local addonName, addon = ... _G["StarTip"] = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("StarTip", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceHook-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0", "AceComm-3.0", "AceSerializer-3.0") StarTip.version = GetAddOnMetadata("StarTip", "Version") or "" local LibDBIcon = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0") local LSM = _G.LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0") local LDB = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1") local AceConfigDialog = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0") local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("StarTip") StarTip.L = L local LQT = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibQTip-1.0-fix") StarTip.LQT = LQT local LibFlash = LibStub("LibFlash") local LibCore = LibStub("LibScriptableLCDCoreLite-1.0") local LibTimer = LibStub("LibScriptableUtilsTimer-1.0") local PluginTalents = LibStub("LibScriptablePluginTalents-1.0") local WidgetTimer = LibStub("LibScriptableWidgetTimer-1.0") local LibWidget = LibStub("LibScriptableWidget-1.0") local _G = _G local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip local ipairs, pairs = _G.ipairs, _G.pairs local timers = {} local timerWidgets = {} local environment = {} StarTip.environment = environment environment.StarTip = StarTip environment._G = _G environment.L = L local BugGrabber = BugGrabber local function disableUT(name, side) local UT = StarTip:GetModule("UnitTooltip") for k, v in pairs(UT.db.profile.lines) do if(v.name == name) then UT.db.profile.lines[k].enabled = false UT:CreateLines() error(format(L["StarTip disabled a tooltip line named %s due to an error in the line's %s segment."], v.name, side)) end end end local onError do local lastError = nil function onError(event, errorObject) for k, v in pairs(addon:GetErrors(BugGrabber:GetSessionId())) do if type(v.message) == "string" then v.message:gsub('t.*StarTip\.UnitTooltip:(.-):left:.*', function(name) disableUT(name, "left") end) v.message:gsub('t.*StarTip\.UnitTooltip:(.-):right:.*', function(name) disableUT(name, "right") end) end end end end -- Borrowed from BugSack do local errors = {} function addon:GetErrors(sessionId) -- XXX I've never liked this function, maybe a BugGrabber redesign is in order, -- XXX where we have one subtable in the DB per session ID. if sessionId then wipe(errors) local db = BugGrabber:GetDB() for i, e in next, db do if sessionId == e.session then errors[#errors + 1] = e end end return errors else return BugGrabber:GetDB() end end end local LDB = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject("StarTip", { type = "data source", text = "StarTip", icon = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Chest_Cloth_17", OnClick = function() StarTip:OpenConfig() end }) StarTip.anchors = { "CURSOR_TOP", "CURSOR_TOPRIGHT", "CURSOR_TOPLEFT", "CURSOR_BOTTOM", "CURSOR_BOTTOMRIGHT", "CURSOR_BOTTOMLEFT", "CURSOR_LEFT", "CURSOR_RIGHT", "TOP", "TOPRIGHT", "TOPLEFT", "BOTTOM", "BOTTOMRIGHT", "BOTTOMLEFT", "RIGHT", "LEFT", "CENTER" } StarTip.anchorText = { "Cursor Top", "Cursor Top-right", "Cursor Top-left", "Cursor Bottom", "Cursor Bottom-right", "Cursor Bottom-left", "Cursor Left", "Cursor Right", "Screen Top", "Screen Top-right", "Screen Top-left", "Screen Bottom", "Screen Bottom-right", "Screen Bottom-left", "Screen Right", "Screen Left", "Screen Center" } StarTip.opposites = { TOP = "BOTTOM", TOPRIGHT = "BOTTOMLEFT", TOPLEFT = "BOTTOMRIGHT", BOTTOM = "TOP", BOTTOMRIGHT = "TOPLEFT", BOTTOMLEFT = "TOPRIGHT", LEFT = "RIGHT", RIGHT = "LEFT", } local SINGLETON_CLASSIFICATIONS = { "player", "pet", "pettarget", "target", "targettarget", "targettargettarget", "focus", "focustarget", "focustargettarget" } StarTip.SINGLETON_CLASSIFICATIONS = SINGLETON_CLASSIFICATIONS local UNIT_PARTY_GROUPS = { "party", "partytarget", "partytargettarget", "partypet", "partypettarget", "partypettargettarget" } StarTip.UNIT_PARTY_GROUPS = UNIT_PARTY_GROUPS local UNIT_RAID_GROUPS = { "raid", "raidtarget", "raidtargettarget", "raidpet", "raidpettarget", "raidpettargettarget", } StarTip.UNIT_RAID_GROUPS = UNIT_RAID_GROUPS local defaults = { profile = { modules = {}, timers = {}, minimap = {hide=true}, tooltipMain = {frameName="StarTipTooltipMain", intersectFrameName="ChatFrame1", strata=1, level=1, alwaysShown=false, intersect=true, intersectxPad1 = 0, intersectyPad1 = 0, intersectxPad2 = 0, intersectyPad2 = 0, insersectPad = 0, minStrata=5, scriptFrame, hideScript = "self.frame:Hide()", showScript = "self.frame:Show()", hiddenScript = "return not self.frame:IsShown()", shownScript = "return self.frame:IsShown()"}, modifier = 1, unitShow = 1, objectShow = 1, unitFrameShow = 1, otherFrameShow = 1, errorLevel = 2, throttleVal = 0, intersectRate = 0, modifierInverse = false, message = true } } local function makeNewTooltip() local self = StarTip --if self.intersectTimer then self.intersectTimer:Del() end self.intersectTimer = LibTimer:New("IntersectTimer", self.db.profile.intersectRate, true, LibWidget.IntersectUpdate, nil, self.db.profile.errorLevel) --if self.tooltipMain.widget then self.tooltipMain.widget:Del() end self.tooltipMain.widget = LibWidget:New(StarTip.tooltipMain, StarTip, "tooltipMain", StarTip.copy(self.db.profile.tooltipMain), 0, 0, 0, {"generic"}, self.db.profile.errorLevel, StarTip.tooltipMain) self.intersectTimer.data = self.tooltipMain.widget end local modNames = {L["None"], L["Ctrl"], L["Alt"], L["Shift"]} local modFuncs = {function() return true end, IsControlKeyDown, IsAltKeyDown, IsShiftKeyDown} local showChoices = {"Always", "Out of Combat", "Never"} local options = { type = "group", args = { modules = { name = L["Modules"], desc = L["Modules"], type = "group", args = {} }, timers = { name = "Timers", desc = "Timers", type = "group", args = { add = { name = L["Add Timer"], desc = L["Add a timer widget"], type = "input", set = function(info, v) tinsert(StarTip.db.profile.timers, {name = v, expression = "return", repeating = false, update = 0}) StarTip:RebuildOpts() end, order = 1 }, restart = { name = L["Restart Timers"], desc = L["Would you like to restart your timers? Note that this will restart all timers."], type = "execute", func = function() StarTip:RestartTimers() end, order = 2 }, reset = { name = L["Restore Defaults"], desc = L["Use this to restore the defaults"], type = "execute", func = function() self.db.profile.timers = {} StarTip:RebuildOpts() end, order = 3 } } }, settings = { name = L["Settings"], desc = L["Settings"], type = "group", args = { minimap = { name = L["Minimap"], desc = L["Toggle showing minimap button"], type = "toggle", get = function() return not StarTip.db.profile.minimap.hide end, set = function(info, v) StarTip.db.profile.minimap.hide = not v if not v then LibDBIcon:Hide("StarTipLDB") else LibDBIcon:Show("StarTipLDB") end end, order = 1 }, modifier = { name = L["Modifier"], desc = L["Whether to use a modifier key or not"], type = "select", values = {L["None"], L["Ctrl"], L["Alt"], L["Shift"]}, get = function() return StarTip.db.profile.modifier end, set = function(info, v) StarTip.db.profile.modifier = v end, order = 5 }, modifierInverse = { name = L["Inverted Modifier"], desc = L["Whether to invert what happens when a key is pressed or not, i.e. show and hide."], type = "toggle", get = function() return StarTip.db.profile.modifierInverse end, set = function(info, v) StarTip.db.profile.modifierInverse = v end, order = 6 }, unitShow = { name = L["Unit"], desc = L["Whether to show unit tooltips"], type = "select", values = showChoices, get = function() return StarTip.db.profile.unitShow end, set = function(info, v) StarTip.db.profile.unitShow = v end, order = 7 }, objectShow = { name = L["Object"], desc = L["Whether to show object