	The contents of this file are auto-generated using the CurseForge localization application
	Please go to http://wow.curseforge.com/projects/spell-alerter/localization/ to update translations.
	Anyone with a wowace/curseforge account can edit them.

local AL = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0")
local L = AL:NewLocale("SpellAlerter", "enUS", true, debug)

if L then
    L["About"] = true
    L["Add"] = true
    L["Aqua"] = true
    L["Arrow"] = true
    L["Attributes"] = true
    L["Blue"] = true
    L["Category"] = true
    L["|cff99ff33Click|r to open the config"] = true
    L["Class colored"] = true
    L["Color"] = true
    L["Delete"] = true
    L["Enabled"] = true
    L["Enemy Buffs"] = true
    L["Enter a spell name and select one. IMPORTANT: It is case sensitive."] = true
    L["Filters"] = true
    L["Font"] = true
    L["Font size"] = true
    L["Friendly Debuffs"] = true
    L["General"] = true
    L["Green"] = true
    L["Grey"] = true
    L["Hold time"] = true
    L["Icon size"] = true
    L["Ignores"] = true
    L["Indigo"] = true
    L["Is not 100% reliable outside of arena. Overrides colors in Spell List"] = true
    L["List"] = true
    L["Lock"] = true
    L["Look and feel"] = true
    L["Minimap"] = true
    L["NPCs"] = true
    L["Orange"] = true
    L["Peach"] = true
    L["Pink"] = true
    L["Players"] = true
    L["Red"] = true
    L["Replace player name with..."] = true
    L["Settings"] = true
    L["Show alerts only if the spell is going to affect you. Not 100% reliable outside of arena"] = true
    L["Show alerts only on your target"] = true
    L["Show alerts only on your targeted unit"] = true
    L["Show caster"] = true
    L["Show icon"] = true
    L["Show spell names"] = true
    L["Show target"] = true
    L["Sliders"] = true
    L["Sound"] = true
    L["Spell Alerter"] = true
    L["Spell Casts"] = true
    L["Spell List"] = true
    L["Tan"] = true
    L["Targeted unit only"] = true
    L["Target graphic"] = true
    L["Target is self"] = true
    L["Target is YOU"] = true
    L["Target only"] = true
    L["Targets"] = true
    L["Teal"] = true
    L["Test"] = true
    L["Text"] = true
    L["These are Spell Casts that won't show targets.\n"] = true
    L["Toggles"] = true
    L["Turquoise"] = true
    L["Version"] = true
    L["Violet"] = true
    L["White"] = true
    L["Yellow"] = true