local timers = {} local timersFocus = {} local MAX_TIMERS = 15 local ICON_SIZE = 20 local BAR_ADJUST = 25 local BAR_TEXT = "llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll" local band = bit.band local targetGUID = 0 local focusGUID = 0 local UnitAura = UnitAura local UnitIsUnit = UnitIsUnit local UnitGUID = UnitGUID local UnitName = UnitName local pointT = { ["target"] = "XDT_Anchor", ["focus"] = "XDT_FocusAnchor", } local f = CreateFrame("frame","xanDebuffTimers",UIParent) f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) if self[event] then return self[event](self, event, ...) end end) ---------------------- -- Enable -- ---------------------- function f:PLAYER_LOGIN() if not XDT_DB then XDT_DB = {} end if XDT_DB.scale == nil then XDT_DB.scale = 1 end if XDT_DB.grow == nil then XDT_DB.grow = false end if XDT_DB.sort == nil then XDT_DB.sort = false end --create our anchors f:CreateAnchor("XDT_Anchor", UIParent, "xanDebuffTimers: Target Anchor") f:CreateAnchor("XDT_FocusAnchor", UIParent, "xanDebuffTimers: Focus Anchor") f:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") f.PLAYER_LOGIN = nil f:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED") SLASH_XANDEBUFFTIMERS1 = "/xandebufftimers" SLASH_XANDEBUFFTIMERS2 = "/xdt" SLASH_XANDEBUFFTIMERS3 = "/xandt" SlashCmdList["XANDEBUFFTIMERS"] = function(msg) local a,b,c=strfind(msg, "(%S+)"); --contiguous string of non-space characters if a then if c and c:lower() == "anchor" then if XDT_Anchor:IsVisible() then XDT_Anchor:Hide() XDT_FocusAnchor:Hide() else XDT_Anchor:Show() XDT_FocusAnchor:Show() end return true elseif c and c:lower() == "scale" then if b then local scalenum = strsub(msg, b+2) if scalenum and scalenum ~= "" and tonumber(scalenum) then XDT_DB.scale = tonumber(scalenum) for i=1, MAX_TIMERS do if timers[i] then timers[i]:SetScale(tonumber(scalenum)) end if timersFocus[i] then timersFocus[i]:SetScale(tonumber(scalenum)) end end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("xanDebuffTimers: Scale has been set to ["..tonumber(scalenum).."]") return true end end elseif c and c:lower() == "grow" then if XDT_DB.grow then XDT_DB.grow = false DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("xanDebuffTimers: Bars will now grow [|cFF99CC33UP|r]") else XDT_DB.grow = true DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("xanDebuffTimers: Bars will now grow [|cFF99CC33DOWN|r]") end return true elseif c and c:lower() == "sort" then if XDT_DB.sort then XDT_DB.sort = false DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("xanDebuffTimers: Bars sort [|cFF99CC33DESCENDING|r]") else XDT_DB.sort = true DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("xanDebuffTimers: Bars sort [|cFF99CC33ASCENDING|r]") end return true end end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("xanDebuffTimers") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("/xdt anchor - toggles a movable anchor") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("/xdt scale # - sets the scale size of the bars") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("/xdt grow - changes the direction in which the bars grow (UP/DOWN)") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("/xdt sort - changes the sorting of the bars. (ASCENDING/DESCENDING)") end local ver = tonumber(GetAddOnMetadata("xanDebuffTimers","Version")) or 'Unknown' DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cFF99CC33xanDebuffTimers|r [v|cFFDF2B2B"..ver.."