oUF Stardust

oUF Stardust is a layout for Haste's oUF unit frame framework. The look is
mainly inspired by oUF Qulight, and some code is borrowed from oUF Phanx.

- **Supported units:** player, pet, target, targettarget, focus, focustarget
- **Standard features:** health, power, combo points, threat glow, all the usual
  status icons
- **Secondary resources:** burning embers, demonic fury, soul shards, druid mana,
  holy power, runes, shadow orbs, totems (including ghouls and mushrooms)

Some configuration is available by editing the `config.lua` file. If WoW is
open, you'll need to `/reload` the UI after saving your changes.

You can use [oUF MovableFrames](http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15425-oUFMovableFrames.html)
to move the frames around.

Unfinished / Missing Features

oUF Stardust is a work in progress, and isn't yet ready to be used on its own.
Many features aren't finished yet, or haven't been tested much (or at all).

**Unfinished**, but will be added sooner or later, in roughly this order:

- casting bars
- selected auras (boss debuffs, dispellable debuffs, important class auras)
- party and partypet frames
- boss and bosstarget frames
- heal/absorb predictions
- alternate power bars (I've not yet decided where to put them)
- eclipse bar
- stagger bar (maybe)
- in-game menus for changing the fonts and bar texture

**Missing**, and likely won't be added at all:

- arena or raid units (I don't need them myself)
- portraits (I don't like them)
- in-game menus for anything else (I don't feel like writing it)


If you've discovered a bug in oUF Stardust, the preferred way to let me know
about it is by opening an issue ticket on the [GitLab project page][(https://gitlab.com/armordecai/ouf-stardust/issues).
You don't need to create an account — you can log into GitLab with your Google
or Twitter account!

You can also [email me](mailto:armordecai@protonmail.ch) or send me (Akkorian)
a private message on WoWInterface.com instead.


oUF Stardust is published under the zlib/libpng license. See the included
LICENSE.txt file for more details.