-- rError: core -- zork, 2016 ----------------------------- -- Variables ----------------------------- local A, L = ... ----------------------------- -- Blacklist ----------------------------- local blacklist = { ["ERR_ABILITY_COOLDOWN"] = true, -- Ability is not ready yet. (Ability) ["ERR_ITEM_COOLDOWN"] = true, ["ERR_BADATTACKPOS"] = true, ["ERR_OUT_OF_ENERGY"] = true, -- Not enough energy. (Err) ["ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE"] = true, ["ERR_OUT_OF_RAGE"] = true, -- Not enough rage. ["ERR_OUT_OF_FOCUS"] = true, -- Not enough focus ["ERR_NO_ATTACK_TARGET"] = true, -- There is nothing to attack. ["SPELL_FAILED_MOVING"] = true, ["SPELL_FAILED_AFFECTING_COMBAT"] = true, ["ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT"] = true, ["SPELL_FAILED_UNIT_NOT_INFRONT"] = true, ["ERR_BADATTACKFACING"] = true, ["SPELL_FAILED_TOO_CLOSE"] = true, ["ERR_INVALID_ATTACK_TARGET"] = true, -- You cannot attack that target. ["ERR_SPELL_COOLDOWN"] = true, -- Spell is not ready yet. (Spell) ["SPELL_FAILED_NO_COMBO_POINTS"] = true, -- That ability requires combo points. ["SPELL_FAILED_TARGETS_DEAD"] = true, -- Your target is dead. ["SPELL_FAILED_SPELL_IN_PROGRESS"] = true, -- Another action is in progress. (Spell) ["SPELL_FAILED_TARGET_AURASTATE"] = true, -- You can't do that yet. (TargetAura) ["SPELL_FAILED_CASTER_AURASTATE"] = true, -- You can't do that yet. (CasterAura) ["SPELL_FAILED_NO_ENDURANCE"] = true, -- Not enough endurance ["SPELL_FAILED_BAD_TARGETS"] = true, -- Invalid target ["SPELL_FAILED_NOT_MOUNTED"] = true, -- You are mounted ["SPELL_FAILED_NOT_ON_TAXI"] = true, -- You are in flight } ----------------------------- -- Functions ----------------------------- local function OnUIErrorMessage(self, event, messageType, message) local errorName, soundKitID, voiceID = GetGameMessageInfo(messageType) if blacklist[errorName] then return end UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(message, 1, .1, .1) end ----------------------------- -- Init ----------------------------- --disable default error message UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE") --event handler local eventHandler = CreateFrame("Frame") eventHandler:SetScript("OnEvent", OnUIErrorMessage) eventHandler:RegisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE")