--[[ xanErrorDevour Error List --]] --[[------------------------ Error List http://www.wowwiki.com/WoW_Constants/Errors http://www.wowpedia.org/WoW_Constants/Spells http://paste2.org/p/1134726 https://github.com/phanx/wow-globalstrings/blob/master/enUS.lua --------------------------]] xErrD = { [ERR_NO_ATTACK_TARGET] = true, --There is nothing to attack. [ERR_OUT_OF_RAGE] = true, -- Not enough rage [ERR_OUT_OF_MANA] = true, -- Not enough mana [ERR_OUT_OF_HEALTH] = true, -- Not enough health [ERR_OUT_OF_ENERGY] = true, -- Not enough energy [ERR_OUT_OF_FOCUS] = true, -- Not enough focus [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE] = true, -- Out of range. [ERR_OUT_OF_RUNES] = true, --Not enough runes [ERR_OUT_OF_RUNIC_POWER] = true, --Not enough runic power [ERR_OBJECT_IS_BUSY] = false, -- That object is busy. (Not on by default) [ERR_ABILITY_COOLDOWN] = true, -- Ability is not ready yet. [ERR_BADATTACKFACING] = true, -- You are facing the wrong way! [ERR_BADATTACKPOS ] = true, -- You are too far away! [ERR_USE_TOO_FAR] = true, --You are too far away. [ERR_NOEMOTEWHILERUNNING] = true, --You can't do that while moving! [ERR_NOT_IN_COMBAT] = false, --You can't do that while in combat (Not on by default) [ERR_NOT_WHILE_SHAPESHIFTED] = false, --You can't do that while shapeshifted. (Not on by default) [ERR_SPELL_COOLDOWN] = true, --Spell is not ready yet. [ERR_SPELL_OUT_OF_RANGE] = true, --Out of range. [ERR_ATTACK_FLEEING] = true, --Can't attack while fleeing. [ERR_ATTACK_CHARMED] = true, --Can't attack while charmed. [ERR_ATTACK_CONFUSED] = true, --Can't attack while confused. [ERR_ATTACK_DEAD] = true, --Can't attack while dead. [ERR_ATTACK_PACIFIED] = true, --Can't attack while pacified. [ERR_ATTACK_STUNNED] = true, --Can't attack while stunned. [ERR_INVALID_ATTACK_TARGET] = true, --You cannot attack that target. [ERR_GENERIC_NO_TARGET] = true, --You have no target. [SPELL_FAILED_NOT_BEHIND] = true, --You must be behind your target [SPELL_FAILED_UNIT_NOT_INFRONT] = true, --Target needs to be in front of you [SPELL_FAILED_SPELL_IN_PROGRESS] = true, --Another action is in progress [SPELL_FAILED_CASTER_AURASTATE] = true, --You can't do that yet [SPELL_FAILED_BAD_TARGETS] = true, --Invalid Target [SPELL_FAILED_NO_COMBO_POINTS] = true, --That ability requires combo points. [SPELL_FAILED_TARGETS_DEAD] = true, --Your target is dead [SPELL_FAILED_AFFECTING_COMBAT] = true, --You are in combat [SPELL_FAILED_TOO_CLOSE] = true, --Target to close. [ERR_BADATTACKPOS] = true, --you are too far away [SPELL_FAILED_TARGET_FRIENDLY] = false, --target is friendly, [ERR_POTION_COOLDOWN] = false, --You cannot drink any more yet. [ERR_ITEM_COOLDOWN] = false, [SPELL_FAILED_MOVING] = false, [SPELL_FAILED_TARGET_AURASTATE] = false, --You can't do that yet [SPELL_FAILED_NO_ENDURANCE] = false, [SPELL_FAILED_NOT_MOUNTED] = false, --you are mounted [SPELL_FAILED_NOT_ON_TAXI] = false, --you are in flight [ERR_PET_SPELL_OUT_OF_RANGE] = false, --Your pet is out of range. } --localized error messages xErrD_LOC = GetLocale() == "enUS" and { ["you are too far away"] = true, ["can't attack while horrified."] = true, ["can't do that while horrified."] = true, ["you cannot drink any more yet"] = false, } or { }