S V U I   By: Failcoder
local _G = _G;
local unpack        = _G.unpack;
local select        = _G.select;
local assert        = _G.assert;

local SV = _G["SVUI"];
local L = SV.L;
local MOD = SV:NewModule(...);
local Schema = MOD.Schema;

local positionTable = {
	TOP = "TOP",

local activeFilter,filters;

MOD.media = {}
MOD.media.healthBar = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]];
MOD.media.castBar = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI_!Core\assets\statusbars\GRADIENT]];
MOD.media.comboIcon = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI_NamePlates\assets\COMBO-POINT]];
MOD.media.topArt = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI_NamePlates\assets\PLATE-TOP]];
MOD.media.bottomArt = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI_NamePlates\assets\PLATE-BOTTOM]];
MOD.media.rightArt = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI_NamePlates\assets\PLATE-RIGHT]];
MOD.media.leftArt = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI_NamePlates\assets\PLATE-LEFT]];
MOD.media.roles = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI_NamePlates\assets\PLATE-ROLES]];

SV:AssignMedia("font", "platename", "SVUI Caps Font", 9, "OUTLINE");
SV:AssignMedia("font", "platenumber", "SVUI Caps Font", 9, "OUTLINE");
SV:AssignMedia("font", "plateaura", "SVUI Caps Font", 9, "OUTLINE");
SV:AssignMedia("globalfont", "platename", "SVUI_Font_NamePlate");
SV:AssignMedia("globalfont", "platenumber", "SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Number");
SV:AssignMedia("globalfont", "plateaura", "SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Aura");
SV:AssignMedia("template", "Nameplate", "SVUI_StyleTemplate_Nameplate");

SV.defaults[Schema] = {
	["themed"] = true,
	["filter"] = {},
	["barTexture"] = "SVUI MultiColorBar",
	["font"] = DIALOGUE_FONT,
	["fontSize"] = 10,
	["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
	["comboPoints"] = true,
	["nonTargetAlpha"] = 0.6,
	["combatHide"] = false,
	["colorNameByValue"] = true,
	["showthreat"] = true,
	["targetcount"] = true,
	["findHealers"] = true,
	["pointer"] = {
		["enable"] = true,
		["colorMatchHealthBar"] = true,
		["color"] = {0.9, 1, 0.9},
		["useArrowEffect"] = true,
	["healthBar"] = {
		["lowThreshold"] = 0.4,
		["width"] = 108,
		["height"] = 10,
		["text"] = {
			["enable"] = false,
			["format"] = "CURRENT",
			["xOffset"] = 0,
			["yOffset"] = 0,
			["attachTo"] = "CENTER",
	["castBar"] = {
		["height"] = 8,
		["color"] = {1, 0.81, 0},
		["noInterrupt"] = {1, 0.25, 0.25},
		["text"] = {
			["enable"] = false,
			["xOffset"] = 2,
			["yOffset"] = 0,
	["raidHealIcon"] = {
		["xOffset"] =  -4,
		["yOffset"] = 6,
		["size"] = 36,
		["attachTo"] = "LEFT",
	["auras"] = {
		["font"] = "SVUI Number Font",
		["fontSize"] = 7,
		["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
		["numAuras"] = 5,
		["additionalFilter"] = "CC"
	["reactions"] = {
		["tapped"] = {0.6, 0.6, 0.6},
		["friendlyNPC"] = { 0.31, 0.45, 0.63},
		["friendlyPlayer"] = {0.29, 0.68, 0.3},
		["neutral"] = {0.85, 0.77, 0.36},
		["enemy"] = {0.78, 0.25, 0.25},
	["threat"] = {
		["enable"] = false,
		["goodScale"] = 1,
		["badScale"] = 1,
		["goodColor"] = {0.29, 0.68, 0.3},
		["badColor"] = {0.78, 0.25, 0.25},
		["goodTransitionColor"] = {0.85, 0.77, 0.36},
		["badTransitionColor"] = {0.94, 0.6, 0.06},

local function UpdateFilterGroupOptions()
	if not activeFilter or not SV.db['NamePlates']['filter'][activeFilter] then
	SV.Options.args[Schema].args.Filters.args.filterGroup = {
		type = "group",
		name = activeFilter,
		guiInline = true,
		order = -10,
		get = function(d)return SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"][activeFilter][d[#d]] end,
		set = function(d,e)
			SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"][activeFilter][d[#d]] = e;
		args = {
			enable = {
				type = "toggle",
				order = 1,
				name = L["Enable"],
				desc = L["Use this filter."]
