    Ovale Spell Priority
    Copyright (C) 2013 Johnny C. Lam

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License in the LICENSE
    file accompanying this program.

-- This addon is a script repository.

local _, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale:NewModule("OvaleScripts")
Ovale.OvaleScripts = OvaleScripts

local pairs = pairs
local API_UnitClass = UnitClass

-- Player's class.
local _, self_class = API_UnitClass("player")

-- A "script" is a table { type = "scriptType", desc = "description", code = "..." }
-- Table of scripts, indexed by name.
OvaleScripts.script = {}

-- Return a table of script descriptions indexed by name.
function OvaleScripts:GetDescriptions(scriptType)
	local descriptionsTable = {}
	for name, script in pairs(self.script) do
		if not scriptType or script.type == scriptType then
			descriptionsTable[name] = script.desc
	return descriptionsTable

function OvaleScripts:RegisterScript(class, name, description, code, scriptType)
	if not class or class == self_class then
		self.script[name] = self.script[name] or {}
		local script = self.script[name]
		script.type = scriptType or "script"
		script.desc = description or name
		script.code = code or ""

function OvaleScripts:UnregisterScript(name)
	self.script[name] = nil