TitanDefense_subzones = {
["Abandoned Kirin Tor Camp"] = "Deadwind Pass",
["Abandoned Mine"] = "Abandoned Mine",
["Abyssal Sands"] = "Tanaris",
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Addle's Stead"] = "Duskwood",
["Aerie Peak"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Agama'gor"] = "The Barrens",
["Agamand Family Crypt"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Agamand Mills"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Agmond's End"] = "Badlands",
["Agol'watha"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Aku'mai's Lair"] = "Blackfathom Deeps",
["Alcaz Island"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Alchemy Lab"] = "Alchemy Lab",
["Aldor Rise"] = "Shattrath City",
["Aldrassil"] = "Teldrassil",
["Alexston Farmstead"] = "Westfall",
["Alexton Farmstead"] = "Westfall",
["Algaz Gate"] = "Loch Modan",
["Algaz Station"] = "Loch Modan",
["Alonsus Chapel"] = "Stratholme",
["Altar of Storms"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Alterac Mountains"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Alterac Valley"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Alther's Mill"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Ambermill"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Amberstill Ranch"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Amberweb Pass"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Ameth'Aran"] = "Darkshore",
["Ammen Fields"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Ammen Ford"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Ammen Vale"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Ancestor's Grotto"] = "Ancestor's Grotto",
["Andorhal"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Andromath's Rise"] = "Andromath's Rise",
["Angerfang Encampment"] = "Wetlands",
["Angor Fortress"] = "Badlands",
["Anvilmar"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Apocryphan's Rest"] = "Badlands",
["Arathi Basin"] = "Arathi Basin",
["Arathi Highlands"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Ariden's Camp"] = "Deadwind Pass",
["Arikara's Needle"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Armory of the Silver Hand"] = "Light's Hope Chapel",
["Ashenvale"] = "Ashenvale",
["Astranaar"] = "Ashenvale",
["Athenaeum"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Auberdine Refugee Camp"] = "Darkshore",
["Auberdine"] = "Darkshore",
["Auction House"] = "Auction House",
["Axxarien"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Azshara"] = "Azshara",
["Azure Watch"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Azuregale Hollow"] = "Azuregale Bay",
["Azurelode Mine"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Azuremyst Isle"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Badlands"] = "Badlands",
["Bael Modan"] = "The Barrens",
["Bael'dun Digsite"] = "Mulgore",
["Bahrum's Post"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Bal'lal Ruins"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Balargarde Fortress"] = "Balargarde Fortress",
["Balia'mah Ruins"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Balnir Farmstead"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Bambala"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
["Ban'ethil Barrow Den"] = "Teldrassil",
["Ban'ethil Hollow"] = "Teldrassil",
["Bane'thil Hollow"] = "Teldrassil",
["Bank"] = "Shattrath City",
["Baradin Bay"] = "Wetlands",
["Barn"] = "Barn",
["Barov Family Vault"] = "Scholomance",
["Barracks"] = "Barracks",
["Barrow Dens"] = "Felwood",
["Bashal'Aran Collapse"] = "Bashal'Aran Collapse",
["Bashal'Aran"] = "Darkshore",
["Bathran's Haunt"] = "Ashenvale",
["Battle on the High Seas"] = "Battle on the High Seas",
["Battle Ring"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Battlescar Valley"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Bay of Storms"] = "Azshara",
["Bear's Head"] = "Azshara",
["Beauty's Lair"] = "Blackrock Caverns",
["Beezil's Wreck"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Beggar's Haunt"] = "Duskwood",
["Beren's Peril"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Beryl Coast"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Beth'mora Ridge"] = "Beth'mora Ridge",
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = "Azshara",
["Bitestone Enclave"] = "Bitestone Enclave",
["Bitter Reaches"] = "Azshara",
["Bizmo's Brawlpub"] = "Deeprun Tram",
["Black Channel Marsh"] = "Wetlands",
["Black Tooth Hovel"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Blackchar Cave"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Blackfathom Camp"] = "Ashenvale",
["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Blackfathom Deeps",
["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Darkshore",
["Blackhoof Village"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Blackmaw Hold"] = "Azshara",
["Blackrock Caverns"] = "Blackrock Mountain",
["Blackrock Depths"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Blackrock Mountain",
["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Blackrock Pass"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Blackrock Spire"] = "Blackrock Mountain",
["Blackrock Stadium"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["Blackrock Stronghold"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Blacksilt Shore"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Blacksmith"] = "Arathi Basin",
["Blackthorn Ridge"] = "The Barrens",
["Blackwater Cove"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Blackwater Shipwrecks"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Blackwing Descent"] = "Blackrock Mountain",
["Blackwing Lair"] = "Blackwing Lair",
["Blackwolf River"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Blackwood Camp"] = "Darkshore",
["Blackwood Den"] = "Darkshore",
["Blackwood Lake"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Blade's Edge Arena"] = "Blade's Edge Arena",
["Bladefist Bay"] = "Durotar",
["Bladewood"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Blasted Lands"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Bleeding Hollow Cave"] = "Bleeding Hollow Cave",
["Blighted Hollow"] = "Blighted Hollow",
["Blood Watch"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Bloodcurse Isle"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Bloodfen Burrow"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Bloodhoof Village"] = "Mulgore",
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = "Bloodmaul Slag Mines",
["Bloodmyst Isle"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Bloodsail Compound"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Bloodtooth Camp"] = "Ashenvale",
["Bloodvenom Falls"] = "Felwood",
["Bloodvenom Post "] = "Felwood",
["Bloodvenom Post"] = "Felwood",
["Bloodvenom River"] = "Felwood",
["Bloodwash Cavern"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Bloodwash Fighting Pits"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = "Badlands",
["Bluefen"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Bluegill Marsh"] = "Wetlands",
["Bogen's Ledge"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Bogpaddle"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Bolgan's Hole"] = "Desolace",
["Bolyun's Camp"] = "Ashenvale",
["Bones of Grakkarond"] = "Silithus",
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = "Tanaris",
["Booty Bay"] = "Cape of Stranglethorn",
["Bor's Fury"] = "Bor's Fury",
["Bough Shadow"] = "Ashenvale",
["Boulder Lode Mine"] = "The Barrens",
["Boulder'gor"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Boulderfist Hall"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Boulderfist Outpost"] = "Boulderfist Outpost",
["Boulderslide Cavern"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Boulderslide Ravine"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Brackenwall Village"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Brackwell Pumpkin Patch"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Brambleblade Ravine"] = "Mulgore",
["Bramblescar"] = "The Barrens",
["Brashtide Attack Fleet"] = "The Cape of Stranglethorn",
["Brave Wind Mesa"] = "Mulgore",
["Brawl'gar Arena"] = "Brawl'gar Arena",
["Brazie Farmstead"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Brewnall Village"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Brightwater Lake"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Brightwood Grove"] = "Duskwood",
["Brill Town Hall"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Brill"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Bristlelimb Enclave"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Bristlelimb Village"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Broken Commons"] = "Dire Maul",
["Broken Hill"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Broken Pillar"] = "Tanaris",
["Brokenspear Tavern"] = "Brokenspear Tavern",
["Bronzebeard Encampment"] = "Silithus",
["Bronzebeard's Vault"] = "Bronzebeard's Vault",
["Browman Mill"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Bucklebree Farm"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Burning Blade Cavern"] = "Durotar",
["Burning Blade Coven"] = "Durotar",
["Burning Blade Ruins"] = 1,
["Burning Steppes"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Butcher's Sanctum"] = "Scholomance",
["Caer Darrow"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Calston Estate"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Camp Aparaje"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Camp Ataya"] = "Feralas",
["Camp Boff"] = "Badlands",
["Camp Cagg"] = "Badlands",
["Camp E'thok"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Camp Everstill"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Camp Kosh"] = "Badlands",
["Camp Mojache"] = "Feralas",
["Camp Narache"] = "Mulgore",
["Camp Sungraze"] = "Mulgore",
["Camp Taurajo"] = "The Barrens",
["Camp Wurg"] = "Badlands",
["Canal District"] = "Stormwind City",
["Canals"] = "The Undercity",
["Cape of Stranglethorn"] = "The Cape of Stranglethorn",
["Capital Gardens"] = "Dire Maul",
["Cathedral District"] = "Stormwind City",
["Cathedral of Light"] = "Stormwind City",
["Cathedral Square"] = "Stormwind City",
["Cave of Betrayal"] = "Cave of Betrayal",
["Cavern of Mists"] = "The Wailing Caverns",
["Caverns of Time"] = "Tanaris",
["Cenarion Enclave"] = "Darnassus",
["Cenarion Hold"] = "Silithus",
["Cenarion Post"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Cenarion Refuge"] = "Zangarmarsh",
["Cenarion Thicket"] = "Terokkar Forest",
["Cenarion Wildlands"] = "Desolace",
["Challe's Lair"] = "Challe's Lair",
["Chamber of Atonement"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Chamber of Battle"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["Chamber of Blood"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["Chamber of Enchantment"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["Chamber of Fanatics"] = "The Stonecore",
["Chamber of Incineration"] = "Blackrock Caverns",
["Chamber of Night"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["Chamber of Nullification"] = "Highmaul",
["Chamber of Prophecy"] = "Halls of Origination",
["Chamber of Purification"] = "Siege of Orgrimmar",
["Chamber of Summoning"] = "Scholomance",
["Chamber of the Aspects"] = "Ulduar",
["Chamber of the Cipher"] = "Vault of the Earth",
["Chamber of the Dreamer"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["Chamber of the Guardian"] = "Deadwind Pass",
["Champion's Hall"] = "Stormwind City",
["Chapel Gardens"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Chapel of the Crimson Flame"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Charred Outpost"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Chill Breeze Valley"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Chillwind Camp"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Chillwind Point"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Chiselgrip"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Circle of East Binding"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Circle of Inner Binding"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Circle of Outer Binding"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Circle of West Binding"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["City of Ironforge"] = "City of Ironforge",
["Cleft of Shadow"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Cliffspring Falls"] = "Darkshore",
["Cliffspring Hollow"] = "Darkshore",
