# oUF_SimpleConfig documentation

oUF_SimpleConfig is the configuration for oUF_Simple. oUF_Simple is now an mediator between oUF_SimpleConfig and oUF.
oUF_Simple provides a set of functions that can by used to spawn any defined unit with a set of defined elements.

## Init

By checking the [init.lua](https://github.com/zorker/rothui/blob/master/wow7.0/oUF_SimpleConfig/init.lua) you will find
that oUF_SimpleConfig defines the following config container and makes it globally available for oUF_Simple to access.

--config container
L.C = {}
--tags and events
L.C.tagMethods = {}
L.C.tagEvents = {}
--make the config global
oUF_SimpleConfig = L.C

## Global config

The global.lua has global config settings used among units and elements.

* **L.C.mediapath**: type:STRING, path to the media files
* **L.C.globalscale**: type:NUMBER, global scale to scale all unit elements at the same time. Can be multiplied with any other multiplier like ui-scale.
* **L.C.backdrop**: type:TABLE, backdrop setup
* **L.C.textures**: type:TABLE, textures for statusbars and backgrounds
* **L.C.colors**: type:TABLE, Houses colors for castbar and threat that are not handled by oUF attributes. Defines the bgMultiplier.

## Tag methods and events

Are you not satisfied with the tags provided by oUF or oUF_Simple? No problem. Open the tags.lua and create your own tag.
Make sure to give it a unique name! An example tag method and event is given.

## Units

Each unit has its own config file, like player.lua.

* **L.C.player**: type:TABLE, player frame settings
* **L.C.target**: type:TABLE, target frame settings
* **L.C.targettarget**: type:TABLE, targettarget frame settings
* **L.C.pet**: type:TABLE, pet frame settings
* **L.C.focus**: type:TABLE, focus frame settings
* **L.C.party**: type:TABLE, party frame settings
* **L.C.boss**: type:TABLE, boss frame settings
* **L.C.nameplate**: type:TABLE, nameplate frame settings
* **L.C.raid**: type:TABLE, raid frame settings

## Unit attributes

Attributes on unit level.

* **enabled**: type:BOOLEAN, enable or disable this unit frame
* **size**: type:TABLE, unit frame size http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetSize
* **point**: type:TABLE, unit frame position http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetPoint
* **scale**: type:NUMBER, defines the scale of the unit frame http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Frame/SetScale
* **points**: type:TABLE, contains multiple points. Raid unit only! In a raid you spawn up to 8 secure group headers. You must support 8 points. One for each header.

## Unit elements

Any unit can create any of the following elements on unit level.

* **healthbar**: type:TABLE, healthbar config
* **powerbar**: type:TABLE, powerbar config
* **castbar**: type:TABLE, castbar config
* **classbar**: type:TABLE, classbar config
* **altpowerbar**: type:TABLE, alternative powerbar config
* **raidmark**: type:TABLE, raidmark icon config
* **buffs**: type:TABLE, buff frame config
* **debuffs**: type:TABLE, debuff frame config

### Healthbar attributes

Healthbar and absorbbar cannot be disabled. Size and position matches the unit frame.

* **orientation**: type: STRING, Specifies the bar orientation, Values: "VERTICAL", "HORIZONTAL" or nil
* **colorTapping**: type: BOOLEAN, Enables/disables coloring by tapping color.
* **colorDisconnected**: type: BOOLEAN, Enables/disables coloring by disconnected color.
* **colorReaction**: type: BOOLEAN, Enables/disables coloring by reaction color.
* **colorClass**: type: BOOLEAN, Enables/disables coloring by class color.
* **colorHealth**: type: BOOLEAN, Enables/disables coloring by health color.
* **colorThreat**: type: BOOLEAN, Enables/disables coloring by threat color. Checks if the unit has aggro from any other unit.
* **colorThreatInvers**: type: BOOLEAN, Enables/disables coloring by invers threat color. Checks if unit has aggro against "player".
* **frequentUpdates**: type: BOOLEAN, Enables/disables frequent updates
* **name**: type: TABLE, configuration for the name text
  * enabled: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
  * points: type:TABLE, contains multiple points
  * point: type:TABLE, contains a single point
  * font: type:STRING, font family
  * size: type:NUMBER, font size
  * outline: type:STRING, font outline
  * align: type:STRING, text align
  * noshadow: type:BOOLEAN, Disable/enable text drop shadow
  * tag: type:STRING, oUF tag
* **health**: type: TABLE, configuration for the health text
  * enabled: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
  * points: type:TABLE, contains multiple points
  * point: type:TABLE, contains a single point
  * font: type:STRING, font family
  * size: type:NUMBER, font size
  * outline: type:STRING, font outline
  * align: type:STRING, text align
  * noshadow: type:BOOLEAN, Disable/enable text drop shadow
  * tag: type:STRING, oUF tag
* **debuffHighlight**: type: BOOLEAN, Enables/disables debuff highlighting
* **debuffHighlightFilter**: type: BOOLEAN, Filter debuffs by dispellable class

