
- Fixed and updated AuraFilter module

Lanerra [12-28-13 - 00:09]
- Fixed and updated AuraFilter module
- Shortened offline raid name
- Reduced border size for better aesthetics
- Fixed and updated drawing and position of (de)buffs
- Fixed heal prediction sometimes not drawing correctly
- Fixed drawing of Status Icons
- Made various bars size dynamically with their associated frame
- Hopefully fixed raid/party tainting issues
- Repositioned party/raid name placement
- Adjusted raid/party positioning
- Hopefully kill Blizzard frames, cleanly
- Kill boss frames
diff --git a/AuraFilter.lua b/AuraFilter.lua
index 6a128df..654d78b 100644
--- a/AuraFilter.lua
+++ b/AuraFilter.lua
@@ -12,675 +12,987 @@
 local playerClass = select(2, UnitClass('player'))
 local playerRace = select(2, UnitRace('player'))

-local auras = {}
+local updateFuncs = {} -- functions to call to add/remove auras
+local BaseAuras = {
+	[1022]   = 4, -- Hand of Protection
+	[29166]  = 4, -- Innervate
+	[102342] = 4, -- Ironbark
+	[33206]  = 4, -- Pain Suppression
+	[10060]  = 4, -- Power Infusion
+	[49016]  = 4, -- Unholy Frenzy
+	-- Bloodlust
+	[90355]  = 4, -- Ancient Hysteria (core hound)
+	[2825]   = 4, -- Bloodlust (shaman)
+	[32182]  = 4, -- Heroism (shaman)
+	[80353]  = 4, -- Time Warp (mage)
+	-- Herbalism
+	[81708]  = 2, -- Lifeblood (Rank 1)
+	[55428]  = 2, -- Lifeblood (Rank 2)
+	[55480]  = 2, -- Lifeblood (Rank 3)
+	[55500]  = 2, -- Lifeblood (Rank 4)
+	[55501]  = 2, -- Lifeblood (Rank 5)
+	[55502]  = 2, -- Lifeblood (Rank 6)
+	[55503]  = 2, -- Lifeblood (Rank 7)
+	[74497]  = 2, -- Lifeblood (Rank 8)
+	[121279] = 2, -- Lifeblood (Rank 9)
+	-- Crowd Control
+	[710]    = 1, -- Banish
+	[76780]  = 1, -- Bind Elemental
+	[33786]  = 1, -- Cyclone
+	[339]    = 1, -- Entangling Roots
+	[5782]   = 1, -- Fear -- NEEDS CHECK
+	[118699] = 1, -- Fear
+	[3355]   = 1, -- Freezing Trap, -- NEEDS CHECK
+	[43448]  = 1, -- Freezing Trap, -- NEEDS CHECK
+	[51514]  = 1, -- Hex
+	[2637]   = 1, -- Hibernate
+	[118]    = 1, -- Polymorph
+	[61305]  = 1, -- Polymorph [Black Cat]
+	[28272]  = 1, -- Polymorph [Pig]
+	[61721]  = 1, -- Polymorph [Rabbit]
+	[61780]  = 1, -- Polymorph [Turkey]
+	[28271]  = 1, -- Polymorph [Turtle]
+	[20066]  = 1, -- Repentance
+	[6770]   = 1, -- Sap
+	[6358]   = 1, -- Seduction
+	[9484]   = 1, -- Shackle Undead
+	[10326]  = 1, -- Turn Evil
+	[114404] = 1, -- Void Tendrils
+	[19386]  = 1, -- Wyvern Sting
+--	Death Knight
+if playerClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" then
+	-- Self Buffs
+	BaseAuras[48707]  = 4 -- Anti-Magic Shell
+	BaseAuras[49222]  = 4 -- Bone Shield
+	BaseAuras[53386]  = 4 -- Cinderglacier
+	BaseAuras[119975] = 4 -- Conversion
+	BaseAuras[101568] = 4 -- Dark Succor <= glyph
+	BaseAuras[96268]  = 4 -- Death's Advance
+	BaseAuras[59052]  = 4 -- Freezing Fog <= Rime
+	BaseAuras[48792]  = 4 -- Icebound Fortitude
+	BaseAuras[51124]  = 4 -- Killing Machine
+	BaseAuras[49039]  = 4 -- Lichborne
+	BaseAuras[51271]  = 4 -- Pillar of Frost
+	BaseAuras[46584]  = 4 -- Raise Dead
+	BaseAuras[108200] = 4 -- Remorseless Winter
+	BaseAuras[51460]  = 4 -- Runic Corruption
+	BaseAuras[50421]  = 4 -- Scent of Blood
+	BaseAuras[116888] = 4 -- Shroud of Purgatory
+	BaseAuras[8134]   = 4 -- Soul Reaper
+	BaseAuras[81340]  = 4 -- Sudden Doom
+	BaseAuras[115989] = 4 -- Unholy Blight
+--	BaseAuras[53365]  = 4 -- Unholy Strength <= Rune of the Fallen Crusader
+	BaseAuras[55233]  = 4 -- Vampiric Blood
+	BaseAuras[81162]  = 4 -- Will of the Necropolis (damage reduction)
+	BaseAuras[96171]  = 4 -- Will of the Necropolis (free Rune Tap)
+	-- Pet Buffs
+	BaseAuras[63560]  = 2 -- Dark Transformation
+	-- Buffs
+	BaseAuras[49016]  = 3 -- Unholy Frenzy
+	-- Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[108194] = 1 -- Asphyxiate
+	BaseAuras[55078]  = 2 -- Blood Plague
+	BaseAuras[45524]  = 1 -- Chains of Ice
+--	BaseAuras[50435]  = 1 -- Chilblains
+	BaseAuras[111673] = 2 -- Control Undead -- needs check
+	BaseAuras[77606]  = 2 -- Dark Simulacrum
+	BaseAuras[55095]  = 2 -- Frost Fever
+	BaseAuras[51714]  = 2 -- Frost Vulernability <= Rune of Razorice
+	BaseAuras[73975]  = 1 -- Necrotic Strike
+	BaseAuras[115000] = 2 -- Remorseless Winter (slow)
+	BaseAuras[115001] = 2 -- Remorseless Winter (stun)
+	BaseAuras[114866] = 2 -- Soul Reaper (blood)
+	BaseAuras[130735] = 2 -- Soul Reaper (frost)
+	BaseAuras[130736] = 2 -- Soul Reaper (unholy)
+	BaseAuras[47476]  = 1 -- Strangulate

-local function addAuras(t)
-	for k, v in pairs(t) do
-		if not auras[k] then
-			auras[k] = v
-		end
-	end

---	Buffed
-	[90355] = 4, -- Ancient Hysteria [hunter core hound]
-	[2825]  = 4, -- Bloodlust
-	[1022]  = 4, -- Hand of Protection
-	[32182] = 4, -- Heroism
-	[29166] = 4, -- Innervate
-	[55503] = 4, -- Lifeblood [herbalism]
-	[80353] = 4, -- Time Warp
-	[33206] = 4, -- Pain Suppression
-	[10060] = 4, -- Power Infusion
-	[49016] = 4, -- Unholy Frenzy
+--	Druid
+if playerClass == "DRUID" then
+	-- Self Buffs
+	BaseAuras[22812]  = 4 -- Barkskin
+	BaseAuras[106951] = 4 -- Berserk (cat)
+	BaseAuras[50334]  = 4 -- Berserk (bear)
+	BaseAuras[112071] = 4 -- Celestial Alignment
+	BaseAuras[16870]  = 4 -- Clearcasting <= Omen of Clarity
+	BaseAuras[1850]   = 4 -- Dash
+	BaseAuras[108381] = 4 -- Dream of Cenarius (+damage)
+	BaseAuras[108382] = 4 -- Dream of Cenarius (+healing)
+	BaseAuras[48518]  = 4 -- Eclipse (Lunar)
+	BaseAuras[48517]  = 4 -- Eclipse (Solar)
+	BaseAuras[5229]   = 4 -- Enrage
+	BaseAuras[124769] = 4 -- Frenzied Regeneration <= glyph
+	BaseAuras[102560] = 4 -- Incarnation: Chosen of Elune
+	BaseAuras[102543] = 4 -- Incarnation: King of the Jungle
+	BaseAuras[102558] = 4 -- Incarnation: Son of Ursoc
+	BaseAuras[33891]  = 4 -- Incarnation: Tree of Life -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[81192]  = 4 -- Lunar Shower
+	BaseAuras[106922] = 4 -- Might of Ursoc
+	BaseAuras[16689]  = 4 -- Nature's Grasp
+	BaseAuras[132158] = 4 -- Nature's Swiftness
+	BaseAuras[124974] = 4 -- Nature's Vigil
+	BaseAuras[48391]  = 4 -- Owlkin Frenzy
+	BaseAuras[69369]  = 4 -- Predator's Swiftness
+	BaseAuras[132402] = 4 -- Savage Defense
+	BaseAuras[52610]  = 4 -- Savage Roar -- VERIFIED 13/02/20 on tauren feral
+	BaseAuras[127538] = 4 -- Savage Roar -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[93400]  = 4 -- Shooting Stars
+	BaseAuras[114108] = 2 -- Soul of the Forest (resto)
+	BaseAuras[48505]  = 4 -- Starfall
+	BaseAuras[61336]  = 4 -- Survival Instincts
+	BaseAuras[5217]   = 4 -- Tiger's Fury
+	BaseAuras[102416] = 4 -- Wild Charge (aquatic)
+	-- Buffs
+	BaseAuras[102351] = 2 -- Cenarion Ward (buff)
+	BaseAuras[102352] = 2 -- Cenarion Ward (heal)
+	BaseAuras[29166]  = 3 -- Innervate
+	BaseAuras[102342] = 3 -- Ironbark
+	BaseAuras[33763]  = 2 -- Lifebloom
+	BaseAuras[94447]  = 2 -- Lifebloom (tree)
+	BaseAuras[8936]   = 2 -- Regrowth
+	BaseAuras[774]    = 2 -- Rejuvenation
+	BaseAuras[77761]  = 3 -- Stampeding Roar (bear)
+	BaseAuras[77764]  = 3 -- Stampeding Roar (cat)
+	BaseAuras[106898] = 3 -- Stampeding Roar (caster)
+	BaseAuras[48438]  = 2 -- Wild Growth
+	-- Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[102795] = 1 -- Bear Hug
+	BaseAuras[33786]  = 1 -- Cyclone
+	BaseAuras[99]     = 1 -- Disorienting Roar
+	BaseAuras[339]    = 1 -- Entangling Roots
+	BaseAuras[114238] = 1 -- Fae Silence <= glpyh
+	BaseAuras[81281]  = 1 -- Fungal Growth <= Wild Mushroom: Detonate
+	BaseAuras[2637]   = 1 -- Hibernate
+	BaseAuras[33745]  = 2 -- Lacerate
+	BaseAuras[22570]  = 1 -- Maim
+	BaseAuras[5211]   = 1 -- Mighty Bash
+	BaseAuras[8921]   = 2 -- Moonfire
+	BaseAuras[9005]   = 2 -- Pounce -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[102546] = 2 -- Pounce -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[9007]   = 2 -- Pounce Bleed
+	BaseAuras[1822]   = 2 -- Rake
+	BaseAuras[1079]   = 2 -- Rip
+	BaseAuras[106839] = 1 -- Skull Bash -- NOT CURRENTLY USED
+	BaseAuras[78675]  = 1 -- Solar Beam (silence)
+	BaseAuras[97547]  = 1 -- Solar Beam (interrupt)
+	BaseAuras[93402]  = 2 -- Sunfire
+	BaseAuras[77758]  = 2 -- Thrash (bear)
+	BaseAuras[106830] = 2 -- Thrash (cat)
+	BaseAuras[61391]  = 3 -- Typhoon
+	BaseAuras[102793] = 1 -- Ursol's Vortex
+	BaseAuras[45334]  = 1 -- Immobilize <= Wild Charge (bear)
+	BaseAuras[50259]  = 1 -- Dazed <= Wild Charge (cat)
+	if PVP_MODE then
+		BaseAuras[770]    = 1 -- Faerie Fire
+		BaseAuras[102355] = 1 -- Faerie Swarm
+	end

