
Frost priority list changes

Taracque [10-19-14 - 19:35]
Frost priority list changes
diff --git a/DKCrutch.lua b/DKCrutch.lua
index 10f1660..ca3e35a 100755
--- a/DKCrutch.lua
+++ b/DKCrutch.lua
@@ -752,13 +752,16 @@ function DKCrutch:AdviseFrostAbilityDW() -- Frost DK DualWield priority
 		return "Pillar of Frost"

-	-- raise dead if not on cd and has Rune of the Fallen Crusader buff
-	cd = DKCrutch:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(DKCrutch.SpellList["Raise Dead"])
-	if (cd) and (cd<=0) and (DKCrutch:hasBuff("player", DKCrutch.SpellList["Unholy Strength"])) then
-		return "Raise Dead"
+	-- Priority 1: Soul Reaper
+	-- Soul Reaper, if target health < 35%, or 45% if has t15 4pcs
+	if (DKCrutch.SpellList["Soul Reaper"]) then
+		cd, _, enabled = DKCrutch:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(DKCrutch.SpellList["Soul Reaper"])
+		if (enabled ~= nil) and (cd) and (cd<=0) and (UnitHealthMax("target")>0) and ((UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.35) or ((UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.45) and (DKCrutch.hasT15_4pcs))) then
+			return "Soul Reaper"
+		end
-	-- Priority 1: Diseases
+	-- Priority 2: Diseases
 	-- outbreak if frost fever or blood plague less than 2 sec remaining
 	local ffName, _, _, _, _, _, ffExpiration, ffUnitCaster = DKCrutch:hasDeBuff("target", DKCrutch.SpellList["Frost Fever"], "player")
 	local bpName, _, _, _, _, _, bpExpiration, bpUnitCaster = DKCrutch:hasDeBuff("target", DKCrutch.SpellList["Blood Plague"], "player")
@@ -791,15 +794,6 @@ function DKCrutch:AdviseFrostAbilityDW() -- Frost DK DualWield priority

-	-- Priority 2: Soul Reaper
-	-- Soul Reaper, if target health < 35%, or 45% if has t15 4pcs
-	if (DKCrutch.SpellList["Soul Reaper"]) then
-		cd, _, enabled = DKCrutch:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(DKCrutch.SpellList["Soul Reaper"])
-		if (enabled ~= nil) and (cd) and (cd<=0) and (UnitHealthMax("target")>0) and ((UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.35) or ((UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.45) and (DKCrutch.hasT15_4pcs))) then
-			return "Soul Reaper"
-		end
-	end
 	-- Blood Tap if have at least 5 charges, and at least on fully depleted rune
 	if (DKCrutch.SpellList["Blood Tap"]) then
 		local name,_,_,count = DKCrutch:hasBuff("player", DKCrutch.SpellList["Blood Charge"])
@@ -876,12 +870,6 @@ function DKCrutch:AdviseFrostAbility()
 		return "Pillar of Frost"

-	-- raise dead if not on cd and has Rune of the Fallen Crusader buff
-	cd = DKCrutch:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(DKCrutch.SpellList["Raise Dead"])
-	if (cd) and (cd<=0) and (DKCrutch:hasBuff("player", DKCrutch.SpellList["Unholy Strength"])) then
-		return "Raise Dead"
-	end
 	-- outbreak if frost fever or blood plague less than 2 sec remaining
 	local ffName, _, _, _, _, _, ffExpiration, ffUnitCaster = DKCrutch:hasDeBuff("target", DKCrutch.SpellList["Frost Fever"], "player")
 	local bpName, _, _, _, _, _, bpExpiration, bpUnitCaster = DKCrutch:hasDeBuff("target", DKCrutch.SpellList["Blood Plague"], "player")