			hide = {
				type = "toggle",
				order = 2,
				name = L["Hide"],
				desc = L["Prevent any nameplate with this unit name from showing."]
			customColor = {
				type = "toggle",
				order = 3,
				name = L["Custom Color"],
				desc = L["Disable threat coloring for this plate and use the custom color."]
			color = {
				type = "color",
				order = 4,
				name = L["Color"],
				get = function(key)
					local color = SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"][activeFilter][key[#key]]
					if color then
						return color[1],color[2],color[3],color[4]
				set = function(key,r,g,b)
					SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"][activeFilter][key[#key]] = {}
					local color = SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"][activeFilter][key[#key]]
					if color then
						color = {r,g,b};
			customScale = {
				type = "range",
				name = L["Custom Scale"],
				desc = L["Set the scale of the nameplate."],
				min = 0.67,
				max = 2,
				step = 0.01

function MOD:LoadOptions()
	local plateFonts = {
		["platename"] = {
			order = 1,
			name = "Nameplate Names",
			desc = "Used on nameplates for unit names."
		["platenumber"] = {
			order = 2,
			name = "Nameplate Numbers",
			desc = "Used on nameplates for health and level numbers."
	    ["plateaura"] = {
			order = 3,
			name = "Nameplate Auras",
			desc = "Used on nameplates for aura texts."

	SV:GenerateFontOptionGroup("NamePlate", 5, "Fonts used in name plates.", plateFonts)

	SV.Options.args[Schema] = {
		type = "group",
		name = Schema,
		childGroups = "tab",
		args = {
			commonGroup = {
				order = 1,
				type = 'group',
				name = L['NamePlate Options'],
				childGroups = "tree",
				args = {
						order = 1,
						type = 'description',
						name = L["NAMEPLATE_DESC"],
						width = 'full'
					common = {
						order = 1,
						type = "group",
						name = L["General"],
						get = function(d)return SV.db[Schema][d[#d]]end,
						set = function(d,e)MOD:ChangeDBVar(e,d[#d]);MOD:UpdateAllPlates() end,
						args = {
							themed = {
								type = "toggle",
								order = 1,
								name = L["Super Styled"],
								desc = L["This will enable/disable the extra fancy styling around elite/rare plates."],
								set = function(d,e)MOD:ChangeDBVar(e,d[#d])SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT")end
							-- combatHide = {
							-- 	type = "toggle",
							-- 	order = 2,
							-- 	name = L["Combat Toggle"],
							-- 	desc = L["Toggle the nameplates to be invisible outside of combat and visible inside combat."],
							-- 	set = function(d,e)MOD:ChangeDBVar(e,d[#d]);MOD:CombatToggle();SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT");end
							-- },
							comboPoints = {
								type = "toggle",
								order = 3,
								name = L["Combo Points on Enemy"],
								desc = L["Display combo points on enemy nameplates"],
								set = function(d,e)MOD:ChangeDBVar(e,d[#d]);MOD:ComboToggle();SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT");end
							-- colorNameByValue = {
							-- 	type = "toggle",
							-- 	order = 4,
							-- 	name = L["Color Name By Health Value"],
							-- 	width = 'full',
							-- },
							-- showthreat = {
							-- 	type = "toggle",
							-- 	order = 5,
							-- 	name = L["Threat Text"],
							-- 	desc = L["Display threat level as text on targeted,	boss or mouseover nameplate."]
