local myaddon = ...
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(myaddon, "zhTW", false)

if not L then return end

-- Shrines
L["Shrine of Nature"] = "自然聖壇"
L["Laribole"] = "萊里柏石"
L["Shrine of the Dawning"] = "黎明聖壇"
L["Scarlet Diamond"] = "血紅鑽石"
L["Shrine of the Sands"] = "沙塵聖壇"
L["Amberblaze"] = "烈焰琥珀"
L["Shrine of the Sea"] = "海濤聖壇"
L["Royal Quartz"] = "皇家石英"
L["Shrine of the Eventide"] = "黃昏聖壇"
L["Tidal Amethyst"] = "海潮紫晶"
L["Shrine of Storms"] = "風雨聖壇"
L["Owlseye"] = "鶚眼石"

-- Waypoints
L["Create waypoint"] = "創建路徑點"
L["Create all waypoints"] = "創建所有路徑點"
L["Hide node"] = "隱藏節點"
L["Close"] = "關閉"

-- Options
L["Icon settings"] = "圖示設定"
L["These settings control the look of the icon."] = "這些設定控制圖示的外觀。"
L["Icon Scale"] = "圖示縮放"
L["The scale of the icons"] = "圖示的縮放大小"
L["Icon Alpha"] = "圖示透明度"
L["The alpha transparency of the icons"] = "圖示的透明程度"
L["World Map"] = "世界地圖"
L["Show icons on world map"] = "在世界地圖上顯示圖示'"
L["Minimap"] = "小地圖"
L["Show icons on the minimap"] = "在小地圖上顯示圖示"
L["What to display"] = "要顯示什麼"
L["Show Shrines"] = "顯示聖壇"
L["Show Shrines which Jewelercrafters can use to create gems"] = "顯示那些珠寶學者可以創造珠寶的聖壇"
L["Reset hidden nodes"] = "重置隱藏的節點"
L["Show all nodes that you manually hid by right-clicking on them and choosing \"hide\"."] = "顯示所有透過您手動右鍵點擊並選擇\\\"隱藏\\\"的節點。"