--- **AceSerializer-3.0** can serialize any variable (except functions or userdata) into a string format,
-- that can be send over the addon comm channel. AceSerializer was designed to keep all data intact, especially
-- very large numbers or floating point numbers, and table structures. The only caveat currently is, that multiple
-- references to the same table will be send individually.
-- **AceSerializer-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceSerializer:Embed(MyAddon) or by
-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceSerializer itself.\\
-- It is recommended to embed AceSerializer, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
-- make into AceSerializer.
-- @class file
-- @name AceSerializer-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceSerializer-3.0.lua 1038 2011-10-03 01:39:58Z mikk $
local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceSerializer-3.0", 4
local AceSerializer, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)

if not AceSerializer then return end

-- Lua APIs
local strbyte, strchar, gsub, gmatch, format = string.byte, string.char, string.gsub, string.gmatch, string.format
local assert, error, pcall = assert, error, pcall
local type, tostring, tonumber = type, tostring, tonumber
local pairs, select, frexp = pairs, select, math.frexp
local tconcat = table.concat

-- quick copies of string representations of wonky numbers
local inf = math.huge

local serNaN  -- can't do this in 4.3, see ace3 ticket 268
local serInf = tostring(inf)
local serNegInf = tostring(-inf)

-- Serialization functions

local function SerializeStringHelper(ch)	-- Used by SerializeValue for strings
	-- We use \126 ("~") as an escape character for all nonprints plus a few more
	local n = strbyte(ch)
	if n==30 then           -- v3 / ticket 115: catch a nonprint that ends up being "~^" when encoded... DOH
		return "\126\122"
	elseif n<=32 then 			-- nonprint + space
		return "\126"..strchar(n+64)
	elseif n==94 then		-- value separator
		return "\126\125"
	elseif n==126 then		-- our own escape character
		return "\126\124"
	elseif n==127 then		-- nonprint (DEL)
		return "\126\123"
		assert(false)	-- can't be reached if caller uses a sane regex

local function SerializeValue(v, res, nres)
	-- We use "^" as a value separator, followed by one byte for type indicator
	local t=type(v)

	if t=="string" then		-- ^S = string (escaped to remove nonprints, "^"s, etc)
		res[nres+1] = "^S"
		res[nres+2] = gsub(v,"[%c \94\126\127]", SerializeStringHelper)

	elseif t=="number" then	-- ^N = number (just tostring()ed) or ^F (float components)
		local str = tostring(v)
		if tonumber(str)==v  --[[not in 4.3 or str==serNaN]] or str==serInf or str==serNegInf then
			-- translates just fine, transmit as-is
			res[nres+1] = "^N"
			res[nres+2] = str
			local m,e = frexp(v)
			res[nres+1] = "^F"
			res[nres+2] = format("%.0f",m*2^53)	-- force mantissa to become integer (it's originally 0.5--0.9999)
			res[nres+3] = "^f"
			res[nres+4] = tostring(e-53)	-- adjust exponent to counteract mantissa manipulation

	elseif t=="table" then	-- ^T...^t = table (list of key,value pairs)
		res[nres] = "^T"
		for k,v in pairs(v) do
			nres = SerializeValue(k, res, nres)
			nres = SerializeValue(v, res, nres)
		res[nres] = "^t"

	elseif t=="boolean" then	-- ^B = true, ^b = false
		if v then
			res[nres] = "^B"	-- true
			res[nres] = "^b"	-- false

	elseif t=="nil" then		-- ^Z = nil (zero, "N" was taken :P)
		res[nres] = "^Z"

		error(MAJOR..": Cannot serialize a value of type '"..t.."'")	-- can't produce error on right level, this is wildly recursive

	return nres

local serializeTbl = { "^1" }	-- "^1" = Hi, I'm data serialized by AceSerializer protocol rev 1

--- Serialize the data passed into the function.
-- Takes a list of values (strings, numbers, booleans, nils, tables)
-- and returns it in serialized form (a string).\\
-- May throw errors on invalid data types.
-- @param ... List of values to serialize
-- @return The data in its serialized form (string)
function AceSerializer:Serialize(...)
	local nres = 1

	for i=1,select("#", ...) do
		local v = select(i, ...)
		nres = SerializeValue(v, serializeTbl, nres)

	serializeTbl[nres+1] = "^^"	-- "^^" = End of serialized data

	return tconcat(serializeTbl, "", 1, nres+1)

