local _, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts

	local name = "SimulationCraft: Hunter_SV_T16H"
	local desc = "[5.4] SimulationCraft: Hunter_SV_T16H"
	local code = [[
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Hunter_SV_T16H".
#	class=hunter
#	spec=survival
#	talents=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent-calculator#Yb!...200


AddFunction SurvivalDefaultActions
	if target.TimeToDie() <= 25 or BuffPresent(stampede_buff) UsePotionAgility()
	if Enemies() > 1 Spell(explosive_trap)
	if TalentPoints(fervor_talent) and Focus() <= 50 Spell(fervor)
	if TalentPoints(a_murder_of_crows_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(a_murder_of_crows_debuff) Spell(a_murder_of_crows)
	if TalentPoints(lynx_rush_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(lynx_rush_debuff) Spell(lynx_rush)
	if BuffPresent(lock_and_load_buff) Spell(explosive_shot)
	if TalentPoints(glaive_toss_talent) Spell(glaive_toss)
	if TalentPoints(powershot_talent) Spell(powershot)
	if TalentPoints(barrage_talent) Spell(barrage)
	if not target.DebuffPresent(serpent_sting_debuff) and target.TimeToDie() >= 10 Spell(serpent_sting)
	if Spell(explosive_shot) Spell(explosive_shot)
	Spell(kill_shot usable=1)
	if not target.DebuffPresent(black_arrow_debuff) and target.TimeToDie() >= 8 Spell(black_arrow)
	if Enemies() > 3 Spell(multi_shot)
	if BuffPresent(thrill_of_the_hunt_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(serpent_sting_debuff) < 2 Spell(multi_shot)
	if BuffPresent(thrill_of_the_hunt_buff) Spell(arcane_shot)
	if not BuffPresent(rapid_fire_buff) Spell(rapid_fire)
	if TalentPoints(dire_beast_talent) Spell(dire_beast)
	if BuffPresent(trinket_stat_agility_buff) or target.TimeToDie() <= 20 or { BuffStacks(trinket_stacking_stat_agility_buff) > 10 and { ItemCooldown(Trinket0Slot) + ItemCooldown(Trinket1Slot) } <= 3 } Spell(stampede)
	if target.DebuffRemains(serpent_sting_debuff) < 6 Spell(cobra_shot)
	if Focus() >= 67 and Enemies() < 2 Spell(arcane_shot)
	if Focus() >= 67 and Enemies() > 1 Spell(multi_shot)

AddFunction SurvivalPrecombatActions
	if not Stance(hunter_aspect_of_the_hawk) Spell(aspect_of_the_hawk)
	if target.TimeToDie() >= 21 and not target.DebuffPresent(ranged_vulnerability any=1) Spell(hunters_mark)

AddIcon mastery=survival help=main
	if InCombat(no) SurvivalPrecombatActions()

### Required symbols
# a_murder_of_crows
# a_murder_of_crows_debuff
# a_murder_of_crows_talent
# arcane_shot
# aspect_of_the_hawk
# barrage
# barrage_talent
# black_arrow
# black_arrow_debuff
# blood_fury
# cobra_shot
# dire_beast
# dire_beast_talent
# explosive_shot
# explosive_trap
# fervor
# fervor_talent
# glaive_toss
# glaive_toss_talent
# hunters_mark
# kill_shot
# lock_and_load_buff
# lynx_rush
# lynx_rush_debuff
# lynx_rush_talent
# multi_shot
# powershot
# powershot_talent
# rapid_fire
# rapid_fire_buff
# serpent_sting
# serpent_sting_debuff
# stampede
# stampede_buff
# summon_pet
# thrill_of_the_hunt_buff
# trinket_stacking_stat_agility_buff
# trinket_stat_agility_buff
# virmens_bite_potion
	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("HUNTER", name, desc, code, "reference")