---	Armor reduced
+--	Hunter

-if playerClass == 'DRUID' or playerClass == 'WARRIOR' then addAuras({
-	[35387] = 1, -- Corrosive Spit [hunter serpent]
-	[91565] = 1, -- Faerie Fire
-	[8647]  = 1, -- Expose Armor
-	[7386]  = 1, -- Sunder Armor
-	[50498] = 1, -- Tear Armor [hunter raptor]
-}) end
+if playerClass == "HUNTER" then
+	-- Self Buffs
+	BaseAuras[83559]  = 4 -- Black Ice
+--	BaseAuras[82921]  = 4 -- Bombardment
+--	BaseAuras[53257]  = 4 -- Cobra Strikes
+	BaseAuras[51755]  = 4 -- Camouflage
+	BaseAuras[19263]  = 4 -- Deterrence
+	BaseAuras[15571]  = 4 -- Dazed <== Aspect of the Cheetah
+	BaseAuras[6197]   = 4 -- Eagle Eye
+	BaseAuras[5384]   = 4 -- Feign Death
+	BaseAuras[82726]  = 4 -- Fervor
+	BaseAuras[82926]  = 4 -- Fire! <= Master Marksman
+	BaseAuras[82692]  = 4 -- Focus Fire
+	BaseAuras[56453]  = 4 -- Lock and Load
+	BaseAuras[54216]  = 4 -- Master's Call
+	BaseAuras[34477]  = 4 -- Misdirection
+	BaseAuras[118922] = 4 -- Posthaste
+	BaseAuras[3045]   = 4 -- Rapid Fire
+--	BaseAuras[82925]  = 4 -- Ready, Set, Aim... <= Master Marksman
+	BaseAuras[53220]  = 4 -- Steady Focus
+	BaseAuras[34471]  = 4 -- The Beast Within
+	BaseAuras[34720]  = 4 -- Thrill of the Hunt
+	-- Pet Buffs
+	BaseAuras[19615]  = 2 -- Frenzy
+	BaseAuras[19574]  = 2 -- Bestial Wrath
+	BaseAuras[136]    = 2 -- Mend Pet
+	-- Buffs
+	BaseAuras[34477]  = 1 -- Misdirection (30 sec threat)
+	BaseAuras[35079]  = 1 -- Misdirection (4 sec transfer)
+	-- Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[131894] = 2 -- BaseAuras Murder of Crows
+	BaseAuras[117526] = 2 -- Binding Shot (stun)
+	BaseAuras[117405] = 2 -- Binding Shot (tether)
+	BaseAuras[3674]   = 2 -- Black Arrow
+	BaseAuras[35101]  = 2 -- Concussive Barrage
+	BaseAuras[5116]   = 2 -- Concussive Shot
+	BaseAuras[20736]  = 2 -- Distracting Shot
+	BaseAuras[64803]  = 2 -- Entrapment
+	BaseAuras[53301]  = 2 -- Explosive Shot
+	BaseAuras[13812]  = 2 -- Explosive Trap
+	BaseAuras[43446]  = 2 -- Explosive Trap Effect -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[128961] = 2 -- Explosive Trap Effect -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[3355]   = 2 -- Freezing Trap
+	BaseAuras[61394]  = 2 -- Frozen Wake <= Glyph of Freezing Trap
+	BaseAuras[120761] = 2 -- Glaive Toss -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[121414] = 2 -- Glaive Toss -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[1130]   = 1 -- Hunter's Mark
+	BaseAuras[135299] = 1 -- Ice Trap
+	BaseAuras[34394]  = 2 -- Intimidation
+	BaseAuras[115928] = 2 -- Narrow Escape -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[128405] = 2 -- Narrow Escape -- NEEDS CHECK
+--	BaseAuras[63468]  = 2 -- Piercing Shots
+	BaseAuras[1513]   = 2 -- Scare Beast
+	BaseAuras[19503]  = 2 -- Scatter Shot
+	BaseAuras[118253] = 2 -- Serpent Sting
+	BaseAuras[34490]  = 2 -- Silencing Shot
+	BaseAuras[82654]  = 2 -- Widow Venom
+	BaseAuras[19386]  = 2 -- Wyvern Sting

---	Attack speed reduced
-if playerClass == 'WARRIOR' then addAuras({
-	[54404] = 1, -- Dust Cloud [hunter tallstrider]
-	[8042]  = 1, -- Earth Shock
-	[55095] = 1, -- Frost Fever
-	[58179] = 1, -- Infected Wounds [Rank 1]
-	[58180] = 1, -- Infected Wounds [Rank 2]
-	[68055] = 1, -- Judgements of the Just
-	[14251] = 1, -- Riposte
-	[90315] = 1, -- Tailspin [hunter fox]
-	[6343]  = 1, -- Thunder Clap
-}) end
+--	Mage
+if playerClass == "MAGE" then
+	-- Self Buffs
+	BaseAuras[110909] = 4 -- Alter Time
+	BaseAuras[36032]  = 4 -- Arcane Charge
+	BaseAuras[12042]  = 4 -- Arcane Power
+	BaseAuras[108843] = 4 -- Blazing Speed
+	BaseAuras[57761]  = 4 -- Brain Freeze
+	BaseAuras[87023]  = 4 -- Cauterize
+	BaseAuras[44544]  = 4 -- Fingers of Frost
+	BaseAuras[110960] = 4 -- Greater Invisibility
+	BaseAuras[48107]  = 4 -- Heating Up
+	BaseAuras[11426]  = 4 -- Ice Barrier
+	BaseAuras[45438]  = 4 -- Ice Block
+	BaseAuras[108839] = 4 -- Ice Floes
+	BaseAuras[12472]  = 4 -- Icy Veins
+	BaseAuras[116267] = 4 -- Inacnter's Absorption
+	BaseAuras[1463]   = 4 -- Inacnter's Ward
+	BaseAuras[66]     = 4 -- Invisibility
+	BaseAuras[12043]  = 4 -- Presence of Mind
+	BaseAuras[116014] = 4 -- Rune of Power
+	BaseAuras[48108]  = 4 -- Pyroblast!
+	BaseAuras[115610] = 4 -- Temporal Shield (shield)
+	BaseAuras[115611] = 4 -- Temporal Shield (heal)
+	-- Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[34356]  = 2 -- Blizzard (slow) -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[83853]  = 2 -- Combustion
+	BaseAuras[120]    = 2 -- Cone of Cold
+	BaseAuras[44572]  = 2 -- Deep Freeze
+	BaseAuras[31661]  = 2 -- Dragon's Breath
+	BaseAuras[112948] = 2 -- Frost Bomb
+	BaseAuras[113092] = 2 -- Frost Bomb (slow)
+	BaseAuras[122]    = 2 -- Frost Nova
+	BaseAuras[116]    = 2 -- Frostbolt
+	BaseAuras[44614]  = 2 -- Frostfire Bolt
+	BaseAuras[102051] = 2 -- Frostjaw
+	BaseAuras[84721]  = 2 -- Frozen Orb
+--	BaseAuras[12654]  = 2 -- Ignite
+	BaseAuras[44457]  = 2 -- Living Bomb
+	BaseAuras[114923] = 2 -- Nether Tempest
+	BaseAuras[118]    = 2 -- Polymorph
+	BaseAuras[61305]  = 2 -- Polymorph (Black Cat)
+	BaseAuras[28272]  = 2 -- Polymorph (Pig)
+	BaseAuras[61721]  = 2 -- Polymorph (Rabbit)
+	BaseAuras[61780]  = 2 -- Polymorph (Turkey)
+	BaseAuras[28217]  = 2 -- Polymorph (Turtle)
+--	BaseAuras[11366]  = 2 -- Pyroblast
+	BaseAuras[132210] = 2 -- Pyromaniac
+	BaseAuras[82691]  = 2 -- Ring of Frost
+	BaseAuras[55021]  = 2 -- Silenced - Improved Counterspell
+	BaseAuras[31589]  = 2 -- Slow

---	Bleed damage taken increased
-if playerClass == 'DRUID' or playerClass == 'ROGUE' then addAuras({
-	[35290] = 1, -- Gore [hunter boar] -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[16511] = 1, -- Hemorrhage
-	[33878] = 1, -- Mangle [Bear Form]
-	[33876] = 1, -- Mangle [Cat Form]
-	[57386] = 1, -- Stampede [hunter rhino]
-	[50271] = 1, -- Tendon Rip [hunter hyena]
-	[46857] = 1, -- Trauma <== Blood Frenzy
-}) end
+--	Monk
+if playerClass == "MONK" then
+	-- Self Buffs
+	BaseAuras[122278] = 4 -- Dampen Harm
+	BaseAuras[121125] = 4 -- Death Note
+	BaseAuras[122783] = 4 -- Diffuse Magic
+	BaseAuras[128939] = 4 -- Elusive Brew (stack)
+	BaseAuras[115308] = 4 -- Elusive Brew (consume)
+	BaseAuras[115288] = 4 -- Energizing Brew
+	BaseAuras[115203] = 4 -- Fortifying Brew
+	BaseAuras[115295] = 4 -- Guard
+	BaseAuras[123402] = 4 -- Guard (glyphed)
+	BaseAuras[124458] = 4 -- Healing Sphere (count)
+	BaseAuras[115867] = 4 -- Mana Tea (stack)
+	BaseAuras[119085] = 4 -- Momentum
+	BaseAuras[124968] = 4 -- Retreat
+	BaseAuras[127722] = 4 -- Serpent's Zeal
+	BaseAuras[125359] = 4 -- Tiger Power
+	BaseAuras[116841] = 4 -- Tiger's Lust
+	BaseAuras[125195] = 4 -- Tigereye Brew (stack)
+	BaseAuras[116740] = 4 -- Tigereye Brew (consume)
+	BaseAuras[122470] = 4 -- Touch of Karma
+	BaseAuras[118674] = 4 -- Vital Mists
+	-- Buffs
+	BaseAuras[132120] = 2 -- Enveloping Mist
+	BaseAuras[116849] = 3 -- Life Cocoon
+	BaseAuras[119607] = 2 -- Renewing Mist (jump)
+	BaseAuras[119611] = 2 -- Renewing Mist (hot)
+	BaseAuras[124081] = 2 -- Zen Sphere
+	-- Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[123393] = 2 -- Breath of Fire (disorient)
+	BaseAuras[123725] = 2 -- Breath of Fire (dot)
+	BaseAuras[119392] = 2 -- Charging Ox Wave
+	BaseAuras[122242] = 2 -- Clash (stun) -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[126451] = 2 -- Clash (stun) -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[128846] = 2 -- Clash (stun) -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[116095] = 2 -- Disable
+	BaseAuras[116330] = 2 -- Dizzying Haze -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[123727] = 2 -- Dizzying Haze -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[117368] = 2 -- Grapple Weapon
+	BaseAuras[118585] = 2 -- Leer of the Ox
+	BaseAuras[119381] = 2 -- Leg Sweep
+	BaseAuras[115078] = 2 -- Paralysis
+	BaseAuras[118635] = 2 -- Provoke -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[116189] = 2 -- Provoke -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[130320] = 2 -- Rising Sun Kick
+	BaseAuras[116847] = 2 -- Rushing Jade Wind
+	BaseAuras[116709] = 2 -- Spear Hand Strike
+	BaseAuras[123407] = 2 -- Spinning Fire Blossom

---	Casting speed reduced
+--	Paladin

-if playerClass == 'MAGE' or playerClass == 'ROGUE' or playerClass == 'WARLOCK' then addAuras({
-	[1714]  = 1, -- Curse of Tongues
-	[58604] = 1, -- Lava Breath [hunter core hound]
-	[5760]  = 1, -- Mind-Numbing Poison
-	[31589] = 1, -- Slow
-	[50274] = 1, -- Spore Cloud [hunter sporebat]
-}) end
+if playerClass == "PALADIN" then
+	-- Self Buffs
+	BaseAuras[121467] = 4 -- Alabaster Shield
+	BaseAuras[31850]  = 4 -- Ardent Defender
+	BaseAuras[31884]  = 4 -- Avenging Wrath
+	BaseAuras[114637] = 4 -- Bastion of Glory
+	BaseAuras[88819]  = 4 -- Daybreak
+	BaseAuras[31842]  = 4 -- Divine Favor
+	BaseAuras[54428]  = 4 -- Divine Plea
+	BaseAuras[498]    = 4 -- Divine Protection
+	BaseAuras[90174]  = 4 -- Divine Purpose
+	BaseAuras[642]    = 4 -- Divine Shield
+	BaseAuras[54957]  = 4 -- Glyph of Flash of Light
+	BaseAuras[85416]  = 4 -- Grand Crusader
+	BaseAuras[86659]  = 4 -- Guardian of Ancient Kings (protection)
+	BaseAuras[86669]  = 4 -- Guardian of Ancient Kings (holy)
+	BaseAuras[86698]  = 4 -- Guardian of Ancient Kings (retribution)
+	BaseAuras[105809] = 4 -- Holy Avenger
+	BaseAuras[54149]  = 4 -- Infusion of Light
+	BaseAuras[84963]  = 4 -- Inquisition
+	BaseAuras[114250] = 4 -- Selfless Healer
+--	BaseAuras[132403] = 4 -- Shield of the Righteous
+	BaseAuras[85499]  = 4 -- Speed of Light
+	BaseAuras[94686]  = 4 -- Supplication
+	-- Buffs
+	BaseAuras[31821]  = 3 -- Devotion Aura
+	BaseAuras[114163] = 3 -- Eternal Flame
+	BaseAuras[1044]   = 3 -- Hand of Freedom
+	BaseAuras[1022]   = 3 -- Hand of Protection
+	BaseAuras[114039] = 3 -- Hand of Purity
+	BaseAuras[6940]   = 3 -- Hand of Sacrifice
+	BaseAuras[1038]   = 3 -- Hand of Salvation
+	BaseAuras[86273]  = 3 -- Illuminated Healing
+	BaseAuras[20925]  = 3 -- Sacred Shield
+	BaseAuras[20170]  = 3 -- Seal of Justice
+	BaseAuras[114917] = 3 -- Stay of Execution
+	-- Buff Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[25771]  = 3 -- Forbearace
+	-- Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[31935]  = 2 -- Avenger's Shield
+--	BaseAuras[110300] = 2 -- Burden of Guilt
+	BaseAuras[105421] = 2 -- Blinding Light
+	BaseAuras[31803]  = 2 -- Censure
+	BaseAuras[63529]  = 2 -- Dazed - Avenger's Shield
+	BaseAuras[2812]   = 2 -- Denounce
+	BaseAuras[114916] = 2 -- Execution Sentence
+	BaseAuras[105593] = 2 -- Fist of Justice
+	BaseAuras[853]    = 2 -- Hammer of Justice
+	BaseAuras[119072] = 2 -- Holy Wrath
+	BaseAuras[20066]  = 2 -- Repentance
+	BaseAuras[10326]  = 2 -- Turn Evil

