40000.1 -- 2010-10-13
- 4.0 toc update.
- "arg1" bug fix.

1.1.1 -- 2009-12-08
- 3.3 toc update.

1.1 -- 2009-08-14
- Fixed a bug with multiple "special" bags conflicting with each other.
- Version bump.

1.0.9 -- 2009-08-04
- TOC updated to 3.2

1.0.8 -- 2009-07-08
- Some memory optimizations.
- Extended bag hooking to cover all of the bag open/close events.

1.0.7 -- 2009-06-16
- Code optimizations.
- In addition to restacking the player's bags, left-clicking the LDB plugin will now restack bank or guild vault when viewing them.

1.0.6 -- 2009-06-11
- Item looping now resets properly after finding and moving a matching partial stack. The entire process should now be much more stable and orderly.
- Special bags with partial stacks and no free bag slots should now be correctly filled with partial stacks from other bags.
- Set the LDB plugin to load when an addon with LDB embedded is loaded.
- Changed LDB data object type to "launcher".

1.0.5a -- 2009-06-06
- LDB conditionals in place.
- File structure and toc changes. Removed LDB libs that should be loaded anyway if there's a display.

1.0.5 -- 2009-06-06
- Fixed a bug in class/profession item sorting. A check wasn't in place to see if the item of the same type was a container, the result was bags in the inventory being equipped over the one already there.

1.0.4 -- 2009-06-02
- Throttled "OnUpdate" yield script.
- Minor backpack hook change.
- SavedVariables now account wide; settings still per-character.

1.0.3 -- 2009-05-23
- Removed auto-stacking from the TRADE_SHOW event.

1.0.2a -- 2009-05-22
- Added missing label text for LDB plugin.

1.0.2 -- 2009-05-22
- Added support for Data Broker. Left-click stacks bags, right-click opens menu.

1.0.1 -- 2009-05-19
- Fixed the handling of initializing saved variables when updating from 0.9
- Fixed a bug that disabled guild tab switching when guild bank auto-stacking is turned off.

1.0 -- 2009-05-18
- Added support for restacking guild vault tabs.
- Hooked bag auto-stack to LOOT_OPEN and TRADE_SHOW, and guild bank auto-stack to GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED and SetCurrentGuildBankTab(i).
- Extended auto-stack toggle to enable or disable bags, bank, or guild bank individually.
- Will now move items that can go into special class/profession bags into those bags if possible (soul shards, herbs, arrows, etc).
- Cleaned up and commented code.

0.9 -- 2009-05-13
- Added option to auto-stack when opening bags or bank, off by default. Toggle with '/restack auto'