
Merge remote branch 'origin/master'

mike [07-09-11 - 17:20]
Merge remote branch 'origin/master'
diff --git a/Core.lua b/Core.lua
index 08421aa..59b10ba 100644
--- a/Core.lua
+++ b/Core.lua
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ function addon:OnInitialize()
 			       if not guid then
-			       local id_num = tonumber(string.sub(guid, -12, -9), 16)
+			       local id_num = tonumber(guid:sub(-12,-9), 16)
 			       local unit = private.mob_list[id_num] or private.vendor_list[id_num] or private.trainer_list[id_num]

 			       if not unit or not unit.item_list then
diff --git a/Interface/FilterMenus.lua b/Interface/FilterMenus.lua
index 81cd2a6..0fb2fef 100644
--- a/Interface/FilterMenus.lua
+++ b/Interface/FilterMenus.lua
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ function private.InitializeFilterPanel()
 	general_toggle:SetPoint("TOP", general_frame, "TOP", 0, -7)
 	general_toggle:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp")

-	private.SetTooltipScripts(general_toggle, L["CLASS_TEXT_DESC"])
+	private.SetTooltipScripts(general_toggle, L["GENERAL_TEXT_DESC"])

 			       function(self, button)
@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ function private.InitializeFilterPanel()

 	-- Used for the tooltip of every reputation checkbox.
 	local function ReputationDesc(text)
-		return string.format(L["SPECIFIC_REP_DESC"], text)
+		return L["SPECIFIC_REP_DESC"]:format(text)

 	-- Toggle the SavedVariables and CheckButtons for the given expansion frame.
@@ -1234,9 +1234,9 @@ function private.InitializeFilterPanel()
 			local saved_link = tskl_list[click_info.realm][click_info.name][arg]

 			if click_info.realm ~= _G.GetRealmName() then
-				local player_guid = string.gsub(_G.UnitGUID("player"), "0x0+", "")
-				local color, trade_id, cur_lev, max_lev, guid, bitmask = string.split(":", saved_link)
-				local trade_link = string.join(":", color, trade_id, cur_lev, max_lev, player_guid, bitmask)
+				local player_guid = _G.UnitGUID("player"):gsub("0x0+","")
+				local color, trade_id, cur_lev, max_lev, guid, bitmask = (":"):split(saved_link)
+				local trade_link = (":"):join(color,trade_id,cur_lev,max_lev,player_guid,bitmask)

 				addon:Printf("%s (%s): %s", click_info.name, click_info.realm, trade_link)
diff --git a/Interface/List.lua b/Interface/List.lua
index 86f8dfd..4fdef59 100644
--- a/Interface/List.lua
+++ b/Interface/List.lua
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 			local percentage = cur_value / max_value * 100

 			if (math.floor(percentage) < 101) and cur_value >= 0 and max_value >= 0 then
-				local results = string.format(_G.SINGLE_PAGE_RESULTS_TEMPLATE, recipe_count)
+				local results = _G.SINGLE_PAGE_RESULTS_TEMPLATE:format(recipe_count)
 				progress_bar.text:SetFormattedText("%d/%d - %1.2f%% (%s)", cur_value, max_value, percentage, results)
 				progress_bar.text:SetFormattedText("%s", L["NOT_YET_SCANNED"])
@@ -1063,11 +1063,11 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 		local coord_text = ""

 		if trainer.coord_x ~= 0 and trainer.coord_y ~= 0 then
-			coord_text = SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["coords"], "(" .. trainer.coord_x .. ", " .. trainer.coord_y .. ")")
+			coord_text = SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["coords"], ("(%d, %d)"):format(trainer.coord_x, trainer.coord_y))
 		local t = AcquireTable()

-		t.text = string.format("%s%s %s", PADDING, hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["trainer"], L["Trainer"])..":", name)
+		t.text = ("%s%s %s"):format(PADDING, hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["trainer"], L["Trainer"]) .. ":", name)
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id
 		t.npc_id = id_num