["Cliffspring River"] = "Darkshore",
["Cliffwalker Post"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Cloudstrike Dojo"] = "Shado-Pan Monastery",
["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "Zangarmarsh",
["Cold Hearth Manor"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Coldridge Pass"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Coldridge Valley"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Coldtooth Mine"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Command Center"] = "Stormwind City",
["Condemned Halls"] = "Grim Batol",
["Cordell's Enchanting"] = "Stormwind City",
["Corin's Crossing"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Corrahn's Dagger"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Court of the Highborne"] = "Dire Maul",
["Court of the Sun"] = "Silvermoon City",
["Courtyard of Lights"] = "Well of Eternity",
["Craftsmen's Terrace"] = "Darnassus",
["Crag of the Everliving"] = "The Wailing Caverns",
["Cragpool Lake"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Crash Site"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Crown Guard Tower"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Crumbling Depths"] = "Crumbling Depths",
["Crusader Outpost"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Crusader's Armory"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Crusader's Chapel"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Crusader's Outpost"] = "Crusader's Outpost",
["Crusaders' Square"] = "Stratholme",
["Crushcog's Arsenal"] = "New Tinkertown",
["Crushridge Hold"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Crypt"] = "Crypt",
["Crystal Lake"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Crystalline Quarry"] = "Halls of Stone",
["Crystalvein Mine"] = "Cape of Stranglethorn",
["Cyclone Summit"] = "The Vortex Pinnacle",
["Dabyrie's Farmstead"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Dagger Pass"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Dalaran"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Dalson's Farm"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Dalson's Tears"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Damplight Chamber"] = "Damplight Chamber",
["Dandred's Fold"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Dark Iron Highway"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["Dark Portal"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Darkcloud Pinnacle"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Darkcrest Shore"] = "Zangarmarsh",
["Darkheart Thicket"] = "Darkheart Thicket",
["Darkmist Cavern"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Darkmist Ruins"] = "Feralas",
["Darkpens"] = "Darkpens",
["Darkshire Town Hall"] = "Darkshire Town Hall",
["Darkshire"] = "Duskwood",
["Darkshore"] = "Darkshore",
["Darkspear Hold"] = "Durotar",
["Darkspear Isle"] = "Durotar",
["Darkspear Strand"] = "Durotar",
["Darkspear Training Grounds"] = "Durotar",
["Darkwhisper Gorge"] = "Winterspring",
["Darnassian Base Camp"] = "Azshara",
["Darnassus"] = "Darnassus",
["Darrow Hill"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Darrowmere Lake"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Darrowshire Hunting Grounds"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Darrowshire"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Dawning Wood Catacombs"] = "Duskwood",
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = "Tanaris",
["Deadeye Shore"] = "Durotar",
["Deadman's Crossing"] = "Deadwind Pass",
["Deadwind Pass"] = "Deadwind Pass",
["Deadwind Ravine"] = "Deadwind Pass",
["Deadwood Village"] = "Felwood",
["Death Cultist Base Camp"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Death's Breach"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Death's Step"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Death's Watch Waystation"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Deathknell"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Deathmatch Pavilion"] = "Deathmatch Pavilion",
["Decaying Grotto"] = "Decaying Grotto",
["Deep Elem Mine"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Deeprun Tram"] = "Deeprun Tram",
["Deepwater Tavern"] = "Wetlands",
["Defias Hideout"] = "The Deadmines",
["Defiler's Den"] = "Arathi Basin",
["Demon Fall Canyon"] = "Ashenvale",
["Demon Fall Ridge"] = "Ashenvale",
["Demont's Place"] = "Westfall",
["Den of Claws"] = "Den of Claws",
["Den of Dying"] = "Den of Dying",
["Den of Haal'esh"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Den of the Caller"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["Desolace"] = "Desolace",
["Detention Block"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["Dig One"] = "Uldaman",
["Dig Three"] = "Uldaman",
["Dig Two"] = "Uldaman",
["Dire Maul"] = "Feralas",
["Direforge Hill"] = "Wetlands",
["Dolanaar"] = "Teldrassil",
["Draco'dar"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Dragon's Mouth"] = "Badlands",
["Dragonflayer Pens"] = "Utgarde Keep",
["Dragonmaw Garrison"] = "Blackwing Lair",
["Dragonmaw Gates"] = "Wetlands",
["Dragonspire Hall"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["Dreadmaul Furnace"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Dreadmaul Hold"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Dreadmaul Post"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Dreadmaul Rock"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Dreadmist Peak"] = "The Barrens",
["Dreadmurk Shore"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Dream Bough"] = "Feralas",
["Dreamer's Rest"] = "Feralas",
["Dreamer's Rock"] = "The Wailing Caverns",
["Drygulch Ravine"] = "Durotar",
["Drywhisker Gorge"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Dun Algaz"] = "Loch Modan",
["Dun Algaz"] = "Wetlands",
["Dun Baldar Pass"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Dun Baldar"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Dun Garok"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Dun Mandarr"] = "Winterspring",
["Dun Modr"] = "Wetlands",
["Dun Morogh"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Dunemaul Compound"] = "Tanaris",
["Dunemaul Recruitment Camp"] = "Tanaris",
["Durnholde Keep"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Durotar"] = "Durotar",
["Duskwood"] = "Duskwood",
["Dustbelch Grotto"] = "Badlands",
["Dustfire Valley"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Dustquill Ravine"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Dustwallow Bay"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Dustwind Cave"] = "Durotar",
["Dustwind Dig"] = "Badlands",
["Dustwind Gulch"] = "Badlands",
["Dwarven Bunker"] = "Dwarven Bunker",
["Dwarven District"] = "Stormwind City",
["Eagle's Eye"] = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
["Earth Song Falls"] = "Maraudon",
["Earth Song Gate"] = "Desolace",
["Earthshaker Cave"] = "Earthshaker Cave",
["Earthshatter Cavern"] = "Darkshore",
["East Garrison"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["East Pavilion"] = "East Pavilion",
["East Pillar"] = "Feralas",
["East Supply Caravan"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Eastern Strand"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Eastmoon Ruins"] = "Tanaris",
["Eastpoint Tower"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Eastwall Gate"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Eastwall Tower"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Echo Isles"] = "Durotar",
["Echo Ridge Mine"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Echomok Cavern"] = "Uldaman",
["Elder Rise"] = "Thunder Bluff",
["Elders' Square"] = "Stratholme",
["Eldreth Row"] = "Dire Maul",
["Elwynn Forest"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Emberglade"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Emberstrife's Den"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = "Felwood",
["Empyrean Society Headquarters"] = "Empyrean Society Headquarters",
["Enchanter's Study"] = "Enchanter's Study",
["Engineering Labs "] = "Gnomeregan",
["Engineering Works"] = "Engineering Works",
["Ethel Rethor"] = "Desolace",
["Evenlight Cavern"] = "Evenlight Cavern",
["Everlook"] = "Winterspring",
["Excavation Center"] = "Uldaman",
["Excavation Lift"] = "Excavation Lift",
["Expedition Armory"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Expedition Base Camp"] = "Ulduar",
["Expedition Point"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = "The Cape of Stranglethorn",
["Exposition Pavilion"] = "Exposition Pavilion",
["Eye of Azshara"] = "The Eye of Azshara",
["Fairbridge Strand"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Falcon Watch"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Falconwing Inn"] = "Falconwing Square",
["Faldir's Cove"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Falfarren River"] = "Ashenvale",
["Fallen Passage"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["Fallen Sky Lake"] = "Ashenvale",
["Fallen Sky Ridge"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Fallow Sanctuary"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Fallowmere Inn"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Faol's Rest"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Far Watch Post"] = "The Barrens",
["Fargaze Mesa"] = "Mulgore",
["Fargodeep Mine"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Farm"] = "Arathi Basin",
["Farstrider Lodge"] = "Farstrider Lodge",
["Farstriders' Square"] = "Silvermoon City",
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Featherbeard's Hovel"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Feathermoon Stronghold"] = "Feralas",
["Fel Rock"] = "Teldrassil",
["Felfire Hill"] = "Ashenvale",
["Felpaw Village"] = "Felwood",
["Felsoul Command"] = "Felsoul Command",
["Felstone Field"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Felwood"] = "Felwood",
["Fenris Isle"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Fenris Keep"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Feral Scar Vale"] = "Feralas",
["Feralas"] = "Feralas",
["Festival Lane"] = "Stratholme",
["Field of Giants"] = "The Barrens",
["Field of Strife"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Fields of Honor"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Fire Plume Ridge"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["Fire Scar Shrine"] = "Ashenvale",
["Fire Stone Mesa"] = "Mulgore",
["Firegut Furnace"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Firewalkers' Path"] = "Firewalkers' Path",
["Firewatch Ridge"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Fishing Shack"] = "Fishing Shack",
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Flame Crest"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Flamestar Post"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Foothold Citadel"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Footman's Armory"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Forbidden Cave"] = "Forbidden Cave",
["Forest Song"] = "Ashenvale",
["Forest's Edge"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Forge Camp: Mageddon"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Forge Camp: Rage"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Forgewright's Tomb"] = "Blackrock Mountain",
["Forlorn Cloister"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Forlorn Ridge"] = "Azshara",
["Forlorn Rowe"] = "Duskwood",
["Formation Grounds"] = "Ulduar",
["Forsaken High Command"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Fort Livingston"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
["Fortune's Fist"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Foulspore Cavern"] = "Maraudon",
["Fray Island"] = "The Barrens",
["Frayfeather Highlands"] = "Feralas",
["Freewind Post"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Frost Dagger Pass"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Frostfire Hot Springs"] = "Winterspring",
["Frostmane Front"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Frostmane Hold"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Frostmane Hovel"] = "Coldridge Valley",
["Frostmane Retreat"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Frostsaber Rock"] = "Winterspring",
["Frostwhisper Gorge"] = "Winterspring",
["Frostwolf Graveyard"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Frostwolf Keep"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Frostwolf Village"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Fungal Rock"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["Furien's Post"] = "Desolace",
