
Prepare for the expansion, add Draenor bosses with bogus spellIDs

Adrian L Lange [08-29-14 - 14:36]
Prepare for the expansion, add Draenor bosses with bogus spellIDs
diff --git a/BonusRollPreview.lua b/BonusRollPreview.lua
index bb134e0..04aae7c 100644
--- a/BonusRollPreview.lua
+++ b/BonusRollPreview.lua
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ local WoD = select(4, GetBuildInfo()) >= 6e4
 local _, ns = ...
 local currentEncounterID
 local itemButtons = {}
+ns.WoD = WoD

 local BACKDROP = {
 	bgFile = [[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]], tile = true, tileSize = 16,
diff --git a/BonusRollPreview.toc b/BonusRollPreview.toc
index 1b3ac1c..ea157c7 100644
--- a/BonusRollPreview.toc
+++ b/BonusRollPreview.toc
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
 ## Notes: Easily see what the bonus loot roll can yield


diff --git a/encounters/Draenor.lua b/encounters/Draenor.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e96cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/encounters/Draenor.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+local _, ns = ...
+ns.encounterIDs = ns.encounterIDs or {}
+ns.continents = ns.continents or {}
+if(ns.WoD) then
+	-- http://www.wowhead.com/spells=0?filter=na=Bonus;cr=84:109:16;crs=1:6:6
+	for spellID, encounterID in next, {
+		-- World - 557
+		[-1] = 1291, -- Drov the Ruiner
+		[-1] = 1211, -- Tarina the Ageless
+		[-1] = 1262, -- Rukhmar
+		-- Highmaul - 477
+		[-1] = 1128, -- Kargath Bladefist
+		[-1] = 971, -- The Butcher
+		[-1] = 1195, -- Tectus
+		[-1] = 1196, -- Brackenspore
+		[-1] = 1148, -- Twin Ogron
+		[-1] = 1153, -- Ko'ragh
+		[-1] = 1197, -- Imperator Mar'gok
+		-- Blackrock Foundry - 457
+		[-1] = 1161, -- Gruul
+		[-1] = 1202, -- Oregorger
+		[-1] = 1122, -- Beastlord Darmac
+		[-1] = 1123, -- Flamebender Ka'graz
+		[-1] = 1155, -- Hans'gar and Franzok
+		[-1] = 1147, -- Operator Thogar
+		[-1] = 1154, -- The Blast Furnace
+		[-1] = 1162, -- Kromog
+		[-1] = 1203, -- The Iron Maidens
+		[-1] = 959   -- Blackhand
+	} do
+		ns.encounterIDs[spellID] = encounterID
+	end
+	ns.continents[7] = 557