@@ -1077,8 +1077,7 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 			return entry_index
 		t = AcquireTable()
-		t.text = string.format("%s%s%s %s", PADDING, PADDING,
-				       hide_location and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], trainer.location), coord_text)
+		t.text = ("%s%s%s %s"):format(PADDING, PADDING, hide_location and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], trainer.location), coord_text)
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id
 		t.npc_id = id_num

@@ -1104,9 +1103,7 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 		local t = AcquireTable()
 		local quantity = vendor.item_list[recipe_id]

-		t.text = string.format("%s%s %s%s", PADDING,
-				       hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["vendor"], L["Vendor"])..":", name,
-				       type(quantity) == "number" and SetTextColor(BASIC_COLORS["white"], string.format(" (%d)", quantity)) or "")
+		t.text = ("%s%s %s%s"):format(PADDING, hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["vendor"], L["Vendor"]) .. ":", name, type(quantity) == "number" and SetTextColor(BASIC_COLORS["white"], (" (%d)"):format(quantity)) or "")
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id
 		t.npc_id = id_num

@@ -1116,8 +1113,7 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 			return entry_index
 		t = AcquireTable()
-		t.text = string.format("%s%s%s %s", PADDING, PADDING,
-				       hide_location and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], vendor.location), coord_text)
+		t.text = ("%s%s%s %s"):format(PADDING, PADDING, hide_location and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], vendor.location), coord_text)
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id
 		t.npc_id = id_num

@@ -1134,8 +1130,7 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 		local t = AcquireTable()

-		t.text = string.format("%s%s %s", PADDING, hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["mobdrop"], L["Mob Drop"])..":",
-				       SetTextColor(private.reputation_colors["hostile"], mob.name))
+		t.text = ("%s%s %s"):format(PADDING, hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["mobdrop"], L["Mob Drop"]) .. ":", SetTextColor(private.reputation_colors["hostile"], mob.name))
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id
 		t.npc_id = id_num

@@ -1145,8 +1140,7 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 			return entry_index
 		t = AcquireTable()
-		t.text = string.format("%s%s%s %s", PADDING, PADDING, hide_location and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], mob.location),
-				       coord_text)
+		t.text = ("%s%s%s %s"):format(PADDING, PADDING, hide_location and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], mob.location), coord_text)
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id
 		t.npc_id = id_num

@@ -1167,8 +1161,7 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 			coord_text = SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["coords"], "(" .. quest.coord_x .. ", " .. quest.coord_y .. ")")
 		local t = AcquireTable()
-		t.text = string.format("%s%s %s", PADDING, hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["quest"], L["Quest"])..":", name)
+		t.text = ("%s%s %s"):format(PADDING, hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["quest"], L["Quest"]) .. ":", name)
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id

 		entry_index = ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, parent_entry, entry_index, entry_type, true)
@@ -1177,8 +1170,7 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 			return entry_index
 		t = AcquireTable()
-		t.text = string.format("%s%s%s %s", PADDING, PADDING,
-				       hide_location and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], quest.location), coord_text)
+		t.text = ("%s%s%s %s"):format(PADDING, PADDING, hide_location and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], quest.location), coord_text)
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id

 		return ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, parent_entry, entry_index, entry_type, true)
@@ -1186,10 +1178,7 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()

 	local function ExpandSeasonalData(entry_index, entry_type, parent_entry, id_num, recipe_id, hide_location, hide_type)
 		local t = AcquireTable()
-		t.text = string.format("%s%s %s", PADDING,
-				       hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["seasonal"], private.acquire_names[A.SEASONAL])..":",
-				       SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["seasonal"], private.seasonal_list[id_num].name))
+		t.text = ("%s%s %s"):format(PADDING, hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["seasonal"], private.acquire_names[A.SEASONAL]) .. ":", SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["seasonal"], private.seasonal_list[id_num].name))
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id

 		return ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, parent_entry, entry_index, entry_type, true)
@@ -1216,9 +1205,7 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()

 		local name = ColorNameByFaction(rep_vendor.name, rep_vendor.faction)
 		local t = AcquireTable()
-		t.text = string.format("%s%s %s", PADDING, hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["reputation"], _G.REPUTATION)..":",
-				       SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["repname"], private.reputation_list[rep_id].name))
+		t.text = ("%s%s %s"):format(PADDING, hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["reputation"], _G.REPUTATION) .. ":", SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["repname"], private.reputation_list[rep_id].name))
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id
 		t.npc_id = vendor_id