|r] loaded: /xdt") end function f:PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED() if UnitName("target") and UnitGUID("target") then targetGUID = UnitGUID("target") f:ProcessDebuffs("target", timers) else f:ClearDebuffs(timers) targetGUID = 0 end end function f:PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED() if UnitName("focus") and UnitGUID("focus") then focusGUID = UnitGUID("focus") f:ProcessDebuffs("focus", timersFocus) else f:ClearDebuffs(timersFocus) focusGUID = 0 end end local eventSwitch = { ["SPELL_AURA_APPLIED"] = true, ["SPELL_AURA_REMOVED"] = true, ["SPELL_AURA_REFRESH"] = true, ["SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE"] = true, ["SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_REMOVED_DOSE"] = true, ["SPELL_AURA_REMOVED_DOSE"] = true, ["SPELL_AURA_BROKEN"] = true, ["SPELL_AURA_BROKEN_SPELL"] = true, ["ENCHANT_REMOVED"] = true, ["ENCHANT_APPLIED"] = true, ["SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS"] = true, ["SPELL_PERIODIC_ENERGIZE"] = true, ["SPELL_ENERGIZE"] = true, ["SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL"] = true, ["SPELL_HEAL"] = true, ["SPELL_DAMAGE"] = true, ["SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE"] = true, } function f:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(event, timestamp, eventType, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, srcFlags, sourceRaidFlags, dstGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlags, spellID, spellName, spellSchool, auraType, amount) if eventType == "UNIT_DIED" or eventType == "UNIT_DESTROYED" then --clear the debuffs if the unit died --NOTE the reason an elseif isn't used is because some dorks may have --their current target as their focus as well if dstGUID == targetGUID then f:ClearDebuffs(timers) targetGUID = 0 end if dstGUID == focusGUID then f:ClearDebuffs(timersFocus) focusGUID = 0 end elseif eventSwitch[eventType] and band(srcFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_AFFILIATION_MINE) ~= 0 then --process the spells based on GUID if dstGUID == targetGUID then f:ProcessDebuffs("target", timers) end if dstGUID == focusGUID then f:ProcessDebuffs("focus", timersFocus) end end end ---------------------- -- Frame Creation -- ---------------------- function f:CreateAnchor(name, parent, desc) --create the anchor local frameAnchor = CreateFrame("Frame", name, parent) frameAnchor:SetWidth(25) frameAnchor:SetHeight(25) frameAnchor:SetMovable(true) frameAnchor:SetClampedToScreen(true) frameAnchor:EnableMouse(true) frameAnchor:ClearAllPoints() frameAnchor:SetPoint("CENTER", parent, "CENTER", 0, 0) frameAnchor:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG") frameAnchor:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background", edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border", tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16, insets = { left = 5, right = 5, top = 5, bottom = 5 } }) frameAnchor:SetBackdropColor(0.75,0,0,1) frameAnchor:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.75,0,0,1) frameAnchor:SetScript("OnLeave",function(self) GameTooltip:Hide() end) frameAnchor:SetScript("OnEnter",function(self) GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_NONE") GameTooltip:SetPoint(self:SetTip(self)) GameTooltip:ClearLines() GameTooltip:AddLine(name) if desc then GameTooltip:AddLine(desc) end GameTooltip:Show() end) frameAnchor:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(frame, button) if frame:IsMovable() then frame.isMoving = true frame:StartMoving() end end) frameAnchor:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(frame, button) if( frame.isMoving ) then frame.isMoving = nil frame:StopMovingOrSizing() f:SaveLayout(frame:GetName()) end end) function frameAnchor:SetTip(frame) local x,y = frame:GetCenter() if not x or not y then return "TOPLEFT", "BOTTOMLEFT" end local hhalf = (x > UIParent:GetWidth()*2/3) and "RIGHT" or (x < UIParent:GetWidth()/3) and "LEFT" or "" local vhalf = (y > UIParent:GetHeight()/2) and "TOP" or "BOTTOM" return vhalf..hhalf, frame, (vhalf == "TOP" and "BOTTOM" or "TOP")..hhalf end frameAnchor:Hide() -- hide it by default f:RestoreLayout(name) end local TimerOnUpdate = function(self, time) if self.active then self.OnUpdateCounter = (self.OnUpdateCounter or 0) + time if self.OnUpdateCounter < 0.05 then return