### Powerbar attributes

* **enabled**: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
* **size**: type:TABLE, element size http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetSize
* **point**: type:TABLE, element position http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetPoint
* **orientation**: type: STRING, Specifies the bar orientation, Values: "VERTICAL", "HORIZONTAL" or nil
* **colorPower**: type: BOOLEAN, Enables/disables coloring by power color.
* **power**: type: TABLE, configuration for the power text
  * enabled: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
  * points: type:TABLE, contains multiple points
  * point: type:TABLE, contains a single point
  * font: type:STRING, font family
  * size: type:NUMBER, font size
  * outline: type:STRING, font outline
  * align: type:STRING, text align
  * noshadow: type:BOOLEAN, Disable/enable text drop shadow
  * tag: type:STRING, oUF tag

### Castbar attributes

* **enabled**: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
* **size**: type:TABLE, element size http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetSize
* **point**: type:TABLE, element position http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetPoint
* **orientation**: type: STRING, Specifies the bar orientation, Values: "VERTICAL", "HORIZONTAL" or nil
* **name**: type: TABLE, configuration for the name text
  * enabled: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
  * points: type:TABLE, contains multiple points
  * point: type:TABLE, contains a single point
  * font: type:STRING, font family
  * size: type:NUMBER, font size
  * outline: type:STRING, font outline
  * align: type:STRING, text align
  * noshadow: type:BOOLEAN, Disable/enable text drop shadow
* **icon**: type: TABLE, configuration for the castbar icon
  * enabled: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
  * point: type:TABLE, icon point
  * size: type:TABLE, icon size

### Classbar attributes

Classbar element for combo points, chi, holy power, etc. Makes sense for the player unit only.

* **enabled**: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
* **size**: type:TABLE, element size http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetSize
* **point**: type:TABLE, element position http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetPoint
* **orientation**: type: STRING, Specifies the bar orientation, Values: "VERTICAL", "HORIZONTAL" or nil
* **splits**: type: TABLE, do you want to seperate your classbar into segments?
  * enabled: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
  * texture: type:STRING, path to split texture
  * size: type:TABLE, split size
  * color: type:TABLE, split color

### Altpowerbar attributes

* **enabled**: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
* **size**: type:TABLE, element size http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetSize
* **point**: type:TABLE, element position http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetPoint
* **orientation**: type: STRING, Specifies the bar orientation, Values: "VERTICAL", "HORIZONTAL" or nil

### Raidmark attributes

* **enabled**: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
* **size**: type:TABLE, element size http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetSize
* **point**: type:TABLE, element position http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetPoint

### Buffs attributes

* **enabled**: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
* **point**: type:TABLE, element position http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetPoint
* **size**: type:NUMBER, aura icon size, value is applied to both width and height
* **num**: type:NUMBER, max number of aura icons
* **cols**: type:NUMBER, how many aura icons per column
* **spacing**: type:NUMBER, space between aura icons
* **initialAnchor**: type:STRING, initial anchor point (example: "BOTTOMLEFT"). Has to be a corner.
* **growthX**: type:STRING, grow direction x-axis. "LEFT" or "RIGHT"
* **growthY**: type:STRING, grow direction y-axis. "UP" or "DOWN"
* **disableCooldown**: type:BOOLEAN, disable/enable cooldown spiral
* **filter**: type:STRING, Unit aura filter. Defaults to "HELPFUL" on buffs and "HARMFUL" on debuffs.
* **CustomFilter**: type:FUNCTION, Custom filter function to filter the UnitAura result for specific icons