-- Deserialization functions
local function DeserializeStringHelper(escape)
	if escape<"~\122" then
		return strchar(strbyte(escape,2,2)-64)
	elseif escape=="~\122" then	-- v3 / ticket 115: special case encode since 30+64=94 ("^") - OOPS.
		return "\030"
	elseif escape=="~\123" then
		return "\127"
	elseif escape=="~\124" then
		return "\126"
	elseif escape=="~\125" then
		return "\94"
	error("DeserializeStringHelper got called for '"..escape.."'?!?")  -- can't be reached unless regex is screwed up

local function DeserializeNumberHelper(number)
	--[[ not in 4.3 if number == serNaN then
		return 0/0
	else]]if number == serNegInf then
		return -inf
	elseif number == serInf then
		return inf
		return tonumber(number)

-- DeserializeValue: worker function for :Deserialize()
-- It works in two modes:
--   Main (top-level) mode: Deserialize a list of values and return them all
--   Recursive (table) mode: Deserialize only a single value (_may_ of course be another table with lots of subvalues in it)
-- The function _always_ works recursively due to having to build a list of values to return
-- Callers are expected to pcall(DeserializeValue) to trap errors

local function DeserializeValue(iter,single,ctl,data)

	if not single then
		ctl,data = iter()

	if not ctl then
		error("Supplied data misses AceSerializer terminator ('^^')")

	if ctl=="^^" then
		-- ignore extraneous data

	local res

	if ctl=="^S" then
		res = gsub(data, "~.", DeserializeStringHelper)
	elseif ctl=="^N" then
		res = DeserializeNumberHelper(data)
		if not res then
			error("Invalid serialized number: '"..tostring(data).."'")
	elseif ctl=="^F" then     -- ^F<mantissa>^f<exponent>
		local ctl2,e = iter()
		if ctl2~="^f" then
			error("Invalid serialized floating-point number, expected '^f', not '"..tostring(ctl2).."'")
		local m=tonumber(data)
		if not (m and e) then
			error("Invalid serialized floating-point number, expected mantissa and exponent, got '"..tostring(m).."' and '"..tostring(e).."'")
		res = m*(2^e)
	elseif ctl=="^B" then	-- yeah yeah ignore data portion
		res = true
	elseif ctl=="^b" then   -- yeah yeah ignore data portion
		res = false
	elseif ctl=="^Z" then	-- yeah yeah ignore data portion
		res = nil
	elseif ctl=="^T" then
		-- ignore ^T's data, future extensibility?
		res = {}
		local k,v
		while true do
			ctl,data = iter()
			if ctl=="^t" then break end	-- ignore ^t's data
			k = DeserializeValue(iter,true,ctl,data)
			if k==nil then
				error("Invalid AceSerializer table format (no table end marker)")
			ctl,data = iter()
			v = DeserializeValue(iter,true,ctl,data)
			if v==nil then
				error("Invalid AceSerializer table format (no table end marker)")
		error("Invalid AceSerializer control code '"..ctl.."'")

	if not single then
		return res,DeserializeValue(iter)
		return res

--- Deserializes the data into its original values.
-- Accepts serialized data, ignoring all control characters and whitespace.
-- @param str The serialized data (from :Serialize)
-- @return true followed by a list of values, OR false followed by an error message
function AceSerializer:Deserialize(str)
	str = gsub(str, "[%c ]", "")	-- ignore all control characters; nice for embedding in email and stuff

	local iter = gmatch(str, "(^.)([^^]*)")	-- Any ^x followed by string of non-^
	local ctl,data = iter()
	if not ctl or ctl~="^1" then
		-- we purposefully ignore the data portion of the start code, it can be used as an extension mechanism
		return false, "Supplied data is not AceSerializer data (rev 1)"

	return pcall(DeserializeValue, iter)

-- Base library stuff

AceSerializer.internals = {	-- for test scripts
	SerializeValue = SerializeValue,
	SerializeStringHelper = SerializeStringHelper,

local mixins = {

AceSerializer.embeds = AceSerializer.embeds or {}

function AceSerializer:Embed(target)
	for k, v in pairs(mixins) do
		target[v] = self[v]
	self.embeds[target] = true
	return target

-- Update embeds
for target, v in pairs(AceSerializer.embeds) do