---	Healing effects reduced
-if playerClass == 'HUNTER' or playerClass == 'ROGUE' or playerClass == 'WARRIOR' then addAuras({
-	[56112] = 1, -- Furious Attacks
-	[48301] = 1, -- Mind Trauma <== Improved Mind Blast
-	[30213] = 1, -- Legion Strike [warlock felguard]
-	[54680] = 1, -- Monstrous Bite [hunter devilsaur]
-	[12294] = 1, -- Mortal Strike
-	[82654] = 1, -- Widow Venom
-	[13218] = 1, -- Wound Poison
-}) end
+--	Priest
+if playerClass == "PRIEST" then
+	-- Self Buffs
+--	BaseAuras[114214] = 4 -- Angelic Bulwark
+	BaseAuras[81700]  = 4 -- Archangel
+--	BaseAuras[59889]  = 4 -- Borrowed Time
+	BaseAuras[47585]  = 4 -- Dispersion
+	BaseAuras[123266] = 4 -- Divine Insight (discipline)
+	BaseAuras[123267] = 4 -- Divine Insight (holy)
+	BaseAuras[124430] = 4 -- Divine Insight (shadow)
+	BaseAuras[81661]  = 4 -- Evangelism
+	BaseAuras[586]    = 4 -- Fade
+	BaseAuras[2096]   = 4 -- Mind Vision
+	BaseAuras[114239] = 4 -- Phantasm
+	BaseAuras[10060]  = 4 -- Power Infusion
+	BaseAuras[63735]  = 4 -- Serendipity
+	BaseAuras[112833] = 4 -- Spectral Guise
+	BaseAuras[109964] = 4 -- Spirit Shell (self)
+	BaseAuras[87160]  = 4 -- Surge of Darkness
+	BaseAuras[114255] = 4 -- Surge of Light
+	BaseAuras[123254] = 4 -- Twist of Fate
+	BaseAuras[15286]  = 4 -- Vampiric Embrace
+	-- Buffs
+	BaseAuras[47753]  = 3 -- Divine Aegis
+	BaseAuras[77613]  = 2 -- Grace
+	BaseAuras[47788]  = 3 -- Guardian Spirit
+	BaseAuras[88684]  = 3 -- Holy Word: Serenity
+	BaseAuras[33206]  = 3 -- Pain Suppression
+	BaseAuras[81782]  = 3 -- Power Word: Barrier
+	BaseAuras[17]     = 3 -- Power Word: Shield
+	BaseAuras[41635]  = 3 -- Prayer of Mending
+	BaseAuras[139]    = 3 -- Renew
+	BaseAuras[114908] = 3 -- Spirit Shell (shield)
+	-- Buff Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[6788]   = 1 -- Weakened Soul
+	-- Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[2944]   = 2 -- Devouring Plague
+	BaseAuras[14914]  = 2 -- Holy Fire
+	BaseAuras[88625]  = 2 -- Holy Word: Chastise
+	BaseAuras[89485]  = 2 -- Inner Focus
+	BaseAuras[64044]  = 2 -- Psychic Horror (horror)
+--	BaseAuras[64058]  = 2 -- Psychic Horror (disarm)
+	BaseAuras[8122]   = 2 -- Psychic Scream
+	BaseAuras[113792] = 2 -- Psychic Terror
+	BaseAuras[9484]   = 2 -- Shackle Undead
+	BaseAuras[589]    = 2 -- Shadow Word: Pain
+	BaseAuras[15487]  = 2 -- Silence
+	BaseAuras[34914]  = 2 -- Vampiric Touch

---	Physical damage dealt reduced
+--	Rogue

-if playerClass == 'DEATHKNIGHT' or playerClass == 'DRUID' or playerClass == 'WARRIOR' then addAuras({
-	[702]   = 1, -- Curse of Weakness
-	[99]    = 1, -- Demoralizing Roar
-	[50256] = 1, -- Demoralizing Roar [hunter bear]
-	[1160]  = 1, -- Demoralizing Shout
-	[81130] = 1, -- Scarlet Fever
-	[26017] = 1, -- Vindication
-}) end
+if playerClass == "ROGUE" then
+	-- Self Buffs
+	BaseAuras[13750]  = 4 -- Adrenaline Rush
+	BaseAuras[115189] = 4 -- Anticipation
+	BaseAuras[18377]  = 4 -- Blade Flurry
+	BaseAuras[121153] = 4 -- Blindside
+	BaseAuras[108212] = 4 -- Burst of Speed
+	BaseAuras[31224]  = 4 -- Cloak of Shadows
+	BaseAuras[74002]  = 4 -- Combat Insight
+	BaseAuras[74001]  = 4 -- Combat Readiness
+	BaseAuras[84747]  = 4 -- Deep Insight
+	BaseAuras[56814]  = 4 -- Detection
+	BaseAuras[32645]  = 4 -- Envenom
+	BaseAuras[5277]   = 4 -- Evasion
+	BaseAuras[1966]   = 4 -- Feint
+	BaseAuras[51690]  = 4 -- Killing Spree
+	BaseAuras[84746]  = 4 -- Moderate Insight
+	BaseAuras[73651]  = 4 -- Recuperate
+	BaseAuras[121472] = 4 -- Shadow Blades
+	BaseAuras[51713]  = 4 -- Shadow Dance
+	BaseAuras[114842] = 4 -- Shadow Walk
+	BaseAuras[36554]  = 4 -- Shadowstep
+	BaseAuras[84745]  = 4 -- Shallow Insight
+	BaseAuras[114018] = 4 -- Shroud of Concealment
+	BaseAuras[5171]   = 4 -- Slice and Dice
+	BaseAuras[76577]  = 4 -- Smoke Bomb
+	BaseAuras[2983]   = 4 -- Sprint
+	BaseAuras[57934]  = 4 -- Tricks of the Trade
+	BaseAuras[1856]   = 4 -- Vanish
+	-- Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[2094]   = 2 -- Blind
+	BaseAuras[1833]   = 2 -- Cheap Shot
+--	BaseAuras[122233] = 2 -- Crimson Tempest
+--	BaseAuras[3409]   = 2 -- Crippling Poison
+--	BaseAuras[2818]   = 2 -- Deadly Poison
+	BaseAuras[26679]  = 2 -- Deadly Throw
+	BaseAuras[51722]  = 2 -- Dismantle
+	BaseAuras[91021]  = 2 -- Find Weakness
+	BaseAuras[703]    = 2 -- Garrote
+	BaseAuras[1330]   = 2 -- Garrote - Silence
+	BaseAuras[1773]   = 2 -- Gouge
+	BaseAuras[89774]  = 2 -- Hemorrhage
+	BaseAuras[408]    = 2 -- Kidney Shot
+	BaseAuras[112961] = 2 -- Leeching Poison
+	BaseAuras[5760]   = 2 -- Mind-numbing Poison
+	BaseAuras[112947] = 2 -- Nerve Strike
+	BaseAuras[113952] = 2 -- Paralytic Poison
+	BaseAuras[84617]  = 2 -- Revealing Strike
+	BaseAuras[1943]   = 2 -- Rupture
+	BaseAuras[6770]   = 2 -- Sap
+	BaseAuras[57933]  = 2 -- Tricks of the Trade
+	BaseAuras[79140]  = 2 -- Vendetta
+	BaseAuras[8680]   = 2 -- Wound Poison

---	Disarmed
+--	Shaman

-if playerClass == '' then addAuras({
-	[50541] = 1, -- Clench (hunter scorpid)
-	[676]   = 1, -- Disarm (warrior)
-	[51722] = 1, -- Dismantle (rogue)
-	[64058] = 1, -- Psychic Horror (priest)
-	[91644] = 1, -- Snatch (hunter bird of prey)
-}) end
+if playerClass == "SHAMAN" then
+	-- Self Buffs
+	BaseAuras[108281] = 4 -- Ancestral Guidance
+	BaseAuras[16188]  = 4 -- Ancestral Swiftness
+	BaseAuras[114050] = 4 -- Ascendance (elemental)
+	BaseAuras[114051] = 4 -- Ascendance (enhancement)
+	BaseAuras[114052] = 4 -- Ascendance (restoration)
+	BaseAuras[108271] = 4 -- Astral Shift
+	BaseAuras[16166]  = 4 -- Elemental Mastery
+	BaseAuras[77762]  = 4 -- Lava Surge
+	BaseAuras[31616]  = 4 -- Nature's Guardian
+	BaseAuras[77661]  = 4 -- Searing Flames
+	BaseAuras[30823]  = 4 -- Shamanistic Rage
+	BaseAuras[58876]  = 4 -- Spirit Walk
+	BaseAuras[79206]  = 4 -- Spiritwalker's Grace
+	BaseAuras[53390]  = 4 -- Tidal Waves
+	-- Buffs
+	--BaseAuras[2825]   = 3 -- Bloodlust (shaman) -- show all
+	BaseAuras[32182]  = 3 -- Heroism (shaman)
+	BaseAuras[974]    = 2 -- Earth Shield
+	BaseAuras[8178]   = 1 -- Grounding Totem Effect
+	BaseAuras[89523]  = 1 -- Grounding Totem (reflect)
+	BaseAuras[119523] = 3 -- Healing Stream Totem (resistance)
+	BaseAuras[16191]  = 3 -- Mana Tide
+	BaseAuras[61295]  = 2 -- Riptide
+	BaseAuras[98007]  = 3 -- Spirit Link Totem
+	BaseAuras[114893] = 3 -- Stone Bulwark
+	--BaseAuras[120676] = 1 -- Stormlash Totem -- see totem timer
+	BaseAuras[73685]  = 4 -- Unleash Life
+	BaseAuras[118473] = 2 -- Unleashed Fury (earthliving)
+	BaseAuras[114896] = 3 -- Windwalk Totem
+	-- Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[61882]  = 2 -- Earthquake
+	BaseAuras[8050]   = 2 -- Flame Shock
+	BaseAuras[115356] = 2 -- Stormblast
+	BaseAuras[17364]  = 2 -- Stormstrike
+	--BaseAuras[73684]  = 2 -- Unleash Earth
+	BaseAuras[73682]  = 2 -- Unleash Frost
+	BaseAuras[118470] = 2 -- Unleashed Fury (flametongue)
+	-- Debuffs - Crowd Control
+	BaseAuras[76780]  = 1 -- Bind Elemental
+	BaseAuras[51514]  = 1 -- Hex
+	-- Debuffs - Root/Slow
+	BaseAuras[3600]   = 1 -- Earthbind <= Earthbind Totem
+	BaseAuras[64695]  = 1 -- Earthgrab <= Earthgrab Totem
+	BaseAuras[8056]   = 1 -- Frost Shock
+	BaseAuras[8034]   = 2 -- Frostbrand Attack <= Frostbrand Weapon
+	BaseAuras[63685]  = 1 -- Freeze <= Frozen Power
+	BaseAuras[118905] = 1 -- Static Charge <= Capacitor Totem
+	--BaseAuras[51490]  = 1 -- Thunderstorm

---	Silenced
-if playerClass == '' then addAuras({
-	[25046] = 1, -- Arcane Torrent (blood elf)
-	[31935] = 1, -- Avenger's Shield (paladin)
-	[1330]  = 1, -- Garrote - Silence (rogue)
-	[50479] = 1, -- Nether Shock (hunter nether ray)
-	[15487] = 1, -- Silence (priest)
-	[18498] = 1, -- Silenced - Gag Order (warrior)
-	[18469] = 1, -- Silenced - Improved Counterspell (mage)
-	[18425] = 1, -- Silenced - Improved Kick (rogue)
-	[34490] = 1, -- Silencing Shot (hunter)
-	[81261] = 1, -- Solar Beam (druid)
-	[24259] = 1, -- Spell Lock (warlock felhunter)
-	[47476] = 1, -- Strangulate (death knight)
-}) end
+--	Warlock

