true ) EMA:FireOnProfileChangedEvent( moduleAddress ) end end end function EMA:OnProfileReset( event, database ) EMA:Print( L["PROFILE_RESET"] ) EMA:FireBeforeProfileChangedEvent() -- Do the team module before all the others. local teamModuleAddress = EMA.registeredModulesByName[EMA.teamModuleName] EMA:Print( L["RESETTING_PROFILE"], EMA.teamModuleName ) teamModuleAddress.completeDatabase:ResetProfile() EMA:FireOnProfileChangedEvent( teamModuleAddress ) -- Do the other modules. for moduleName, moduleAddress in pairs( EMA.registeredModulesByName ) do if EMA:CanChangeProfileForModule( moduleName ) == true then EMA:Print( L["RESETTING_PROFILE"], moduleName ) moduleAddress.completeDatabase:ResetProfile() EMA:FireOnProfileChangedEvent( moduleAddress ) end end end function EMA:OnProfileDeleted( event, database, profileKey ) EMA:Print( L["PROFILE_DELETED"] ) EMA:FireBeforeProfileChangedEvent() -- Do the team module before all the others. local teamModuleAddress = EMA.registeredModulesByName[EMA.teamModuleName] EMA:Print( L["DELETING_PROFILE"], EMA.teamModuleName ) teamModuleAddress.completeDatabase:DeleteProfile( profileKey, true ) EMA:FireOnProfileChangedEvent( teamModuleAddress ) -- Do the other modules. for moduleName, moduleAddress in pairs( EMA.registeredModulesByName ) do if EMA:CanChangeProfileForModule( moduleName ) == true then EMA:Print( L["DELETING_PROFILE"], moduleName ) moduleAddress.completeDatabase:DeleteProfile( profileKey, true ) EMA:FireOnProfileChangedEvent( moduleAddress ) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- EMA Core Initialization. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialize the addon. function EMA:OnInitialize() -- Initialise the popup dialogs. InitializePopupDialogs() -- Tables to hold registered modules - lookups by name and by address. -- By name is used for communication between clients and by address for communication between addons on the same client. EMA.registeredModulesByName = {} EMA.registeredModulesByAddress = {} -- Create the settings database supplying the settings values along with defaults. EMA.completeDatabase = LibStub( "AceDB-3.0" ):New( EMA.settingsDatabaseName, EMA.settings ) EMA.completeDatabase.RegisterCallback( EMA, "OnProfileChanged", "OnProfileChanged" ) EMA.completeDatabase.RegisterCallback( EMA, "OnProfileCopied", "OnProfileCopied" ) EMA.completeDatabase.RegisterCallback( EMA, "OnProfileReset", "OnProfileReset" ) EMA.completeDatabase.RegisterCallback( EMA, "OnProfileDeleted", "OnProfileDeleted" ) EMA.db = EMA.completeDatabase.profile EMA.db.global = EMA.completeDatabase.global -- Create the settings. LibStub( "AceConfig-3.0" ):RegisterOptionsTable( EMA.moduleName, GetConfiguration() ) -- Create the settings frame. EMA:CoreSettingsCreate() EMA.settingsFrame = EMA.settingsControl.widgetSettings.frame -- TODO DO WE NEED THIS ?????? --[[ -- Blizzard options frame. local frame = CreateFrame( "Frame" ) frame.name = L["EMA"] local button = CreateFrame( "Button", nil, frame, "OptionsButtonTemplate" ) button:SetPoint( "CENTER" ) button:SetText( "/EMA" ) button:SetScript( "OnClick", EMA.LoadEMASettings ) InterfaceOptions_AddCategory( frame ) ]] -- Create the settings profile support. LibStub( "AceConfig-3.0" ):RegisterOptionsTable( EMA.moduleName..L["OPTIONS"], LibStub( "AceDBOptions-3.0" ):GetOptionsTable( EMA.completeDatabase ) ) local profileContainerWidget = AceGUI:Create( "ScrollFrame" ) profileContainerWidget:SetLayout( "Fill" ) -- We need this to make it a working Module local order = 10 EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.Add( L["OPTIONS"], L["OPTIONS"], EMA.pofileIcon, order, profileContainerWidget ) -- Register the core as a module. RegisterModule( EMA, EMA.moduleName ) -- Register the chat command. EMA:RegisterChatCommand( EMA.chatCommand, "EMAChatCommand" ) end function EMA:LoadEMAModule( moduleName ) local loaded, reason = LoadAddOn( moduleName ) if not loaded then if reason ~= "DISABLED" and reason ~= "MISSING" then EMA:Print(L["Failed_LOAD_MODULE"]..moduleName.."' ["..reason.."]