
- Updated subzone file.

HonorGoG [12-12-19 - 07:49]
- Updated subzone file.
- Modified delay timer from 5 seconds down to 3 to hopefully resolve an error being thrown when PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD occurs and an attack alert fires.
- Modified Interface value for 1.13.3 version.
diff --git a/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.lua b/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.lua
index 1b33640..dc696d0 100755
--- a/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.lua
+++ b/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.lua
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 -- * Originally By Tekkub
 -- * Adopted by HonorGoG of the Titan Development Team
 -- **************************************************************************
+-- * 2019-12-11 : Subzone update, toc for WoW 1.13.3
+-- * 2019-12-07 : Subzone update
 -- * 2019-08-15 : Version to work with Titan Panel Classic
 -- * 2016-12-11 : Implemented NoTaint_UIDropDownMenu library routines and subzone update
 -- * 2016-10-26 : Subzone update, toc for WoW 7.1
@@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ function TitanPanelDefense_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
      TPCDefense_DebugFunc("TitanPanelDefense_OnEvent", {event});
      if (event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then
           if not TitanDefenseTimer then
-               TPCD:ScheduleTimer(TitanPanelDefense_Init, 5)
+               TPCD:ScheduleTimer(TitanPanelDefense_Init, 3)
                TitanDefenseTimer = true;
@@ -209,12 +211,12 @@ function TitanPanelDefense_Init()
      if (not TitanClassicDefense_unknowns) then TitanClassicDefense_unknowns = {}; end

-     -- Add a filtert so we can supress server alerts
+     -- Add a filter so we can supress server alerts
      ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL", TPCDfilter)

