--[[ * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 by Adam Hellberg. * * This file is part of KillTrack. * * KillTrack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * KillTrack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with KillTrack. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --]] local KT = KillTrack StaticPopupDialogs["KILLTRACK_FINISH"] = { text = "%s entries removed.", button1 = "Okay", timeout = 10, enterClicksFirstButton = true, whileDead = true, hideOnEscape = true } StaticPopupDialogs["KILLTRACK_DELETE"] = { text = "Delete %s with ID %s?", button1 = "Delete all", button2 = "CANCEL", button3 = "Character Only", OnAccept = function() KT:Delete(KT.Temp.DeleteId) KT.MobList:UpdateMobs() KT.MobList:UpdateEntries() end, OnAlt = function() KT:Delete(KT.Temp.DeleteId, true) KT.MobList:UpdateMobs() KT.MobList:UpdateEntries() end, showAlert = true, timeout = 10, whileDead = true, hideOnEscape = true } StaticPopupDialogs["KILLTRACK_PURGE"] = { text = "Remove all mob entries with their kill count below this threshold:", button1 = "Purge", button2 = "Cancel", hasEditBox = true, OnAccept = function(self, data, data2) KT:Purge(tonumber(self.editBox:GetText())) KT.MobList:UpdateMobs() KT.MobList:UpdateEntries() end, OnCancel = function() KT.Temp.Threshold = nil end, OnShow = function(self, data) if tonumber(KT.Temp.Threshold) then self.editBox:SetText(tostring(KT.Temp.Threshold)) else self.button1:Disable() end end, EditBoxOnTextChanged = function(self, data) if tonumber(self:GetText()) then self:GetParent().button1:Enable() else self:GetParent().button1:Disable() end end, showAlert = true, enterClicksFirstButton = true, timeout = 0, whileDead = true, hideOnEscape = true } StaticPopupDialogs["KILLTRACK_RESET"] = { text = "Remove all mob entries from the database? THIS CANNOT BE REVERSED.", button1 = "Yes", button2 = "No", OnAccept = function() KT:Reset() KT.MobList:UpdateMobs() KT.MobList:UpdateEntries() end, showAlert = true, enterClicksFirstButton = true, timeout = 0, whileDead = true, hideOnEscape = true } function KT:ShowDelete(id, name) id = tonumber(id) name = tostring(name) if not id then error("'id' must be a number.") end self.Temp.DeleteId = id StaticPopup_Show("KILLTRACK_DELETE", name, id) end function KT:ShowPurge(threshold) if tonumber(threshold) then self.Temp.Threshold = tonumber(threshold) end StaticPopup_Show("KILLTRACK_PURGE") end function KT:ShowReset() StaticPopup_Show("KILLTRACK_RESET") end