end self.OnUpdateCounter = 0 local beforeEnd = self.endTime - GetTime() local barLength = ceil( string.len(BAR_TEXT) * (beforeEnd / self.durationTime) ) --check the string length JUST in case for errors if barLength > string.len(BAR_TEXT) then barLength = string.len(BAR_TEXT) end if barLength <= 0 then self.active = false self:Hide() f:ArrangeDebuffs(true, self.id) return end self.tmpBL = barLength self.Bar:SetText( string.sub(BAR_TEXT, 1, barLength) ) self.Bar:SetTextColor(f:getBarColor(self.durationTime, beforeEnd)) if self.stacks > 0 then self.stacktext:SetText(self.stacks) else self.stacktext:SetText(nil) end self.timetext:SetText(f:GetTimeText(ceil(beforeEnd))) f:ArrangeDebuffs(true, self.id) end end function f:CreateDebuffTimers() local Frm = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent) Frm.active = false Frm:SetWidth(ICON_SIZE) Frm:SetHeight(ICON_SIZE) Frm:SetFrameStrata("LOW") Frm:SetScale(XDT_DB.scale) Frm.icon = Frm:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") Frm.icon:SetTexCoord(.07, .93, .07, .93) Frm.icon:SetWidth(ICON_SIZE) Frm.icon:SetHeight(ICON_SIZE) Frm.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_Shadowbolt") Frm.icon:SetAllPoints(true) Frm.stacktext = Frm:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY"); Frm.stacktext:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF",10,"OUTLINE") Frm.stacktext:SetWidth(Frm.icon:GetWidth()) Frm.stacktext:SetHeight(Frm.icon:GetHeight()) Frm.stacktext:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") Frm.stacktext:SetVertexColor(1,1,1) Frm.stacktext:SetPoint("RIGHT", Frm.icon, "RIGHT",1,-5) Frm.timetext = Frm:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY"); Frm.timetext:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF",10,"OUTLINE") Frm.timetext:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") Frm.timetext:SetPoint("RIGHT", Frm.icon, "LEFT" , -5, 0) Frm.Bar = Frm:CreateFontString(nil, "GameFontNormal") Frm.Bar:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 14, "OUTLINE, MONOCHROME") Frm.Bar:SetText(BAR_TEXT) Frm.Bar:SetPoint("LEFT", Frm.icon, "RIGHT", 1, 0) Frm:SetScript("OnUpdate", TimerOnUpdate) Frm:Hide() return Frm end ---------------------- -- Debuff Functions -- ---------------------- function f:ProcessDebuffs(sT, sdTimer) --only process for as many timers as we are using local slotNum = 0 for i=1, MAX_TIMERS do local name, _, icon, count, _, duration, expTime, unitCaster, _, _, spellId = UnitAura(sT, i, 'HARMFUL|PLAYER') if not name then break end --UnitIsUnit is used JUST IN CASE (you never know lol) --check for duration > 0 for the evil DIVIDE BY ZERO if name and unitCaster and unitCaster == "player" and duration and duration > 0 then --get the next timer slot we can use slotNum = slotNum + 1 if not sdTimer[slotNum] then sdTimer[slotNum] = f:CreateDebuffTimers() end --create the timer if it doesn't exist sdTimer[slotNum].id = sT sdTimer[slotNum].spellName = name sdTimer[slotNum].spellId = spellId sdTimer[slotNum].iconTex = icon sdTimer[slotNum].icon:SetTexture(icon) sdTimer[slotNum].startTime = expTime - duration sdTimer[slotNum].durationTime = duration sdTimer[slotNum].endTime = expTime sdTimer[slotNum].stacks = count or 0 local tmpBL = ceil( string.len(BAR_TEXT) * ( (expTime - GetTime()) / duration ) ) if tmpBL > string.len(BAR_TEXT) then tmpBL = string.len(BAR_TEXT) end sdTimer[slotNum].tmpBL = tmpBL sdTimer[slotNum].active = true if not sdTimer[slotNum]:IsVisible() then sdTimer[slotNum]:Show() end end end --clear everything else for i=(slotNum+1), #sdTimer do if sdTimer[i] then sdTimer[i].active = false if sdTimer[i]:IsVisible() then sdTimer[i]:Hide() end end end if slotNum > 0 then f:ArrangeDebuffs(false, sT) end end function f:ClearDebuffs(sdTimer) local adj = 0 for i=1, #sdTimer do if sdTimer[i].active then sdTimer[i].active = false end --reset the order if XDT_DB.grow then