
PerfectRaidLocals = {
	[" *** DISABLED ***"] = " *** DISABLED ***",
	["Add"] = "Add",
	["Adding a default raid layout to new profile \"%s\""] = "Adding a default raid layout to new profile \"%s\"",
	["Adding default buffs to new profile \"%s\""] = "Adding default buffs to new profile \"%s\"",
	["Aggro"] = "Aggro",
	["Align frames to BOTTOM"] = "Align frames to BOTTOM",
	["Align frames to RIGHT"] = "Align frames to RIGHT",
	["All Classes"] = "All Classes",
	["All Groups"] = "All Groups",
	["Arcane Brilliance"] = "Arcane Brilliance",
	["Arcane Intellect"] = "Arcane Intellect",
	["Auto-fill Default"] = "Auto-fill Default",
	["Blessing of Kings"] = "Blessing of Kings",
	["Blessing of Light"] = "Blessing of Light",
	["Blessing of Might"] = "Blessing of Might",
	["Blessing of Salvation"] = "Blessing of Salvation",
	["Blessing of Sanctuary"] = "Blessing of Sanctuary",
	["Blessing of Wisdom"] = "Blessing of Wisdom",
	["Buff Name:"] = "Buff Name:",
	["Buffs/Debuffs"] = "Buffs/Debuffs",
	["Cancel"] = "Cancel",
	["Class"] = "Class",
	["Color bars by class"] = "Color bars by class",
	["Column Anchor Point:"] = "Column Anchor Point:",
	["Config"] = "Config",
	["Curse"] = "Curse",
	["Dead"] = "Dead",
	["Disease"] = "Disease",
	["Death Knight"] = "Death Knight",
	["Delete"] = "Delete",
	["Disable"] = "Disable",
	["Disabled: "] = "Disabled: ",
	["Display Text:"] = "Display Text:",
	["Display a header backdrop"] = "Display a header backdrop",
	["Divine Spirit"] = "Divine Spirit",
	["Do not check this buff (Disable)"] = "Do not check this buff (Disable)",
	["Down"] = "Down",
	["Drink"] = "Drink",
	["Druid"] = "Druid",
	["Edit"] = "Edit",
	["Enable"] = "Enable",
	["Enable click-casting on frames"] = "Enable click-casting on frames",
	["Fear Ward"] = "Fear Ward",
	["Frame Scale:"] = "Frame Scale:",
	["Frames have been locked"] = "Frames have been locked",
	["Frames have been unlocked"] = "Frames have been unlocked",
	["Food"] = "Food",
	["Ghost"] = "Ghost",
	["Gift of the Wild"] = "Gift of the Wild",
	["Greater Blessing of Kings"] = "Greater Blessing of Kings",
	["Greater Blessing of Light"] = "Greater Blessing of Light",
	["Greater Blessing of Might"] = "Greater Blessing of Might",
	["Greater Blessing of Salvation"] = "Greater Blessing of Salvation",
	["Greater Blessing of Sanctuary"] = "Greater Blessing of Sanctuary",
	["Greater Blessing of Wisdom"] = "Greater Blessing of Wisdom",
	["Group"] = "Group",
	["Group 1"] = "Group 1",
	["Group 2"] = "Group 2",
	["Group 3"] = "Group 3",
	["Group 4"] = "Group 4",
	["Group 5"] = "Group 5",
	["Group 6"] = "Group 6",
	["Group 7"] = "Group 7",
	["Group 8"] = "Group 8",
	["Group Buff Name:"] = "Group Buff Name:",
	["Group frames by:"] = "Group frames by:",
	["Healthbar - left"] = "Healthbar - left",
	["Healthbar - middle"] = "Healthbar - middle",
	["Healthbar - right"] = "Healthbar - right",
	["Hide Blizzard Party Frames"] = "Hide Blizzard Party Frames",
	["Highlight"] = "Highlight",
	["Highlight on mouseover"] = "Highlight on mouseover",
	["Highlight when cursed"] = "Highlight when cursed",
	["Highlight when diseased"] = "Highlight when diseased",
	["Highlight when magic debuffed"] = "Highlight when magic debuffed",
	["Highlight when poisoned"] = "Highlight when poisoned",
	["Hunter"] = "Hunter",
	["If you choose any of the column options, all of them become required fields.  Please choose the number of columns, max units, column spacing and column anchor."] = "If you choose any of the column options, all of them become required fields.  Please choose the number of columns, max units, column spacing and column anchor.",
	["In-Range Alpha"] = "In-Range Alpha",
