
Typo and copy/paste corrections; fixes an error that can pop up if the user chooses to show the popups.

Author KyrosKrane <kyros@kyros.info>
Author date 2015-07-13 20:37:34
Author local date 2015-07-14 00:37:34 +0400
Committer KyrosKrane <kyros@kyros.info>
Committer date 2015-07-13 20:37:34
Committer local date 2015-07-14 00:37:34 +0400
Commit eedf39e90c09a430f32db03b47ef502d627b3bb4
Tree 640f1719b23b0414f6425b9ba060834927d01c6e
Parent c1f07d8fd73db0b89e61ef47be76c1efc23fb7e0
Typo and copy/paste corrections; fixes an error that can pop up if the user chooses to show the popups.