							-- },
							barTexture = {
								type = "select",
								dialogControl = "LSM30_Statusbar",
								order = 6,
								name = L["StatusBar Texture"],
								desc = L["Main statusbar texture."],
								values = AceVillainWidgets.statusbar
							-- nonTargetAlpha = {
							-- 	type = "range",
							-- 	order = 7,
							-- 	name = L["Non-Target Alpha"],
							-- 	desc = L["Alpha of nameplates that are not your current target."],
							-- 	width = 'full',
							-- 	min = 0,
							-- 	max = 1,
							-- 	step = 0.01,
							-- 	isPercent = true
							-- },
							-- spacer1 = {
							-- 	order = 8,
							-- 	type = "description",
							-- 	name = "",
							-- 	width = "full",
							-- },
							-- reactions = {
							-- 	order = 9,
							-- 	type = "group",
							-- 	name = L["Reaction Coloring"],
							-- 	guiInline = true,
							-- 	get = function(key)
							-- 		local color = SV.db[Schema].reactions[key[#key]]
							-- 		if color then
							-- 			return color[1],color[2],color[3],color[4]
							-- 		end
							-- 	end,
							-- 	set = function(key,r,g,b)
							-- 		local color = {r,g,b}
							-- 		MOD:ChangeDBVar(color, key[#key], "reactions")
							-- 		MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
							-- 	end,
							-- 	args = {
							-- 		friendlyNPC = {
							-- 			type = "color",
							-- 			order = 1,
							-- 			name = L["Friendly NPC"],
							-- 			hasAlpha = false
							-- 		},
							-- 		friendlyPlayer = {
							-- 			name = L["Friendly Player"],
							-- 			order = 2,
							-- 			type = "color",
							-- 			hasAlpha = false
							-- 		},
							-- 		neutral = {
							-- 			name = L["Neutral"],
							-- 			order = 3,
							-- 			type = "color",
							-- 			hasAlpha = false
							-- 		},
							-- 		enemy = {
							-- 			name = L["Enemy"],
							-- 			order = 4,
							-- 			type = "color",
							-- 			hasAlpha = false
							-- 		},
							-- 		tapped = {
							-- 			name = L["Tagged NPC"],
							-- 			order = 5,
							-- 			type = "color",
							-- 			hasAlpha = false
							-- 		},
							-- 	}
							-- },
							-- threat = {
							-- 	type = "group",
							-- 	name = L["Threat Coloring"],
							-- 	guiInline = true,
							-- 	order = 10,
							-- 	args = {
							-- 		enable = {
							-- 			type = "toggle",
							-- 			order = 1,
							-- 			name = L["Enable Threat Coloring"],
							-- 			width = "full",
							-- 			get = function(key)return SV.db[Schema].threat.enable end,
							-- 			set = function(key,value) SV.db[Schema].threat.enable = value; MOD:UpdateAllPlates() end,
							-- 		},
							-- 		goodColor = {
							-- 			type = "color",
							-- 			order = 2,
							-- 			name = L["Good Threat"],
							-- 			hasAlpha = false,
							-- 			disabled = function(key) return not SV.db[Schema].threat.enable end,
							-- 			get = function(key)
							-- 				local color = SV.db[Schema].threat.goodColor
							-- 				if color then
							-- 					return color[1],color[2],color[3],color[4]
							-- 				end
							-- 			end,
							-- 			set = function(key,r,g,b)
							-- 				SV.db[Schema].threat.goodColor = {r,g,b}
							-- 				MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
							-- 			end,
							-- 		},
							-- 		badColor = {
							-- 			name = L["Bad Threat"],
							-- 			order = 3,
							-- 			type = "color",
							-- 			hasAlpha = false,
							-- 			disabled = function(key) return not SV.db[Schema].threat.enable end,
							-- 			get = function(key)
							-- 				local color = SV.db[Schema].threat.badColor
							-- 				if color then
							-- 					return color[1],color[2],color[3],color[4]
							-- 				end
							-- 			end,
							-- 			set = function(key,r,g,b)
							-- 				SV.db[Schema].threat.badColor = {r,g,b}
							-- 				MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
							-- 			end,
							-- 		},
							-- 		goodTransitionColor = {
							-- 			name = L["Good Threat Transition"],
							-- 			order = 4,
							-- 			type = "color",
							-- 			hasAlpha = false,
							-- 			disabled = function(key) return not SV.db[Schema].threat.enable end,
							-- 			get = function(key)
							-- 				local color = SV.db[Schema].threat.goodTransitionColor
							-- 				if color then
							-- 					return color[1],color[2],color[3],color[4]