	["Innervate"] = "Innervate",
	["Index"] = "Index",
	["Left of the name"] = "Left of the name",
	["Lifebloom"] = "Lifebloom",
	["Lock frames"] = "Lock frames",
	["Mage"] = "Mage",
	["Magic"] = "Magic",
	["Make filters strict"] = "Make filters strict",
	["Mana Bar Height:"] = "Mana Bar Height:",
	["Mark of the Wild"] = "Mark of the Wild",
	["Max Units per Column:"] = "Max Units per Column:",
	["Monk"] = "Monk",
	["Mortal Strike"] = "Mortal Strike",
	["Name"] = "Name",
	["No filters selected"] = "No filters selected",
	["None"] = "None",
	["Number of Columns:"] = "Number of Columns:",
	["Offline"] = "Offline",
	["Only show if this buff is missing"] = "Only show if this buff is missing",
	["Only show mana bar for mana users"] = "Only show mana bar for mana users",
	["Only show my buffs"] = "Only show my buffs",
	["Out-of-Range Alpha"] = "Out-of-Range Alpha",
	["Paladin"] = "Paladin",
	["PerfectRaid Options"] = "PerfectRaid Options",
	["Perform aggro checking"] = "Perform aggro checking",
	["Perform range checking"] = "Perform range checking",
	["Poison"] = "Poison",
	["Power Infusion"] = "Power Infusion",
	["Power Word: Fortitude"] = "Power Word: Fortitude",
	["Power Word: Shield"] = "Power Word: Shield",
	["Prayer of Fortitude"] = "Prayer of Fortitude",
	["Prayer of Mending"] = "Prayer of Mending",
	["Prayer of Shadow Protection"] = "Prayer of Shadow Protection",
	["Prayer of Spirit"] = "Prayer of Spirit",
	["Priest"] = "Priest",
	["Raid Frames"] = "Raid Frames",
	["Range Check"] = "Range Check",
	["Regrowth"] = "Regrowth",
	["Rejuvenation"] = "Rejuvenation",
	["Renew"] = "Renew",
	["Reverse HP bars"] = "Reverse HP bars",
	["Rogue"] = "Rogue",
	["STATUS_CURSE"] = "Cu",
	["STATUS_DRINK"] = "Dr",
	["STATUS_FOOD"] = "Foo",
	["STATUS_FORT"] = "F",
	["STATUS_MAGIC"] = "Ma",
	["STATUS_MOTW"] = "M",
	["STATUS_POISON"] = "Po",
	["STATUS_PWS"] = "PwS",
	["STATUS_REJUV"] = "Rj",
	["STATUS_RENEW"] = "Rn",
	["STATUS_THORNS"] = "Th",
	["STATUS_FLASK"] = "Flask",
	["Save"] = "Save",
	["Shadow Protection"] = "Shadow Protection",
	["Shaman"] = "Shaman",
	["Show damagers"] = "Show damagers",
	["Show healers"] = "Show healers",
	["Show HP deficit"] = "Show HP deficit",
	["Show frame in raid"] = "Show frame in raid",
	["Show frame when solo"] = "Show frame when solo",
	["Show frame while in party"] = "Show frame while in party",
	["Show group number"] = "Show group number",
	["Show options GUI"] = "Show options GUI",
	["Show player in frame"] = "Show player in frame",
	["Show raid icons"] = "Show raid icons",
	["Show raid roles"] = "Show raid roles",
	["Show tanks"] = "Show tanks",
	["Show unit tooltip on mouseover"] = "Show unit tooltip on mouseover",
	["Sort Frames By:"] = "Sort Frames By:",
	["Soulstone Resurrection"] = "Soulstone Resurrection",
	["Spacing between columns:"] = "Spacing between columns:",
	["Thorns"] = "Thorns",
	["This frame has the following options/filters set:"] = "This frame has the following options/filters set:\n",
	["Title:"] = "Title:",
	["Up"] = "Up",
	["Update delay"] = "Update delay",
	["Warlock"] = "Warlock",
	["Warrior"] = "Warrior",
	["Weakened Soul"] = "Weakened Soul",
	["Wild Growth"] = "Wild Growth",
	["You must select at least one class or group to display."] = "You must select at least one class or group to display.",
	["inParty"] = "inParty",
	["inRaid"] = "inRaid",
	["lock - Lock frames"] = "lock - Lock frames",
	["showPlayer"] = "showPlayer",
	["showSolo"] = "showSolo",
	["unlock - Unlock frames"] = "unlock - Unlock frames",

setmetatable(PerfectRaidLocals, {__index=function(t,k) if not rawget(t,k) then return k else return t[k] end end})