tooltips"], type = "select", values = showChoices, get = function() return StarTip.db.profile.objectShow end, set = function(info, v) StarTip.db.profile.objectShow = v end, order = 8 }, unitFrameShow = { name = L["Unit Frame"], desc = L["Whether to show unit frame tooltips"], type = "select", values = showChoices, get = function() return StarTip.db.profile.unitFrameShow end, set = function(info, v) StarTip.db.profile.unitFrameShow = v end, order = 9 }, otherFrameShow = { name = L["Other Frame"], desc = L["Whether to show other frame tooltips"], type = "select", values = showChoices, get = function() return StarTip.db.profile.otherFrameShow end, set = function(info, v) StarTip.db.profile.otherFrameShow = v end, order = 10 }, errorLevel = { name = L["Error Level"], desc = L["StarTip's error level"], type = "select", values = LibStub("LibScriptableUtilsError-1.0").defaultTexts, get = function() return StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel end, set = function(info, v) StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel = v; StarTip:Print("Note that changing error verbosity requires a UI reload.") end, order = 11 }, throttleVal = { name = L["Throttle Threshold"], desc = L["StarTip can throttle your mouseovers, so it doesn't show a tooltip if you mouse over units really fast. There are a few bugs, which is why it's not enabled by default."], type = "input", pattern = "%d", get = function() return tostring(StarTip.db.profile.throttleVal) end, set = function(info, v) StarTip.db.profile.throttleVal = tonumber(v) end, order = 12 }, message = { name = L["Greetings"], desc = L["Whether the greetings message should be shown or not"], type = "toggle", get = function() return StarTip.db.profile.message end, set = function(info, v) StarTip.db.profile.message = v end, order = 13 }, intersectRate = { name = L["Intersect Checks Rate"], desc = L["The rate at which intersecting frames will be checked"], type = "input", pattern = "%d", get = function() return tostring(StarTip.db.profile.intersectRate) end, set = function(info, v) StarTip.db.profile.intersectRate = tonumber(v) end, order = 14 }, } } } } do local pool = setmetatable({},{__mode='k'}) local newCount, delCount = 0, 0 function StarTip.new(...) local t = next(pool) local newtbl if t then pool[t] = nil table.wipe(t) for i=1, select("#", ...) do t[i] = select(i, ...) end else newtbl = true t = {...} end if newtbl then --StarTip:Print("new table " .. GetTime(), "new " .. newCount, "del " .. delCount) end t.__starref__ = true newCount = newCount + 1 return t end function StarTip.del(...) local t = select(1, ...) if type(t) ~= "table" or not t.__starref__ then return end for i=2, select("#", ...) do local t = select(i, ...) if type(t) ~= table or t == nil then break end StarTip.del(t) end t.__starref__ = nil pool[t] = true delCount = delCount + 1 end function StarTip.copy(src, dst) if type(src) ~= "table" then return nil end if type(dst) ~= "table" then dst = StarTip.new() end for k, v in pairs(src) do if type(v) == "table" then v = StarTip.copy(v) end dst[k] = v end return dst end end environment.new = StarTip.new environment.newDict = StarTip.newDict environment.del = StarTip.del local function errorhandler(err) return geterrorhandler()(err) end local function copy(tbl) local localCopy = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "table" then localCopy[k] = copy(v) elseif type(v) ~= "function" then localCopy[k] = v end end return localCopy end StarTip:SetDefaultModuleState(false) local defaultTimers = { } function StarTip:RefreshConfig() for k, v in self:IterateModules() do if v.ReInit then v:ReInit() end end self:RebuildOpts() self:Print(L["You may need to reload your UI."]) end local menuoptions = { name = "StarTip", type = "group", args = { open = { name = "Open Configuration", type = "execute", func = function() StarTip:OpenConfig() end } } } function StarTip:OnInitialize() if