@@ -1241,8 +1228,7 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 			return entry_index
 		t = AcquireTable()
-		t.text = string.format("%s%s%s%s %s", PADDING, PADDING, PADDING,
-				       hide_location and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], rep_vendor.location), coord_text)
+		t.text = ("%s%s%s%s %s"):format(PADDING, PADDING, PADDING, hide_location and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], rep_vendor.location), coord_text)
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id
 		t.npc_id = vendor_id

@@ -1253,13 +1239,12 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 		local drop_location = type(id_num) == "string" and BZ[id_num]

 		if drop_location then
-			drop_location = string.format(": %s", SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], drop_location))
+			drop_location = (": %s"):format(SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["location"], drop_location))
 			drop_location = ""
 		local t = AcquireTable()
-		t.text = string.format("%s|c%s%s|r%s", PADDING, select(4, _G.GetItemQualityColor(private.recipe_list[recipe_id].quality)), L["World Drop"], drop_location)
+		t.text = ("%s|c%s%s|r%s"):format(PADDING, select(4, _G.GetItemQualityColor(private.recipe_list[recipe_id].quality)), L["World Drop"], drop_location)
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id

 		return ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, parent_entry, entry_index, entry_type, true)
@@ -1267,7 +1252,6 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()

 	local function ExpandCustomData(entry_index, entry_type, parent_entry, id_num, recipe_id, hide_location, hide_type)
 		local t = AcquireTable()
 		t.text = PADDING .. SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["custom"], private.custom_list[id_num].name)
 		t.recipe_id = recipe_id

@@ -1276,7 +1260,6 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()

 	local function ExpandAchievementData(entry_index, entry_type, parent_entry, id_num, recipe_id, hide_location, hide_type)
 		local entry = AcquireTable()
 		entry.text = ("%s%s %s"):format(PADDING, hide_type and "" or SetTextColor(CATEGORY_COLORS["achievement"], _G.ACHIEVEMENTS) .. ":",
 					    SetTextColor(BASIC_COLORS["normal"], select(2, _G.GetAchievementInfo(id_num))))
 		entry.recipe_id = recipe_id
@@ -1321,7 +1304,6 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 				func = ExpandAchievementData
 			elseif acquire_type > num_acquire_types then
 				local t = AcquireTable()
 				t.text = "Unhandled Acquire Case - Type: " .. acquire_type
 				t.recipe_id = recipe_id

@@ -1622,7 +1604,7 @@ do
 			local quantity = vendor.item_list[recipe_id]

 			if type(quantity) == "number" then
-				addline_func(2, -2, true, L["LIMITED_SUPPLY"], CATEGORY_COLORS["vendor"], string.format("(%d)", quantity), BASIC_COLORS["white"])
+				addline_func(2, -2, true, L["LIMITED_SUPPLY"], CATEGORY_COLORS["vendor"], ("(%d)"):format(quantity), BASIC_COLORS["white"])
 		[A.MOB_DROP] = function(recipe_id, identifier, location, acquire_info, addline_func)
@@ -1705,7 +1687,7 @@ do
 			local recipe = private.recipe_list[recipe_id]
 			local recipe_item_id = recipe:RecipeItemID()
 			local recipe_item_level = recipe_item_id and select(4, _G.GetItemInfo(recipe_item_id))
-			local quality_color = string.sub(select(4, _G.GetItemQualityColor(recipe.quality)), 3)
+			local quality_color = select(4, _G.GetItemQualityColor(recipe.quality)):sub(3)
 			local location_text

 			if recipe_item_level then
@@ -1878,17 +1860,17 @@ do
 		local skill_level = private.current_profession_scanlevel

 		if recipe.skill_level > skill_level then
-			ttAdd(0, -1, false, string.format("%s:", _G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["impossible"])
+			ttAdd(0, -1, false, ("%s:"):format(_G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["impossible"])
 		elseif skill_level >= recipe.trivial_level then
-			ttAdd(0, -1, false, string.format("%s:", _G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["trivial"])
+			ttAdd(0, -1, false, ("%s:"):format(_G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["trivial"])
 		elseif skill_level >= recipe.easy_level then
-			ttAdd(0, -1, false, string.format("%s:", _G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["easy"])
+			ttAdd(0, -1, false, ("%s:"):format(_G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["easy"])
 		elseif skill_level >= recipe.medium_level then
-			ttAdd(0, -1, false, string.format("%s:", _G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["medium"])
+			ttAdd(0, -1, false, ("%s:"):format(_G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["medium"])
 		elseif skill_level >= recipe.optimal_level then
-			ttAdd(0, -1, false, string.format("%s:", _G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["optimal"])
+			ttAdd(0, -1, false, ("%s:"):format(_G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["optimal"])
-			ttAdd(0, -1, false, string.format("%s:", _G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["trivial"])
+			ttAdd(0, -1, false, ("%s:"):format(_G.SKILL_LEVEL), BASIC_COLORS["normal"], recipe.skill_level, private.difficulty_colors["trivial"])

diff --git a/Interface/Panel.lua b/Interface/Panel.lua
index a8d9eac..162c222 100644
--- a/Interface/Panel.lua
+++ b/Interface/Panel.lua
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ This source code is released under All Rights Reserved.
 local _G = getfenv(0)

 local string = _G.string
-local sformat = string.format
-local strlower = string.lower
-local smatch = string.match

 local select = _G.select

diff --git a/Interface/Tabs.lua b/Interface/Tabs.lua
index 2fbc7c1..6ae42cc 100644
--- a/Interface/Tabs.lua
+++ b/Interface/Tabs.lua
@@ -241,11 +241,11 @@ function private.InitializeTabs()
 			if count > 0 then
 				local t = AcquireTable()

-				local acquire_str = string.gsub(private.acquire_strings[acquire_type]:lower(), "_", "")
+				local acquire_str = private.acquire_strings[acquire_type]:lower():gsub("_","")
 				local color_code = private.category_colors[acquire_str] or "ffffff"
 				local is_expanded = self[prof_name.." expanded"][private.acquire_names[acquire_type]]

-				t.text = string.format("%s (%d)", SetTextColor(color_code, private.acquire_names[acquire_type]), count)
+				t.text = ("%s (%d)"):format(SetTextColor(color_code, private.acquire_names[acquire_type]),count)
 				t.acquire_id = acquire_type

 				insert_index = ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, nil, insert_index, "header", is_expanded or expand_mode, is_expanded or expand_mode)
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ function private.InitializeTabs()

 				local is_expanded = self[prof_name.." expanded"][loc_name]

-				t.text = string.format("%s (%d)", SetTextColor(private.category_colors["location"], loc_name), count)
+				t.text = ("%s (%d)"):format(SetTextColor(private.category_colors["location"], loc_name),count)
 				t.location_id = loc_name

 				insert_index = ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, nil, insert_index, "header", is_expanded or expand_mode, is_expanded or expand_mode)
diff --git a/Recipe.lua b/Recipe.lua
index bd9a466..afb60f8 100644
--- a/Recipe.lua
+++ b/Recipe.lua
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ do
 		local recipe_name = self.name

 		if private.ordered_professions[addon.Frame.profession] == SPELL_ENCHANTING then
-			recipe_name = string.gsub(recipe_name, _G.ENSCRIBE .. " ", "")
+			recipe_name = recipe_name:gsub(_G.ENSCRIBE .. " ","")
 		local has_faction = private.Player:HasProperRepLevel(self.acquire_data[A.REPUTATION])
 		local skill_level = private.current_profession_scanlevel
diff --git a/Scanner.lua b/Scanner.lua
index 2c589f8..24731ad 100644
--- a/Scanner.lua
+++ b/Scanner.lua
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ do

