local addon, ns = ...

local L = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, k)
	local v = tostring(k)
	rawset(t, k, v)
	return v

ns.L = L

-- Default Strings:

ns.Strings = {
	Addon = L["Loot Master Tools"],
	AssignToRandom = L["Assign to Random"],
	AssignToReserver = L["Assign to %s"],
	ConfirmAssignToRandomDesc = L["Show confirmation with LMT's \"Assign to Random\""],
	ConfirmRollAndAssignDesc = L["Show confirmation with LMT's \"Roll and Assign\""],
	EveryonePassed = L["Everyone passed on %s."],
	HideConfirmationDesc = L["Hide confirmation with the default \"Assign Loot\""],
	ItemEditBoxDefault = L["Item Name (Case Sensitive)"],
	LootError1 = L["Could not identify a winner for %s."],
	LootError2 = L["There was a problem assigning %s to %s."],
	LootItem = L["Loot Item"],
	Losers = L["Losing Rolls: "],
	NameEditBoxDefault = L["Name-Server (Case Sensitive)"],
	OptionsTitle = L["Loot Master Tools (LMT) by"] .. " Niketa",
	RandomLootAnnouncement = L["Assigning %s to a random player."],
	Reserver = L["Reserver"],
	ReservesInstructions = L["To add a reserve, enter the item name into the first editbox exactly as it appears on the tooltip. Extraneous spaces/characters, mispellings and improper capitalization will prevent the item from registering properly when it is looted and you will not have the option to pass it to a reserver. Enter the name of the player reserving the item in the second editbox. This must also be exact and case sensitive. Enter the name of the player including the server (separated by a hyphen) with no spaces (e.g. Name-Mal'Ganis, Name-Area52, Name-Moonrunner). If you omit the server, it will assume the player is on the server of your character when looting the item."],
	RollAndAssign = L["Roll and Assign"],
	SortByNameDesc = L["Sort master looter player frame list by name"],
	TieBreaker = L["%s have tied for %s. Conducting tie breaker."],
	TimerValue = L["Timer: %i sec"],
	VersionLoaded = L["Loaded database v%s"],
	Winner = L["%s is the winner with a roll of %i."],