---	Spell-locked
-if playerClass == '' then addAuras({
-	[2139]  = 1, -- Counterspell (mage)
-	[1766]  = 1, -- Kick (rogue)
-	[47528] = 1, -- Mind Freeze (death knight)
-	[6552]  = 1, -- Pummel (warrior)
-	[26090] = 1, -- Pummel (hunter gorilla)
-	[50318] = 1, -- Serenity Dust (hunter moth)
-	[72]    = 1, -- Shield Bash (warrior)
-	[80964] = 1, -- Skull Bash (Bear) (druid)
-	[80965] = 1, -- Skull Bash (Cat) (druid)
-	[57994] = 1, -- Wind Shear (shaman)
-}) end
+if playerClass == "WARLOCK" then
+	-- Self Buffs
+	BaseAuras[116198] = 2 -- Aura of Enfeeblement
+	BaseAuras[116202] = 2 -- Aura of the Elements
+	BaseAuras[117828] = 4 -- Backdraft
+	BaseAuras[111400] = 4 -- Burning Rush
+	BaseAuras[114168] = 4 -- Dark Apotheosis
+	BaseAuras[110913] = 4 -- Dark Bargain (absorb)
+	BaseAuras[110914] = 4 -- Dark Bargain (dot)
+	BaseAuras[108359] = 4 -- Dark Regeneration
+	BaseAuras[113858] = 4 -- Dark Soul: Instability
+	BaseAuras[113861] = 4 -- Dark Soul: Knowledge
+	BaseAuras[113860] = 4 -- Dark Soul: Misery
+	BaseAuras[88448]  = 4 -- Demonic Rebirth
+	BaseAuras[126]    = 4 -- Eye of Kilrogg
+	BaseAuras[108683] = 4 -- Fire and Brimstone
+	BaseAuras[119839] = 4 -- Fury Ward
+	BaseAuras[119049] = 4 -- Kil'jaeden's Cunning
+	BaseAuras[126090] = 4 -- Molten Core -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[122355] = 4 -- Molten Core -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[104232] = 4 -- Rain of Fire
+	BaseAuras[108416] = 4 -- Sacrificial Pact
+	BaseAuras[86211]  = 4 -- Soul Swap
+	BaseAuras[104773] = 4 -- Unending Resolve
+	-- Buffs
+	BaseAuras[20707]  = 1 -- Soulstone
+	-- Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[980]    = 2 -- Agony
+	BaseAuras[108505] = 2 -- Archimonde's Vengeance
+	BaseAuras[124915] = 2 -- Chaos Wave
+	BaseAuras[17962]  = 2 -- Conflagrate (slow)
+	BaseAuras[172]    = 2 -- Corruption
+	BaseAuras[109466] = 2 -- Curse of Enfeeblement
+	BaseAuras[18223]  = 2 -- Curse of Exhaustion
+	BaseAuras[1490]   = 2 -- Curse of the Elements
+	BaseAuras[603]    = 2 -- Doom
+	BaseAuras[48181]  = 2 -- Haunt
+	BaseAuras[80240]  = 2 -- Havoc
+	BaseAuras[348]    = 2 -- Immolate
+	BaseAuras[108686] = 2 -- Immolate <= Fire and Brimstone
+	BaseAuras[60947]  = 2 -- Nightmare
+	BaseAuras[30108]  = 2 -- Seed of Corruption
+	BaseAuras[47960]  = 2 -- Shadowflame
+	BaseAuras[30283]  = 2 -- Shadowfury
+	BaseAuras[27243]  = 2 -- Unstable Affliction
+	-- Debuffs - Crowd Control
+	BaseAuras[170]    = 2 -- Banish
+	BaseAuras[111397] = 2 -- Blood Fear
+	BaseAuras[137143] = 2 -- Blood Horror
+	BaseAuras[1098]   = 2 -- Enslave Demon
+	BaseAuras[5782]   = 2 -- Fear
+	BaseAuras[5484]   = 2 -- Howl of Terror
+	BaseAuras[6789]   = 2 -- Mortal Coil

---	Taunted
+--	Warrior

-if playerClass == 'DEATHKNIGHT' or playerClass == 'DRUID' or playerClass == 'PALADIN' or playerClass == 'WARRIOR' then addAuras({
-	[5209]  = 1, -- Challenging Roar
-	[1161]  = 1, -- Challenging Shout
-	[56222] = 1, -- Dark Command
-	[57604] = 1, -- Death Grip -- NEEDS CHECK 57603
-	[20736] = 1, -- Distracting Shot
-	[6794]  = 1, -- Growl
-	[62124] = 1, -- Hand of Reckoning
-	[31790] = 1, -- Righteous Defense
-	[355]   = 1, -- Taunt
-	[58857] = 1, -- Twin Howl [shaman spirit wolves]
-}) end
+if playerClass == "WARRIOR" then
+	-- Self Buffs
+	BaseAuras[107574] = 4 -- Avatar
+	BaseAuras[18499]  = 4 -- Berserker Rage
+	BaseAuras[46924]  = 4 -- Bladestorm
+	BaseAuras[12292]  = 4 -- Bloodbath
+	BaseAuras[46916]  = 4 -- Bloodsurge
+	BaseAuras[85730]  = 4 -- Deadly Calm
+	BaseAuras[125565] = 4 -- Demoralizing Shout
+	BaseAuras[118038] = 4 -- Die by the Sword
+	BaseAuras[12880]  = 4 -- Enrage
+	BaseAuras[55964]  = 4 -- Enraged Regeneration
+	BaseAuras[115945] = 4 -- Glyph of Hamstring
+	BaseAuras[12975]  = 4 -- Last Stand
+	BaseAuras[114028] = 4 -- Mass Spell Reflection
+	BaseAuras[85739]  = 4 -- Meat Cleaver
+	BaseAuras[114192] = 4 -- Mocking Banner
+	BaseAuras[97463]  = 4 -- Rallying Cry
+	BaseAuras[1719]   = 4 -- Recklessness
+	BaseAuras[112048] = 4 -- Shield Barrier
+	BaseAuras[2565]   = 4 -- Shield Block
+	BaseAuras[871]    = 4 -- Shield Wall
+	BaseAuras[114206] = 4 -- Skull Banner
+	BaseAuras[23920]  = 4 -- Spell Banner
+	BaseAuras[52437]  = 4 -- Sudden Death
+	BaseAuras[12328]  = 4 -- Sweeping Strikes
+	BaseAuras[50227]  = 4 -- Sword and Board
+	BaseAuras[125831] = 4 -- Taste for Blood
+	BaseAuras[122510] = 4 -- Ultimatum
+	-- Buffs
+	BaseAuras[46947]  = 3 -- Safeguard (damage reduction)
+	BaseAuras[114029] = 3 -- Safeguard (intercept)
+	BaseAuras[114030] = 3 -- Vigilance
+	-- Debuffs
+	BaseAuras[86346]  = 2 -- Colossus Smash
+	BaseAuras[114205] = 2 -- Demoralizing Banner
+	BaseAuras[1160]   = 2 -- Demoralizing Shout
+	BaseAuras[676]    = 2 -- Disarm
+	BaseAuras[118895] = 2 -- Dragon Roar
+	BaseAuras[1715]   = 2 -- Hamstring
+	BaseAuras[5246]   = 2 -- Intimidating Shout -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[20511]  = 2 -- Intimidating Shout -- NEEDS CHECK
+	BaseAuras[12323]  = 2 -- Piercing Howl
+	BaseAuras[64382]  = 2 -- Shattering Throw
+	BaseAuras[46968]  = 2 -- Shockwave
+	BaseAuras[18498]  = 2 -- Silenced - Gag Order
+	BaseAuras[107566] = 2 -- Staggering Shout
+	BaseAuras[107570] = 2 -- Storm Bolt
+	BaseAuras[355]    = 2 -- Taunt
+	BaseAuras[105771] = 2 -- Warbringer

---	Crowd controlled
-	[710]   = 1, -- Banish
-	[76780] = 1, -- Bind Elemental
-	[33786] = 1, -- Cyclone
-	[339]   = 1, -- Entangling Roots
-	[5782]  = 1, -- Fear
-	[3355]  = 1, -- Freezing Trap -- NEEDS CHECK 31932 43415 55041
-	[51514] = 1, -- Hex
-	[2637]  = 1, -- Hibernate
-	[118]   = 1, -- Polymorph
-	[61305] = 1, -- Polymorph [Black Cat]
-	[28272] = 1, -- Polymorph [Pig]
-	[61721] = 1, -- Polymorph [Rabbit]
-	[61780] = 1, -- Polymorph [Turkey]
-	[28271] = 1, -- Polymorph [Turtle]
-	[20066] = 1, -- Repentance
-	[6770]  = 1, -- Sap
-	[6358]  = 1, -- Seduction
-	[9484]  = 1, -- Shackle Undead
-	[10326] = 1, -- Turn Evil
-	[19386] = 1, -- Wyvern Sting
+-- Racials
+if playerRace == "BloodElf" then
+	BaseAuras[50613]  = 2 -- Arcane Torrent (death knight)
+	BaseAuras[80483]  = 2 -- Arcane Torrent (hunter)
+	BaseAuras[28730]  = 2 -- Arcane Torrent (mage, paladin, priest, warlock)
+	BaseAuras[129597] = 2 -- Arcane Torrent (monk)
+	BaseAuras[25046]  = 2 -- Arcane Torrent (rogue)
+	BaseAuras[69179]  = 2 -- Arcane Torrent (warrior)
+elseif playerRace == "Draenei" then
+	BaseAuras[59545]  = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (death knight)
+	BaseAuras[59543]  = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (hunter)
+	BaseAuras[59548]  = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (mage)
+	BaseAuras[121093] = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (monk)
+	BaseAuras[59542]  = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (paladin)
+	BaseAuras[59544]  = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (priest)
+	BaseAuras[59547]  = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (shaman)
+	BaseAuras[28880]  = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (warrior)
+elseif playerRace == "Dwarf" then
+	BaseAuras[20594]  = 4 -- Stoneform
+elseif playerRace == "NightElf" then
+	BaseAuras[58984]  = 4 -- Shadowmeld
+elseif playerRace == "Orc" then
+	BaseAuras[20572]  = 4 -- Blood Fury (attack power)
+	BaseAuras[33702]  = 4 -- Blood Fury (spell power)
+	BaseAuras[33697]  = 4 -- Blood Fury (attack power and spell damage)
+elseif playerRace == "Pandaren" then
+	BaseAuras[107079] = 4 -- Quaking Palm
+elseif playerRace == "Scourge" then
+	BaseAuras[7744]   = 4 -- Will of the Forsaken
+elseif playerRace == "Tauren" then
+	BaseAuras[20549]  = 1 -- War Stomp
+elseif playerRace == "Troll" then
+	BaseAuras[26297]  = 4 -- Berserking
+elseif playerRace == "Worgen" then
+	BaseAuras[68992]  = 4 -- Darkflight

---	Death Knight
+--	Magic Vulnerability

-if playerClass == 'DEATHKNIGHT' then addAuras({
-	[55078] = 2, -- Blood Plague
-	[45524] = 1, -- Chains of Ice
-	[77606] = 2, -- Dark Simulacrum
-	[43265] = 2, -- Death and Decay
-	[65142] = 2, -- Ebon Plague
-	[55095] = 2, -- Frost Fever
-	[49203] = 1, -- Hungering Cold
-	[81130] = 2, -- Scarlet Fever
-	[50536] = 2, -- Unholy Blight -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[48707] = 4, -- Anti-Magic Shell
-	[81141] = 4, -- Blood Swarm <== Crimson Scourge
-	[49222] = 4, -- Bone Shield
-	[81256] = 4, -- Dancing Rune Weapon
-	[59052] = 4, -- Freezing Fog <== Rime
-	[48792] = 4, -- Icebound Fortitude
-	[51124] = 4, -- Killing Machine
-	[49039] = 4, -- Lichborne
-	[51271] = 4, -- Pillar of Frost
-	[50421] = 4, -- Scent of Blood
-	[81340] = 4, -- Sudden Doom
-	[55233] = 4, -- Vampiric Blood
-	[81162] = 4, -- Will of the Necropolis -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[49016] = 1, -- Unholy Frenzy
-}) end
+if playerClass == "ROGUE" or playerClass == "WARLOCK" then
+	BaseAuras[1490]  = 1 -- Curse of the Elements (warlock)
+	BaseAuras[34889] = 1 -- Fire Breath (hunter dragonhawk)
+	BaseAuras[24844] = 1 -- Lightning Breath (hunter wind serpent)
+	BaseAuras[93068] = 1 -- Master Poisoner (rogue)

---	Druid
+--	Mortal Wounds

-if playerClass == 'DRUID' then addAuras({
-	[5211]  = 2, -- Bash
-	[33786] = 2, -- Cyclone
-	[339]   = 2, -- Entangling Roots
-	[45334] = 2, -- Feral Charge Effect [Bear Form]
-	[61138] = 2, -- Feral Charge - Cat -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[2637]  = 2, -- Hibernate
-	[5570]  = 2, -- Insect Swarm
-	[33745] = 2, -- Lacerate
-	[22570] = 2, -- Maim
-	[8921]  = 2, -- Moonfire
-	[9005]  = 2, -- Pounce
-	[9007]  = 2, -- Pounce Bleed
-	[1822]  = 2, -- Rake
-	[1079]  = 2, -- Rip
-	[93402] = 2, -- Sunfire
-	[77758] = 2, -- Thrash
-	[22812] = 4, -- Barkskin
-	[50334] = 4, -- Berserk
-	[16870] = 4, -- Clearcasting <== Omen of Clarity
-	[1850]  = 4, -- Dash
-	[5229]  = 4, -- Enrage
-	[48518] = 4, -- Eclipse (Lunar)
-	[48517] = 4, -- Eclipse (Solar)
-	[22842] = 4, -- Frenzied Regeneration
-	[81093] = 4, -- Fury of Stormrage
-	[81192] = 4, -- Lunar Shower
-	[16886] = 4, -- Nature's Grace
-	[16689] = 4, -- Nature's Grasp
-	[17116] = 4, -- Nature's Swiftness
-	[80951] = 4, -- Pulverize
-	[52610] = 4, -- Savage Roar
-	[93400] = 4, -- Shooting Stars
-	[81021] = 4, -- Stampede [Ravage effect]
-	[81022] = 4, -- Stampede [Ravage effect]
-	[61336] = 4, -- Survival Instincts
-	[5217]  = 4, -- Tiger's Fury
-	[33891] = 4, -- Tree of Life
-	[61391] = 4, -- Typhoon
-	[33763] = 2, -- Lifebloom
-	[94447] = 2, -- Lifebloom [Tree of Life version]
-	[8936]  = 2, -- Regrowth
-	[774]   = 2, -- Rejuvenation
-	[77764] = 1, -- Stampeding Roar
-	[467]   = 1, -- Thorns
-	[48438] = 2, -- Wild Growth
-}) end
+if playerClass == "HUNTER" or playerClass == "MONK" or playerClass == "ROGUE" or playerClass == "WARRIOR" then
+	BaseAuras[54680]  = 1 -- Monstrous Bite (hunter devilsaur)
+	BaseAuras[115804] = 1 -- Mortal Wounds (monk, warrior)
+	BaseAuras[82654]  = 1 -- Widow Venom (hunter)
+	BaseAuras[8680]   = 1 -- Wound Poison (rogue)