							-- 				end
							-- 			end,
							-- 			set = function(key,r,g,b)
							-- 				SV.db[Schema].threat.goodTransitionColor = {r,g,b}
							-- 				MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
							-- 			end,
							-- 		},
							-- 		badTransitionColor = {
							-- 			name = L["Bad Threat Transition"],
							-- 			order = 5,
							-- 			type = "color",
							-- 			hasAlpha = false,
							-- 			disabled = function(key) return not SV.db[Schema].threat.enable end,
							-- 			get = function(key)
							-- 				local color = SV.db[Schema].threat.badTransitionColor
							-- 				if color then
							-- 					return color[1],color[2],color[3],color[4]
							-- 				end
							-- 			end,
							-- 			set = function(key,r,g,b)
							-- 				SV.db[Schema].threat.badTransitionColor = {r,g,b}
							-- 				MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
							-- 			end,
							-- 		},
							-- 	}
							-- },
							-- scaling = {
							-- 	type = "group",
							-- 	name = L["Threat Scaling"],
							-- 	guiInline = true,
							-- 	order = 11,
							-- 	disabled = function(key) return not SV.db[Schema].threat.enable end,
							-- 	args = {
							-- 		goodScale = {
							-- 			type = "range",
							-- 			name = L["Good"],
							-- 			order = 1,
							-- 			min = 0.5,
							-- 			max = 1.5,
							-- 			step = 0.01,
							-- 			width = 'full',
							-- 			isPercent = true,
							-- 			get = function(key)return SV.db[Schema].threat.goodScale end,
							-- 			set = function(key,value) SV.db[Schema].threat.goodScale = value; MOD:UpdateAllPlates() end,
							-- 		},
							-- 		badScale = {
							-- 			type = "range",
							-- 			name = L["Bad"],
							-- 			order = 1,
							-- 			min = 0.5,
							-- 			max = 1.5,
							-- 			step = 0.01,
							-- 			width = 'full',
							-- 			isPercent = true,
							-- 			get = function(key)return SV.db[Schema].threat.badScale end,
							-- 			set = function(key,value) SV.db[Schema].threat.badScale = value; MOD:UpdateAllPlates() end,
							-- 		}
							-- 	}
							-- },
					healthBar = {
						type = "group",
						order = 2,
						name = L["Health Bar"],
						get = function(d)return SV.db[Schema].healthBar[d[#d]]end,
						set = function(d,e)MOD:ChangeDBVar(e,d[#d],"healthBar");MOD:UpdateAllPlates()end,
						args = {
							-- width = {
							-- 	type = "range",
							-- 	order = 1,
							-- 	name = L["Width"],
							-- 	desc = L["Controls the width of the nameplate"],
							-- 	type = "range",
							-- 	min = 50,
							-- 	max = 125,
							-- 	step = 1
							-- },
							height = {
								type = "range",
								order = 2,
								name = L["Height"],
								desc = L["Controls the height of the nameplate"],
								type = "range",
								min = 4,
								max = 30,
								step = 1
							-- lowThreshold = {
							-- 	type = "range",
							-- 	order = 3,
							-- 	name = L["Low Health Threshold"],
							-- 	desc = L["Color the border of the nameplate yellow when it reaches this point,it will be colored red when it reaches half this value."],
							-- 	isPercent = true,
							-- 	min = 0,
							-- 	max = 1,
							-- 	step = 0.01
							-- },
							-- fontGroup = {
							-- 	order = 4,
							-- 	type = "group",
							-- 	name = L["Texts"],
							-- 	guiInline = true,
							-- 	get = function(d)return SV.db[Schema].healthBar.text[d[#d]]end,
							-- 	set = function(d,e)MOD:ChangeDBVar(e,d[#d],"healthBar","text");MOD:UpdateAllPlates()end,
							-- 	args = {
							-- 		enable = {
							-- 			type = "toggle",
							-- 			name = L["Enable"],
							-- 			order = 1
							-- 		},
							-- 		attachTo = {
							-- 			type = "select",
							-- 			order = 2,
							-- 			name = L["Attach To"],
							-- 			values = {
							-- 				TOPLEFT = "TOPLEFT",
							-- 				LEFT = "LEFT",
							-- 				BOTTOMLEFT = "BOTTOMLEFT",
							-- 				RIGHT = "RIGHT",
							-- 				TOPRIGHT = "TOPRIGHT",
							-- 				CENTER = "CENTER",
							-- 				TOP = "TOP",
							-- 				BOTTOM = "BOTTOM"
							-- 			}
							-- 		},
							-- 		format = {
							-- 			type = "select",
							-- 			order = 3,
							-- 			name = L["Format"],
							-- 			values = {
							-- 				["CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT"] = L["Current - Max | Percent"],