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = "Westfall",
["Furnace of Hate"] = "Utgarde Keep",
["Fuselight-by-the-Sea"] = "Badlands",
["Fuselight"] = "Badlands",
["Gadgetzan"] = "Tanaris",
["Gahrron's Withering"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Galak Hold"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Galardell Valley"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Galen's Fall"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Gallery of Treasures"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Gallows' Corner"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Gallows' End Tavern"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Gangamesh's Den"] = "Gangamesh's Den",
["Garren's Haunt"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Garrison Armory"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Gates of Ironforge"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Gates of Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Gauntlet of Flame"] = "The Shattered Halls",
["Gavin's Naze"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Geezle's Camp"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Gelkis Village"] = "Desolace",
["Ghost Walker Post"] = "Desolace",
["Glut's Burrow"] = "Glut's Burrow",
["Gnarlpine Hold"] = "Teldrassil",
["Gnomeregan"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Go'Shek Farm"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Goblin Foundry"] = "The Deadmines",
["Goblin Slums"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Gol'Bolar Quarry Mine"] = "Gol'Bolar Quarry Mine",
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Golakka Hot Springs"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["Gold Coast Quarry"] = "Westfall",
["Gold Mine"] = "Arathi Basin",
["Gold Road"] = "The Barrens",
["Goldshire"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Goldtooth's Den"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Gor'gaz Outpost"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Gordok's Seat"] = "Dire Maul",
["Gordunni Outpost"] = "Feralas",
["Grain Cellar"] = "Stormstout Brewery",
["Grand Magister's Asylum"] = "Magisters' Terrace",
["Grand Overlook"] = "Throne of Thunder",
["Grand Spire"] = "Skyreach",
["Grave-Prison of Zakajz"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Great Dark Beyond"] = "Great Dark Beyond",
["Greatwood Vale"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Greenpaw Village"] = "Ashenvale",
["Greenstone Inn"] = "Greenstone Village",
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = "Wetlands",
["Grim Batol"] = "Wetlands",
["Grimesilt Dig Site"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Grimtotem Compound"] = "Feralas",
["Grimtotem Post"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["GrimtotemCompound"] = "Feralas",
["Grizzlepaw Ridge"] = "Loch Modan",
["Grol'dom Farm"] = "The Barrens",
["Grom'gol Base Camp"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
["Grommash Hold"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Grotto of the Double-crossed Captain"] = "Cave of Betrayal",
["Grove of Falling Blossoms"] = "Shado-Pan Monastery",
["Grove of the Ancients"] = "Darkshore",
["Growless Cave"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Grulloc's Lair"] = "Grulloc's Grotto",
["Gryphon Roost"] = "Stormwind City",
["Gunstan's Post"] = "Tanaris",
["Gunther's Retreat"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Gurubashi Arena"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Haal'eshi Gorge"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Hadronox's Lair"] = "Azjol-Nerub",
["Halaa"] = "Nagrand",
["Haldarr Encampment"] = "Azshara",
["Hall of Arms"] = "City of Ironforge",
["Hall of Binding"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["Hall of Blackhand"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["Hall of Blades"] = "The Shattered Halls",
["Hall of Bones"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["Hall of Champions"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Hall of Chieftains"] = "Thunder Totem",
["Hall of Command"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Hall of Crafting"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["Hall of Explorers"] = "City of Ironforge",
["Hall of Horrors"] = "The Underhalls",
["Hall of Illusions"] = "Scholomance",
["Hall of Legends"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Hall of Masks"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["Hall of Memories"] = "Ulduar",
["Hall of Mysteries"] = "City of Ironforge",
["Hall of Repose"] = "Halls of Stone",
["Hall of Ritual"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["Hall of Secrets"] = "Scholomance",
["Hall of Serpents"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["Hall of the Brave"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Hall of the Crafters"] = "Uldaman",
["Hall of the Cursed"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["Hall of the Damned"] = "Scholomance",
["Hall of the Fathers"] = "The Shattered Halls",
["Hall of the Frostwolf"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Hall of the Guardian"] = "Hall of the Guardian",
["Hall of the High Father"] = "Halls of Stone",
["Hall of the Keepers"] = "Uldaman",
["Hall of the Stormpike"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Hall of the Watchers"] = "Halls of Lightning",
["Halls of Awakening"] = "Blackrock Caverns",
["Halls of Destruction"] = "Dire Maul",
["Halls of Mourning"] = "Sethekk Halls",
["Halls of Origination"] = "Halls of Origination",
["Halls of Reflection"] = "Halls of Reflection",
["Halls of Silence"] = "Sethekk Halls",
["Halls of Strife"] = "Blackwing Lair",
["Halls of the Eclipse"] = "Halls of the Eclipse",
["Halls of the Law"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["Halls of Theory"] = "Magisters' Terrace",
["Halycon's Lair"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["Hammerfall"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Hammertoe's Digsite"] = "Badlands",
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = "Cape of Stranglethorn",
["Havenshire Farms"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Havenshire Lumber Mill"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Havenshire Mine"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Havenshire Stables"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Havenshire"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Headmaster's Retreat"] = "Scholomance",
["Headmaster's Study"] = "Scholomance",
["Heart of Destruction"] = "The Stonecore",
["Hearthglen"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Hearthglenn"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Helheim"] = "Helheim",
["Hellfire Basin"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Hellfire Citadel"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "Hellfire Ramparts",
["Hellscream's Fist"] = "Durotar",
["Hellscream's Watch"] = "Ashenvale",
["Helm's Bed Lake"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Helya's Throne"] = "Helheim",
["Herb Garden"] = "Herb Garden",
["Hero's Rest Inn"] = "Hero's Rest Inn",
["Heroes' Vigil"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Hetaera's Clutch"] = "Azshara",
["Hidden Marsh Ruins"] = "Hidden Marsh Ruins",
["Hidden Path"] = "Durotar",
["High Wilderness"] = "Feralas",
["Highperch"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Hillsbrad Fields"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Hillsbrad"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Hiri'watha"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Hive'Ashi"] = "Silithus",
["Hive'Regal"] = "Silithus",
["Hive'Zora"] = "Silithus",
["Hogger Hill"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Honor Hold Mine"] = "Honor Hold Mine",
["Honor Hold"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Honor's Stand"] = "The Barrens",
["Honor's Tomb"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Hordemar City"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["Hour of Twilight"] = "Hour of Twilight",
["House of Edune"] = "Ashenvale",
["Hull of the Foebreaker"] = "Azshara",
["Hunter Rise"] = "Mulgore",
["Hunter Rise"] = "Thunder Bluff",
["Huntsman's Cloister"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Ice Thistle Hills"] = "Winterspring",
["Iceblister Den"] = "The Cracking Plains",
["Iceblood Garrison"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Iceblood Graveyard"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Iceflow Lake"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Icewing Bunker"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Icewing Pass"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Idlewind Lake"] = "Feralas",
["Illidari Ward"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["Inn"] = "Shattrath City",
["Inner Sanctum"] = "Silvermoon City",
["Invasion Point: Annihilator"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Iris Lake"] = "Ashenvale",
["Iron Concourse"] = "Ulduar",
["Iron Summit"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Ironband's Compound"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Ironband's Excavation Site"] = "Loch Modan",
["Ironbeard's Tomb"] = "Wetlands",
["Ironclad Cove"] = "The Deadmines",
["Ironclad Prison"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Irondeep Mine"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Ironforge Airfield"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Ironforge"] = "City of Ironforge",
["Ironstone Camp"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Ironstone Plateau"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["Irontree Cavern"] = "Felwood",
["Irontree Clearing"] = "Felwood",
["Irontree Woods"] = "Felwood",
["Ironwing Cavern"] = "Loch Modan",
["Isle of Dread"] = "Feralas",
["Iso'rath"] = "The Maw of Madness",
["Itharius's Cave"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Ix'lar's Domain"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Jadefire Glen"] = "Felwood",
["Jadefire Run"] = "Felwood",
["Jademir Lake"] = "Feralas",
["Jaedenar"] = "Felwood",
["Jagged Reef"] = "Azshara",
["Jaggedswine Farm"] = "Durotar",
["Jaguero Isle"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Janeiro's Point"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Jangolode Mine"] = "Westfall",
["Jasperlode Mine"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Jerod's Landing"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Jintha'Alor"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Kal'ai Ruins"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Kargath"] = "Badlands",
["Kargathia Keep"] = "Ashenvale",
["Kargathia Outpost"] = "Ashenvale",
["Karnum's Glade"] = "Desolace",
["Keeshan's Post"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Kel'Thuzad's Chamber"] = "Naxxramas",
["Kessel's Crossing"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Kharanos"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Khardros' Anvil"] = "Grim Batol",
["Khaz'goroth's Seat"] = "Uldaman",
["King's Hoard"] = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
["King's Square"] = "Stratholme",
["Kodo Graveyard"] = "Desolace",
["Kodo Rock"] = "Mulgore",
["Kolkar Crag"] = "Durotar",
["Kolkar Village"] = "Desolace",
["Kor'gall's Hovel"] = "Stonemaul Arena",
["Kormek's Hut"] = "Desolace",
["Krolg's Hut"] = "Ashenvale",
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Kurzen's Compound"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Lair of the Blackfang"] = "Lair of the Blackfang",
["Lair of the Chosen"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["Lair of the Devout"] = "Lair of the Devout",
["Lake Al'Ameth"] = "Teldrassil",
["Lake Dumont"] = "Feralas",
["Lake Elune'ara"] = "Moonglade",
["Lake Everstill"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Lake Falathim"] = "Ashenvale",
["Lake Kel'Theril"] = "Winterspring",
["Lake Mennar"] = "Azshara",
["Lake Mereldar"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Lake Nazferiti"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Lakeridge Highway"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Lakeshire Inn"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Lakeshire Town Hall"] = "Lakeshire Town Hall",
["Lakeshire"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Lakkari Tar Pits"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["Land's End Beach"] = "Tanaris",
