sdm_printPrefix = "|cffff7700Super Duper Macro|r - " sdm_defaultIcon = "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK" sdm_countUpdateMacrosEvents=0 sdm_validChars = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255} sdm_thisChar = {name=UnitName("player"), realm=GetRealmName()} sdm_doAfterCombat={} --a collection of strings that will be run as scripts when combat ends function sdm_SlashHandler(command) if command=="" then if sdm_mainFrame:IsShown() then sdm_Quit() else sdm_mainFrame:Show() end elseif command:sub(1,4):lower()=="run " then sdm_RunScript(command:sub(5)) else print(sdm_printPrefix.."SDM did not recognize the command \""..command.."\"") end end SlashCmdList["SUPERDUPERMACRO"] = sdm_SlashHandler; SLASH_SUPERDUPERMACRO1 = "/sdm"; sdm_eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") sdm_eventFrame:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED") sdm_eventFrame:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_MACROS") sdm_eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function (self, event, ...) if event=="VARIABLES_LOADED" then local oldVersion = sdm_version sdm_version=GetAddOnMetadata("SuperDuperMacro", "Version") --the version of this addon sdm_mainFrameTitle:SetText("Super Duper Macro "..sdm_version) sdm_eventFrame:UnregisterEvent(event) if (not sdm_macros) then sdm_macros={} --type tokens: "b": button macro. "f": floating macro. "s": scripts. "c": containers (folders) -- when updating versions, make sure that the saved data are appropriately updated. elseif sdm_CompareVersions(oldVersion, sdm_version) == 2 then if sdm_CompareVersions(oldVersion,"1.6")==2 then -- Hopefully nobody is upgrading from a version this old. If they are, they should download 2.1 and run that once before upgrading to 2.2. sdm_macros={} end if sdm_CompareVersions(oldVersion,"1.6.1")==2 then for i,v in pairs(sdm_macros) do if v.buttonName=="" then v.buttonName=" " end end end if sdm_CompareVersions(oldVersion,"2.2")==2 then for i,v in pairs(sdm_macros) do if v.character then v.characters = {v.character} v.character = nil end end end if sdm_CompareVersions(oldVersion,"2.4.2")==2 then for _,v in pairs(sdm_macros) do if v.icon then v.icon = sdm_defaultIcon end end end end --Saving strips away numeric keys. Now we have to put the macros back into their proper indices. local savedMacros = sdm_macros sdm_macros = {} for _,v in pairs(savedMacros) do sdm_macros[v.ID]=v end if sdm_mainContents==nil then sdm_ResetContainers() end sdm_iconSize = sdm_iconSize or 36 if not sdm_listFilters then sdm_listFilters={b=true, f=true, s=true, global=true} sdm_listFilters["true"]=true sdm_listFilters["false"]=true end sdm_iconSizeSlider:SetValue(sdm_iconSize) sdm_iconSizeSlider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self) sdm_iconSize = self:GetValue() sdm_UpdateList() end) sdm_SelectItem(nil) --We want to start with no macro selected elseif event=="UPDATE_MACROS" then -- SDM uses this event for two things. Whenever you log into the game, UPDATE_MACROS is fired twice. After the second firing, the macros are loaded. This is when SDM deletes extraneous macros that it has created before. This generally happens if you use different computers or if you don't use SDM for a while. Whenever you log in, SDM makes sure that your macro list jives with the info in SavedVariables. if sdm_countUpdateMacrosEvents == 0 then sdm_countUpdateMacrosEvents = 1 elseif sdm_countUpdateMacrosEvents == 1 then sdm_countUpdateMacrosEvents = 2 local killOnSight = {} local macrosToDelete = {} local iIsPerCharacter=false local thisID, mTab for i=1,54 do --Check each macro to see if it's been orphaned by a previous installation of SDM. if i==37 then iIsPerCharacter=true end thisID = sdm_GetSdmID(i) mTab = sdm_macros[thisID] if thisID then --if the macro was created by SDM... if killOnSight[thisID] then --if this ID is marked as kill-on-sight, kill it. table.insert(macrosToDelete, i) elseif (not mTab) or mTab.type~="b" or (not sdm_UsedByThisChar(mTab)) then --if this ID is not in use by this character as a button macro, kill it and mark this ID as KoS table.insert(macrosToDelete, i) killOnSight[thisID]=1 elseif (mTab.characters~=nil)~=iIsPerCharacter then --if the macro is in the wrong spot based on perCharacter, kill it, but give it a chance to find one in the right spot. table.insert(macrosToDelete, i) else --This macro is good and should be here. Kill any duplicates. killOnSight[thisID]=1 end end end for i=getn(macrosToDelete),1,-1 do -- we delete in descending order so that the indices don't get messed up while we're deleting, which would cause us to delete the wrong macros print(sdm_printPrefix.."Deleting extraneous macro "..macrosToDelete[i]..": "..GetMacroInfo(macrosToDelete[i])) DeleteMacro(macrosToDelete[i]) end for i,v in pairs(sdm_macros) do if sdm_UsedByThisChar(sdm_macros[i]) then sdm_SetUpMacro(sdm_macros[i]) end end end if sdm_countUpdateMacrosEvents == 2 then -- If the macros are loaded, update the number of button macros on the SDM frame local numAccountMacros, numCharacterMacros = GetNumMacros() sdm_macroLimitText:SetText("Global macros: "..numAccountMacros.."/36\nCharacter-specific macros: "..numCharacterMacros.."/18") end elseif event=="ADDON_LOADED" then local addonName = ...; if addonName=="Blizzard_MacroUI" then sdm_eventFrame:UnregisterEvent(event) sdm_DefaultMacroFrameLoaded() end elseif event=="PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" then sdm_eventFrame:UnregisterEvent(event) for _,luaText in ipairs(sdm_doAfterCombat) do RunScript(luaText) end sdm_doAfterCombat={} print(sdm_printPrefix.."Your macros are now up to date.") elseif event=="CHAT_MSG_ADDON" then --print("debug:", event, ...) if ... == sdm_msgPrefix then sdm_InterpretAddonMessage(...) end end end) function sdm_MakeMacroFrame(name, text) sdm_DoOrQueue("local temp = getglobal("..sdm_Stringer(name)..") or CreateFrame(\"Button\", "..sdm_Stringer(name)..", nil, \"SecureActionButtonTemplate\")\ temp:SetAttribute(\'type\', \'macro\')\ temp:SetAttribute(\'macrotext\', "..sdm_Stringer(text)..")") if string.len(text)>1023 then print(sdm_printPrefix.."The following line is "..(string.len(text)-1023).." characters too long:\n"..text) end end function sdm_MakeBlizzardMacro(ID, name, icon, text, perCharacter) sdm_DoOrQueue("local macroIndex = sdm_GetMacroIndex("..sdm_Stringer(ID)..")\ if macroIndex then\ EditMacro(macroIndex, "..sdm_Stringer(name)..", "..sdm_Stringer(icon)..", "..sdm_Stringer(text)..", 1, "..sdm_Stringer(perCharacter)..")\ else\ CreateMacro("..sdm_Stringer(name)..", "..sdm_Stringer(icon or 1)..", "..sdm_Stringer(text)..", "..sdm_Stringer(perCharacter)..", 1)\ end") end function sdm_GetSdmID(macroIndex) local thisMacroText=GetMacroBody(macroIndex) if thisMacroText and thisMacroText:sub(1,4)=="#sdm" then return sdm_charsToNum(thisMacroText:sub(5,thisMacroText:find("\n")-1)) else return nil end end function sdm_GetMacroIndex(sdmID) for i=1,54 do if sdm_GetSdmID(i)==sdmID then return i end end return nil end function sdm_GetLinkText(nextName) return "/click [btn:5]"..nextName.." Button5;[btn:4]"..nextName.." Button4;[btn:3]"..nextName.." MiddleButton;[btn:2]"..nextName.." RightButton;"..nextName end function sdm_SetUpMacro(mTab) local type = mTab.type if type~="b" and type~="f" then return end local text = mTab.text local perCharacter = mTab.characters~=nil local ID = mTab.ID local icon = mTab.icon local charLimit = 255 if type=="b" then text="#sdm"..sdm_numToChars(ID).."