sdTimer[i]:ClearAllPoints() sdTimer[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", pointT[sdTimer[i].id], "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, adj) else sdTimer[i]:ClearAllPoints() sdTimer[i]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", pointT[sdTimer[i].id], "TOPRIGHT", 0, (adj * -1)) end adj = adj - BAR_ADJUST if sdTimer[i]:IsVisible() then sdTimer[i]:Hide() end end end function f:ArrangeDebuffs(throttle, id) --to prevent spam and reduce CPU use if throttle then if not f.ADT then f.ADT = GetTime() end if (GetTime() - f.ADT) < 0.1 then return end f.ADT = GetTime() end local adj = 0 local sdTimer if id == "target" then sdTimer = timers elseif id == "focus" then sdTimer = timersFocus else return end if XDT_DB.grow then --bars will grow down if XDT_DB.sort then --sort from shortest to longest table.sort(sdTimer, function(a,b) if a.active == true and b.active == false then return true; elseif a.active and b.active then return (a.tmpBL < b.tmpBL); end return false; end) else --sort from longest to shortest table.sort(sdTimer, function(a,b) if a.active == true and b.active == false then return true; elseif a.active and b.active then return (a.tmpBL > b.tmpBL); end return false; end) end else --bars will grow up if XDT_DB.sort then --sort from shortest to longest table.sort(sdTimer, function(a,b) if a.active == true and b.active == false then return true; elseif a.active and b.active then return (a.tmpBL > b.tmpBL); end return false; end) else --sort from longest to shortest table.sort(sdTimer, function(a,b) if a.active == true and b.active == false then return true; elseif a.active and b.active then return (a.tmpBL < b.tmpBL); end return false; end) end end --rearrange order for i=1, #sdTimer do if XDT_DB.grow then sdTimer[i]:ClearAllPoints() sdTimer[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", pointT[sdTimer[i].id], "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, adj) else sdTimer[i]:ClearAllPoints() sdTimer[i]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", pointT[sdTimer[i].id], "TOPRIGHT", 0, (adj * -1)) end adj = adj - BAR_ADJUST end end ---------------------- -- Local Functions -- ---------------------- function f:SaveLayout(frame) if type(frame) ~= "string" then return end if not _G[frame] then return end if not XDT_DB then XDT_DB = {} end local opt = XDT_DB[frame] or nil if not opt then XDT_DB[frame] = { ["point"] = "CENTER", ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER", ["xOfs"] = 0, ["yOfs"] = 0, } opt = XDT_DB[frame] return end local point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOfs, yOfs = _G[frame]:GetPoint() opt.point = point opt.relativePoint = relativePoint opt.xOfs = xOfs opt.yOfs = yOfs end function f:RestoreLayout(frame) if type(frame) ~= "string" then return end if not _G[frame] then return end if not XDT_DB then XDT_DB = {} end local opt = XDT_DB[frame] or nil if not opt then XDT_DB[frame] = { ["point"] = "CENTER", ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER", ["xOfs"] = 0, ["yOfs"] = 0, } opt = XDT_DB[frame] end _G[frame]:ClearAllPoints() _G[frame]:SetPoint(opt.point, UIParent, opt.relativePoint, opt.xOfs, opt.yOfs) end function f:getBarColor(dur, expR) local r local g = 1 local cur = 2 * expR/dur if cur > 1 then return 2 - cur, 1, 0 else return 1, cur, 0 end end function f:GetTimeText(timeLeft) local hours, minutes, seconds = 0, 0, 0 if( timeLeft >= 3600 ) then hours = floor(timeLeft / 3600) timeLeft = mod(timeLeft, 3600) end if( timeLeft >= 60 ) then minutes = floor(timeLeft / 60) timeLeft = mod(timeLeft, 60) end seconds = timeLeft > 0 and timeLeft or 0 if hours > 0 then return string.format("%dh",hours) elseif minutes > 0 then return string.format("%dm",minutes) elseif seconds > 0 then return string.format("%ds",seconds) else return nil end end if IsLoggedIn() then f:PLAYER_LOGIN() else f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") end