BugGrabber then BugGrabber.RegisterCallback(addon, "BugGrabber_BugGrabbed", onError) BugGrabber.RegisterCallback(addon, "BugGraabber_EventGrabbed", onError) end self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("StarTipDB", defaults, "Default") self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "RefreshConfig") self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "RefreshConfig") self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "RefreshConfig") options.args.settings.args.tooltipMain = LibWidget:GetOptions(StarTip.db.profile.tooltipMain, makeNewTooltip) options.args.settings.args.tooltipMain.args.add = nil LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("StarTip-Addon", options) LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("StarTip", menuoptions) AceConfigDialog:SetDefaultSize("StarTip-Addon", 800, 450) self:RegisterChatCommand("startip", "OpenConfig") AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("StarTip") LibDBIcon:Register("StarTipLDB", LDB, self.db.profile.minimap) if not options.args.Profiles then options.args.Profiles = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(self.db) self.lastConfig = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions("StarTip-Addon", "Profiles", "StarTip-Addon", "Profiles") end self.leftLines = {} self.rightLines = {} --self.qtipLines = {} for i = 1, 70 do GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(' ', ' ') self.leftLines[i] = _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. i] self.rightLines[i] = _G["GameTooltipTextRight" .. i] end GameTooltip:ClearLines() self.core = LibCore:New(environment, "StarTip", self.db.profile.errorLevel) GameTooltip:Show() GameTooltip:Hide() makeNewTooltip() end StarTip.cellProvider, StarTip.cellPrototype = LQT:CreateCellProvider() function StarTip.cellPrototype:InitializeCell() self.fontString = self:CreateFontString() self.fontString:SetAllPoints(self) self.fontString:SetFontObject(GameTooltipText) self.r, self.g, self.b = 1, 1, 1 local y, x = self:GetPosition() if not StarTip.qtipLines[y] then StarTip.qtipLines[y] = {} end StarTip.qtipLines[y][x] = self.fontString end function StarTip.cellPrototype:SetupCell(tooltip, value, justification, font, r, g, b) local fs = self.fontString fs:SetFontObject(font or tooltip:GetFont()) fs:SetJustifyH(justification) fs:SetText(tostring(value)) self.r, self.g, self.b = r or self.r, g or self.g, b or self.b fs:SetTextColor(self.r, self.g, self.b) fs:Show() return fs:GetStringWidth(), fs:GetStringHeight() end function StarTip.cellPrototype:ReleaseCell() self.r, self.g, self.b = 1, 1, 1 end StarTip.tooltipMain = LQT:Acquire("StarTipTooltipMain", 2) --StarTip.tooltipMain:SetDefaultProvider(StarTip.cellProvider) _G["StarTipTooltipMain"] = StarTip.tooltipMain StarTip.tooltipMain:SetParent(UIParent) StarTip.tooltipMain:ClearAllPoints() StarTip.tooltipMain:SetPoint("CENTER") StarTip.tooltipMain.flash = LibFlash:New(StarTip.tooltipMain) StarTip.tooltipMain.ShowReal = StarTip.tooltipMain.Show StarTip.tooltipMain.Show = function() StarTip.tooltipMain.flash:Stop() StarTip.tooltipMain:ShowReal() StarTip.tooltipMain:SetAlpha(1) StarTip.intersectTimer:Start() end StarTip.tooltipMain.HideReal = StarTip.tooltipMain.Hide StarTip.tooltipMain.Hide = function() StarTip.tooltipMain.flash:Stop() StarTip.tooltipMain:HideReal() StarTip.intersectTimer:Stop() end StarTip.tooltipMain.FadeOut = function() if StarTip.tooltipMain:IsShown() and StarTip.tooltipMain:GetAlpha() > 0 then StarTip.tooltipMain.flash:FadeOut(1, StarTip.tooltipMain:GetAlpha(), 0, StarTip.tooltipMain.Hide) end end local trunk = {} local trunkLines = 1 local function trunkUpdate() if GameTooltip:NumLines() > trunkLines then for i = trunkLines, GameTooltip:NumLines() do local r1, g1, b1 = StarTip.leftLines[i]:GetTextColor(); local r2, g2, b2 = StarTip.rightLines[i]:GetTextColor(); local txt1 = StarTip.leftLines[i]:GetText() local txt2 = StarTip.rightLines[i]:GetText() tinsert(trunk, {txt1, r1, g1, b1, txt2, r2, g2, b2}) end trunkLines = GameTooltip:NumLines() end end function StarTip:TrunkAdd(...) tinsert(trunk, StarTip.new(...)) end function StarTip:TrunkClear() for i, v in ipairs(trunk) do StarTip.del(v) end wipe(trunk) end StarTip.trunk = trunk StarTip.trunkTimer = LibTimer:New("Trunk Timer", 300, false, trunkUpdate) function StarTip:OnEnable() if self.db.profile.minimap.hide then LibDBIcon:Hide("StarTipLDB") else LibDBIcon:Show("StarTipLDB") end GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetUnit", self.OnTooltipSetUnit) GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", self.OnTooltipSetItem) GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetSpell", self.OnTooltipSetSpell) self:RawHookScript(GameTooltip, "OnHide", "OnTooltipHide") self:RawHookScript(GameTooltip, "OnShow", "OnTooltipShow") self:RawHook(GameTooltip, "FadeOut", "GameTooltipFadeOut", true) self:RawHook(GameTooltip, "Hide", "GameTooltipHide", true) self:RawHook(GameTooltip, "Show", "GameTooltipShow", true) --self:RawHook(GameTooltip, "GetUnit", "GameTooltipGetUnit", true) for k,v in self:IterateModules() do if (self.db.profile.modules[k] == nil and not v.defaultOff) or self.db.profile.modules[k] then v:Enable() end end self:RestartTimers() --self:RebuildOpts() self:RegisterEvent("MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED") local plugin = {} LibStub("LibScriptablePluginColor-1.0"):New(plugin) if self.db.profile.message then ChatFrame1:AddMessage(plugin.Colorize(L["Welcome to "] .. StarTip.name, 0, 1, 1) .. plugin.Colorize(L[" Type /startip to open config. Alternatively you could press escape and choose the addons menu. Or you can choose to show a minimap icon. You can turn off this message under Settings."], 1, 1, 0)) end end function StarTip:OnDisable() LibDBIcon:Hide("StarTipLDB") self:Unhook(GameTooltip, "OnTooltipSetUnit") self:Unhook(GameTooltip, "OnTooltipSetItem") self:Unhook(GameTooltip, "OnTooltipSetSpell") self:Unhook(GameTooltip, "OnHide") self:Unhook(GameTooltip, "OnShow") self:Unhook(GameTooltip, "Show") self:Unhook(GameTooltip, "FadeOut") self:UnregisterEvent("MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED") for k,v in self:IterateModules() do if (self.db.profile.modules[k] == nil and not v.defaultOff) or self.db.profile.modules[k] then v:Disable() end end for i, v in ipairs(timerWidgets) do v:Stop() v:Del() end table.wipe(timerWidgets) end function StarTip:RestartTimers() for k, v in pairs(timerWidgets) do v:Stop() v:Del() end table.wipe(timerWidgets) for k, v in pairs(self.db.profile.timers) do if v.enabled then tinsert(timerWidgets, WidgetTimer:New(self.core, "StarTip.timer." .. k, v, self.db.profile.errorLevel)) timerWidgets[#timerWidgets]:Start() end end end function StarTip:RebuildOpts() for k, v in self:IterateModules() do local t = {} if type(v.RebuildOpts) == "function" then v:RebuildOpts() end options.args.modules.args[v:GetName()] = { name = v.name, type = "group", args = nil } if v.GetOptions then t = v:GetOptions() t.optionsHeader = { name = L["Settings"], type = "header", order = 3 } if v.childGroup then options.args.modules.args[v:GetName()].childGroups = "tab" end else t = {} end if v.toggled then t.header = { name = v.name, type = "header", order = 1 } t.toggle = { name = L["Enable"], desc = L["Enable or disable this module"], type = "toggle", set = function(info,v) self.db.profile.modules[k] = v if v then self:EnableModule(k) else self:DisableModule(k) end end, get = function() return (self.db.profile.modules[k] == nil and not v.defaultOff) or self.db.profile.modules[k] end, order = 2 } if v.desc then t.desc = { name = "Description", type = "input", multiline = true, get = function() return v.desc end, order = 3 } end end options.args.modules.args[v:GetName()].args = t end for k, v in pairs(self.db.profile.timers) do