
Added ability to filter auras by whitelist as well as blacklist.

Author Kith <kithulhu@gmail.com>
Author date 2017-02-16 05:45:49
Author local date 2017-02-16 18:45:49 +1300
Committer Kith <kithulhu@gmail.com>
Committer date 2017-02-16 05:45:49
Committer local date 2017-02-16 18:45:49 +1300
Commit f22b5fff0146c09c04f95c113bf99ba0d6a8bdbd
Tree ff55629bd617abce5eb1f885dc22f2f0beaecc38
Parent bcfb182ce805d7577de6fb00f7f8343a12cf94cd
Added ability to filter auras by whitelist as well as blacklist.
Updated 'fake timer' duration for Earth Elemental for 7.1.5 (15>60)