
Used ZeroCount instead of Count to determine Lightning charges Elemenatal 625

Author BillLive <bill@live.com.au>
Author date 2016-01-31 04:43:49
Author local date 2016-01-31 15:01:49 +1030
Committer BillLive <bill@live.com.au>
Committer date 2016-01-31 04:43:49
Committer local date 2016-01-31 15:01:49 +1030
Commit 2e9f2ed2bd5e53f008d2b07ea49f79eaa42f4df1
Tree 70ad1dec1622acce6df2125a8361225383e098ef
Parent 34e01e35736428ef148e7b3cbf3439370848da29
Used ZeroCount instead of Count to determine Lightning charges Elemenatal 625
Signed-off-by: BillLive