      -- Check that we're in the Def Channels
-     TPCDefense_Debug("GetChannelNameWD:"..GetChannelName(L["TITAN_DEFENSE_STRINGS_WDCHANNAME"]));
-     TPCDefense_Debug("GetChannelNameLD:"..GetChannelName(L["TITAN_DEFENSE_STRINGS_LDCHANNAME"]));
+     --TPCDefense_Debug("GetChannelNameWD:"..GetChannelName(L["TITAN_DEFENSE_STRINGS_WDCHANNAME"]));
+     --TPCDefense_Debug("GetChannelNameLD:"..GetChannelName(L["TITAN_DEFENSE_STRINGS_LDCHANNAME"]));
      if (GetChannelName(L["TITAN_DEFENSE_STRINGS_WDCHANNAME"]) == 0) then
diff --git a/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.toc b/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.toc
index 8572618..fae8043 100755
--- a/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.toc
+++ b/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.toc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-## Interface: 11302
-## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fDefense|r] |cff00aa005.0.1.11302|r
+## Interface: 11303
+## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fDefense|r] |cff00aa005.0.2.11303|r
 ## Notes: Tracks WorldDef chatter and prevents zone is under attack spam.
 ## Author: HonorGoG of the Titan Panel Development Team; original version by Tekkub
 ## SavedVariables: TitanClassicDefense_options, TitanClassicDefense_newSubzones, TitanClassicDefense_unknowns
 ## Dependencies: TitanClassic
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## X-Website: http://www.titanpanel.org
 ## X-Email: contact@titanpanel.org
 ## X-WoWI-ID: 8281
diff --git a/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense_subzones.lua b/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense_subzones.lua
index 99b3a4a..6b9b122 100644
--- a/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense_subzones.lua
+++ b/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense_subzones.lua
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Azuregale Hollow"] = "Azuregale Bay",
 ["Azurelode Mine"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
 ["Badlands"] = "Badlands",
+["Bael Modan"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Bael'dun Digsite"] = "Mulgore",
 ["Bahrum's Post"] = "Dun Morogh",
 ["Bal'lal Ruins"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
@@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Blackrock Stadium"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
 ["Blackrock Stronghold"] = "Burning Steppes",
 ["Blacksmith"] = "Arathi Basin",
+["Blackthorn Ridge"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Blackwater Cove"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
 ["Blackwater Shipwrecks"] = "Arathi Highlands",
 ["Blackwing Descent"] = "Blackrock Mountain",
@@ -132,6 +134,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Booty Bay"] = "Cape of Stranglethorn",
 ["Bor's Fury"] = "Bor's Fury",
 ["Bough Shadow"] = "Ashenvale",
+["Boulder Lode Mine"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Boulder'gor"] = "Arathi Highlands",
 ["Boulderfist Hall"] = "Arathi Highlands",
 ["Boulderfist Outpost"] = "Boulderfist Outpost",
@@ -171,6 +174,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Camp Mojache"] = "Feralas",
 ["Camp Narache"] = "Mulgore",
 ["Camp Sungraze"] = "Mulgore",
+["Camp Taurajo"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Camp Wurg"] = "Badlands",
 ["Canal District"] = "Stormwind City",
 ["Canals"] = "The Undercity",
@@ -383,6 +387,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Fallow Sanctuary"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
 ["Fallowmere Inn"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
 ["Faol's Rest"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
+["Far Watch Post"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Fargaze Mesa"] = "Mulgore",
 ["Fargodeep Mine"] = "Elwynn Forest",
 ["Farm"] = "Arathi Basin",
@@ -402,6 +407,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Feral Scar Vale"] = "Feralas",
 ["Feralas"] = "Feralas",
 ["Festival Lane"] = "Stratholme",
+["Field of Giants"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Field of Strife"] = "Alterac Valley",
 ["Fields of Honor"] = "Burning Steppes",
 ["Fire Plume Ridge"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
@@ -772,6 +778,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Moonwell of Cleansing"] = "Ashenvale",
 ["Moonwell of Purity"] = "Ashenvale",
 ["Moonwell"] = "Ashenvale",
+["Mor'shan Base Camp"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Morgan's Plot"] = "Deadwind Pass",
 ["Morgan's Vigil"] = "Burning Steppes",
 ["Morlos'Aran"] = "Felwood",
@@ -896,6 +903,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Raider's Hideout"] = "The Burning Glacier",
 ["Rainfern Grotto"] = "Rainfern Grotto",
 ["Ranazjar Isle"] = "Desolace",
+["Raptor Grounds"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Raptor Ridge"] = "Wetlands",
 ["Raptor's Maw"] = "Raptor's Maw",
 ["Ratchet"] = "Northen Barrens",
@@ -913,6 +921,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Razor Hill Watchtower"] = "Durotar",
 ["Razor Hill"] = "Durotar",
 ["Razorfen Downs"] = "Thousand Needles",
+["Razorfen Kraul"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Razormane Grounds"] = "Durotar",
 ["Razorscale's Aerie"] = "Ulduar",
 ["Razorwind Canyon"] = "Durotar",
@@ -1067,6 +1076,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Shimmering Flats"] = "Thousand Needles",
 ["Shindigger's Camp"] = "The Hinterlands",
 ["Shok'Thokar"] = "Desolace",
+["Shrine of the Fallen Warrior"] = "The Barrens",
 ["SI:7"] = "Stormwind City",
 ["Siege Vise"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
 ["Silver Stream Mine"] = "Loch Modan",
@@ -1306,6 +1316,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["The Crimson Dawn"] = "The Crimson Dawn",
 ["The Crimson Throne"] = "Stratholme",
 ["The Crimson Veil"] = "The Cape of Stranglethorn",
+["The Crossroads"] = "The Barrens",
 ["The Crucible of Flame"] = "The Crucible of Flame",
 ["The Crucible"] = "Tempest Keep",
 ["The Crystal Hall"] = "The Exodar",
@@ -1342,6 +1353,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["The Drowned Reef"] = "Arathi Highlands",
 ["The Drowned Sacellum"] = "Blackfathom Deeps",
 ["The Drunken Hozen"] = "Dawn's Blossom",
+["The Dry Hills"] = "The Barrens",
 ["The Dust Plains"] = "Westfall",
 ["The Dustbowl"] = "Badlands",
 ["The Eastern Earthshrine"] = "Stormwind City",
@@ -1363,6 +1375,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["The Forge"] = "The Forge",
 ["The Forgotten Coast"] = "Feralas",
 ["The Forgotten Pool"] = "Blackfathom Deeps",
+["The Forgotten Pools"] = "The Barrens",
 ["The Forlorn Cavern"] = "City of Ironforge",
 ["The Forsaken Front"] = "Silverpine Forest",
 ["The Fungal Vale"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
@@ -1534,6 +1547,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["The Slave Enclave"] = "Path of Huln",
 ["The Slave Pens"] = "The Slave Pens",
 ["The Slithering Scar"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
+["The Sludge Fen"] = "The Barrens",
 ["The Sludge Fields"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
 ["The Sludgewerks"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
 ["The Solar Vigil"] = "Magisters' Terrace",