 		-- Dump out trainer info
-		local trainer_id = tonumber(string.sub(_G.UnitGUID("target"), -12, -9), 16)
+		local trainer_id = tonumber(_G.UnitGUID("target"):sub(-12,-9), 16)
 		local trainer_name = _G.UnitName("target")

 		for spell_id, recipe in pairs(recipe_list) do
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ function addon:GenerateLinks()
 	-- This code adopted from Gnomish Yellow Pages with permission

 	local guid = _G.UnitGUID("player")
-	local playerGUID = string.gsub(guid, "0x0+", "")
+	local playerGUID = guid:gsub("0x0+","")

 	-- Listing of all tradeskill professions
 	local tradelist = {51304, 51300, 51313, 51306, 45363, 51311, 51302, 51309, 51296, 45542}
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ function addon:GenerateLinks()
 	local encodingLength = floor((#recipeList+5) / 6)

-	local encodedString = string.rep("/", encodingLength)
+	local encodedString = ("/"):rep(encodingLength)
 	local bitmap = {}
 	bitmap[45542] = "8bffAA" -- First Aid  100%   17/17 recipes
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ function addon:GenerateLinks()
 			self:Print("There currently is not a generated tradeskill link for: " .. tradeName)
-		-- /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.gsub(GetTradeSkillListLink(), "\124", "\124\124"))
+--		/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetTradeSkillListLink():gsub("\124","\124\124"))

@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ do

 		for i in pairs(master_list) do
-			local prof = string.lower(master_list[i].profession)
+			local prof = master_list[i].profession:lower()

 			if prof and prof == prof_name then
 				recipe_list[i] = master_list[i]
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ do

 		local found = false
-		prof_name = string.lower(prof_name)
+		prof_name = prof_name:lower()

 		local scan_all = prof_name == "all"

@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ do
 			prof_name = private.mining_name:lower()
 		for i in pairs(master_list) do
-			local prof = string.lower(master_list[i].profession)
+			local prof = master_list[i].profession:lower()

 			if prof and prof == prof_name then
 				recipe_list[i] = master_list[i]
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ do

 		local found = false
-		prof_name = string.lower(prof_name)
+		prof_name = prof_name:lower()

 		local scan_all = prof_name == "all"

@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ do
 		local vendor_name = _G.UnitName("target")
-		local vendor_id = tonumber(string.sub(_G.UnitGUID("target"), -12, -9), 16)
+		local vendor_id = tonumber(_G.UnitGUID("target"):sub(-12,-9), 16)
 		local added_output = false

@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ do
 			local item_name, _, _, _, supply = _G.GetMerchantItemInfo(index)

 			if item_name then
-				local match_text = string.match(item_name, "%a+: ")
+				local match_text = item_name:match("%a+: ")

 				if match_text and RECIPE_TYPES[match_text:lower()] then
 					local item_id = private.ItemLinkToID(_G.GetMerchantItemLink(index))
@@ -1002,10 +1002,10 @@ do

 		-- Check to see if this is a recipe tooltip.
-		local text = string.lower(_G["ARLDatamineTTTextLeft1"]:GetText())
-		local match_text = string.match(text, "%a+: ")
+		local text = _G["ARLDatamineTTTextLeft1"]:GetText():lower()
+		local match_text = text:match("%a+: ")

-		if not RECIPE_TYPES[match_text] and not (string.find(text, "smelt") or string.find(text, "sunder") or string.find(text, "shatter")) then
+		if not RECIPE_TYPES[match_text] and not (text:find("smelt") or text:find("sunder") or text:find("shatter")) then
@@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ do

 			-- Check for recipe/item binding
 			-- The recipe binding is within the first few lines of the tooltip always
-			if string.match(text, "binds when picked up") then
+			if text:match("binds when picked up") then
 				if (i < 3) then
 					scan_data.recipe_bop = true
@@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ do