							-- 				["CURRENT_PERCENT"] = L["Current - Percent"],
							-- 				["CURRENT_MAX"] = L["Current - Max"],
							-- 				["CURRENT"] = L["Current"],
							-- 				["PERCENT"] = L["Percent"],
							-- 				["DEFICIT"] = L["Deficit"]
							-- 			}
							-- 		},
							-- 		xOffset = {
							-- 			type = "range",
							-- 			order = 4,
							-- 			name = L["X-Offset"],
							-- 			min = -150,
							-- 			max = 150,
							-- 			step = 1
							-- 		},
							-- 		yOffset = {
							-- 			type = "range",
							-- 			order = 5,
							-- 			name = L["Y-Offset"],
							-- 			min = -150,
							-- 			max = 150,
							-- 			step = 1
							-- 		}
							-- 	}
					castBar = {
						type = "group",
						order = 3,
						name = L["Cast Bar"],
						get = function(d)return SV.db[Schema].castBar[d[#d]]end,
						set = function(d,e)MOD:ChangeDBVar(e,d[#d],"castBar");MOD:UpdateAllPlates()end,
						args = {
							height = {
								type = "range",
								order = 1,
								name = L["Height"],
								type = "range",
								min = 4,
								max = 30,
								step = 1
							colors = {
								order = 100,
								type = "group",
								name = L["Colors"],
								guiInline = true,
								get = function(key)
									local color = SV.db[Schema].castBar[key[#key]]
									if color then
										return color[1],color[2],color[3],color[4]
								set = function(key,r,g,b)
									local color = {r,g,b}
									MOD:ChangeDBVar(color, key[#key], "castBar")
								args = {
									color = {
										type = "color",
										order = 1,
										name = L["Can Interrupt"],
										hasAlpha = false
									noInterrupt = {
										name = "No Interrupt",
										order = 2,
										type = "color",
										hasAlpha = false
					-- pointer = {
					-- 	type = "group",
					-- 	order = 4,
					-- 	name = L["Target Indicator"],
					-- 	get = function(d)return SV.db[Schema].pointer[d[#d]]end,
					-- 	set = function(d,e) MOD:ChangeDBVar(e,d[#d],"pointer"); _G.WorldFrame.elapsed = 3; MOD:UpdateAllPlates() end,
					-- 	args = {
					-- 		enable = {
					-- 			order = 1,
					-- 			type = "toggle",
					-- 			name = L["Enable"]
					-- 		},
					-- 		useArrowEffect = {
					-- 			order = 2,
					-- 			type = "toggle",
					-- 			name = L["Use 3D Arrow"]
					-- 		},
					-- 		colorMatchHealthBar = {
					-- 			order = 3,
					-- 			type = "toggle",
					-- 			name = L["Color By Healthbar"],
					-- 			desc = L["Match the color of the healthbar."],
					-- 			set = function(key, value)
					-- 				MOD:ChangeDBVar(value, key[#key], "pointer");
					-- 				if value then
					-- 					_G.WorldFrame.elapsed = 3
					-- 				end
					-- 			end
					-- 		},
					-- 		color = {
					-- 			type = "color",
					-- 			name = L["Color"],
					-- 			order = 4,
					-- 			disabled = function()return SV.db[Schema].pointer.colorMatchHealthBar end,
					-- 			get = function(key)
					-- 				local color = SV.db[Schema].pointer[key[#key]]
					-- 				if color then
					-- 					return color[1],color[2],color[3],color[4]
					-- 				end
					-- 			end,
					-- 			set = function(key,r,g,b)
					-- 				local color = {r,g,b}
					-- 				MOD:ChangeDBVar(color, key[#key], "pointer")
					-- 				MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
					-- 			end,
					-- 		}
					-- 	}
					-- },
					-- raidHealIcon = {
					-- 	type = "group",
					-- 	order = 5,
					-- 	name = L["Raid Icon"],
					-- 	get = function(d)return SV.db[Schema].raidHealIcon[d[#d]]end,
					-- 	set = function(d,e)MOD:ChangeDBVar(e,d[#d],"raidHealIcon")MOD:UpdateAllPlates()end,
					-- 	args = {
					-- 		attachTo = {
					-- 			type = "select",
					-- 			order = 1,
					-- 			name = L["Attach To"],
					-- 			values = positionTable
					-- 		},
					-- 		xOffset = {
					-- 			type = "range",
					-- 			order = 2,
					-- 			name = L["X-Offset"],
					-- 			min = -150,
					-- 			max = 150,
					-- 			step = 1
					-- 		},
					-- 		yOffset = {
					-- 			type = "range",
					-- 			order = 3,
					-- 			name = L["Y-Offset"],
					-- 			min = -150,
					-- 			max = 150,
					-- 			step = 1
					-- 		},
					-- 		size = {
					-- 			order = 4,
					-- 			type = "range",
					-- 			name = L["Size"],
					-- 			width = "full",
					-- 			min = 10,
					-- 			max = 200,
