== ChangeLog
**++Verify API compatibility++\\
**++TOC Bump++\\
**++Localization update++\\
**++Docs update++\\
**++TOC Bump++\\
**++Remove commit hash from AddOn list++\\
**++Update changelog.txt++\\
**++Update change log++\\
**++Change TOC Title to include version++\\
**++Merge MoP branch++\\
**++Filter trade by default Fix various db key typos Fix version output in configuration panel++\\
**++TOC bump to MoP++\\
**++Create branch Mists of Pandaria++\\
**++Change version output++\\
**++Fix GetNumPartyMembers() -> GetNumSubgroupMembers() Fix GetNumRaidMembers() -> GetNumGroupMembers()++\\
**++Update Docs/main.txt++\\
**++Fix typo++\\
**++Changed the way TradeFilter checks for party/raid members say/yell filtration++\\
**++Add spam keyword to Docs/main.txt for site searches++\\
**++Fix Say/Yell logic++\\
**++Change AceTimer var to global to fix callback error++\\
**++Fix bad global and poor logic in GetParty() function++\\
**++No point gathering raid/party members if you do not choose to exempt them++\\
**++Push for WowAce packager++\\
**++Change version output++\\
**++Fix GetParty() raid/party exempt list AceTimer issue.(ticket 6++)++\\
**++Add check to see if timer is already active.(ticket 6+)++\\
**++Fix trying to GetPartyMember() on a raid member.(drycode)(ticket 6)++\\
**++Modify GUI to hide features when disabled++\\
**++Add AceTimer-3.0 as embedded lib++\\
**++Fix missing var for registered party and raid events++\\
**++Fix Party/Raid exempt list++\\
**++Add AceTimer-3.0 for said exempt list if an UNKNOWN party member is discovered++\\
**++Modify project version output++\\
**++Wowinterface needs more Git keyword substitutions++\\
**++Fix exempt party function from adding "unknown"++\\
**++Fix unintentional wipe of current party exemption table++\\
**++Fix LDB counting of filtered messages when debug is off, also make sure that LDB is loaded before calling LDBUpdate()++\\
**++Code cleanup Remove AceTimer and AceConsole++\\
**++Fix typo in GetParty() function++\\
**++Replace nil with not++\\
**++Replace various expressions++\\
**++Remove unused variables++\\
**++Add name and realm to TOC++\\
**++Fix black/white list documentation++\\
**++Fix license++\\
**++Fix allowing a blank entry into any list++\\
**++Add check in FilterFunc() for special channels++\\
**++Move profile management into TradeFilter GUI frame++\\
**++Fix Print() line 155++\\
**++Fix in-game version/tag output++\\
**++Rewrite blacklist/whitelist check logic++\\
**++Fix LDB blacklist counter++\\
**++Patch 4.0.1 code changes++\\
**++Remove repeat detection and all related functions/configurations++\\
**++Add LDB now shows all Filtered/Blacklist blocks++\\
**++Remove loading message print(now prints to debug window)++\\
**++Fix party exemption list from premature table wipes++\\
**++Remove friends list initial import print(now prints to debug window)++\\
**++Fix insure all tables exist before trying to iterate them++\\
**++Fix case sensitivity++\\
**++Add allow friends/party to be filtered even if on exempt list [Ticket #5]++\\
**++Fix project version output++\\
**++Fix party exempt debug messages++\\
**++Remove X-Compatible-With:++\\
**++Fix TOC embeds++\\
**++Fix party/raid exemption spam++\\
**++Add exempt locales++\\
**++Fix party/raid exemption spam++\\
**++Add exempt locales++\\
**++Fix typo++\\
**++Code cleanup++\\
**++SVN to Git conversion++\\
**++TOC to 40000++\\
**++Add current party members to exempt list for say/yell++\\
**++Temporary Current Party Members output in options GUI++\\
**++Wipe party table after leaving group++\\
**++Version/Revision recognition++\\
**++Switch to WowAce LibDataBroker-1.1++\\
**++Small configuration GUI update++\\
**++Overhead reduction++\\
**++Docs update++\\
**++4.0.1 compatibility++\\
**++Limit function calls if CHAT_MSG event conditions are not met++\\
**++Fix repeat detection... for good++\\
**++SPAM and DEBUG frames now auto created++\\
**++Various bugs swatted++\\
**++Minor cleanup++\\
**++Fix Special Channel names never matching++\\
**++Fix Recycle Timer configuration option that would produce a AceTimer callback error++\\
**++Added configuration for repeat recycling(Advanced)++\\
**++Added achievement links to defualt Whitelist++\\
**++Removed defunct default Whitelist entry that produced a bug in new entries++\\
**++Let's not check for repeats twice++\\
**++Fix repeat counter++\\
**++Fix error in localization (r195)++\\
**++Fix repeat detection++\\
**++GUI typo++\\
**++Added BG Filters++\\
**++Config GUI reorganization++\\
**++Added simple duel spam block++\\
**++Keep lists sorted!++\\
**++LDB support for Repeats Blocked++\\
**++Ability for Whitelist to bypass repeat filter++\\
**++GUI layout changed a little++\\
**++Minor code cleanup++\\
**++AceTimer lib added for repeat table recycling++\\
**++Rewrite on DB functions, Repeat Function and Friends functions++\\
**++Show repeat count with ability to reset count++\\
**++Ability to enable/disable Black and White list checking++\\
**++Debug: Black and White list debugging messages contain whitespaces++\\
**++Debug: Black and White list debugging messages now show what they matched in your pattern list++\\
**++Debug: Option to strip "Checking for Match" when debugging++\\
**++Debug: Further Debug output cleanup++\\
**++Better repeat detection++\\
**++Whitelisted strings still have to pass repeat test++\\
**++Whitelisted strings also needs to pass Blacklist++\\
**++Typo causing reset buttons to error out fixed++\\
**++Added all strings to locale++\\
**++Keys are no longer necessary when adding filter or list patterns++\\
**++Debug: Cleaned up debugging output, will now show what pattern that was matched to allow it to not be filtered++\\
**++Repeat filtration++\\
**++Configurable number of repeats before filtered++\\
**++Configurable time required between repeats in seconds++\\
**++Option: Reset to default filters++\\
**++Distinguish between Trade channel and LFG/General for the ability to have differant filter tables for pattern matching.++\\
**++Ability to edit entire filter tables rather than having static lists.++\\
**++ TradeFilter now contains a Black/White list, though not yet configurable through the GUI.++\\
**++ TradeFilter also will not filter any messages from your friends, they must be on your current characters friends list for this functionality to work.++\\