options.args.timers.args[v.name or "Timer" .. k] = { name = v.name or "Timer" .. k, type = "group", args = WidgetTimer:GetOptions(v, StarTip.RebuildOpts, StarTip) } options.args.timers.args[v.name or "Timer" .. k].args.delete = { name = L["Delete"], desc = L["Delete this timer."], type = "execute", func = function() self.db.profile.timers[k] = nil self:RebuildOpts() end, order = 100 } options.args.timers.args[v.name or "Timer" .. k].args.restart = { name = L["Restart Timer"], desc = L["Would you like to restart this timer?"], type = "execute", func = function() for i, widget in ipairs(timerWidgets) do if v.name == widget.config.name then widget:Stop() widget:Del() wipe(widget) timerWidgets[i] = WidgetTimer:New(self.core, "StarTip.timer." .. v.name, v, self.db.profile.errorLevel) timerWidgets[i]:Start() end end end, order = 100 } end end function StarTip:OpenConfig() self:RebuildOpts() AceConfigDialog:Open("StarTip-Addon") end --[[ function StarTip:HideTooltip() GameTooltip:Hide() self.tooltipHidden = true end --]] function StarTip:ShowTooltip(unit) self.tooltipHidden = false unit = unit or StarTip.unit or "mouseover" GameTooltip:Hide() GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, UIParent) GameTooltip:SetUnit(unit) GameTooltip:Show() end function StarTip.GameTooltipAddLine(...) end local hideTimer local function hideTooltip() if StarTip.unit ~= "mouseover" and GetMouseFocus() == WorldFrame then StarTip.unit = "mouseover"; return end hideTimer:Start() end --[[ local throttleTimer local lastTime = GetTime() local function endThrottle() if UnitExists(StarTip.unit or "mouseover") then StarTip.OnTooltipSetUnit() end end ]] function StarTip.OnTooltipSetUnit(...) local _, unit = GameTooltip:GetUnit() if not unit then return end StarTip:TrunkClear() trunkLines = GameTooltip:NumLines() --[[ hideTimer = hideTimer or LibTimer:New("StarTip.Hide", 100, false, hideTooltip, nil, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel) hideTimer:Start() throttleTimer = throttleTimer or LibTimer:New("StarTip.Throttle", StarTip.db.profile.throttleVal, false, endThrottle, nil, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel) if GetTime() < lastTime + StarTip.db.profile.throttleVal and UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and StarTip.db.profile.throttleVal > 0 then throttleTimer:Start(); GameTooltip:Hide() return end lastTime = GetTime() ]] if unit ~= "mouseover" and UnitIsUnit(unit, "mouseover") then unit = "mouseover" end StarTip.owner = GameTooltip:GetOwner() StarTip.unit = unit environment.unit = unit if not StarTip.justSetUnit then for k, v in StarTip:IterateModules() do if v.SetUnit and v:IsEnabled() then v:SetUnit() end end end StarTip.justSetUnit = false StarTip.tooltipMain:Show() StarTip.trunkTimer:Start() end function StarTip.OnTooltipSetItem(self, ...) if StarTip.tooltipHidden then return end if not StarTip.justSetItem then for k, v in StarTip:IterateModules() do if v.SetItem and v:IsEnabled() then v:SetItem(...) end end end StarTip.justSetItem = nil end function StarTip.OnTooltipSetSpell(...) if StarTip.tooltipHidden then return end if not StarTip.justSetSpell then for k, v in StarTip:IterateModules() do if v.SetSpell and v:IsEnabled() then v:SetSpell(...) end end end StarTip.justSetSpell = nil end function StarTip:HideAll() for k, v in StarTip:IterateModules() do if v.OnHide then v:OnHide() end end end function StarTip:GameTooltipHide(...) local hide = true --[[ for k, v in StarTip:IterateModules() do if v.GameTooltipHide and v:IsEnabled() then hide = hide and v:GameTooltipHide(...) end end ]] if hide then StarTip.hooks[GameTooltip].Hide(...) end end function StarTip:OnTooltipHide(...) if not self.justHide then for k, v in self:IterateModules() do if v.OnHide and v:IsEnabled() then v:OnHide(...) end end end self.justHide = nil self.unit = false return self.hooks[GameTooltip].OnHide(...) end function