["Largo's Overlook Tower"] = "Largo's Overlook Tower",
["Lariss Pavilion"] = "Feralas",
["Lariss Pavillion"] = "Feralas",
["Launch Bay"] = "Gnomeregan",
["Legash Encampment"] = "Azshara",
["Lethlor Ravine"] = "Badlands",
["Leygazer's Den"] = "Leygazer's Den",
["Library Wing"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Light's Dawn Cathedral"] = "Cathedral Quarter",
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Light's Point"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Light's Shield Tower"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Lightning Promenade"] = "Throne of Thunder",
["Lik'ash Tar Pits"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["Lion's Pride Inn"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Lion's Rest"] = "Stormwind City",
["Loading Room"] = "Gnomeregan",
["Loch Modan"] = "Loch Modan",
["Longshore"] = "Westfall",
["Lor'danel"] = "Darkshore",
["Lordamere Internment Camp"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Lordamere Lake"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Lost Point"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Lost Rigger Cove"] = "Tanaris",
["Lower City"] = "Shattrath City",
["Lower Quarter"] = "Skyreach",
["Lower Wilds"] = "Feralas",
["Lumber Mill"] = "Arathi Basin",
["Lushwater Oasis"] = "The Barrens",
["Maestra's Post"] = "Ashenvale",
["Maexxna's Nest"] = "Naxxramas",
["Mag'har Grounds"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Mag'har Post"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Mage Quarter"] = "Stormwind City",
["Magic Quarter"] = "The Undercity",
["Magma Cave"] = "Magma Cave",
["Magma Fields"] = "Shadowmoon Valley",
["Magmadar Cavern"] = "The Molten Core",
["Magram Territory"] = "Desolace",
["Magram Village"] = "Desolace",
["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "Magtheridon's Lair",
["Main Gate"] = "Stratholme",
["Main Hall"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Makers' Overlook"] = "Makers' Overlook",
["Malaka'jin"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Malden's Orchard"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Maldraz"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Malicia's Outpost"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Mama's Pantry"] = "Stormstout Brewery",
["Mannoroc Coven"] = "Desolace",
["Manor Mistmantle"] = "Duskwood",
["Mantle Rock"] = "Mulgore",
["Map Chamber"] = "Uldaman",
["Maraudon"] = "Maraudon",
["Mardenholde Keep"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Marista's Bait & Brew"] = "Marista's Bait & Brew",
["Market District"] = "Highmaul",
["Market Row"] = "Stratholme",
["Marshal's Refuge"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["Marshal's Stand"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["Marshtide Watch"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Mast Room"] = "The Deadmines",
["Mausoleum"] = "Black Rook Hold",
["Maw of the Void"] = "Darkshore",
["Mazra'Alor"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Mazthoril"] = "Winterspring",
["Menagerie Wreckage"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Menethil Bay"] = "Wetlands",
["Menethil Harbor"] = "Wetlands",
["Menethil Keep"] = "Wetlands",
["Mess Hall"] = "Mess Hall",
["Middenvale"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Midwall Lift"] = "Midwall Lift",
["Military Ward"] = "City of Ironforge",
["Mine"] = "Mine",
["Mirage Abyss"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Mirage Flats"] = "Badlands",
["Mirage Raceway"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Mirkfallon Lake"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Mirkfallon Post"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Mirror Lake Orchard"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Mirror Lake"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Mist's Edge"] = "Darkshore",
["Mistcaller's Cave"] = "Mistcaller's Cave",
["Mistvale Valley"] = "Cape of Stranglethorn",
["Misty Pine Refuge"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Misty Reed Post"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Misty Reed Strand"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Misty Shore"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Misty Valley"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Miwana's Longhouse"] = "Miwana's Longhouse",
["Mizjah Ruins"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Mo'grosh Stronghold"] = "Loch Modan",
["Moggle Point"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Moira's Bastion"] = "Bastion Rise",
["Mok'Doom"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["Mok'Gordun"] = "Feralas",
["Mold Foundry"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["Moon Horror Den"] = "Winterspring",
["Moonbrook"] = "Westfall",
["Moonclaw Cavern"] = "Moonclaw Cavern",
["Moonglade"] = "Moonglade",
["Moongraze Woods"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Moonshrine Ruins"] = "Blackfathom Deeps",
["Moonshrine Sanctum"] = "Blackfathom Deeps",
["Moontouched Den"] = "Darkshore",
["Moonwell of Cleansing"] = "Ashenvale",
["Moonwell of Purity"] = "Ashenvale",
["Moonwell"] = "Ashenvale",
["Moonwing Den"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Mor'shan Base Camp"] = "The Barrens",
["Morgan's Plot"] = "Deadwind Pass",
["Morgan's Vigil"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Morlos'Aran"] = "Felwood",
["Mortbreath Grotto"] = "Mortbreath Grotto",
["Mortwake's Tower"] = "Westfall",
["Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Mosshide Fen"] = "Wetlands",
["Mossy Pile"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["Mountainfoot Strip Mine"] = "Azshara",
["Mudsprocket"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Mulgore"] = "Mulgore",
["Murder Row"] = "Silvermoon City",
["Mystral Lake"] = "Ashenvale",
["Mystwood"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Nagrand"] = "Nagrand",
["Nar'thalas Academy"] = "Nar'thalas Academy",
["Nat's Landing"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Nave of Eternal Rest"] = "Auchindoun",
["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas",
["Nazj'vel"] = "Darkshore",
["Nazzivian"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Nefarian's Lair"] = "Blackwing Lair",
["Nek'mani Wellspring"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Nesingwary's Expedition"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
["Nestlewood Hills"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Nestlewood Thicket"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Nethander Stead"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Nethergarde Keep"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Nethergarde Mines"] = "Badlands",
["Nethergarde Mines"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Nethergarde Supply Camps"] = "Blasted Lands",
["New Avalon Forge"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["New Avalon Orchard"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["New Avalon Town Hall"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["New Avalon"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["New Kargath"] = "Badlands",
["New Thalanaar"] = "Feralas",
["New Tinkertown"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Nidvar Stair"] = "Utgarde Keep",
["Night Run"] = "Ashenvale",
["Night Web's Hollow"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Nighthaven"] = "Moonglade",
["Nightmare Vale"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Nightsong Woods"] = "Ashenvale",
["Nijel's Point"] = "Desolace",
["Nimbus Rise"] = "The Vortex Pinnacle",
["Niskara"] = "Niskara",
["Njorn Stair"] = "Utgarde Keep",
["Noonshade Ruins"] = "Tanaris",
["Nordrassil Inn"] = "Nordrassil Inn",
["North Common Hall"] = "Uldaman",
["North Gate Outpost"] = "Dun Morogh",
["North Gate Pass"] = "Dun Morogh",
["North Gate Pass"] = "Loch Modan",
["North Point Tower"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["North Tide's Beachhead"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["North Tide's Hollow"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["North Tide's Run"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["North Wind Tavern"] = "Zouchin Village",
["Northdale"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Northern Elwynn Mountains"] = "Stormwind City",
["Northern Rampart"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Northern Rocketway Exchange"] = "Azshara",
["Northern Stranglethorn"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
["Northfold Manor"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Northpass Tower"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Northridge Lumber Camp"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Northshire Abbey"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Northshire River"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Northshire Valley"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Northshire Vineyards"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Northwatch Foothold"] = "Durotar",
["Northwatch Hold"] = "The Barrens",
["O'Breen's Camp"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Oasis of the Fallen Prophet"] = "Lost City of the Tol'vir",
["Observance Hall"] = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
["Observation Grounds"] = "Magisters' Terrace",
["Odesyus' Landing"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Okril'lon Hold"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Old Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Old Ironforge"] = "City of Ironforge",
["Old Town"] = "Stormwind City",
["Olivia's Pond"] = "Stormwind City",
["Olsen's Farthing"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Oneiros"] = "Feralas",
["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Oona Kagu"] = "Oona Kagu",
["Orendil's Retreat"] = "Ashenvale",
["Orgrimmar Rear Gate"] = "Azshara",
["Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange"] = "Azshara",
["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Ortell's Hideout"] = "Ortell's Hideout",
["Overgrown Statuary"] = "Throne of Thunder",
["Owl Wing Thicket"] = "Winterspring",
["Palemane Rock"] = "Mulgore",
["Paletide Den"] = "Paletide Den",
["Passage of Lost Fiends"] = "Azjol-Nerub",
["Path of Earth"] = "Thunder Totem",
["Path of Sky"] = "Thunder Totem",
["Path of Uther"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Path of Victors"] = "Highmaul",
["Path of Water"] = "Thunder Totem",
["Paur's Pub"] = "Tian Monastery",
["Pestilent Scar"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Petitioner's Chamber"] = "Stormwind City",
["Pit of Fangs"] = "The Wailing Caverns",
["Pit of Saron"] = "Pit of Saron",
["Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Plaguemist Ravine"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Plaguewood Tower"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Plaguewood"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Pod Cluster"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Pod Wreckage"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Poison Falls"] = "Maraudon",
["Pool of Tears"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Pool of Visions"] = "Wor'gol",
["Pools of Aggonar"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Pools of Arlithrien"] = "Teldrassil",
["Pools of Power"] = "Siege of Orgrimmar",
["Prison of Immol'thar"] = "Dire Maul",
["Proving Grounds"] = "Proving Grounds",
["Purespring Cavern"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Purgation Isle"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Pyrewood Chapel"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Pyrewood Village"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Pyrox Flats"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Quel'Danil Lodge"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Quel'Lithien Lodge"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Quel'thalas"] = "Quel'thalas",
["Raceway Ruins"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Rage Scar Hold"] = "Feralas",
["Ragefeather Ridge"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Ragefire Chasm"] = "Ragefire Chasm",
["Ragnaros' Lair"] = "The Molten Core",
["Raider's Hideout"] = "The Burning Glacier",
["Rainfern Grotto"] = "Rainfern Grotto",
["Ranazjar Isle"] = "Desolace",
["Raptor Grounds"] = "The Barrens",
["Raptor Ridge"] = "Wetlands",
["Raptor's Maw"] = "Raptor's Maw",
