
Few fixes and removal of obsolete code. Redefined how history is stored for editboxes.

Xruptor [09-26-18 - 19:41]
Few fixes and removal of obsolete code.  Redefined how history is stored for editboxes.
diff --git a/XanChat.lua b/XanChat.lua
index 8b2cf7b..0a98624 100644
--- a/XanChat.lua
+++ b/XanChat.lua
@@ -274,10 +274,7 @@ local function SaveLayout(chatFrame)
 	local db = XCHT_DB.frames[chatFrame:GetID()]

 	local point, xOffset, yOffset = GetChatWindowSavedPosition(chatFrame:GetID())
-	local gpPoint, gpRelativeTo, gpRelativePoint, gpXOffset, gpYOffset = chatFrame:GetPoint()
-	db.getPoint = {gpPoint, gpRelativeTo, gpRelativePoint, gpXOffset, gpYOffset}
 	db.point = point
 	db.xOffset = xOffset
 	db.yOffset = yOffset
@@ -442,22 +439,48 @@ local function OnArrowPressed(self, key)

-local function OnEditBoxShow(self)
-	--reset the historyindex so we can always go back to the last thing said by pressing down
-	self.historyIndex = 0
-local function AddEditBoxHistoryLine(editBox, line)
+local function AddEditBoxHistoryLine(editBox)
 	if not HistoryDB then return end

-	if ( strlen(line) > 0 ) then
-		tinsert(HistoryDB, #HistoryDB + 1, line)
-		if #HistoryDB > 40 then  --max number of lines we want 40 seems like a good number
-			tremove(HistoryDB, 1)
+	local text = ""
+	local type = editBox:GetAttribute("chatType")
+	local header = _G["SLASH_" .. type .. "1"]
+	if (header) then
+		text = header
+	end
+	if (type == "WHISPER") then
+		text = text .. " " .. editBox:GetAttribute("tellTarget")
+	elseif (type == "CHANNEL") then
+		text = "/" .. editBox:GetAttribute("channelTarget")
+	end
+	local editBoxText = editBox:GetText()
+	if (strlen(editBoxText) > 0) then
+		text = text .. " " .. editBox:GetText()
+        if not text or (text == "") then
+            return
+        end
+		local name = editBox:GetName()
+		HistoryDB[name] = HistoryDB[name] or {}
+		tinsert(HistoryDB[name], #HistoryDB[name] + 1, text)
+		if #HistoryDB[name] > 40 then  --max number of lines we want 40 seems like a good number
+			tremove(HistoryDB[name], 1)

+local function ClearEditBoxHistory(editBox)
+	if not HistoryDB then return end
+	local name = editBox:GetName()
+	HistoryDB[name] = {}
@@ -542,18 +565,35 @@ function eFrame:PLAYER_LOGIN()

 			if editBox then

+                local name = editBox:GetName()
+				HistoryDB[name] = HistoryDB[name] or {}
 				--do the editbox history stuff
-				editBox.historyLines = HistoryDB or {}
+				editBox.historyLines = HistoryDB[name]
 				editBox.historyIndex = 0
 				editBox:HookScript("OnArrowPressed", OnArrowPressed)
-				editBox:HookScript("OnShow", OnEditBoxShow)
+				editBox:HookScript("OnShow", function(self)
+					--reset the historyindex so we can always go back to the last thing said by pressing down
+					self.historyIndex = 0
+				end)

-				hooksecurefunc(editBox, "AddHistoryLine", AddEditBoxHistoryLine)
-				for i, text in pairs(HistoryDB) do
-					editBox:AddHistoryLine(text)
+				local count = #HistoryDB[name]
+				--count down, check for 0 very important!  It will cause a crash because it's an infinite loop
+				if count > 0 then
+					for i=count, 1, -1 do
+						if HistoryDB[name][i] then
+							editBox:AddHistoryLine(HistoryDB[name][i])
+						else
+							break
+						end
+					end
+				hooksecurefunc(editBox, "AddHistoryLine", AddEditBoxHistoryLine)
+				hooksecurefunc(editBox, "ClearHistory", ClearEditBoxHistory)

 				if not editBox.left then
diff --git a/XanChat.toc b/XanChat.toc
index 037819f..68c9bf2 100644
--- a/XanChat.toc
+++ b/XanChat.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: xanChat
 ## Notes: A very minimalistic chat modification addon.
 ## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 4.8
+## Version: 4.9
 ## OptionalDeps: tekDebug
 ## SavedVariables: XCHT_DB, XCHT_HISTORY