\n"..text end local nextFrameName = "sdh"..sdm_numToChars(ID) local frameText if text:len()<=charLimit then frameText = text else frameText = "" local linkText = "\n"..sdm_GetLinkText(nextFrameName) for line in text:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do if line~="" then if frameText~="" then --if this is not the first line of the frame, we need to add a carriage return before it. line="\n"..line end if frameText:len()+line:len()+linkText:len() > charLimit then --adding this line would be too much, so just add the link and be done with it. (note that this line does NOT get removed from the master text) frameText = frameText..linkText break end frameText = frameText..line end text=text:sub((text:find("\n") or text:len())+1) --remove the line from the text end end sdm_SetUpMacroFrames(nextFrameName, text, 1) if type=="b" then sdm_MakeBlizzardMacro(ID, (mTab.buttonName or, icon, frameText, perCharacter) sdm_MakeMacroFrame("sdb_", frameText) elseif type=="f" then sdm_MakeMacroFrame("sdf_", frameText) end end function sdm_UnSetUpMacro(mTab) if sdm_UsedByThisChar(mTab) and (mTab.type=="b" or mTab.type=="f") then sdm_DoOrQueue("getglobal("..sdm_Stringer("sd"..mTab.type.."_""):SetAttribute(\"type\", nil)") if mTab.type=="b" then sdm_DoOrQueue("DeleteMacro(sdm_GetMacroIndex("..sdm_Stringer(mTab.ID).."))") end end end function sdm_SetUpMacroFrames(clickerName, text, currentLayer) --returns the frame to be clicked local currentFrame=1 local frameText="" local nextLayerText="" for line in text:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do if line~="" then if frameText~="" then --if this is not the first line of the frame, we need to add a carriage return before it. line="\n"..line end if (frameText:len()+line:len() > 1023) then --adding this line would be too much, so finish this frame and move on to the next. sdm_MakeMacroFrame(clickerName.."_"..currentLayer.."_"..currentFrame, frameText) if nextLayerText~="" then nextLayerText= nextLayerText.."\n" end nextLayerText = nextLayerText..sdm_GetLinkText(clickerName.."_"..currentLayer.."_"..currentFrame) frameText = "" currentFrame = currentFrame+1 end frameText = frameText..line end text=text:sub((text:find("\n") or text:len())+1) --remove the line from the text end if currentFrame==1 then return sdm_MakeMacroFrame(clickerName, frameText) else sdm_MakeMacroFrame(clickerName.."_"..currentLayer.."_"..currentFrame, frameText) --repeated from above; just finishing off this frame nextLayerText = nextLayerText.."\n"..sdm_GetLinkText(clickerName.."_"..currentLayer.."_"..currentFrame) return sdm_SetUpMacroFrames(clickerName, nextLayerText, currentLayer+1) end end function sdm_CancelNewMacroButtonPressed() sdm_newFrame:Hide() if sdm_receiving then sdm_CancelReceive() end end function sdm_DoOrQueue(luaText) --If player is not in combat, runs the command. Otherwise, queues it up to be executed when combat is dropped. if InCombatLockdown() then sdm_eventFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") print(sdm_printPrefix.."Changes to macros will not take effect until combat ends.") table.insert(sdm_doAfterCombat, luaText) else RunScript(luaText) end end function sdm_Stringer(var) --converts a variable to a string for purposes of putting it in a string for RunScript(). Strings are formatted as quoted strings, other vars are converted to strings. if type(var)=="string" then return string.format("%q", var) else return tostring(var) end end function sdm_CompareVersions(firstString, secondString) --returns 1 if the first is bigger, 2 if the second is bigger, and 0 if they are equal. local strings = {firstString or '0', secondString or '0'} local numbers = {} while 1 do for i=1, 2 do if (not strings[i]) then strings[i]="0" end local indexOfPeriod=(strings[i]):find("%.") if (not indexOfPeriod) then numbers[i]=strings[i] strings[i]=nil else numbers[i]=strings[i]:sub(1, indexOfPeriod-1) strings[i] = strings[i]:sub(indexOfPeriod+1) end numbers[i] = tonumber(numbers[i]) end if numbers[1] > numbers[2] then return 1 elseif numbers[2] > numbers[1] then return 