["Ratchet"] = "Northen Barrens",
["Ravaged Caravan"] = "Mulgore",
["Ravaged Twilight Camp"] = "Silithus",
["Raven Hill Cemetery"] = "Duskwood",
["Raven Hill"] = "Duskwood",
["Raven's Watch"] = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
["Ravencrest Mausoleum"] = "Black Rook Hold",
["Ravencrest Monument"] = "Azshara",
["Ravenholdt Manor"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Raynewood Retreat"] = "Ashenvale",
["Raynewood Tower"] = "Ashenvale",
["Razor Hill Barracks"] = "Durotar",
["Razor Hill Outskirts"] = "Durotar",
["Razor Hill Watchtower"] = "Durotar",
["Razor Hill"] = "Durotar",
["Razorfen Downs"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Razorfen Kraul"] = "The Barrens",
["Razormane Grounds"] = "Durotar",
["Razorscale's Aerie"] = "Ulduar",
["Razorthorn Shelf"] = "Terokkar Forest",
["Razorthorn Trail"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Razorwind Canyon"] = "Durotar",
["Realm of the Mage Hunter"] = "Realm of the Mage Hunter",
["Reavers' Hall"] = "Utgarde Keep",
["Rebel Camp"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
["Red Cloud Mesa"] = "Mulgore",
["Red Rocks"] = "Mulgore",
["Redpine Dell"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Redridge Canyons"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Redridge Mountains"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Reeg'ak's Nest"] = "Gate of the Breakers",
["Refuge Point"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Refuge Pointe"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Remains of Iris Lake"] = "Ashenvale",
["Remains of Xandros"] = "Remains of Xandros",
["Remtravel's Excavation"] = "Darkshore",
["Render's Camp"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Render's Crater"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Render's Rock"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Render's Valley"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Rethban Caverns"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Rethress Sanctum"] = "Azshara",
["Revantusk Village"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Rhea's Camp"] = "Badlands",
["Ridgepoint Tower"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Ring of the Law"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["Rise of the Defiler"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Rock of Durotan"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Rockpool Village"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Rocktusk Farm"] = "Durotar",
["Roguefeather Den"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Rogues' Quarter"] = "The Undercity",
["Roland's Doom"] = "Duskwood",
["Room of Hidden Secrets"] = "Scarlet Halls",
["Rotbrain Encampment"] = "Deathknell",
["Royal Amphitheater"] = "Throne of Thunder",
["Royal Exchange Auction House"] = "Silvermoon City",
["Royal Exchange Bank"] = "Silvermoon City",
["Royal Library"] = "Stormwind City",
["Royal Quarter"] = "The Undercity",
["Ruined Approach"] = "Throne of Thunder",
["Ruined Court"] = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
["Ruined Passage"] = "Siege of Orgrimmar",
["Ruins of Aboraz"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Ruins of Alterac"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Ruins of Andorhal"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Ruins of Arkkoran"] = "Azshara",
["Ruins of Auberdine"] = "Darkshore",
["Ruins of Constellas"] = "Felwood",
["Ruins of Eldarath "] = "Azshara",
["Ruins of Eldarath"] = "Azshara",
["Ruins of Eldre'thar"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Ruins of Feathermoon"] = "Feralas",
["Ruins of Isildien"] = "Feralas",
["Ruins of Jubuwal"] = "Cape of Stranglethorn",
["Ruins of Kargath"] = "Badlands",
["Ruins of Lordaeron"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Ruins of Loreth'Aran"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Ruins of Lornesta"] = "Darkshore",
["Ruins of Mathystra"] = "Darkshore",
["Ruins of Ravenwind"] = "Feralas",
["Ruins of Sha'naar"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Ruins of Solarsal"] = "Feralas",
["Ruins of Southshore"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Ruins of Thaurissan"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Ruins of Zul'Kunda"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
["Ruins of Zul'Mamwe"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Rut'theran Village"] = "Teldrassil",
["Ruuzel's Isle"] = "Ashenvale",
["Sabermaw Den"] = "Sabermaw Den",
["Sable Ridge"] = "Azshara",
["Saldean's Farm"] = "Westfall",
["Saltspray Glen"] = "Wetlands",
["Salvage Yard"] = "Salvage Yard",
["Sanctuary of the Void"] = "Netherlight Temple",
["Sanctum of Light"] = "Light's Hope Chapel",
["Sanctum of Shadows"] = "Shadow Labyrinth",
["Sanctum of the Fallen God"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["Sanctum of the Naaru"] = "The Underpale",
["Sanctum of the South Wind"] = "Lost City of the Tol'vir",
["Sandsorrow Watch"] = "Tanaris",
["Sapphiron's Lair"] = "Naxxramas",
["Sar'theris Strand"] = "Desolace",
["Saragosa's Landing"] = "Saragosa's Landing",
["Sardor Isle"] = "Feralas",
["Sargeron"] = "Desolace",
["Sashj'tar Grotto"] = "Azuregale Bay",
["Satyrnaar"] = "Ashenvale",
["Scalebeard's Cave"] = "Azshara",
["Scar of the Worldbreaker"] = "Blackrock Caverns",
["Scarlet Base Camp"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Scarlet Encampment"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Scarlet Halls"] = "Scarlet Halls",
["Scarlet Hold"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Scarlet Monastery"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Scarlet Palisade"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Scarlet Raven Tavern"] = "Scarlet Raven Tavern",
["Scarlet Tavern"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["Scarlet Watch Post"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Scarlet Watchtower"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Scarred Terrace"] = "Grim Batol",
["Scarred Vale"] = "Siege of Orgrimmar",
["Scholomance"] = "Scholomance",
["School of Necromancy"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Scourgelord's Command"] = "Pit of Saron",
["Scrabblescrew's Camp"] = "Desolace",
["Screaming Gully"] = "The Wailing Caverns",
["Scryer's Tier"] = "Shattrath City",
["Scuttle Coast"] = "Durotar",
["Sealed Chambers"] = "Shado-Pan Monastery",
["Searing Gorge"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Seat of Destruction"] = "Halls of Origination",
["Seat of Life"] = "Halls of Origination",
["Seat of Magic"] = "Halls of Origination",
["Seat of Radiance"] = "Halls of Origination",
["Seat of the Naaru"] = "The Exodar",
["Sen'jin Village Outskirts"] = "Durotar",
["Sen'jin Village"] = "Durotar",
["Sentinel Hill"] = "Westfall",
["Sentinel Tower"] = "Sentinel Tower",
["Sentry Point"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Seradane"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Serpent Lake"] = "Zangarmarsh",
["Serpent's Coil"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "Serpentshrine Cavern",
["Service Entrance"] = "Stratholme",
["Sewers"] = "The Undercity",
["Sha'naari Wastes"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Shadebough"] = "Feralas",
["Shado-Pan Monastery"] = "Shado-Pan Monastery",
["Shadow Grave"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Shadow Hold"] = "Felwood",
["Shadow Ridge"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Shadow Wing Lair"] = "Blackwing Lair",
["Shadowbreak Ravine"] = "Desolace",
["Shadowfang Keep"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Shadowforge City"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["Shadowglen"] = "Teldrassil",
["Shadowlurk Ridge"] = "Felwood",
["Shadowprey Village"] = "Desolace",
["Shadowsong Shrine"] = "Azshara",
["Shadowthread Cave"] = "Teldrassil",
["Shadra'Alor"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Shady Rest Inn"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Shalewind Canyon"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Shalzaru's Lair"] = "Feralas",
["Shaol'watha"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Shatter Point"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Shatter Scar Vale"] = "Felwood",
["Shattered Beachhead"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Shattered Landing"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Shattershore"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Shatterspear Pass"] = "Darkshore",
["Shatterspear Vale"] = "Darkshore",
["Shatterspear War Camp"] = "Darkshore",
["Shattrath City"] = "Shattrath City",
["Shell Beach"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Shimmer Ridge"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Shimmering Flats"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Shindigger's Camp"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Shok'Thokar"] = "Desolace",
["Shrine of Remulos"] = "Moonglade",
["Shrine of Thaurissan"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["Shrine of the Deceiver"] = "Felwood",
["Shrine of the Fallen Warrior"] = "The Barrens",
["SI:7"] = "Stormwind City",
["Siege Vise"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Silithus"] = "Silithus",
["Silmyr Lake"] = "Terokkar Forest",
["Silting Shore"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Silver Stream Mine"] = "Loch Modan",
["Silverline Lake"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Silvermoon City Inn"] = "Silvermoon City",
["Silvermoon City"] = "Silvermoon City",
["Silvermoon Jewelery"] = "Silvermoon City",
["Silvermyst Isle"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Silverpine Forest"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Silverwind Refuge"] = "Ashenvale",
["Silverwing Grove"] = "Ashenvale",
["Silverwing Hold"] = "Warsong Gulch",
["Silverwing Outpost"] = "Ashenvale",
["Sindweller's Rise"] = "Felwood",
["Sishir Canyon"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Skitterweb Tunnels"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["Skulk Rock"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Skull Rock"] = "Durotar",
["Skyline Ridge"] = "Mulgore",
["Skymesa Inn"] = "Skymesa Inn",
["Skymesa Overlook"] = "Skymesa Overlook",
["Skymesa Palisade"] = "Skymesa Palisade",
["Skymesa Ritual Chamber"] = "Skymesa Ritual Chamber",
["Skyreach"] = "Skyreach",
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = "Wetlands",
["Slaughter Hollow"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Slaughter Square"] = "Stratholme",
["Slave Quarters"] = "Bloodmaul Slag Mines",
["Slaver's Fist"] = "Bloodmaul Slag Mines",
["Sleeping Gorge"] = "Deadwind Pass",
["Slither Rock"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Slitherblade Shore"] = "Desolace",
["Sludgeguard Tower"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Snarlpaw Den"] = "Snarlpaw Den",
["Snowden Chalet"] = "Winterspring",
["Snowdrift Dojo"] = "Shado-Pan Monastery",
["Snowfall Graveyard"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Sofera's Naze"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Solace Glade"] = "Ashenvale",
["Solliden Farmstead"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Sorrow Hill Crypt"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Sorrow Hill"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Sorrowmurk"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["South Common Hall"] = "Uldaman",
["South Gate Outpost"] = "Dun Morogh",
["South Gate Pass"] = "Dun Morogh",
["South Pavilion"] = "South Pavilion",
["South Seas"] = "Tanaris",
["South Tide's Run"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Southbreak Shore"] = "Tanaris",
["Southern Barrens"] = "The Barrens",
["Southern Gold Road"] = "The Barrens",
["Southern Rampart"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Southern Rocketway Terminus"] = "Azshara",
["Southern Savage Coast"] = "Cape of Stranglethorn",
["Southfury River"] = "Durotar",
["Southfury Watershed"] = "Durotar",
["Southgate"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Southmoon Ruins"] = "Tanaris",
["Southpoint Gate"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Southpoint Tower"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Southridge Beach"] = "Azshara",
["Southsea Holdfast"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Southshore Town Hall"] = "Southshore Town Hall",
["Southshore"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Southwind Village"] = "Silithus",
["Sparring Hall"] = "The Shattered Halls",
