
Dry-coded fix for the specialty issue. Apparently since 4.x we haven't been filtering specialties properly.

Author John Pasula <ackis@shaw.ca>
Author date 2011-07-26 02:23:51
Author local date 2011-07-25 20:23:51 -0600
Committer John Pasula <ackis@shaw.ca>
Committer date 2011-07-26 02:23:51
Committer local date 2011-07-25 20:23:51 -0600
Commit 45575809ce7a4b1dced06589c723cadd14cf575f
Tree 0788a6a08c7633d1412b1681c5265e2e98cc541e
Parent 5c1dad687a95858545f2ac7d3109b9ed5dd6056f
Dry-coded fix for the specialty issue.  Apparently since 4.x we haven't been filtering specialties properly.