
	LIST1_TITLE = "Spieler/-in online",
	POPULATE_TITLE = "Spieler/-in suchen...",
	LIST2_TITLE = "Spieler/-in ausgew\195\164hlt",

	SENDMESS_TITLE = "n\195\164chstes Senden auch an diese/-n Spieler/-in",
	SENTMESS_TITLE = "mind. 1x eine Nachricht gesandt",
	POSREPLY_TITLE = "zustimmende Antwort bekommen",

	MESSAGE_TO_SEND_TOOLTIP = "This is the message to be sent by the button [\"Send messages\"].\n"
					.. "%t in the text will be replaced with the actual receiver's name.\n"
					.. "(\"Hello %t!\" is sent to Joe as \"Hello Joe!\")\n"
					.. "If you selected an (offline) alt as candidate, additionally %a\n"
					.. "in the text will be replaced with the requested alt's name.\n"
					.. "(\"Hello %t, we need you as %a!\" is sent to Joe playing Jack as\n"
					.. " \"Hello Jack, we need you as Joe!\")",

	SENDMESS_TOOLTIP =     "Wenn hier ein H\195\164kchen sitzt,\n"
					.. "wird die Nachricht (unten)\n"
					.. "auch an diese/-n Spieler/-in gesandt\n"
					.. "beim n\195\164chsten Klick auf\n"
					.. "[\"Sende Nachrichten\"]",
	SENTMESS_TOOLTIP =     "Hier setzt " .. KARMA_ITSELF .. " ein H\195\164kchen,\n"
					.. "nachdem dem/der Spieler/-in eine Nachricht\n"
					.. "(\195\188ber dieses Fenster) gesandt wurde.",
	POSREPLY_TOOLTIP =     "Wenn hier ein H\195\164kchen sitzt,\n"
					.. "wird diese/-r Spieler/-in eingeladen in\n"
					.. "die Gruppe beim n\195\164chsten\n"
					.. "Klick auf [\"Lade Spieler/-in ein\"]\n"
					.. "(Geht nat\195\188rlich nur, wenn:\n"
					.. "- du der Anf\195\188hrer bist und\n"
					.. "- die Gruppe nicht voll ist)",

	-- QUERYNOTESPUB_BTNTITLE = "Query public notes",

	SEND_TITLE  = "Sendet an alle Spieler/-innen\nmarkiert mit \"Senden\"",
	SENDMESSAGE_BTNTITLE = "Sende Nachrichten",

	INVITE_TITLE  = "L\195\164dt Spieler/-in markiert\nmit \"zust. Antwort\"",
	INVITE_BTNTITLE = "Lade Spieler/-in ein",

	POPULATE_CHANNEL_TITLE = "Suche in Channel nach Spielern/-innen:",
	POPULATE_CHANNELS_TITLE = "Suche in allen Channeln nach Spielern/-innen",
	POPULATE_LEVEL_TITLE = "Stufenbereich (Klassen-Suche) :",
	POPULATE_CLASS_TITLE = "Suche nach Spielern/-innen der Klasse:",
	POPULATE_CLASSES_TITLE = "Suche nach Spielern/-innen ALLER Klassen\n!! DAS DAUERT SEHR LANGE !!\n(ca. 2:30 andauernde /who-Anfragen)",
	POPULATE_GUILD_TITLE = "Suche nach Spielern/-innen aus Gilde:",

	FILTERLIST1_KARMAREQ_TITLE = "Nur " .. KARMA_ITSELF .. " bekannte Spieler/-in\n(also mit " .. KARMA_ITSELF .. " Wertung)",
	FILTERLIST1_SKILLMIN_TITLE = "min. F\195\164higk.: ",
	FILTERLIST1_CLASSREQ_TITLE = "Klasse mu\195\159 bekannt sein\n(also keine grauen Eintr\195\164ge)",

	LFMALTS = "+Alts",



local	oTable = KARMAAVENK_LOC_MODLFM["deDE"];
oTable.FRAMES_HELP = oTable.FRAMES_HELP or {};
oTable.FRAMES_HELP.Help_KW2_List1_Frame =
		"Help to: " .. oTableUI["LIST1_TITLE"],
		"This shows the list of players currently found online.",
		KARMA_ITSELF .. " needs to 'find' the players first, so you'll want",
		"to start with the '" .. oTableUI["POPULATE_TITLE"] .. "' button.",
		"Then validate your filter options, especially the level range.",
		"(The level range from the '" .. oTableUI["POPULATE_TITLE"] .. "' dialog does NOT carry over!)",
		"If you've filled the list, clicking on a name selects it into the list",
		"to the right as potential candidate.",
		"Players which were seen (by " .. KARMA_ITSELF .. ") in the " .. KARMA_CHANNELNAME_LFG .. " channel",
		"less than 5 mins ago are marked with a green timer, others are yellow."

oTable.FRAMES_HELP.Help_KW2_PopulateWindow_Frame =
		"Help to: '" .. oTableUI["POPULATE_TITLE"] .. "' dialog",
		"This dialog helps you fill the list of the players online.",
		"Options that are based on '/who' will not work if any other command",
		"in " .. KARMA_ITSELF .. " is still pending.",
		"Most likely, you have joined the " .. KARMA_CHANNELNAME_LFG .. " channel.",
		"So, start there to look: Choose the channel via the selection box, then",
		"click on the first checkbox. Then click apply or ok. (Apply leaves the dialog",
		"open, so use it if you know that you want to search in multiple ways.)",
		"This will search in the channel. Those players " .. KARMA_ITSELF .. " knows are immediately",
		"filled with the available information, the other entries are grey",
		"in the left list of the LFG-window.",
		"Continue with people you hang out in a channel with in a similar fashion.",
		"Finally, you can choose the largest fill choice: Check all classes.",
		"That will take quite some time, but afterwards you have lots of names..."