Creating an Examiner Module

Module Meta Functions
CanCache()							-- Returns wheather or not the calling module is allowed to cache or not (module.canCache need to be true or this will ALWAYS return false)
HasData(value)						-- Tells Examiner if we have data to show on our page
HasButton(value)					-- Toggles whether or not the module has a button in Examiner
CreatePage(full,header)				-- Creates a standard page

Module Table Entries
There are several control variables in the module table, which affects how the module works and shown by Examiner.

showItems		boolean		Show item slots on this module's page?
canCache		boolean		When enabled, it will allow the user to select in the config if this module is allowed to cache. Use cfg.cache[mod.label] to check the setting.

Module Script Events
If one of these functions exists in your module, they are called when certain events happen in Examiner.
You could for example have an OnCache() function in your module, then if the user has caching enabled, it would be called right after OnInspectReady().
Do note that this event happens even if the user has disabled caching for this module. You could then add things to the entry table, and then load them on an OnCacheLoaded() call.
The OnInitialize() function will be removed by the core once called.

OnInitialize()						-- Fired once the module is initialized; then the function is removed
OnInspect(unit,guid)				-- Fired when an inspect request is sent
OnInspectReady(unit,guid)			-- Fired when inspect data has been received
OnAchievementReady(unit,guid)		-- Fired when achievement data has been received
OnHonorReady()						-- Fired when honor data has been received
OnClearInspect()					-- Fired when clearing current inspection
OnCache(entry)						-- Fired when we are caching the current unit
OnCacheLoaded(entry,unit)			-- Fired when a cached entry has been loaded

OnButtonClick(frame,button,down)	-- The modules button was clicked
OnConfigChanged(var,value)			-- Fired when a cfg variable is changed
OnPageChanged(module,shown)			-- Module page was changed, new active module is first parameter
OnCompare(isCompare,compareEntry)	-- Compare mode has been toggled
OnDetailsUpdate()					-- The details list has been updated

OnDataChanged(mod)					-- PLANNED: Fired when a module changes its available data state