TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Hallow's End candy buckets 2011 - Cataclysm  - Horde", nil, "Horde", function()
return [[
N Hover over me for note. |N|If this tracker gets stuck click a previous location off and on.|

F Twilight Highlands
R Dragonmaw Port Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (75.35,54.91)| |Z|Twilight Highlands|
R The Krazzworks Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (75.40,16.53)| |Z|Twilight Highlands|
R Bloodgulch Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (53.39,42.84)| |Z|Twilight Highlands|
R Crushblow Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (45.11,76.82)| |Z|Twilight Highlands|
F Orgrimmar |N|via Dragonmaw Port portal (73.66,53.46)| |Z|Twilight Highlands|

F Deepholm
R Temple of Earth Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (51.20,49.90)| |Z|Deepholm|
F Orgrimmar |N|via portal (50.93,53.09)| |Z|Deepholm|

F Mount Hyjal
R Nordrassil Inn Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (63.04,24.14)| |Z|Mount Hyjal|
R Shrine of Aviana Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (42.68,45.72)| |Z|Mount Hyjal|
R Grove of Aessina Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (18.62,37.32)| |Z|Mount Hyjal|
F Orgrimmar |N|via Nordrassil portal (63.49,24.45)| |Z|Mount Hyjal|

F Shimmering Expanse |N|Vashj'ir.  I hope you can breath underwater!|
R Legion's Rest Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (51.48,62.39)| |Z|Shimmering Expanse|
R Tenebrous Cavern Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (51.34,60.54)| |Z|Abyssal Depths|
R Silver Tide Hollow Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (49.19,41.88)| |Z|Shimmering Expanse|
R Deepmist Grotto Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (63.8,59.9).  Closest FP is at Smuggler's Scar.| |Z|Kelp'thar Forest|
H Orgrimmar |N|You should stop here unless you have a secondary hearth of some kind.|

F Uldum
R Ramkahen Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (54.68,33.01)| |Z|Uldum|
R Oasis of Vir'sar Candy Bucket |N|Candy Bucket (26.59,7.23)| |Z|Uldum|
H Orgrimmar