 			-- Recipe Reputations
-			local rep, replevel = string.match(text_l, "Requires (.+) %- (.+)")
+			local rep, replevel = text_l:match("Requires (.+) %- (.+)")

 			if rep and replevel and FACTION_TEXT[rep] then
 				scan_data.repid = FACTION_TEXT[rep]
@@ -1248,78 +1248,78 @@ do

 			if not scan_data.verifiedclass then
 				-- Certain stats can be considered for a specific role (aka spell hit == caster dps).
-				if string.match(text, "strength") and not string.match(text, "strength of the clefthoof") and not string.match(text,  "set:") then
+				if text:match("strength") and not text:match("strength of the clefthoof") and not text:match("set:") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "agility") then
+				elseif text:match("agility") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "spirit") or string.match(text, "intellect") then
+				elseif text:match("spirit") or text:match("intellect") then
 					scan_data.caster = true
 					scan_data.healer = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "spell power") then
+				elseif text:match("spell power") then
 					scan_data.caster = true
 					scan_data.healer = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "spell crit") then
+				elseif text:match("spell crit") then
 					scan_data.caster = true
 					scan_data.healer = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "spell hit") then
+				elseif text:match("spell hit") then
 					scan_data.caster = true
 					scan_data.verifiedclass = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "spell penetration") then
+				elseif text:match("spell penetration") then
 					scan_data.caster = true
 					scan_data.verifiedclass = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "mana per 5 sec.") or string.match(text, "mana every 5 seconds") then
+				elseif text:match("mana per 5 sec.") or text:match("mana every 5 seconds") then
 					scan_data.caster = true
 					scan_data.healer = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "attack power") then
+				elseif text:match("attack power") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "expertise") then
+				elseif text:match("expertise") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
 					scan_data.tank = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "melee crit") then
+				elseif text:match("melee crit") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "critical hit") then
+				elseif text:match("critical hit") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "weapon damage") then
+				elseif text:match("weapon damage") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "ranged crit") then
+				elseif text:match("ranged crit") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
 					scan_data.verifiedclass = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "melee haste") then
+				elseif text:match("melee haste") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "ranged haste") then
+				elseif text:match("ranged haste") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
 					scan_data.verifiedclass = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "melee hit") then
+				elseif text:match("melee hit") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "ranged hit") then
+				elseif text:match("ranged hit") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
 					scan_data.verifiedclass = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "armor pen") then
+				elseif text:match("armor pen") then
 					scan_data.dps = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "feral attack power") then
+				elseif text:match("feral attack power") then
 					scan_data.tank = true
 					scan_data.dps = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "defense") and not string.match(text, "defenseless") then
+				elseif text:match("defense") and not text:match("defenseless") then
 					scan_data.tank = true
 					scan_data.verifiedclass = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "block") then
+				elseif text:match("block") then
 					scan_data.tank = true
 					scan_data.verifiedclass = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "parry") then
+				elseif text:match("parry") then
 					scan_data.tank = true
 					scan_data.verifiedclass = true
-				elseif string.match(text, "dodge") and not string.match(text,  "set:") then
+				elseif text:match("dodge") and not text:match("set:") then
 					scan_data.tank = true
 					scan_data.verifiedclass = true

 			-- Classes
-			local class_type = string.match(text_l, "Classes: (.+)")
+			local class_type = text_l:match("Classes: (.+)")

 			if class_type then
 				for idx, class in ipairs(ORDERED_CLASS_TYPES) do
-					if string.match(class_type, class) then
+					if class_type:match(class) then
 						scan_data[class] = true
 						scan_data.found_class = true
@@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ do

 			-- Enchantment voodoo
-			local ench_type, _ = string.match(text_l, "Enchant (.+) %- (.+)")
+			local ench_type, _ = text_l:match("Enchant (.+) %- (.+)")

 			if ench_type then
 				if ITEM_TYPES[ench_type] then
@@ -1387,7 +1387,7 @@ do

 		-- Parse the recipe database until we get a match on the name
-		local recipe_name = string.gsub(scan_data.match_name, "%a+%?: ", "")
+		local recipe_name = scan_data.match_name:gsub("%a+%?: ","")
 		local spell_id = scan_data.reverse_lookup[recipe_name]

 		if not spell_id then
@@ -1408,16 +1408,16 @@ do
 		if scan_data.is_vendor then
 			-- Check to see if the vendor flag is set
 			if not recipe:HasFilter("common1", "VENDOR") then
-				table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.VENDOR]))
+				table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.VENDOR]))