---	Hunter
+--	Physical Vulnerability
+if playerClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" or playerClass == "PALADIN" or playerClass == "WARRIOR" then
+	BaseAuras[55749] = 1 -- Acid Rain (hunter worm)
+	BaseAuras[35290] = 1 -- Gore (hunter boar)
+	BaseAuras[81326] = 1 -- Physical Vulnerability (death knight, paladin, warrior)
+	BaseAuras[50518] = 1 -- Ravage (hunter ravager)
+	BaseAuras[57386] = 1 -- Stampede (hunter rhino)

-if playerClass == 'HUNTER' then addAuras({
-	[50433] = 2, -- Ankle Crack [crocolisk]
-	[3674]  = 2, -- Black Arrow
-	[35101] = 2, -- Concussive Barrage
-	[5116]  = 2, -- Concussive Shot
-	[19306] = 2, -- Counterattack
-	[20736] = 2, -- Distracting Shot
-	[64803] = 2, -- Entrapment
-	[53301] = 2, -- Explosive Shot
-	[13812] = 2, -- Explosive Trap -- NEEDS CHECK 43446
-	[3355]  = 2, -- Freezing Trap -- NEEDS CHECK 31932 43415 55041
-	[1130]  = 1, -- Hunter's Mark
-	[13810] = 2, -- Ice Trap
-	[13797] = 2, -- Immolation Trap -- NEEDS CHECK 51740
-	[24394] = 2, -- Intimidation
-	[88691] = 1, -- Marked for Death
-	[63468] = 2, -- Piercing Shots
-	[1513]  = 2, -- Scare Beast
-	[19503] = 2, -- Scatter Shot
-	[1978]  = 2, -- Serpent Sting
-	[82654] = 1, -- Widow Venom
-	[2974]  = 2, -- Wing Clip
-	[19386] = 2, -- Wyvern Sting
-	[82921] = 4, -- Bombardment
-	[51755] = 4, -- Camouflage
-	[15571] = 4, -- Dazed <== Aspect of the Cheetah
-	[19263] = 4, -- Deterrence
-	[5384]  = 4, -- Feign Death
-	[82926] = 4, -- Fire! <== Lock and Load
-	[64418] = 4, -- Sniper Training [Rank 1]
-	[64419] = 4, -- Sniper Training [Rank 2]
-	[64420] = 4, -- Sniper Training [Rank 3]
-	[56453] = 4, -- Lock and Load
-	[34477] = 4, -- Misdirection
-	[3045]  = 4, -- Rapid Fire
-	[35099] = 4, -- Rapid Killing
---	[82925] = 4, -- Ready, Set, Aim...
-	[19574] = 2, -- Bestial Wrath
-	[1539]  = 2, -- Feed Pet
-	[136]   = 2, -- Mend Pet
-}) end
+--	Slow Casting
+if playerClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" or playerClass == "MAGE" or playerClass == "ROGUE" or playerClass == "WARLOCK" then
+	BaseAuras[109466] = 1 -- Curse of Enfeeblement (warlock)
+	BaseAuras[5760]   = 1 -- Mind-numbing Poison (rogue)
+	BaseAuras[73975]  = 1 -- Necrotic Strike (death knight)
+	BaseAuras[31589]  = 1 -- Slow (mage)
+	BaseAuras[50274]  = 1 -- Spore Cloud (hunter sporebat)
+	BaseAuras[90315]  = 1 -- Tailspin (hunter fox)
+	BaseAuras[126406] = 1 -- Trample (hunter goat)
+	BaseAuras[58604]  = 1 -- Lava Breath (hunter core hound)

---	Mage
+--	Weakened Armor

-if playerClass == 'MAGE' then addAuras({
-	[11113] = 2, -- Blast Wave
-	[12486] = 2, -- Chilled <== Blizzard <== Ice Shards -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[7321]  = 2, -- Chilled <== Frost Aura
-	[83853] = 2, -- Combustion
-	[120]   = 2, -- Cone of Cold
-	[44572] = 2, -- Deep Freeze
-	[31661] = 2, -- Dragon's Breath
-	[122]   = 2, -- Frost Nova
-	[116]   = 2, -- Frostbolt
-	[44614] = 2, -- Frostfire Bolt
-	[12654] = 2, -- Ignite
-	[12355] = 2, -- Impact
-	[83301] = 2, -- Improved Cone of Cold [Rank 1]
-	[83302] = 2, -- Improved Cone of Cold [Rank 2]
-	[44457] = 2, -- Living Bomb
-	[118]   = 2, -- Polymorph
-	[61305] = 2, -- Polymorph [Black Cat]
-	[28272] = 2, -- Polymorph [Pig]
-	[61721] = 2, -- Polymorph [Rabbit]
-	[61780] = 2, -- Polymorph [Turkey]
-	[28271] = 2, -- Polymorph [Turtle]
-	[82691] = 2, -- Ring of Frost
-	[31589] = 2, -- Slow
-	[36032] = 4, -- Arcane Blast
-	[79683] = 4, -- Arcane Missiles!
-	[12042] = 4, -- Arcane Power
-	[31643] = 4, -- Blazing Speed
-	[57761] = 4, -- Brain Freeze
-	[44544] = 4, -- Fingers of Frost
-	[48108] = 4, -- Hot Streak
-	[11426] = 4, -- Ice Barrier
-	[45438] = 4, -- Ice Block
-	[12472] = 4, -- Icy Veins
-	[64343] = 4, -- Impact
-	[66]    = 4, -- Invisibility
-	[543]   = 4, -- Mage Ward
-	[1436]  = 4, -- Mana Shield
-	[12043] = 4, -- Presence of Mind
-	[54646] = 2, -- Focus Magic
-	[130]   = 2, -- Slow Fall
-}) end
+if playerClass == "DRUID" or playerClass == "ROGUE" or playerClass == "WARRIOR" then
+	-- druids need to keep Faerie Fire/Swarm up anyway, no need to see both, this has the shorter duration
+	BaseAuras[113746] = 1 -- Weakened Armor (druid, hunter raptor, hunter tallstrider, rogue, warrior)

---	Paladin
-if playerClass == 'PALADIN' then addAuras({
-	[31935] = 2, -- Avenger's Shield
-	[31803] = 2, -- Censure <== Seal of Truth
-	[25771] = 1, -- Forbearance
-	[853]   = 2, -- Hammer of Justice
-	[2812]  = 2, -- Holy Wrath
-	[20066] = 2, -- Repentance
-	[10326] = 2, -- Turn Evil
-	[86701] = 4, -- Ancient Crusader <== Guardian of Ancient Kings
-	[86657] = 4, -- Ancient Guardian <== Guardian of Ancient Kings
-	[86674] = 4, -- Ancient Healer <== Guardian of Ancient Kings
-	[31850] = 4, -- Ardent Defender
-	[31821] = 4, -- Aura Mastery
-	[31884] = 4, -- Avenging Wrath
-	[88819] = 4, -- Daybreak
-	[85509] = 4, -- Denounce
-	[31842] = 4, -- Divine Favor
-	[54428] = 4, -- Divine Plea
-	[498]   = 4, -- Divine Protection
-	[642]   = 4, -- Divine Shield
-	[82327] = 4, -- Holy Radiance
-	[20925] = 4, -- Holy Shield
-	[54149] = 4, -- Infusion of Light
-	[84963] = 4, -- Inquisition
-	[85433] = 4, -- Sacred Duty
-	[85497] = 4, -- Speed of Light [haste effect]
-	[59578] = 4, -- The Art of War
-	[85696] = 4, -- Zealotry
-	[53563] = 2, -- Beacon of Light
-	[70940] = 1, -- Divine Guardian
-	[1044]  = 1, -- Hand of Freedom
-	[1022]  = 1, -- Hand of Protection
-	[6940]  = 1, -- Hand of Sacrifice
-	[1038]  = 1, -- Hand of Salvation
-}) end
+--	Weakened Blows (tanks only)
+if playerClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" or playerClass == "MONK" or playerClass == "PALADIN" or playerClass == "WARRIOR" then
+	-- druids need to keep Thrash up anyway, no need to see both
+	tinsert(updateFuncs, function(auraList)
+		if GetPlayerRole() == "TANK" then
+			--print("Adding Weakened Blows")
+			auraList[109466] = 1 -- Curse of Enfeeblement (warlock)
+			auraList[60256]  = 1 -- Demoralizing Roar (hunter bear)
+			auraList[24423]  = 1 -- Demoralizing Screech (hunter carrion bird)
+			auraList[115798] = 1 -- Weakened Blows (death knight, druid, monk, paladin, shaman, warrior)
+		end
+	end)

---	Priest
+--	Taunted

-if playerClass == 'PRIEST' then addAuras({
-	[2944]  = 2, -- Devouring Plague
-	[88625] = 2, -- Holy Word: Chastise
-	[605]   = 2, -- Mind Control
-	[453]   = 1, -- Mind Soothe
-	[87178] = 2, -- Mind Spike
-	[87193] = 2, -- Paralysis [Rank 1]
-	[87194] = 2, -- Paralysis [Rank 2]
-	[64044] = 2, -- Psychic Horror
-	[8122]  = 2, -- Psychic Scream
-	[9484]  = 2, -- Shackle Undead
-	[589]   = 2, -- Shadow Word: Pain
-	[34914] = 2, -- Vampiric Touch
-	[6788]  = 1, -- Weakened Soul
-	[81700] = 4, -- Archangel
-	[14751] = 4, -- Chakra
-	[81208] = 4, -- Chakra: Heal
-	[81206] = 4, -- Chakra: Prayer of Healing
-	[81207] = 4, -- Chakra: Renew
-	[81209] = 4, -- Chakra: Smite
-	[87153] = 4, -- Dark Archangel
-	[87117] = 4, -- Dark Evangelism -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[87118] = 4, -- Dark Evangelism -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[47585] = 4, -- Dispersion
-	[81660] = 4, -- Evangelism -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[81661] = 4, -- Evangelism -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[586]   = 4, -- Fade
-	[89485] = 4, -- Inner Focus
-	[81292] = 4, -- Mind Melt [Rank 1]
-	[87160] = 4, -- Mind Melt [Rank 2]
-	[88688] = 4, -- Surge of Light
-	[6346]  = 1, -- Fear Ward
-	[77613] = 2, -- Grace
-	[47788] = 2, -- Guardian Spirit
-	[88682] = 2, -- Holy Word: Aspire
-	[33206] = 2, -- Pain Suppression
-	[10060] = 2, -- Power Infusion
-	[17]    = 1, -- Power Word: Shield
-	[41635] = 2, -- Prayer of Mending
-	[139]   = 2, -- Renew
-}) end
+if playerClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" or playerClass == "DRUID" or playerClass == "MONK" or playerClass == "PALADIN" or playerClass == "WARRIOR" then
+	local Taunts = {
+		[56222]  = 1, -- Dark Command
+		[57604]  = 1, -- Death Grip -- NEEDS CHECK 57603
+		[20736]  = 1, -- Distracting Shot
+		[6795]   = 1, -- Growl
+		[118585] = 1, -- Leer of the Ox
+		[62124]  = 1, -- Reckoning
+		[355]    = 1, -- Taunt
+	}
+	tinsert(updateFuncs, function(auraList)
+		--print("Adding taunts for PVE")
+		for aura, filter in pairs(Taunts) do
+			auraList[aura] = filter
+		end
+	end)

---	Rogue
+--	Random quest related auras

-if playerClass == 'ROGUE' then addAuras({
-	[51585] = 2, -- Blade Twisting
-	[2094]  = 2, -- Blind
-	[1833]  = 2, -- Cheap Shot
-	[3409]  = 2, -- Crippling Poison
-	[2818]  = 2, -- Deadly Poison
-	[26679] = 2, -- Deadly Throw
-	[51722] = 2, -- Dismantle
-	[8647]  = 1, -- Expose Armor
-	[703]   = 2, -- Garrote
-	[1776]  = 2, -- Gouge
-	[89775] = 2, -- Hemorrhage [dot from glyph]
-	[408]   = 2, -- Kidney Shot
-	[84617] = 2, -- Revealing Strike
-	[14251] = 1, -- Riposte
-	[1943]  = 2, -- Rupture
-	[79140] = 2, -- Vendetta
-	[13218] = 2, -- Wound Poison
-	[13750] = 4, -- Adrenaline Rush
-	[13877] = 4, -- Blade Flurry
-	[31224] = 4, -- Cloak of Shadows
-	[14177] = 4, -- Cold Blood
-	[84590] = 4, -- Deadly Momentum
-	[5277]  = 4, -- Evasion
-	[73651] = 4, -- Recuperate
-	[5171]  = 4, -- Slice and Dice
-	[2983]  = 4, -- Sprint
-	[57934] = 4, -- Tricks of the Trade
-}) end
+BaseAuras[127372] = 2 -- Unstable Serum (Klaxxi Enhancement: Raining Blood)

