# Molinari

This is an addon for the popular MMORPG "World of Warcraft".
It can be downloaded at [Curse](http://curse.com/addons/wow/molinari) or at [WoWInterface](http://wowinterface.com/downloads/info13188).

## Description

Molinari was made to aid the player in processing various items throughout the game.
As an example; when you'd want to mill herbs, you would normally cast [[Milling]](http://wowhead.com/spell=51005) and then click the item in your bags.
With Molinari, you simply hold down the `Alt` key and click the item directly.

The following spells/processes are supported:

* [[Milling]](http://wowhead.com/spell=51005) & [[Draenic Mortar]](http://wowhead.com/item=114942)
* [[Prospecting]](http://wowhead.com/spell=31252)
* [[Disenchanting]](http://wowhead.com/spell=13262)
* [[Lockpicking]](http://wowhead.com/spell=1804) & [skeleton keys](http://wowhead.com/items?filter=na=key;cr=86;crs=2)

In addition, Molinari also works for lockpicking in the trade window.

## Feedback

If you have a question, please use the comments section on Curse/WoWInterface.
If you would like to report a bug or contribute to the project, please follow [this link](https://github.com/p3lim-wow/Molinari/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started.

## Legal

Please see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/p3lim-wow/Molinari/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) file.