Steven Jackson:
	- mail minion update
	- rep bar and event changes
	- rep bar and event changes
	- AceGUI updates
	- Changes for new Aura Procs
	- revision 1.1.08
	- small updates
	- Some unit aura and basic frame adjustments
	- ActionBar fix
	- customClassColor and debugging fixes
	- time report fixed
	- time report fixed
	- odd errors fixed, filters saving again
	- datatext updates
	- datatext updates
	- updated some presets, fixed auras by count, fixed totembars
	- Changes for transfer wizard are now set
	- update to data cleaning functions, reset and fix of report texts
	- final touchup to libs
	- Final revision of the Ace overrides
	- Update to Ace hacks
	- lib changes
	- rollback on embedded libdatabroker
	- rollback on embedded libdatabroker
	- lib changes
	- fixed dockable options
	- minor version update, revised profiles and data
	- Fixed bad aurabar filter crashes and colorpicker crashes
	- toc update
	- Last minute adjustments to default presets
	- toc update
	- Cleaning bad globals and option lua errors
	- updates
	- Updated chat, maps and more
	- Updated chat, maps and more
	- toc update
	- fixes for automations, and custom profiles
	- toc update
	- ace modifications
	- Fixed exp bug and custom profiles
	- Fixed profiles, filters and lua errors
	- Fixed profiles, filters and vendoring
	- api updates
	- transfer wizard code added
	- api updates
	- api updates
	- Styling update of quest items and garrison panels
	- build update
	- issue #60 and #61 fixed
	- release 1.0.04
	- fixed more installer issues, visual adjustments
	- Combat closing of anchors fixed
	- toc updates
	- colors, installer, profiles updated
	- installer issues fixed
	- more updates
	- toc update
	- pkgmeta update
	- fix for struct part 2
	- fix for file struct
	- changing for packager
	- Updating to the new core
	- Cleaning up
	- 5.4.2
	- First Commit