 			-- Check to see if we're in a PVP zone
 			local subzone_text = _G.GetSubZoneText()

 			if (subzone_text == "Wintergrasp Fortress" or subzone_text == "Halaa") and not recipe:HasFilter("common1", "PVP") then
-				table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.PVP]))
+				table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.PVP]))
 			elseif recipe:HasFilter("common1", "PVP") and not (subzone_text == "Wintergrasp Fortress" or subzone_text == "Halaa") then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.PVP]))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.PVP]))

@@ -1425,55 +1425,55 @@ do
 		if scan_data.found_class then
 			for k, v in ipairs(ORDERED_CLASS_TYPES) do
 				if scan_data[v] and not recipe:HasFilter("class1", FS[CLASS_TYPES[v]]) then
-					table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[CLASS_TYPES[v]]))
+					table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(FS[CLASS_TYPES[v]]))
 				elseif not scan_data[v] and recipe:HasFilter("class1", FS[CLASS_TYPES[v]]) then
-					table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[CLASS_TYPES[v]]))
+					table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[CLASS_TYPES[v]]))

 		if scan_data.item_bop and not recipe:HasFilter("common1", "IBOP") then
-			table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.IBOP]))
+			table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.IBOP]))

 			if recipe:HasFilter("common1", "IBOE") then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.IBOE]))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.IBOE]))

 			if recipe:HasFilter("common1", "IBOA") then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.IBOA]))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.IBOA]))
 		elseif not recipe:HasFilter("common1", "IBOE") and not scan_data.item_bop then
-			table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.IBOE]))
+			table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.IBOE]))

 			if recipe:HasFilter("common1", "IBOP") then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.IBOP]))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.IBOP]))

 			if recipe:HasFilter("common1", "IBOA") then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.IBOA]))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.IBOA]))

 		if scan_data.recipe_bop and not recipe:HasFilter("common1", "RBOP") then
-			table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.RBOP]))
+			table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.RBOP]))

 			if recipe:HasFilter("common1", "RBOE") then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.RBOE]))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.RBOE]))

 			if recipe:HasFilter("common1", "RBOA") then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.RBOA]))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.RBOA]))

 		elseif not recipe:HasFilter("common1", "TRAINER") and not recipe:HasFilter("common1", "RBOE") and not scan_data.recipe_bop then
-			table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.RBOE]))
+			table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.RBOE]))

 			if recipe:HasFilter("common1", "RBOP") then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.RBOP]))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.RBOP]))

 			if recipe:HasFilter("common1", "RBOA") then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.RBOA]))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.RBOA]))

@@ -1481,17 +1481,17 @@ do
 			local role_string = FS[ROLE_TYPES[v]]

 			if scan_data[v] and not recipe:HasFilter("common1", role_string) then
-				table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, role_string))
+				table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(role_string))
 			elseif not scan_data[v] and recipe:HasFilter("common1", role_string) then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, role_string))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(role_string))

 		for k, v in ipairs(ORDERED_ITEM_TYPES) do
 			if scan_data[v] and not recipe:HasFilter("item1", FS[ITEM_TYPES[v]]) then
-				table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[ITEM_TYPES[v]]))
+				table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(FS[ITEM_TYPES[v]]))
 			elseif not scan_data[v] and recipe:HasFilter("item1", FS[ITEM_TYPES[v]]) then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[ITEM_TYPES[v]]))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[ITEM_TYPES[v]]))