2 elseif (not strings[1]) and (not strings[2]) then return 0 end end end function sdm_Edit(mTab, text) mTab.text=text sdm_SetUpMacro(mTab) sdm_saveButton:Disable() end function sdm_CheckCreationSafety(type, name, character) --returns the mTab of the new macro, or nil if creation failed if name=="" then print(sdm_printPrefix.."Invalid name") return false end if type=="c" then return true elseif (type=="b" or type=="f") and sdm_ContainsIllegalChars(name, true) then return false end if (not character) and GetMacroInfo(36) then print(sdm_printPrefix.."You already have 36 global macros.") return false elseif character and and character.realm==sdm_thisChar.realm and GetMacroInfo(54) then print(sdm_printPrefix.."You already have 18 character-specific macros.") return false end local conflict = sdm_DoesNameConflict(name, type, {character}, nil, true) if conflict then return false end return true end function sdm_GetEmptySlot() -- returns the lowest unused index in sdm_macros local result = 0 while sdm_macros[result] do --keep going until we find an empty slot result = result+1 end return result end function sdm_CreateNew(type, name, character) --returns the mTab of the new macro local mTab = {} mTab.ID = sdm_GetEmptySlot() while sdm_macros[mTab.ID] do --keep going until we find an empty slot mTab.ID = mTab.ID+1 end sdm_macros[mTab.ID]=mTab mTab.type=type if type=="c" then = true mTab.contents = {} else mTab.icon = sdm_defaultIcon if sdm_receiving and sdm_receiving.text then mTab.text=sdm_receiving.text mTab.icon=sdm_receiving.icon SendAddonMessage(sdm_msgPrefix, sdm_msgCommands.ReceivingDone, "WHISPER", sdm_receiving.playerName) -- let the sender know that we've saved the macro sdm_EndReceiving("|cff44ff00Saved|r") elseif sdm_saveAsText then mTab.text = sdm_saveAsText mTab.icon = sdm_saveAsIcon sdm_saveAsText = nil sdm_saveAsIcon = nil else if type=="s" then mTab.text="-- Enter lua commands here." elseif type=="b" or type=="f" then mTab.text="# Enter macro text here." else --this shouldn't happen mTab.text="" end end if character then mTab.characters = {character} end sdm_SetUpMacro(mTab) end sdm_ChangeContainer(mTab, nil) return mTab end function sdm_UpgradeMacro(index) -- Upgrades the given standard macro to a Super Duper macro if InCombatLockdown() then print(sdm_printPrefix.."You can't upgrade a macro during combat.") return end local name = GetMacroInfo(index) local character if index > 36 then character = sdm_thisChar end local safe = sdm_CheckCreationSafety("b", name, character) if not safe then return -- the creation failed end local body = GetMacroBody(index) EditMacro(index, nil, nil, "#sdm"..sdm_numToChars(sdm_GetEmptySlot()).."\n#placeholder") -- let SDM know that this is the macro to edit local _, texture = GetMacroInfo(index) -- This must be done AFTER the macro body is edited, or the question mark could show up as something else. texture = texture:sub(17) -- remove the "INTERFACE\\ICONS\\" print(texture) local newMacro = sdm_CreateNew("b", name, character) newMacro.icon = texture sdm_Edit(newMacro, body) return newMacro end -- Converts the given button macro into a standard macro function sdm_DowngradeMacro(mTab) if InCombatLockdown() then print(sdm_printPrefix.."You can't downgrade a macro during combat.") return end if mTab.type ~= "b" then -- only button macros can be downgraded return end local index = sdm_GetMacroIndex(mTab.ID) -- remove the #sdm header from the standard macro, which also makes it so that sdm_ChangeContainer won't delete the standard macro EditMacro(index, nil, nil, mTab.text) sdm_ChangeContainer(mTab, false) -- remove the macro from the SDM database return index end -- if the mTab is character-specific, adds the given character to it function sdm_AddCharacter(mTab, character) if mTab.characters==nil then -- If this is global, it should stay that way. The user