---	Shaman
+--	Boss debuffs that Blizzard forgot to flag

-if playerClass == 'SHAMAN' then addAuras({
-	[76780] = 2, -- Bind Elemental
-	[8042]  = 2, -- Earth Shock
-	[3600]  = 1, -- Earthbind
-	[56425] = 1, -- Earth's Grasp -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[8050]  = 2, -- Flame Shock
-	[8056]  = 2, -- Frost Shock
-	[8034]  = 2, -- Frostbrand Attack -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[89523] = 1, -- Grounding Totem [reflect]
-	[8178]  = 1, -- Grounding Totem Effect
-	[51514] = 2, -- Hex
-	[77661] = 1, -- Searing Flames
-	[39796] = 1, -- Stoneclaw Stun
-	[17364] = 2, -- Stormstrike
-	[16166] = 4, -- Elemental Mastery [instant cast]
-	[77800] = 4, -- Focused Insight
-	[65264] = 4, -- Lava Flows -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[31616] = 4, -- Nature's Guardian
-	[16188] = 4, -- Nature's Swiftness
-	[30823] = 4, -- Shamanistic Rage
-	[79206] = 4, -- Spiritwalker's Grace
-	[53390] = 4, -- Tidal Waves
-	[974]   = 2, -- Earth Shield
-	[61295] = 2, -- Riptide
-}) end
+BaseAuras[106648] = 1 -- Brew Explosion (Ook Ook in Stormsnout Brewery)
+BaseAuras[106784] = 1 -- Brew Explosion (Ook Ook in Stormsnout Brewery)
+BaseAuras[123059] = 1 -- Destabilize (Amber-Shaper Un'sok)

---	Warlock
+--	Enchant procs that Blizzard failed to flag with their caster

-if playerClass == 'WARLOCK' then addAuras({
-	[93986] = 2, -- Aura of Foreboding [stun effect] -- NEEDS CHECK 93975
-	[93987] = 2, -- Aura of Foreboding [root effect] -- NEEDS CHECK 93974
-	[980]   = 2, -- Bane of Agony
-	[603]   = 2, -- Bane of Doom
-	[80240] = 2, -- Bane of Havoc
-	[710]   = 2, -- Banish
-	[172]   = 2, -- Corruption
-	[29539] = 1, -- Curse of Exhaustion
-	[1490]  = 1, -- Curse of the Elements
-	[1714]  = 1, -- Curse of Tongues
-	[702]   = 1, -- Curse of Weakness
-	[5782]  = 2, -- Fear
-	[48181] = 2, -- Haunt
-	[5484]  = 2, -- Howl of Terror
-	[348]   = 2, -- Immolate
-	[60947] = 2, -- Nightmare <== Improved Fear -- NEEDS CHECK 60946
-	[27243] = 2, -- Seed of Corruption
-	[47960] = 2, -- Shadowflame -- NEEDS CHECK 47897
-	[30283] = 2, -- Shadowfury
-	[63311] = 2, -- Shadowsnare <== Glyph of Shadowflame
-	[30108] = 2, -- Unstable Affliction
-	[54277] = 4, -- Backdraft
-	[34936] = 4, -- Backlash
-	[79462] = 4, -- Demon Soul: Felguard
-	[79460] = 4, -- Demon Soul: Felhunter
-	[79459] = 4, -- Demon Soul: Imp
-	[79463] = 4, -- Demon Soul: Succubus
-	[79464] = 4, -- Demon Soul: Voidwalker
-	[88448] = 4, -- Demonic Rebirth
-	[47283] = 4, -- Empowered Imp
-	[64371] = 4, -- Eradication
-	[50589] = 4, -- Immolation Aura
-	[47241] = 4, -- Metamorphosis
-	[71165] = 4, -- Molten Core
-	[54373] = 4, -- Nether Protection (Arcane)
-	[54371] = 4, -- Nether Protection (Fire)
-	[54372] = 4, -- Nether Protection (Frost)
-	[54370] = 4, -- Nether Protection (Holy)
-	[54375] = 4, -- Nether Protection (Nature)
-	[54374] = 4, -- Nether Protection (Shadow)
-	[91711] = 4, -- Nether Ward
-	[7812]  = 4, -- Sacrifice
-	[17941] = 4, -- Shadow Trance <== Nightfall
-	[6229]  = 4, -- Shadow Ward
-	[86211] = 4, -- Soul Swap
-	[74434] = 4, -- Soulburn
-	[85767] = 2, -- Dark Intent
-	[20707] = 1, -- Soulstone Resurrection
-}) end
+BaseAuras[116631] = 0 -- Colossus
+BaseAuras[118334] = 0 -- Dancing Steel (agi)
+BaseAuras[118335] = 0 -- Dancing Steel (str)
+BaseAuras[104993] = 0 -- Jade Spirit
+BaseAuras[116660] = 0 -- River's Song
+BaseAuras[104509] = 0 -- Windsong (crit)
+BaseAuras[104423] = 0 -- Windsong (haste)
+BaseAuras[104510] = 0 -- Windsong (mastery)

---	Warrior
-if playerClass == 'WARRIOR' then addAuras({
-	[86346] = 2, -- Colossus Smash
-	[12809] = 2, -- Concussion Blow
-	[1160]  = 1, -- Demoralizing Shout
-	[676]   = 1, -- Disarm
-	[1715]  = 2, -- Hamstring
-	[20511] = 2, -- Intimidating Shout
-	[12294] = 2, -- Mortal Strike
-	[12323] = 2, -- Piercing Howl
-	[94009] = 2, -- Rend
-	[64382] = 1, -- Shattering Throw
-	[46968] = 2, -- Shockwave
-	[58567] = 2, -- Sunder Armor
-	[85388] = 2, -- Throwdown
-	[6343]  = 2, -- Thunder Clap
-	[12964] = 4, -- Battle Trance
-	[18499] = 4, -- Berserker Rage
-	[46924] = 4, -- Bladestorm
-	[46916] = 4, -- Bloodsurge
-	[23885] = 4, -- Bloodthirst -- NEEDS CHECK
-	[85730] = 4, -- Deadly Calm
-	[12292] = 4, -- Death Wish
-	[55694] = 4, -- Enraged Regeneration
-	[1134]  = 4, -- Inner Rage
-	[65156] = 4, -- Juggernaut
-	[12976] = 4, -- Last Stand
-	[1719]  = 4, -- Recklessness
-	[20230] = 4, -- Retaliation
-	[2565]  = 4, -- Shield Block
-	[871]   = 4, -- Shield Wall
-	[23920] = 4, -- Spell Reflection
-	[50227] = 4, -- Sword and Board
-	[87069] = 4, -- Thunderstruck
-	[32216] = 4, -- Victory Rush
-	[3411]  = 2, -- Intervene
-	[50720] = 2, -- Vigilance
-}) end
+--	NPC buffs that are completely useless
+BaseAuras[63501] = 0 -- Argent Crusade Champion's Pennant
+BaseAuras[60023] = 0 -- Scourge Banner Aura (Boneguard Commander in Icecrown)
+BaseAuras[63406] = 0 -- Darnassus Champion's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63405] = 0 -- Darnassus Valiant's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63423] = 0 -- Exodar Champion's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63422] = 0 -- Exodar Valiant's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63396] = 0 -- Gnomeregan Champion's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63395] = 0 -- Gnomeregan Valiant's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63427] = 0 -- Ironforge Champion's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63426] = 0 -- Ironforge Valiant's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63433] = 0 -- Orgrimmar Champion's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63432] = 0 -- Orgrimmar Valiant's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63399] = 0 -- Sen'jin Champion's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63398] = 0 -- Sen'jin Valiant's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63403] = 0 -- Silvermoon Champion's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63402] = 0 -- Silvermoon Valiant's Pennant
+BaseAuras[62594] = 0 -- Stormwind Champion's Pennant
+BaseAuras[62596] = 0 -- Stormwind Valiant's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63436] = 0 -- Thunder Bluff Champion's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63435] = 0 -- Thunder Bluff Valiant's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63430] = 0 -- Undercity Champion's Pennant
+BaseAuras[63429] = 0 -- Undercity Valiant's Pennant

--- Racials

-if playerRace == 'Draenei' then
-	auras[59545] = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (death knight)
-	auras[59543] = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (hunter)
-	auras[59548] = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (mage)
-	auras[59542] = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (paladin)
-	auras[59544] = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (priest)
-	auras[59547] = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (shaman)
-	auras[28880] = 4 -- Gift of the Naaru (warrior)
-elseif playerRace == 'Dwarf' then
-	auras[20594] = 4 -- Stoneform
-elseif playerRace == 'NightElf' then
-	auras[58984] = 4 -- Shadowmeld
-elseif playerRace == 'Orc' then
-	auras[20572] = 4 -- Blood Fury (attack power)
-	auras[33702] = 4 -- Blood Fury (spell power)
-	auras[33697] = 4 -- Blood Fury (attack power and spell damage)
-elseif playerRace == 'Scourge' then
-	auras[7744]  = 4 -- Will of the Forsaken
-elseif playerRace == 'Tauren' then
-	auras[20549] = 1 -- War Stomp
-elseif playerRace == 'Troll' then
-	auras[26297] = 4 -- Berserking
-elseif playerRace == 'Worgen' then
-	auras[68992] = 4 -- Darkflight
+local auraList = {}
+AuraList = auraList
+UpdateAuraList = function()
+	--print("UpdateAuraList")
+	wipe(auraList)
+	-- Add base auras
+	for aura, filter in pairs(BaseAuras) do
+		auraList[aura] = filter
+	end
+	-- Add auras that depend on spec or PVP mode
+	for i = 1, #updateFuncs do
+		updateFuncs[i](auraList)
+	end
+	-- Add custom auras
+	for aura, filter in pairs(oUFLanAura) do
+		auraList[aura] = filter
+	end
+	-- Update all the things
+	for _, obj in pairs(oUF.objects) do
+		if obj.Auras then
+			obj.Auras:ForceUpdate()
+		end
+		if obj.Buffs then
+			obj.Buffs:ForceUpdate()
+		end
+		if obj.Debuffs then
+			obj.Debuffs:ForceUpdate()
+		end
+	end


+local IsInInstance, UnitCanAttack, UnitIsFriend, UnitIsUnit, UnitPlayerControlled
+	= IsInInstance, UnitCanAttack, UnitIsFriend, UnitIsUnit, UnitPlayerControlled
 local unitIsPlayer = { player = true, pet = true, vehicle = true }

 local filters = {
-	[1] = function( self, unit, caster ) return true end,
-	[2] = function( self, unit, caster ) return unitIsPlayer[ caster ] end,
-	[3] = function( self, unit, caster ) return UnitIsFriend( unit, 'player' ) and UnitPlayerControlled( unit ) end,
-	[4] = function( self, unit, caster ) return unit == 'player' and not self.__owner.isGroupFrame end,
+	[2] = function(self, unit, caster) return unitIsPlayer[caster] end,
+	[3] = function(self, unit, caster) return UnitIsFriend(unit, "player") and UnitPlayerControlled(unit) end,
+	[4] = function(self, unit, caster) return unit == "player" and not self.__owner.isGroupFrame end,

-CustomAuraFilter = function( self, unit, icon, name, rank, texture, count, dtype, duration, timeLeft, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID )
-	local v = auras[ spellID ]
-	-- print( 'CustomAuraFilter', unit, caster, name, spellID, v )
-	if v and filters[ v ] then
-		return filters[ v ]( self, unit, caster )
-	else
-		return ( not caster or caster == unit ) and UnitCanAttack( unit, 'player' ) and not UnitPlayerControlled( unit )
-	end
-AuraList = auras
\ No newline at end of file
+CustomAuraFilters = {
+	player = function(self, unit, iconFrame, name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, isCastByPlayer, value1, value2, value3)
+		-- print("CustomAuraFilter", self.__owner:GetName(), "[unit]", unit, "[caster]", caster, "[name]", name, "[id]", spellID, "[filter]", v, caster == "vehicle")
+		local v = auraList[spellID]
+		if v and filters[v] then
+			return filters[v](self, unit, caster)
+		elseif v then
+			return v > 0
+		else
+			return caster and UnitIsUnit(caster, "vehicle")
+		end
+	end,
+	pet = function(self, unit, iconFrame, name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, isCastByPlayer, value1, value2, value3)
+		return caster and unitIsPlayer[caster] and auraList[spellID] == 2
+	end,
+	target = function(self, unit, iconFrame, name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, isCastByPlayer, value1, value2, value3)
+		local v = auraList[spellID]
+		-- print("CustomAuraFilter", unit, spellID, name, caster, v)
+		if v and filters[v] then
+			return filters[v](self, unit, caster)
+		elseif v then
+			return v > 0
+		elseif not caster and not IsInInstance() then
+			-- test
+			return
+		elseif UnitCanAttack("player", unit) and not UnitPlayerControlled(unit) then
+			-- Hostile NPC. Show boss debuffs, auraList cast by the unit, or auras cast by the player's vehicle.
+			-- print("hostile NPC")
+			return isBossDebuff or not caster or caster == unit or UnitIsUnit(caster, "vehicle")
+		else
+			-- Friendly target or hostile player. Show boss debuffs, or auras cast by the player's vehicle.
+			-- print("hostile player / friendly unit")
+			return isBossDebuff or not caster or UnitIsUnit(caster, "vehicle")
+		end
+	end,
+	party = function(self, unit, iconFrame, name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, isCastByPlayer, value1, value2, value3)
+		local v = auraList[spellID]
+		return v and v < 4
+	end,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tags.lua b/Tags.lua
index c9d9681..fce96f6 100644
--- a/Tags.lua
+++ b/Tags.lua
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ end
 oUF.Tags.Events['LanRaidName'] = 'UNIT_NAME_UPDATE UNIT_HEALTH'
 oUF.Tags.Methods['LanRaidName'] = function(unit)
     if (not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
-        Name = '|cffD7BEA5'..'OFFLINE'
+        Name = '|cffD7BEA5'..'OFF'
     elseif (UnitIsDead(unit)) then
         Name = '|cffD7BEA5'..'DEAD'
     elseif (UnitIsGhost(unit)) then
diff --git a/oUF_Lanerra.lua b/oUF_Lanerra.lua
index 26a07b1..b4b87fd 100644
--- a/oUF_Lanerra.lua
+++ b/oUF_Lanerra.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@