["Speedbarge Bar"] = "Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge",
["Spinebreaker Mountains"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Spinebreaker Pass"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Spiral of Thorns"] = "Razorfen Downs",
["Spire of the Guardian"] = "Deadwind Pass",
["Spire Throne"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["Spirit Den"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Spirit Grotto"] = "Spirit Grotto",
["Spirit Rise"] = "Mulgore",
["Spirit Rise"] = "Thunder Bluff",
["Spirit Rock"] = "Durotar",
["Spiteleaf Burrow"] = "Spiteleaf Burrow",
["Spitescale Cavern"] = "Durotar",
["Spitescale Cove"] = "Durotar",
["Splinterspear Junction"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Splintertree Post"] = "Ashenvale",
["Splithoof Crag"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Splithoof Heights"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Splithoof Hold"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Sri-La Inn"] = "Sri-La Village",
["Stables"] = "Arathi Basin",
["Stagalbog Cave"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Stagalbog"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Staghelm Point"] = "Silithus",
["Starbreeze Village"] = "Teldrassil",
["Stardust Spire"] = "Ashenvale",
["Starfall Village"] = "Winterspring",
["Steamwheedle Port"] = "Tanaris",
["Steelgrill's Depot"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Steelspark Station"] = "Tanaris",
["Stendel's Pond"] = "Westfall",
["Stillpine Hold"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Stillwater Pond"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Stonard"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Stone Cairn Lake"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Stone Mug Tavern"] = "Stoneplow",
["Stonebull Lake"] = "Mulgore",
["Stonehearth Bunker"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Stonehearth Graveyard"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Stonehearth Outpost"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Stonemaul Hold"] = "Feralas",
["Stonemaul Ruins"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Stonesplinter Valley"] = "Loch Modan",
["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Stonetalon Pass"] = "Mulgore",
["Stonetalon Peak"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Stonewall Canyon"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Stonewall Lift"] = "Stonewall Lift",
["Stoneward Prison"] = "Military District",
["Stonewatch Falls"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Stonewatch Keep"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Stonewatch Tower"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Stonewatch"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Stonewrought Dam"] = "Loch Modan",
["Stonewrought Pass"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Storehouse"] = "Storehouse",
["Storm Cliffs"] = "Azshara",
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Stormpike Graveyard"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Stormrage Barrow Dens"] = "Moonglade",
["Stormshield Barracks"] = "Stormshield Barracks",
["Stormshield"] = "Stormshield",
["Stormstout Brewery"] = "Stormstout Brewery",
["Stormstout Brewhall"] = "Stormstout Brewery",
["Stormwind City Cemetery"] = "Stormwind City",
["Stormwind City Outskirts"] = "Stormwind City",
["Stormwind City"] = "Stormwind City",
["Stormwind Gate"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Stormwind Harbor"] = "Stormwind City",
["Stormwind Keep"] = "Stormwind City",
["Stormwind Lake"] = "Stormwind City",
["Stormwind Stockade"] = "Stormwind Stockade",
["Stoutlager Inn"] = "Loch Modan",
["Strahnbrad"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Stratholme"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Stromgarde Keep"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Summoners' Tomb"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Sundown Marsh"] = "Wetlands",
["Sunfury Spire"] = "Silvermoon City",
["Sunken Dig Site"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Sunveil Excursion"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Surwich"] = "Blasted Lands",
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Swamplight Cave"] = "Swamplight Cave",
["Swamplight Manor"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Swiftgear Station"] = "Wetlands",
["Sword's Rest"] = "Halls of Reflection",
["Sylvanaar"] = "Blade's Edge Mountains",
["Tabetha's Farm"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Taelan's Tower"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Tahonda Ruins"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Tailoring Emporium"] = "Tailoring Emporium",
["Talon Stand"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Talonbranch Glade "] = "Felwood",
["Talonbranch Glade"] = "Felwood",
["Talondeep Pass"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Talondeep Vale"] = "Ashenvale",
["Talrendis Point"] = "Azshara",
["Tanaris"] = "Tanaris",
["Tanner Camp"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Tarren Mill"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Tazz'Alaor"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["Tel'athion's Camp"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Teldrassil"] = "Teldrassil",
["Telredor"] = "Zangarmarsh",
["Tempest Bridge"] = "Tempest Keep",
["Temple Hall"] = "Uldaman",
["Temple of Arkkoran"] = "Azshara",
["Temple of Asaad"] = "The Vortex Pinnacle",
["Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["Temple of Elune"] = "Teldrassil",
["Temple of Telhamat"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Temple of the Moon"] = "Darnassus",
["Temple of Zin-Malor"] = "Azshara",
["Terokkar Forest"] = "Terokkar Forest",
["Terrace of Endless Spring"] = "Terrace of Endless Spring",
["Terrace of Light"] = "Shattrath City",
["Terrace of Repose"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Terrace of the Augurs"] = "Lost City of the Tol'vir",
["Terror Run"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["Terror Wing Path"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Terrordale"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Terrorweb Tunnel"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Tethris Aran"] = "Desolace",
["Thal'darah Grove"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Thalanaar"] = "Feralas",
["Thalassian Base Camp"] = "Azshara",
["Thandol Span"] = "Wetlands",
["Thargad's Camp"] = "Desolace",
["The Abyssal Maw"] = "Abyssal Breach",
["The Abyssal Shelf"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["The Admiral's Den"] = "Thousand Needles",
["The Altar of Zul"] = "The Hinterlands",
["The Ancient Grove"] = "Azshara",
["The Antechamber"] = "Ulduar",
["The Apothecarium"] = "The Undercity",
["The Arachnid Quarter"] = "Naxxramas",
["The Arcanium "] = "Shadow Labyrinth",
["The Assembly Chamber"] = "Magisters' Terrace",
["The Assembly of Iron"] = "Ulduar",
["The Athenaeum"] = "Dire Maul",
["The Banshee's Wail"] = "The Cove of Nashal",
["The Barrens"] = "The Barrens",
["The Battleboar Pen"] = "Mulgore",
["The Battlefront"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["The Bazaar"] = "Silvermoon City",
["The Black Morass"] = "The Black Morass",
["The Black Rose"] = "The Cove of Nashal",
["The Black Vault"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["The Blazing Strand"] = "Darkshore",
["The Blightcaller"] = "The Cove of Nashal",
["The Blood Furnace"] = "The Blood Furnace",
["The Bloodcursed Reef"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["The Bloodmire"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["The Bloodwash"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["The Bone Pile"] = "Razorfen Downs",
["The Botanica"] = "The Botanica",
["The Briny Barnacle"] = "The Briny Barnacle",
["The Broken Hall"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["The Brood Pit"] = "Azjol-Nerub",
["The Bulwark (W. Plaguelands)"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["The Bulwark"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["The Butchery"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["The Caller's Chamber"] = "Razorfen Downs",
["The Canals"] = "Stormwind City",
["The Cape of Stranglehorn"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["The Cape of Stranglethorn"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["The Catacombs"] = "Stormwind City",
["The Cauldron"] = "Searing Gorge",
["The Celestial Planetarium"] = "Ulduar",
["The Cemetary"] = "Duskwood",
["The Cerebrillum"] = "L'ghorek",
["The Charred Vale"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["The Circle of Suffering"] = "The Underhalls",
["The Clash of Thunder"] = "Ulduar",
["The Clean Zone"] = "Gnomeregan",
["The Cleft"] = "Teldrassil",
["The Clockwerk Run"] = "Gnomeregan",
["The Coliseum"] = "Highmaul",
["The Colossal Forge"] = "Ulduar",
["The Commons"] = "City of Ironforge",
["The Commons"] = "Ironforge",
["The Conservatory of Life"] = "Ulduar",
["The Conservatory"] = "Dire Maul",
["The Construct Quarter"] = "Naxxramas",
["The Corridors of Ingenuity"] = "Ulduar",
["The Cove of Nashal"] = "The Cove of Nashal",
["The Coven "] = "Scholomance",
["The Creeping Ruin"] = "The Hinterlands",
["The Crimson Dawn"] = "The Crimson Dawn",
["The Crimson Reach"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["The Crimson Throne"] = "Stratholme",
["The Crimson Veil"] = "The Cape of Stranglethorn",
["The Crossroads"] = "The Barrens",
["The Crucible of Flame"] = "The Crucible of Flame",
["The Crucible"] = "Tempest Keep",
["The Cryo-Core"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["The Crystal Hall"] = "The Exodar",
["The Crystal Shore"] = "Cape of Stranglethorn",
["The Crystal Vale"] = "Silithus",
["The Culling of Stratholme"] = "The Culling of Stratholme",
["The Dagger Hills"] = "Westfall",
["The Damsel's Luck"] = "The Cape of Stranglethorn",
["The Dancing Serpent"] = "Jade Temple Grounds",
["The Dark Approach"] = "Pit of Saron",
["The Dark Defiance"] = "The Dark Defiance",
["The Dark Hollow"] = "Winds' Edge",
["The Dark Portal"] = "Blasted Lands",
["The Darkened Bank"] = "Duskwood",
["The Darkwalk"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["The Dawning Isles"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["The Dead Acre"] = "Westfall",
["The Dead Field"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["The Deadmines"] = "Westfall",
["The Deathknell Graves"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["The Decrepit Ferry"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["The Decrepit Fields"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["The Deep Reaches"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["The Demon Ward"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["The Den of Flame"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["The Den"] = "Durotar",
["The Descent into Madness"] = "Ulduar",
["The Descent"] = "Bleeding Hollow Cave",
["The Domicile "] = "Blackrock Depths",
["The Dor'Danil Barrow Den"] = "Ashenvale",
["The Dormitory"] = "Gnomeregan",
["The Drag"] = "Orgrimmar",
["The Dragonmurk"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["The Dranosh'ar Blockade"] = "Durotar",
["The Dreamgrove"] = "The Dreamgrove",
["The Drowned Reef"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["The Drowned Sacellum"] = "Blackfathom Deeps",
["The Drunken Hozen"] = "Dawn's Blossom",
["The Dry Hills"] = "The Barrens",
["The Dust Plains"] = "Westfall",
["The Dustbowl"] = "Badlands",
["The Eastern Earthshrine"] = "Stormwind City",
["The Emerald Summit"] = "Feralas",
["The Eternal Battlefield"] = "Helheim",
["The Eternity"] = "The Cove of Nashal",
["The Exodar"] = "The Exodar",
["The Eye of Eternity"] = "The Eye of Eternity",
["The Eye of the Vortex"] = "Darkshore",
["The Farstrider Lodge"] = "Loch Modan",
["The Firehawk"] = "The Firehawk",
["The Fold"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["The Foothill Caverns"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["The Forbidding Sea"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["The Forbidding Sea"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["The Forge Grounds"] = "Blasted Lands",
["The Forge of Souls"] = "The Forge of Souls",
["The Forge of Wills"] = "Halls of Stone",
["The Forge"] = "The Forge",
["The Forgotten Coast"] = "Feralas",
["The Forgotten Pool"] = "Blackfathom Deeps",
