    Ovale Spell Priority
    Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Sidoine
    Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Johnny C. Lam

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License in the LICENSE
    file accompanying this program.

	Script conditions.

	A script condition must have a name that is lowercase.

	A script condition can return in two different ways:

	(1) start, ending
		This returns a time interval representing when the condition is true
		and is used by conditions that return only a time interval.

	(2) start, ending, value, origin, rate
		This returns a function f(t) = value + (t - origin) * rate that is
		valid for start < t < ending.  This return method is used by
		conditions that return a value that is used in numerical comparisons
		or operations.

	The endpoint of a time interval must be between 0 and infinity, where
	infinity is represented by math.huge.  Time is a value such as returned by
	the API function GetTime().


	(1)	(0, math.huge) means the condition is always true.

	(2)	nil is the empty set and means the condition is always false.

	(3)	(0, math.huge, constant, 0, 0) means the condition has a constant value.

	(4)	(start, ending, ending - start, start, -1) means the condition has a
		value of f(t) = ending - t, at time t between start and ending.  This
		basically returns how much time is left within the time interval.

local _, Ovale = ...
local OvaleCondition = Ovale:NewModule("OvaleCondition")
Ovale.OvaleCondition = OvaleCondition

-- Forward declarations for module dependencies.
local OvaleBestAction = nil
local OvaleCompile = nil
local OvaleData = nil

local type = type
local wipe = table.wipe

-- Table of script conditions.
self_condition = {}
-- List of script conditions that refer to a castable spell from the player's spellbook.
self_spellbookCondition = {}
	-- Spell(spellId) can be used as a condition instead of an action.
	self_spellbookCondition["spell"] = true

	The actual target referenced when the "target" parameter is used in a condition.
	This is to support setting a different target in an AddIcon "target" parameter,
	e.g., target=focus, while re-using the same script.
OvaleCondition.defaultTarget = "target"
OvaleCondition.Compare = nil
OvaleCondition.ParseCondition = nil
OvaleCondition.ParseRuneCondition = nil
OvaleCondition.TestBoolean = nil
OvaleCondition.TestValue = nil

OvaleCondition.COMPARATOR = {
	atLeast = true,
	atMost = true,
	equal = true,
	less = true,
	more = true,

function OvaleCondition:OnInitialize()
	-- Resolve module dependencies.
	OvaleBestAction = Ovale.OvaleBestAction
	OvaleCompile = Ovale.OvaleCompile
	OvaleData = Ovale.OvaleData

function OvaleCondition:RegisterCondition(name, isSpellbookCondition, func, arg)
	if arg then
		if type(func) == "string" then
			func = arg[func]
		self_condition[name] = function(...) func(arg, ...) end
		self_condition[name] = func
	if isSpellbookCondition then
		self_spellbookCondition[name] = true

function OvaleCondition:UnregisterCondition(name)
	self_condition[name] = nil

function OvaleCondition:IsCondition(name)
	return (self_condition[name] ~= nil)

function OvaleCondition:IsSpellbookCondition(name)
	return (self_spellbookCondition[name] ~= nil)

function OvaleCondition:EvaluateCondition(name, ...)
	return self_condition[name](...)

function OvaleCondition.ComputeParameter(spellId, paramName, state)
	local si = OvaleData:GetSpellInfo(spellId)
	if si and si[paramName] then
		local name = si[paramName]
		local node = OvaleCompile.customFunctionNode[name]
		if node then
			local timeSpan, priority, element = OvaleBestAction:Compute(node, state)
			if element and element.type == "value" then
				local value = element.value + (state.currentTime - element.origin) * element.rate
				return value
			return si[paramName]
	return nil

OvaleCondition.ParseCondition = function(condition, defaultTarget)
	defaultTarget = defaultTarget or "player"
	local target = condition.target or defaultTarget
	-- Side-effect: set condition.target to the correct value if not present.
	condition.target = condition.target or target
	if target == "target" then
		target = OvaleCondition.defaultTarget

	local filter
	if condition.filter then
		if condition.filter == "debuff" then
			filter = "HARMFUL"
		elseif condition.filter == "buff" then
			filter = "HELPFUL"

	local mine = true
	if condition.any and condition.any == 1 then
		mine = false
		-- Legacy parameter "mine"; no longer documented.
		if not condition.any and condition.mine and condition.mine ~= 1 then
			mine = false

	return target, filter, mine

-- Returns whether "a" matches "yesno".
OvaleCondition.TestBoolean = function(a, yesno)
	if not yesno or yesno == "yes" then
		if a then
			return 0, math.huge
		if not a then
			return 0, math.huge
	return nil

-- Returns either an "Ovale value" or a boolean, depending on whether "comparator" is given.
-- An "Ovale value" is a quintuplet (start, ending, value, origin, rate) that determines a
-- linear function A(t) = value + (t - origin)*rate, with domain (start, ending).
OvaleCondition.TestValue = function(start, ending, value, origin, rate, comparator, limit)
							 A(t) = limit
		value + (t - origin)*rate = limit
				(t - origin)*rate = limit - value
	if not value or not origin or not rate then
		return nil

	start = start or 0
	ending = ending or math.huge

	if not comparator then
		if start < ending then
			return start, ending, value, origin, rate
			return 0, math.huge, 0, 0, 0
	elseif not OvaleCondition.COMPARATOR[comparator] then
		Ovale:Errorf("unknown comparator %s", comparator)
	elseif not limit then
		Ovale:Errorf("comparator %s missing limit", comparator)
	elseif rate == 0 then
		if (comparator == "less" and value < limit)
				or (comparator == "atMost" and value <= limit)
				or (comparator == "equal" and value == limit)
				or (comparator == "atLeast" and value >= limit)
				or (comparator == "more" and value > limit) then
			return start, ending
	elseif (comparator == "less" and rate > 0)
			or (comparator == "atMost" and rate > 0)
			or (comparator == "atLeast" and rate < 0)
			or (comparator == "more" and rate < 0) then
		local t = (limit - value)/rate + origin
		ending = (ending < t) and ending or t
		return start, ending
	elseif (comparator == "less" and rate < 0)
			or (comparator == "atMost" and rate < 0)
			or (comparator == "atLeast" and rate > 0)
			or (comparator == "more" and rate > 0) then
		local t = (limit - value)/rate + origin
		start = (start > t) and start or t
		return start, math.huge
	return nil

OvaleCondition.Compare = function(value, comparator, limit)
	return OvaleCondition.TestValue(0, math.huge, value, 0, 0, comparator, limit)