local ns = select( 2, ... );

ns.L = {
	SHOW_MINIMAP_BUTTON = "Show Minimap Button",
	FLIGHT_FRAME_LOCK = "Lock Flight Map frame",
	DETACH_ADDON_FRAME = "Detach Addon Frame",
	LOCK_ADDON_FRAME = "Lock Addon Frame",
	NO_FLIGHT_LOCATIONS_KNOWN = "No known flight location for the map",
	NEED_VISIT_FLIGHT_MASTER = "You need to visit a Flight Master for this continent first",
	NEXT_FLIGHT_GOTO = "Next fly will goto",
	NEED_VISIT_FLIGHT_MASTER_MINIMAP = "You need to open the flight map once for this continent before you can use this feature",
	TOOLTIP_LINE1_MINIMAP = "Right click to move the Minimap Icon around",
	TOOLTIP_LINE2_MINIMAP = "Left click to choose your next flight destination",
	TOOLTIP_FLIGHTMAP_COLLAPSE = "If checked every time the Flight Map is opened all zones will be collapsed",
	ALWAYS_COLLAPSE = "Always collapse on show",
	WMC_MODIFIER_SETTINGS = "Choose the key and mouse combination to pick the closest flight location",
	MODIFIER_KEY = "Modifier Key",
	ALT_KEY = "Alt",
	CTRL_KEY = "Ctrl",
	SHIFT_KEY = "Shift",
	NONE = "None",
	MOUSEBUTTON = "Mouse Button",
	LEFT_BUTTON = "Left",
	RIGHT_BUTTON = "Right",
	MIDDLE_BUTTON = "Middle",
	CONFIG_BASIC = "Basic Options",
	CONFIG_MODULES = "Modules",
	CONFIG_MODULES_HELP_CAPTION = "Module Configuration",
	CONFIG_MODULES_HELP_TEXT = "If you enable/disable a module you need to reload the UI to make the change active.",
	CONFIG_MODULES_WMC_EXPLAIN = "You can click on the Worldmap and your next flight is set to the closest flight location and automatic taken when you visit next a Flightmaster.",
	CONFIG_MODULES_WMC_EXPLAIN2 = "To reset the chosen flight location, click the minimap button and choose None",
	CONFIG_MOUDLES_MFM_EXPLAIN = "This module will show you all missing Flight Master on the World Map",
	NEW_FLIGHT_PATH_DISCOVERED_HELP = "You have flight path location and/or flight times in your local database, which arent in the addon database yet, help to increase the known flight path locations/flight times and upload your data on http://flightmap.wowuse.com/",
	WMC_SHOW_ON_MINIMAP = "Show the closest flight master on the Minimap from your current position if you click on the World Map",
	FT_USE_FAST_TRACK = "Fast tracking",
	FT_USE_FAST_TRACK_EXPLAIN = "This allows to track flight times fast, with the withdraw of not being accurate, this is done by tracking on longer flight every hop, that it wont be accurate is due the fact that the flight usually is different if you just pass a flight point or end the flight there",
	FT_USE_FAST_TRACK_NO_UNUSUAL_SPEED = "Do not track fast/slow taxis",
	FT_USE_FAST_TRACK_NO_UNUSUAL_SPEED_EXPLAIN = "If fast tracking is activated with this option on it will only track times with normal taxi speed resulting in more accurate times in most cases, the slow/fast taxis are very rare.",
	FT_USE_ACCURATE_TRACK = "Accurate tracking",
	FT_USE_ACCURATE_TRACK_EXPLAIN = "With this enabled every possible flight combination will be tracked, resulting in accurate times, but will take long to record all possible combination. This is due even flying the same flight path forth and back can be different and there are just alot of combinations.",
	FT_INFO = "If you use both options if possible the accurate time will be shown otherwise the times from fast tracking.",
	FT_MOVE = "Shift+Left click to move the window",
	FT_MODUS = "Modus",
	FT_TIME_LEFT = "Time left",
	FT_CALCULATED = "Calculated",
	FT_ACCURATE = "Accurate",
	FT_MISSING_HOPS = "Missing hops",
	FT_CANNOT_FIND_ID = "Cannot find the following id",
	FT_CANNOT_FIND_ID2 = "Please report this id",
	CONFIG_CONFIRM_FLIGHT_AUTO = "Confirm before a flight is automatic taken",
	CONFIG_CONFIRM_FLIGHT_MANUAL = "Confirm before a flight is manually taken",
	CONFIRM_FLIGHT = "You really wanna flight to %s ?",
	MFM_THE_SCRYERS = "The Scryers",
	MFM_THE_ALDOR = "The Aldor",
	FT_SHOW_ACCURATE_MAP = "Show accurate flight times if known on the flight map",