 -- Kill some unitframe stuff
@@ -51,9 +50,18 @@ local colors = oUF.colors
 local playerClass = select(2, UnitClass('player'))
 local isHealer = (playerClass == 'DRUID' or playerClass == 'PALADIN' or playerClass == 'PRIEST' or playerClass == 'SHAMAN')

+local Loader = CreateFrame("Frame")
+Loader:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, addon)
+	if addon ~= "oUF_Lanerra" then return end
+	oUFLanAura = oUFLanAura or {}
+	UpdateAuraList()
 -- A little backdrop local to save us some typing...because I'm lazy
 local backdrop = {
-	bgFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]],
+	bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
 	insets = {top = -1, left = -1, bottom = -1, right = -1},

@@ -74,17 +82,17 @@ PowerBarColor['ENERGY'] = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 35/255 }
 PowerBarColor['RUNIC_POWER'] = { r = 0.45, g = 0.85, b = 1 }

 -- Threat color handling
-oUF.colors.threat = { }
+oUF.colors.threat = {}
 for i = 1, 3 do
 	local r, g, b = GetThreatStatusColor(i)
 	oUF.colors.threat[i] = { r, g, b }

 -- Debuff color handling
-colors.Debuff = { }
+colors.debuff = {}
 for type, color in pairs(DebuffTypeColor) do
 	if (type ~= 'none') then
-		colors.Debuff[type] = { color.r, color.g, color.b }
+		colors.debuff[type] = { color.r, color.g, color.b }

@@ -100,22 +108,21 @@ end

 -- Border update function
 local function UpdateBorder(self)
-	local Threat, Debuff, Dispellable = self.threatLevel, self.debuffType, self.debuffDispellable
-	local color
-	if Debuff and Dispellable then
-		color = colors.Debuff[Debuff]
-    elseif Debuff and Threat then
-        color = colors.Debuff[Debuff]
-    elseif Threat and Threat > 1 then
-        color = colors.threat[Threat]
-	elseif Debuff then
-		color = colors.Debuff[Debuff]
-    elseif Threat and Threat > 0 then
-        color = colors.threat[Threat]
-    end
+	local threat, debuff, dispellable = self.threatLevel, self.debuffType, self.debuffDispellable
+	local color, glow
+	if debuff and dispellable then
+		color = colors.debuff[debuff]
+		glow = true
+	elseif threat and threat > 1 then
+		color = colors.threat[threat]
+		glow = true
+	elseif debuff then
+		color = colors.debuff[debuff]
+	elseif threat and threat > 0 then
+		color = colors.threat[threat]
+	end
 	if color then
 		self:SetBackdropBorderColor(color[1], color[2], color[3], 1)
@@ -192,10 +199,8 @@ local function PostCastStart(Castbar, unit)

     if (unit == 'target') then
         if (self.Castbar.interrupt) then
-            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderTexture(Interrupt)
-            --print('Changed the border, chief!')
-            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderColor(1, 0, 1)
-            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderShadowColor(1, 0, 1)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBeautyBorderTexture(Interrupt)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBeautyBorderColor(1, 0, 1)
             self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderColor(1, 1, 1)
@@ -409,27 +414,32 @@ end
 -- Aura Icon Show
 local AuraIconCD_OnShow = function(cd)
 	local button = cd:GetParent()
-	button:SetBorderParent(cd)

 -- Aura Icon Hide
 local AuraIconCD_OnHide = function(cd)
 	local button = cd:GetParent()
-	button:SetBorderParent(button)
 -- Aura Icon Overlay
 local AuraIconOverlay_SetBorderColor = function(overlay, r, g, b)
 	if not r or not g or not b then
 		r, g, b = unpack(Settings.Media.BorderColor)
-	overlay:GetParent():SetBorderColor(r, g, b)
+	local over = overlay:GetParent()
+	over.border:SetBorderColor(r, g, b)

 -- Aura Icon Creation Function
 local function PostCreateAuraIcon(iconframe, button)
-	AddBorder(button, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding)
+	local border = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, button)
+	border:SetAllPoints(button)
+	AddBorder(border, Settings.Media.BorderSize, 2)
+	button.border = border

 	button.cd:SetScript('OnHide', AuraIconCD_OnHide)
@@ -810,16 +820,16 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
             MHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-            MHPB:SetWidth(200)
-            MHPB:SetHeight(22)
+            MHPB:SetWidth(self.Health:GetWidth())
+            MHPB:SetHeight(self.Health:GetHeight())
             MHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0.5, 0.25)

             local OHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
             OHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', MHPB:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-            OHPB:SetWidth(200)
-            OHPB:SetHeight(22)
+            OHPB:SetWidth(self.Health:GetWidth())
+            OHPB:SetHeight(self.Health:GetHeight())
             OHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0, 0.25)

             self.HealPrediction = {
@@ -835,16 +845,16 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
                 MHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-                MHPB:SetWidth(200)
-                MHPB:SetHeight(22)
+                MHPB:SetWidth(self.Health:GetWidth())
+                MHPB:SetHeight(self.Health:GetHeight())
                 MHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0.5, 0.25)

                 local OHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
                 OHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', MHPB:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-                OHPB:SetWidth(200)
-                OHPB:SetHeight(22)
+                OHPB:SetWidth(self.Health:GetWidth())
+                OHPB:SetHeight(self.Health:GetHeight())
                 OHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0, 0.25)

                 self.HealPrediction = {
@@ -862,6 +872,7 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
         self.Status:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize)
 		self.Status:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health, 'TOPLEFT', 2, 2)
+		self.Status:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 7)

 		self:Tag(self.Status, '[LanLeader][LanMaster]')

@@ -869,16 +880,18 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
 		self.Resting:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Health, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -4)
 		self.Resting:SetSize(20, 20)
+		self.Resting:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 7)

 		self.Combat = self.Health:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
 		self.Combat:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Health, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, -4)
 		self.Combat:SetSize(24, 24)
+		self.Combat:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 7)

     -- Aura/buff/debuff handling, update those suckers!
     if (unit == 'player' and Settings.Units.Player.ShowBuffs) then
-		local GAP = 6
+		local GAP = 4

 		self.Buffs = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
 		self.Buffs:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 10)
@@ -889,17 +902,17 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
 		self.Buffs['growth-y'] = 'UP'
 		self.Buffs['initialAnchor'] = 'BOTTOMRIGHT'
 		self.Buffs['num'] = math.floor((Settings.Units.Player.Width - 4 + GAP) / (30 + GAP))
-		self.Buffs['size'] = Settings.Units.Player.Height
+		self.Buffs['size'] = Settings.Units.Player.Height - 6
 		self.Buffs['spacing-x'] = GAP
 		self.Buffs['spacing-y'] = GAP

-		self.Buffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilter
+		self.Buffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilters.player
 		self.Buffs.PostCreateIcon = PostCreateAuraIcon
 		self.Buffs.PostUpdateIcon = PostUpdateAuraIcon

 		self.Buffs.parent = self
 	elseif (unit == 'target') then
-		local GAP = 6
+		local GAP = 4

         local MAX_ICONS = math.floor((Settings.Units.Target.Width + GAP) / (Settings.Units.Target.Height + GAP)) - 1
         local NUM_BUFFS = math.max(1, math.floor(MAX_ICONS * 0.2))
@@ -914,7 +927,7 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)

         self.Debuffs = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
-        self.Debuffs:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 24)
+        self.Debuffs:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self, 'TOPLEFT', -2, 16)
 		self.Debuffs:SetWidth((Settings.Units.Target.Height * NUM_DEBUFFS - 1) + (GAP * (NUM_DEBUFFS - 1)))
 		self.Debuffs:SetHeight((Settings.Units.Target.Height * 2) + (GAP * 2))

@@ -923,18 +936,18 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
 		self.Debuffs['initialAnchor'] = 'BOTTOMLEFT'
 		self.Debuffs['num'] = debuffs
 		self.Debuffs['showType'] = false
-		self.Debuffs['size'] = Settings.Units.Target.Height
+		self.Debuffs['size'] = Settings.Units.Target.Height - 6
 		self.Debuffs['spacing-x'] = GAP
 		self.Debuffs['spacing-y'] = GAP * 2

-		self.Debuffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilter
+		self.Debuffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilters.target
 		self.Debuffs.PostCreateIcon = PostCreateAuraIcon
 		self.Debuffs.PostUpdateIcon = PostUpdateAuraIcon

 		self.Debuffs.parent = self

 		self.Buffs = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
-        self.Buffs:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self, 'TOPRIGHT', 2, 24)
+        self.Buffs:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self, 'TOPRIGHT', 2, 16)
 		self.Buffs:SetWidth((Settings.Units.Target.Height * NUM_BUFFS + 1) + (GAP * (NUM_BUFFS - 1)))
 		self.Buffs:SetHeight((Settings.Units.Target.Height * 2) + (GAP * 2))

@@ -949,7 +962,7 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)

-		self.Buffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilter
+		self.Buffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilters.target
 		self.Buffs.PostCreateIcon = PostCreateAuraIcon
 		self.Buffs.PostUpdateIcon = PostUpdateAuraIcon

@@ -997,8 +1010,8 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
         self.Druid.Power:SetFrameLevel(self.Druid:GetFrameLevel() - 1)
-        self.Druid.Power:SetHeight(10)
-        self.Druid.Power:SetWidth(200)
+        self.Druid.Power:SetHeight(self.Power:GetHeight())
+        self.Druid.Power:SetWidth(self.Power:GetWidth())
         self.Druid.Power:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5)

@@ -1020,7 +1033,7 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
         local EclipseBar = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
         EclipseBar:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -10)
         EclipseBar:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, -10)
-        EclipseBar:SetSize(200, 10)
+        EclipseBar:SetSize(self.Power:GetWidth(), self.Power:GetHeight())
         EclipseBar:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6)

@@ -1032,14 +1045,14 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)

         local LunarBar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, EclipseBar)
         LunarBar:SetPoint('LEFT', EclipseBar, 'LEFT', 0, 0)
-        LunarBar:SetSize(200, 10)
+        LunarBar:SetSize(self.Power:GetWidth(), self.Power:GetHeight())
         LunarBar:SetStatusBarColor(1, 1, 1)
         EclipseBar.LunarBar = LunarBar

         local SolarBar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, EclipseBar)
         SolarBar:SetPoint('LEFT', LunarBar:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-        SolarBar:SetSize(200, 10)
+        SolarBar:SetSize(self.Power:GetWidth(), self.Power:GetHeight())
         SolarBar:SetStatusBarColor(1, 3/5, 0)
         EclipseBar.SolarBar = SolarBar
@@ -1094,7 +1107,7 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
         self.RaidIcon:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Overlay, 'TOP')
-        self.RaidIcon:SetTexture('Interface\\TargettingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons')
+		self.RaidIcon:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 7)

 	-- Custom sizes for our frames
@@ -1150,7 +1163,7 @@ local function StylishGroup(self, unit)

-	if (Settings.Show.Party) then
+	if Settings.Show.Party and not InCombatLockdown() then
 		if (Settings.Units.Party.Healer) then
 			self:SetSize(100, 35)
@@ -1213,15 +1226,15 @@ local function StylishGroup(self, unit)
         local MHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
 		MHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-		MHPB:SetWidth(100)
-		MHPB:SetHeight(35)
+		MHPB:SetWidth(self.Health:GetWidth())
+		MHPB:SetHeight(self.Health:GetHeight())
 		MHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0.5, 0.25)

 		local OHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
 		OHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', MHPB:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-		OHPB:SetWidth(100)
-		OHPB:SetHeight(35)
+		OHPB:SetWidth(self.Health:GetWidth())
+		OHPB:SetHeight(self.Health:GetHeight())
 		OHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0, 0.25)

 		self.HealPrediction = {
@@ -1234,15 +1247,15 @@ local function StylishGroup(self, unit)
             local MHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
             MHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-            MHPB:SetWidth(100)
-            MHPB:SetHeight(35)
+            MHPB:SetWidth(self.Health:GetWidth())
+            MHPB:SetHeight(self.Health:GetHeight())
             MHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0.5, 0.25)

             local OHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
             OHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', MHPB:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-            OHPB:SetWidth(100)
-            OHPB:SetHeight(35)
+            OHPB:SetWidth(self.Health:GetWidth())
+            OHPB:SetHeight(self.Health:GetHeight())
             OHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0, 0.25)

             self.HealPrediction = {
@@ -1257,6 +1270,7 @@ local function StylishGroup(self, unit)
 		self.Status = self.Overlay:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
         self.Status:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize)
 		self.Status:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Health, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -2, 0)
+		self.Status:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 7)

 		self:Tag(self.Status, '[LanMaster][LanLeader]')
@@ -1266,12 +1280,13 @@ local function StylishGroup(self, unit)
 	self.RaidIcon:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Overlay, 'TOP')
-	self.RaidIcon:SetTexture('Interface\\TargettingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons')
+	self.RaidIcon:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 7)