@@ -1528,29 +1528,29 @@ do
 			local flag = ACQUIRE_TO_FILTER_MAP[acquire_type]

 			if flag and not recipe:HasFilter("common1", FS[flag]) then
-				table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[flag]))
+				table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(FS[flag]))

 		if (acquire_data[A.VENDOR] or acquire_data[A.REPUTATION]) and not recipe:HasFilter("common1", "VENDOR") then
-			table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.VENDOR]))
+			table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.VENDOR]))

 		if recipe:HasFilter("common1", "VENDOR") and not (acquire_data[A.VENDOR] or acquire_data[A.REPUTATION]) then
-			table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.VENDOR]))
+			table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.VENDOR]))

 		if acquire_data[A.TRAINER] and not recipe:HasFilter("common1", "TRAINER") then
-			table.insert(missing_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.TRAINER]))
+			table.insert(missing_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.TRAINER]))

 		if recipe:HasFilter("common1", "TRAINER") and not acquire_data[A.TRAINER] and not acquire_data[A.CUSTOM] then
-			table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[F.TRAINER]))
+			table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[F.TRAINER]))

 		for flag, acquire_type in pairs(FILTER_TO_ACQUIRE_MAP) do
 			if recipe:HasFilter("common1", FS[flag]) and not acquire_data[acquire_type] then
-				table.insert(extra_flags, string.format(flag_format, FS[flag]))
+				table.insert(extra_flags, flag_format:format(FS[flag]))

@@ -1625,13 +1625,13 @@ do
 		if scan_data.specialty then
 			if not recipe.specialty then
 				found_problem = true
-				table.insert(output, string.format("    Missing Specialty: %s", scan_data.specialty))
+				table.insert(output, ("    Missing Specialty: %s"):format(scan_data.specialty))
 			elseif recipe.specialty ~= scan_data.specialty then
-				table.insert(output, string.format("    Wrong Specialty: %s - should be %s ", recipe.specialty, scan_data.specialty))
+				table.insert(output, ("    Wrong Specialty: %s - should be %s "):format(recipe.specialty,scan_data.specialty))
 		elseif recipe.specialty then
 			found_problem = true
-			table.insert(output, string.format("    Extra Specialty: %s", recipe.specialty))
+			table.insert(output, ("    Extra Specialty: %s"):format(recipe.specialty))

 		if scan_data.quality and scan_data.quality ~= recipe.quality then
@@ -1642,7 +1642,7 @@ do

 		if found_problem then
-			table.insert(output, 1, string.format("%s: <a href=\"http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=%d\">%d</a>", recipe_name, spell_id, spell_id))
+			table.insert(output, 1, ("%s: <a href=\"http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=%d\">%d</a>"):format(recipe_name,spell_id,spell_id))
 			return table.concat(output, "\n")
diff --git a/Waypoint.lua b/Waypoint.lua
index 0fab96e..2fff2f8 100644
--- a/Waypoint.lua
+++ b/Waypoint.lua
@@ -493,13 +493,13 @@ function addon:AddWaypoint(recipe_id, acquire_id, location_id, npc_id)
 		local continent, zone
 		local recipe = recipe_list[spell_id]
 		local _, _, _, quality_color = _G.GetItemQualityColor(recipe.quality)
-		local acquire_str = string.gsub(private.acquire_strings[waypoint.acquire_type]:lower(), "_", "")
+		local acquire_str = private.acquire_strings[waypoint.acquire_type]:lower():gsub("_","")
 		local color_code = private.category_colors[acquire_str] or "ffffff"

 		if waypoint.acquire_type == A.QUEST then
-			name = string.format("Quest: |cff%s%s|r (|c%s%s|r)", color_code, private.quest_names[waypoint.reference_id], quality_color, recipe.name)
+			name = ("Quest: |cff%s%s|r (|c%s%s|r)"):format(color_code, private.quest_names[waypoint.reference_id], quality_color, recipe.name)
-			name = string.format("|cff%s%s|r (|c%s%s|r)", color_code, waypoint.name or _G.UNKNOWN, quality_color, recipe.name)
+			name = ("|cff%s%s|r (|c%s%s|r)"):format(color_code, waypoint.name or _G.UNKNOWN, quality_color, recipe.name)
 		waypoint.acquire_type = nil
 		waypoint.reference_id = nil