." ) end end end function EMA:CoreSettingsCreateInfo( top ) -- Get positions and dimensions. local buttonPushAllSettingsWidth = 200 local buttonHeight = EMAHelperSettings:GetButtonHeight() local checkBoxHeight = EMAHelperSettings:GetCheckBoxHeight() local radioBoxHeight = EMAHelperSettings:GetRadioBoxHeight() local labelHeight = EMAHelperSettings:GetLabelHeight() local labelContinueHeight = EMAHelperSettings:GetContinueLabelHeight() local left = EMAHelperSettings:LeftOfSettings() local headingHeight = EMAHelperSettings:HeadingHeight() local headingWidth = EMAHelperSettings:HeadingWidth( false ) local horizontalSpacing = EMAHelperSettings:GetHorizontalSpacing() local verticalSpacing = EMAHelperSettings:GetVerticalSpacing() local indent = horizontalSpacing * 10 local indentContinueLabel = horizontalSpacing * 18 local indentSpecial = indentContinueLabel + 9 local checkBoxThirdWidth = (headingWidth - indentContinueLabel) / 3 local column1Left = left local column2Left = column1Left + checkBoxThirdWidth + horizontalSpacing - 35 local column1LeftIndent = left + indentContinueLabel local column2LeftIndent = column1LeftIndent + checkBoxThirdWidth + horizontalSpacing local column3LeftIndent = column2LeftIndent + checkBoxThirdWidth + horizontalSpacing local movingTop = top -- A blank to get layout to show right? EMAHelperSettings:CreateHeading( EMA.settingsControl, L[""], movingTop, false ) movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight --Main Heading EMAHelperSettings:CreateHeading( EMA.settingsControl, L["STATUSTEXT"], movingTop, false ) movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation1 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["ME"] ) movingTop = movingTop + movingTop * 2 EMAHelperSettings:CreateHeading( EMA.settingsControl, L["RELEASE_NOTES"]..GetAddOnMetadata("EMA", "version") , movingTop, false ) movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation10 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEXT1"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation11 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEXT2"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation12 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEXT3"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation13 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEXT4"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation14 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEXT5"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation15 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEXT6"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation16 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEXT7"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation17 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEXT8"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation18 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEXT9"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation19 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEXT10"] ) --movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight -- Useful websites Heading movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight * 2 EMAHelperSettings:CreateHeading( EMA.settingsControl, L["WEBSITES"], movingTop, false ) movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation30 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEMP_WEBSITE1"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation21 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["ME_TWITTER"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation22 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["D-B"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation23 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["ISB"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation24 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEMP_WEBSITE2"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation25 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["TEMP_WEBSITE3"] ) -- Special thanks Heading movingTop = movingTop - buttonHeight EMAHelperSettings:CreateHeading( EMA.settingsControl, L["SPECIAL_THANKS"], movingTop, false ) movingTop = movingTop - headingHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation20 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["THANKS1"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation21 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["THANKS2"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation22 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["THANKS3"] ) --CopyRight heading movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight * 4 EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation40 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["COPYRIGHT"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight EMA.settingsControl.labelInformation41 = EMAHelperSettings:CreateContinueLabel( EMA.settingsControl, headingWidth, column2Left, movingTop, L["COPYRIGHTTWO"] ) movingTop = movingTop - labelContinueHeight return movingTop end function EMA:CoreSettingsCreate() EMA.settingsControl = {} -- Create the settings panel. EMAHelperSettings:CreateSettings( EMA.settingsControl, EMA.moduleDisplayName, EMA.parentDisplayName, EMA.SendSettingsAllModules, EMA.moduleIcon, EMA.moduleOrder ) local bottomOfInfo = EMA:CoreSettingsCreateInfo( EMAHelperSettings:TopOfSettings() ) EMA.settingsControl.widgetSettings.content:SetHeight( -bottomOfInfo ) end -- Send core settings. function EMA:EMASendSettings() EMAPrivate.Communications.SendSettings( EMA.moduleName, EMA.db ) end function EMA:OnEMAProfileChanged() EMA:SettingsRefresh() end function EMA:SettingsRefresh() end -- Core settings received. function EMA:EMAOnSettingsReceived( characterName, settings ) --Checks character is not the the character that send the settings. Now checks the character has a realm on there name to match EMA team list. --characterName = EMAUtilities:AddRealmToNameIfMissing( characterName ) if characterName ~= EMA.characterName then -- Update the settings. -- TODO: What is this minimap icon? EMA.db.showMinimapIcon = settings.showMinimapIcon -- Refresh the settings. EMA:SettingsRefresh() -- Tell the player. EMA:Print( L["SETTINGS_RECEIVED_FROM_A"]( characterName ) ) end end --[[ function EMA:LoadEMASettings() InterfaceOptionsFrameCancel_OnClick() HideUIPanel( GameMenuFrame ) EMA:EMAChatCommand( "" ) end ]] -- Does the Chat Command Exist local function DoesTheChatCommandExist( configuration, command ) local exist = false for key, info in pairs( configuration ) do if info.type == "input" then if key == command then exist = true break end end end return exist end -- Handle the chat command. function EMA:EMAChatCommand( inputBefore ) input = string.lower( inputBefore ) --EMA:Print("test", input ) local inputString, tag = strsplit( " ", inputBefore ) local CommandExist = DoesTheChatCommandExist( GetConfiguration().args, inputString ) if input == "config" then if InCombatLockdown() then print( L["CANNOT_OPEN_IN_COMBAT"] ) return end -- Show Config EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:Show() EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.WidgetTree:SelectByValue( L["NEWS"] ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Tree.ButtonClick( nil, nil, EMA.moduleDisplayName, false) elseif CommandExist then --Command Found now Handle IT! --print("Command Found", input ) LibStub( "AceConfigCmd-3.0" ):HandleCommand( EMA.chatCommand, EMA.moduleName, input ) else -- hell knows what to do so HELP!!! --print("No found Command Found HELP", input ) for key, info in pairs( GetConfiguration().args ) do if info.type == "input" then print("|cFFFFFF00"..info.usage, "|cFFFFFFFF".." [ "..info.desc.." ]" ) end end print( L["MODULE_LIST"] ) for moduleName, moduleAddress in pairs( EMA.registeredModulesByName ) do print("|cFFFFFF00/"..EMA.chatCommand.."-"..moduleName ) end end end function EMA:ResetSettingsFrame() EMA:Print( L["FRAME_RESET"] ) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, 0) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:SetWidth(900) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:SetHeight(800) EMAPrivate.SettingsFrame.Widget:Show() end function EMA:SettingsTestBox( event, checked) print("test", checked , EMA.db.testBox) EMA.db.testBox = checked EMA:SettingsRefresh() end -- Functions available from EMA Core for other EMA internal objects. EMAPrivate.Core.RegisterModule = RegisterModule EMAPrivate.Core.UnRegisterModule = UnRegisterModule EMAPrivate.Core.SendSettings = SendSettings EMAPrivate.Core.OnSettingsReceived = OnSettingsReceived EMAPrivate.Core.SendCommandToTeam = SendCommandToTeam EMAPrivate.Core.SendCommandToMaster = SendCommandToMaster EMAPrivate.Core.SendCommandToToon = SendCommandToToon EMAPrivate.Core.OnCommandReceived = OnCommandReceived EMAPrivate.Core.isBetaBuild = isBetaBuild EMAPrivate.Core.isEmaAlphaBuild = isEmaAlphaBuild EMAPrivate.Core.SendSettingsAllModules = EMA.SendSettingsAllModules