     -- LFD Role
     self.LFDRole = self.Overlay:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
     self.LFDRole:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', 2, 0)
     self.LFDRole:SetSize(16, 16)
+	self.LFDRole:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 7)

     -- Buffs
     local GAP = 6
@@ -1289,7 +1304,7 @@ local function StylishGroup(self, unit)
     self.Buffs['spacing-x'] = GAP
     self.Buffs['spacing-y'] = GAP

-    self.Buffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilter
+    self.Buffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilters.party
     self.Buffs.PostCreateIcon = PostCreateAuraIcon
     self.Buffs.PostUpdateIcon = PostUpdateAuraIcon

@@ -1324,6 +1339,8 @@ oUF:RegisterStyle('oUF_Lanerra_Group', StylishGroup)
 -- Now the raid style
 local function StylishRaid(self, unit)
 	self.menu = CreateDropDown
+	local HealW = 75
+	local HealH = 30

     self:SetScript('OnEnter', UnitFrame_OnEnter)
     self:SetScript('OnLeave', UnitFrame_OnLeave)
@@ -1335,9 +1352,9 @@ local function StylishRaid(self, unit)

-	if (Settings.Show.Raid) then
+	if Settings.Show.Raid and not InCombatLockdown() then
 		if (Settings.Units.Raid.Healer) then
-			self:SetSize(75, 35)
+			self:SetSize(HealW, HealH)
 			self:SetSize(Settings.Units.Raid.Width, Settings.Units.Raid.Height)
@@ -1384,14 +1401,14 @@ local function StylishRaid(self, unit)
 	-- Display group names
     if (Settings.Units.Raid.Healer) then
 		self.Name = self.Health:CreateFontString('$parentName', 'OVERLAY')
-		self.Name:SetPoint('TOP', 0, -2)
+		self.Name:SetPoint('CENTER')
 		self.Name:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 13)
 		self.Name:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
 		self:Tag(self.Name, '|cffffffff[LanRaidName]|r')
 		self.Name = self.Health:CreateFontString('$parentName', 'OVERLAY')
-		self.Name:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health, 5, 1)
+		self.Name:SetPoint('CENTER')
 		self.Name:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 13)
 		self.Name:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
 		self:Tag(self.Name, '|cffffffff[LanName]|r')
@@ -1404,15 +1421,15 @@ local function StylishRaid(self, unit)
         local MHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
 		MHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-		MHPB:SetWidth(75)
-		MHPB:SetHeight(35)
+		MHPB:SetWidth(HealW)
+		MHPB:SetHeight(HealH)
 		MHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0.5, 0.25)

 		local OHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
 		OHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', MHPB:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-		OHPB:SetWidth(75)
-		OHPB:SetHeight(35)
+		OHPB:SetWidth(HealW)
+		OHPB:SetHeight(HealH)
 		OHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0, 0.25)

 		self.HealPrediction = {
@@ -1425,15 +1442,15 @@ local function StylishRaid(self, unit)
             local MHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
             MHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-            MHPB:SetWidth(75)
-            MHPB:SetHeight(35)
+            MHPB:SetWidth(HealW)
+            MHPB:SetHeight(HealH)
             MHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0.5, 0.25)

             local OHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
             OHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', MHPB:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
-            OHPB:SetWidth(75)
-            OHPB:SetHeight(35)
+            OHPB:SetWidth(HealW)
+            OHPB:SetHeight(HealH)
             OHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0, 0.25)

             self.HealPrediction = {
@@ -1448,6 +1465,7 @@ local function StylishRaid(self, unit)
     self.Status = self.Overlay:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
     self.Status:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize)
     self.Status:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Health, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -2, 0)
+	self.Status:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 7)

     self:Tag(self.Status, '[LanMaster][LanLeader]')

@@ -1455,8 +1473,8 @@ local function StylishRaid(self, unit)
 	self.RaidIcon = self.Overlay:CreateTexture('$parentRaidIcon', 'ARTWORK')
-	self.RaidIcon:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Overlay, 'TOP')
-	self.RaidIcon:SetTexture('Interface\\TargettingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons')
+	self.RaidIcon:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Name, 'LEFT', -2, 0)
+	self.RaidIcon:SetDrawLayer('OVERLAY', 7)

     -- Range-finding support
 	self.Range = {
@@ -1559,12 +1577,12 @@ oUF:Factory(function(self)
 			'columnAnchorPoint', 'TOP',
 			'oUF-initialConfigFunction', [[
 				self:SetAttribute('initial-width', 75)
-				self:SetAttribute('initial-height', 35)
+				self:SetAttribute('initial-height', 30)
-				self:SetHeight(35)
+				self:SetHeight(30)
-        raid:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, 0, -310)
+        raid:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, 0, -300)

         if (Settings.Units.Raid.Healer) then
             local RaidShift, raid = false
@@ -1578,9 +1596,9 @@ oUF:Factory(function(self)
                         if (GetNumGroupMembers() < 26 and GetNumGroupMembers() > 10) then
-                            raid:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, -105, -200)
+                            raid:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, -105, -300)
                         elseif (GetNumGroupMembers() < 11) then
-                            raid:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, -21, -200)
+                            raid:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, -21, -240)
@@ -1599,10 +1617,10 @@ oUF:Factory(function(self)
 				--'showSolo', true,
 				'yOffset', -10,
 				'oUF-initialConfigFunction', [[
-					self:SetAttribute('initial-width', 100)
-					self:SetAttribute('initial-height', 18)
-					self:SetWidth(100)
-					self:SetHeight(18)
+					self:SetAttribute('initial-width', Settings.Units.Raid.Width)
+					self:SetAttribute('initial-height', Settings.Units.Raid.Height)
+					self:SetWidth(Settings.Units.Raid.Width)
+					self:SetHeight(Settings.Units.Raid.Height)
             table.insert(raid, raid[i])
@@ -1614,4 +1632,209 @@ oUF:Factory(function(self)
\ No newline at end of file
+local HandleFrame = function(baseName)
+	local frame
+	if(type(baseName) == 'string') then
+		frame = _G[baseName]
+	else
+		frame = baseName
+	end
+	if(frame) then
+		frame:UnregisterAllEvents()
+		frame:Hide()
+		-- Keep frame hidden without causing taint
+		frame:SetParent(frameHider)
+		local health = frame.healthbar
+		if(health) then
+			health:UnregisterAllEvents()
+		end
+		local power = frame.manabar
+		if(power) then
+			power:UnregisterAllEvents()
+		end
+		local spell = frame.spellbar
+		if(spell) then
+			spell:UnregisterAllEvents()
+		end
+		local altpowerbar = frame.powerBarAlt
+		if(altpowerbar) then
+			altpowerbar:UnregisterAllEvents()
+		end
+	end
+function oUF:DisableBlizzard(unit)
+	if(not unit) then return end
+	if(unit == 'player') then
+		HandleFrame(PlayerFrame)
+		-- For the damn vehicle support:
+		PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD')
+		PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent('UNIT_ENTERING_VEHICLE')
+		PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent('UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE')
+		PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent('UNIT_EXITING_VEHICLE')
+		PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent('UNIT_EXITED_VEHICLE')
+		-- User placed frames don't animate
+		PlayerFrame:SetUserPlaced(true)
+		PlayerFrame:SetDontSavePosition(true)
+	elseif(unit == 'pet') then
+		HandleFrame(PetFrame)
+	elseif(unit == 'target') then
+		HandleFrame(TargetFrame)
+		HandleFrame(ComboFrame)
+	elseif(unit == 'focus') then
+		HandleFrame(FocusFrame)
+		HandleFrame(TargetofFocusFrame)
+	elseif(unit == 'targettarget') then
+		HandleFrame(TargetFrameToT)
+	elseif(unit:match'(boss)%d?$' == 'boss') then
+		local id = unit:match'boss(%d)'
+		if(id) then
+			HandleFrame('Boss' .. id .. 'TargetFrame')
+		else
+			for i=1, 4 do
+				HandleFrame(('Boss%dTargetFrame'):format(i))
+			end
+		end
+	elseif(unit:match'(party)%d?$' == 'party') then
+		local id = unit:match'party(%d)'
+		if(id) then
+			HandleFrame('PartyMemberFrame' .. id)
+		else
+			for i=1, 4 do
+				HandleFrame(('PartyMemberFrame%d'):format(i))
+			end
+		end
+	elseif(unit:match'(arena)%d?$' == 'arena') then
+		local id = unit:match'arena(%d)'
+		if(id) then
+			HandleFrame('ArenaEnemyFrame' .. id)
+		else
+			for i=1, 4 do
+				HandleFrame(('ArenaEnemyFrame%d'):format(i))
+			end
+		end
+		-- Blizzard_ArenaUI should not be loaded
+		Arena_LoadUI = function() end
+		SetCVar('showArenaEnemyFrames', '0', 'SHOW_ARENA_ENEMY_FRAMES_TEXT')
+	end
+-- Role Checker
+local getRole, updateEvents
+function GetPlayerRole()
+if playerClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" then
+	function getRole()
+		if GetSpecialization() == 1 then -- Blood 1, Frost 2, Unholy 3
+			return "TANK"
+		end
+	end
+elseif playerClass == "DRUID" then
+	function getRole()
+		local form = GetShapeshiftFormID() -- Aquatic 4, Bear 5, Cat 1, Flight 29, Moonkin 31, Swift Flight 27, Travel 3, Tree 2
+		if form == 5 then
+			return "TANK"
+		elseif GetSpecialization() == 4 then -- Balance 1, Feral 2, Guardian 3, Restoration 4
+			return "HEALER"
+		end
+	end
+elseif playerClass == "MONK" then
+	function getRole()
+		local form = GetShapeshiftFormID() -- Tiger 24, Ox 23, Serpent 20
+		if form == 23 then
+			return "TANK"
+		elseif form == 20 then
+			return "HEALER"
+		end
+	end
+elseif playerClass == "PALADIN" then
+	local RIGHTEOUS_FURY = GetSpellInfo(25780)
+	updateEvents = "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED"
+	function getRole()
+		if UnitAura("player", RIGHTEOUS_FURY, "HELPFUL") then
+			return "TANK"
+		elseif GetSpecialization() == 1 then -- Holy 1, Protection 2, Retribution 3
+			return "HEALER"
+		end
+	end
+elseif playerClass == "PRIEST" then
+	function getRole()
+		if GetSpecialization() ~= 3 then -- Discipline 1, Holy 2, Shadow 3
+			return "HEALER"
+		end
+	end
+elseif playerClass == "SHAMAN" then
+	function getRole()
+		if GetSpecialization() == 3 then -- Elemental 1, Enhancement 2, Restoration 3
+			return "HEALER"
+		end
+	end
+elseif playerClass == "WARRIOR" then
+	function getRole()
+		if GetSpecialization() == 3 and GetShapeshiftFormID() == 18 then -- Battle 17, Berserker 19, Defensive 18
+			return "TANK"
+		end
+	end
+if getRole then
+	local eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+	eventFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
+	eventFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE")
+	if updateEvents then
+		for event in gmatch(updateEvents, "%S+") do
+			eventFrame:RegisterEvent(event)
+		end
+	end
+	eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(_, event, ...)
+		local role = getRole() or "DAMAGER"
+		if role ~= CURRENT_ROLE then
+			--print(event, CURRENT_ROLE, "->", role)
+			CURRENT_ROLE = role
+			F.UpdateAuraList()
+			for _, frame in pairs(objects) do
+				if frame.updateOnRoleChange then
+					for _, func in pairs(frame.updateOnRoleChange) do
+						func(frame, role)
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end)
+function hideBossFrames()
+	for i = 1, 4 do
+		local frame = _G["Boss"..i.."TargetFrame"]
+		if frame then
+			frame:UnregisterAllEvents()
+			frame:Hide()
+			frame.Show = function () end
+		end
+	end
+-- Call the hide function
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/oUF_Lanerra_Config.lua b/oUF_Lanerra_Config.lua
index b4c3d24..07b9730 100644
--- a/oUF_Lanerra_Config.lua
+++ b/oUF_Lanerra_Config.lua
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Settings = {
         StatusBar = 'Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Lanerra\\media\\statusbarTexture.tga',
         Font = 'Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Lanerra\\media\\font.ttf',
         FontSize = 15,
-        BorderSize = 14,
+        BorderSize = 12,
         BorderColor = { 0.65, 0.65, 0.65 },
         BackdropColor = { 0, 0, 0, 0.75 },
         BorderPadding = 4