should select "Save As" if they want to make it character-specific. return end table.insert(mTab.characters, character) end -- removes the given character from the mTab function sdm_RemoveCharacter(mTab, character) if mTab.characters==nil then return end for iii,savedChar in pairs(mTab.characters) do if and savedChar.realm==character.realm then table.remove(mTab.characters, iii) return end end end function sdm_RunScript(name) local luaText = nil for i,v in pairs(sdm_macros) do if v.type=="s" and and sdm_UsedByThisChar(v) then luaText=v.text break end end if luaText then RunScript(luaText) else print(sdm_printPrefix.."SDM could not find a script named \"""\".") end end --returns a conflict if we find a macro of the same type and name that can be seen for a given character. If no character is passed, we it's assumed to be global. If we are passed <ignoring>, we will skip that particular macro index while checking. function sdm_DoesNameConflict(name, type, chars, ignoring, printWarning) local conflict for i,v in pairs(sdm_macros) do if v.type~="c" and i~=ignoring and v.type==type and then -- the type and name are the same. Let's see if they are used by the same characters... conflict = false if ((not chars) or (not sdm_macros[i].characters)) then -- one or both of them is global, meaning that it is used by all characters. conflict = true else for _,char in pairs(chars) do if sdm_UsedBy(v,char) then -- they are both specific to the same character conflict = true break end end end if conflict then if printWarning then print(sdm_printPrefix.."You may not have more than one of the same type with the same name (unless they are specific to different characters).") end return i end end end end function sdm_ContainsIllegalChars(s, printWarning) --s is the string to evaluate, printWarning is a boolean local b, found for i=1,s:len() do b = s:byte(i) found = false for _,v in ipairs(sdm_validChars) do if b==v then found=true break end end if not found then local badChar = s:sub(i,i) if printWarning then print(sdm_printPrefix.."You may not use the character \""..badChar.."\" in the name. If this is a button macro, you might be able to use that character in the name displayed on the button (click \"Change Name/Icon\").") end return badChar end end end function sdm_UsedBy(mTab, char) --returns true if the macro is global or is specific to the given character. Otherwise returns false. if mTab==nil then return false end if mTab.characters==nil then return true end for _,storedChar in pairs(mTab.characters) do if and storedChar.realm==char.realm then return true end end return false end function sdm_UsedByThisChar(mTab) return sdm_UsedBy(mTab,sdm_thisChar) end function sdm_numToChars(num) --converts a number into a string (with maximum compression) local base = getn(sdm_validChars) --the counting system we're working in. sdm_validChars[1] is the digit for 0, [2] is the digit for 1, and so on. local place=0 --the power on the base that you multiply by the digit to get the value (0 is the ones place) while num >= math.pow(base, place+1) do place=place+1 end local chars="" local count=0 local digit local value while place>=0 do digit=base while digit>0 do digit=digit-1 value = digit*math.pow(base, place) if count+value<=num then break end end count=count+value chars=chars..string.format("%c",sdm_validChars[digit+1]) place=place-1 end if count~=num then return nil end --this should never happen return chars end function sdm_charsToNum(chars) --converts characters back into a number local base = getn(sdm_validChars) local num = 0 local found for i=1,chars:len() do found = false for j,v in ipairs(sdm_validChars) do if chars:byte(i)==v then num = num + (j-1)*math.pow(base, (chars:len()-i)) found = true break end end if not found then return nil end --this shouldn't happen unless we give bad chars end return num end