["The Forgotten Pools"] = "The Barrens",
["The Forlorn Cavern"] = "City of Ironforge",
["The Forsaken Front"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["The Foul Pool"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["The Fungal Vale"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["The Furnace"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["The Gaping Chasm"] = "Tanaris",
["The Gauntlet"] = "Stratholme",
["The Gilded Gate"] = "Azjol-Nerub",
["The Golden Plains"] = "Mulgore",
["The Golden Rose"] = "Mistfall Village",
["The Gorthenon"] = "Highmaul",
["The Grand Vestibule"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["The Great Arena"] = "The Great Arena",
["The Great Fissure"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["The Great Forge"] = "City of Ironforge",
["The Great Lift"] = "Thousand Needles",
["The Great Ossuary"] = "Scholomance",
["The Great Sea (Dustwallow)"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["The Great Sea (Wetlands)"] = "Wetlands",
["The Great Sea"] = "The Great Sea",
["The Great Wheel"] = "Stormstout Brewery",
["The Green Belt"] = "Wetlands",
["The Greymane Wall"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["The Grim Guzzler"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["The Grinding Quarry"] = "Blackrock Mountain",
["The Grizzled Den"] = "Dun Morogh",
["The Hall of Balance"] = "Netherlight Temple",
["The Hall of Gears"] = "Gnomeregan",
["The Hall of Lights"] = "Stratholme",
["The Hall of Respite"] = "Silvermoon City",
["The Halls of Reanimation"] = "Naxxramas",
["The Halls of Winter"] = "Ulduar",
["The Hammer's Cradle"] = "Thunder Totem",
["The Harborage"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["The Headland"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["The Heart of Acherus"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["The Hidden Clutch"] = "Badlands",
["The Hidden Grove"] = "Winterspring",
["The Hidden Passage"] = "Halls of Reflection",
["The Hidden Reach"] = "Dire Maul",
["The High Seat"] = "City of Ironforge",
["The Hinterlands"] = "The Hinterlands",
["The Hoard"] = "Stratholme",
["The Horsemen's Assembly"] = "Naxxramas",
["The Howling Hollow"] = "The Howling Hollow",
["The Howling Oak"] = "Darnassus",
["The Howling Vale"] = "Ashenvale",
["The Hunter's Hall"] = "Grom'gar",
["The Hushed Bank"] = "Duskwood",
["The Icy Depths"] = "Trial of the Crusader",
["The Imperial Seat"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["The Infectis Scar"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["The Iron Crucible"] = "Halls of Lightning",
["The Iron Hall"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["The Ivar Patch"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["The Jansen Stead"] = "Westfall",
["The Laboratory"] = "Scholomance",
["The Lady Mehley"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["The Lazy Turnip"] = "Halfhill",
["The Legion Front"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["The Library"] = "City of Ironforge",
["The Lifebinder's Cell"] = "Grim Batol",
["The Loch"] = "Loch Modan",
["The Long Wash"] = "Darkshore",
["The Lost Fleet"] = "Wetlands",
["The Lost Fold"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["The Lucky Traveller"] = "One Keg",
["The Lyceum"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["The Maclure Vineyards"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["The Maelstrom"] = "The Maelstrom",
["The Maker's Overlook"] = "Halls of Origination",
["The Maker's Rise"] = "Halls of Origination",
["The Maker's Terrace"] = "Badlands",
["The Manufactory"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["The Marris Stead"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["The Marshlands"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["The Masonary"] = "Blackrock Mountain",
["The Master's Cellar"] = "Deadwind Pass",
["The Master's Glaive"] = "Darkshore",
["The Maul"] = "Dire Maul",
["The Mechanar"] = "The Mechanar",
["The Menders' Stead"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["The Merchant Coast"] = "The Barrens",
["The Military Quarter"] = "Naxxramas",
["The Military Ward"] = "City of Ironforge",
["The Mind's Eye"] = "Ulduar",
["The Molsen Farm"] = "Westfall",
["The Molten Bridge"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["The Molten Core"] = "The Molten Core",
["The Molten Span"] = "Blackrock Mountain",
["The Mor'shan Rampart"] = "The Barrens",
["The Murder Pens"] = "Razorfen Downs",
["The Mystic Ward"] = "City of Ironforge",
["The Necrotic Vault"] = "Naxxramas",
["The North Coast"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["The North Sea"] = "The North Sea",
["The Noxious Glade"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["The Noxious Hollow"] = "Maraudon",
["The Noxious Lair"] = "Tanaris",
["The Noxious Pass"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
["The Oblivion"] = "The Oblivion",
["The Observation Ring"] = "Ulduar",
["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = "The Obsidian Sanctum",
["The Old Barracks"] = "Stormwind City",
["The Old Dormitory"] = "Dun Morogh",
["The Old Port Authority"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["The Oracle Glade"] = "Teldrassil",
["The Outer Ring"] = "Naxxramas",
["The Overlook Cliffs"] = "The Hinterlands",
["The Overlook"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["The Park"] = "Stormwind City",
["The Path of Anguish"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["The Path of Glory"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["The Phoenix Hall"] = "Tempest Keep",
["The Pillar of Ash"] = "Burning Steppes",
["The Pit of Refuse"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["The Pit of Sacrifice"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["The Plague Quarter"] = "Naxxramas",
["The Pool of Ask'ar"] = "Blackfathom Deeps",
["The Pools of Vision"] = "Thunder Bluff",
["The Prison of Yogg-Saron"] = "Ulduar",
["The Quagmire"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["The Raging Chasm"] = "Westfall",
["The Red Reaches"] = "Blasted Lands",
["The Reliquary"] = "Scholomance",
["The Ring of Valor"] = "Orgrimmar",
["The Riptide"] = "Throne of Tides",
["The Ritual Chamber"] = "Bleeding Hollow Cave",
["The Riverblade Den"] = "Winds' Edge",
["The Roiling Gardens"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["The Rolling Plains"] = "Mulgore",
["The Rookery"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["The Rotting Orchard"] = "Duskwood",
["The Royal Exchange"] = "Silvermoon City",
["The Ruby Sanctum"] = "The Ruby Sanctum",
["The Ruined Reaches"] = "Azshara",
["The Ruins of Kel'Theril"] = "Winterspring",
["The Ruins of Ordil'Aran"] = "Ashenvale",
["The Ruins of Stardust"] = "Ashenvale",
["The Rustmaul Dig Site"] = "Thousand Needles",
["The Sacred Grove"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["The Salty Sailor Tavern"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["The Sanctum"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["The Savage Coast"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["The Scarab Wall"] = "Silithus",
["The Scarlet Basilica"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["The Scarlet Bastion"] = "Stratholme",
["The Scrapyard"] = "Ulduar",
["The Screaming Hall"] = "Shadow Labyrinth",
["The Screaming Reaches"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["The Screeching Canyon"] = "Thousand Needles",
["The Scribe of Stormwind"] = "Stormwind City",
["The Scrollkeeper's Sanctum"] = "Temple of the Jade Serpent",
["The Sea of Cinders"] = "Searing Gorge",
["The Sealed Hall"] = "Uldaman",
["The Secret Lab"] = "Azshara",
["The Seer's Library"] = "Shattrath City",
["The Sepulcher"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["The Sewer"] = "The Shattered Halls",
["The Shadow Throne"] = "Halls of Reflection",
["The Shadow Vault"] = "Scholomance",
["The Shady Nook"] = "Ashenvale",
["The Shaper's Terrace "] = "The Shaper's Terrace ",
["The Shaper's Terrace"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["The Shattered Front"] = "Blasted Lands",
["The Shattered Halls"] = "The Shattered Halls",
["The Shattered Strand"] = "Azshara",
["The Shattered Walkway"] = "Ulduar",
["The Sheltered Den"] = "The Sheltered Den",
["The Shepherd's Gate"] = "Silvermoon City",
["The Shifting Mire"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
["The Shimmering Deep"] = "Thousand Needles",
["The Shimmering Flats"] = "Thousand Needles",
["The Shining Strand"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["The Shrine of Aessina"] = "Ashenvale",
["The Shrine of Eldretharr"] = "Dire Maul",
["The Silver Blade"] = "The Silver Blade",
["The Skittering Dark"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["The Skull Warren"] = "Burning Steppes",
["The Skunkworks"] = "Ashenvale",
["The Slag Forge"] = "Bloodmaul Slag Mines",
["The Slag Pit"] = "Searing Gorge",
["The Slaughter House"] = "Stratholme",
["The Slaughtered Lamb"] = "Stormwind City",
["The Slave Enclave"] = "Path of Huln",
["The Slave Pens"] = "The Slave Pens",
["The Slithering Scar"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["The Sludge Fen"] = "The Barrens",
["The Sludge Fields"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["The Sludgewerks"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["The Solar Vigil"] = "Magisters' Terrace",
["The Solarium"] = "Tempest Keep",
["The Spark of Imagination"] = "Ulduar",
["The Sparkling Crawl"] = "The Stonecore",
["The Stadium"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["The Stagnant Oasis"] = "The Barrens",
["The Stair of Destiny"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["The Steam Pools"] = "The Steam Pools",
["The Steamvault"] = "The Steamvault",
["The Stockade"] = "Stormwind City",
["The Stockpile"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["The Stone Vault"] = "Uldaman",
["The Stonefield Farm"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["The Storehouse"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
["The Sundering"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
["The Swarming Pillar"] = "Silithus",
["The Tainted Forest"] = "Blasted Lands",
["The Tainted Scar"] = "Blasted Lands",
["The Talon Den"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["The Talondeep Path"] = "Ashenvale",
["The Talondeep Path"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["The Tasting Room"] = "Stormstout Brewery",
["The Temple Gardens"] = "Darnassus",
["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
["The Terrestrial Watchtower"] = "Halls of Lightning",
["The Thornsnarl"] = "Mulgore",
["The Tidus Stair"] = "The Barrens",
["The Tomb of Tyr"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["The Tower of Arathor"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["The Toxic Airfield"] = "Dun Morogh",
["The Trapper's Enclave"] = "Lost City of the Tol'vir",
["The Traveler's Den"] = "The Traveler's Den",
["The Trial of Faith"] = "The Trial of Faith",
["The Tribunal of Ages"] = "Halls of Stone",
["The Tundrid Hills"] = "Dun Morogh",
["The Twilight Withering"] = "Thousand Needles",
["The Twin Colossals"] = "Feralas",
["The Two Fisted Brew"] = "The Grummle Bazaar",
["The Underbog"] = "The Underbog",
["The Undercity"] = "The Undercity",
["The Undercroft"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["The Undershell"] = "The Undershell",
["The Uplands"] = "Alterac Mountains",
["The Vault of Lights"] = "The Exodar",
["The Vector Coil"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["The Veiled Sea (Ashenvale)"] = "Ashenvale",
["The Veiled Sea"] = "Desolace",
["The Venture Co. Mine"] = "Mulgore",
["The Verne"] = "The Verne",
["The Vice"] = "Deadwind Pass",
["The Viewing Room"] = "Scholomance",
["The Vile Reef"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["The Wailing Caverns"] = "The Wailing Caverns",
["The Warden's Court"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["The Warlord's Garrison"] = "Lost City of the Tol'vir",
["The Warp Fields"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["The Warp Piston"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["The Wavecrest"] = "The Wavecrest",
["The Weathered Nook"] = "Thousand Needles",
["The Weeping Cave"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["The Western Earthshrine"] = "Orgrimmar",
["The Whelping Downs"] = "Burning Steppes",
["The Whipple Estate"] = "Duskwood",
["The Wicked Grotto"] = "Maraudon",
["The Wicked Tunnels"] = "Desolace",
