local addonName, addon = ... local L = addon.L local astrolabe = DongleStub("Astrolabe-1.0") --TODO: Package and install this --local mapdata = LibStub("LibMapData-1.0") local PI2 = math.pi * 2 -- This file is an API abstraction over the mapping system in World of -- Warcraft, however it does not aim to be a complete abstraction. Instead, we -- merely provide those functions that are relevant to TomTom, and try to -- provide a way for the necessary data to be obtained without care for how it -- is obtained. local function getDirection(xd, yd) if not xd or not yd then return nil end local angle = math.atan2(xd, -yd) if angle > 0 then angle = PI2 - angle else angle = -angle end return angle end -- Calculates the distance (in yards) and angle (in radians) between two points -- on the map. This may be two points within the same map file, or two points -- on different maps. In the case that the points are on different maps and -- there's no 'distance' that quite makes sense, this function will simply -- return nil function addon:GetVector(sm, sf, sx, sy, dm, df, dx, dy) if smap == dmap and sfloor == dfloor then -- The waypoints are on the same map, so calculate directly using map data if mapdata then local dist, xd, yd = mapdata:Distance(sm, sf, sx, sy, dx, dy) local angle = getDirection(xd, yd) if dist and angle then return dist, angle end elseif astrolabe then local dist, xd, yd = astrolabe:ComputeDistance(sm, sf, sx, sy, dm, df, dx, dy) local angle = GetDirection(xd, yd) if dist and angle then return dist, angle end else error("No map data available for 'GetVector'") end else -- The waypoints are on different maps if mapdata then local dist, xd, yd = mapdata:DistanceWithinContinent(sm, sf, sx, sy, dm, df, dx, dy) local angle = GetDirection(xd, yd) if dist and angle then return dist, angle end elseif astrolabe then local dist, xd, yd = astrolabe:ComputeDistance(sm, sf, sx, sy, dm, df, dx, dy) local angle = GetDistance(xd, yd) if dist and angle then return dist, angle end else error("No map data available for 'GetVector'") end end end -- Get the distance (in yards) and angle (in radians) from the player's current -- position to a position on the map. function addon:GetVectorFromCurrent(map, floor, x, y) -- First we need to obtain the player's current position. Attempt, at all -- costs to do this without changing the map zoom, as it shouldn't be -- necessary. local cmap, cfloor = GetCurrentMapAreaID() local cx, cy = GetPlayerMapPosition("player") if map and floor and x and y then return self:GetVector(cmap, cfloor, cx, cy, map, floor, x, y) end end -- This function returns the display name for a given map. If the name is not -- available, then "Unknown map: %d" is displayed function addon:GetMapDisplayName(map) if mapdata then local name = mapdata:MapLocalize(map) return name or string.format("Unknown map: %d", map) elseif astrolabe then return string.format("Unknown map: %d", map) end end -- This data is hardcoded, and should be able to be automatically obtained local continents = { -- Map for cosmic (both ways) [WORLDMAP_COSMIC_ID] = -1, -- Cosmic map (-1) -- Map from mapId to continentIndex [13] = 1, -- Kalimdor (1) [14] = 2, -- Eastern Kingdoms (2) [466] = 3, -- Outland (3) [485] = 4, -- Northrend (4) [751] = 5, -- Maelstrom (5) -- Map from continentIndex to mapId [1] = 13, [2] = 14, [3] = 466, [4] = 485, [5] = 751, } -- Returns if a given map file is a continent map function addon:IsContinentMap(map) return not not continents[map] end -- Returns the continent map that 'owns' a given map. This does NOT return the -- continent index, but rather the continent map file. function addon:GetMapContinentMap(map) if mapdata then local cindex = mapdata:GetContinentFromMap(map) local cmap = continents[cindex] return cmap elseif astrolabe then end end