### Debuffs attributes

* **enabled**: type:BOOLEAN, enable/disable element
* **point**: type:TABLE, element position http://wowprogramming.com/docs/widgets/Region/SetPoint
* **size**: type:NUMBER, aura icon size, value is applied to both width and height
* **num**: type:NUMBER, max number of aura icons
* **cols**: type:NUMBER, how many aura icons per column
* **spacing**: type:NUMBER, space between aura icons
* **initialAnchor**: type:STRING, initial anchor point (example: "BOTTOMLEFT"). Has to be a corner.
* **growthX**: type:STRING, grow direction x-axis. "LEFT" or "RIGHT"
* **growthY**: type:STRING, grow direction y-axis. "UP" or "DOWN"
* **disableCooldown**: type:BOOLEAN, disable/enable cooldown spiral
* **filter**: type:STRING, Unit aura filter. Defaults to "HELPFUL" on buffs and "HARMFUL" on debuffs.
* **CustomFilter**: type:FUNCTION, Custom filter function to filter the UnitAura result for specific icons. Must return true or false.

## Special cases

Raid, party and boss can spawn multiple units of the same type. A special setup table is needed.

* **setup**: type:TABLE, unit specific setup table

### Boss setup

Allows you to define the position of all boss units that are not boss1.

* **point**: type:STRING, Point on this region at which it is to be anchored to another anchorPoint. (example: "TOP")
* **relativePoint**: type:STRING, Point on the other region to which this region is to be anchored. RelativeTo will be the boss frame preceding.
* **xOffset**: type:NUMBER, x-axis offset
* **yOffset**: type:NUMBER, y-axis offset

### Party setup and Raid setup

The following setup is needed to spawn the party header. http://wowprogramming.com/docs/secure_template/Group_Headers

* **template**: type:STRING, Blizzard frame template. When nil the "SecureGroupHeaderTemplate" is used.
* **visibility**: type:STRING, Custom visibility state driver. (example: "custom [group:party,nogroup:raid] show; hide")
* **showPlayer**: type:BOOLEAN, See http://wowprogramming.com/docs/secure_template/Group_Headers
* **showSolo**: type:BOOLEAN, See http://wowprogramming.com/docs/secure_template/Group_Headers
* **showParty**: type:BOOLEAN, See http://wowprogramming.com/docs/secure_template/Group_Headers
* **showRaid**: type:BOOLEAN, See http://wowprogramming.com/docs/secure_template/Group_Headers
* **point**: type:STRING, See http://wowprogramming.com/docs/secure_template/Group_Headers
* **xOffset**: type:NUMBER, See http://wowprogramming.com/docs/secure_template/Group_Headers
* **yOffset**: type:NUMBER, See http://wowprogramming.com/docs/secure_template/Group_Headers

## NamePlate callback: L.C.NamePlateCallback

You can define the following function if you want to react on nameplate events.

Example on top of the nameplate.lua.

local function NamePlateCallback(...)
L.C.NamePlateCallback = NamePlateCallback

You get notified on the following events:

* UpdateNamePlateOptions

## NamePlate CVars: L.C.NamePlateCVars

Nameplates base frames are provided by Blizzard. We cannot change them. We only spawn the nameplate unitframe sitting on the nameplate base.
Blizzard is using hidden cvars that can affect the look of your nameplates. You can use those cvars to manipulate the behaviour of your nameplates.

If you want to adjust some of the nameplate cvars to your like you can provide a cvar list. It will be loaded automatically on PLAYER_LOGIN.
**Beware**: Only change cvars that you want to be changed. Do not use this blindly!

Example on top of the nameplate.lua.

local cvars = {}
cvars["nameplateMinScale"] = 1
L.C.NamePlateCVars = cvars

## NamePlate CVar List

*Build 22731, WoW patch 7.1, PTR*


Chat command to print the values of a specific cvar

/run local cv = "nameplateShowAll"; print(cv, "default", GetCVarDefault(cv), "saved", GetCVar(cv))