["The Widow's Wail"] = "The Widow's Wail",
["The Winding Halls"] = "The Stonecore",
["The Windrunner"] = "The Windrunner",
["The Wollerton Stead"] = "Stormwind City",
["The World Tree"] = "Duskwood",
["The Writhing Deep"] = "Feralas",
["The Writhing Haunt"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["The Yorgen Farmstead"] = "Duskwood",
["The Zoram Strand"] = "Ashenvale",
["Thelgen Rock"] = "Wetlands",
["Thelsamar"] = "Loch Modan",
["Theramore Isle"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Thieves Camp"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Thistlefur Hold"] = "Thistlefur Hold",
["Thistlefur Village"] = "Ashenvale",
["Thistleshrub Valley"] = "Tanaris",
["Thondroril River"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Thoradin's Wall"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Thorium Advance"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Thorium Point"] = "Searing Gorge",
["Thorn Hill"] = "The Barrens",
["Thornfang Hill"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Thornton's Cottage"] = "Thornton's Cottage",
["Thousand Needles"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Thrallmar Mine"] = "Thrallmar Mine",
["Thrallmar"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Three Corners"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Throne of the Damned"] = "The Shattered Halls",
["Thunder Axe Fortress"] = "Desolace",
["Thunder Bluff"] = "Thunder Bluff",
["Thunder Falls"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Thunder Peak"] = "Ashenvale",
["Thunder Ridge"] = "Durotar",
["Thunder Totem"] = "Thunder Totem",
["Thunderbrew Distillery"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Thunderfoot Inn"] = "Pang's Stead",
["Thunderhorn Water Well"] = "Mulgore",
["Thundering Overlook"] = "Halls of Lightning",
["Thunk's Abode"] = "Desolace",
["Tidefury Cove"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Tides' Hollow"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Timbermaw Hold"] = "Azshara",
["Timbermaw Post"] = "Winterspring",
["Tinker Town"] = "City of Ironforge",
["Tinkers' Court"] = "Gnomeregan",
["Tiragarde Keep"] = "Durotar",
["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Tirth's Haunt"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Tkashi Ruins"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Tomb of the Earthrager"] = "Halls of Origination",
["Tomb of the Icebreaker"] = "Tomb of the Old Kings",
["Tomb of the Old Kings"] = "Tomb of the Old Kings",
["Tomb of the Penitent"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["Tomb of the Watchers"] = "Badlands",
["Tor'kren Farm"] = "Durotar",
["Tower of Althalaxx"] = "Darkshore",
["Tower of Azora"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Tower of Eldara"] = "Azshara",
["Tower of Elements"] = "Tower of Elements",
["Tower of Estulan"] = "Feralas",
["Tower of Ilgalar"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Tower of War"] = "Tower of War",
["Tower Point"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Tower Watch"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Town Hall"] = "Town Hall",
["Trade District"] = "Stormwind City",
["Trade Quarter"] = "The Undercity",
["Trader's Tier"] = "The Exodar",
["Tradesmen's Terrace"] = "Darnassus",
["Tradewind Roost"] = "Tradewind Roost",
["Trading Post"] = "Trading Post",
["Train Depot"] = "Gnomeregan",
["Training Grounds"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
["Traitor's Cove"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Tranquil Gardens Cemetery"] = "Duskwood",
["Trial of Fire"] = "Azshara",
["Trial of Frost"] = "Azshara",
["Trial of Shadow"] = "Azshara",
["Trial of the Champion"] = "Trial of the Champion",
["Trial of the Crusader"] = "Trial of the Crusader",
["Trickling Passage"] = "Stormstout Brewery",
["Trogg Caverns"] = "Loch Modan",
["Trophy Hall"] = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
["Trueshot Lodge"] = "Trueshot Lodge",
["Trueshot Point"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Tsavo'ka's Den"] = "Tsavo'ka's Den",
["Twilight Aerie"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Twilight Base Camp"] = "Silithus",
["Twilight Bulwark"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Twilight Camp"] = "Loch Modan",
["Twilight Forge"] = "Blackrock Caverns",
["Twilight Grove"] = "Duskwood",
["Twilight Outpost"] = "Silithus",
["Twilight Post"] = "Silithus",
["Twilight Shore"] = "Darkshore",
["Twilight Terrace"] = "Twilight Terrace",
["Twilight Vale"] = "Darkshore",
["Twilight's Run"] = "Twilight's Run",
["Twin Spire Ruins"] = "Zangarmarsh",
["Twisting Nether"] = "Twisting Nether",
["Tyr's Fall"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Tyr's Hand Abbey"] = "Tyr's Hand Abbey",
["Tyr's Hand"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Tyr's Terrace"] = "Utgarde Keep",
["Uldaman"] = "Badlands",
["Uldum"] = "Tanaris",
["Umbrafen Lake"] = "Zangarmarsh",
["Un'Goro Crater"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
["Undercity"] = "Undercity",
["Underwater Passage"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Unearthed Grounds"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Unga Ingoo"] = "Unga Ingoo",
["Unknown Zone"] = "Someplace",
["Unyielding Garrison"] = "Halls of Lightning",
["Ursolan"] = "Azshara",
["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
["Uther's Tomb"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Valaar's Berth"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Valgan's Field"] = "Silverpine Forest",
["Valiant Rest"] = "Valiant Rest",
["Valley of Ashes"] = "Burning Steppes",
["Valley of Bones"] = "Desolace",
["Valley of Fangs"] = "Badlands",
["Valley of Heroes"] = "Stormwind City",
["Valley of Honor"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Valley of Kings"] = "Loch Modan",
["Valley of Spears"] = "Desolace",
["Valley of Spirits"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Valley of Strength"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Valley of the Bloodfuries"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Valley of the Watchers"] = "Tanaris",
["Valley of Trials"] = "Durotar",
["Valley of Wisdom"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Valor's Edge"] = "Valor's Edge",
["Valor's Rest"] = "Silithus",
["Valormok"] = "Azshara",
["Valorwind Lake"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Vanndir Encampment"] = "Azshara",
["Vault of Archavon"] = "Vault of Archavon",
["Vault of Eyes"] = "Bleeding Hollow Cave",
["Vault of Ice"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["Vault of Ironforge"] = "City of Ironforge",
["Vault of Law"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["Vault of Mirrors"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["Vault of Silence"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["Vault of the Betrayer"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["Vault of the Ravenian"] = "Scholomance",
["Vault of the Wardens"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
["Vault of Y'Shaarj"] = "Siege of Orgrimmar",
["Veil Reskk"] = "Terokkar Forest",
["Veil Sethekk"] = "Sethekk Halls",
["Veil Shienor"] = "Terokkar Forest",
["Venomweb Vale"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Venture Co. Base Camp"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
["Venture Co. Operations Center"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Verdantis River"] = "Feralas",
["Veridian Point"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Vestibule of the Silver Hand"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Vile Cavern"] = "Vile Cavern",
["Vindicator's Rest"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Violet Hold"] = "Violet Hold",
["Vul'Gol Ogre Mound"] = "Duskwood",
["Vyletongue Seat"] = "Maraudon",
["Wailing Caverns"] = "Wailing Caverns",
["Walk of Elders"] = "Silvermoon City",
["War Mill"] = "War Mill",
["War Quarter"] = "The Undercity",
["War Room"] = "Stormwind City",
["Warbringer's Ring"] = "The Shattered Halls",
["Warmaul Hill"] = "Nagrand",
["Warpwood Quarter"] = "Dire Maul",
["Warrior's Terrace"] = "Darnassus",
["Warsong Flag Room"] = "Warsong Lumber Mill",
["Warsong Gulch"] = "Warsong Gulch",
["Warsong Labor Camp"] = "Ashenvale",
["Warsong Lumber Camp"] = "Ashenvale",
["Warsong Lumber Mill"] = "Warsong Gulch",
["Warspear Barracks"] = "Warspear Barracks",
["Warspear Hold"] = "Warspear Hold",
["Warspear"] = "Warspear",
["Waterspring Field"] = "Tanaris",
["Wavestrider Beach"] = "Tanaris",
["Wayfarer's Rest"] = "Silvermoon City",
["Weazel's Crater"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Webwinder Hollow"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Webwinder Path"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Wellspring Hovel"] = "Teldrassil",
["Wellspring Lake"] = "Teldrassil",
["Wellspring River"] = "Teldrassil",
["West Garrison"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["West Pavilion"] = "West Pavilion",
["West Pillar"] = "Feralas",
["West Point Tower"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Westbrook Garrison"] = "Elwynn Forest",
["Western Plaguelands"] = "Western Plaguelands",
["Western Strand"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
["Westfall Lighthouse"] = "Westfall",
["Westfall"] = "Westfall",
["Westreach Summit"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Westwind Lift"] = "Westwind Lift",
["Wetlands"] = "Wetlands",
["Whelgar's Excavation Site"] = "Wetlands",
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = "Wetlands",
["Whispering Forest"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Whispering Gardens"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Whispering Shore"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
["Whisperwind Grove"] = "Felwood",
["Whitebeard's Encampment"] = "Dun Morogh",
["Whitereach Post"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Wild Shore"] = "Cape of Stranglethorn",
["Wildbend River"] = "Darkshore",
["Wildhammer Keep"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Wildheart Point"] = "Felwood",
["Wildmane Water Well"] = "Mulgore",
["Wildpaw Cavern"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Wildpaw Ridge"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Wilds' Edge Inn"] = "Wilds' Edge Inn",
["Wildwind Lake"] = "Feralas",
["Wildwind Peak"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Wileywisp Den"] = "Wileywisp Den",
["Windbreak Canyon"] = "Thousand Needles",
["Windfury Ridge"] = "Mulgore",
["Winding Chasm"] = "The Wailing Caverns",
["Windshear Crag"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Windshear Heights"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Windshear Hold"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Windshear Mine"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Windshear Valley"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
["Winterax Hold"] = "Alterac Valley",
["Winterfall Village"] = "Winterspring",
["Winterhoof Water Well"] = "Mulgore",
["Winterspring"] = "Winterspring",
["Witch Hill"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Witherbark Village"] = "Arathi Highlands",
["Withering Thicket"] = "Darkshore",
["Wizard's Sanctum"] = "Stormwind City",
["Woodpaw Den"] = "Feralas",
["Woodpaw Hills"] = "Feralas",
["Workshop Entrance"] = "Gnomeregan",
["World's End Tavern"] = "Shattrath City",
["Wrathscale Lair"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Wrathscale Point"] = "Azuremyst Isle",
["Wreckage of the Silver Dawning"] = "Darkshore",
["Wyrmbog"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
["Wyrmscar Island"] = "Bloodmyst Isle",
["Xavian"] = "Ashenvale",
["Ymiron's Seat"] = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
["Yojamba Isle"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Yowler's Den"] = "Redridge Mountains",
["Zaetar's Choice"] = "Desolace",
["Zaetar's Grave"] = "Maraudon",
["Zalashji's Den"] = "Tanaris",
["Zangarmarsh"] = "Zangarmarsh",
["Zeppelin Crash"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Zeth'Gor"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
["Ziata'jai Ruins"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = "Ashenvale",
["Zul'Aman"] = "Zul'Aman",
["Zul'Farrak"] = "Tanaris",
["Zul'Gurub"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
["Zul'Mashar"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
["Zun'watha"] = "The Hinterlands",
["Zuuldaia Ruins"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",