StarTip:GameTooltipShow(...) local show = true if StarTip.db.profile.modifier > 1 and type(modFuncs[StarTip.db.profile.modifier]) == "function" then if not modFuncs[StarTip.db.profile.modifier]() then show = false end end if show ~= false then if GameTooltip:IsOwned(UIParent) then if GameTooltip:GetUnit() then -- world unit show = StarTip.db.profile.unitShow else -- world object show = StarTip.db.profile.objectShow end else if GameTooltip:GetUnit() then -- unit frame show = StarTip.db.profile.unitFrameShow else -- non-unit frame show = StarTip.db.profile.otherFrameShow end end if show == 1 then -- always shown show = true elseif show == 2 then -- only show out of combat if InCombatLockdown() then show = false else show = true end elseif show == 3 then -- never show show = false end end if self.db.profile.modifierInverse then --show = not show end if not show or StarTip.tooltipHidden then GameTooltip:Hide(); return end for k, v in StarTip:IterateModules() do if v.GameTooltipShow and v:IsEnabled() then show = show and v:GameTooltipShow(...) end end if show then StarTip.hooks[GameTooltip].Show(...) end end --[[ function StarTip:GameTooltipGetUnit() local name, unit = self.hooks[GameTooltip].GetUnit(GameTooltip) if name then return name, unit end if StarTip.unit and UnitExists(StarTip.unit) then local name = UnitName(StarTip.unit) return name, StarTip.unit end end ]] function StarTip.OnTooltipShow(...) if not StarTip.justShow then for k, v in StarTip:IterateModules() do if v.OnShow and v:IsEnabled() then v:OnShow(...) end end end StarTip.justShow = false return StarTip.hooks[GameTooltip].OnShow(...) end function StarTip:GameTooltipFadeOut(...) local fadeOut = true for k, v in StarTip:IterateModules() do if v.OnFadeOut and v:IsEnabled() then fadeOut = fadeOut and v:OnFadeOut(...) end end if fadeOut then StarTip.hooks[GameTooltip].FadeOut(...) end end function StarTip:GetLSMIndexByName(category, name) for i, v in ipairs(LSM:List(category)) do if v == name then return i end end end function StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(t, bool) for k, v in pairs(t) do if not v.args then if k ~= "toggle" then v.disabled = bool end else self:SetOptionsDisabled(v.args, bool) end end end -- Taken from CowTip --[[ function StarTip:GetMouseoverUnit() local _, tooltipUnit = GameTooltip:GetUnit() if not tooltipUnit or not UnitExists(tooltipUnit) or UnitIsUnit(tooltipUnit, "mouseover") then return "mouseover" else return tooltipUnit end end ]] -- Taken from CowTip and modified a bit function StarTip:MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED(ev, modifier, up, ...) for i, v in self:IterateModules() do if v.MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED then v:MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED(ev, modifier, up, ...) end end local mod if self.db.profile.modifier == 2 then mod = (modifier == "LCTRL" or modifier == "RCTRL") and "LCTRL" modifier = "LCTRL" elseif self.db.profile.modifier == 3 then mod = (modifier == "LALT" or modifier == "RALT") and "LALT" modifier = "LALT" elseif self.db.profile.modifier == 4 then mod = (modifier == "LSHIFT" or modifier == "RSHIFT") and "LSHIFT" modifier = "LSHIFT" end if mod ~= modifier then return end if up == 0 then if not self.db.profile.modifierInverse then StarTip:HideTooltip() else StarTip:ShowTooltip() end return end local mouseover_unit = StarTip:GetMouseoverUnit() local frame = GetMouseFocus() if frame == WorldFrame or frame == UIParent then if not UnitExists(mouseover_unit) then GameTooltip:Hide() return end GameTooltip:Hide() if not self.db.profile.modifierInverse then StarTip:ShowTooltip() end else -- TODO: Translate that into 4.0 standards. local OnLeave, OnEnter = frame:GetScript("OnLeave"), frame:GetScript("OnEnter") if OnLeave then _G.this = frame OnLeave(frame) _G.this = nil end if OnEnter then _G.this = frame OnEnter(frame) _G.this = nil end end end