					-- 			step = 1
					-- 		},
					-- 	}
					-- },
					-- auras = {
					-- 	type = "group",
					-- 	order = 4,
					-- 	name = L["Auras"],
					-- 	get = function(d)return SV.db[Schema].auras[d[#d]]end,
					-- 	set = function(d,e)MOD:ChangeDBVar(e,d[#d],"auras")MOD:UpdateAllPlates()end,
					-- 	args = {
					-- 		numAuras = {
					-- 			type = "range",
					-- 			order = 1,
					-- 			name = L["Number of Auras"],
					-- 			min = 2,
					-- 			max = 8,
					-- 			step = 1
					-- 		},
					-- 		additionalFilter = {
					-- 			type = "select",
					-- 			order = 2,
					-- 			name = L["Additional Filter"],
					-- 			values = function()
					-- 				filters = {}
					-- 				filters[""] = _G.NONE;
					-- 				for j in pairs(SV.db.Filters.Custom) do
					-- 					filters[j] = j
					-- 				end
					-- 				return filters
					-- 			end
					-- 		},
					-- 		configureButton = {
					-- 			order = 4,
					-- 			name = L["Configure Selected Filter"],
					-- 			type = "execute",
					-- 			width = "full",
					-- 			func = function()ns:SetToFilterConfig(SV.db[Schema].auras.additionalFilter)end
					-- 		},
					-- 		fontGroup = {
					-- 			order = 100,
					-- 			type = "group",
					-- 			guiInline = true,
					-- 			name = L["Fonts"],
					-- 			args = {
					-- 				font = {
					-- 					type = "select",
					-- 					dialogControl = "LSM30_Font",
					-- 					order = 4,
					-- 					name = L["Font"],
					-- 					values = AceVillainWidgets.font
					-- 				},
					-- 				fontSize = {
					-- 					order = 5,
					-- 					name = L["Font Size"],
					-- 					type = "range",
					-- 					min = 6,
					-- 					max = 22,
					-- 					step = 1
					-- 				},
					-- 				fontOutline = {
					-- 					order = 6,
					-- 					name = L["Font Outline"],
					-- 					desc = L["Set the font outline."],
					-- 					type = "select",
					-- 					values = {
					-- 						["NONE"] = L["None"],
					-- 						["OUTLINE"] = "OUTLINE",
					-- 					}
					-- 				}
					-- 			}
					-- 		}
					-- 	}
					-- },
					-- filters = {
					-- 	type = "group",
					-- 	order = 5,
					-- 	name = L["Filters"],
					-- 	args = {
					-- 		addname = {
					-- 			type = "input",
					-- 			order = 1,
					-- 			name = L["Add Name"],
					-- 			get = function(d)return""end,
					-- 			set = function(d,e)
					-- 				if SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"][e]then
					-- 					SV:AddonMessage(L["Filter already exists!"])
					-- 					return
					-- 				end
					-- 				SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"][e] = {
					-- 					["enable"] = true,
					-- 					["hide"] = false,
					-- 					["customColor"] = false,
					-- 					["customScale"] = 1,
					-- 					["color"] = {
					-- 						g = 104/255,
					-- 						h = 138/255,
					-- 						i = 217/255
					-- 					}
					-- 				}
					-- 				UpdateFilterGroupOptions()
					-- 				MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
					-- 			end
					-- 		},
					-- 		deletename = {
					-- 			type = "input",
					-- 			order = 2,
					-- 			name = L["Remove Name"],
					-- 			get = function(d)return""end,
					-- 			set = function(d,e)
					-- 				if SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"][e] then
					-- 					SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"][e].enable = false;
					-- 					SV:AddonMessage(L["You can't remove a default name from the filter,disabling the name."])
					-- 				else
					-- 					SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"][e] = nil;
					-- 					SV.Options.args[Schema].args.Filters.args.filterGroup = nil
					-- 				end
					-- 				UpdateFilterGroupOptions()
					-- 				MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
					-- 			end
					-- 		},
					-- 		selectFilter = {
					-- 			order = 3,
					-- 			type = "select",
					-- 			name = L["Select Filter"],
					-- 			get = function(d)return activeFilter end,
					-- 			set = function(d,e)activeFilter = e;UpdateFilterGroupOptions()end,
					-- 			values = function()
					-- 				filters = {}
					-- 				if(SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"]) then
					-- 					for j in pairs(SV.db["NamePlates"]["filter"])do
					-- 						filters[j] = j
					-- 					end
					-- 				end
					-- 				return filters
					-- 			end
					-- 		}
					-- 	}
					-- }